
  • 黄西

    黄西 2013-01-01 16:55:59


  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-01 17:10:18

    〓<<不花钱>>系列丛书.找个时间找来看看,有没有 可读性

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-01 22:41:24

    13.1.1 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 √ (虽然晚了十几分钟,也算是完成吧,O(∩_∩)O) 2.每天一种水果 √ 3.多喝水 1000ML √ 4.22点前脸部护理 √ 5.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 6.澡后抹润肤乳 X 7.最晚24点上床 √ 【 学习 】 1.10点听力 √ 2.China Daily 早报 X 3.美剧两集 √ (friends 18th,the big bang theory 12th&13th) 4.线稿一张 X 5.China Daily 晚报 X 6. Englishpod 跟读30min X 7.<<笔记女王的手帐活用术>> √ P42 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 √ (拓词 30min) 9.每天看一篇专业文章 √ 10.每天看半小时专业相关的网站(美讯/菲尔设计/SUBAR) X 今日总结: 英文 3h: 即使是美剧这样日常用语中仍有许多不认识的生词,所以词汇量要加强!!! 拓词的复习规律MS渐渐浮出水面,有时即使不认识的单词也可以猜出选项,甚至能猜出下一个要出现的单词是什么,有些没趣.或者换成扇贝or 沪江? 专业 1h-:●新知识点---学院风格.所谓学院风格,即在建筑上设置钟楼、回廊、拱券;在色彩上是大量运用赭红色外饰面,白色勾缝;在场地内则布置成片树林和宽阔草坪。SU的组件选择,色彩搭配,角度的选取,场景的表达都有学习的点.自己画图时,注意参考★★★

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-02 15:46:38

    2013新的一年的开始 2013-01-01早报 【Morning Buzz】 Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties. (Helen Keller, American author, 1880-1968) 你的成功和快乐关键在于自己。保持快乐的心态吧。你的快乐和你自己将成为面对困难时战无不胜的利器。(海伦·凯勒,美国作家,1880-1968) 早安,各位。 【Markets】 Dow Jones 13,104.14 +166.03 +1.28% Nasdaq 3,019.51 +59.20 +2.00% 【Highlights】 >2012 shares at 6-month high 沪深两市年末'红盘收官' >Hollywood tops China market 海外电影票房首超国产 >Trying not buying e-shoppers 网购催生商场'抄码族' >Hillary Clinton in hospital 希拉里因血栓住院治疗 >Japanese fork talks to you 日发明'会说话餐叉'(图) >Tips: 'Off the beaten track' 点津:'另辟蹊径'怎么说? ChinaDaily手机报编辑Brian这样许下他的新年愿景: I always resolve - and usually succeed - in putting happiness before money, so this will definitely be on my agenda for 2013. 我总是下定决心,以幸福为重,金钱为轻——通常我也都做到了。2013年,我一定会把这一点坚持下去。 I will also try to master the foxtrot, the tango and one or two other ballroom dances in which my feet tend to take great delight in trying to outwit me. 我要试着掌握狐步舞、探戈,还有一两种别的社交舞……尽管每次跳舞,我的脚说什么也不听大脑使唤。 And finally I will attempt to keep my sense of humor, laugh at life's downs and enjoy life's ups and continue to be grateful for all the good things that happen to me! 最后,我将继续保持幽默感,笑对人生的酸甜苦辣,对所有发生在自己身上的美好事情,抱有一颗感恩的心! >>> [2013年,你的期待是什么呢?] The China Daily Mobile News team would like to wish all its readers the very best for a prosperous and happy New Year. ChinaDaily手机报团队,祝所有读者新年快乐,万事顺意! 【Top News】 >2012 shares at 6-month high 沪深两市年末'红盘收官' Mainland shares closed at their highest levels in 6 months Monday, as strength in insurers and brokerages helped benchmark indexes post their first annual gain in 3 years, Xinhua and Reuters reported. The CSI300 of the top Shanghai and Shenzhen listings closed up 1.7% on the day at 2,523 points, reclaiming the 2,500 points mark. The Shanghai Composite Index climbed 1.6% to reach 2,269 points. The indexes rose 7.6% and 3.2%, respectively, in 2012 after diving more than 20% in 2011. 综合新华社和路透社报道,12月31日,沪深股市在保险券商等权重板块的拉动下双双红盘收官,创6个月以来新高,终结了此前的年线"两连阴"。当日,沪深300指数收复2500点整数位,报收2523点,涨幅1.7%;全年涨幅7.6%。上证综指报收2269点,涨幅1.6%;全年涨幅3.2%。这意味着2012年A股终于终结了2011年全年下跌逾20%的大"熊"市。 >Hollywood tops China market 海外电影票房首超国产 China's 2012 box office was dominated by foreign films for the first time in 4 years as a deal cemented in February saw more Hollywood films screened on the mainland, squeezing out domestic competition, Reuters reported. China's box office receipts are expected to reach RMB16.8b in 2012 and RMB8b are from domestic films, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television estimated. It is the first time in 4 years that domestic film receipts totaled less than 50% of the market. However, the best-selling film in 2012 is a low-budget, domestically-produced comedy called "Lost in Thailand". 据路透社报道,2012年的中国电影票房4年来首次为外国电影所主导。原因是2月中美达成协议提高引进好莱坞电影的数量,导致国产电影的竞争力受到挤压。广电总局预计,2012年国内电影票房总收入可达168亿元,其中国产电影票房80亿元,这是国产电影市场份额4年来首次低于50%。不过,2012年最卖座的电影是低成本制作的国产喜剧电影《人再囧途之泰囧》。 >Trying not buying e-shoppers 网购催生商场"抄码族" In recent years, an increasing number of shoppers are trying designer items in-store and then writing down the article number of the product only to buy them online at a lower price later, Chengdu Economic Daily reported. This is partly because online shopping is becoming more convenient while clothes sold in department stores are getting more expensive. However, the trying-not-buying syndrome is not just limited to clothing. Household appliances, cosmetics, construction materials and digital products have also become targets of these online shoppers. 据《成都商报》报道,近年来,商场服饰越卖越贵,网购却越来越方便、实惠,催生了"抄码族"。大量的网购人群开始到商场试穿款式、然后把货号抄下回家网购。据悉,"只试不买"还不仅仅局限在服装类,甚至家电、化妆品、建材、数码产品等也成为网购一族试用的目标。 【In Brief】 >A total of 194,400 people in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region have been affected by continuous snow fall this winter, causing a direct economic loss of up to RMB194m, people.com.cn reported Monday. 据人民网12月31日报道,自入冬以来,持续性的大雪天气共造成新疆19.44万人受灾,直接经济损失达1.94亿元。 >Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has suffered "new complications" after a cancer operation in Cuba, his vice-president has said, the BBC reported. In a televised address from Cuba, Nicolas Maduro said Chavez continued to be in a "delicate state". 据英国广播公司报道,委内瑞拉副总统马杜罗在古巴发表电视讲话,证实总统查韦斯在该国接受癌症手术后患上了"新的并发症",健康状况"堪忧"。 >The Opec oil cartel will have pocketed a record of more than $1 trillion in net oil revenues in 2012, the Financial Times reported. 据英国《金融时报》报道,2012年石油输出国组织欧佩克成员国石油出口净收入将达到1万多亿美元的创纪录水平。 【Newsmaker】 >Hillary Clinton in hospital 希拉里因血栓住院治疗 US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been admitted to hospital in New York with a blood clot, US media reported. Clinton suffered a concussion (脑震荡) earlier in December after fainting and falling down. At the time, she was reported to have had a stomach virus and to have passed out after becoming dehydrated. Clinton, 65, is due to stand down as secretary of state before US President Barack Obama officially begins his 2nd term in January. 据美媒报道,美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿因体内出现血块在纽约入院治疗。12月初,希拉里晕厥跌倒造成脑震荡。有报道称,她因感染了肠胃病毒而脱水晕厥。65岁的希拉里将在本月美国总统奥巴马正式开始第二任期前,卸任国务卿一职。 【Kaleidoscope】 >Japanese fork talks to you 日发明'会说话餐叉'(图) A new invention from Japan is certain to inject a bit of interest in to your lunch - the talking fork, the Daily Mail of London reported. Containing a micro controller, a speaker, an amplifier and a battery within its handle, the fork generates any one of a variety of sounds depending on the type of food being eaten. The noise it produces as one eats a chicken nugget sounds remarkably similar to a chicken clucking; and a piece of tempura produces "Garigori". The fork can even distinguish between different types of eating. When you lick ice-cream off it, it produces a rather high pitched "pakupaku".(See photo) 据英国《每日邮报》报道,日本发明了一种"会说话"的餐叉,可以为单调的用餐过程增添乐趣。这种叉子的把手里有一个微型控制器、一个扬声器,一个扩音器和一块电池。它会根据人们从叉子咬下食物的种类而发出不同声响。例如,使用者若是在吃炸鸡块,叉子就会发出"咯咯"的鸡叫声。如果吃的是天妇罗,叉子会说:"酥脆!"这把有趣的叉子还会分辨不同的吃法,例如使用者在慢慢地舔雪糕,叉子会尖声请他:"大口大口吃!"(见图) 【Language Tips】 'Off the beaten track' ---------- The beaten track指的是大家都走的路。世界上本没有路,走的人多了,便也成了路,也就有了the beaten track这一说法。同时,它还有一层引申含义就是"常规,惯例"。而"off the beaten track"则取其相反的意思,也就是"鲜有人涉足地,不落俗套地"。 请看例句: Travelling off the beaten track is a passion of mine – it takes me a long way away from my day job working in London. 我有一种激情,喜欢另辟蹊径去旅行——这样可以让我把在伦敦的工作远远抛开。 【Talk Show】 送上幽默的生日祝福 >This wish is late so that you can celebrate your birthday longer. 为了让你多庆祝一会儿生日,所以我晚点才送上祝福。 >Happy birthday to a person who is smart, good looking, and funny and reminds me a lot of myself. 祝和我一样聪明漂亮又幽默的家伙生日快乐,你总让我想到自己的这些特质。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-02 15:48:51


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-02 16:01:34

    2013-01-02早报 【Morning Buzz】 Success often depends upon knowing how long it will take to succeed. (Charles Montesquieu, French political thinker, 1689-1755) 成功常常取决于知道需要多久才能成功。(孟德斯鸠,法国政治思想家,1689-1755) 早安,各位。 【Highlights】 >New website and app launched 外交部推出移动客户端 >Wiki's most searched items 维基各国热词榜单出炉 >Olympic heroes top honours 年度授勋奥运健儿得宠 >Google eats Apple's insides 谷歌'蠕虫战略'蚕食苹果 >Kate is new Superdrug Icon 英王妃蝉联美人榜榜首 >Spider-Man killed off '蜘蛛侠'英雄生涯落幕 >'By the skin of your teeth' 点津:何谓'牙齿的皮肤' 【Cover Story】 >High-speed rail booms travel 高铁带动节日客流增长 The New Year holiday travel rush began on Dec 31, 2012. Newly-opened high-speed rail links have strongly boosted passenger traffic growth, emerging as a bright spot, xinhuanet.com reported. These high-speed rail links are very popular with passengers for their convenience and comfort. On Dec 29, Harbin-Dalian high-speed railway transported a record of 92,000 passengers in a single day, and the Beijing-Guangzhou line transported 245,000 passengers, the highest number since it started operations. 据新华网报道,元旦小长假旅客运输于2012年12月31日启动,新开通高铁线路成运输亮点,带动节日客流大幅增长。高速铁路相继开通,为旅客出行提供了更为便捷、舒适的出行方式,受到沿途旅客热捧。其中2012年12月29日,哈大高铁发送旅客9.2万人,创单日新高;京广高铁当日发送旅客24.5万人,也为开通运营以来最高峰。 【Top News】 >Wiki's most searched items 维基2012热词榜单出炉 A study of 2012's most read Wikipedia articles reveals striking differences in what proved popular across the different language versions of the online encyclopedia, the BBC reported. Facebook topped the English edition of Wikipedia's most searched articles while Hua Shan - a Chinese mountain featuring "the world's deadliest hiking trail" - topped the Dutch list. The Chinese version was led by Baidu, the country's search engine giant, followed by Favicon and Wiki. 据英国广播公司报道,近日一项针对2012年维基百科最热词条的研究显示,语种版本不同其在维基百科上最热的词条也天差地别。Facebook荣登维基百科英语版最热搜索词条榜榜首,而中国华山因被视为"全球最险峻的徒步旅行路线"高居荷兰语榜榜首。国内搜索引擎巨头百度冠居中文版最热搜索词条之首,Favicon和Wiki分列2、3位。 >Olympic heroes top honours 年度授勋奥运健儿得宠 London 2012 medalists dominated Britain's New Year's Honours list this year, the BBC reported. A government spokesman said an unprecedented number of sportspeople had received honors in 2012. Of the 123 awards, 78 were related to the 2012 Olympics or Paralympics. Bradley Wiggins, who won the Tour de France and an Olympic gold, has been knighted; as has Stella McCartney, the designer of the British team's official Olympic kit. 据英国广播公司报道,2012年伦敦奥运会上的奖牌得主近日成了今年英国新年荣誉榜中的主角。该国政府发言人表示,今年授勋的体育界人士人数创历年之最。在123名受封对象中,78人都参与了2012年奥运会或残奥会。据悉,除了环法自行车赛和奥运会双料冠军布拉德利·维金斯受封爵位,设计英国奥运代表团服装的斯代拉·麦卡特尼也同样获此殊荣。>Google eats Apple's insides 谷歌'蠕虫战略'蚕食苹果 After years of hammering away at Apple's share of the smartphone market with cheap-to-free Android phones, Google has lately adopted a new tactic to win the mobiles war, Business Insider reported. The report calls it "the worm strategy" - because Google is attacking Apple from the inside out. Over the past 6 months, Google has begun to systematically replace core, Apple-made iOS apps with Google-made iOS apps, and Google's tactic is working. AppData, which monitors iTunes App Store rankings, reports that the No 1 and No 2 free iPhone apps right now are YouTube and Google Maps. 据《商业内幕》报道,谷歌多年来一直借助廉价安卓手机,与苹果争夺智能手机市场份额。但近来谷歌开始采取全新的战略夺取移动市场。报道将其称为"蠕虫战略",因为谷歌正从内部打击苹果。过去6个月间,谷歌开始系统性地推出各种谷歌版iOS应用,取代苹果官方的核心iOS应用,而其策略也确奏效。监控iTunes应用商店程序排名的AppData公司称,如今下载量排前两位的免费iPhone应用为YouTube和谷歌地图。 【In Brief】 >The Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched a new official website and a mobile app for Apple and Android smartphones and tablets. 外交部日前推出新版官方网站,并推出适用于苹果和安卓系统手机和平板电脑的移动客户端。 >China's 1st generation of resident ID cards expired on Jan 1, 2013, xinhuanet.com reported. Passengers who have not updated their cards need to obtain temporary IDs from the accreditation center when purchasing train tickets, the Ministry of Railways warns. 据新华网报道,跨入新年,第一代居民身份证停止使用。铁路部门提示,持第一代身份证的旅客将无法购买火车票,需到制证处开具临时身份证明方可购票。 【Newsmaker】 >Kate is new Superdrug Icon 英王妃蝉联美人榜榜首 The Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton has been voted Beauty Icon of the Year by the Superdrug pharmacy chain, after she garnered over 27% of the votes winning the title for the 2nd time in a row. It is said that she has a sophisticated and graceful sense of style which is appreciated worldwide. Moreover, Princess Kate's nose is one of the features most in demand by plastic surgery patients in the UK, the Mirror reported. 据英国《镜报》报道,英国药妆连锁店"Superdrug"近日公布了年度美人榜,剑桥公爵夫人凯特·米德尔顿以超过27%的得票率蝉联该榜榜首。据悉,她以优雅成熟的风格在全球深得民心。此外,凯特王妃的鼻子极受青睐,许多整容的患者都想隆出她那样的鼻子。 【Kaleidoscope】 >Spider-Man killed off '蜘蛛侠'英雄生涯落幕 In the 700th and final issue of the US comic book series "Amazing Spider-Man" the leading character Peter Parker, the alter ego of Spider-Man, is killed off in a battle with his nemesis Otto Octavius (see photo), UK media reported. The move has caused controversy among fans who think it tough to kill off Parker for he has meant a lot to them for over half a century. The demise (死亡) of Parker and "Amazing Spider-Man" will see the start of a new series called "The Superior Spider-Man". 据英国媒体报道,在美国漫画系列《超凡蜘蛛侠》最终卷——第700卷中,蜘蛛侠本尊、主人公彼得·帕克在与宿敌奥托·奥克塔维斯的战斗中被杀(见图)。这一编排在粉丝中引起了争议,他们认为让帕克被杀是件残忍的事,因为存在了半个多世纪的帕克对他们来说意义非凡。据称,随着帕克的死和《超凡蜘蛛侠》的终结,新系列《究极蜘蛛侠》将问世。 【Language Tips】 'By the skin of your teeth' ---------- 电影中我们经常看到主人公在炸弹即将爆炸的一瞬间得以脱险,英文中我们用by the skin of your teeth来形容这样的死里逃生。By the skin of your teeth出自《圣经》中的《约伯记》。说来也奇怪,牙齿表面是没有皮肤的,为什么说是"牙齿的皮肤"呢?这里的"皮肤"其实是指牙齿的牙釉质,比喻逃生/成功的概率只有牙釉质那样薄薄的一层,因此就用这个词组来表示"险些错过;几乎失败;九死一生"等意思。 请看例句: The boy escaped from the fire by the skin of his teeth. 男孩从火灾中死里逃生。 【Talk Show】 我叫不紧张 >Maurice must have ice in his veins when he drives. 莫里斯开车时一点都不动声色。 >He never gets nervous, no matter how dangerous the road is. 不管路况有多危险,他从不紧张。 >He certainly is as cool as a cucumber when it comes to driving in the mountains. 他开山路的时候真是出奇地冷静。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)

  • Jone

    Jone (我一直在.) 2013-01-02 17:22:38


  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-02 17:42:16

    哈哈我也在看这个手机报 哈哈我也在看这个手机报 Jone

    看多久了? 觉得有用么? 我看了一个月的样子,还不知道有木有用╭(╯3╰)╮

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-02 17:46:29

    2013-1-2晚报 【Weather Jan 3】 Fuzhou: rainy 7~11℃ Xiamen: cloudy 9~13℃ Quanzhou: overcast 8~12℃ 【Highlights】 >New air monitoring standards 74城空气质量启用新国标 >'Fiscal cliff' deal approved 美投票通过'财政悬崖'案 >Gang-rape murderers charged 印轮奸案5嫌犯被控谋杀 >Apple's Paris store robbed 巴黎苹果店遭'跨年洗劫' >Moms strip off to raise cash 辣妈裸拍日历筹校车(图) >Tips: What is 'Bunny boiler'? 点津:煮兔子的是什么人? 【Cover Story】 >Debate over new traffic rule 闯黄灯罚扣6分引争议 A new traffic regulation imposing heavier penalties on drivers who run yellow and red traffic lights has triggered an enormous debate, Beijing Times reported. According to the new rule implemented on New Year's Day, when the yellow light is displayed, drivers who have already entered the intersection can pass through it, but those who have not should stop. Those who violate the rule will have 6 points deducted from their licenses. Many netizens argue that the penalty makes the yellow light meaningless, "Why not use only red and green lights?" they say. Others propose installing a countdown signal light to warn drivers. 据《京华时报》报道,从元旦起,新交规正式实施。新规加强了对闯信号灯的处罚力度,同时也引发广泛争议。根据规定,黄灯亮时,已越过停止线的车辆可以继续通行,未越过停止线的车辆不得通行。闯黄灯者将被依法罚扣6分。许多网友称,如果闯黄灯也罚分,那么黄灯就失去了意义,干脆直接采用红、绿信号灯;另有网友建议安装倒计时信号灯以提醒司机。 【Top News】 >New air monitoring standards 74城空气质量启用新国标 China on Tuesday started to issue daily reports on air quality in 74 major Chinese cities by adopting more extensive monitoring standards, including the level of PM 2.5. Five other pollutants (污染物), including ozone (臭氧) and carbon monoxide, were also placed under the new monitoring standard. The data, released on the website of the China National Environmental Monitoring Center, is updated every hour. People can also check the information for these pollutants at various monitoring stations in the 74 cities. 1月1日起,我国74个城市正式启用国家新的《环境空气质量标准》,每日向公众发布标准更严格的空气质量指数。新标准包括了PM2.5、臭氧、一氧化碳等6项污染物的污染指数。中国环境监测总站每小时更新一次污染物指数信息。同时,人们也可以在74个城市的空气质量发布平台上查询该信息。 >Gang-rape murderers charged 印轮奸案5嫌犯被控谋杀 Indian police said Tuesday that they expect to formally charge 5 suspects with murder in the death of a 23-year-old woman who was raped on a bus in New Delhi, foreign media reported. Another suspect in the case is under 18 and a juvenile and cannot be prosecuted for murder. New Delhi police spokesman Rajan Bhagat said that a charge-sheet in the case will be filed in court on Thursday. The suspects will face the death penalty if convicted. 据外媒报道,印度警方1月1日称,将正式对在新德里公交车上轮奸23岁的女子,并致其死亡的5名嫌疑人提出谋杀罪指控。另一名嫌疑人因为是不满18岁的未成年人,免于受这一罪名指控。新德里警方发言人拉詹·巴加特称,指控文书将于3日提交法庭,一旦罪名成立,被告将被判处死刑。 >Apple's Paris store robbed 巴黎苹果店遭'跨年洗劫' The Apple shop in Paris's Opera district was robbed by armed men on New Year's Eve, and one janitor was lightly injured, foreign media reported. It is estimated that the store lost EUR1m. The store was closed at 6 pm on the last day of 2012 and one person stayed on guard. Three hours later, 4 thieves, armed with handguns, went straight for boxes of stocked material and escaped in a van. 据外媒报道,位于法国巴黎市歌剧院附近的一家苹果零售店新年前夜遭持械抢劫,一名守门店员受轻伤,估计损失达100万欧元。据了解,2012年最后一天这家零售店于18时关门停业,仅一名店员留守。大约3小时后,4名持枪的劫匪闯入,直接搬走数箱存货,后乘一辆货车逃走。 【In Brief】 >The US House of Representatives approved a deal to avert the "fiscal cliff" Tuesday night, by a final vote of 257 to 167, The Washington Post reported. 据《华盛顿邮报》报道,1月1日晚,美国众议院最终以257票支持、167票反对的投票结果通过了解决"财政悬崖"的议案。 >By Tuesday, "Lost in Thailand" had taken in over RMB1b at the box office and become the highest-grossing Chinese domestic film to date, cnr.cn reported. 据中广网报道,截至1月1日,《泰囧》票房已超10亿元,成为票房最高的国产片。 【Kaleidoscope】 >Moms strip off to raise cash 辣妈裸拍日历筹校车(图) A group of Spanish mothers have stripped off for a racy calendar to raise the funds needed to resume a school bus service that was scrapped by cash-strapped authorities, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. Parents argue that the cut in the service has left many students having to walk almost 6 km to get to class. The project aims to raise the EUR43,000 needed to restore the bus service and has already raised enough to pay for 3 months of daily buses. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,西班牙一群辣妈日前宽衣解带,拍摄裸体日历募款,以协助恢复当地的校车服务。据了解,当地校车经费因为当局财务困窘遭缩减,家长称,这使得许多学生每天必须徒步行走6公里上学。这群辣妈的目标是筹集4.3万欧元恢复校车服务,目前所筹到的钱已足够支付校车3个月的经费。 【Language Tips】 'Bunny boiler' ---------- Bunny boiler字面意思是煮兔子的人。这个词组出自1987年的一部电影《致命诱惑》,剧中女主角疯狂纠缠她的旧情人,使得这个家庭幸福的已婚男子难以正常生活。嫉妒心大爆发的她竟然将旧情人女儿的宠物兔给煮了。Bunny boiler由此而来,指情绪不稳定、复仇心重、嫉妒心强的人,尤指女性。 请看例句: Leave that bunny boiler alone. 不要理那个疯女人。 【China Daily Radio】 有人说:"黑夜给了我一双黑色的眼睛,我却用它寻找加班时间。"这类让人忍俊不禁的名言改编就叫做Snowclone(雪克隆)。 The term "snowclone" describes the practice of transforming cliches, axioms and pop culture catchphrases into modern analogies. By replacing a few key words from the original saying, a writer can put a new context using the old formula. For example, the catchphrase "To be or not to be, that is the question" can be turned into "To eat or not to eat, that is the question." "雪克隆"指的是把一些陈词滥调、公理、流行文化名言改编成现代版本的行为。通过替换原文的几个关键词就可以旧瓶装新酒。例如,名言"生,还是死,这就是问题的所在"可以变成"吃,还是不吃,这就是问题的所在"。 雪克隆可借用一些过时但却脍炙人口的陈词滥调,在其基本句式中加入具体话题。举例来说,电影《异形》的名句"在太空中,没有人能听到你的尖叫"(In space, no one can hear you scream)可以改编成跟商业有关的雪克隆:"在太空中,没有人能听到你的谈判"(In space, no one can hear you negotiate)。两句话表达了相同的主题:在真空中,什么都无法奏效。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)

  • Jone

    Jone (我一直在.) 2013-01-02 18:57:43

    看多久了? 觉得有用么? 我看了一个月的样子,还不知道有木有用╭(╯3╰)╮ 看多久了? 觉得有用么? 我看了一个月的样子,还不知道有木有用╭(╯3╰)╮ Ging

    我是用课间五分钟左右去读几篇新闻,篇幅小很适合,遇到不会的再查词典,求多不求精,希望扩大阅读量和培养语感 每个人的阅读方式和习惯都不同吧,但个人认为坚持下去就一定有收获 :-)

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-02 21:58:39

    13.1.2 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 X 2.每天一种水果 √ 3.多喝水 1000ML X 4.22点前脸部护理 √ 5.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 6.澡后抹润肤乳 X 7.最晚24点上床 √ 【 学习 】 1.10点听力 X 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧两集 √ (friends 19th&20th,the big bang theory 12th&13th) 4.线稿一张 X 5.China Daily 晚报 √ 6. Englishpod 跟读30min X 7.<<笔记女王的手帐活用术>> P52 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 √ (拓词 30min) 9.每天看一篇专业文章 √ (植物造景的方法及要领.超赞★★★) 10.每天看半小时专业相关的网站(美讯/菲尔设计/SUBAR) X 今日小结: 英语:2.5h. 四天没有读CD,有些不适应了. 之前看有JM说 老友记 最适合练听力,因为单词简单,且多是单句.刚看时,还觉得十分无趣,现在 看来, 老友记确实 是个好剧.赞一个! the big bang theory虽然 比较好笑,却不大适合.最近渐渐的有些不愿意看了.偏向friends了 专业:1.5h.看了个很赞的植物造景的步骤.做好了摘要.有些平时没有注意到的点,以后做设计时要用上这些方法. 拓展:0.5h.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-03 09:03:38

    2013-01-03早报 【Morning Buzz】 We love life, not because we are used to living but because we are used to loving. (Friedrich Nietzsche, German philosopher, 1844-1900) 我们热爱生活,不是因为我们习惯于生,而是因为我们习惯于爱。(弗里德里希·尼采,德国哲学家,1844-1900) 早安,各位。 【Highlights】 >Handout ads spread online '非法小广告'转战微博 >Asia stocks hit 5-mth high '财政悬崖'解决亚股大涨 >Samsung to release Tizen OS 三星开发智能机新系统 >Buffett tops charity list 巴菲特冠居美慈善榜首 >Kimchi to be trendy UK food 泡菜掀英国饮食新热潮 >'Sit on one's hands' 点津:'坐自己手上'何意 【Cover Story】 >iPhone signing a hot product 'QQiPhone在线'网上热销 Logging in QQ with your iPhone could show off to your friends that you are using an iPhone. But what if you don't own an iPhone? The Voice of China reported hundreds of sellers on Taobao can provide the service for you. One seller even sold over 3,000 "iPhone signings" within one month. Besides showing "iPhone signings" while using QQ, they also provide services to show users are microblogging on iPhone, charging RMB1 for 2 days and RMB5 for a month. The sellers say that they are cashing in on consumers' vanity. 用iPhone登录QQ,你的账号就会向好友显示"iPhone在线",但如果你没有iPhone呢?据中国之声报道,近日,淘宝网上有上百个商家挂出售卖"QQ显示iPhone在线"的标语,有商家近一个月内售出了3000多件。除了代挂QQ,还有代发微博显示iPhone发布等服务,费用为一元钱两天,一个月5元。商家表示,是消费者的虚荣心促使他们生意火热。 【Top News】 >Handout ads spread online '非法小广告'转战微博 Handout advertisements for producing fake seals (often for unlawful purposes), forging certificates, and selling fake invoices are known as the "metropolitan psoriasis (牛皮癣)" as they are often difficult to annihilate. Now similar advertisements are appearing online using new media tools such as QQ, MSN and micro blog and many are finding them quite irritating. Experts suggest that the problems can be only addressed through both network operators' online supervision and a real life crack down by administrative departments of industry and commerce, cnr.cn reported Wednesday. 据中广网2日报道,随着互联网的普及,有着"城市牛皮癣"之称的"刻章、办证、发票"等非法小广告也蔓延到了互联网上。在QQ、MSN、微博等新媒体工具上,刻章办证的信息随处可见。专家认为,应采取网络经营者线上监管与工商管理部门实际打击相结合的方法,才能有效地解决此问题。 >Asia stocks hit 5-mth high '财政悬崖'解决亚股大涨 Asian stocks hit a 5-month high and the dollar fell as Tuesday's last-minute deal ended the US "fiscal cliff" crisis that threatened a US recession and roiled (搅动) world financial markets, Reuters reported. The MSCI Asia Pacific ex-Japan index of stocks jumped 1.7%. Chinese shares in Hong Kong jumped 2.9%. In South Korea, where data showed manufacturing activity rose for the first time in 7 months, the KOSPI index was up 1.5%. US stock futures (股指期货) are also pointing to a higher opening. 据路透社报道,美国国会1月1日在最后一刻通过避免"财政悬崖"的法案,使得美国摆脱经济衰退的威胁,全球金融市场也停止震荡,亚洲股市创5个月来新高,美元走低。摩根士丹利资本国际亚太区(除日本)指数上升1.7%,香港股市大涨2.9%,韩国制造业指数7个月来首次呈现上升态势,综合股指也涨了1.5%。美国股指期货预计也将迎来高开局面。 >Samsung to release Tizen OS 三星开发智能机新系统 In an effort to compete with US tech giants Google and Apple, Samsung Electronics has been jointly developing a new operating system, named Tizen, for smartphones with Intel Corp, NTT Docomo and other firms, The Yomiuri Shimbun reported. The basic technology information used by Tizen will be made available to the public and the OS allows mobile phone service companies to offer their own services. Samsung is preparing its first Tizen-based phone for release in Japan and various other countries throughout Asia and Europe in early 2013. 据日本《读卖新闻》报道,为与美国科技巨头谷歌和苹果竞争,三星电子正联合英特尔、日本NTT Docomo等多家公司共同开发一款新的智能手机操作系统"Tizen"。Tizen使用的基础技术信息将面向公众开放,且允许移动运营商在该平台上提供自己的服务。据悉,三星准备于2013年初在日本等多个亚、欧洲国家推出首个搭载Tizen系统的手机。 【In Brief】 >A total of 806 products under the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan are tariff-free after the 3rd stage of exemptions of the Early Harvest Program was launched Tuesday, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,两岸经济合作框架协议早期收获货物贸易1月1日启动第3阶段降税,至此,该计划中806项货品已全部实现免税。 >Hugh Hefner, the founder of Playboy, has started 2013 as a married man once again. The 86-year-old exchanged vows with his "runaway bride" Crystal Harris at a private ceremony on New Year's Eve, the BBC reported. (See photo) 据英国广播公司报道,《花花公子》杂志创始人休·赫夫纳2013年再次加入已婚男士的行列。86岁高龄的赫夫纳于去年除夕与他的"落跑新娘"克莉丝托·哈里斯在一私人仪式上交换誓言、喜结良缘。(见图) 【Newsmaker】 >Buffett tops charity list 巴菲特冠居美慈善榜首 As the chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett's combined $3.09b pledge to his children's charitable foundations tops The Chronicle of Philanthropy's list of 10 largest charitable gifts announced by individuals in 2012, US media reported. He was followed by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg who disclosed his nearly $500m gift to the Silicon Valley Community Foundation on his Facebook page on Dec 18 last year. Wealthy Americans gave $5.1b in the 15 biggest charitable donations of 2012. 据美国媒体报道,美国非盈利组织The Chronicle of Philanthropy近日发布的2012美国10大个人慈善捐款榜显示,伯克希尔哈撒韦公司董事长沃伦·巴菲特因向其子女开设的慈善机构承诺捐赠总计30.9亿美元善款,位居榜首。Facebook首席执行官马克·扎克伯格紧随其后排名第2。他于去年12月18日在Facebook网页上公开了其曾向硅谷社区基金会捐赠近5亿美元善款。据悉,去年,美国富豪在15次最大笔的捐赠中共捐了51亿美元。 【Kaleidoscope】 >Kimchi to be trendy UK food 泡菜掀英国饮食新热潮 Kimchi was put on a list of trendy foods for 2013 in an article published by the Daily Mail of London's food writer Anne Shooter. "Fermented Korean cabbage, or Kimchi, is gracing all sorts of menus," she wrote, adding that it has become available as a side dish at noodle restaurants in London. "But it is definitely an acquired taste and makes your fridge smell scary," she added. 英国《每日邮报》美食专栏作家安·休特近日刊文将韩国泡菜列为2013年该国流行的美食之一。安·休特在文中写道,韩国泡菜能够为任何一道菜肴增色,目前已成为许多伦敦面馆中供应的佐食小菜。她还称,但泡菜绝对属于发酵后的食物,会令你的冰箱散发出可怕的味道。 【Language Tips】 'Sit on one's hands' ----------- Sit on one's hands——"坐在自己的手上"何意?其实它的意思与手无关,而是"坐下来歇一会"。比如: Now that the guests have gone, I'm going to sit on my hands while you clean up. 既然现在客人已经走了,该轮到我歇会儿了,你收拾屋子。 【Talk Show】 我叫不紧张(2) >I'm never uptight when I'm with my friends. 跟朋友们在一起时,我从来不紧张。 >You can have a few beers. They help you relax. 你可以喝几杯啤酒。喝酒能让人放松。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-03 09:07:41

    我是用课间五分钟左右去读几篇新闻,篇幅小很适合,遇到不会的再查词典,求多不求精,希望扩大阅 我是用课间五分钟左右去读几篇新闻,篇幅小很适合,遇到不会的再查词典,求多不求精,希望扩大阅读量和培养语感 每个人的阅读方式和习惯都不同吧,但个人认为坚持下去就一定有收获 :-) ... Jone

    课间!!! what 又一个高中生

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-03 10:30:54


  • R!ght

    R!ght 2013-01-03 16:50:25


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-03 18:44:23

    2013-01-03晚报 【Weather Jan 4】 Fuzhou: rainy 8~12℃ Xiamen: cloudy 11~14℃ Quanzhou: overcast 10~13℃ 【Highlights】 >Meteor shower peaks tonight 今晚迎新年首场流星雨 >Car owners ditch self-drive '最严交规'引爆弃车出游 >US toward EU-style decline 英媒:美未跌崖但将衰退 >Human clones within 50 years 50年内克隆人类或成真 >Clinton leaves NY hospital 美国务卿希拉里出院(图) >Tips:'Walk the plank' 点津:'走木板'即被解雇?

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-03 18:45:06

    【Cover Story】 >Hainan issues price limit [海南推3年来最严限价令 春节旅游市场拒绝'天价'] Tourists visiting Hainan during the upcoming Spring Festival holidays will encounter stable prices, thanks to measures issued by the provincial authorities, xinhuanet.com reported. Under the rules, which are regarded as the severest price limiting measures in 3 years, hoteliers (旅馆老板) are required to lower room rates (房价) by more than 10% from the average rates last year, and the highest price for a standard room is set at RMB5,000 per night. The provincial price bureau will set up price intervention rules to curb the surging prices of hotel buffets (自助餐). Scenic spots and seafood restaurant operators will also be scrutinized during the holiday season to ensure stable prices. 据新华网报道,近日,海南针对2013年春节期间旅游市场价格推出3年来最严限价令,游客们有望免遭各种"天价"宰客。根据规定,今年海南旅游饭店客房价格较去年同期下降幅度不得低于10%,标准客房最高限价为5000元/间/晚。省物价局还将对旅游饭店内自助餐价格实行临时干预,对景点和海鲜排档也将加强价格监管。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-03 18:45:57

    【Top News】 >Car owners ditch self-drive '最严交规'引爆弃车出游 Private car owners are abandoning self-driving tours and opting for public transportation for the New Year's Day holiday, because of the implementation of stricter new traffic rules, xinhuanet.com reported. Most car owners fear unfamiliar road conditions in other cities could increase the risk of violating the new rules. Many of them are choosing to travel by long-distance bus or high-speed railway, and then rent a car to tour the city when they reach their destination. This has boosted car rental businesses in tourist cities. 据新华网报道,元旦期间,许多私家车主因新交规的施行而放弃自驾游,改乘公共交通工具。外地路况不熟,违规风险高,成为大部分车主弃车出游的重要原因。有不少私家车车主选择乘坐长途大巴或动车到其它城市旅游,然后在当地租车开。受此影响,旅游城市租车行生意火爆起来。 >US toward EU-style decline 英媒:美未跌崖但将衰退 The US has averted the "fiscal cliff", but it has taken another major step toward an EU-style decline, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. The fiscal cliff deal marks an end to 2 decades of tax cuts for Americans and a new era of tax rises that will only serve to increase the size of government and entitlements. It also sends a clear signal that US President Obama and his supporters in Congress are committed to taking the US down the same failed path of the EU: high taxes, vast welfare systems, socialized health care, and massive levels of public debt. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,美国没有跌落"财政悬崖",却向欧洲式的衰退迈出了一大步。财政悬崖协议标志着美国人20年减税的终结,开启了增税的新时代,这只会增加政府的规模和福利。它同时发出了一个清楚的信号:奥巴马和他在国会的支持者正致力于让美国走向与欧盟同样的失败道路:高税收、庞大的福利体系、社会化的医保,以及巨量的公共债务。 >Human clones within 50 years 50年内克隆人类或成真 Parents who lose children in accidents may be able to clone "copies" to replace them within 50 years, predicted Sir John Gurdon, a British scientist who won this year's Nobel prize for medicine, UK media reported. He said that progression to human cloning could happen within half a century. Although any attempt to clone an entire human would raise a host of complex ethical issues, the biologist claimed people would soon overcome their concerns if the technique became medically useful. 据英媒报道,获得今年诺贝尔医学奖的英国科学家约翰·格登爵士表示,未来50年内,那些在意外中失去孩子的父母将有可能通过克隆技术得到孩子的"复制品"。这位生物学家指出,50年内克隆人有望出现。他称,虽然克隆人类的任何尝试都可能引发一系列复杂的道德争议,不过一旦该技术在医学领域广施拳脚,人们的担忧就会慢慢消失。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-03 18:46:34

    【In Brief】 >The Quadrantids (象限仪座流星群) meteor shower will peak at 9:30 pm Thursday, treating viewers to the new year's 1st shooting star display that should be visible under clear night skies, said Wang Sichao, researcher of the Purple Mountain Observatory under the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Nanjing, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,中科院紫金山天文台研究员王思潮说,象限仪流星雨将于3日晚9点30分达到最大,届时如果夜空晴朗,公众有望欣赏到2013年的第一场流星雨。 >Google Inc's Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt will travel to the DPRK on a private trip as early as this month, AP reported Wednesday. It was unclear whom Schmidt will meet or what his agenda might be. 据美联社2日报道,谷歌执行董事长埃里克·施密特计划最早于本月前往朝鲜展开私人性质的访问。目前尚不清楚施密特此行的日程以及将会晤的人员。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-03 18:47:00

    【Newsmaker】 >Clinton leaves NY hospital 美国务卿希拉里出院(图) US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been officially discharged from a New York hospital, the State Department said Wednesday, xinhuanet.com reported. CNN footage showed that Clinton walked down steps, entered a black van on her own and left New York-Presbyterian Hospital Wednesday afternoon. Clinton was hospitalized with a blood clot in her head. Her doctors noted that she had not suffered any "stroke or neurological damage", and they predicted that she should make a "full recovery". 据新华网报道,美国国务院2日发表声明称,国务卿希拉里·克林顿已正式出院。美国有线电视新闻网的电视画面显示,希拉里当天下午自己走下台阶,并坐进一辆黑色面包车,离开了纽约长老会医院。希拉里因头部出现血块而住院接受治疗,医生称,她没有因此出现中风或者受到神经上的损伤,预计她很快能够痊愈。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-03 18:47:25

    【Language Tips】 'Walk the plank' ---------- Walk the plank (走木板/走跳板)是海盗处死俘虏的一种办法:俘虏被蒙上双眼、捆住双手,被迫走下置于船弦外的木板而落海丧生。电影《加勒比海盗》中就有这一桥段,杰克船长被大反派逼迫跳入海中。Walk the plank现在的引申义为"被解雇"。 请看例句: Several cabinet ministers were forced to walk the plank following the latest government scandal. 因为最近的一桩政府丑闻,数名内阁部长被迫辞职。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-03 18:47:57

    【China Daily Radio】 先有智商,后有情商,现在又有了监测你玩乐能力的"玩商"。看来要想在这个社会里立足、成功,哪个"商"都不能弱。今天,咱们就来介绍一下这个"玩商"(leisure quotient)吧。 Leisure quotient (LQ) is an index used to describe the ability to relax and play, which psychologists say is important to contentment and future achievement. A high LQ usually means that the person has a good command of his life, knows how to explore his potential and make his life healthier and happier with a well-balanced life style. "玩商"(leisure quotient,简称LQ)是描述人们休闲、生活、玩乐能力的指数,心理学家认为"玩商"对于自我满足感和将来的成就都有重要意义。玩商高的人对自我生活的控制力比较强,懂得如何拓展个人价值,使人生更健康、更快乐、更平衡。 The term comes from IQ for intelligence quotient and the more recent EQ for emotional quotient. LQ这种说法来源于IQ(智商)和近几年比较热门的EQ(情商)的表达形式。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-03 21:58:01

    13.1.3 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 √ 2.每天一种水果 √ 3.多喝水 1000ML √ 4.22点前脸部护理 √ 5.22点诗词各 一篇 6.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 7.最晚24点上床 【 学习 】 1.10点听力 √ 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧两集 √ (friends 21th,the big bang theory 14th) 4.线稿一张 5.China Daily 晚报 6. Englishpod 跟读30min √ (六天没有读了,看到蝴蝶说,跟了一段时间,效果很好, 坚持住!!!) 7.<<笔记女王的手帐活用术>> √ P64 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 √ (拓词 40min) 9.每天看一篇专业文章 √ (植物绿化实景图.一般) 10.每天看半小时专业相关的网站(美讯/菲尔设计/SUBAR)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-04 18:25:46

    2013-01-04早报 【Morning Buzz】 To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance. (Oscar Wilde, Irish poet, dramatist and critic, 1854-1900) 爱自己,是一场毕生浪漫的开始。(奥斯卡·王尔德,爱尔兰诗人、戏剧家、评论家,1854-1900) 早安,各位。 【Markets】 Dow Jones 13,391.36 -21.19 -0.16% Nasdaq 3,100.57 -11.69 -0.38% 【Highlights】 >China tops Europe car output 2013年我汽车产量超欧 >Postgraduate exam to begin 研究生考试明天起开考 >'Chemical castration' ordered 韩国作出'化学阉割'首判 >Hero films rule box office 英雄电影引领全球票房 >No Apples for Gates kids 盖茨孩子禁用苹果产品 >Yoko Ono on Beatles split 洋子揭披头士解散之谜

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-04 18:26:14

    【Cover Story】 >Best days of SMS are over? 跨年夜短信量辉煌不再 For many years, a rush of artfully-composed text messages has greeted you at the turn of the year. But the New Year's Day just past did not repeat the success of previous text messages, Voice of China reported. Texting is not the only greeting option any more when there are weibo, or micro blogs and free messenger service weixin, or WeChat around. It's not even a preferred option. Statistics show that Chinese telecom operators saw their text message volumes fall 20% while multimedia messages dropped 25% in 2012. Even phone traffic has fallen by 5%. 据中国之声报道,很多年来,每当岁末年初之时,精心编写的祝福短信都会扑面而来。但是在刚刚过去的2013年元旦,短信没有再现当年的辉煌。有了微博、有了微信,"发短信"不再是唯一的选择,甚至不再是首选。数据显示,2012年电信运营商的短信量比去年下降了20%,彩信量下降了25%,甚至电话业务量也下降了5%。 【Top News】 >China tops Europe car output 2013年我汽车产量超欧 China is poised to produce more cars than Europe in 2013 for the first time, hitting a landmark in the country’s rise in the automobile industry and underlining the difficulties for the European vehicle sector, the Financial Times reported. China is set to make 19.6m cars and other light vehicles in 2013 compared with 18.3m in Europe, according to projections prepared for the Financial Times by 5 forecasting groups. They paint a picture of only a slight recovery in 2013 for the world car industry, where output is expected to climb by a muted 2.2% in the coming year. Europe will make just over a fifth of the world’s cars in 2013, while China’s share of global auto manufacturing is likely to reach 23.8% next year. 据《金融时报》报道,2013年,中国的汽车产量将首次超过欧洲,这是中国汽车产业崛起的里程碑,也凸显欧洲汽车业面临的困境。该报采访的5家预测机构预计,中国在2013年将生产各种轿车和轻型汽车1960万辆,而整个欧洲为1830万辆。这些预测机构表示2013年全球汽车产业只会出现微弱复苏,产量增长率将仅为2.2%。明年欧洲生产的汽车将仅占世界总量的1/5多一点,中国在全球汽车制造业中所占比重可能将达23.8%。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-04 18:26:38

    >'Chemical castration' ordered 韩国作出'化学阉割'首判 In a landmark ruling, a Seoul court Thursday sentenced a 31-year-old pedophile (恋童癖者) to 15 years in prison and ordered that he be subject to hormonal treatment that suppresses sexual impulses for 3 years, Yonhap News Agency reported. It marks the first time that the court has ordered the measure since a bill was passed last July. It allows hormonal treatment, or "chemical castration", for convicted child molesters (性骚扰者) over 19 years of age who are at risk of repeating their crimes against minors under the age of 16. South Korea was the first country in Asia to adopt this type of treatment. 据韩联社报道,韩国首尔一家法院3日判决一名31岁的恋童癖者15年有期徒刑、抑制性冲动的激素治疗3年。这项具有里程碑意义的宣判为韩国去年7月通过"化学阉割"法案后作出的首例裁决。该法案规定,对19岁以上、性侵16岁以下未成年人且有可能再犯的亵童者可处以"化学阉割"。韩国是亚洲首个实施"化学阉割"措施的国家。 >Hero films rule box office 英雄电影引领全球票房 Superhero films have become the biggest box-office earners in 2012, according to the annual box office worldwide grosses list published by Box Office Mojo, Legal Evening News reported. "The Avengers", the Batman movie: "The Dark Knight Rises", and James Bond film: "Skyfall" took the top 3 spots on the list. However, Chinese audience have very different tastes. They prefer comedy and romance. The highest-grossing movie in China in 2012 was Lost in Thailand, and the biggest foreign film was Titanic 3D. 据《法制晚报》报道,票房网站Box Office Mojo近日公布了2012年全球票房榜。纵观榜单,"超级英雄"类影片无疑是最受影迷追捧的电影类型。榜单前3名分别是《复仇者联盟》、《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》和《007:大破天幕杀机》。不过中国观众的口味显然带有明显的区别。排名2012年中国票房排行榜第一的是《人再囧途之泰囧》,票房最高的进口片则是3D版的《泰坦尼克号》。显然,喜剧与爱情题材更受中国观众推崇。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-04 18:27:03

    【In Brief】 >The Purchasing Managers Index of China's non-manufacturing sector was 56.1% in December, up 0.5 percentage points from November, the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing said Thursday. The figure marked a rise of 3 consecutive months. 中国物流与采购联合会3日发布数据显示,12月份非制造业采购经理人指数为56.1%,环比上升0.5个百分点,这是PMI连续第3个月上涨。 >The 2013 postgraduate entrance examination will begin Saturday. Registrations to sit this year's exam hit a new high of 1.8m. 2013年全国硕士研究生招生考试将于1月5日举行。报名今年研究生考试的人数攀至180万人左右,再创历史新高。 >A Seoul court decided Thursday not to extradite (引渡) Liu Qiang, a 38-year-old Chinese man, to Japan to be prosecuted for an arson (纵火) attack at the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo, Yonhap News Agency reported. 据韩联社报道,首尔一家法院3日就涉嫌在日本东京靖国神社纵火的中国人刘强引渡案判决,不将38岁的刘强引渡至日本。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-04 18:27:31

    【Newsmaker】 >No Apples for Gates kids 盖茨孩子禁用苹果产品 Melinda Gates, the wife of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, has said her children are banned from owning Apple products such as an iPod. Asked whether her son and 2 daughters had asked for an iPod, she replied "of course they ask, but they get Windows technology. The wealth from our family came from Microsoft so why would we invest in a competitor?" In 2009, Mrs Gates, 48, admitted that she had been tempted by Apple products herself, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,微软创始人比尔·盖茨的妻子梅琳达·盖茨称,她的子女被禁止拥有苹果产品,比如iPod。当被问及她的儿子和两个女儿是否索要过iPod时,她说:"他们当然要了,但我们给了他们Windows产品。我们所有的家庭财富都来自微软,我们干嘛要拿这些钱去买竞争对手的产品?"2009年,48岁的盖茨夫人承认自己也被苹果产品诱惑。 【Kaleidoscope】 >Yoko Ono on Beatles split 洋子揭披头士解散之谜 A long-lost interview from 1987 finds Yoko Ono, John Lennon's widow, telling the real reasons for the Beatles' split in 1970. Ono said in the interview: The Beatles were getting very independent. John [Lennon], in fact, was not the first who wanted to leave the Beatles…Paul [McCartney] was the only one trying to hold the Beatles together. But the other 3 thought Paul would hold the Beatles together as his band, which they didn't like. In October 2012, McCartney said himself that Ono "did not break the group up" because it was "already breaking up". 约翰·列侬遗孀小野洋子一段1987年的采访披露了披头士乐队1970年解散的真正原因。洋子在采访中说:"那时的披头士已经开始貌合神离了。约翰不是第一个想离开乐队的……保罗是唯一想要维系乐队的人。但其他3人认为,保罗是想把披头士弄成他的乐队,但他们不想这样。"去年10月,保罗·麦卡特尼亲口表示"洋子不是导致乐队解散的原因,当时乐队已经趋于解体"。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-04 18:27:59

    【Language Tips】 'To give up the ghost' ---------- Give up是放弃,ghost是鬼魂,幽灵。To give up the ghost的表面意思是放弃灵魂,人放弃了灵魂也就是死了, 因此这个短语就是指"死亡"。注意:此短语还可以用在没有生命的物体上,表示坏了,不能用了。 请看例句: I need money to buy a new car. My old one is 12 years old and I'm afraid it's ready to give up the ghost. 我需要钱去买一辆新车。我那辆旧汽车已经开了12年,恐怕是要完蛋了。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-04 18:28:44

    【Talk Show】 冬季里手脚冰凉(1) >What can I do about my freezing cold feet? 我的脚总是特别凉怎么办啊? >My hands and feet are always cold. 我总是手脚冰凉。 >I know it's winter and I wear socks and do everything to stay warm. 我知道现在是冬天,而且我也穿袜子了,还想尽一切办法保暖。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-04 18:31:03

    ChinaDaily 2013-01-04 晚报 【Weather Jan 5】 Fuzhou: overcast 9~14℃ Xiamen: cloudy 12~17℃ Quanzhou: cloudy 12~15℃ 【BOC Exchange Rates】 100 USD = 628.97 CNY 100 GBP = 1011.26 CNY 100 EUR = 819.83 CNY 100 HKD = 81.14 CNY 100 JPY = 7.1769 CNY (以上人民币汇率中间价来源于中国银行网站) 【Markets】 Shanghai Stock 2276.99 +7.86 +0.35% HangSeng Stock 23331.09 -67.51 -0.29% 【Highlights】 >Firms fined for price fixing 我国首度对外企开罚单 >BJ property sales start well 京新年楼市成交增一倍 >Fastest-growing economies 2013经济增速蒙古最快? >Nobody is most powerful 美媒评权势榜'无人'居首 >Depardieu becomes Russian '大鼻子情圣'入俄籍(图) >Straddling motorbike banned 印尼禁女性跨坐摩托车

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-04 18:31:30

    【Cover Story】 >7 kids die in N China fire 河南收养所失火7孩童亡 Seven children were killed Friday morning in a fire engulfing a private house in Lankao county, Henan, xinhuanet.com reported. The house is apparently a privately run orphanage, as local residents said a woman named Yuan Lihai had used the home to shelter orphans and abandoned children. A spokesman for the Lankao county government said rescuers do not yet know exactly how many children were in the house when the fire began. 据新华网报道,4日上午河南省兰考县一居民楼发生火灾,造成7名儿童死亡。据初步了解,事发场所为一私人孤儿收养所,当地居民称一名叫袁厉害的女子在此安置孤儿和弃婴。县政府有关负责人称,救援人员尚不清楚事发时现场有多少名儿童。

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2013-01-04 18:31:46


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-04 18:31:58

    【Top News】 >Firms fined for price fixing [我国首度制裁外企垄断 三星等6企业被罚3.53亿] China's National Development and Reform Commission, the country's top economic planner, has issued a hefty penalty totaling RMB353m against 6 companies from outside the Chinese mainland, for their price fixing of LCD panels (液晶显示屏幕). This is the 1st time that China has given a penalty to companies outside the Chinese mainland, chinanews.com reported. The 6 LCD panel producers include Samsung and LG from South Korea, and Chi Mei and AU Optronics from China's Taiwan. The LCD makers were accused of holding "Crystal Conferences" where they allegedly colluded on panel pricing for the mainland market. 据中新网报道,我国近日对境外企业开出首张罚单。韩国三星、LG,中国台湾地区奇美、友达光电等6家国际液晶面板生产商,因垄断液晶面板价格,被国家发改委罚款3.53亿元人民币。据称,这些液晶面板生产商曾召开多次"晶体会议",操纵中国大陆的液晶面板市场价格。 >Chinese boost sales in UK 中国客拉动英新年消费 Chinese tourists were big spenders this New Year at stores in London and other major UK cities, UK media reported. One third of foreign shoppers who visited the west end of London over the holiday period were Chinese. They averaged £1,000 per purchase. Many shops have begun to train their staff in Chinese language and culture. Others have even employed Chinese sales assistants to attract more consumers. The Chinese tourists' strong purchasing power has enhanced sales in London shops. 据英国媒体报道,新年伊始,中国游客成为伦敦和英国其它大城市的重要消费群体。新年假期期间,伦敦西区的外来购物者中1/3来自中国,他们平均每次消费达1000英镑。许多商场已经开始培训员工学习中文及中国文化,另有一些商店靠雇佣中国导购来吸引更多中国消费者。中国游客的强劲购买力极大提升了伦敦各大商场的销售量。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-04 18:32:23

    >Fastest-growing economies 2013经济增速蒙古最快? The Economist argues that "the world economy's woes are far from over in 2013", with only the emerging economies promising robust growth for the coming year. According to its ranking of 2013 Top Growers, the star performer will be Mongolia, with a predicted GDP growth rate of 18.1%, followed by Macao (13.5%). Both should give thanks to the demand from the Chinese mainland, which ranks No 4 on the list with its 2013 GDP growth rate predicted to be 8.6%. Libya ranks 3rd and Bhutan ranks 5th. 《经济学人》杂志称,2013年世界经济的灾难时期仍没有过去,只有新兴国家在新的一年有强劲的增长力量。在该杂志评出的2013年世界经济增长最快的国家和地区榜单中,中国内地增长速度位列全球第4,GDP预计增幅为8.6%。蒙古则将成为全球增长最快的经济体,其次为中国澳门,这两个经济体2013年GDP预期增幅分别为18.1%和13.5%,而他们依靠的还是来自中国内地的需求。利比亚和不丹分列榜单第3和第5位。 【In Brief】 >Property sales in Beijing reached 723 in the first 2 days of 2013, a 116% increase from last year, according to statistics from the Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. 北京住建委统计数据显示,今年元旦前两天,北京全市住宅网签总量为723套,与去年元旦同期相比,大幅上涨116%。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-04 18:32:48

    【Newsmaker】 >Nobody is most powerful 美媒评权势榜'无人'居首 Nobody can be regarded as the most powerful person in the world, since "everyone is waiting for someone else to shoulder responsibility for the world's toughest and most dangerous challenges", according to the US Foreign Policy magazine. Russian President Vladimir Putin is ranked 2nd on the 10-person list, and he is followed by Ben Bernanke, chairman of the US Federal Reserve, and Angela Merkel, the Germany chancellor. US President Barack Obama takes the 5th spot. 美国《外交政策》杂志近日推出全球最具权势的10人名单,第一位竟然空缺,因为"大家还在等待那个愿意肩负世界上最困难和最危险挑战的人出现"。俄罗斯总统普京位列榜单第2,其后是美联储主席伯南克和德国总理默克尔。美国总统奥巴马排第5。 >Depardieu becomes Russian '大鼻子情圣'入俄籍(图) Legendary French actor Gerard Depardieu has been granted Russian citizenship by President Vladimir Putin, the Kremlin announced Thursday, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. Depardieu recently renounced his French citizenship ahead of government plans to raise the tax on earned income above EUR1m to 75%. Russia has a fixed income tax rate of 13%. In an open letter, Depardieu, 64, said he was "pleased" to have been granted citizenship, but did not say whether he would actually move permanently to the country.(See photo) 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,克里姆林宫3日宣布,俄总统普京已授予法国著名影星杰拉尔·德帕迪约俄罗斯国籍。由于法国政府计划将年收入超过100万欧元的个人所得税税率提高到75%,德帕迪约日前宣布放弃法国国籍。俄罗斯的税率仅为13%。这位64岁的"大鼻子情圣"在公开信中称,很高兴能被授予俄国籍,但未说明是否将永久搬到俄罗斯居住。(见图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-04 18:33:11

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Straddling motorbike banned 印尼禁女性跨坐摩托车 Lhokseumawe city in Indonesia's Aceh will ban women from straddling seats on motorbikes, its mayor said Wednesday, dubbing the position "improper", the BBC reported. Women in the city will have to sit "side-saddle" with their legs dangling off to one side. The move comes after leaders of the country's only province ruled by strict sharia (伊斯兰教教法) law drafted a series of new bills including banning women from wearing tight trousers, stoning adulterers and flogging homosexuals. 据英国广播公司报道,印度尼西亚亚齐省洛修马威市市长2日表示,该市将严禁女性乘客跨坐在摩托车上。他表示,女性跨坐摩托车是不当姿势,必须采用两腿并拢侧坐姿势。亚齐省是印尼严格实施伊斯兰法的唯一省份。亚齐当局最近起草了一系列新法,其中包括禁止女性穿紧身裤、对通奸者处以石刑,以及鞭打同性恋等。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-04 18:33:35

    【China Daily Radio】 开了一上午的会,听了一堆数据、报告之后,你会不会觉得头痛?有时觉得脑子都不转了?告诉你,这可能是"信息超载综合征"哦。 Have you ever experienced the phenomenon known as information overload syndrome? If you have sat down for an academic lecture for three hours straight or have been stuck in a meeting full of facts, figures and who knows what - then yes - you probably have experienced this phenomenon. You may have a headache, and find it difficult to concentrate on something. 你有没有经历过一种叫做"信息超载综合征"的状况?如果你曾经连续三个小时听一场学术讲座或者出席过一个充斥着事实案例、数字以及其他各种信息的会议,那么,你可能经历过这种状况。你可能会出现头痛,以及注意力不集中的症状。 如果你想学着克服信息超载综合征,以下是一些可行的做法。 Step 1: Take a break. 第一步:休息一下。 你得知道什么时候需要停下来。感觉头痛就要袭来或者已经无法领会听到的话语时,就停止接收信息。 Step 2: Prioritize. 第二步:优先排序。 你自己最后一刻的决定也会导致信息超载综合征。最后一刻做决定可能是你的第二本性,但是,如果你想避免不必要的头痛和压力,就不要在每次快考试或要做演示时才抱佛脚。 要学会提早准备并且优先排序。要做的事情很多而时间又很少的时候,就要先做那些需要最先完成的事情,而不是满脑子堆满那些毫无关联的信息。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-04 18:34:44

    【Weekly Topic】 Starting Jan 1, new traffic regulations mean all drivers in China that run a yellow light could receive the same 6-point penalty as those who run red lights. The new rule has sparked debate as many drivers claim it changes the concept of the yellow light as a warning. Do you support the new regulations? Share your opinions with us. 从今年元旦起,新交规施行,和闯红灯一样,闯黄灯也将被扣6分。该条交规引发了广泛争议,许多司机认为这改变了黄灯作为警示灯的意义。你是否支持新交规?请谈谈你的看法。

  • 尤利西斯

    尤利西斯 (oh, such a prima donna) 2013-01-04 18:36:50


  • 千与

    千与 (所有坚固的东西都烟消云散了) 2013-01-04 18:40:33


  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-04 21:01:22

    就需要这样的学习型帖子 就需要这样的学习型帖子 尤利西斯


  • Spiny

    Spiny 2013-01-04 21:12:20

    LZ,China daily大部分都是中国老师,可能英语不是那么纯正啦。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-04 21:46:44

    13.1.4 看了个手绘的视频,步骤如下: 阴影--浅色铺装--深色铺装--色叶树--绿篱(地被)深色--常绿大乔(冷色调:蓝or紫)--密林(深46)--加深50--连接大乔和密林(47+彩铅)--重点深色加强 参考时长:30min线稿+15min上色 提升点:彩铅与马克的融合

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-04 21:53:50

    LZ,China daily大部分都是中国老师,可能英语不是那么纯正啦。 LZ,China daily大部分都是中国老师,可能英语不是那么纯正啦。 Spiny

    谢谢提醒,不过五爸说, 你连中式英语都学不好, 还谈什么美语,先练好中式英语再说吧你~ 我觉得他说的对 而且, CD不是我学英语的全部啊 目前的重点MS偏向英语, 13年希望偏向专业 O(∩_∩)O

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 07:13:40

    2013-01-05早报 【Morning Buzz】 A smile is the same as sunshine; it banishes winter from the human countenance. (Victor Hugo, French poet and novelist, 1802-1885) 笑容如阳光,驱走人们脸上冬日的阴冷。(维克多·雨果,法国诗人、小说家,1802-1885) 早安,各位。 【Markets】 Dow Jones 13,435.21 +43.85 +0.33% Nasdaq 3,101.66 +1.09 +0.04% 【Highlights】 >Rules cool 'party economy' 中国多地'年会经济'降温 >Orphanage founder detained 豫孤儿所创办人被控制 >Sino-Americans in Congress 美国会首现3华裔女议员 >Man stabs himself in protest 韩国男子切腹反日(图) >DPRK's 1st lady has baby? 朝第一夫人'瘦身'或分娩 >Tips: 'Yellow-belly' 点津:'黄色的肚子'何意

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 07:14:08

    【Cover Story】 >Red-X mismanages donations 蓉红会募捐箱发霉属实 The supervisory committee of the Red Cross Society of China (RCSC) Friday confirmed netizens' reports on the mismanagement of donation boxes in Chengdu, Xinhua reported. A preliminary investigation showed some donation boxes had been left in storage or stolen over the years and the cash inside some had even grown moldy. Those donation boxes were set up by the Chengdu branch of the RCSC following the devastating 2008 Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan. 据新华社报道,就网帖爆料成都募捐箱管理不善事件,中国红十字会社会监督委员会4日公布首轮调查结果。调查认为,网帖爆料基本属实,成都募捐箱确实存在被弃于仓库甚至被盗现象,部分善款确实长毛发霉。这些募捐箱是成都红会在2008年汶川地震后设立起来的。 【Top News】 >Orphanage founder detained 豫孤儿所创办人被控制 Lankao police authorities said they have detained the founder of a privately run orphanage, Yuan Lihai, and will interrogate her, china.com.cn reported. Seven children were killed and 1 injured Friday in a fire engulfing the private shelter for orphans and abandoned children in Lankao, Henan. Yuan has been adopting children for years. And she is currently living with 34 children, including 16 with physical or mental disabilities. 据中国网报道,河南兰考警方称,4日火灾事件中死伤儿童所在的收养所创办人袁厉害已经被控制,并接受警方讯问调查。此次火灾共造成7死1伤。据悉,袁厉害长期收养弃婴和孤儿,目前和她共同生活的孩子共有34人,其中病残儿童16名。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 07:14:26

    >Rules cool 'party economy' 中国多地'年会经济'降温 Once an exuberant market, the year-end "annual party economy" has cooled down this year, as local governments announced their detailed guidelines on 8 requirements to improve working style and better connect with people, xinhuanet.com reported. Extravagant and spectacular meetings and banquets have decreased in number. And the hospitality industry is getting less revenue from official business expenses. Flower sales and other conferencing service businesses have all been affected to some extent. 据新华网报道,近日,中央关于改进工作作风、密切联系群众的八项规定迅速在基层"发芽生根",各地纷纷出台实施细则。受此影响,以往岁末年初中国各地火爆的"年会经济"明显降温,铺张浪费、讲究场面的会议吃请减少,不少宾馆酒店业的公务消费减少,鲜花等会务服务业受到不同程度影响。 >Man stabs himself in protest 韩男子切腹抗议日特使 A South Korean man, belonging to an anti-Japanese civic group, protested the arrival of a Japanese political envoy by stabbing himself in the stomach at Seoul's Gimpo Airport Friday, The Japan Daily Press reported. Fukushiro Nukaga had been dispatched by Japan's new Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and was to meet with South Korean President-elect Park Geun-hye in order to begin healing relations between the 2 countries. While bleeding from the stomach, 57-year-old Kim Chang-geun was taken away by police and rushed to a hospital.(See photo) 据日本《每日新闻》报道,安倍晋三新任首相后,特派福志郎前往韩国会见韩总统当选人朴槿惠以修复两国关系。不想,韩国民间反日团体一男子4日在首尔金浦国际机场自切腹部,以抗议日特使到访。抗议男子名为金昌根,现年57岁。切腹后金昌根腹部血流不止,被警方带走并紧急送往医院。(见图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 07:16:46

    【In Brief】 >45m illegal publications were confiscated and over 3.7m pieces of online information involving pornography or other illegal content were deleted in China in 2012, according to figures released Friday by the National Office Against Pornographic and Illegal Publications. 全国"扫黄打非"工作小组办公室4日公布的数据显示,全国2012年共收缴各类非法出版物4500万件,共清理境内网上淫秽色情等违法信息370多万条。 >"Lost in Thailand" may help the Southeast Asian nation attract a record number of tourists this year, Bloomberg reported. The film's popularity could help increase total arrivals of Chinese tourists by 10% in 2013, according to the Association of Thai Travel Agents. 据彭博社报道,《人再囧途之泰囧》有望将今年赴泰旅游人数推向新高。泰国旅行社协会预计,受影片热映影响,2013年中国赴泰游客数量将增加10%。 >Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is still suffering "severe" lung infection that has hindered his breathing as he struggles to recover from cancer surgery on Dec 11 in Cuba, Reuters reported Friday. 据路透社4日报道,委内瑞拉总统查韦斯上月11日在古巴接受癌症手术后,目前出现"严重的"肺部感染状况,由此导致呼吸困难。 >The biopic (传记片), "jOBS", starring Ashton Kutcher as the late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, will be released in April, The Wall Street Journal reported. 据《华尔街日报》报道,由艾什顿·库彻主演的苹果已故联合创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯的传记电影《jOBS》将于4月上映。 >"Star Wars" creator George Lucas is engaged, AP reported. A spokeswoman for Lucasfilm Ltd says the 68-year-old director is engaged to 43-year-old investment firm president Mellody Hobson.(See photo) 据美联社报道,卢卡斯影业女发言人表示,《星球大战》系列电影之父、68岁的乔治·卢卡斯已与在投资公司担任总裁的43岁女友麦勒迪·霍布森订婚。(见图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 07:17:05

    【Celebrity】 >Sino-Americans in Congress 美国会首现3华裔女议员 The new US Congress was sworn into office Thursday. For the first time, there are 3 Chinese-Americans among the 435 members of the US House of Representatives. More notable, though, is that they are all women, 21st Century Business Herald reported. The 3 Congresswomen are: California Democrat Judy Chu, who is the first Chinese-American woman elected to the US House, Democrat Grace Meng from New York and Democrat Tammy Duckworth representing Illinois. 《21世纪经济报道》消息,当地时间3日,美国新一届国会宣誓就职。在435名国会众议员中首次出现了3位华裔议员的身影,更加引人注目的是,3人均为"巾帼英雄"。她们分别是:来自加利福尼亚州的民主党众议员赵美心,她也是美国历史上首位华裔女众议员;来自纽约州的民主党众议员孟昭文;来自伊利诺伊州的民主党人谭美。 >DPRK's 1st lady has baby? 朝第一夫人'瘦身'或分娩 The wife of the DPRK's leader Kim Jong-un may have given birth, according to a video clip showing her public appearance during a new year's celebration, foreign media reported. On Jan 1, Ri Sol-ju was wearing a form-fitting suit with a different body shape to the previous edema (水肿) of the face and abdominal (腹部的) bulge because of likely pregnancy in December, creating speculation over the birth of an heir. The rumor has not been confirmed by the official statement. 据外媒报道,根据视频推测,朝鲜领导人金正恩的夫人或已分娩。1月1日,朝鲜第一夫人李雪主出席新年公开庆祝活动,她身着合体西装,与上月或因怀孕引起的脸部浮肿、腹部隆起截然不同,由此引发她已生产的推测。目前该传闻尚未得到官方回应。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 07:17:25

    【Language Tips】 'Yellow-belly' -------------- Yellow-belly具有贬义色彩,指"胆小鬼、懦夫"。Yellow-belly是典型的美国词语,但却出自18世纪后期的英格兰,当时将该词语解释为出生在林肯郡沼泽区、腹部呈黄色的人或体弱多病皮肤泛黄的人。但yellow-belly真正具有贬义的含义"懦夫"出现在美墨战争期间,墨西哥军人被美军称为yellow belly。至于是因为墨西哥人的肤色还是健康状况而称他们为yellow belly,目前已无从考证。 请看例句: Charlie, you yellow-belly, that's your own shadow. 查理,你个胆小鬼,那是你自己的影子啊。 【Talk Show】 冬季里手脚冰凉。 >What can I do to re-heat my feet? 我怎样给双脚取暖呢? >I've tried slippers and they do nothing. 我试过穿拖鞋保暖,不管用。 >Wearing shoes and socks until bedtime does nothing either. 睡前一直穿着鞋袜也不管用。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 07:20:19

    【Weekly Topic】 Starting Jan 1, new traffic regulations mean all drivers in China that run a yellow light could receive the same 6-point penalty as those who run red lights. The new rule has sparked debate as many drivers claim it changes the concept of the yellow light as a warning. Do you support the new regulations? Share your opinions with us. 从今年元旦起,新交规施行,和闯红灯一样,闯黄灯也将被扣6分。该条交规引发了广泛争议,许多司机认为这改变了黄灯作为警示灯的意义。你是否支持新交规?请谈谈你的看法。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2013-01-07 07:47:04


  • 熊猫京京酱

    熊猫京京酱 (我在Salamanca...) 2013-01-07 07:51:54


  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-07 10:22:21

    哇,每天摘抄很需要毅力呢 哇,每天摘抄很需要毅力呢 熊猫京京酱

    小小搬运工是五爸...五妈每天就是使唤五爸发而已 哈哈哈... 大笑三声

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-07 10:22:58

    最近CD老是收不到... 10086偷工减料!!!

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-07 10:24:23

    2013.1.7 正式回归!!!

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-07 13:33:42

    啊呀, 上一周, 我拓了3.5h不到 明天起,一天保证一小时

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-07 21:12:33

    ❤每周 1.仔细上一次发膜 X 2.一周去一次超市 √ (原定150/次,此185.多了35) 3.每周吃一次草药 √ 4.每周至少吃一次鱼 X 5.每周写一张明信片 X

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-07 22:16:46

    13.1.7 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 √ 2.每天一种水果 √ 3.多喝水 1000ML √ 4.22点前脸部护理 √ 5.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 6.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 7.最晚24点上床 【 学习 】 1.10点听力 √ 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧两集√ (friends 22th,the big bang theory 15th) 4.线稿一张 5.China Daily 晚报 6. Englishpod 跟读30min 7.<<笔记女王的手帐活用术1>> √ P83 done!!!撒花~~~ 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 (拓词 min) 9.每天看一篇专业文章 √ 10.每天看半小时专业相关的网站(美讯/菲尔设计/SUBAR)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:15:59

    China Daily 早报 2013-01-06 【Morning Buzz】 To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. (Ralph Waldo Emerson, American poet and essayist, 1803-1882) 这个世界随时都想把你变成其它模样,坚持做自己就是一项最伟大的成就。(拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生,美国诗人、散文家,1803-1882) 早安,各位。 【Markets】 Dow Jones 13,435.21 43.85 +0.33% Nasdaq 3,101.66 1.09 +0.04%

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:16:30

    【Highlights】 >Charity transparency better 去年慈善透明指数45分 >Lankao authorities apologize 兰考官方承认监管不力 >Never too old to take exam 61岁老人四战考研(图) >Couple visits Disney daily 失业夫妇全年游迪斯尼 >Pilot spots, catches thief 美飞行员驾机追踪小偷 >Tips: 'Pork barrel' 点津:'猪肉桶'啥意思? 【Cover Story】 >Delhi women try self-defense 印度女性学自卫防强奸 After nearly 3 weeks of reporting on a gang-rape in New Delhi, women in the Indian capital say they are more anxious than ever, leading to a surge in interest in self-defense classes, AFP reported. Self-defense trainer Anuj Sharma says he has fielded a flurry of calls from concerned women interested in taking classes with his Invictus Survival Sciences training institute in Delhi. New Delhi has long been known as the "rape capital of India". Special care is taken by women when traveling at night or on public transport. 据法新社报道,印度首都新德里轮奸案报道近3周后,该市女性称她们比以往更为担忧,为此报名参加自卫课程的人数激增。新德里自卫技能教练阿努杰·沙玛说,自己在德里开办的"征服生存科学训练馆"接到大量电话,大多是对参加自卫技能感兴趣的女性打来的。新德里一直以来都被称为"印度的强奸之都",女性夜晚外出或乘坐公共交通工具时都特别小心。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:16:58

    【Top News】 >Charity transparency better 去年慈善透明指数45分 A report on Chinese charities' transparency gave the philanthropic sector a rating of 45.1 points out of 100 in 2012, people.com.cn reported. The report, published by the China Charity and Donation Information Center Saturday, said the figure was 46% higher than a year earlier. The result was confirmed by a poll that showed the public had a higher satisfaction with charitable organizations. Unsatisfied people had decreased from 92% in 2011 to 61% in 2012. 据人民网报道,好中民慈善捐助信息中心5日发布《2012年度中国慈善透明报告》显示,2012年,我国公益慈善行业年度透明指数为45.1分(总分为100分),与上一年度相比,提高了46%。公众对公益慈善组织信息公开状况的满意度也有显著提高。问卷调查结果显示,2012年,对公益慈善组织的信息公开工作表示不满的公众比例,从2011年的92%下降到了61%。 >Lankao authorities apologize 兰考官方承认监管不力 Authorities in Lankao, Saturday issued an apology at a press conference, a day after a fire engulfed a private shelter for adopted children, cnr.cn reported. They acknowledged their lax supervision on privately run orphanages without licenses. The deputy head of the county, Wu Changsheng, promised they will do their best to set up an official shelter for orphans and abandoned children in 2013. There will be no more unattended street children, said Wu. 据中广网报道,5日,兰考官方就4日儿童私人收养所火灾一事召开新闻发布会,首次向公众承认错误,称有关部门对私人非法收养儿童行为监管不力。兰考县副县长吴常胜承诺,2013年他们将全力建好兰考县的孤儿收养中心,确保不再出现这种弃婴遗孤的事件。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:17:24

    【In Brief】 >The increase in consumer prices is expected to have accelerated in December, as bad weather has decreased food supplies, Xinhua reported. The average forecast for December's CPI growth stood at 2.3%. 据新华社报道,上月因天气恶劣导致食品供应紧张,物价涨速将加快,预计CPI涨幅将升至2.3%左右。 >A survey by China Business News shows that 82.8% of Chinese investors lost money in the stock market in 2012. Only 17.2% benefited from the market. 《第一财经日报》调查显示,2012年,82.8%的中国投资者在股市亏了;只有17.2%的投资者赚了钱。 >Top-seeded Li Na of China secured victory over Klara Zakopalova of the Czech Republic Saturday to capture the inaugural Shenzhen Open on the WTA Tour, earning a 7th career title. 5日,WTA国际巡回赛深圳公开赛结束了最后的冠军争夺战。我国头号种子李娜战胜捷克名将扎科帕洛娃,拿下了首届深圳赛的冠军,这也是李娜的职业生涯第7冠。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:18:43

    【Newsmakers】 >Couple visits Disney daily 失业夫妇全年游迪斯尼 A Southern California couple, Tonya Mickesh and Jeff Reitz, have been made honorary citizens of Disneyland after visiting the tourist attraction every day for an entire year, local media reported. They both started last year out of work and decided to visit Disneyland "on a daily basis" as a way to pass the time. But they kept up their daily pilgrimage with annual passes even after finding jobs. The couple's premium passes cost $649 apiece, which means that the cost per day per person was $1.77 over the year. 据当地媒体报道,美国南加州唐雅·米卡西和杰夫·赖茨夫妇一年来每天前往迪斯尼乐园,近日获迪斯尼颁发的"荣誉市民"称号。他们二人去年初同时失业,于是定下"一日游一次迪斯尼"的目标,以此打发时光。即使后来找到新工作,他们仍坚持每天游园。按全年通行证价格649美元(约合4044元人民币)计算,他们平均每次入场费只需1.77美元(11元人民币)。 >Never too old to take exam 61岁老人四战考研(图) Zhang Shanxue (see photo), 61, took the annual postgraduate entrance exam Saturday in Jinan for the 4th time, Xinhua reported. Zhang began taking an interest in studying medicine after he retired from his English teaching post because of poor health. This year, he applied to study acupuncture (针灸) and tuina-massage (推拿按摩) at a university in Shandong. An undiminished university dream is the force behind his pursuit, Zhang said. In addition, he hopes what he is doing will set a good example for his children, that it is never too late to learn. 据新华社报道,5日,济南61岁的考生张善学(见图)走进考场,参加今年的硕士研究生入学考试,这也是他第4次考研。张善学此前是一名英语教师,因病退休后萌生了学医的想法,他这次报考了山东某大学针灸推拿专业。张善学说,自己之所以这样坚持,是因为有个不灭的"大学梦",而且还要为家里孩子树立一个不忘学习的榜样。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:19:08

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Pilot spots, catches thief 美飞行员驾机追踪小偷 A Florida pilot, who was flying his personal plane home from North Carolina, caught a burglar stealing his trailer during a fly-by (低空飞行) over his house, NBC reported. The pilot, David Zehntner, called the police and then began following the thief in his plane. Authorities located and arrested the thief at a traffic stop. By then, Zehntner had landed his plane and come to the scene to get his trailer back. 据美国全国广播公司报道,佛罗里达州一名飞行员驾驶私人飞机从北卡罗来纳州返航,路过自家房屋上空时,发现有人正在偷家中的拖车,于是驾飞机将其"缉拿归案"。这位飞行员名叫戴维·岑特纳,他在报警后就开始驾驶飞机追踪小偷。警方在一处检查站拦截下小偷并将其逮捕。此时岑特纳已将飞机降落,到现场领回了自家拖车。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:19:27

    【Language Tips】 'Pork barrel' ------------ Pork barrel是美国俚语,指(政府为讨好支持者而给予的)"政治分肥;国库拨款",如拨给地方的建设经费等。政府拨款仿佛一块肥猪肉(pork),人人想要——这一用法可能由此而来。 请看例句: The party won a great increase in votes as a result of its pork-barrel politics. 该党搞的政治分肥活动使其获得的选票大增。 【Talk Show】 怎样选购智能手机。(1) >What is the first thing you look for when you buy a smartphone? 买智能手机时你最看重它的哪个方面? >The first thing I would look at is how big the screen is and the quality of the graphics on the device. 我最关注屏幕的大小以及机子的图像显示怎么样。 >I'd look at the weight/density (how thin/portable) of the device. 我看中重量和密度,也就是它有多薄、多便携。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-07 23:21:34

    13.1.7 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 √ 2.每天一种水果 √ 3.多喝水 1000ML √ 4.22点前脸部护理 √ 5.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 6.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 7.最晚24点上床 √ 【 学习 】 1.10点听力 √ 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧两集√ (friends 22th,the big bang theory 15th) 4.线稿一张 X 5.China Daily 晚报 X 6. Englishpod 跟读30min X 7.<<笔记女王的手帐活用术1>> √ P83 done!!!撒花~~~ 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 X (拓词 30min,二分一) 9.每天看一篇专业文章 √ 10.每天看半小时专业相关的网站(美讯/菲尔设计/SUBAR) X 日结: 英语2.5h 专业1h 拓展0.5 共四小时 仅完成三分之二,比原定计划少了两小时.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:22:32

    China Daily 早报 2013-01-07 【Morning Buzz】 Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Indian political and ideological leader, 1869-1948) 幸福就是当你所思、所言、所做都处于和谐的状态。(莫罕达斯·卡拉姆昌德·甘地,印度政治、思想领袖,1869-1948) 早安,各位。 【Highlights】 >Orphanages get overhaul 全国对收留孤儿大排查 >Outrage at official report 兰考火灾通报'冷酷无情' >Officials removed from posts 苯胺泄漏4责任人被撤职 >KCNA revamps website 朝官方通讯社网站'西化' >London: obese must exercise 伦敦:胖人不减肥扣福利 >Bardot threatens Russia move 法女星威胁入俄籍'护象' >Cardboard models of food 用纸板制作3D美食(图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:23:00

    【Cover Story】 >Ikea providers defect 宜家中国工厂集体'倒戈' Several former Chinese manufacturers of Swedish furniture giant Ikea acted in collusion to revolt against their buyer in 2012, Yangcheng Evening News reported. The rebels – including Ikea's former blinds (百叶窗帘) provider Heilongjiang Naili Wood Group, step stool provider Suihua Qing'an Houcheng Wood Co and stretchable (可拉伸的) dining table manufacturer Yichun Youhao Wood – founded Joyme, an Ikea furniture chain replica. Chairman of Naili, Cao Yuewei, said their defection was a result of the giant's long-time profit squeeze. 据《羊城晚报》报道,2012年,前宜家百叶窗帘供应商——黑龙江省耐力木业集团、阶梯凳供应商——绥化市庆安厚成木业有限公司、拉伸餐桌供应商——伊春友好华丽木业等生产商抱团"倒戈",推出"翻版宜家"———嘉宜美家居连锁商超。耐力集团董事局主席曹跃伟表示,选择叛逃主要是因为长期受到宜家的压榨。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:23:35

    【Top News】 >Orphanages get overhaul 全国对收留孤儿大排查 China will carry out a month-long nationwide inspection of orphanages run by individuals and private operators after a fire engulfed a private shelter for adopted children in Lankao, Henan, Xinhua reported. Civil affairs departments across the country are urged to improve management of such orphanages and prevent individuals and private institutions from illegally housing orphans, the Ministry of Civil Affairs said Sunday. 据新华社报道,河南兰考儿童私人收养所发生火灾后,民政部6日下发通知,要求各地民政部门加强对个人和民办机构收留孤儿的管理工作。全国将用一个月时间对个人和民办机构收留孤儿情况进行大排查。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:23:56

    >Outrage at official report 兰考火灾通报'冷酷无情' The public and media were outraged after authorities in Lankao, Henan, issued an investigative report regarding a fire that engulfed a private shelter for adopted children on Jan 4. Xinhua said the report had an unusual writing style. It appeared to credit officials' achievements using phrases like "officials attaching great importance to the accident", "officials making important instructions" and "officials inspecting the fire wreckage". The report also relentlessly mentioned shelter founder Yuan Lihai. It detailed how Yuan was unqualified to adopt children, without acknowledging the local government's role in caring for the orphans and abandoning children with physical or mental disabilities. 兰考县"1·4"火灾事故情况通报公布后引发社会和媒体广泛批评。新华社刊文称,兰考火灾通报文风怪诞,出现领导"高度重视"、"重要批示","亲赴现场"等字样,显然成为有关领导的功劳簿。此外,谈到袁厉害个人收养弃婴时,通报尽显冷酷无情——不见当地政府对残疾弃儿的责任担当,却历数袁厉害不符合收养条件。>Officials removed from posts 苯胺泄漏4责任人被撤职 Chen Jianwen, general manager of Tianji Coal Chemical Industry Group, and 3 other officials who are responsible for the Dec 31 aniline (苯胺) leak accident in Lu'an, Shanxi, have been removed from their posts, local emergency response headquarters said at a press conference Sunday night, xinhuanet.com reported. Water supply has been restored in more than 85% of urban homes in Han Dan after emergency management procedures were undertaken, local authorities said at noon on the same day. The aniline leak accident in Shanxi polluted water and cut the water supply in most of the downstream city of Han Dan Saturday. 据新华网报道,6日晚,山西潞安天脊"12·31"应急指挥部召开媒体通气会,宣布天脊方元公司总经理陈建温等4名苯胺泄漏事故责任人被撤职。另据邯郸市政府6日中午通报,经全力应急处置,5日,因上游山西境内苯胺泄漏事故水污染发生大面积停水的邯郸市主城区85%以上居民已恢复正常供水。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:25:08

    >London: obese must exercise 伦敦:胖人不减肥扣福利 Westminster council has offered a proposal to slash benefits for overweight or unhealthy people in London who refuse to attend exercise sessions, the BBC reported. General practitioners (全科医师) would also be allowed to prescribe leisure activities such as swimming and fitness classes under the idea. Under the proposal, overweight benefit claimants could have their money docked if they refused exercise regimes prescribed by doctors. The council said the proposal aims to cut £5b from the NHS budget. 据英国广播公司报道,伦敦威斯敏斯特市政厅日前发布一项提案称,该市肥胖及不健康人士如果拒绝参加锻炼课程,将减少发放给他们的福利。该计划准许医生为肥胖人士开休闲运动作为处方,比如游泳、上健身课等,如果超重者拒绝遵照医嘱从事锻炼,将削减他们的福利。市政厅称,此举意在为英国国家医疗服务体系节省50亿英镑的预算。 >KCNA revamps website 朝官方通讯社网站'西化' The KCNA, the state news agency of the DPRK, has unveiled a new version of its website that is free from former slogans attacking the US and the ROK. The revamped website now appears and functions more like mainstream Western websites, said ROK media. On its homepage, the site not only provides Chinese, English, Korean and Japanese news services – as in the past – but has also adds the option to read news in Spanish. Analysts believe the makeover may be related to Google chairman Eric Schmidt's visit to the DPRK this week. The changes also show how the DPRK authorities are trying to connect with the international world. 朝鲜中央通讯社官方网站日前全新改版。韩国媒体认为,新版外观和功能更接近西方主流网站,以前网站上攻击美国和韩国的标语也不见了。新版首页在原有中、英、韩、日语基础上,新增了西班牙语选项。有分析认为,朝中社此次改版或与谷歌董事会执行主席埃瑞克·施密特本周访朝有关,是朝鲜高层试图让朝鲜融入国际社会的一大表现。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:26:16

    【In Brief】 >China's welfare lottery sales hit a record RMB151.03b in 2012, up 18% year on year, the Ministry of Civil Affairs announced Sunday. 民政部6日宣布,2012年中国福利彩票发行销售再创历史新高,年销量达到1510.3亿元,比上年增长18%。 >Two Chinese women died from the H1N1 flu strain in Beijing in the past 10 days, Beijing Evening News reported Sunday. The women are the first reported deaths from the virus in China's capital since 2010. 据《北京晚报》6日报道,过去10天,北京市出现两例甲型H1N1流感死亡病例,死者皆为女性。这是自2010年以来北京首次出现甲流死亡病例。 >French big-nosed film star Gerard Depardieu met Russian President Vladimir Putin in town of Sochi Sunday and obtained his Russian passport, the Kremlin said, after Depardieu left his homeland to avoid a new tax rate for millionaires.(See photo) 克里姆林宫宣布,俄罗斯总统普京6日在索契小镇接见了法国"大鼻子"影星杰拉尔·德帕迪约,目前德帕迪约已经拿到了俄罗斯护照。此前,他为了避法国政府新实施的高额富人税政策而移民。(见图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:27:01

    【Newsmakers】 >Bardot threatens Russia move 法女星威胁入俄籍'护象' Famed French actress Brigitte Bardot has threatened to follow actor Gerard Depardieu in applying for Russian citizenship in protest not of tax hikes but of the treatment of 2 circus elephants, The Guardian reported. The animals, named Baby and Nepal, are thought to be carrying tuberculosis (结核). A court in Lyon ordered the animals to be euthanized as a precautionary measure. "If those in power are cowardly and impudent enough to kill the elephants…then I have decided I will ask for Russian nationality to get out of this country, which has become nothing more than an animal cemetery," she said. 据《卫报》报道,就在法国影星杰拉尔·德帕迪约为抗议政府增税入俄籍后,该国著名女星碧姬·芭铎因不满政府处置两头马戏团大象的方式,近日威胁说也要申请成为俄罗斯公民。据悉,两头名为"宝贝"和"尼泊尔"的大象近日被认为是染上了结核。为了预防感染,里昂法院下令对它们实施安乐死。芭铎说:"如果当权者都懦弱和无耻到杀害这两头无辜的大象的地步,我决定将申请俄罗斯国籍,以摆脱这个即将变成动物公墓的国家。"

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:27:24

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Cardboard models of food 用纸板制作3D美食(图) Spanish artist Stefanie Herr has created 3D sculptures of food made entirely from cardboard, the Daily Mail of London reported. After printing out images of food and applying them to hundreds of pieces of cardboard, Herr cut the pieces to shape and stacked them to create 3D versions of trays of food, matching the size of items found on supermarket shelves. The vivid and quirky artistic creations, however, sell for £250-400, much more than the pre-packaged supermarket meals.(See photo) 据英国《每日邮报》报道,西班牙艺术家史蒂芬妮·赫尔近日用硬纸板制作3D美食纸雕。赫尔首先将食物的图片打印出来,然后把它们黏贴在数百张薄纸板上,再通过精心修剪并将纸板层层叠放,制作出一幅幅栩栩如生的纸雕,大小和超市的实物一样。不过,这些逼真又奇特的艺术品比超市里包装好的肉可贵多了,售价在250至400镑之间。(见图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:27:40

    【Talk Show】 怎样选购智能手机。(2) >You'd better make sure it's not plastic and that it is durable for daily use. 你还得确保它不是塑质的,这样日常使用起来才会耐用。 >I'd like the screen to completely cover the front of the phone without any sides. 我希望屏幕能把手机正面全部覆盖上,不要留边。 >If I were you, I would look at the style and whether it is a good brand. 如果是我,我会看它的时尚性以及品牌知名度。 (本期英文内容由美籍编辑Michael Thai润色。)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:28:19

    China Daily 晚报 2013-01-07

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:28:42

    【Weather Jan 8】 Fuzhou: overcast 8~13℃ Xiamen: rainy 11~17℃ Quanzhou: overcast 11~18℃ 【BOC Exchange Rates】 100 USD = 628.72 CNY 100 GBP = 1008.72 CNY 100 EUR = 820.17 CNY 100 HKD = 81.11 CNY 100 JPY = 7.1235 CNY (以上人民币汇率中间价来源于中国银行网站) 【Markets】 Shanghai Stock 2285.36 +8.37 +0.37% HangSeng Stock 23329.75 -1.34 -0.01% 【Highlights】 >Intercity use of bus cards 多地公交卡拟跨市通用 >Heavy fog grounds flights 成都机场大雾万人滞留 >Mayor sorry for aniline leak 山西承认迟报苯胺污染 >Top 25 Asian places to visit 2013亚洲最佳旅游城市 >Oxford graduate in hills 牛津生隐居深山13年(图) >Man eats the hottest curry 男子成功挑战'最辣咖喱'

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:29:08

    【Cover Story】 >Postgrads can't find work 国内'考研热'遭遇就业冷 Postgraduates are finding it increasingly difficult to land a job, chinanews.com reported Sunday. Despite the gloomy landscape, the number of graduate school entrance examination applicants has soared in recent years. According to data from Nationwide Graduate Employment Status, postgraduates' employment rates fell consecutively from 2005 to 2009. The employment rate for postgraduates in both 2009 and 2010 were even lower than that for college graduates. 据中新网6日报道,就在研究生考试招生规模连年大增之际,即将毕业的研究生们却面临就业困境。《全国高校毕业生就业状况》数据显示,2005年到2009年,硕士生就业率连续下降,2009年和2010年硕士生的就业率均不及本科生。 [解决之道] Experts suggest that graduate education should avoid focusing on scale while neglecting the quality. Society should also consider transforming its talent merit evaluation system based mainly on a person's educational background. 专家分析,中国研究生教育应摒弃重规模、轻质量的发展路径,而社会以学历为主的人才评价体系也需改变。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:29:26

    【Top News】 >Intercity use of bus cards 多地公交卡拟跨市通用 More than 20 cities, including Tianjin, Hangzhou, Jinan, Zhengzhou, Changsha, Fuzhou, and Xi'an, will join the intercity public transport cards program this year, Beijing Times reported. Residents will be able to take buses in over 30 cities using a single card. The card can also be used to take ferries and rent bikes in certain cities. Shanghai, Ningbo, Shaoxing, Huzhou, Taizhou, Changshu, Lanzhou and Baiyin already introduced the intercity use of public transport cards in 2012. 据《京华时报》报道,今年,天津、杭州、济南、郑州、长沙、福州、西安等20余个城市将加入公交"一卡通"互联平台,届时,民众可持同一张公交卡在全国30多个城市内乘坐公交车,部分城市内还可享受乘坐轮渡、租赁自行车的服务。去年,上海、宁波、绍兴、湖州、台州、常熟、兰州、白银8个城市已实现"一卡通"的互联互通。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:33:15

    >Heavy fog grounds flights 成都机场大雾万人滞留 Heavy fog grounded more than 210 flights and stranded at least 15,000 passengers at the Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport in Sichuan Sunday, forcing the airport to close for more than 7 hours. Fog continued to linger the next morning, with more than 5,000 passengers trapped at the airport as of Monday noon, chinanews.com reported. This is the 2nd time in a week that heavy fog disrupted airport operations. It also caused a major backlog of flights at the Kunming Changshui International Airport, stranding at least 10,000 travelers on Thursday and Friday. The airport even became disorderly when some stranded passengers grew angry with the delays and poor service. 据中新网报道,成都双流国际机场6日遭受大雾天气袭击,一度关闭7个多小时,造成210多个进出港航班延误,至少1.5万名出行旅客滞留机场。截至7日中午,大雾还未散去,仍有5000名以上的出港旅客受困机场。这已是一周内第二个被大雾影响运行的国内机场。昆明长水国际机场3至4日因大雾导致飞机大面积晚点或停飞,上万名旅客滞留,因对航班延误和机场服务不满,现场情况一度混乱。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:33:34

    >Mayor sorry for aniline leak 山西承认迟报苯胺污染 The mayor of Changzhi City, where an aniline leak contaminated a river in Shanxi, has apologized for the authority's delay in dealing with the incident, xinhuanet.com reported. Mayor Zhang Bao made the apology at a press conference held Monday. He said the municipal government had underestimated the severity of the chemical leak after the accident happened on Dec 31. The provincial authority did not receive the pollution report from Changzhi City until 5 days later, whereas such an incident should have been reported to provincial authorities within 2 hours. 据新华网报道,7日,山西省长治市市长张保在新闻发布会上为苯胺泄漏事故未及时上报向公众道歉。张保说,事故在12月31日发生,直到1月5日才上报山西省政府,主要是因为市政府对污染事故严重性认识不足。根据规定,这样的突发事件发生后,地方政府应当在两小时内向省人民政府报告。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:33:48

    >Top 25 Asian places to visit 2013亚洲最佳旅游城市 World-renowned travel advisory website - tripadvisor.com - has released its best 25 destinations in Asia to visit in 2013. Siem Reap in Cambodia topped the chart, followed by Beijing and Shanghai. Goa in India, Hong Kong, the Nepali capital Kathmandu, Hanoi, and Singapore, together with Xi'an and Taipei are the other cities listed in the ranking. 世界著名的旅游参考网站"旅行顾问"日前发布了2013年亚洲最佳旅行目的地前25名榜单。柬埔寨暹粒市、中国的北京和上海分列前3位。其它上榜的城市还包括印度果阿、中国香港、尼泊尔首都加德满都、越南河内、新加坡、中国西安和中国台北等地。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:34:06

    【In Brief】 >A fleet of 4 Chinese marine surveillance ships continued to patrol territorial waters off China's Diaoyu Islands Monday, according to the State Oceanic Administration (SOA). The vessels are Haijian 51, Haijian 26, Haijian 66 and Haijian 137, the SOA said in a statement. 根据国家海洋局发布的消息,7日,中国海监51、26、66、137船编队继续在中国钓鱼岛领海内巡航。 >Starting Monday, inquiries about the results of the civil service examination can be posted on the websites of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the State Administration of Civil Service. 2013年"国考"成绩今起可查询,考生可在人力资源社会保障部网站或国家公务员局网站查询考试成绩。 >Former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson and Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt will start their private mission to North Korea Monday, foreign media reported. 据外媒报道,美国新墨西哥州前州长比尔·理查森和谷歌公司董事会执行主席埃里克·施密特7日启程赴朝鲜进行"私人访问"。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:34:20

    【Newsmaker】 >Oxford graduate in hills 牛津生隐居深山13年(图) An Oxford graduate has quit society and lived in a mud roundhouse in the Welsh hills for 13 years, the Daily Mail of London reported. 58-year-old Emma Orbach has lived with no electricity in her self-built house, generating her own power and growing her own food. She named her home "spirit land", where she has banned technology. Emma said: "This is how I want to live. This lifestyle makes me feel really happy and at peace and this is my ideal home." 据英国《每日邮报》报道,牛津大学的一名毕业生隐居避世,已经在威尔士山区的一个泥屋里住了13年。58岁的艾玛·奥巴赫自己建的小屋里没有电,她就自己生火,食物也都是自种。她称自己的小屋是自己的"精神乐园",在这里,所有高科技的东西她都不用。艾玛说:"这就是我想要的生活。它使我感到真正的快乐和平静,这里就是我理想的家。"

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:34:36

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Man eats the hottest curry 男子成功挑战'最辣咖喱' Ian Rothwell, a 55 year-old British doctor, has become the 1st person to finish the world's hottest curry at a UK restaurant - despite suffering hallucinations (幻觉) brought on by the dish, foreign media reported. The curry, which is filled with 20 of the 2nd hottest chillis on the planet, is so dangerous to make it has to be prepared by chefs wearing goggles and a face mask. Rothwell said completing the challenge was harder than when he climbed Mount Kilimanjaro last year. 据外媒报道,55岁的英国医生伊恩·罗斯韦尔在该国一家餐厅成功挑战"全球最辣"的咖喱,成为第一个吃下整份咖喱的人——尽管被辣出了幻觉。据悉,这款咖喱中放了20根全球第二辣的辣椒,在制作时就已经很危险,厨师需要带上护目镜和面罩。罗斯韦尔称吃完这份咖喱比他去年攀登乞力马扎罗山还难。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:34:58

    【China Daily Radio】 每个月那点微薄的工资还了房贷利息就所剩无几,上百万的本金偿还更是遥遥无期……如果你也深陷这种窘境,那么你不仅是房奴,还是zombie debtor(僵尸债务人)! The term zombie debtor refers to someone who is unable to pay off the capital of the loan, and whose repayments only service the interest charge. In Britain, it is feared that 3.5m people will turn to payday lenders in the next six months but research shows that nearly two-thirds will regret the decision. Many will be unable to pay off the loan and risk becoming "zombie debtors". "僵尸债务人"是指无法偿还贷款本金,只能偿还利息费用的人。在未来的六个月内,英国或将有350万人将会申请发薪日贷款,然而研究显示,2/3的申请贷款者会为这一决定后悔。许多人将无法付清贷款,有可能会沦为"僵尸贷款人"。 A payday loan is a small, short-term loan that is intended to cover a borrower's expenses until his or her next payday. It is usually accompanied with excessive rates of interest. It is estimated that payday loans cost Americans $4.2b a year in interest and fees. The experts commented: "Payday loans are not the best way to resolve debt struggles. We know that many who take them out find them to be a negative experience, often escalating financial troubles." 所谓发薪日贷款,指的是在下一个发薪日前支付借款人开销的小额短期贷款,通常伴随着高利息率。据估计,美国人每年要花费42亿美元用于支付发薪日贷款的利息和手续费。专家指出,"发薪日贷款并不是解决债务困境的最佳途径。据我们所知,很多人申请了发薪日贷款后发现这是一种令人不快的经历,它通常会加剧经济困难。" (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:35:20

    【Word Power】 闯黄灯 run yellow lights 例句: The Ministry of Public Security announced that drivers who run yellow lights will, for the time being, not be penalized. 公安部表示对闯黄灯的司机暂不予以处罚。 【Word Prize】 --You need to be well-heeled to be able to afford to shop there. 此处well-heeled意思是? A.有城府的 B.有钱的 C.著名的

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-07 23:41:09

    最近一阵子手机常处在漫游状态,信号不是很稳定,时而会没有收到China Daily,缺了5号、6号的晚报,已多次让客服补发,仍未收到... ...,就且当它是元旦放假吧!

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2013-01-07 23:47:14


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-08 08:08:25

    ChinaDaily早报 2013-01-08 【Morning Buzz】 We should not feel embarrassed by our difficulties, only by our failure to grow anything beautiful from them. (Alain de Botton, Swiss writer, b.1969) 使我们感到窘迫的,不应是困难本身,而是我们无法让困难结出美丽的果实。(阿兰·德波顿,瑞士作家,生于1969年) 早安,各位。 【Markets】 Dow Jones 13,384.29 -50.92 -0.38% Nasdaq 3,098.81 -2.85 -0.09% 【Highlights】 >China to reform penal system 今年推进劳教制度改革 >Heating desired in South 近九成人支持南方供暖 >ROK on a power saving drive 韩拟重罚敞开门放暖气 >Google boss arrives in DPRK 谷歌总裁抵朝引发猜想 >Britons fight to keep home 英百万'房奴'借贷还款 >Pelosi defends altered photo 美国会照造假PS4人(图) >Orange cup - better taste! 研究:橙色杯饮热巧美味

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-08 08:08:52

    【Cover Story】 >Big displays of Chinese makers 中国手机品牌业绩抢眼 Chinese handset makers have taken over the leadership of smartphones in their home market from global brands, the Financial Times reported. In the 3rd quarter, sales of Lenovo smartphones in China surpassed those of Apple, while Gionee, a Chinese brand few outside China had ever heard of, squeezed past famous HTC, according to Gartner, the research firm. The rise of homegrown handsets is unlikely to stop there, it reported. After having rolled up the mature smartphone market, Chinese manufacturers are following global brands into the new, supposedly higher-margin segment of "phablets". 据《金融时报》报道,中国手机制造商已在本土市场夺走了全球品牌的领先地位。研究公司高德纳的数据显示,第3季度,联想智能手机在国内的销量超过了苹果,而在国外鲜为人知的中国品牌金立的销量则赶超了赫赫有名的宏达电。据报道,本土手机的崛起不太可能就此止步。在席卷成熟的智能手机市场之后,目前中国制造商正紧跟全球品牌的步伐,打入新的、利润率或更高的"平板手机"领域。 【Top News】 >China to reform penal system 今年推进劳教制度改革 The Chinese government will advance reforms for its re-education through labor system this year, according to a national political and legal work conference Monday, Xinhua reported. The system currently allows police to detain people for up to 4 years without an open trial, leading experts to argue that it contradicts China's constitution. 据新华社报道,全国政法工作会议7日召开,会议提出,2013年将推进劳教制度改革。现行劳教制度规定,警方可以不经公开审判对嫌疑人实行最高期限为4年的限制人身自由措施。有专家认为,这种规定违反了《宪法》。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-08 08:09:11

    >Heating desired in South 近九成人支持南方供暖 In an opinion poll conducted by qq.com, 88% of 104,618 participants voted to install a collective public heating network in southern China, xinhuanet.com reported. A debate on whether to alter a line drawn in the 1950s to define China's northern and southern parts has started on the Internet. Extremely cold weather has stimulated the southerners' heating demands, but they can only use private heating devices, which are unsafe and not environmental-friendly, experts say. 据新华网报道,腾讯网日前一项有104618人参与的在线调查显示,88%的人支持在南方建设集中供暖系统。关于上世纪50年代划定的南北供暖线是否应该更改也在网上引起热议。专家指出,随着南方极寒天气频频出现,人们对供暖的需求越来越迫切,如果让南方城市居民自行取暖,将会带来安全、环境污染等问题。 ['供暖线'的两端] Cities to the north of a line almost along the Huaihe River and Qinling Mountains have public heating which circulates hot water generated by government-subsidized heating stations. Room temperatures in the north can be around 20℃. However, people living in cities to the south of the line, including the country's major metropolises of Shanghai, Chongqing, and Nanjing, have to use various private heating devices to warm their freezing and humid houses. 以秦岭-淮河为界,"供暖线"以北的城市采用集中供暖,通过政府资助的供暖站产生的循环热水采暖,室温可达20摄氏度左右。但住在"供暖线"以南的城市,包括上海、重庆、南京等大城市的人们只能使用私人取暖设备来温暖寒冷潮湿的房间。 >ROK on a power saving drive 韩拟重罚敞开门放暖气 Starting Monday, owners of buildings and commercial premises (房屋) in the Republic of Korea (ROK) are facing as much as 3m won in fines if they keep their doors open while running heaters, Yonhap News Agency reported. The measure is part of the government's mandatory (强制的) campaign to save electricity, as the nation is bracing itself for an unusually cold winter amid risks of a possible power shortage. In another power-conservation measure, shop owners will be required to turn off their neon (霓虹灯) signs between 5:00-7:00 pm. 据韩联社报道,7日起,韩国建筑物和商业店铺业主如果敞着门开暖气,将面临高达300万韩元的罚款。这项举措是韩国政府推行强制节电活动的一部分。由于遭遇罕见寒冬,韩国今年可能出现电力短缺。另一项节能措施要求,商家每天晚5-7时关闭霓虹灯广告牌。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-08 08:09:30

    >Britons fight to keep home 英百万'房奴'借贷还款 The number of people constantly struggling to pay their rent or mortgage has increased by 44% over the past year, equating to 7.8m Britons, according to a survey by UK charity Shelter. The charity also estimates that almost 1m people took out a high interest payday loan to help them cover their mortgage or rent. Some 1.4m rent or mortgage payers said they had fallen behind with their payments. Around 7% of those surveyed said they used an unauthorized overdraft to help them cover their costs, and 1/10 of these people said they did so every month, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,英国慈善团体"避难所"调查显示,去年,英国为支付房租和房贷而备受煎熬的人数增加了44%,总数达到780万人。该组织估计,该国有近100万人为了支付房租或房贷,不惜借高利息的"发薪日贷款"。此外,该国140万人称,他们的收入已还不起租金和房贷。约7%的受访者表示他们用未经授权的透支方式还款,其中10%的人说他们每个月都要这样做。 >Google boss arrives in DPRK 谷歌总裁抵朝引发猜想 Former New Mexico governor Bill Richardson (see photo, L) and Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt (R) arrived in the DPRK Monday, Reuters reported. A US official said the trip's timing was particularly bad from the Obama administration's point of view because it comes as the UN Security Council ponders how to respond to the DPRK's Dec 12 missile launch. Many observers expect Richardson to seek the release of a ROK-American tour guide who was detained last year. Other analysts believe Schmidt planned to expand business in the country. 据路透社报道,7日,美国前新墨西哥州州长比尔·理查德森(图左)和谷歌董事会执行主席埃里克·施密特(图右)抵达朝鲜。一名美国官员称,鉴于联合国安理会正在考虑如何回应朝上月12号火箭发射一事,奥巴马政府认为理查德森和施密特此行尤为不合时宜。多名观察人士认为,理查德森或将寻求释放去年被朝拘留的一名韩裔美国导游。也有分析人士猜测,施密特访朝意在拓展业务。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-08 08:10:00

    【In Brief】 >In order to protect its architecture and relics, the Forbidden City, or Palace Museum, will start a trial of a half-day closure on Monday afternoons every week from Jan 1 to Mar 31, during low seasons. The museum will be open to the public from 8:30 am to 12 am every Monday and the ticket office will be closed at 11 am. 为保护故宫古建筑和遗迹,故宫博物院自2013年1月1日至3月31日(淡季)期间试行每周一下午闭馆半天。每周一开馆时间为上午8点半,中午12点闭馆,11点停止售票。 >Xinhuanet.com, the website operated by Xinhua, has filed with China's security authorities for an Initial Public Offering (IPO) that is expected to raise about RMB1b, cnr.cn reported. 据中广网报道,新华网已提交IPO申请,融资规模预计在10亿元人民币左右。 >Fast food giant McDonald's began hiking prices by RMB0.5-1.5 for certain set meals and single meals across China from Jan 1, National Business Daily reported. 据《每日经济新闻》报道,1月1日起,麦当劳部分套餐和单品在全国范围内提价,提价幅度为0.5 -1.5元之间。 >Hollywood heartthrob Brad Pitt joined China's micro-blogging service Sina Weibo and sent a message Monday: "It's the truth. Yup, I'm coming." It was forwarded more than 40,000 times. 好莱坞影星布拉德·皮特7日开通新浪微博,并发表了一条博文:"这是真的。是的,我来了。"该条微博已被转发4万多次。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-08 08:10:20

    【Newsmaker】 >Pelosi defends altered photo 美国会照造假PS4人(图) US House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi came under fire after her team altered a historical group photo to add 4 congresswomen who came too late for a photo taken after lawmakers were sworn in to the 113th Congress, US media reported. Using Photoshop, the 4 absent congresswomen were tacked onto the back row (see photo). Pelosi said later the decision was "an accurate historical record of who the Democratic women of Congress are". 据美媒报道,在美国第113届国会上宣誓就职后,民主党议员的一张历史性合影陷入"PS风波",美国众议院民主党领袖南希·佩洛西因此备受指责。据悉,当时有4名女议员由于迟到,未能参与合影,佩洛西团队便擅自使用Photoshop将她们"塞进"照片的最后一排(见图)。事后,佩洛西解释称,这样做是为了"准确记录在这一历史时刻,民主党女议员都是何许人"。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-08 08:10:45

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Orange cup - better taste! 橙色杯中饮热巧更美味 An orange-colored set of mugs will make your hot chocolate taste sweeter than it would taste served in plain white or stark red, according to European scientists. In a simple volunteering experiment, 57 people were asked to drink hot chocolate served in 4 different types of cups. They were all plastic and of the same size, but were either white, cream, red or orange with white inside. The tasters reported the chocolate tasted better in the cream-colored and orange cups. 欧洲科学家称,与纯白或大红色相比,橙色的杯子会使热巧克力尝起来更加美味。志愿者参与了一项简单的试验,57位参与者被要求饮用4种杯子盛装的热巧克力。4种杯子都是塑料质地,并且大小相同,颜色分别为白色、奶油色、红色及橙色,但内胆都是白色的。测试者称奶色及橙色杯子中的巧克力尝起来更美味。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-08 08:11:26

    【Talk Show】 七嘴八舌话减肥。(1) >There are lots of ways to lose weight, and you can shed pounds as long as you stay consistent. 减肥有很多方法,只要你肯坚持就一定会有效果。 >It seems easy just to be on a diet for 2-3 weeks and lose some weight. But it will come back again soon. 节食两三周貌似能很容易减掉一些重量,但体重很快又会反弹。 >There are many at-home workouts you can use. 你可以在家里做很多运动。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。) 【Word Prize】 --You need to be well-heeled to be able to afford to shop there. 此处well-heeled意思是? 答案:B.有钱的 原句意为:你得很有钱才能买得起那家店的东西。 Well-heeled相当于"well-fixed; well-off",意为rich, wealthy。再比如:My uncle can afford a new car. He's well-heeled.我叔叔买得起一辆新车,他很有钱。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-08 09:42:52

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