
  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-25 10:59:08

    >Top 10 tongue-twisters 10大拗口词'现象'居首 A poll has revealed 10 words Britons consistently find the most challenging to pronounce with "phenomenon" topping the list, the Daily Mail of London reported. Next in the top 10 of tricky tongue-twisters are "remuneration", and "statistics". Speakers also have a problem with "ethnicity", "hereditary" and "particularly". Completing the list are "conjugal", "specific", "processes" and "development". 据英国《每日邮报》报道,一项调查评出了英国人认为发音难度最大的10个单词,"phenomenon (现象)"居首位,成为最难发音的单词。紧随其后的拗口词是"remuneration (报酬)"和"statistics (统计数字)"。"ethnicity (种族)"、"hereditary (遗传的)" 和 "particularly (特别地)"也很容易让人舌头打结。其他上榜单词有:"conjugal (婚姻的)", "specific (特定的)", "processes (过程)"和"development (发展)"。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-25 10:59:35

    【In Brief】 >A draft submitted Monday to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for deliberation proposed the adoption of an identity management policy requiring Internet users to identify themselves to service providers, including Internet or telecommunications operators, xinhuanet.com reported. 据新华网报道,《加强网络信息保护的决定草案》24日提请全国人大常委会审议,草案规定实行网络身份管理,要求互联网用户向电信企业和互联网服务提供者提供真实身份信息。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-25 10:59:51

    >Japan's incoming Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said he will not make the routine visit to the Yasukuni Shrine next spring, yomiuri.co.jp reported. 据日本《读卖新闻》网站报道,即将上任的日本首相安倍晋三表示将不参加来年春季的靖国神社例行参拜活动。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-25 11:00:29

    【Kaleidoscope】 >NASA's new 'toy' spacesuit NASA推'玩具总动员'制服 NASA's next generation of spacesuit bears more than a passing resemblance to the suit worn by Buzz Lightyear in Pixar's beloved Toy Story films, foreign media reported. The new Z-1 spacesuit, the agency's first in 20 years, is white with fluorescent (荧光) green stripes, and features a large, hemispherical transparent dome helmet - just like Lightyear's. Astronauts will be able to climb into it as quickly as you see in films, opposed to the one hour it usually takes. (see photo) 据外媒报道,美国宇航局新一代航天服Z-1酷似皮克斯经典动画《玩具总动员》中巴斯光年的服装造型。Z-1是宇航局20年来的第一款新航天服,采用白色与荧光绿条纹的颜色搭配,大且透明的头盔呈半球形,跟巴斯光年的十分相像。此外,宇航员可以迅速钻进Z-1航天服,不像现在一样要花一个小时,这也跟电影中一样。(见图)

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-25 11:00:51

    【Talk Show】 "消除误会"的口语表达 >Fortunately, over dinner last night, we cleared the air. 幸运的是,经过昨晚的晚饭,我们已经把问题说开了。 >Both parties should be willing to have a frank conversation. It could save everyone from clearing the air later on. 双方应该开诚布公地谈谈,这样日后就不用再去消除隔阂了。 Now let's see what we've learnt today: To clear the air清除两人间不愉快的气氛,其实就是"消除隔阂"的意思。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Lee Hannon润色。)

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-25 11:01:08

    【Word Prize】 --John is hoping to crash at his friend Mike's place for a couple of days. 此处crash意思是? 答案:C.过夜 原句意为:约翰希望能在朋友迈克家借宿几天。 Crash常用意为"猛撞;撞毁",比如:The car crashed into a tree.(汽车突然撞在一棵树上。)本期例句中crash意为"(在某处不花钱)过夜,住宿",这是crash的一个俚语用法,口语中较常用。

  • 大熊

    大熊 (拆!) 2012-12-25 11:03:59

    good idea

  • 陌陌以北

    陌陌以北 (阳光好 春天到) 2012-12-25 17:49:24


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-25 19:58:26

    【Weather Dec 26】 Fuzhou: cloudy 12~18℃ Xiamen: cloudy 12~20℃ Quanzhou: overcast 14~19℃ 【BOC Exchange Rates】 100 USD = 629.31 CNY 100 GBP = 1015.2 CNY 100 EUR = 829.65 CNY 100 HKD = 81.2 CNY 100 JPY = 7.405 CNY (以上人民币汇率中间价来源于中国银行网站) 【Markets】 Shanghai Stock 2213.61 +54.56 +2.53% HangSeng Stock 22541.18 +34.89 +0.16%

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-25 19:58:49

    【Highlights】 >Bereaved families compensated 校车事故家属获赔48万 >Kindergarten ordered to close 赣涉事幼儿园责令关停 >JP New ambassador posted in BJ 日本新驻华大使今履职 >Carmakers eye alternatives 美车企业务转电动公交 >Newsweek unveils last print cover '新闻周刊'告别封面(图) >Harry kills Taliban chief 英王子击毙塔利班军官 >Office farter censured 美雇员屡放'毒气弹'挨骂

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-25 19:59:43

    【Cover Story】 >Reasons behind Chinese Xmas '中国式圣诞'理由大罗列 More Chinese youngsters are embracing Christmas like their peers in the West but for different reasons, Xinhua reported. For some of them, Christmas is more like an excuse to have a break - releasing pressures and having fun. They are also turning Christmas day into a shopping festival or a day for dating. Lots of girls are expecting gifts from their boyfriend on this day. But there is another group of youth celebrating Christmas. They are seeking to join the Christian faith and choose to be baptized in the Christmas season. 据新华社报道,如今,越来越多的中国年轻人爱过圣诞节,但与西方同龄人不同,他们过圣诞的理由却不尽相同。对某些人来说,圣诞节更像是为释放压力和寻开心找个由头休个假。此外,圣诞节也演变成年轻人的购物节和"情人节",当天,很多女孩都期待男友送礼物。还有另外一些年轻人,他们选择在圣诞节皈依基督,并接受洗礼。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-25 20:00:44

    【Top News】 >Bereaved families compensated 校车事故家属获赔48万 The local government of Binjiang county has signed an agreement and promised 11 bereaved families a one-off payment of RMB480,000 compensation in cash after a traffic accident in Guixi, Jiangxi, chinanews.com reported. It came after a van carrying 15 kindergarteners plunged into a roadside pond in Binjiang and killed 11 children Monday. The driver, currently in detention, is reportedly the headmaster of the kindergarten and has only one year of driving experience. The oldest victim is 6 years old and the youngest is 4. 据中新网报道,24日,江西贵溪市滨江镇一载有15名幼儿园学生的面包车侧翻坠入水塘致11人遇难。目前,当地政府已与死者家属签订交通事故协议,以现金形式一次性赔偿费用共计人民币48万元整。据悉,该校车事故司机为幼儿园园长,驾龄仅一年,现已被警方控制。遇难儿童最大的6岁,最小4岁。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-25 20:01:07

    >Kindergarten ordered to close 赣涉事幼儿园责令关停 On the same day, the kindergarten involved in the traffic accident was ordered to close. Local officials said it operated without a license and against the government's warnings to undergo an overhaul. The school had 9 teachers and 95 students, according to official records. Authorities also ordered a province-wide safety overhaul of school transport in Jiangxi. 当天,涉事幼儿园被勒令关停。当地官员称,该幼儿园未经审批、非法办园,此前园主无视政府通知拒不整改。官方记录显示,该园有教师9人、学生95人。目前,江西全省展开行动,对所有使用校车的学校开展拉网式安全排查。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-25 20:01:24

    >Carmakers eye alternatives 美车企业务转电动公交 The big 3 US carmakers - General Motors (GM), Ford and Chrysler - are eyeing increasing involvement in alternatives to private car ownership such as e-bikes and buses, amid a dip in car use and ownership, the Financial Times reported. Figures show that young people are delaying learning to drive and more young professionals are moving to city centers. Peter Kosak, GM's executive director for urban mobility, said increased urbanization worldwide had changed the carmaker's thinking. 据《金融时报》报道,在汽车使用和保有量下滑之际,美国3大汽车制造商通用、福特和克莱斯勒纷纷考虑加大电动自行车和公交车等业务,以备将来代替私家汽车。数据显示,目前年轻人正学车的年龄变晚了,同时更多年轻的专业人才正迁往市中心。通用汽车城市机动性部执行董事科萨克表示,全球城市化力度加大,改变了该汽车制造商的思路。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-25 20:01:39

    >Newsweek unveils last print cover '新闻周刊'告别封面(图) The US current affairs Newsweek Monday unveiled the image that will grace the cover of its last-ever print edition. A black and white photo of the publication's old Manhattan headquarters takes pride of place, with the strapline #LASTPRINTISSUE (see photo). The last print edition will be the Dec 31 issue, right before the well-known magazine turns 80 years old. From next year, the magazine would transit to an all-digital format. 24日,美国著名时事刊物《新闻周刊》公布了最后一本纸质杂志的封面,其封图采用《新闻周刊》在曼哈顿旧总部的黑白老照片,并用醒目大字告诉读者,这是"最后一期纸质发行"(见图)。即将迎来80岁生日的《新闻周刊》将于今年12月31日发行最后一期印刷版。明年起,该杂志将全面转向数字版。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-25 20:01:54

    【In Brief】 >Japan's new ambassador to China, Masato Kitera, will be formally posted in Beijing Tuesday, chinanews.com reported. 据中新网报道,日本新任驻华大使木寺昌人将于今日在北京正式履新。 >Russia and India signed weapons deals worth billions of dollars Monday as President Vladimir Putin sought to further boost ties with the country, The Canadian Press reported. 据加拿大通讯社报道,由于俄罗斯总统普京寻求进一步加强与印度的关系,24日,俄印两国签署价值数10亿美元的军火大单。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-25 20:02:08

    >Japan's former trade minister Banri Kaieda Tuesday became the new leader of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), Xinhua reported. Yoshihiko Noda resigned from the post after the DPJ suffered a fiasco in the lower house election. 据新华社报道,日本前经济产业大臣海江田万里25日当选日本民主党党魁,接替因众议院选举大败而引咎辞职的野田佳彦。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-25 20:02:30

    【Newsmaker】 >Harry kills Taliban chief 英王子击毙塔利班军官 Prince Harry killed his first Taliban commander in Afghanistan in late October, the Sun reported. The 28-year-old prince, once handed the Best Co-Pilot Gunner gong (奖章), joined the attack as the gunner of the Apache helicopter this time. "The prince's Apache let off some Hellfire missiles and its 30mm cannon and 'boom'. It was Big H all the way," one official insider said. 据英国《太阳报》报道,哈里王子10月底在阿富汗首次击毙塔利班高级指挥官。据悉,现年28岁的哈里王子曾被授予"最佳副驾驶射击手"的奖章。他作为"阿帕奇"武装直升机射击手参与了那次作战行动。一名知情官员透露:"王子的那架'阿帕奇'发射了几枚'地狱火'导弹,并用30毫米机关炮射击。那些都是哈里王子的手笔。"

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-25 20:02:47

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Office farter censured 美雇员屡放'毒气弹'挨骂 A Social Security Administration worker in the US was formally reprimanded for excessive workplace flatulence (屁), the Huffington Post reported. The employee was hit with a 5-page letter detailing the dates and times of his noxious offenses. For example, the man's Sept 19 output included 9 bouts of flatulence, starting at 9:45 am and ending at 4:30 pm. The letter informed the worker that his "uncontrollable flatulence" created an "intolerable" and "hostile" environment for coworkers - many of whom had lodged complaints. 据《赫芬顿邮报》报道,美国社会安全局一名员工近日因在办公地点放屁太多,遭书面训斥。据悉,他收到一封长达5页的信,上面详细记录了他放"毒气弹"的日期和次数。例如,9月19日,从早9点45分到下午4点30分,他先后放了9个屁。信中通告此人,他这种"无法控制的排气行为"造成了"难以忍受"和"恶劣"的工作环境,许多同事纷纷投诉。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-25 20:03:10

    【China Daily Radio】 有些人每天睡9个小时,白天上班还是在犯困;有人只睡4、5个小时,却能全天精力充沛,效率超高。到底为什么会这样呢?研究人员说,是基因的问题。 Researchers recently discovered a gene that regulates the duration of sleep an individual needs. The new findings may explain why some people appear to have an internal alarm clock, and can wake up on their own. It may also explain why some people are light sleepers, able to operate on only a few hours of sleep. 研究人员最近发现了一种能够管理人们所需睡眠时间长短的基因。这一新发现或许能解释,为什么有些人好像体内有个闹钟,总能自己定点醒来;而有的人每天只睡几个小时却依然精力充沛。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-25 20:03:24

    The research was conducted by members of the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich. The gene the team identified is called ABCC9 and has been nicknamed the "Thatcher gene" in honor of former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher, famous for needing as little as 4 hours of sleep a night. 该研究是由慕尼黑大学的研究人员进行的。他们发现的这个基因叫做ABCC9,后被人以英国前首相撒切尔夫人的名字命名,戏称为"撒切尔基因",因为撒切尔夫人以睡眠时间少而著称,每天的睡眠时间只有4个小时。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-25 20:03:35

    【Word Power】 城市群 city clusters 例句: The high-speed rail route from Beijing to Guangzhou is expected to bring huge economic prosperity to cities along its route, creating world-class "city clusters" across Central China. 京广高铁有望为沿途城市带来巨大的经济效益,在华中地区形成世界级的城市群。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-25 20:03:50

    【Word Prize】 --A loss leader may be placed in an inconvenient part of the store, so that purchasers must walk past other profitable goods. 此处loss leader意思是? A.畅销商品 B.免费试用品 C.亏本出售的商品

  • 麦拉风

    麦拉风 (去哪里玩好~) 2012-12-25 20:06:31

    Walmart's to close more stores Since Walmart's Mexican subsidiary was exposed to have be Walmart's to close more stores Since Walmart's Mexican subsidiary was exposed to have been involved in bribery in April ,an internal probe of Walmart's actions has extended to Brazil,China and India,cnr.cn reported. Reports say the retailing giant is slowing its overseas business expansion and will likely close 100 unprofitable stores.The number of Walmart stores in China has reached more than 380 from 100 in 2007 据中广网报道,从今年4月份被爆出墨西哥行贿事件后, 活尔玛公司的海外反腐调查范围已经扩大到巴西,中国和印度等市场. ... Ging


  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-25 21:58:55

    好强大 好强大 陌陌以北

    不不不,我现在不上班,一天在家, 最多的一天的学习时间也不到6小时,利用率只有60%,还可以 更努力~

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-25 22:57:49

    12.25 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 X 2.每天一种水果 √ 3.多喝水 1000ML X 4.22点前脸部护理 √ 5.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 6.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 7.最晚24点上床 √ 【 学习 】 1.10点听力 X 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧两集 √ (the big bang theory 7th;friends 12th) 4.线稿一张 X 5.China Daily 晚报 √ 6. Englishpod 跟读30min √ 30 (已经整整一个星期没有听了,果然跟不上,一个好习惯的养 成要21天,一个坏习惯的形成却只需要一瞬间.嗷~~~注意不大集中,效果不好.) 7.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 √ P221 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 (拓词45min) 9.每天看一篇专业文章 √ (看了个ALSA 2011年的获奖项目.key words: 生态与密度的结合.设计方面的文章,图面真心小~~~原文是英文,只有部分译成了中文.吃力.英语要跟上~~) 10.每天浏览半小时专业网站 X

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-26 09:34:15

    【Morning Buzz】 Make your life a story to tell. Even most of the bad stuff becomes good when you think of the story it gives you to tell someday. 让你的生活成为一段故事。当你试着将生活变成某天可以与别人讲述的故事,许多坏事情也会变得美好。 早安,各位。 【Highlights】 >China on alert for JP jets 我回应日战机拦截事件 >Second child fines in SZ 深圳规定超生1个罚22万 境外生二胎一律算超生 >Food waste a new business '剩饭剩菜'成创业新商机 >'Dad' on Xmas wish list 圣诞愿望清单'父亲'上榜 >Sweden's princess to marry 欧洲最美公主将完婚(图) >£10,000 pineapples in UK 马粪种出世界最贵菠萝 【Notice】 12月,留学攻略,邀您一起'分享爱' 【Cover Story】 >Stress as New Year nears 职场人遭遇'年终焦虑症' Many white-collar workers suffer increased anxiety as the New Year nears, with many reporting feeling upset, nervous, and sleepless, Xinhua reported. Some are troubled by the piles of year-end work, writing year-end reports and haunted by annual performance assessments. Introverted staff feel worn out at year-end social occasions. Psychological experts suggest people find ways to help themselves relax. 据新华社报道,每到年底,一股焦虑情绪便弥漫在职场上空,很多白领开始不安、紧张、失眠。有的因年终事务繁忙而焦头烂额,有的为撰写年终总结、单位年终考核等头疼不已,还有一些比较内向的职场人因各种应酬精疲力竭……心理专家建议,要学会自我减压。 【Top News】 >Second child fines in SZ 深圳规定超生1个罚22万 Giving birth to more than one child will be costly in Shenzhen, Guangdong, according to the city's new regulation, which will take effect on Jan 1, 2013, cnr.cn reported. For every child born against the policy, couples will pay fines of at least RMB219,030. In addition, couples who give birth to their 2nd children in Hong Kong or abroad will be deemed as breaching the policy. 据中广网报道,新修订的《深圳经济特区人口与计划生育条例》将从明年1月1号起正式实施,《条例》规定,超生一胎至少罚款219030元,在香港或境外生二胎也一律按超生处理。 >Food waste a new business '剩饭剩菜'成创业新商机 A UN report estimated one-third of all food produced around the world is wasted. But for entrepreneurs, it's a new opportunity, CNN reported. Many food banks now collect leftover food from restaurants and redistribute them to those in need. Some entrepreneurs use surplus fruit and vegetables to make preserves and start a business. Some recycle coffee grounds to farm mushrooms. Waitrose, the UK-based supermarket chain, has achieved its goal of sending zero food waste to landfills by converting them into biogas (沼气). 据美国有线电视新闻网报道,联合国报告估计,全球有1/3的食物被浪费掉,但是对企业家来说,这却是一个新的商机。很多食品银行开始收集饭店剩余食物,分发给需要的人;一些企业家把过剩的水果和蔬菜做成酱料,做起了酱料生意;有些创业者用回收的咖啡渣种植蘑菇;英国连锁超市维特罗斯通过把食物残渣制成沼气已实现零食物浪费。 >'Dad' on Xmas wish list 圣诞愿望清单'父亲'上榜 A study of 2,000 British parents found most children aged 3 to 12 will put a new baby brother or sister at the top of their Christmas list, followed by a request for a real-life reindeer, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. A "pet horse" was the 3rd most popular choice, with a "car" making a bizarre entry at No 4. Despite their material requests, the 10th most popular Christmas wish on the list was a "Dad". IPhones and iPads also appeared on the list, with some quirky children asking for the moon and a time machine. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,一项对2000位英国父母的调查显示,大部分3到12岁的孩子最希望在圣诞节得到的礼物是一个小弟弟或小妹妹,名列第2位的是一头真正的驯鹿,排在第3的是一只宠物小马,小轿车异乎寻常地登上第4名。尽管他们有不少物质要求,但名列第10位的竟然是"父亲"。iPhone、iPad也悉数上榜,还有些奇怪的孩子想要月亮和时光机。 >Riverdance of good in China '大河之舞'巡演参与公益 Irish tap dance drama Riverdance began its farewell tour of more than 20 cities in China at the beginning of this month. The Riverdance crew will perform from Dec 30 to Jan 2 in Beijing and end their global journey in Shanghai in February. The organizers announced that they would donate RMB10 to the disabled artists' troupe Taihua Angel for every ticket sold in Beijing and grant them the copyright to play Riverdance music for free. 本月初,爱尔兰踢踏舞剧《大河之舞》拉开中国谢幕巡演序幕,途经国内20余个城市。其中,12月30日至1月2日将在北京举办跨年演出,而明年2月的上海站或将成为《大河之舞》全球巡演的最后一站。主办方宣布,在北京的演出每售出一张票,将向由残疾人艺术家组成的泰华天使艺术团捐赠十元钱,并免费授予该团演奏《大河之舞》乐曲的版权许可。 【In Brief】 >China is on alert after Japan dispatched fighter jets to airspace over the East China Sea, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said Tuesday. Media reports say Japan's Air Self-Defense Force sent F-15 fighter jets to the area Saturday to intercept a Chinese marine surveillance plane bound for the Diaoyu Islands. 针对有报道称日本航空自卫队22日出动F-15战机在我国东海海域领空拦截一架"目标指向钓鱼岛"的我国海监飞机,外交部发言人华春莹25日表示,中方对日方出动战机高度警惕。 >Chinese rating agency Dagong Global Credit Rating Co Tuesday put the US on its Negative Watch List, citing the pending fiscal cliff issue and expanding debt scale of the country. 中国信用评级机构大公国际资信评估有限公司25日将美国的信用等级纳入负面观察名单,称该国面临悬而未决的财政悬崖问题和不断扩大的债务规模。 >Of the RMB235.4b of misused funds uncovered as of November 2012, RMB16.1b had been recouped, said Liu Jianhua, head of the discipline inspection team under the Ministry of Finance, Beijing Times reported. 据《京华时报》报道,财政部纪检组组长刘建华透露,截至2012年11月,全国专员办系统共查出各种违规违纪资金2354亿元,挽回损失161亿元。 【Newsmaker】 >Sweden's princess to marry 欧洲最美公主将完婚(图) Sweden's royal family says Princess Madeleine will wed her fiance Christopher O'Neill in June 2013, the Daily Mail of London reported. The 30-year-old Princess Madeleine, known as "The Most Beautiful Princess in Europe", is the 4th in line to the Swedish throne. She was engaged to O'Neill, a 38-year-old New York banker, in late October. The royal family's spokesman said that wedding organizers will now start planning details of the nuptials (婚礼). 据英国《每日邮报》报道,瑞典皇室宣布公主玛德琳将于2013年6月与未婚夫克里斯多夫·欧尼尔完婚。玛德琳现年30岁,有"欧洲最美公主"之称,是瑞典王位第四顺位继承人。欧尼尔是纽约的银行家,现年38岁。两人今年10月底正式订婚。皇室发言人称婚礼承办方现已开始着手筹划婚礼细节。 【Kaleidoscope】 >£10,000 pineapples in UK 马粪种出世界最贵菠萝 A pineapple grown in horse manure in Britain is believed to be the world's most expensive piece of fruit, allegedly worth £10,000, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. The fruit was nurtured over 2 years at the Lost Gardens of Heligan in Cornwall. Botanists say they cost around £1,200 each to grow. James Stephens, a Lost Gardens spokesman, described the pineapples as "deliciously sweet, not stringy, and with an explosive flavor".(See photo) 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,英国园艺家用马粪肥培植出一种菠萝,每个价值1万英镑,堪称世界上最昂贵的水果。这种菠萝是在英国康沃尔郡海利根的失乐园培育的,培育用了两年时间。植物学家称每个菠萝的种植成本约为1200英镑。失乐园发言人詹姆斯·史蒂芬斯称,这种菠萝甜美可口,纤维不多,还有一种爆炸式的口味。(见图) 【Talk Show】 这样搭配打底裤更保暖 >I see a lot of people wearing leggings as pants in the cold winter, and I wonder, aren't they cold? 我看到很多人在寒冷的冬天穿打底裤替代外裤,我在想,她们不冷吗? >Leggings are my favorite things to wear, other than my jeans. 打底裤是我除牛仔裤之外最喜欢穿的。 >I love leggings. They give you tons of opportunities to mix and match. 我最爱打底裤了。它们特别好搭配其它衣服。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Lee Hannon润色。) 【Word Prize】 --A loss leader may be placed in an inconvenient part of the store, so that purchasers must walk past other profitable goods. 此处loss leader意思是? 答案:C.亏本出售的商品 原句意为:亏本出售品通常被放在商店不方便的位置,这样购物者走过去时会路过令商家有利可图的商品。 Loss leader是商家一种促销方式,指以成本价或低于成本价出售的商品。这种商品通常是老百姓常用的,只要一降价,就能被明显地看出来。商家还会规定一个上限来限制顾客购买loss leaders的数量。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-26 17:36:45

    【Weather Dec 27】 Fuzhou: overcast 12~17℃ Xiamen: cloudy 15~20℃ Quanzhou: overcast 14~19℃ 【BOC Exchange Rates】 100 USD = 629.43 CNY 100 GBP = 1015.43 CNY 100 EUR = 829.87 CNY 100 HKD = 81.21 CNY 100 JPY = 7.3742 CNY (以上人民币汇率中间价来源于中国银行网站) 【Markets】 Shanghai Stock 2219.13 +5.52 +0.25% HangSeng Stock 22541.18 +34.89 +0.16% 【Highlights】 >12 officials suspended 赣校车事故责任人停职 >New Japan envoy in Beijing 日大使:改善关系为要务 >No more official flowers '开会不摆花'致花市暴跌 >Abe's new cabinet lineup 日新内阁成员名单揭晓 >Young women love older men 调查称七成姑娘爱大叔 >NASA to 'lasso' asteroid NASA'捕'小行星做空间站 >Saudi prince buys jumbo jet 沙特王子建造'飞行宫殿' 【Cover Story】 >Longest high-speed rail open 京广高铁今起全线开通 The world's longest high-speed railway line, connecting Beijing to Guangzhou, began operating Wednesday, chinanews.com reported. The travel time between Beijing and Guangzhou was cut to around 8 hours. Conductors revealed that the first day's seat occupancy rate hit 95% or higher. Analysts say that the line is important not only for its empowering the local economy along the line, but also its promoting high-speed railway tourist travel, which will help push forward the development and transformation of the local tourist markets. 据中新网报道,26日,世界上运营里程最长的高速铁路——京广高铁正式全线贯通,北京至广州运行时间缩短至8小时左右。据随车列车员透露,京广高铁首日上座率高达95%,甚至更高。有分析指出,京广高铁的全线贯通意义重大,不仅将成为拉动沿线区域经济发展的新引擎,还将促进"高铁游",推动沿线地区旅游市场的发展和转型。 【Top News】 >New Japan envoy in Beijing 日大使:改善关系为要务 Japan's new ambassador Masato Kitera arrived in Beijing Tuesday, and said that his "top task" is to improve Japan-China relations, China Daily reported. He said his new post is not an easy job, and he vowed to tell Beijing of the crucial importance of economic ties for the people of both countries. 据《中国日报》报道,新任日本驻华大使木寺昌人25日抵达北京,他称自己的首要任务是改善日中关系。他表示,自己此次履新重任在肩,他将向中国方面传达两国人民保持经济往来的重要性。 >Abe's new cabinet lineup 日新内阁成员名单揭晓 Japanese Liberal Democratic Party Chief Shinzo Abe was sworn in as prime minister Wednesday. Abe appointed lower house lawmaker Fumio Kishida as foreign minister, Kyodo news agency said. And he appointed former prime minister Taro Aso, 72, as vice prime minister and finance minister. Yoshihide Suga became chief cabinet secretary. 26日,日本自民党总裁安倍晋三宣誓就职,出任新首相。据共同社报道,安倍任命众议院议员岸田文雄为新任外务大臣,任命72岁的日本前首相麻生太郎为副首相兼金融担当大臣;菅义伟出任内阁官房长官。 >No more official flowers '开会不摆花'致花市暴跌 Potted flower sales are dropping drastically in Guangzhou as government meetings go less flowery, Nanfang Metropolis Daily reported. Local florists say sales of flower bouquets have slumped 80-90% from the same period last year. This comes after the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee approved a set of 8 rules aimed at improving the government's image. Government leaders should "travel light with few attendants" when making inspections with no red carpets, flowers or plants displayed to welcome them, said the rules. 据《南方都市报》报道,由于近期政府会议不再摆花,广州盆花销量暴跌。当地花商表示,最近宴会用盆花的销售额与往年同期相比,下跌了八九成。近日,中央政治局审议通过改进工作作风的"八项规定",其中规定领导干部下基层需"轻车简从",不铺设迎宾地毯,不摆放花草。 >Young women love older men 调查称七成姑娘爱大叔 About 70% of women between 18 and 25 love older men, according to a report on the Chinese view of love and marriage in 2012 released by Jiayuan.com and the National Population and Family Planning Commission of China, Changsha Evening News reported. In young women's eyes, older men are more charming because of their "maturity, thoughtfulness, wealth and masculinity". The report also finds that men in Changsha are more likely to hand over their wages to their wives, compared with the other 29 cities surveyed. 据《长沙晚报》报道,世纪佳缘网站联合国家人口计生委发布的2012年度婚恋观调查报告显示,18到25岁的年轻女性中,70%都是大叔控。在年轻女性眼中,"成熟、会照顾人、有经济基础、有男人味"等是大叔的魅力所在。报告还发现,和全国其它29个城市的男性相比,长沙男孩"心甘情愿主动交出工资卡"的比例最高。 >Expanding vault for investors '黄金时代'保险库忙扩建 Investors in Asia are facing a seemingly anachronistic (过时的) problem: finding a place to stash their bars of gold. Gold, a popular choice for those seeking to diversify their holdings and spread risk, is becoming more popular in the East, and that has created opportunities for security companies in Singapore, Hong Kong and Shanghai, the Wall Street Journal reported. Security companies are busy ordering 2-ton steel doors and sophisticated monitoring systems, and hiring more armed guards, as they expand their high-security vault capacity in Asia. 亚洲投资者如今正面临一个看似过时的问题:把金条储藏在什么地方?据《华尔街日报》报道,对于寻求多样化投资、摊薄息差风险的人来说,黄金一直是个不错的选择。目前,黄金在东方受欢迎的程度与日俱增,为新加坡、香港和上海的保安公司创造了商机。为扩大亚洲地区的高安全保险库容量,保安公司纷纷忙着订购两吨重的铁门和精密的监控系统、聘请更多武装守卫。 >NASA to 'lasso' asteroid NASA'捕'小行星做空间站 NASA has submitted a plan to the White House of "lassoing" an asteroid, foreign media reported. The specific plan is to capture a 500-ton asteroid between the earth and the moon, relocate it and turn it into a space station for astronauts on their way to Mars. The White House's office of science and technology will consider the $2.6b plan, and if approved, it would be the first time a celestial object has ever been moved by humans. 据外媒报道,美国宇航局近日向白宫提交了一份"捕获"小行星的方案。其具体计划是在地月之间捕获一颗重500吨的小行星,改变其位置,使其变成宇航员前往火星途中的一个空间站。白宫科学和技术办公室将对这份高达26亿美元的预算案进行讨论。如果该方案获批,将成为人类历史上首次改变天体位置的事件。 【In Brief】 >A total of 12 officials in Guixi, Jiangxi have been suspended from their posts after a van plunged into a pond Monday, killing 11 children. The suspended officials include Yu Hongyan, deputy mayor of Guixi, and Yang Xiaomin, the head of Guixi's education bureau. 江西贵溪市副市长余红艳、贵溪市教育局局长杨小敏等12名校车事故责任人已被停职。24日,江西贵溪市发生一起面包车侧翻坠落水塘事故,致11名儿童遇难。 >A military transport plane crashed in southern Kazakhstan Tuesday, killing all 27 people on board, including the commander of the Central Asian nation's border guards, Reuters reported. 据路透社报道,25日,哈萨克斯坦一架军用运输机在该国南部地区坠毁,机上包括该国边界警卫部队指挥官在内的27人全部遇难。 >Jaguar Land Rover's Chinese subsidiary will recall 337 cars because of substandard fixings in their brakes and steering boxes, the State Administration for Quality Supervision and Inspection and Quarantine said Tuesday. 国家质量监督检验检疫总局25日称,由于制动钳的固定扭矩值不符合设计标准,捷豹路虎中国子公司将召回337辆进口车。 【Newsmaker】 >Saudi prince buys jumbo jet 沙特王子造'飞行宫殿' Prince Alwaleed bin Talal is about to take delivery of an Airbus A380, which has already been transformed into a luxurious flying palace, the Daily Mail of London reported. The Saudi prince had all 800 seats removed to make room for an opulent, marble-finish Turkish bath and a parking space for his Rolls-Royce. The plane even boasted a dedicated prayer area, in which computer-generated mats move to point toward Mecca. The flying palace is estimated to have cost the billionaire £240m. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,亿万富翁、沙特王子阿尔瓦利德·本·塔拉尔定制的空客A380即将交付使用,该飞机已被改装成了一座奢华的"飞行宫殿"。王子要求将飞机800个座位全部移除,用这些空间建造一个大理石铺砌、富丽堂皇的土耳其浴室和停放其劳斯莱斯的车位。此外,飞机上还专为王子配了一个祈祷室,室内由电脑控制的坐垫可朝向圣城麦加的方向。据估计,这座"飞行宫殿"总造价高达2.4亿英镑。 【China Daily Radio】 今年结婚的人真不少,估计那些蜜月旅游胜地该乐得合不拢嘴了。如果你觉得跟这么多人挤没意思,那就等一段时间,在做好当父母的心理准备后去度个babymoon吧! The term babymoon comes from the more traditional term honeymoon, which is a vacation taken by a newlywed couple after their wedding ceremony. The original meaning of babymoon is a period of time that parents spend bonding with a recently-born baby. Babymoon一词来源于我们熟知的honeymoon,即新婚夫妇在婚礼之后享受的"蜜月"。Babymoon原意为父母与新生婴儿在一起培养感情的一段时光,即"宝贝蜜月"。 More recently the term has come to be used to describe a vacation taken by a couple that is expecting a baby in order to allow the couple to enjoy a final trip together before the many sleepless nights that usually accompany a newborn baby. 如今,这个词用来指那些即将为人父母的夫妻在孩子出生之前享受的最后一次二人之旅。孩子出生以后等待他们的将是许多不眠之夜。 Babymoon can also be used for a trip taken by a couple even before they get pregnant. As long as the trip is intended to be a final romantic fling before venturing into parenthood. 另外,只要是成为父母之前最后一次浪漫之旅,夫妻二人在怀孕前共度的假期也可以用babymoon来表示。 【Word Power】 奠基 cornerstone-laying 例句: Commission officials will not be allowed to attend ribbon-cutting and cornerstone-laying ceremonies unless they have received approval of the CPC Central Committee or the Central Military Commission. 除中央和军委统一安排外,军委官员不参加剪彩、奠基等活动。 【Word Prize】 --A Santa Claus in the UK was sacked from a company after he told children, "I'm not real". 此处sacked意思是? A.被绑架 B.被殴打 C.被解雇

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-26 22:57:27

    12.26 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 X (9:15,赖床45min) 2.每天一种水果 √ 3.多喝水 1000ML √ 4.22点前脸部护理 √ 5.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 6.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 7.最晚24点上床 √ 【 学习 】 1.10点听力 √ (很老但是很有寓意且励志的小短文) 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧两集 √ (the big bang theory 8th;friends 13th) 4.线稿一张 X 5.China Daily 晚报 √ 6. Englishpod 跟读30min √ 31 7.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 √ P234 (done!!!撒花~~) 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 √ (拓词 60min) 9.每天看一篇专业文章 √ (用处不大, 只得到一个信息点:SU要练) 10.每天浏览半小时专业网站 √ (看了个关于雕塑的视频) 虽然今天睡了3小时午觉,还是完成了95%,所以是效率提高了么.木哈哈~ 大笑三声 这个月的书看完了,重新开始另一本:<<20几岁要懂得的社会常识>>,共398页 & <<笔记女王的手帐活用术>> 共83页

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-27 08:55:24

    12-27早报 【Morning Buzz】 As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man. (Proverbs) 水能倒映人的样貌,心能反映其为人。(《圣经·旧约》) 早安,各位。 【Markets】 Dow Jones 13,114.59 -24.49 -0.19% Nasdaq 2,990.16 -22.44 -0.74% 【Highlights】 >Tax revenue growth slowdown 我国调降明年税收增幅 >Major change at university 浙高校准学生重选专业 >2013: Sour & bitter coming 酸苦乃2013舌尖新潮流? >Free condom at high schools 美为高中生发放避孕套 >MS patents virtual hugs 微软获得虚拟拥抱专利 >Liu on BBC people list 刘洋上榜BBC科技人物 >Katie Holmes' hot body 前阿汤嫂领衔'最辣身材' 【Notice】 12月,留学攻略,邀您一起'分享爱'

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-27 08:55:44

    昨天拓词我明明拓了一小时,早上眼巴巴地早起看排名,结果还降了, 再仔细一瞅, 只给我记了45min,怒! 老纸今天 不拓了

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-27 08:56:06

    【Cover Story】 >Winter storms lash US 美暴风雪扰圣诞节出行 Some 683 flights were canceled or delayed Wednesday as blizzards across the US caused travel chaos for millions of holiday travelers. Twisters (龙卷风) lashed across southern US on Christmas, knocking down trees and blowing the roofs off homes, AP reported. The storms left more than 100,000 without power for a time, darkening Christmas celebrations. Storms were also blamed for 3 deaths and several injuries. 据美联社报道,由于遭遇暴风雪,25日圣诞节当天,全美683架航班被取消或延迟,给数百万假期出行的人们带来不便。美国南部多地当天还遭遇龙卷风袭击,强风吹倒树木,掀翻屋顶,超过10万人遭遇临时停电,被迫在黑暗中庆祝圣诞。风暴还造成3人死亡,数人受伤。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-27 08:56:30

    【Top News】 >Major change at university 浙高校准学生重选专业 Undergraduates studying at universities in Zhejiang are allowed to change their major once during their college years, according to a notice released by the provincial education department Wednesday, xinhuanet.com reported. Students need to choose their majors before entering college. Many of them make the decision blindly, or just follow the opinions of parents and teachers. Many then demand a major change after entering university. Now there are more than 500 majors in Chinese universities. 据新华网报道,浙江省教育厅26日发布消息说,在该省高校就读的本科生在校期间均可享受一次转专业的机会。据了解,目前国内高校可选专业达500多种,大学生在入校前填报志愿时往往存在盲目性,或由父母老师主导,因此入校后存在转专业的需求。 >2013: Sour & bitter coming 酸苦乃2013舌尖新潮流? Sweet and salty are so 2012. As Asian flavors become more popular, diners will see a greater emphasis on sour and bitter foods next year, CNN reported. That means new beverages like drinking vinegar - a popular treat in China - and sour beer will spring up, says Kazia Jankowski, associate culinary director at branding firm Sterling-Rice Group. Jankowski also expects tart foods to continue gaining prominence. 据美国有线电视新闻网报道,甜味和咸味就要过时了。随着亚洲风味的流行,明年酸味和苦味的食物将大行其道。品牌营销公司斯特林·莱斯集团的烹饪副总监卡契亚·杨科沃斯基认为,这意味着新型的饮料,例如在中国已经流行的醋饮,和酸味啤酒都将涌现。杨科沃斯基还预计酸涩口味的食品将继续热卖。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-27 08:57:00

    >Free condom at high schools 美为高中生发放避孕套 During Christmas break, free condom dispensers will be placed in the 22 Philadelphia high schools with the highest rates of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) among students, philly.com reported. Condoms will be available to any student - so long as their parents did not sign a form opting them out of the program. Since April 2011, the city has given away about 4m condoms, and now, STD rates are falling. 25% of new HIV infections in Philadelphia are teens, the report says. 据费城网报道,圣诞假期期间,费城将为辖区内性传播疾病感染率最高的22所高中安装免费避孕套分发机。所有学生均可领取避孕套,除非其父母签署表格选择退出这一项目。自2011年4月以来,费城已发放了约400万个避孕套,性传播疾病感染率现在有所下降。报道称,费城新发艾滋病病毒感染人群中有25%是青少年。 >MS patents virtual hugs 微软获得虚拟拥抱专利 Microsoft has been awarded a patent on "force-feedback within telepresence" - the idea of using interactive, connected devices to bring physical interactions to long-distance communications, geekwire.com reported. The patent says, "Hugs, hand-shakes, grabbing documents, writing on a whiteboard, and the like can be detected so a specific feedback force response is implemented." Force feedback is common in video game controllers these days. Analysts say the most interesting application of the patent is probably the Skype chat software, which Microsoft owns. (See photo) 据Geekwire网站报道,微软近日获得一项"远程呈现力反馈"的专利申请——即用交互性的连接设备为长距离通讯带来物理互动。专利中提到:"拥抱、握手、抓文件、在白板上书写等动作都能够被探测到,并形成特定的力反馈回应。"力反馈在现今的视频游戏控制器上十分常见,而分析人士认为,如果能将这项技术用于微软的Skype聊天软件中,无疑是最有趣味的。(见图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-27 08:57:24

    【In Brief】 >The State Administration of Taxation cut its forecast for the central government's tax revenue growth to 8% in 2013, 1.2 percentage point lower than that of this year, caixin.com reported Wednesday. 据财新网26日报道,国税总局调降明年中央税收增长预期至8%,比今年的预期增幅低1.2个百分点。 >Yang Xiong was appointed as acting mayor of Shanghai Wednesday. The appointment was made at the 38th session of the Standing Committee of the 13th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress. The session also accepted the resignation of Han Zheng as mayor of Shanghai, xinhuanet.com reported. 据新华网报道,上海市第十三届人大常委会第三十八次会议26日决定,接受韩正辞去上海市市长职务的请求;任命杨雄为上海市代理市长。 >A Washington Post/ABC News poll shows that only 53% of Americans say they are "hopeful" about what the new year will bring about, the least optimistic figures in a decade. 《华盛顿邮报》和美国广播公司的一份联合民调显示,仅53%的美国人对新年抱有希望,为过去十年来的最低。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-27 08:57:51

    【Newsmaker】 >Liu on BBC people list 刘洋上榜BBC科技人物 Liu Yang, China's first female astronaut, made the BBC list of the biggest names in science and technology in 2012 which was unveiled Wednesday. Liu was selected for the crew of Shenzhou IX this March. She became China's first woman in space after the spacecraft blasted off on June 16. Others honorees on the list include late US astronaut Neil Armstrong, Higgs boson discoverer Peter Higgs, the first female president and CEO of Yahoo! Marissa Mayer and Stephen Hawking, who won the Special Fundamental Physics Prize this year. 英国广播公司26日评选出了科技界2012年度人物,中国首位女航天员刘洋榜上有名。今年3月,刘洋入选中国神舟九号任务飞行乘组。随着6月16日神舟九号升空,刘洋成为第一位飞天的中国女航天员。其他上榜者包括:已故美国航天员尼尔·阿姆斯特朗、希格斯玻色子发现人彼得·希格斯、雅虎首位女总裁兼首席执行官玛丽莎·梅耶尔以及今年获基础物理学奖的史蒂芬·霍金等。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-27 08:58:16

    >Katie Holmes' hot body 前阿汤嫂领衔'最辣身材' Fitness magazine has come up with its Hottest Celebrity Bodies for 2012 and No 1 is Katie Holmes, who made big news with her split from Tom Cruise this year. Fitness says she has the "Best Revenge Body" of the year as she was not destroyed or depressed by Tom Cruise's broken promises. "Holmes keeps her shape in check with frequent fitness classes. She was even spotted at a class on her 32nd birthday this year – now that's dedication," says the mag.(See photo) 《健康》杂志最近评选出2012年身材最火辣明星排行榜,高居榜首的是今年因与汤姆·克鲁斯离婚事件而屡登头条的凯蒂·霍尔姆斯。杂志将凯蒂评为年度"最复仇身材",因为她经历婚姻破碎的结局之后,没有自暴自弃,也丝毫未见消沉。杂志指出,凯蒂为了保持身材经常参加健身课程,在她32岁生日当天,还被人看到去上课,可见她在这方面投入很大精力。(见图) Other celebs snagging Hot Body titles: 获得其他最佳身材头衔的名人有: Best Legs: Blake Lively: 最佳美腿:布莱克·莱弗利 Best Arms: Michelle Obama 最佳美臂:米歇尔·奥巴马 Best Cleavage: Kate Hudson 最美事业线:凯特·哈德森 Best Abs: Gwen Stefani 最美腹肌:格温·史蒂芬妮 Best Curves: Jennifer Lawrence 最美曲线:詹妮弗·劳伦斯 Best Baby Bump: Claire Danes 最美孕妇肚:克莱尔·丹妮丝 Best Bride-to-Be: Jennifer Aniston 最美准新娘:詹妮弗·安妮斯顿 Best Body After Baby: Beyonce Knowles 最佳产后身材:碧昂丝·诺斯 Best Celebrity Slimdown: Pink 最佳减肥名人:Pink

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-27 08:59:41

    【Talk Show】 这样搭配打底裤更保暖 >When I wear leggings, I always layer two together. I also wear my over-the-knee boots. 我穿打底裤时,喜欢同时穿两件,还会套上我的过膝长靴。 >Leggings are elastic and they stick to your legs and the cold air can't get in. 打底裤很有弹性,它们会包在腿上,不让冷风透进来。 >The trick is to wear tights underneath the leggings and then layer as much as you possibly can. 秘诀就在于,可以在打底裤里边穿上连裤袜,然后外边可以多穿几层打底裤。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Lee Hannon润色。) 【Word Prize】 --A Santa Claus in the UK was sacked from a company after he told children, "I'm not real." 此处sacked意思是? 答案:C.被解雇 原句意为:英国一位圣诞老人因为告诉小朋友们"我是假扮的"而被公司开除。 这是圣诞节当天的一则新闻,据说孩子们的母亲认为这是她一生中最伤心的一天:因为她的孩子们因为这个家伙的"实话实说"再也不相信圣诞老人的存在了。Sack作名词时意为"麻袋",作动词时有"解雇;劫掠"等意。"打劫"时得拎着"麻袋"去现场,而遭"解雇"后也可以拎着打包后的"麻袋"离开公司,所以它的名词和动词意义之间的联系很形象哦~

  • 绝不可以被发现

    绝不可以被发现 (静坐常思己过,闲谈莫论人非。) 2012-12-27 09:02:28


  • valiant

    valiant 2012-12-27 09:04:18


  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-27 10:28:25

    我灰常来的。。 我灰常来的。。 valiant


  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-27 10:50:11

    搞学习的时候, 把状态栏 隐藏了.这样一闪一闪亮晶晶的QQ 就远离偶 滴视线鸟~~

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-27 11:11:36


  • Ms.J

    Ms.J (看世界) 2012-12-27 13:49:26

    My English is just so-so, you are very great.

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-27 16:07:17

    My English is just so-so, you are very great. My English is just so-so, you are very great. Ms.J

    瀑布!!! 我的英语连so-so都 没有

  • 牛奶可乐

    牛奶可乐 (而行五洲,而与天游) 2012-12-27 16:31:58

  • Ms.J

    Ms.J (看世界) 2012-12-27 17:07:25

    瀑布!!! 我的英语连so-so都 没有 瀑布!!! 我的英语连so-so都 没有 Ging

    加油,人都需要正能量,你已经写了很久了,这个帖子就看的出来。也可以去我的小站好习惯、好文化建设中心看看,给你正能量。 我也要加强学习英语,向你学习!~

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-27 17:42:12

    【Weather Dec 28】 Fuzhou: overcast 14~18℃ Xiamen: overcast 14~22℃ Quanzhou: shower 15~20℃ 【BOC Exchange Rates】 100 USD = 629.49 CNY 100 GBP = 1015.75 CNY 100 EUR = 832.94 CNY 100 HKD = 81.22 CNY 100 JPY = 7.3337 CNY (以上人民币汇率中间价来源于中国银行网站。) 【Markets】 Shanghai Stock 2205.90 -13.23 -0.60% HangSeng Stock 22619.78 +78.60 +0.35% 【Highlights】 >Beidou system starts service 北斗导航今起提供服务 >China braces for cold front 全国大部气温再度大跌 >School rehearsal for safety 幼儿园演练'歹徒'来袭 >Weakest winter sales 美英节日消费'冰火两重天' >Burglar caught by text 笨贼行窃发短信露马脚 >The hot-tempered live longer 研究称暴躁之人更长寿

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-27 17:42:56

    【Cover Story】 >Foundations not transparent 六成基金会财务不透明 The majority of charitable foundations in China have failed to disclose information to the public, indicated a 2012 transparency index jointly released by foundationcenter.org.cn and Tsinghua University Wednesday, China Youth Daily reported. Among the 2,213 foundations nationwide, about 60% have not made public their annual reports revealing their financial status, the index showed. But all of them have passed the government's annual inspections. The report came a day after the Ministry of Civil Affairs vowed to make charities more transparent. 据《中国青年报》报道,基金会中心网与清华大学26日联合发布"中国基金会透明指数2012排行榜",榜单显示,基金会行业多数不透明。全国2213家基金会中,约60%未在任何渠道披露年度工作报告,财务状况不明。但它们都通过了民政部门的年检。25日,民政部刚刚表示将完善相关政策,促进慈善组织公开透明。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-27 17:44:39

    【Top News】 >Beidou system starts service 北斗导航今起提供服务 China's indigenous Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) began providing services to users in most of the Asia-Pacific region Thursday, according to a system spokesperson, xinhuanet.com reported. The services include positioning, navigation, timing and short message services for China and surrounding areas, said spokesman Ran Chengqi. Ran said the general functionality and performance of the BDS is "comparable" to the American's GPS. The system aims to take 70-80% of the current GPS-dominated domestic market by 2020. 据新华网报道,北斗卫星导航系统新闻发言人冉承其27日称,中国自主建设的北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)今起向亚太大部分地区正式提供区域服务,包括定位、导航、双向授时和短报文信息服务。冉承其称,BDS的总体性能已经与美国的GPS基本相当,该系统计划在2020年占据目前以GPS为主导的国内市场70-80%的份额。 >China braces for cold front 全国大部气温再度大跌 A strong cold front will hit most parts of China in the coming 3 days, according to the National Meteorological Center's forecast Thursday, chinanews.com reported. The cold snap is moving west to east. It will bring snow and strong winds, with some parts seeing temperature drops of more than 12-14℃. Snow will hit eastern Northwest China, the central and eastern Inner Mongolia autonomous region, most parts of North China and Northeast China from Friday to Saturday. Most areas south of the Yellow and Huaihe rivers will see precipitation. 据中新网报道,中央气象台27日预报,受一股较强冷空气影响,未来3天全国大部地区将自西向东出现大风降温天气,局部地区降温幅度可达到12-14摄氏度。28-29日,西北地区东部、内蒙古中东部、华北大部、东北等地将有大范围降雪,黄淮以南的大部分地区有雨雪天气。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-27 17:49:35

    >School rehearsal for safety 幼儿园演练'歹徒'来袭 Police in Xuzhou, Jiangsu, held practice drills in a few kindergartens to thwart potential violent assaults Wednesday, chinanews.com reported. In the drills, teachers were responsible for organizing and warning the children. Even security staff and cooks participated in the rehearsal by using their work tools to fight against the "kitchen knife attacker". Police officers said the drills helped boost the safety consciousness of both teachers and students, and improved their emergency response skills. 据中新网报道,26日,江苏徐州警方在一些幼儿园组织了预防校园暴力事件演练。演练中,老师们负责带队和敲锣警示,孩子们听指挥积极配合,保安、厨师也操起工具上阵震慑"菜刀歹徒"。警方相关负责人称,通过这次演练,全体师生进一步增强了安全防护意识,提高了应急反应能力。 >Weakest winter sales 美英节日消费'冰火两重天' The 2012 holiday season in the US may have been the worst for retailers since the 2008 financial crisis, with sales growth far below expectations, forcing many to offer massive post-Christmas discounts in hopes of shedding excess inventory, AP reported. A report by MasterCard Advisors SpendingPulse showed that holiday-related sales rose 0.7% from Oct 28 through Dec 24. If Americans remain reluctant to spend, analysts say, economic growth could falter next year. 据美联社报道,对美国零售商而言,2012年假期购物季可能是2008年金融危机以来最糟的一次,其销售增幅远逊于预期,迫使许多零售商在圣诞节后大规模折价促销,期望借此削减过多库存。万事达顾问公司"消费脉动"进行的调查显示,10月28日至12月24日期间的假日相关销售额仅增长了0.7%。分析人士称,若美国人不愿意消费,明年经济增长将下滑。 [英节后大减价] Shoppers have flocked to stores across the UK for Boxing Day (节礼日) sales, the BBC reported. Thousands of bargain-hunters queued overnight at shopping centers as shops began cutting prices Wednesday to tempt customers. A survey suggested shoppers will spend almost £3b in one day. 另据英国广播公司报道,随着节礼日销售大减价的到来,消费者纷纷涌向英国各地的商店。26日起,商家为了吸引顾客开始减价,数千名消费者为淘便宜货通宵在购物中心外面排队。调查显示,消费者一天的消费额将达近30亿英镑。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-27 17:50:09

    【In Brief】 >The Democratic People's Republic of Korea's trade with China topped 70% of its total exports and imports last year, indicating that the country's reliance on China is increasing, according to a report released by Statistics Korea Thursday, Yonhap News Agency reported. 据韩联社消息,韩国国家统计局27日发布的一项报告显示,朝鲜在对外贸易中对中国的依存度正不断上升,去年中朝鲜进出口贸易中所占总比重达70%。 >Former US president George H.W. Bush has been admitted to the intensive care unit at a Houston hospital "following a series of setbacks including a persistent fever", The Washington Post reported. 据《华盛顿邮报》报道,美国前总统老布什近日因出现持续发烧等病情恶化症状,已住进休斯敦一家医院的重症监护病房。 >Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi has signed into law a new Islamist-drafted constitution he says will help end political turmoil and allow him to focus on fixing the fragile economy, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,埃及总统穆尔西近日签署了新宪法。他表示,这份以伊斯兰教法为依据起草的宪法将有助于终结该国动荡的政局,并使他能够集中精力解决该国脆弱不堪的经济。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-27 17:50:35

    【Newsmaker】 >Burglar caught by text 笨贼行窃发短信露马脚 A would-be burglar has been locked up after police found a text message he sent before trying to break into a house that read: "I've told you 20 times - don't ring me when I'm out robbing", the Daily Mail of London reported. Dozy Stuart Gibbs was caught hiding in a shed in Leicester, UK, after a vigilant resident contacted police when the man was acting suspiciously in a neighbor's garden. Officers found the incriminating message when they checked his phone after discovering him. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,近日一名意欲行窃的盗贼,因为一条短信被抓。警方发现,在闯入住宅前,他曾发了条短信:"我都跟你说了20遍了,不要在我外出打劫的时候来电话。"笨贼斯图尔特·吉布斯被抓时正藏在英国莱斯特的一间小屋里。一位机警的居民发现他在邻居花园里鬼鬼祟祟、行止可疑,随后报了警。警方在检查其手机时,发现了这条"罪证信"。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-27 17:51:05

    【Kaleidoscope】 >The hot-tempered live longer 研究称暴躁之人更长寿 Researchers at University of Jena in Germany assessed more than 6,000 patients and found that being fiery and expressing negative emotions is the key to long-lasting good health, foreign media reported. In contrast, those who internalized their anxiety can have serious repercussions (影响) for physical and mental well-being. According to the researchers, repressors suffered from a raised pulse, which over time leads to high blood pressure and an increased chance of developing a wide range of illnesses, from coronary heart disease (冠心病) to cancer. The result means that hot-tempered Italians and Spanish live nearly 2 years longer than the "stiff-upper lip" English. 据外媒报道,德国耶拿大学研究人员通过对6000多名病人进行评估发现,暴脾气和表达负面情绪是保证长久健康的关键因素。相反,隐藏焦虑会严重影响身心健康。研究人员称,那些抑制情绪的人脉搏跳动更快,长此以往会导致高血压,患冠心病、癌症等其他疾病的风险也会大增。这一发现意味着,脾气暴躁的意大利人和西班牙人能比自我克制型的英国人多活近两年。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-27 18:34:30

    【China Daily Radio】 靠女人赚钱曾被视为对男性自尊的打击,但随着"阿尔法老婆"越来越多,社会成见已经慢慢改变。在经济不景气的形势下,家有"阿尔法老婆"也是一件让人庆幸的事情。 "Alpha-wives" emerge when more than 50% of all households in the USA have a woman as its prime "breadwinner". Sociologist Catherine Bartlett says the alpha-wife has begun to replace the so-called trophy wife. 如今,美国超过半数家庭中,女人才是主要的经济支柱,这样的女人就是"阿尔法老婆"。社会学家卡瑟琳·巴特莱特说,阿尔法老婆已开始取代所谓的花瓶老婆。 "The trophy wife was wanted for her youth, beauty, and body. She earned nothing on her own and truthfully wasn't someone who was sought after for her brains. The alpha-wife is desired for her intelligence and her power as a top money earner. She's independent and savvy. Her looks, though certainly visible, are secondary." 巴特莱特说:"男人想从花瓶老婆那里得到的是青春、美貌和身体。她自己不挣钱,说实话男人也不是因为她有脑子才追求她的。男人想得到阿尔法老婆则是因为她聪慧,而且很能挣钱。她既独立又精明。虽然阿尔法老婆长相也不差,但相貌并不是男人选择她的首要原因。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-27 18:34:55

    【Word Power】 财政悬崖 fiscal cliff 例句: US President Obama has returned to Washington to restart talks on averting the "fiscal cliff" - $500b in mandated spending cuts and tax increases. 美国总统奥巴马已回到华盛顿继续讨论如何避免"财政悬崖",即5千亿美元的减支增税措施的事宜。 【Word Prize】 --Several attempts at humor during his speech fell flat. 此处fall flat意思是? A.晕倒 B.失败 C.失控

  • -谢吃吃吃-

    -谢吃吃吃- (让日光骄傲洒在我的背) 2012-12-27 20:09:03


  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-27 22:17:56

    12.27 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 √ (8:15,有史以来最早.我厉害么我厉害么) 2.每天一种水果 √ 3.多喝水 1000ML √ 4.22点前脸部护理 √ 5.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 6.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 7.最晚24点上床 √ 【 学习 】 1.10点听力 √ 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧两集 √ (the big bang theory 9th;friends 14th) 4.线稿一张 X 5.China Daily 晚报 √ 6. Englishpod 跟读30min √ 32 (离了中文字幕我会死,挠墙~~~) 7.<<20几岁你该知道的社会常识>> √ P20 & <<笔记女王的手帐活用术>> √ P15 (据说是时间管理的一种方法,看了十来页, 持怀疑态度中...希望看完有个定论) 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 √ (拓词 60min) 9.每天看一篇专业文章 √ (一个现代式的景观连廊,cool~) 10.每天浏览半小时专业网站 X

  • Amelie

    Amelie 2012-12-27 23:37:23


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-28 09:11:47

    ChinaDaily早报12.28 【Morning Buzz】 We loved with a love that was more than love. (Edgar Allan Poe, American author, 1809-1849) 我们的爱,比爱情更多。(埃德加·爱伦·坡,美国作家,1809-1849) 早安,各位。 【Markets】 Dow Jones 13,096.31 -18.28 -0.14% Nasdaq 2,985.91 -4.25 -0.14% 【Highlights】 >2013 online sales to double 我国网购规模明年翻倍 >Apple loses copyright suit 8作家诉苹果案获赔41万 >New box-office hit in China '泰囧'夺华语片票房桂冠 >Single visa plan in SE Asia 泰柬启动单一旅行签证 >'Gangnam Style' fuels travel '江南style'带火江南游 >A stay-at-home New Year 八成英国人宅家庆元旦 >Kate Winslet married again Rose再婚Jack陪走红毯 【Notice】 12月,留学攻略,邀您一起'分享爱'

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-28 09:12:25

    【Cover Story】 >Big cities delay exam reform 北上广异地高考案'难产' Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou authorities have kept silent about whether they will allow migrant children to sit the national college entrance exam in the city, rather than in their household registration area, chinanews.com reported. The State Council ordered a decision on the issue by the end of 2012, and the deadline is only 3 days away. It seems the children of migrants studying in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou who are praying for taking the 2013 exam with their peers in the cities will be disappointed. Up to now, 9 provinces (municipalities, autonomous regions) have issued rules to lift the exam ban by 2013 or 2014. 据中新网报道,国务院要求各地于2012年年底前出台异地高考方案,而2012年只剩3个工作日,北京、上海、广州都尚未出台相关方案,非户籍随迁子女想在当地参加2013年高考的梦想基本破灭。目前全国已有9省区公布方案,确定将于2013年或2014年正式实施异地高考方案。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-28 09:12:53

    【Top News】 >Apple loses copyright suit 8作家诉苹果案获赔41万 US electronics giant Apple Inc has been ordered to stop infringing the copyright of 8 Chinese writers and pay them RMB412,000 in compensation. The order was made in a verdict handed down by the Beijing No 2 Intermediate People's Court Thursday, cnr.cn reported. The 8 writers, include Murong Xuecun, Li Chengpeng and other popular writers, claimed Apple sold their books through its App Store without authorization, prompting them to appeal to the court at the beginning of this year. 据中广网报道,北京市第二中级人民法院27日对8位中国作家诉美国苹果公司侵犯著作权一案进行宣判。法院判决苹果败诉,应立即停止侵权,并赔偿8位作家共人民币41.2万元。包括慕容雪村、李承鹏等畅销书作家在内的8人认为苹果未经授权擅自将他们的著作在APP Store上售卖,于2012年年初正式提起诉讼。 >Single visa plan in SE Asia 泰柬启动单一旅行签证 Cambodia and Thailand launched a single visa scheme Thursday, allowing citizens of China and 34 other countries and regions to enter both Cambodia and Thailand with only one visa, Xinhua reported. With a single visa from either Cambodia or Thailand, the holders are able to stay in each of the 2 countries for 60 days. Apart from China, the US, Japan, the UK and Australia are also on the list of eligible countries. 据新华社报道,泰国与柬埔寨单一签证协议27日开始生效,包括中国在内的35个国家和地区的公民可以凭单一签证进入泰柬两国。根据单一签证协议,这些国家和地区的公民向泰国和柬埔寨任意一国获得签证,便可在两国各逗留60天。除中国外,享受这项政策的国家和地区还包括美国、日本、英国、澳大利亚等。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-28 09:13:22

    >'Gangnam Style' fuels travel '江南style'带火江南游 Gangnam Gu, a district in South Korea's capital Seoul, has become a hot tourist destination for foreigners, following the success of "Gangnam Style", an international song sensation by South Korean singer PSY this year. Since it went viral, hotels and duty-free shops in the district have seen an unprecedented increase in foreign tourists and journalists. The boutique-lined pedestrian street on the famous Sinsadong Garosu-gil Road is also bustling with foreigners on the weekends, Voice of China reported. 据中国之声报道,如今,韩国首尔的江南区成了外国人扎堆到访的地方,而原因莫过于韩国歌手PSY今年火遍全球的一曲《江南style》。据悉,《江南style》走红后,在江南区一带的酒店和免税店游玩的外国游客以及来采访的外国记者空前增加,特色街店会聚的著名新沙洞林荫树路步行街,每到周末更是被各种国籍的外国人挤得熙熙攘攘。 >A stay-at-home New Year 八成英国人宅家庆元旦 Cash-strapped Britons are preparing for muted New Year's Eve celebrations with 83% planning to stay at home rather than go out to party, a poll of 2,000 people by supermarket Morrisons revealed, the Daily Mail of London reported Thursday. Of people surveyed, 44% said their main reasons for staying in this year were concerns about finances. Those surveyed said they would expect to spend an average of £78.2 if they went out for the night. Further, 49% said they believed New Year's Eve is about the company you keep rather than the place that you celebrate. 据英国《每日邮报》27日报道,英国超市莫里森对2000名英国人进行调查发现,囊中羞涩的英国人准备低调庆祝元旦前夜,83%的人称打算留在家中安静地迎接新年,而非外出聚会。44%的人承认待在家中的主因是怕花钱,受访者说,外出庆祝的话,人均消费估计将达78.2英镑。49%的人认为,新年跟谁过比在哪过更重要。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-28 09:13:46

    【In Brief】 >The mass travel for Chinese New Year, or Spring Festival in 2013 will last 40 days from Jan 26 to March 6, the National Development and Reform Commission said. The total number of passengers is expected to reach 3.4b, an 8.6% rise from this year's actual figures. 发改委近日通知,2013年春运从1月26日开始至3月6日结束,共计40天。初步预测,春运期间全国旅客发送量将达到34亿人次,比上年春运实际完成增长8.6%。 >Sales in China's online business-to-customer retail sector could hit RMB785b in 2013, nearly double this year's amount, research company Analysys International estimated on Wednesday. 研究机构易观国际26日称,预计2013年中国网上零售B2C交易规模将达7850亿元,在今年的基础上几乎翻倍。 >New Year comedy "Lost In Thailand" became China's box-office champion Wednesday with a cumulative gross of RMB762m, smashing the RMB702m record kept by "Painted Skin: The Resurrection". 截至12月26日,贺岁喜剧《人再囧途之泰囧》票房累计达7.62亿,轻松打破了《画皮2》创造的7.02亿元纪录,荣登"史上最高票房华语片"宝座。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-28 09:14:10

    【Newsmaker】 >Kate Winslet married again Rose再婚Jack陪走红毯 Actress Kate Winslet has married again, in a secret ceremony in New York that was so hush-hush that the bride and groom's parents didn't even know about it, UK media reported. It was the Oscar-winner's 3rd marriage and the groom, Rocknroll, 34, is the nephew of British billionaire Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group (see photo). The low key nature of the nuptials was offset by the presence of Leonardo DiCaprio, who gave his 37-year-old Titanic co-star away. 据英媒报道,37岁的奥斯卡影后凯特·温斯莱特日前在纽约秘密再婚,这是凯特的第3次婚姻,新郎罗克努尔现年34岁,是英国亿万富豪、维珍集团创始人理查德·布兰森的侄子(见图)。婚礼如此低调,甚至没有知会双方父母,但婚礼上这样一幕足以弥补平淡——将新娘交给新郎的是和凯特共同出演《泰坦尼克号》的男星莱昂纳多。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-28 09:14:51

    【Talk Show】 我最喜欢读的书。 >I am now reading a book by Harlan Coben called "Tell No One"! It is a suspense novel. 我正在读哈兰·科本的《沉默猎杀》,这是一本悬疑小说。 >I really love old classic literature, such as The Count of Monte Cristo, Dracula, and Lord of the Rings. 我喜欢读古典名著,比如《基督山伯爵》、《德拉库拉》和《魔戒》。 >It is difficult for me to read a novel these days, but I do read books with short stories. 现在让我读一本小说很难,但我会读一些短篇小说集。 (本期英文内容由澳大利亚籍编辑CJ Henderson润色。) 【Word Prize】 --Several attempts at humor during his speech fell flat. 此处fall flat意思是? 答案:B.失败 原句意为:演讲中他好几次的幽默尝试都以失败告终(没有产生搞笑的效果)。 固定搭配fall flat意为"失败;未达到预想效果",比如:The advertising campaign which had worked so well in the US fell flat in China.这种在美国很管用的广告宣传在中国就行不通了。

  • 史太

    史太 (害怕我自己。) 2012-12-28 09:25:21


  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-28 09:50:43

    昨天拓词排名 297,升了好多好多,灭哈哈~~~大笑三声 第一名基本是5.5h-6.5h 望尘莫及

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-28 19:15:05

    【Weather Dec 29】 Fuzhou: rainy 9~16℃ Xiamen: rainy 9~19℃ Quanzhou: rainy 11~18℃ 【BOC Exchange Rates】 100 USD = 628.96 CNY 100 GBP = 1013.35 CNY 100 EUR = 832.99 CNY 100 HKD = 81.14 CNY 100 JPY = 7.2634 CNY (以上人民币汇率中间价来源于中国银行网站) 【Markets】 Shanghai Stock 2233.25 +27.36 +1.24% HangSeng Stock 22666.59 +46.81 +0.21% 【Highlights】 >New rules to protect privacy 网络信息保护决议通过 >New police chief appointed 郭声琨出任公安部部长 >Tea workers burn alive boss 印数百茶农烧死茶园主 >Google app 'racially offensive' 谷歌'变亚洲人'遭批(图) >Apple boss in massive pay cut 苹果CEO今年年薪降99% >Whitney Houston 'murdered'? 私家侦探:惠特尼被谋杀 >Half-faced dog gets surgery 菲'半脸'英雄狗赴美整形 【Notice】 29-31日,我报"慢读"(每日晚报)将继续推出年度盘点系列策划,敬请关注。 29日盘点第二弹:2012·筑梦者

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-28 19:15:43

    【Cover Story】 >Subway across Yangtze opens 首条穿越长江地铁开通 Wuhan Subway Line 2, China's first subway line to cross the Yangtze River, starts test run Friday in Wuhan, Hubei, xinhuanet.com reported. The route is 50 minutes long, passing through a 27.73 km tunnel that links Wuchang and Hankou. It only takes 3 minutes to cross the river. The line is expected to handle half of the city's cross-Yangtze traffic flow, easing gridlock in downtown Wuhan. The subway is estimated to transport at least 500,000 passengers daily. 据新华网报道,我国首条穿越长江的地铁——武汉地铁二号线一期工程28日顺利通车试运营。地铁线路连接武昌和汉口,全长27.73公里,全程运行时间约50分钟。地铁穿越长江江底仅需3分钟。预计该线路日客流量达50万人次,可承担约50%的公交过江客运量,将全面减轻武汉中心城区的交通压力。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-28 19:16:22

    【Top News】 >New rules to protect privacy 网络信息保护决议通过 The draft decision on strengthening online information protection was adopted Friday by the Standing Committee of the NPC, Xinhua reported. The top legislature approved rules to enhance the protection of personal information online and safeguard public interests, requiring Internet users to identify themselves to service providers when signing Web access agreements. 据新华社报道,全国人大常委会28日审议通过了关于加强网络信息保护的决定草案。决议将加强对个人网络信息的保护,维护公众利益。决议还要求网络服务提供者根据协议对网民实行网络身份管理。 [决议其它部分内容] --Organizations and individuals are banned from sending business-related digital information to fixed-line telephones, mobile phones or email addresses without their consent. 任何组织和个人未经电子信息接收者同意,不得向其固定电话、移动电话或者个人电子邮箱发送商业性电子信息。 --Organizations and individuals that find online information that infringes upon their individual rights have the right to report illegal activity involving online information to supervisory departments. Relevant authorities should take necessary measures to stop such information from being infringed. 任何组织和个人在面对网络信息违法侵权行为时,有权向有关主管部门举报;接到举报、控告的部门应当依法及时处理。 >New police chief appointed 郭声琨出任公安部部长 The Standing Committee of the NPC Friday appointed Guo Shengkun as minister of public security, replacing Meng Jianzhu, xinhuanet.com reported. Guo, 58, holds a doctoral degree in management. Guo's previous post was party chief of Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region. 据新华网报道,全国人大常委会28日经过表决决定,郭声琨接替孟建柱任公安部部长。郭声琨现年58岁,管理学博士,此前担任广西壮族自治区党委书记。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-28 19:16:48

    >Tea workers burn alive boss 印数百茶农烧死茶园主 Hundreds of tea plantation workers have burnt alive the owner of a tea garden and his wife in the northeastern Indian state of Assam, an Indian senior police official said Thursday. Preliminary probe revealed that the incident was sparked by the owner's orders on 10 estate workers to vacate their quarters and the detention of 3 employees by police over unspecified disputes, AFP reported. There are around 800 tea gardens in Assam, which produce over half of India's total tea output. 据法新社报道,印度警方高级官员27日称,印度东北部阿萨姆邦的一处茶园日前发生惨案,数百名工人烧死了茶园主和他的妻子。初步调查显示,该案因一起劳资纠纷引起——园主令十名茶农腾自己的住处,后又有3名茶农因不明纠纷被拘留。据悉,阿萨姆邦有大约800处茶园,茶叶出口份额占该国的一半。 >Google app 'racially offensive' 谷歌'变成亚洲人'遭指责 The "Make Me Asian" Google app has been branded racially offensive for allowing users to alter their profile photos "like an Asian", the Daily Mail of London reported. The app makes users a stereotypical appearance of an Asian by changing the shape of their eyes with a Fu Manchu mustache and rice paddy hat. Google stated the app was not in violation of the company's policies rather than removing it from Google Play.(See photo) 据英国《每日邮报》报道,谷歌一款应用程序"变成亚洲人"涉种族歧视遭批。该应用可以把用户头像照片"变成亚洲人"——改变用户眼睛的形状、让用户拥有傅满洲式的胡子,还让他们带上稻草帽子。这种亚洲人形象被认为含有模式化的偏见。但谷歌拒绝将该应用程序从其软件商店中删除,称该应用不违反公司政策。(见图) [备注] 傅满洲是英国小说家萨克斯·罗默(Sax Rohmer)创作的虚构小说人物,号称世上最邪恶的角色。傅满洲瘦高、秃头、倒竖两条长眉、面目阴险。按照罗默的描写,这其实是"黄祸"的拟人化形象。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-28 19:17:16

    >Apple boss in massive pay cut 苹果CEO今年年薪降99% Tim Cook will take home a salary of just 1% of the $378m he received to be Apple's boss last year, the BBC reported. According to a regulatory filing, the iPhone-maker's head will get a compensation package of $4.17m for 2012. Most of his money from 2011 came from a grant of shares awarded for becoming the chief executive, and Apple said he would not get any new shares this year. But in terms of base salary, Cook actually received a 50% increase to $1.4m for 2012, Apple said. 据英国广播公司报道,苹果日前提交的一份监管申报文件显示,CEO蒂姆·库克2012年的薪酬总额为417万美元,只有去年3.78亿美元薪酬的1%。据了解,库克2011年薪酬的大部分来自于新晋CEO获得的股权奖励,今年则没有这部分奖励。但苹果称,在基本薪水方面,库克的收入实际上还增长了50%,为140万美元。 【In Brief】 >There are 24 provinces and cities that saw this year or will see on Jan 1 an increase in minimum wage baseline, chinanews.com reported. The new minimum wage guideline shows Shenzhen has the highest minimum monthly wage of RMB1,500 and Beijing has the highest minimum per-hour wage of RMB15.2. 据中新网报道,我国今年年内或将于明年1月1日上调最低工资标准的省市达24个。其中,月最低工资标准最高的是深圳(1500元);小时最低工资标准最高的是北京(15.2元)。 >Retired US General Norman Schwarzkopf, who led troops in the 1991 Gulf War, has died aged 78, US media reports. 据美国媒体报道,美国退休将军、1991年海湾战争期间总司令诺曼·施瓦茨科夫日前逝世,享年78岁。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-28 19:17:48

    【Celebrity】 >Whitney Houston 'murdered'? 私家侦探:惠特尼被谋杀 Whitney Houston was murdered, foreign media reported, citing Hollywood private detective Paul Huebi. Huebi pointed Whitney owed an excess of $1.5m to dealers for drugs. The CCTV footage evidence acquired by Huebi points to Whitney being victim of an attack by 2 men sent to collect a debt for drugs on Feb 11, 2012 at the Beverly Hilton. Huebi also believed that the classic defense wounds on her body indicated a battle. Huebi says he is handing the evidence over to the FBI. 据外媒报道,好莱坞私家侦探保罗·休博声称惠特尼·休斯顿死于谋杀。他指出,惠特尼因吸毒欠毒贩高达150万美元的债务。根据休博掌握的一段闭路电视监控系统拍下的视频,2012年2月11日,惠特尼下榻希尔顿酒店期间,毒贩派两人来讨债,因此惠特尼或因两人袭击致死。休博指出,她身上明显的伤痕表明她曾经挣扎过。休博称,要将这些证据提交给联邦调查局。 【Kaleidoscope】 >Half-faced dog gets surgery 菲'半脸'英雄狗赴美整形 A Filipino hero dog who lost her muzzle (动物的鼻口部) in an accident has flown to the US for reconstructive surgery, Philippine Daily Inquirer reported. In February, the dog named Kabang had her nose and upper jaw torn off after she threw herself in the path of a speeding motorcycle, saving the life of 2 young girls in her owner's family. The story inspired a fundraising campaign across more than 20 countries. The dog will receive treatment at UC Davis, known for its veterinary study. 据《菲律宾每日问询者报》报道,该国一只在车祸中失去鼻子的"半脸英雄狗"已飞抵美国接受整形手术。今年2月,狗狗"卡邦"为救主人家的两名女童,舍身扑向一辆疾驰而来的摩托,女童得救了,而它的鼻子和上颌却惨遭碾毁。该故事引发20多个国家的慈善捐款,卡邦得以被送往以兽医研究著称的美国加州大学戴维斯分校接受救治。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-28 19:18:58

    【China Daily Radio】 于丹说,物质的东西越多,人就越容易迷惑。本真的快乐,与物质无关,而是来自心灵的富足,来自于与良朋益友的切磋与交流。你的"快乐物质比"是多少呢? The joy-to-stuff ratio is basically the time a person has to enjoy life versus the time a person spends accumulating material goods. There's no point in working 7 days a week doing extra jobs during the weekend to have no time to enjoy yourself. "快乐物质比"是一个人花在享受生活的时间和积累物质财富的时间比。一周7天甚至周末都在加班,没有时间好好享受是毫无意义的。 (本期英文内容由澳大利亚籍编辑Emily Cheng润色。) 【Weekly Topic】 The year 2012 will soon become the past regardless of whether it was a success or a failure. With the year 2013 nearing, let's make resolutions to create a good start. Hopefully these targets will help us work toward your dreams for the New Year. 2013年的脚步越来越近。2012,无论是成功还是失败已成历史。表下新年决心吧,让我们为这些决心而奋斗。希望这些目标能帮我们在新的一年梦想成真!

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-28 22:08:54

    12.28 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 √ (赖床45min) 2.每天一种水果 √ 3.多喝水 1000ML √ 4.22点前脸部护理 √ 5.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 6.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 7.最晚24点上床 √ 【 学习 】 1.10点听力 √ (一篇关于不断学习的小短文.加油!!!) 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧两集 X 4.线稿一张 X 5.China Daily 晚报 6. Englishpod 跟读30min X 7.<<20几岁你该知道的社会常识>> X 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 √ (拓词 30min) 9.每天看一篇专业文章 X 10.每天浏览半小时专业网站 X 11.<<笔记女王的手帐活用术>> X 今天偷懒一天,啥也木有干 !!!

  • 啵叽一口小甜饼

    啵叽一口小甜饼 (Impossible=I'm possible.) 2012-12-30 16:12:04


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-30 16:15:25

    【Morning Buzz】 When one longs for a drink, it seems as though one could drink a whole ocean—that is faith; but when one begins to drink, one can only drink altogether two glasses—that is science. (Anton Chekhov, Russian dramatist and author, 1860-1904) 想喝水时,仿佛能喝下整个海洋似的——这是信仰;等到真的喝起来,一共也只能喝两杯罢了——这是科学。(安东·契诃夫,俄罗斯戏剧家、作家,1860-1904) 早安,各位。 【Highlights】 >Tobacco control in 3 years 公共场所三年全面禁烟 >Youth want to study abroad 沪1/3青年有意出国留学 >Russia bans US adoptions 普京禁美国领养俄儿童 >Computer watch to emerge 苹果或推iOS'智能手表' >Elephant eats tourist's iPhone 泰国囧象吞游客iPhone >Tips: 'Back and fill' 怎样表达'举棋不定'? 【Notice】 29-31日,我报"慢读"(每日晚报)将继续推出年度盘点系列策划,敬请关注。 29日盘点第二弹:2012·筑梦者 【Cover Story】 >BJ, SH to boost food safety 京沪重拳打击食品犯罪 Beijing will introduce tough new laws to punish firms that flout food safety laws, Xinhua reported. Under the new regulations, to take effect in April, firms caught producing or selling unsafe foods will be banned from operating in Beijing for life, according to a municipal food safety regulation passed Thursday. The announcement follows a similar declaration by Shanghai Wednesday saying it would blacklist firms that flout food safety laws. 据新华社报道,27日,北京市通过《北京市食品安全条例》,重拳打击食品安全犯罪。条例规定,明年4月起,北京市食品生产经营者生产经营有毒、有害食品构成犯罪的,终身不得从事食品生产经营活动。此前1天,上海宣布将建立食品安全"黑名单"制度,严惩食品安全犯罪。 【Top News】 >Youth want to study abroad 沪1/3青年有意出国留学 Nearly 1/3 of Shanghai youth want to study abroad, according to a report released by the Youth Research Institute of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, China Youth Daily reported. Since the financial crisis, the cost for studying abroad has been largely reduced and more flexible policies have been implemented both at home and abroad. Studying abroad is a popular way to ease employment pressure during hard times and believed to provide better job opportunities. 据《中国青年报》报道,上海社科院青少所报告显示,上海近1/3的青年有出国意愿。据悉,金融危机以来,出国留学的成本大幅降低,国内外政策也有所放宽。而且出国留学被认为可以在就业困难的大环境下延迟就业,以便找到更好的就业机会。 >Russia bans US adoptions 普京禁美国领养俄儿童 Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law Friday that bans Americans from adopting Russian children, Reuters reported. The law, which enters into force on Jan 1, is likely to strain US-Russia relations. As well as banning US adoptions, it will also outlaw some non-governmental organizations that receive US funding and impose a visa ban on Americans accused of violating the rights of Russians abroad. 据路透社报道,俄罗斯总统普京28日签署法案,禁止美国公民领养俄罗斯儿童。这份将于1月1日生效的法案还规定,接受美国资助的部分非政府组织不得在俄罗斯运作,涉嫌侵犯俄罗斯公民权利的美国公民不得入境。该法案可能导致美俄关系再度紧张。 >Computer watch to emerge 苹果或推iOS'智能手表' Intel and Apple are working on a Bluetooth-enabled iOS watch with a 1.5 inch screen, Apple's Asian supply chain manufacturers revealed, foreign media reported. Insiders disclosed that the new product looks like a watch but is actually a wearable computing device. The device in question has a Bluetooth and a 1.5 OLED display with indium tin oxide (铟锡氧化物).(See photo) 据外媒报道,苹果亚洲供应链厂商称,英特尔和苹果正在开发一款配备了蓝牙功能和1.5英寸显示屏的iOS手表。据知情人士透露,这款新产品外形是一块手表,实际上是一款可佩戴的计算设备。它配备蓝牙功能和一块1.5英寸的OLED显示屏,显示屏表面涂有铟锡氧化物。(见图) 【In Brief】 >Two pupils were killed and 2 others injured in Luoding city, Guangdong Friday, after a toilet wall at a primary school in Silun township collapsed at 8:10 am, China News Service reported. 据中新社报道,28日上午8时10分,广东省罗定市泗纶镇中心小学厕所屏风墙意外坍塌,造成厕所内4名学生2死2伤。 China's 2012-15 tobacco control plan has recently been issued, claiming for the first time that laws are needed to ban smoking in public places across the country, China Daily reported. The new plan requires a comprehensive ban on smoking in public places within 3 years. 据《中国日报》报道,《中国烟草控制规划(2012-2015年)》已于近日"出炉",首次提出将研究制定全国性禁烟法规,并在3年内全面推行公共场所禁烟。 >Italy's caretaker Prime Minister Mario Monti said Friday that he is heading a new campaign coalition made of up centrists, business leaders and pro-Vatican forces in an election in February, AP reported. 据美联社报道,意大利看守政府总理蒙蒂28日表示,将率领由中间派、商界领袖和亲梵蒂冈力量组成的新的竞选联盟参与明年2月的大选。 【Kaleidoscope】 >Elephant eats tourist's iPhone 泰国囧象吞游客iPhone A Thai elephant appears to have swallowed a Chinese visitor's iPhone while she was taking pictures of her friend feeding bananas to the animal at a tourist spot, the Bangkok Post reported Friday. The phone was later recovered from the elephant's dung, or so it seems in a video that has gone viral on the web. 据泰国《曼谷邮报》28日报道,在泰国一个旅游景点内,一名中国游客用iPhone手机为同伴拍摄喂大象香蕉的场景时,不慎被大象用鼻子卷走手机并送入口中。这台iPhone后随着大象的排泄物排出——至少从视频上看是这样。这段视频已经被网民疯传。 【Language Tips】 'Back and fill' ----------- 这个短语源自使用帆船航行的年代。Back是后退的意思,fill这个词可以解释为风张满帆。Back and fill原指帆船航行中一个复杂的操作过程,表示船一会后退,一会向前,折腾许久,帆船并没有走多远。这形象地表现出一个人在做决定时犹豫、踌躇的样子。 请看例句: Mary is backing and filling on whether she should go on to graduate school or go out and get a job. 到底该继续念研究生还是出去找工作,玛丽举棋不定。 【Talk Show】 我最喜欢读的书 >My favorite genre is fantasy. I like its whole range from serious to humorous. 我最喜欢幻想小说。所有的幻想小说我都喜欢,不管是严肃的还是搞笑的。 >I have been reading the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. 我一直在读斯蒂芬妮·梅尔的《暮光之城》系列小说。 (本期英文内容由澳大利亚籍编辑Emily Cheng润色。) 【Weekly Topic】 The year 2012 will soon become the past regardless of whether it was a success or a failure. With the year 2013 nearing, let's make resolutions to create a good start. Hopefully these targets will help us work toward your dreams for the New Year. 2013年的脚步越来越近。2012,无论是成功还是失败已成历史。表下新年决心吧,让我们为这些决心而奋斗。希望这些目标能帮我们在新的一年梦想成真!

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-30 17:06:31

    12.29 拓词30min

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-30 22:09:17

    12.30 听力4.5 (Think twice before u speak) <<friends>> 16th & 17 th .<<笔记女王的手帐活用术>> P23 <<the big bang theory>> 10 th ,11th 看了个专业文章:新加坡的一个高层,很棒! PS:tierra??? 拓词50 min 诗两首

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-31 15:49:18

    梦,是一个迷人的字眼,筑梦者,是一群充满了希望和力量的人。梦,被选为2012年中国的年度汉字。这一年,飞天梦、奥运梦、航母梦、诺奖梦,一一兑现。在中国圆梦的这一年,那些筑梦的人又有着怎样的故事? 【Notice】 明日晚报,"慢读"继续推出年度盘点系列策划,敬请关注。 盘点第三弹:大人物·大挑战今年6月,中国发射神舟九号飞船,首次与天宫一号实现载人对接。有着温暖笑容的刘洋,用女性特有的坚韧和细腻,与男航天员们一起完成了中国航天史上的创举。 [笑容] 一个笑容已经足够。当刘洋和另外两名神九航天员从返回舱中出来时,全国人民都为这笑容而欢欣鼓舞。神九成就了一系列创举,而刘洋的"升空"无疑最引人瞩目。作为中国首位女航天员,她承载了几代航天人的梦想。 The smiles said it all. When Liu Yang emerged from the return capsule with her 2 Shenzhou-9 crewmates, her grin was shared across the whole Chinese nation. The Shenzhou-9 mission posted a series of firsts. Liu Yang's presence in orbit obviously made headlines. As China's first female astronaut, she realized the dream of several generations of Chinese space men. [信心] 出征太空前,刘洋信心十足,她说,女性和男性各有优势,只要把两者结合起来,一定可以更好地完成飞行任务。事实上,女性耐受力更强,心理素质更加稳定,有更好的抵抗寂寞的能力。神九实现了我国首次载人空间手控交会对接,而33岁的刘洋主要负责医学空间实验。 "I have full confidence," Liu Yang said before the mission. "Men and women have their own advantages and capabilities. They can complement each other to better complete the mission." It is believed that female astronauts have better durability, psychological stability and ability to deal with loneliness. The 33-year-old was in charge of medical experiments during the mission, which also featured China's first attempt at a manual space docking procedure. [撑起半边天] 迄今为止,世界上已有7个国家逾50名女航天员进行过太空飞行。正如中国老话说的,女性能顶半边天,没有女性参与的载人航天是不完整的。我国女航天员参加航天飞行任务,不仅带动了女航天员相关飞行产品的研制和女航天员训练、选拔等方面的技术发展,还展示了中国女性的良好形象。现在,中国已决定于2013年6月上旬发射神舟十号飞船。神十或与神九一样,也安排两名男航天员和一名女航天员。 More than 50 female astronauts from 7 countries have served in space missions. Echoing a famous Chinese proverb, women hold up half the sky, and human space missions without women would be incomplete. Participation of Chinese female astronauts in space not only helps accelerate research and development of female astronaut-related products, training and selection, but also showcases Chinese women's positive image. Now China plans to launch another manned spacecraft, Shenzhou-10, in early June 2013. Like in the Shenzhou-9 mission, the crew might include 2 men and a woman.圆梦是一个艰辛的过程,它带来的不光是荣耀,还有磨砺。在伦敦奥运会上,当叶诗文鼓起勇气面对质疑,并用奇迹证明自己时,她获得的是梦想洗礼后的成长。 [质疑] 中国小将叶诗文发现自己正面对来自全世界的质疑。在伦敦奥运会上,她打破了两项奥运纪录和一项世界纪录,在400米混合泳的自由泳阶段,她甚至游出了比男子冠军罗切特更快的速度。在没有任何证据的情况下,她被暗指使用了兴奋剂。十六岁的小姑娘,已品尝到了成功的滋味,是甜中带苦。 Ye Shiwen found herself the target of global scrutiny at the London Olympics, when she set 2 Olympic records and a world record in medley swims with a freestyle split in the 400m race that was faster than men's champion Ryan Lochte. She was accused of using drugs, with no evidence. At the age of 16, Ye Shiwen already tasted the bittersweetness of success. [清白] 叶诗文所遭受的质疑反映的是许多西方人对中国根深蒂固的偏见。在上世纪90年代,有32名中国游泳运动员被检出使用兴奋剂,使得中国在这项运动中名誉扫地。但这一次叶诗文顶住了压力,用自己的成绩洗刷了西方的偏见。英国奥林匹克协会证实,"她通过了世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)的检查,她是清白的。叶诗文的才华值得我们认可。" The suspicions Ye faced reflected a deep-rooted global bias after China's reputation in the sport crumbled in the 1990s, when 32 of its swimmers tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs. But Ye Shiwen stood up to the pressure and broke the Western prejudice with her good performance. The British Olympic Association came to her defense: "She's been through WADA's program and she's clean. Ye Shiwen deserves recognition for her talent." [扬眉吐气] 这个夏天,载负近20年"旧伤"的中国游泳队终于扬眉吐气。中国军团在伦敦奥运会期间一共接受了272例兴奋剂检测,全部顺利过关,没有出现任何兴奋剂违规事件。叶诗文说,我的成绩来自于艰苦的训练。中国运动员们也一样,他们用奥运会场上的又一次胜利来证明自己,拼下了38金27银23铜,在金牌榜和奖牌榜稳居第2位。 This summer witnessed the rise of China's swimming team, who had borne trauma for nearly 20 years. The truth is team China went through 272 doping tests in the London Olympics and no single case of cheating was found. Ye Shiwen said: "My results come from hard work and training." So do the Chinese athletes, who proved themselves by creating another Olympic success, grabbing 38 gold, 27 silver and 23 bronze medals for the 2nd place in both the medal and gold tally. 11月24日,中国首艘航母"辽宁舰"成功起降歼-15舰载机,举国上下欢腾振奋,罗阳,这位领导研制歼-15舰载机的核心人物,却在大功告成后溘然长逝。关于航母事业,他还有许多未竟的梦,而歼-15是他最后一个圆满的梦。 [忘我] 罗阳人生最后的8天都在"辽宁舰"上度过。这8天中,他每天都坚持在现场记录飞机的情况,歼-15飞机起飞时的轰鸣声震耳欲聋,而他观看的地点离飞机的最近距离甚至不超过20米。歼-15总设计师孙聪回忆说:“首飞成功后,我们俩坐在一个舷梯口边上聊到深夜,一起探讨歼-15飞机下一步的具体发展计划……他从来不想自己的事,想的都是工作上的事情。" In the last 8 days of Luo Yang's life, he dedicated himself to the Liaoning carrier, observing tests for jet landings on China's first aircraft carrier every day. The roar of J-15 when it takes off could split one’s ear, yet Luo insisted on observing the test at a distance of less than 20 meters from the jet. "After the flight landing tests, we sat on the carrier's stairs and talked until nighttime about the development plan of the J-15," said Sun Cong, chief designer of the J-15. "He seldom thought about himself. His mind was occupied by work." [无憾] "试验成功了,所有任务都完成了。"那天,罗阳通过电话告诉了妻子王希利这一消息。而这却是这对夫妻间最后一次通话。短短几个小时后,罗阳心脏病突发,离开了这个世界。后来,王希利在殡仪馆对丈夫说:"我知道,这些天来,你太累了。"他的战友说,因为舰载机试验成功,去世时他表情安详。罗阳的心愿还远远没有完成,但走的一瞬间他没有遗憾。 "The test is successful! I've done my task!" Luo Yang called his wife Wang Xili to share the exciting news. The couple didn't know it would become their last conversation. Several hours later, Luo suffered a fatal heart attack. "I know how exhausted you have been these days," Wang whispered to her deceased husband at the funeral home. One colleague said, "He rested in peace. Although he had a lot more dreams to realize, there was no regret on his face, probably because of our big success." [梦在继续] 今年9月"辽宁舰"入列时,海外媒体预计中国舰载机成功应用至少需要1年半,没想到"罗阳们"只用了2个月就实现目标。这些年,中国航空事业的成就令世界刮目相看,这幕后的功臣是无数像罗阳一样的航空人。因为有梦,他们奋斗不止。 Some foreign media predicted that China would take at least 18 months to realize the success of the carrier-borne jet after the Liaoning began service in September. However, Luo Yang and his fellow engineers made the dream come true in only 2 months. In the past few years, the feats achieved in China's aviation industry have raised eyebrows, and the numerous heroes like Luo Yang are the ones to thank. Inspired by the same dream, they will continue to do wonders. 诺贝尔文学奖,中国人为之魂牵梦绕多少年,当它真正降临的那一刻,所有人都如堕梦中。莫言,那个成就美梦的人,却异常清醒。 [讲故事的人] "我是一个讲故事的人。因为讲故事我获得了诺贝尔文学奖。"莫言如是说。12月7日,他在瑞典学院发表文学演讲。无论荣耀如何炫目,他执着于心的是母亲的善良和无法抹去的乡愁。他在演讲中说,"我感到,我的母亲是大地的一部分,我站在大地上的诉说,就是对母亲的诉说。""今后的岁月里,我将继续讲我的故事。"这是莫言的承诺。 "I am a storyteller. Telling stories earned me the Nobel Prize for Literature," Mo Yan said during his Nobel lecture on Dec 7 at the Swedish Academy. The dazzling glory only makes him cling faster to his love for his kind-hearted mother and homeland in the countryside. "I feel that my mother is part of the land on which I am now standing. I am speaking on this land, and I feel I am talking to my mother," Mo said. "I will continue telling my stories in days to come." [心如巨石] "我心如巨石,风吹不动。"莫言如是说。有人说诺贝尔文学奖是"死亡之吻",作家得奖后难再出好作品。莫言说:"一旦获奖,作家就陷入繁琐的事物中去。我会尽量避免这种结局。"载誉归来,他回到了故乡高密,到母亲的坟前祭拜。莫言的大哥管谟贤说:"其实莫言就是个普通的人,普通的作家。获了奖以后,还是那个写小说换饭吃的人。" "My heart is like a giant rock that no wind can shake an inch," Mo said. The Nobel literature prize is a "kiss of death" for some writers, as many fail to continue producing excellent works after winning the prize. "After the Nobel win, a writer can easily slip into a life that is occupied by trivial matters," Mo said. He hopes to avoid such a fate. After winning the prize, Mo returned to his hometown in Gaomi and visited his mother's grave. "He is an ordinary person and an ordinary writer. Even after winning the prize, he remains a man who simply makes a living through writing," his brother Guan Moxian said. [诺奖之于中国文学] 莫言的成功使得中国当代文坛开始重新挖掘、思索和考量他们对于这位作家的理解。国内的学者赞其帮助提高了中国当代文学在世界的地位。莫言获奖以来,其作品骤然热销。也许这股热潮终有一天会冷却,但更多的人也会因此而开始阅读并享受阅读,这无疑是"莫言热"带来的正能量。 Mo Yan's success has prompted Chinese contemporary literary circles to rediscover, rethink and reconsider its understanding of the Nobel laureate. And he was hailed by scholars in China with comments that his success largely improves the global status of contemporary Chinese literature. The zeal for Mo Yan, shown by the fast selling of his books, since he was awarded the prize, may cool down one day, but it will certainly serve as a "positive energy" to prompt more people to read books and enjoy reading.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-31 15:53:01

    补上30号的 【Morning Buzz】 Mother, Why is the river laughing? Why, because the sun is ticking the river. Mother, Why is the river singing? Because the skylark praised the river's voice. Mother, Why is the river cold? It remembers being once loved by the snow. (Shuntaro Tanikawa, Japanese poet, b.1931) 妈妈,河流为什么在笑?因为太阳在逗他呀!妈妈,河流为什么在歌唱?因为云雀夸赞着它的浪声。妈妈,河水为什么冰凉?因为它想起了曾被雪爱恋的日子。(古川俊太郎,日本诗人,生于1931年,田原译) 早安,各位。 【Highlights】 >Air quality data to be issued 74城明年发布PM2.5数据 >Harsh rule on taxi trade 京'的哥'拒载可停岗3年 >17 dead in US winter storm 冬季风暴肆虐美中东部 >Boiling in Brazil 里约高温创近百年纪录 >DPRK promotes golf 金正恩'在美'宣传高球赛 >Talk Show:'Cold fish' 脱口秀:学用'冰冷的鱼' 【Notice】 今日晚报,"慢读"继续推出年度盘点系列策划,敬请关注。 盘点第三弹:大人物·大挑战 【Cover Story】 >India braces for news protests 印轮奸女生亡引发抗议 Hundreds of Indian university students and teachers took to the streets Saturday to express anger at the death of the 23-year-old medical student who was gang raped, Xinhua reported. The victim of the gang rape died early Saturday in a hospital in Singapore. Bracing for a new wave of protests, Indian authorities deployed thousands of policemen, closed 10 metro stations and banned vehicles from some main roads in downtown New Delhi. The gang rape case already saw a wave of large protests last week, ending in clashes between police and protesters. 据新华社报道,29日凌晨,印度轮奸案受害者——一名23岁医科大学女生在新加坡医院医治无效死亡。消息传出后,当天数百名印度大学学生和教师走向街头进行抗议。为防止此轮新的示威活动升级,印度警方调派数千警力,并封锁了10个地铁站和新德里市中心部分主要道路。上周,该轮奸案已引发了一轮大规模示威活动,并因此导致警察和示威者之间的冲突事件。 【Top News】 >Air quality data to be issued 74城明年发布PM2.5数据 The Chinese government will issue real-time air quality monitoring data in 74 cities starting Jan 1, 2013, the Ministry of Environmental Protection said, People's Daily Overseas Edition reported. Data on major pollutants in the air, namely sulfur dioxide (二氧化硫), nitrogen dioxide (二氧化氮), ozone (臭氧), carbon monoxide (一氧化碳) and particulate matter, will be released on an hourly basis. The data will also cover PM2.5 and PM10. 据《人民日报海外版》报道,环保部近日称,自明年1月1日起,政府将实时发布74个城市的空气质量监测数据。据悉,发布的空气质量信息包括二氧化硫、二氧化氮、臭氧、一氧化碳和细颗粒物等主要空气污染物每小时的监测数据及PM2.5和PM10的数据。 >Harsh rule on taxi trade 京'的哥'拒载可停岗3年 Beijing authorities issued the harshest-ever punitive measures against cabbies defying professional ethics, Beijing News reported. Taxi drivers will be suspended for 1-3 years if they refuse to take passengers or try to negotiate the fare. Taxi companies are banned from lowering employment standards and hiring drivers on the industry "blacklist", even if cabbies are in short supply. 据《新京报》报道,北京对出租车违规行为推出"史上最严"处罚措施,的哥若有拒载、议价等行为,将停岗1-3年。出租汽车企业不得因的哥供应减少而随意降低招录标准,不得录用列入行业"黑名单"者。 >17 dead in US winter storm 冬季风暴肆虐美中东部 Heavy snow and strong winds have battered the US northeast as a mighty winter storm carved a violent arc across several states, killing at least 17 people and snarling holiday travel, AP reported. More than 3,000 flights have been canceled since Christmas Day, as the storm wreaked havoc from the Gulf of Mexico to the Great Lakes before heading northeast. 据美联社报道,强冬季风暴近日席卷美国多州,使该国东北部地区遭大雪和强风肆虐。目前,恶劣天气已造成至少17人死亡,并给民众的假日出行造成不便。由于风暴自墨西哥湾经五大湖向东北部一路袭来,圣诞节以来,已有3000多架航班被取消。 【In Brief】 >Logistics companies transported goods worth RMB163.4 trillion in the first 11 months, an increase of 9.7% year-on-year, according to the National Development and Reform Commission. 国家发改委发布通报称,今年1-11月,社会物流总额为163.4万亿元,同比增长9.7%。 >Japan's idled nuclear reactors will gradually be restarted under the newly elected Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the Nikkei reported. 据《日本经济新闻》报道,安倍晋三政府上任后,日本停止运转的核反应堆将逐步重新启用。 >While a freezing winter is hitting regions across the Northern Hemisphere, the mercury in Brazil's Rio de Janeiro, located in the Southern Hemisphere, reached 43.2℃, a record high temperature since 1915. 据法新社报道,当北半球遭遇严冬时,位于南半球的巴西里约热内卢日前创下1915年以来最高气温纪录,达43.2摄氏度。 【Celebrity】 >DPRK promotes golf 金正恩'在美'宣传高球赛 Reports and videos about the DPRK Amateur Golf Open next year can be seen right now on a US professional golf website, JoongAng Daily reported. Kim Jong-un (see photo), the country's top leader, also is featured as an icon in the promotion video. The event was launched 2 years ago in Pyongyang and only 15 players from 8 countries joined it in May. 据韩国《中央日报》报道,朝鲜为筹办明年的高尔夫球业余公开赛,日前在美国一家职业高球网站上登载报道和宣传视频。朝最高领导人金正恩(见图)的形象也在宣传视频中出现。朝鲜从两年前开始在平壤举行高尔夫比赛,今年5月仅有来自8个国家的15名选手参赛。 【Language Tips】 'Acid test' ----------- 该习语源自美国加州淘金热时期。那时,人们通常用强酸来检验金属是否是金子,这种实验即acid test(酸性试验)。所以,短语acid test表示"决定性的考验"。 请看例句: The senator doesn't look too popular just now, but the acid test will be if he gets re-elected. 这位参议员目前还不是太受欢迎,但是否能获得连任将成为对他决定性的考验。 【Talk Show】 他是个冷漠的人。 >My new neighbor is a cold fish. I went to welcome her to the neighborhood, and she didn't even speak to me. 新搬来的邻居一点儿也不友好。我去欢迎她来这个小区,可她连话都不跟我说一句。 >Let's not invite Joe to the party: he's such a cold fish; he'll spoil it for everybody else. 别请乔伊来参加聚会。他这人太冷淡。他来了会使其他所有人都扫兴的。 >I'm not going to vote for that man for senator - he's too much of a cold fish. 我才不选那人当参议员呢。他太冷漠了。 >She hardly ever speaks to anyone. She's a cold fish. 她几乎不和任何人说话,是个冷漠的人。 注释:Cold fish(直译为"冰冷的鱼")表示"冷冰冰的人,不太与人来往的人"。 【Weekly Topic】 The year 2012 will soon become the past, regardless of whether it was a success or failure. With the year 2013 approaching, let's make resolutions to create a good start. Hopefully these targets will help us work toward our dreams for the New Year. 2013年的脚步越来越近。2012,无论是成功还是失败已成历史。表下新年决心吧,让我们为这些决心而奋斗。希望这些目标能帮我们在新的一年梦想成真!

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-31 15:59:19

    31号早报 【Morning Buzz】 Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. (Dr. Seuss, American writer and cartoonist, 1904-1991) 与其为已经结束而哭泣,不如为曾经拥有而微笑。(苏斯博士,美国作家、漫画家,1904-1991) 早安,各位。 【Markets】 Dow Jones 12,938.11 -158.20 -1.21% Nasdaq 2,960.31 -25.60 -0.86% 【Highlights】 >China to seal minors' records 未成年犯罪记录将封存 >Regions raise minimum wage 23省今年上调最低工资 >French court rejects rich tax 法宪委会推翻'富人税' >Tablets popular in DPRK 朝鲜自有平板品牌热卖 >Oldest darts player at 92 全球最年长掷镖手(图) >Humorous birthday blessings 脱口秀:幽默生日祝福 【Notice】 今日晚报,"慢读"将继续推出年度盘点系列策划,敬请关注。 31日盘点第四弹:小人物·大情怀 【Cover Story】 >Liquor price dips over ban 禁酒令致白酒遭遇寒流 The high-end liquor industry in China is suffering a dismal holiday season, Oriental Morning Post reported Sunday. The nation's liquor ban has caused a round of sales promotions among high-end liquor dealers recently. The price of high-end liquor, which used to rise before holidays, has decreased. The anemic sales during the season reflect a more rational consumer demand for liquor, said Tie Li, a liquor expert. As the plasticizer scandal undermines consumer confidence, liquor sales may be even weaker during Spring Festival. A liquor dealer in Sichuan said sales have dropped 60% since early December. 据《东方早报》30日报道,临近节庆消费旺季,高档白酒遭遇"寒流"。近日,"禁酒令"让逢节必涨的高价白酒陷入促销战,价格出现松动。白酒专家铁犁认为,旺季不旺,折射出酒市消费需求趋于理性。由于塑化剂问题影响消费信心,不排除春节期间行情遭遇更大压力。四川一位经销商表示,12月初至今,销量同比下滑了60%。 【Top News】 >China to seal minors' records 未成年犯罪记录将封存 China's amended Criminal Procedure Law will take effect on Jan 1, 2013. The amended law includes articles on sealing juvenile criminal records to ensure the smooth return and reintegration into society of youthful offenders, xinhuanet.com reported. Under the amended law, juveniles given a punishment lighter than a 5-year sentence for an offense committed when they are under 18 will have their records sealed. The sealed records shall not be open to any organization or individual, except when necessary for case investigation by judicial organs or upon inquiries raised in accordance with due regulations. The inquirers shall keep the information confidential. 据新华网报道,修改后的刑事诉讼法将于明年1月1日实施。为有利于未成年犯更好地回归社会,修改后的刑诉法设置了犯罪记录封存制度。法律规定,犯罪的时候不满18周岁,被判处5年有期徒刑以下刑罚的,应当对相关犯罪记录予以封存。犯罪记录被封存的,不得向任何单位和个人提供,但司法机关为办案需要或者有关单位根据国家规定进行查询的除外。依法进行查询的单位,应当对被封存的犯罪记录的情况予以保密。 >Regions raise minimum wage 23省今年上调最低工资 23 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions – including Beijing, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Shaanxi and Shandong – raised their minimum wage benchmarks in 2012, according to data released by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Guangming Daily reported Sunday. Beijing and Shaanxi will adjust up their minimum wage standards again on Jan 1, 2013. The minimum monthly salaries in Beijing and Shaanxi will rise, respectively, from RMB1,260 to RMB1,400 and RMB1,000 to RMB1,150. 据《光明日报》30日报道,人社部近日公布的数据显示,2012年,已有北京、四川、江西、陕西、山东等23个省市自治区陆续上调最低工资标准。已上调过的北京和陕西将于2013年1月1日再次上调该标准。上调后,北京最低工资标准由目前的每月1260元调整为1400元,陕西由1000元/月上调至1150元/月。>French court rejects rich tax 法宪委会推翻'富人税' France's Constitutional Council Saturday rejected a 75% upper income tax rate to be introduced in 2013 in a setback to Socialist Party President Francois Hollande's push to make the rich contribute more to cutting the public deficit, Reuters reported. The council ruled that the planned 75% tax on annual income above EUR1m was unfair in the way it would be applied to different households. Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said the government would redraft the upper tax rate proposal to answer the council's concerns and resubmit it in a new budget law. 据路透社报道,法国宪法委员会29日驳回了本应于明年推行、对高收入人群征收75%税率的议案,重挫了社会党总统奥朗德推行富人多交税从而削减公共赤字的努力。该委员会裁定,由于这项议案将施用于不同家庭却不能一视同仁,因此对年收入超过100万欧元的人征收75%税率的做法并不公平。对此,该国首相让-马克·埃罗表示,政府将重新起草对高收入部分征税的议案以回应宪法委员会的疑虑,并在新的预算法中重新提交这一议案。 >Tablets popular in DPRK 朝鲜自有平板品牌热卖 A growing number of citizens from the DPRK are using self-owned tablet computers for study purposes, Kyodo News reported Saturday. Three models of tablet computers – Samjiyon, Achim and Arirang – are currently on sale in the DPRK, with prices ranging between $100 and $300. These computers are far too expensive for most people in the country, but they appear to sell at a brisk pace in Pyongyang. The iPad-lookalike tablet computer features more than 20 icons on its screen. The gadget can load software, but it cannot access the Internet. 据共同社29日报道,近日,越来越多的朝鲜民众用该国自主品牌平板作学习用途。目前朝鲜在售平板电脑共3种机型——三池渊、清晨和阿里郎,售价在100-300美元之间。虽然这些电脑价位对多数民众来说难以承受,但在平壤却似乎卖得不错。这些平板电脑样式与苹果iPad非常相似,屏幕上有20多个图标,可以安装软件,但不能上网。 【In Brief】 >Japan's Coast Guard has detained a Chinese fishing boat for alleged unauthorized fishing inside the country's exclusive economic zone, the Chinese Consulate General in Fukuoka confirmed Sunday, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,中国驻福冈总领事馆30日证实,一艘中国渔船因被指在日本专属经济水域内违规作业,遭日本海岸警卫队扣押。 >The Obama administration set a record for the number of people it deported in 2012. The total reached 409,849, USA Today reported. 据《今日美国》报道,2012年,美国奥巴马政府共驱逐了409849人,创新高。 【Newsmaker】 >Oldest darts player at 92 全球最年长掷镖手(图) A great-grandma has been crowned the world's oldest darts player by Guinness World Records at the age of 92, The Sun reported. Candy Miller (see photo), who has been throwing arrows for 52 years, has even hit the maximum score of 180 two times. In her glory days she played every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for various teams. She now ambles to the oche (飞镖起投线) with the aid of a walking stick, but still regularly beats players half her age. 据英国《太阳报》报道,英国92岁高龄的老太坎迪·米勒(见图)近日获封吉尼斯世界纪录最年长的掷镖手。在52年投掷飞镖的生涯中,她曾两度打出180分的满分成绩。在掷镖的辉煌岁月中,坎迪每周二、四、五3天都会为不同队伍出赛效力。如今,耄耋之年的坎迪虽走到飞镖起投线都要拄拐杖,却仍常常打败年龄仅她一半的年轻掷镖手。 【Talk Show】 送上幽默的生日祝福 >Birthdays are filled with yesterday's memories, today's joys and tomorrow's dreams. 生日里充满着昔日的记忆,今日的快乐,还有明天的憧憬。 >Not just a year older, but a year better. 不仅年龄长一岁,生活也要更美好。 >How do you expect me to remember your birthday, when you never look any older? 你看起来还是那么年轻,这叫我怎么记得住你又过生日了呢? (本期英文内容由美籍编辑Michael Thai润色。)

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-31 17:16:59

    12.31 手帐 P32

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-31 17:20:20

    一周拓词5h-,第一名 是22+,是我的四倍还不止 努力加倍,收获也就加倍 记住:越努力,越幸运

  • Candice

    Candice 2012-12-31 22:20:49


  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-31 22:26:54

    12.31 拓词一小时 专业文章一篇 ----2012 ASLA住宅设计奖 TROP公司??? 诗 两首

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-31 22:30:25

    2012即将落幕,当各种喧嚣扰攘尘埃落定,有一些人、一些事,如寒夜里划亮的火柴,虽然渺小,却迸发出耀眼的光热,为我们的心灵带来温暖与憧憬。本期特刊让我们一同回顾2012年那些令人感动的美丽瞬间, 并带着这份温暖与美好,迎接新的一年! 【敬业】 "大客车刹车拖印是笔直的,一个肝脏被突然刺破的司机,要用怎样的意志力才能做到这一点啊……" ——无锡交警5月29日,杭州司机吴斌开着大客车在高速公路上行驶,一块铁片突如其来地砸碎挡风玻璃,刺入其腹部。在他生命的最后76秒中,他强忍剧痛缓缓减速、停车,拉好手刹,开启双闪灯、打开车门,疏散车上24名乘客。 A flying piece of metal smashed through a bus windshield striking Wu Bin, a driver from Hangzhou, while he was driving along a highway on May 29. The metal piece penetrated his stomach. In the last 76 seconds of his life, though suffering unbearable pain, Wu managed to slow down and stop the vehicle, pull the handbrake, switch on the alarm light and open the door to safely evacuate 24 passengers.

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-31 22:31:10

    【诚信】 "真没把这当回事,就觉得别人丢了身份证和银行卡,肯定着急,要赶紧还给人家"。 ——乞丐周元武12月11日,山东青岛气温降至零下7摄氏度,83岁老人周元武一边在街边乞讨,一边举着一块失物招领牌,上面写着:"失物招领:薄艳利(丽)女士,你的证卡。联系电话:155********。" On Dec 11, Zhou Yuanwu, an 83-year-old man, begged along street while carrying a plate in his hand in Qingdao, Shandong, where the temperature had dropped to -7℃. The plate read:"Lost and found: Ms Bo Yanli, I found your ID and credit cards, please call 155********."

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-31 22:31:39

    【责任】 "那几个孩子没事吧!" ——昏迷多日后,张丽莉醒来后说的第一句话5月8日,黑龙江省佳木斯市第十九中学教师张丽莉和学生们走出校门,正准备回家,突然,一辆失控的客车向学生们冲将过来。危急时刻,张丽莉奋力一扑,将惊慌失措的学生推开,而自己却被车轮碾压而过,失去双腿。 Zhang Lili, a teacher at No 19 Middle School in Jiamusi, Heilongjiang, was walking her students home after school on May 8 when a bus suddenly lost control and crashed into them at the school gate. Zhang dashed forward and safely pushed away petrified students, but she herself was run down and lost both her legs.

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-31 22:31:54

    【孝心】 "爸爸自己在家肯定不行,把他带在身边,给他做饭,帮他康复,这样我就放心了。" ——孝子张刚母亲患病离世、父亲突发脑梗塞……家庭接连的变故并没将山东科技大学大四生张刚击倒。10月底,他毅然把瘫痪的父亲接到自己身边,边备战考研,边照顾父亲。 Zhang Gang, a senior at Shandong University of Science and Technology, was not defeated by his mother's death due to illness and his father's sudden paralysis by cerebral infarction. At the end of October, Zhang brought his father to school to look after him personally while preparing for the national post-graduate entrance examination.

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-31 22:32:42

    【相守】 在这个浮躁的年代里,他们留给我们的是再次相信爱情的勇气。 ——广大网友10月30日,重庆"爱情天梯"女主人公、87岁的徐朝清在家中辞世。而她的老伴刘国江已于2008年去世。56年前,农民刘国江与大他10岁的寡妇徐朝清相恋,两人"私奔"到深山中。为让妻子安全出行,刘国江用50年时间,在悬崖峭壁上凿出6000多级"爱情天梯"。 Xu Chaoqing, the heroine of the "Ladder of Love" story in Chongqing, passed away at the age of 87 on Oct 30 in her home. Her husband died in 2008. 56 years ago, farmer Liu Guojiang fell in love with the widowed Xu, who was 10 years his elder. The couple eloped together and settled down on a remote mountain. In order to make it easier for Xu to go out, Liu spent 50 years hand-carving more than 6,000 steps along the cliff.

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-31 22:32:59

    【奉献】 "这是我们的本分与良心!" ——在听到致谢、面对酬金时,农民工们如是说7月21日,北京暴雨狂澜,京港澳高速南岗洼路段一片汪洋,数十辆汽车淹没水中,上百名司机和乘客被困路上。附近一家工厂的154名农民工赶到现场,拧起一根大绳,跨过6车道宽的高速公路,在空中搭起"生命救援线",成功救出182人。他们腾出宿舍让被困人员休息,还送上了干净的衣物、食物和水。 The Nangangwa section of the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway in Beijing became flooded during a torrential downpour on July 21, stranding hundreds of drivers and submerging tens of cars in water. 154 migrant workers at a nearby plant rushed to the site and built a thick rope lifeline in the air across 6 lanes of highway, using it to successfully rescue 182 trapped people. The migrant workers also gave out their own clothes, food and water to people rescued and made room in their dorms for them to rest.

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-31 22:33:12

    【结语】 在推动社会前进的路上,我们需要有批判的精神,更需要有同情、宽容和爱的能力,这正是选择本期"慢读"为年度收官之作的理由,期待我们每一个人都能怀揣着爱继续前行。 2012年4月至今,"慢读Weekend"一路走来深孚众望,紧抓时事动向,努力呈现新闻背后的故事。其间,来自读者朋友的积极反馈更令我们倍感鼓舞

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-01 09:53:59


  • momo

    momo 2013-01-01 10:35:35

    派从小在印度长大,是个充满无限好奇心和想象力的男孩。突然有一天父母告诉他,因为当地紧张的政 派从小在印度长大,是个充满无限好奇心和想象力的男孩。突然有一天父母告诉他,因为当地紧张的政治和宗教局势,全家打算迁往加拿大谋生。派被迫背井离乡。 Pi grows up in India. He is a boy of boundless curiosity and imagination. One day, though, he is uprooted as his family decides to move to Canada to escape political and religious tensions and to find better opportunities. 连同父亲拥有的动物园的所有动物们,他们搭上了一艘货轮。船在海上被风暴击沉,只有派一人幸存。他与另外4只动物——土狼、斑马、猩猩和孟加拉虎——同在一艘救生艇上。经过多天的磨难,最终只有派与名为理查德·帕克的老虎战胜伤痛和饥饿,活了下来。 They book a passage on a freighter and take along the zoo animals his father owns. At sea, a storm scuttles the ship, and Pi finds himself in a lifeboat with a hyena, a zebra, an orangutan and a Bengal tiger. Many days of hardship pass. Those who manage to survive battle injuries and hunger until just Pi and the tiger, named Richard Parker, remain. 派试图驯服老虎帕克,只求对方不要吃了自己。渐渐地,人与虎达成了某种&quot;默契&quot;。在强大的自然面前,他们&quot;携手&quot;互助求生。 Pi attempts to build a relationship with Richard Parker that won't include the animal eating him for lunch. Over time, the human and the carnivore come to an understanding. They forge a bond as they help each other survive against the forces of nature. ... 五爸

    开始的地方我都看过 后来放假了就没有看。。。 英语老师说真的有人订着一个月都不会看 我现在已经是忽略他的状态了啊!!!

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-01 10:52:11

    开帖一个多月了,总结一下吧 开帖至12月底总结(共36天):英语90.5h,手绘6h,读书10.5h,专业知识11.5h,诗词6h.共124.5h. 其中回家半个月,耽误不少功夫.其他时间,英语基本完成了,专业知识完成量太少,1月要增加,每天2-3小时吧,暂定.手绘更是不堪入目.与原定计划差了不止一半,几乎没有完成,想当年在学校时,一天就画三四个小时呢.当初的努力劲呢???哪去了?读书的任务虽然每天都有完成,但是现在 看来,其实看完一本书也只要十来个小时,如果一天看一小时,一个月岂不是可以看完三本?why not ?另一月新增一项:SU.每天半小时起.其他保持原样.

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-01 10:54:04

    开始的地方我都看过 后来放假了就没有看。。。 英语老师说真的有人订着一个月都不会看 我现在已 开始的地方我都看过 后来放假了就没有看。。。 英语老师说真的有人订着一个月都不会看 我现在已经是忽略他的状态了啊!!! ... momo

    MM仍是学生?高中还是大学? 学生时代真是无忧无虑~好好享受吧

  • momo

    momo 2013-01-01 11:22:28

    MM仍是学生?高中还是大学? 学生时代真是无忧无虑~好好享受吧 MM仍是学生?高中还是大学? 学生时代真是无忧无虑~好好享受吧 Ging

    高中生 明明就很心烦啊 拖延症的严重患者 自控力缺失啊。。。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-01 15:52:13

    高中生 明明就很心烦啊 拖延症的严重患者 自控力缺失啊。。。 高中生 明明就很心烦啊 拖延症的严重患者 自控力缺失啊。。。 momo

    高中是比较辛苦的,可是上了大学就好了呀~O(∩_∩)O~ 我现在 常常想不通高中怎么可以熬过来的,嘿嘿

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