
  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-13 08:44:35

    【Top News】 >83% tap water safe to drink 城市饮用水达标率83% Up to 83% of China's urban tap water passes the quality threshold under a newly-revised standard for drinking water, China's Ministry of Health said Wednesday, according to xinhuanet.com. The Ministry has tested tap water samples from more than 1,000 water plants that provide about 80% of the Chinese urban public water supply. The new standard, which took effect from July 1 this year, has increased the number of water quality indicators to 106 from the previous 35. 据新华网报道,中国卫生部12日称,普查显示,按照新的《生活饮用水卫生标准》进行评价,中国城市生活饮用水水质达标率为83%。本次普查涉及占全国城市公共供水能力80%左右的1000多家水厂。据了解,新《生活饮用水卫生标准》从今年7月1日起全面实施,指标由原来的35项增加到了106项。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-13 08:45:22

    >DPRK's rocket launch motives 朝鲜火箭发射玄机揭秘 The DPRK said Wednesday it successfully fired off the Unha-3 rocket. The curious timing of the launch, outside of its usual spring-summer launch window, raises questions about the political motivations behind Pyongyang's attention-grabbing move. CNN analyzed 3 motives underlying Pyongyang's latest move: 朝鲜12日称已经成功发射"银河3号"运载火箭。该国通常选择春夏之际进行火箭发射,而此番选在这样一个时机发射,引发了外界广泛猜测,平壤这一引人注目的行动背后有着怎样的政治动机?美国有线电视新闻网分析了以下3点: [影响周边] As northeast Asia awaits the outcomes of the Japanese election on Dec 16 and the South Korean presidential poll on Dec 19, a rocket launch sends a strong signal from Pyongyang to its regional interlocutors to ensure that the DPRK does not get overlooked. It will test the resolve of the new leadership teams and yield clues as to how they are likely to react individually and coordinate together in relation to the DPRK in future. 在东北亚区域,本月16日和19日将分别诞生日本和韩国新任领导人。平壤此时发射火箭是向周边对话者发送强烈信号,即不要忽视朝鲜。它将试探各国新领导集团的决策,并得出线索,以此判断各国将来会如何处理与朝鲜的关系。 [树立威望] A successful rocket launch would also represent a sterling commemoration of the first anniversary of Kim Jong-il's death on Dec 17. By demonstrating technological prowess, it would boost national pride and bestow prestige on DPRK's young new ruler, Kim Jong-un. 12月17日是朝鲜前领导人金正日逝世一周年的纪念日,火箭的成功发射还是对这一重要日子的纪念。通过展示技术上的巨大成就,国家自豪感得以提升,同时也为年轻的新领导人金正恩树立了威望。 [增加筹码] A successful launch of a long-range rocket may herald a shift from the developmental phase of the long-range missile program closer to a deployment phase. This would increase Pyongyang's strategic and diplomatic leverage in relation to its northeast Asian neighbors and its ability to use this event as a bargaining chip to extract further aid from the international community. 远程火箭的成功发射预示着该国的远程导弹项目已从开发阶段向部署阶段更进一步。这无疑将为平壤在处理与东北亚各国关系中增加战略和外交影响力,朝鲜也可借此事件为自己增加筹码,寻求更多国际社会的援助。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-13 08:45:53

    >Obama recognizes SOC 美国承认叙'反对派联盟' US President Barack Obama Tuesday recognized the Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC) as the sole "legitimate representative" of the Syrian people. "We've made a decision that the SOC is now inclusive enough, reflective and representative enough of the Syrian population that we consider them the legitimate representative of the Syrian people in opposition to the Assad regime," said Obama in an interview with ABC News. 据美国广播公司新闻网报道,美国总统奥巴马11日宣布,美承认叙利亚反对派联盟是叙利亚人民"唯一合法"代表。奥巴马在接受该媒体采访时称,美国认定,叙利亚反对派联盟具有足够包容性,足以反映和代表叙利亚人民的意愿。所以,美国将其看作反对阿萨德政权的叙利亚人民的合法代表。 >MS, Apple battle for revenue 微软苹果'利不均'惹纠纷 Microsoft and Apple are fighting a behind-the-scenes battle over App Store revenue sharing, The Next Web reports. Microsoft currently offers its SkyDrive storage app to iOS users. However, upon doing so, Microsoft decided that it wouldn't share 30% of the revenue generated through those transactions with Apple, leading to the kerfuffle (混乱). Apple is currently blocking any Microsoft SkyDrive updates in its App Store until the software giant agrees to share revenue generated through its application, the site reports. 据The Next Web报道,微软和苹果正在就App Store应用商店收入分成问题展开幕后大战。目前微软正在向iOS用户提供SkyDrive存储应用,但微软不准备将应用收入的30%分给苹果,引起了这场风波。报道称,苹果目前已阻止微软SkyDrive在App Store中进行任何更新,直到这家软件巨头同意分成应用收入时为止。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-13 08:46:32

    >'Gold' JP's persona in 2012 '金'当选日本年度汉字 "Kin", the kanji (汉字) for gold or money, was chosen as character of the year, the Japan Aptitude Testing Foundation announced Wednesday. The last time "Kin" became the top choice was in 2000. Supporters say they endorsed "Kin," as it suggested hot events this year, according to Japanese media. These included the celestial event of the golden-ring solar eclipse, a total of 38 medals achieved by Japanese athletes at the London Games, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine awarded to Japanese scientist Shinya Yamanaka as well as the country's several defrauding scandals involving money.(See photo) 日本汉字能力检定协会12日公布,日本2012年度汉字是"金",这是继2000年后"金"第2次当选"年度汉字"。"金"字在日语中有黄金、金钱之意。日媒称,投票者选择"金"字的理由是今年出现了金环日食、日本运动员在伦敦奥运会上获得38枚奖牌、日本科学家山中伸弥获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖,以及日本发生了一些与"金钱"有关的诈骗事件等。(见图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-13 08:47:02

    【In Brief】 >Today marks the 75th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre, committed by Japanese soldiers during World War II. Nanjing will hold a series of events, including offering candles, holding a wake ceremony and an international peaceful assembly, to mourn the 300,000 victims while praying for peace. 今天是南京大屠杀30万同胞遇难75周年纪念日,南京将举办烛光祭、守灵仪式、国际和平集会等多项活动悼念遇难者并祈祷世界和平。 >PetroChina has agreed a deal to pay $1.63b for BHP Billiton's stake in a natural gas project in Western Australia. It marks the company's first oil and natural gas cooperation with Australia in the continental shelf off the country's northwestern coast, xinhuanet.com reported. PetroChina will hold a 20% holding in the West Browse and an 8.3% stake in the East Browse joint venture. 据新华网报道,中石油日前与澳大利亚必和必拓公司签署相关协议,以总价16.3亿美元收购必和必拓公司位于西澳大利亚海上天然气项目西布劳斯20%权益和东布劳斯8.3%的权益。这是中石油首次进入澳大利亚西北大陆架海上天然气合作领域。 >The UN Security Council condemned the DPRK's rocket launch Wednesday, calling the move "a clear violation" of relevant council resolutions and said it will urgently consider "an appropriate response," Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,联合国安理会当地时间12日谴责朝鲜发射火箭的行为,认为朝鲜此举明显违反了其相关决议。联合国还表示将考虑如何就此做出"适当的回应"。 >Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's cancer operation in Cuba on Tuesday was a success, BBC reported. It was the president's 4th cancer-related operation since June 2011. 据英国广播公司报道,委内瑞拉总统乌戈·查韦斯11日在古巴接受手术,成功切除癌细胞。这是2011年6月以来查韦斯总统第4次接受癌症相关的手术。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-13 08:47:40

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Korean biggest dating event 韩3万人相亲挑战吉尼斯 Tens of thousands of lovelorn South Koreans are set to take part in a "battle against the singles" on Christmas Eve, foreign media reported. More than 36,000 candidates have signed up for the event, which was initiated by 2 young Internet users. At first, they floated the idea on a social networking site as a joke. Unexpectedly, the idea was supported by an overwhelming number of followers. Justin Chanwook Jang, one of the organizers, said he hoped to make it into the Guinness World Records as the world's biggest dating event. The blind-date party will be held in a park in downtown Seoul. 据外媒报道,数万名想拍拖的韩国人将于平安夜举行"单身之战"。此次相亲派对由社交网友发起。最初,两名年轻人在社交网发帖闹着玩,不想引来众多跟帖者,最终该活动报名者超过3.6万人。派对拟定在首尔市中心一个公园内举行。活动组织者之一贾斯汀·张灿旭表示,希望申请吉尼斯世界纪录,成为最大的约会活动。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-13 08:49:07

    【Talk Show】 出差是职场中人的家常便饭,要是在忙业务的同时还能学几句实用的英语何乐而不为呢?赶紧看看这些例句,包你出差回来让同事刮目相看! >Nothing is more stressful than going on a business trip with our boss. 和我们老板一起出差让人非常有压力。 >The first thing you'll do is to look for a comfortable hotel. 你首先要做的就是找一家舒适的旅馆。 >You don't know how tight the schedule is for this business trip. 你不知道这次出差行程安排有多紧张。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。) 【Word Prize】 --Australian newspapers claim UK press is on a "witch-hunt" following the death of a nurse. 此处witch-hunt意思是? 答案:B.政治迫害 原句意为:澳大利亚报纸认为,一名护士死亡后,英国媒体的相关报道是一种"政治迫害"。 澳洲两名电台主持的恶作剧电话,疑似导致英国王妃所在医院的一名接线护士自杀身亡——这则新闻近日在英澳两国持续发酵,涉事主持人成为英国媒体的众矢之的。但澳方媒体认为,不应将护士自杀的责任完全归咎于两位主持人。Witch是"女巫",witch-hunt字面意思是"搜捕女巫"。14至17世纪时,人们非常害怕所谓的女巫,许多妇女因被人认为是女巫而遭杀害。所以编者认为可以这样理解:如果你想害死一名妇女,那么就污蔑她是女巫吧,故有witch-hunt"政治迫害"一说。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-13 17:32:55

    【Weather Dec 14 】 Fuzhou: cloudy 14~22℃ Xiamen: cloudy 16~23℃ Quanzhou: cloudy 17~22℃ 【BOC Exchange Rates】 100 USD = 628.87 CNY 100 GBP = 1014.87 CNY 100 EUR = 821.96 CNY 100 HKD = 81.14 CNY 100 JPY = 7.5313 CNY (以上人民币汇率中间价来源于中国银行网站) 【Markets】 Shanghai Stock 2061.48 -21.25 -1.02% HangSeng Stock 22445.58 -57.77 -0.26% 【Highlights】 >Diaoyu given full inspection 我海空立体巡航钓鱼岛 >Master's degree the minimum 7成中产家庭'望子读研' >Top Google searches of 2012 谷歌2012年热搜榜出炉 >Fake ads on UK govt's site 英政府网站现虚假广告 >Samsung knocks Apple Maps 三星广告嘲讽苹果地图 >Monti's grandson is 'Spread' 意总理外孙得绰号'息差' >Couple makes breakup video 美国情侣拍分手MV(图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-13 17:33:21

    【Cover Story】 >Nanjing victims remembered 南京大屠杀75周年祭 Around 9,000 people gathered Thursday morning at a memorial event marking the 75th anniversary of the Nanjing massacre outside the Memorial Hall of the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders in Nanjing, chinanews.com reported. White-haired survivors of the massacre, victims' families, veterans and international friends attended the event. An air raid warning went off at 10:00 am; and people layed wreaths for the victims. More than 300,000 Chinese civilians and captured soldiers were killed by Japanese invaders in Nanjing in 1937. 据中新网报道,13日上午,约9000人在侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆广场和平集会,悼念南京大屠杀同胞遇难75周年。参加悼念仪式的有白发苍苍的南京大屠杀幸存者、遇难者家属、抗战老兵,也有远道而来的国际友人。10时整,防空警报响彻南京上空。各界人士向遇难同胞敬献花圈。1937年,侵华日军攻陷南京城,杀害中国平民和被俘军人达30余万人。 【Top News】 >Master's degree the minimum 7成中产家庭'望子读研' Three-quarters of middle-class Chinese parents expect their child to earn a postgraduate degree, while only 32% said they would be happy if their child stopped at undergraduate level, according to a report by global market research provider Mintel, The Wall Street Journal reported. Middle-class people are defined in the report as those who earn more than RMB7,000 per month in 1st-tier cities like Beijing and Shanghai, or over RMB5,000 per month in 2nd-tier cities like Tianjin and Chengdu. The pressure to pursue a higher degree may be motivated in part by the tough job market for college graduates in China. Many highly coveted civil service jobs now require a master's degree from job applicants. 据《华尔街日报》报道,全球市场研究公司明特尔的一份研究报告显示,3/4的中国中产阶级父母希望孩子能获得研究生学位,只有32%的人说,即使孩子只上完大学他们也会满意。报告将中产阶级定义为,在北京和上海等一线城市月收入7000元以上,在天津和成都等二线城市月收入5000元以上。追求更高学历的压力在一定程度上可能源于中国大学毕业生就业形势的严峻。许多备受追捧的公务员职位现在都要求应聘者有硕士学位。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-13 17:33:47

    >Top Google searches of 2012 谷歌2012年热搜榜出炉 Google unveiled its Zeitgeist list on trending topics for 2012 Wednesday. The top trending search term in 2012 was Whitney Houston, who died in February. Unsurprisingly, "Gangnam Style" featured highly - in 2nd place, while Hurricane Sandy, iPad 3 and "Diablo 3" made up the remaining top 5. Coming in 2nd place of the top trending consumer electronics list was Samsung Galaxy S III, and the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, was the 2nd person following Whitney Houston in the trending people searches list. 谷歌12日公布了2012年度全球热门话题榜Google Zeitgeist。在今年的热门搜索词中,2月份去世的惠特尼·休斯顿位列榜首,"江南Style"不出意外地高居第2位,飓风桑迪、iPad 3和"暗黑破坏神3"分列3、4、5位。Samsung Galaxy S III排在热搜电子消费品榜第2位,英国凯特王妃则紧随惠特尼·休斯顿位列热搜人物榜第2位。 >Fake ads on UK govt's site 英政府网站现虚假广告 A job search website launched by the UK government has been inundated (淹没) with bogus adverts recruiting for everything from MI6 "assassins" to mafia "couriers" as well as "porn chat" hosts, the Daily Mail of London reported. The Universal Jobmatch site, launched on Nov 19, has so far cost £17m. Department of Work and Pensions Minister Iain Duncan Smith said 6,000 fake adverts had been blocked from appearing on the website since its launch. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,英国政府推出的招聘网站Universal Jobmatch充斥着大量虚假广告,包括招募为英国军情六处工作的杀手、黑手党信使以及色情聊天室主持人等。该网站11月19日上线,迄今已耗资1700万英镑。英国就业与养老金部大臣伊恩·邓肯·史密斯称,网站上线以来,已经屏蔽了6000份虚假广告。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-13 17:34:07

    >Samsung knocks Apple Maps 三星广告嘲讽苹果地图 Samsung is apparently not keen on letting Apple's recent Maps mishap in Australia go unnoticed. CNET has snapped pictures of a guerrilla marketing campaign by Samsung in downtown Sydney featuring a muddied-up vehicle with a tent and other camping supplies. Next to it is a sign that says, "Oops, should have gotten a Samsung Galaxy S III. Get navigation you can trust." The lost vehicle and signage, of course, are referring to recent incidences of drivers getting stranded in a wilderness area after searching in Apple's Maps software. (See photo) 三星显然不希望苹果地图最近在澳大利亚出现的失误被人忽视。科技资讯网CNET拍摄的照片显示,三星在悉尼市中心推出"游击营销",一辆满身污泥的汽车、帐篷及其它露营用品旁边立着一个标示牌,写道:"糟糕,要是买三星Galaxy S III就好了。快来获取可靠的导航吧。"这辆迷路的汽车和标示牌显然指向苹果地图最近摆的"乌龙":多名驾车人用苹果地图导航后被困在了荒野。(见图) [何为'游击营销'] "Guerrilla marketing" means a low-cost and unconventional marketing strategy. "游击营销"指低成本、非传统的另类营销策略。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-13 17:34:33

    【In Brief】 >A Chinese inspection plane named Haijian B-3837 arrived in the Chinese territorial air space over the Diaoyu Islands around 10:00 am Thursday, according to the State Oceanic Administration website. Haijian B-3837, together with a fleet of Chinese ships, including the Haijian 50, Haijian 46, Haijian 66 and Haijian 137, patrolled the island's air space and waters. 据国家海洋局网站消息,13日上午10时许,中国海监B-3837飞机抵达我钓鱼岛领空,与正在我钓鱼岛领海内巡航的中国海监50、46、66、137船编队会合,对我钓鱼岛开展海空立体巡航。 >China's Nobel Literature Prize-winning author Mo Yan will return from Stockholm Thursday. He is expected to arrive in Beijing Friday. According to China's personal income tax law, the 8m Swedish kroner (RMB7.5m) prize money check he received from the Nobel Committee will be exempt from tax, West China Metropolis Daily reported. 据《华西都市报》报道,中国作家、诺贝尔文学奖获得者莫言将于当地时间13日从瑞典斯德哥尔摩市返程,预计14日回到北京。此次莫言领取的800万瑞典克朗(约合人民币750万元)奖金支票,依我国个人所得税法的规定,将免征个税。 >US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said that she does not plan to run for president in 2016, during an exclusive interview with ABC aired Wednesday. 美国广播公司12日播出希拉里独家采访,这位美国国务卿表示自己无意在2016年竞选总统。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-13 17:34:55

    【Newsmaker】 >Monti's grandson is 'Spread' 意总理外孙得绰号'息差' Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti revealed Tuesday that his grandson's classmates in the kindergarten have bestowed on him the nickname "Spread", Reuters reported. "The word has become so much a part of the common lexicon that they gave him this nickname," Monti said. Monti has been credited with reducing the bond spread and, in turn, Italy's borrowing costs during his 13-month-old administration. "The faults of the grandparents fall on the grandchildren," he said, laughing. 据路透社报道,意大利总理蒙蒂11日透露,自己的外孙竟然被幼儿园的同学起外号"息差"。蒙蒂说:"这个词已经泛滥到小孩子都拿这个起外号了"。蒙蒂在其13个月的执政期间成功将政府债券息差降低,从而减少了意大利的借贷成本。他笑着说:"这真是外公的债让外孙偿啊"。 [你知道吗?] Spread, a financial term, refers to the risk premium investors demand to hold Italian bonds rather than their safer German equivalents. 息差是金融术语,指投资者购买意大利国债而非更安全的德国国债时要求获得的风险溢价。 【Kaleidoscope】 >Couple makes breakup video 美国情侣拍分手MV(图) When a New York couple decided to end their 5-year relationship, they created a breakup music video to share the news with friends, the New York Daily News reported. "I want kids and she doesn't," said Jonathan Mann, 30, when asked about the reason for the split. He and his ex-girlfriend, 31-year-old Ivory King, thought the video would be the easiest way to break the news. "I didn't want to have to explain it over and over to people, because that can be really painful," he said. The video has become a YouTube hit. 据《纽约每日新闻》报道,纽约一对相恋5年的情侣在分手时创作了一段分手MV,以此将分手消息告知好友。至于分手原因,31岁的乔纳森·曼说:"我想要小孩,但她不想。"曼和31岁的前女友艾沃里·金都认为,MV是他们公布分手消息的最简单方式。曼表示:"我不想一遍又一遍地跟别人解释分手缘由,那样会很痛苦。"他们的MV视频已成为YouTube上的大热门。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-13 17:35:46

    【China Daily Radio】 前段时间微博上盛传smilence (笑而不语)、antizen (蚁族)等有中国特色的英文词汇。其实,以英语为母语的人们也喜欢用这种方式自己造词,比如今天要说的这个smize。 Smize means "smile with your eyes", as coined by supermodel Tyra Banks on the thirteenth cycle of America's Next Top Model. Ever since its introduction, the term smize became part of the daily lexicon of Tyra and her minions. Smize的意思是"用眼睛微笑"。这个词是超模泰拉·班克斯在第13期美国"超级模特选秀大赛"中首创的。自从这个词出现以来,它就成了泰拉和她的拥趸们的口头禅。 For example: Your picture will look so much better when you smize. 你的眼睛充满笑意时,照片看上去效果更好。 【Word Power】 远程运载火箭 long-range carrier rocket 例句: The Democratic People's Republic of Korea said Wednesday it successfully launched a Kwangmyongsong-3 satellite into pre-set orbit using a long-range carrier rocket. 朝鲜周三宣布,该国成功用远程运载火箭将"光明星3号"卫星送入预定轨道。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。) 【Word Prize】 --Women spend all of their time looking at attractive men, but homely men make the best lovers. 此处homely men意思是? A.宅男 B.经济适用男 C.相貌平平男

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-13 17:43:24

    楼主加油,想当初我天天看china daily,生词抄了两大本,每天拿来看看,词汇量徒增!China daily 楼主加油,想当初我天天看china daily,生词抄了两大本,每天拿来看看,词汇量徒增!China daily 是我第一本英文报纸!好有亲切感啊! ... 采菊东篱下


  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-13 23:24:41

    12.13 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 √ (赖床45min) 2.每天一种水果 √ 3.多喝水 1000ML √ 4.22点前脸部护理 √ 5.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 6.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 7.最晚24点上床 √ 【 学习 】 1.10点听力 √ 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧两集 √ 4.线稿一张 √ (注意用明暗表示远近关系~画面要丰富但是不能杂乱~QAQ) 5.China Daily 晚报 √ 6. Englishpod 跟读30min √ (28th) 7.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 √ P145 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 √ (拓词30min) 9.每天看一篇专业文章 √ 10.每天看半小时美讯 √ 效率MS高了(还是我遇到不明白的地方就轻易放过了???),可却没有 多完成任务,浪费的时间也多了. 今天学习5小时,浪费 :赖床45min+游戏45min+不停刷豆瓣无数分钟+午睡(其实没有睡着.记住:睡不着就起来) 希望明天把时间利用得更好~

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-14 10:03:23

    【Morning Buzz】 Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating. 阳光虽是无限明媚,雨水却是提神醒脑,风儿催人奋起振作,飞雪叫人欢天喜地。 早安,各位。 【Markets】 Dow Jones 13,170.72 -74.73 -0.56% Nasdaq 2,992.16 -21.65 -0.72% 【Highlights】 >Captain given 23 yrs in jail 中船长刺韩警获刑23年 >Chinese: top luxury buyers 中国人奢侈品消费居首 >Assange to run for senate? 阿桑奇欲建'维基解密党' >Most valuable players 梅西夺冠全球最贵球星 >Jogging makes you stupid 研究:城市慢跑让人变笨 >Boy turns 12 on 12-12-12 美男孩生日含6个'12'(图) 【Notice】 12月,留学攻略,邀您一起'分享爱'

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-14 10:05:54

    【Cover Story】 >China's best business cities 商业城市榜:中西部崛起 Shanghai topped the list of Best Cities for Business on the Chinese mainland in 2012 released by the Chinese edition of Forbes magazine Wednesday, xinhuanet.com reported. Most cities from developed areas of East China are seeing their rankings fall, due to surging operational costs and a larger exposure to global turmoil. In comparison, cities in Central China, including those in Hunan, Hubei, Henan and Jiangxi, are climbing up the rankings as a result of adequate labor resources, lower operational costs and improving transport systems. Most cities in Western and Northeast China have all risen on the list. 据新华网报道,《福布斯》中文版12日发布2012中国大陆最佳商业城市排行榜,上海冠居榜首。据了解,今年经济发达的东部地区入选城市排名涨少跌多,其原因主要是这些城市经营成本居高不下、易受国际环境影响等。同时,中部地区却呈现崛起之势,湖南、湖北、河南、江西等省份城市排名多数上升,其原因主要是有较丰富的人力资源、较低的经营成本以及完善的客运货运能力。此外,西部与东北地区大多数城市的排名也都有所上升。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-14 10:06:34

    【Top News】 >Captain given 23 yrs in jail 中船长刺韩警获刑23年 A Chinese fisherman who allegedly stabbed a Republic of Korea (ROK) coast guard officer to death last year was sentenced to 23 years in prison in the final judgment by the Supreme Court of the ROK Thursday, xinhuanet.com reported. The court maintained the judgment in a 2nd hearing and handed down a fine of 20m won (about RMB112,000) to Cheng Dawei, the captain of the Chinese fishing vessel "Luwenyu". 据新华网报道,韩国大法院13日对中国"鲁文渔"号船长程大伟去年涉嫌刺死韩国海警一案做出终审判决,维持二审原判的23年监禁及2000万韩元罚款(约合人民币11.2万元)。 [事件回顾] Cheng was sentenced to a 30-year prison term by a local court in April for killing the coast guard when ROK officers boarded the Chinese boat over suspicions of "illegal fishing" in the so-called Exclusive Economic Zone of the ROK in the Yellow Sea on Dec 12, 2011. 今年4月,韩国地方法院一审判处程大伟有期徒刑30年。去年12月12日,韩国海警怀疑中国渔民在黄海海域所谓的韩专属经济水域进行"非法捕鱼",登船执法时一人被程大伟刺伤后不治身亡。 >Chinese: top luxury buyers 中国人奢侈品消费居首 Chinese consumers have overtaken US shoppers this year to become the world's biggest buyers of luxury goods, accounting for 25% of global sales, according to a report released by consultancy firm Bain & Co Wednesday, Bloomberg reported. China's domestic luxury sales, estimated to be worth RMB106b in 2011, are expected to grow 7% this year. That is a slowdown from 30% growth in 2011, as the expansion in the country's economy weakens and more Chinese buy abroad. 据彭博社报道,咨询机构贝恩公司12日发布报告称,今年中国消费者已超越美国消费者成为世界最大的奢侈品消费群体,购买全球约25%的奢侈品。2011年,中国国内的奢侈品消费达到1060亿元,今年还将增长7%,但明显低于去年30%的增幅。原因是国内经济增速放缓,且更多中国人倾向于在海外购买奢侈品。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-14 10:06:59

    >Most valuable players 梅西夺冠全球最贵球星 The Argentinean Lionel Messi, valued at EUR140m, is the most valuable player in the soccer market this year, according to figures released by Brazilian consultants Pluri, foreign media reported. Cristiano Ronaldo comes in 2nd at EUR96.3m and Andres Iniesta in 3rd place with EUR68.4m. The firm used 16 different criteria in determining their results such as technical quality, strength, position, and the level of championship titles won. The 60 most highly valued players on the list total EUR2.4b in 2012, which is 20% more than last year. 据外媒报道,巴西咨询公司Pluri日前公布的一份数据显示,阿根廷球员梅西以1.4亿欧元的身价成为2012年足坛最贵球星,C罗(9630万欧元)和伊涅斯塔(6840万欧元)分列第2、3位。该公司采用16种指标,综合评价了球星的技术、力量、排名以及夺冠含金量等。榜单上最昂贵的60大球星总价值达到24亿欧元,比去年增加20%。 >Jogging makes you stupid 研究:城市慢跑让人变笨 New research suggests exercising outside could do more harm than good when it comes to your brain, the Daily Mail of London reported. Belgian researchers have found that urban dwellers who often exercise outdoors have higher levels of inflammation (炎症) and lower scores on cognitive (认知) tests than those who exercise outside in the suburbs. They found that high levels of air pollution in the city deny people some of the brain-boosting benefits of exercise, such as the enhanced ability to absorb new information and a reduced chance of mental health problems. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,最新研究表明,户外运动对大脑可能弊大于利。比利时的研究人员发现,经常在户外运动的城市居民比在郊外锻炼的人更容易得炎症,在认知测试中得分也较低。研究称,城市重度空气污染使人无法享受运动对大脑的好处,如提高接收新信息的能力和降低心理疾病的几率。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-14 10:07:34

    【In Brief】 >Chinese cities such as Beijing and Shanghai have gotten more expensive for expatriates in the past year, according to the latest cost-of-living survey produced by consultancy ECA International. Thanks to currency appreciation and inflation in terms of day-to-day expenses, both cities outstrip traditionally pricier cities such as Singapore and Hong Kong. 咨询公司ECA国际最新发布的生活成本调查报告显示,过去一年驻外人员在北京和上海等中国城市的生活成本上升。由于人民币升值和通货膨胀,京沪两市的日常生活成本都超过了历来生活成本更高的新加坡和香港等城市。 >Hong Kong will raise its minimum hourly wage from HK$28 to HK$30 beginning May 1, 2013, the Secretary for Labor and Welfare Matthew Cheung Kin-chung announced Wednesday, according to China Daily. 据《中国日报》报道,香港劳工及福利局局长张建宗12日称,自明年5月1日起,法定最低工资水平将由现行的每小时28港元调整至每小时30港元。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-14 10:08:03

    【Newsmaker】 >Assange to run for senate? 阿桑奇欲建'维基解密'党 The WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange plans to register an Australian WikiLeaks party and run for a seat in Australia's senate next year, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. It is said that Assange is now on bail awaiting a British court decision on his appeal against extradition to Sweden on sexual assault allegations. "We have discovered that it is possible for Julian Assange to run for the Australian Senate while detained," WikiLeaks said on Twitter. 据应该《每日电讯报》报道,"维基解密"网站创始人朱利安·阿桑奇计划成立一个"维基解密党",并参加明年的澳大利亚参议院选举。据悉,阿桑奇目前正在等待英国法庭对于将其引渡到瑞典接受性侵指控上诉的决定。但维基解密在Twitter上称,虽然阿桑奇处在保释期,但我们觉得他可以参加澳大利亚参议院选举。 >Boy turns 12 on 12-12-12 美男孩生日含6个12(图) Alabama 6 grader Kiam Moriya has turned 12 years old on Dec, 12 at 12:12 pm, a coincidence happening probably every 88 years, the New York Daily News reported. Kiam was born about 8 weeks ahead of the due date. His parents first noticed the strange alignment of 12s while filling out paperwork for his birth certificate. "We've joked around that he's the chosen one," Kiam's father said, "but nobody knows what the date means." 据《纽约每日新闻》报道,美国阿拉巴马州6年级小学生基亚姆·莫里于今年12月12日12点12分迎来了他的12岁生日,这样的巧合每88年才能遇到一次。基亚姆出生时,距离预产期还有大约8周。他的父母在填写出生证明时才第一次注意到有如此多12出现。他的父亲说,"我们都笑称他为'天之骄子',但没人知道这个日子意味着什么。"

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-14 10:08:58

    【Talk Show】 出差是职场中人的家常便饭。(2) >This business trip is tiring for me. 在我来看,出差真是个苦差事。 >I like to take an occasional business trip for a change. 我喜欢偶尔出差一次,来点改变。 >The train hasn't been crowded at all recently. 火车最近一点儿也不挤。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。) 【Word Prize】 --Women spend all of their time looking at attractive men, but homely men make the best lovers. 此处homely men意思是? 答案:C.相貌平平男 原句意为:女人总是喜欢盯着帅男看,但其实相貌平平的男人才是爱人的最佳之选。 英式英语中,homely指"家常的,简单的",如:a homely meal of bread and cheese (家常吃的面包和干酪便餐)。美式英语中,homely指人"不好看的,相貌平庸的",与形容词ugly相比更婉转。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-14 18:18:13

    【Weather Dec 15 】 Fuzhou: cloudy 14~23℃ Xiamen: shower 16~24℃ Quanzhou: cloudy 18~24℃ 【BOC Exchange Rates】 100 USD = 629.23 CNY 100 GBP = 1013.5 CNY 100 EUR = 822.5 CNY 100 HKD = 81.19 CNY 100 JPY = 7.5014 CNY (以上人民币汇率中间价来源于中国银行网站) 【Markets】 Shanghai Stock 2150.63 +89.15 +4.32% HangSeng Stock 22605.98 +160.40 +0.71% 【Highlights】 >China seeks medical equality 八成省份取消公费医疗 >BJ-GZ express rail to open 京广高铁26日全线贯通 >Rice withdraws as candidate 赖斯宣布退选美国务卿 >Best of App Store 2012 苹果年度最佳应用出炉 >Berlusconi's new girlfriend 老贝结'孙女辈'新欢(图) >New lamp powered by gravity '重力灯'随时随地可照明

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-14 18:18:51

    【Cover Story】 >Heavy snow affects traffic 北方普降大雪高速关闭 Many local expressway sections were closed Friday after heavy snowfall in 6 northern provinces and municipalities - Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong and Henan. Some areas in Shandong released orange and even red alerts for icy roads and 60 expressway toll gates were closed because of snow. Beijing released a blue alert for heavy snow and 51 flights were canceled. Rain and snow are forecast for many parts of central and eastern China in the next 3 days. 受北方多地普降大雪影响,14日,北京、天津、河北、山西、山东、河南等6个省(市)多条高速公路局部路段封闭。山东多地发布道路结冰橙色和红色预警,60个高速路入口因降雪关闭。北京发布暴雪蓝色预警,机场取消航班51班。预计未来三天,中东部仍有大范围雨雪天气。 【Top News】 >China seeks medical equality 八成省份取消公费医疗 80% of China's provincial-level regions have stopped providing free medical services to civil servants, xinhuanet.com reported. Only 7 provinces - Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shandong, Guangdong, Guizhou, Shaanxi and Hubei - have not fully joined the nation's basic health insurance system. Abolishing free medical care is a major step forward for equality in public services, said Chu Fuling, director of the Social Security Research Center. 据新华网报道,我国80%的省份已全面取消公费医疗。在全国范围内,只有江苏、江西、山东、广东、贵州、陕西、湖北等7省份未全部参加医疗保险。社会保障研究中心主任褚福灵认为,全面取消公费医疗是公共服务均等化在制度层面的一大进步。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-14 18:19:24

    >BJ-GZ express rail to open 京广高铁26日全线贯通 The whole Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed railway line will start operations on Dec 26, marking the opening of the longest high-speed railway link in the world, CCTV reported. The fastest journey on the full route from Beijing to Guangzhou will take only 7 hours and 59 minutes. Now that the rail line section from Beijing to Zhengzhou has completed all preparatory work, it will connect to the operating Zhengzhou-Wuhan and Wuhan-Guangzhou sections on Dec 26, said the Ministry of Railways. 据央视报道,世界上运营里程最长的北京至广州高速铁路将于12月26日全线贯通,最快的一趟全程只需7小时59分。铁道部称,京广高铁北京至郑州段已经完成开通运营前的各项准备工作,将于本月26日正式开通运营,与此前已经开通运营的郑州至武汉段、武汉至广州段连接。 >Best of App Store 2012 苹果年度最佳应用出炉 Apple posted its top picks for the entire year of 2012 in the App Store Thursday, foreign media reported. On the iPhone, Action Movie FX has picked up the App of the Year award, and bagging the Game of the Year award is Rayman Jungle Run ($2.99). The iPad App of the Year award goes to free drawing app Paper by FiftyThree. The Game of the Year for the iPad is awarded to puzzle game The Room ($1.99). 据外媒报道,苹果13日公布了2012年App Store最佳应用排行榜。在iPhone平台上,《动作电影特效》当选年度最佳应用;售价2.99美元的《雷曼:丛林探险》荣膺年度最佳游戏头衔。在iPad平台上,获选年度最佳应用的是免费画图应用《Paper by FiftyThree》;售价1.99美元的解密游戏《The Room》被评为年度最佳iPad游戏。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-14 18:20:02

    【In Brief】 >Apple Inc today officially released the iPhone 5, the latest version of its iconic smartphone, in the Chinese mainland, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,苹果最新版的标志性智能机iPhone 5今天在中国内地正式开售。 >The US Trade Representative's office Thursday dropped Chinese e-commerce site Taobao from its annual list of the world's most "notorious markets" for sales of pirated and counterfeit goods, Reuters reported. 据路透社报道,美国贸易代表办公室13日将淘宝网从年度全球"恶名市场"名单中删除,该名单汇集了全球最臭名昭著的盗版及伪劣产品销售渠道。 >The new Google Maps application for the iPhone became the most downloaded free item in Apple's App Store Thursday, just hours after its launch, The Guardian reported. 据《卫报》报道,谷歌13日推出新版iPhone谷歌地图应用。在推出数小时后,其下载量就跃居苹果应用商店免费应用第一位。 >Susan Rice, the US ambassador to the United Nations, withdrew her name for consideration to become the next US Secretary of State Thursday, AP reported. Republican senators declared they would fight to defeat her nomination. 据美联社报道,美国驻联合国大使苏珊·赖斯13日放弃竞逐下一任美国国务卿。此前曾有共和党参议员声称要坚决抵制对她的提名。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-14 18:20:24

    【Newsmaker】 >Berlusconi's new girlfriend 老贝结'孙女辈'新欢(图) As Silvio Berlusconi, 76, seeks re-election as Italian Prime Minister, the latest news is that he has a new girlfriend, the Daily Mail of London reported. The news was announced by the Italian press which has described Francesca Pascale, 27, as Italy's new "first lady". Miss Pascale, a former shop assistant from Naples, served as a provincial councilor in his PDL party. Berlusconi has been married twice and has 5 children. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,就在76岁的贝卢斯科尼准备再次竞选意大利总理之时,又传出其再结新欢的消息。曝出这一消息的意大利媒体甚至已将其新女友、27岁的弗朗西斯卡·帕斯卡尔称为未来的"第一夫人"。帕斯卡尔来自那不勒斯,以前是一名店员,后来成为贝卢斯科尼所在自由人民党的地方议员。贝卢斯科尼有过两次婚姻,育有5个孩子。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-14 18:21:47

    【Kaleidoscope】 >New lamp powered by gravity '重力灯'随时随地可照明 Safer than kerosene and cheaper than solar, a new light powered by gravity could help illuminate thousands of households in developing countries. The kit includes an LED lamp and a sack that can be filled with sand, rocks or whatever is to hand, foreign media reported. The bag is attached to a rope threaded through a mechanism that generates the electricity: after pulling the sack up, it slowly descends, feeding the cord through the machine and powering the electric dynamo. The LED can run for 30 minutes from one pull. 比煤油更安全,比太阳能更便宜——一种利用重力发电的新型灯有望为发展中国家的千家万户解决照明问题。据外媒报道,这套装备包括一个LED灯和一个麻布袋(可以装上沙子、石头或手边的任何东西)。布袋通过绳子和一个能发电的机械装置相连。当你把布袋提起后,它会慢慢下降,同时带动绳子牵引机器发电。提起一下能照明30分钟。 【China Daily Radio】 因为被华人赋予"要爱要爱要爱"的寓意,2012年12月12日这一天,全国各地掀起一场"结婚热"。事实上,在世界各地,大批新人同样选择在这一天步入婚姻殿堂。 Wednesdays aren't usually popular days to have a wedding, but this Wednesday was very popular because the date was December 12, 2012 - 12/12/12. It is a very popular date for weddings and the last of this type of repeating numbers for the century. 周三本不是结婚的"旺日",但本周三却迎来了结婚潮,因为恰逢2012年12月12日(12/12/12)。这一天除了有很多新人结婚,也是本世纪最后一个年月日重复的日期。 Some believe 12/12/12 signifies the universe's entering Age of Aquarius, a time believed to bring harmony, understanding, and peace to earth, all important qualities for a good marriage. 有些人认为12/12/12象征着宇宙进入了"宝瓶宫时段",人们认为这一时段会为地球带来和谐、理解、和平,而这些对一段美好的婚姻生活来说都是重要的特性。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。) 【Weekly Topic】 The State Council has urged local education authorities to release plans by the end of this year to enable migrant workers' children to take the college entrance exam in the city where they live. As the year-end nears and there is less than a month left till the deadline, discussion about the issue has intensified throughout the country, especially in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Should the hukou (local permanent residency permits) restrictions for the college entrance exam sitters be lifted? Please share your opinions with us. 年底渐近,距离国务院为地方"异地高考"方案所设期限仅剩不到1月。各地(尤其京沪粤)关于这一话题的讨论甚嚣尘上。该不该放开异地高考?欢迎与我们分享您的观点。

  • tree

    tree (保持热爱,有所期待) 2012-12-14 18:26:54


  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-14 20:49:43

    楼主,我也来插一脚…… 楼主,我也来插一脚…… tree

    左脚 还是右脚~

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-15 09:55:51

    12.14 大闹天宫中~ 啥也没干~ 看了CD

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-15 09:57:02

    12.15 【Morning Buzz】 When you reach for the stars, you may not quite get one, but you won't come up with a handful of mud either. (Leo Burnett, US advertising executive, 1891-1971) 伸手摘星,即使没摘到,也不会弄得满手污泥。(李奥·贝纳,美国广告大师,1891-1971)

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-15 09:57:27

    【Cover Story】 >Frigid launch for iPhone 5 iPhone5开售场面冷清 Compared to the overheated sales of the iPhone 4S last year, iPhone 5's launch is pitifully cheerless this year. When Apple's flagship store in Sanlitun shopping district in Beijing opened at 8 am Friday, only 2 customers stood inside a cordon (警戒线) set up by Apple staff. Meanwhile, several media reporters fought to interview at the store those who had just bought an iPhone 5. "Reporters outnumbered customers" could properly describe the sales situation of the iPhone 5 when initially hitting stores in the Chinese mainland. 相比去年iPhone 4S的火爆场面,今年行货iPhone 5发售情况可谓冷清得可怜。14日上午8点,当苹果位于北京三里屯的旗舰店专卖店开张时,只有两名消费者站在苹果店员拉起的警戒线内。与此同时,现场出现几家媒体争抢采访购买iPhone 5消费者的情况,"记者比消费者多"可以很好的形容iPhone 5中国大陆首销的场面。 ['首秀'惨淡为哪班] This year, Apple launched a new rule to release iPhone 5 in the mainland, requiring customers to apply online a day before to buy the device. 今年,苹果在大陆推出了行货iPhone 5发售新政策,消费者需提前一天通过网上预约的方式进行购买。 --The cheapest model of the iPhone 5 is retailing for RMB5288 ($850) in Chinese mainland, well above the $650 selling price in the US, which led a lot of residents on the mainland going abroad to purchase the phones. 在中国大陆,最便宜的iPhone 5零售价格也达5288元(约合850美元),远高于美国650美元的售价。这使得许多中国人纷纷出国时买iPhone 5。 --Though Apple remains king of the high-end smartphone in the Chinese mainland, it has slowly lost market share to phones running Google Inc's Android operating system offered by companies like Samsung Electronics Co. 虽然目前苹果依然是中国内地高端智能手机之王,然而三星电子等公司出售的、搭载谷歌安卓操作系统的手机正慢慢侵蚀其市场份额。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-15 09:57:44

    【Top News】 >30% Govt cars off road 京治理污染首'罚'公务车 Beijing authorities require 30% of the capital's official government cars to stay off the roads on "ultra-heavy air polluted" days, according to a newly issued air pollution emergency plan, Xinhua reported. The temporary plan ranks air pollution in 3-grade levels – heavy pollution, serious pollution and ultra-serious pollution. Corresponding measures will be taken based on different levels of pollution. The pollution in 3-grade levels is defined in detail in China's new national standard on air quality, which will take effect on Jan 1. 据新华社报道,北京市政府已出台《北京市空气重污染日应急方案(暂行)》,方案明确,当极重污染日出现时,30%的公务用车将停驶。方案将基于明年1月1日起实施的空气质量"新国标",将空气重污染日分为重度、严重、极重,分级采取相应的污染应对措施。 >Japan's LDP set for big win 日'鹰派'安倍提前锁胜局 Opinion polls by the Asahi, Yomiuri and Nikkei newspapers Friday forecast that Japan's hawkish (鹰派的,强硬派的) former prime minister Shinzo Abe is on track for a return in Sunday's election, as the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) was headed for a hefty (大量的,重的) majority in the lower house of parliament. An LDP win would usher in a government committed to a tough stance in a territorial row with China, a pro-nuclear power energy policy as well as a radical recipe of hyper-easy monetary policy and big fiscal spending to end persistent deflation and tame a strong yen, reported Reuters. 日本《朝日新闻》、《读卖新闻》和《日经新闻》14日公布的民调显示,日本自民党有望在16日举行的众议院大选中获得压倒性多数席位,日前首相、鹰派人物安倍晋三重新执掌日政坛已无悬念。路透社对此评论称,自民党如果获胜,日新政府将在中日领土问题上持强硬立场,同时将支持核能发电政策。针对日本持续通缩和日元走强问题,新政府还会采取超宽松货币政策以及增大财政开支等极端措施。 >UK data-hungry net shoppers 英国人网购最疯狂(图) Internet shopping is more popular in the UK than in any other country, the BBC reported. Consumers in the UK spend an average of £1,083 a year on Internet shopping, leaving the 2nd highest E-spender Australians (£842) far behind, a survey from regulator Ofcom suggests. The UK's fondness for net shopping is, in part, driven by mobile devices, as UK consumers are downloading more data from their mobiles than any other nation. 16% of all Web traffic in the UK was from mobiles, tablets or other connected devices – more than any other European country. 据英国广播公司报道,英国人网购开支全球最高。英国通信管理局调查显示,英国人均全年网购花销1083英镑(合10915元人民币),远超亚军澳大利亚人(人均842英镑,合8486元人民币)。促使英国人喜欢网购的一大因素是移动设备,该国手机下载数据量居全球之首——16%的网络流量来自于手机、平板电脑或其他连网设备,该比例高于欧洲任何一个国家。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-15 09:57:58

    【In Brief】 >The Beijing municipal government said Friday that it will renovate the city's drainage system after heavy rain in July resulted in the deaths of some 80 people. The renovations will start at the end of the month and are expected to be finished by next June. 北京市政府14日表示,将对该市的排水系统进行升级改造。今年7月,北京暴雨致约80人死亡。据悉,升级改造工程将于本月底动工,预计将于明年6月竣工。 >A shooting at a Connecticut elementary school on Friday has left 28 people dead, including 20 children and the gunman, US media reported. The rampage was the nation's 2nd-deadliest school shooting 据美国媒体报道,美国康涅狄格州一所小学14日发生枪击案,包括20名儿童和枪手在内的28人死亡。本次枪击事件是美国历史上第二惨痛的校园悲剧。 >Standard & Poor's has become the last big credit ratings agency to give the UK government a bloody nose by downgrading the outlook on Britain's triple A rating to negative, the Financial Times reported. 据《金融时报》报道,标准普尔将英国AAA评级的前景展望调整为负面,成为做出这一决定的最后一个大型评级机构,此举给了英国政府当头一棒。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-15 09:58:10

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Andersen's '1st work' found 安徒生'雪藏'童话见天日 An early work by Hans Christian Andersen has been found at the bottom of a box near the Danish fairy tale writer's home city, experts say, the BBC reported. The Tallow Candle is a short story about a revered candle that becomes grimy and neglected until its inner beauty is recognized and ignited. Experts believe it was the first work of the author. They suggest it was written during Andersen's time at a grammar school in the mid-1820s.(See photo) 据英国广播公司报道,人们在丹麦童话大师安徒生故乡附近地区的箱底里发现了他的一部早期作品。该作品名为《牛油蜡烛》,讲述一只受人尊敬的蜡烛因变得肮脏而被忽视,后来其内在美被发现和点燃的故事。专家认为,这个短片故事是安徒生创作的首部作品。专家推测,该作品写于19世纪20年代中期,那时安徒生还在语法学校学习。(见图)

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-15 09:58:21

    【Language Tips】 'Where's the beef?' ---------- Beef是牛肉的意思。从字面意思上来看,这句话是在问"牛肉在哪里?它源自一名顾客对一家快餐店里汉堡包的质疑和不满。后来演变为日常生活中常见的习语,表示"没有实质性的东西或意义"。就连民主党总统候选人蒙代尔在1984年总统竞选时都曾用这句话来攻击他的对手里根总统。"Where's the beef, Mr. President - where's the beef?"意思是:你不要尽说空话,总统先生,我们要看实质性的成就。 请看例句: Our history teacher is a good talker but there isn't much real meat about history in what he says. I'd like to ask him, 'Where's the beef?' because we sure don't learn much from him. 我们的历史老师很能夸夸其谈,但是他说的东西里没有什么实质性的内容。我真想问问他,实质性的内容在哪里,因为我们真是没从他那里学到多少东西。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-15 09:58:30

    【Talk Show】 英语中有许多有意思的拟声词,今天,我们来学个形容吵闹的词汇:Hullabaloo >What on earth is all that hullabaloo about? 究竟为啥这么吵? >There was such a hullabaloo that no one could hear me! 吵死了没人能听到我讲话。 >There was such a hullabaloo from his fans that he had to apologize. 他的粉丝十分不满,他只好道歉。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-15 17:53:33

    英王妃凯特孕育新生命的喜讯传来不久,王妃安胎就诊的医院却有另一个生命意外逝去,而悲剧的导火索竟是一个恶搞电话。 注:有关美国康州重大校园枪击案最新动态,请点击手机中国日报网,我们7X24小时更新,智能手机用户还可通过苹果、安卓平台下载安装China Daily News客户端。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-15 17:54:08

    [女王清晨来电?] 伦敦时间12月4日,英国爱德华七世医院。英王妃凯特因怀孕初期的严重害喜症状正在该院治疗观察。清晨5点半,电话响了。 It was 5:30 am, Dec 4, King Edward VII Hospital in London, where the Duchess of Cambridge was being treated for acute morning sickness during the early stages of her pregnancy. A call came in. 值班护士:"早上好,这里是爱德华七世医院。" Receptionist: "Hello, good morning, King Edward VII Hospital." 打电话者:"你好,我想跟我的孙媳妇凯特说话。" Caller: "Oh, hello there. Could I please speak to Kate please, my granddaughter?" 值班护士:"好的,夫人请稍等。" Receptionist: "Oh yes, just hold on ma'am." 打电话者:"谢谢你。" Caller: "Thank you." ...

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-15 17:54:36

    [护士之死] 于是,杰西塔·萨尔达尼亚将电话转接给了凯特王妃的病房。病房另一位护士向电话那头透露了王妃的病情。两人都丝毫未发觉这是个来自海外的恶作剧电话,澳大利亚一电台的两位主持人正模仿女王和查尔斯王子的声音和她们对话,电话的内容后来向数百万人广播。 Jacintha Saldanha then transferred the call through to Kate Middleton's ward, where a second nurse was tricked into revealing confidential information about the Duchess. They had no idea that it was a prank call made by 2 Australian radio hosts impersonating Her Majesty the Queen and Prince Charles and was later broadcast to millions. 3天之后,也就是12月7日上午,萨尔达尼亚在距离爱德华七世医院不远处的寓所内上吊自杀身亡。 Three days later, Jacintha Saldanha was found dead at her residence yards away from King Edward VII Hospital Friday morning. She had hanged herself.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-15 17:55:32

    [医院] 医院首席执行官约翰·洛夫特豪斯称:"失去了如此细心又勤勉的同事,我们每个人都感到十分震惊。"他反复强调萨尔达尼亚没有面临内部纪律处分。 Hospital chief executive John Lofthouse said "Everyone is shocked by the loss of a caring and diligent colleague," and repeatedly stressed that Saldanha did not face any disciplinary action. [电台] 打出恶搞电话的节目所属的澳洲"南十字星"公司对这起悲剧表示沉痛哀悼,决定暂停节目播放,何时恢复待另行通知。两位主播公开道歉,形容自己听到噩耗之后的心情是:"沮丧、崩溃、心碎"。 Southern Cross Austereo, owner of the show that made the prank call, said they were "deeply saddened by the tragic news" and decided that they would not air the radio show again until further notice. The 2 hosts apologized, describing their reactions as "gutted, shattered, heartbroken." [王室] 威廉王子和凯特王妃发声明向萨尔达尼亚的家人、朋友和同事寄托哀思和祈祷,并强调王室从未就电话事件怪罪过医院。 The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge issued a statement saying "their thoughts and prayers are with her family, friends and colleagues". It stressed that "at no point did the Palace complain to the hospital about the incident." [政界] 澳大利亚总理吉拉德称这一事件是"可怕悲剧"。英国首相卡梅伦在下议院对萨尔达尼亚的死表示哀悼,称应该"汲取教训"。 Australian PM Julia Gillard described Saldanha's suicide as a "terrible tragedy". British Prime Minister David Cameron paid tribute to Saldanha in the House of Commons and said "lessons need to be learnt."

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-15 17:56:00


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-15 17:56:26

    [移民英国的印度后裔] "一流的护士"、"天主教徒"、"贤妻良母",关于萨尔达尼亚的一切描述都让人很难和一个自杀者联系起来。她和丈夫还有两个孩子10年前从印度西南部的芒格洛尔移民至英国。46岁的萨尔达尼亚已经在爱德华七世医院工作了4年,丈夫是英国国家医疗服务系统内的一名会计师。 A first-class nurse, practicing Catholic, loving wife and caring mom, 46-year-old Saldanha looked nothing like a woman who would commit suicide. She moved to the UK 10 years ago from Mangalore in southwest India with her husband and 2 children. She joined the staff in the King Edward VII Hospital 4 years ago, and her husband is an NHS accountant. [规矩正直的她羞愧而死] 但她确实自杀了。萨尔达尼亚的哥哥向《每日邮报》表示,萨尔达尼亚是个"规规矩矩且正直的人",她可能"因羞愧而死"。因为自己无意中令同事违反了医疗保密协定,泄露了王妃孕情,她的心理备受摧残。感觉自己和医院都因此"蒙羞",这样的想法很可能导致她极端地结束了自己的生命。 But she harmed herself. Saldanha's brother told the Daily Mail that his sister was a "proper and righteous person" and she may have "died of shame". She would have been "devastated" at unwittingly (不知情地) assisting a colleague in breaching medical confidentiality over the condition of the Duchess of Cambridge, he said. The feeling that she had brought shame on her and her employer may well have pushed her into taking desperate action. ['羞耻感'深植印度文化] "羞愧"一词深植于印度文化之中,这或许可以帮助我们理解为什么萨尔达尼亚会"羞愧至死"。在印度,即使是被客人婉拒了食物和饮料,人们都会感到羞愧、丢脸、尴尬、甚至被侮辱。上周,29岁的印度富商麦赫塔布在大街上将自己22岁的妹妹妮洛弗斩首。麦赫塔布告诉警方,他这么做是因为妹妹与一男子私奔"令家族蒙羞"。这在印度被叫做"荣誉杀人"或"遮羞杀人"。 India has a shame-based culture. This may help us understand why the feeling of shame could kill Saldanha. In India, people will experience shame, humiliation, embarrassment, and feel dishonored if the guest refuses their offered food and drink. Last week, an Indian named Mehtab Alam, 29, beheaded his sister Nilofer, 22, on the street. The wealthy businessman told police that he had killed his sister because her eloping(私奔) with a man "dishonored the family." This is called "honor killing".

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-15 17:56:55


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-15 17:57:17

    [电台主播成'千夫所指'] 打恶作剧电话的电台主播梅尔·克雷格和迈克尔·克里斯蒂安成为了千夫所指的罪魁祸首,有人更是直接形容他们"手上沾满了鲜血"。然而在愤怒的浪潮中,也有人为他俩叫屈。《好莱坞生活》网站编辑邦妮·富勒写道:你可以骂他们无知、愚蠢、无礼,但是他们真的无法预料到自己的恶作剧竟然令一个善良的女人丧生。 An outpouring of anger is being directed at the 2 Australian radio hosts behind the practical joke(恶作剧), Mel Greig and Michael Christian, with some using the phrase "blood on their hands". However, some are backing the radio show hosts. Bonnie Fuller of HollywoodLife.com writes that "call them callow(年轻无经验的), stupid, irreverent(无礼的), if you like, but they couldn't possibly have predicted that their trick would lead to the death of a good woman. --澳媒:这是政治迫害 澳大利亚媒体的评论员们纷纷指责英国媒体和民众将此事拿到Twitter和Facebook上大做文章,是在对两人发起了一场政治迫害。《悉尼先驱晨报》形容英媒对两人的鞭笞几近"凶残"。《先驱太阳报》称两位DJ可能面临和萨尔达尼亚一样的命运。"想把更多人逼到崩溃边缘么?继续朝他们尖叫'你手上沾血'吧!"报纸还称,怪罪两人不堪的品味是一回事,但是责怪他们杀了人则是极度不公正的行为,这些指手划脚的人本身就是伪善者。 Many Australian media commentators(评论员) accused the British media and members of the public, who took to Twitter and Facebook to lambast(严厉责骂) the DJs, of a "witchhunt". The Sydney Morning Herald described the backlash in the British media as "ferocious"(凶残的). The Herald Sun said that the DJs could potentially face the same fate as Saldanha. "Want to push more people over the edge? Keep on screaming 'blood on their hands'. To be guilty of bad taste is one thing but to be held guilty of manslaughter is monstrously unfair, and makes the finger pointers seem like hypocrites(伪君子)." [不顾后果'恶搞风'酿祸] 《每日邮报》称,萨尔达尼亚是当前漫不经心式文化的殉葬品。这起事件提醒人们,每一个不顾及他人的恶作剧都有一个受害者,没有人能预料在某些人眼中只是"好笑"的事情,另一个脆弱的个体会做何反应。公众也应该负一部分责任,有多少事后在Twitter上表达愤怒的人,最初听到DJ们滑稽的伪英国口音时其实笑得很开心? The Daily Mail said Saldanha was "a victim of today's culture of casual cruelty". The event is a reminder that every thoughtless prank has a victim and that nobody can predict how a vulnerable individual will react to what somebody else thinks of as "a bit of fun". The public must take its share of the blame too. For how many of those people who have tweeted their outrage, had a good laugh when they first heard the ludicrous(滑稽的) faux-Brit accents?

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-15 17:57:51

    --"把文明社会凝聚在一起的,是每个人对其行为及后果的理解,是社会成员彼此间的一种责任感,这种责任感在于充分照顾别人的感受,同时在一定程度上允许公平的小玩笑和善意的幽默。而这一切,都应基于一些最基本的理念,那就是人性、尊严、同情和尊敬。"——《纽约时报》 "What holds a civilized society together is an understanding of action and consequence, a duty of care to each other that allows some elasticity for fair mischief and good humor, but does not contravene (抵触) a handful of basic tenets (原则): humanity, dignity, compassion, respect." - The New York Times [王室恶搞电话非第一次] 事实上,这并不是王室成员第一次成为恶作剧电话的目标。1995年,加拿大DJ皮埃尔·巴萨德假装加拿大总理克雷蒂安,接通了英女王的电话。两人交谈了15分钟,他甚至诱导女王做出承诺,将影响魁北克脱离加拿大的投票决议。 The royals have been the target of hoax callers before. In 1995 Canadian DJ Pierre Brassard, pretending to be Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien, was put through to the Queen. The pair spoke for around 15 minutes and he even managed to elicit a promise that she would try to influence Quebec's referendum on proposals to break away from Canada.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-15 17:58:22

    关于恶作剧的词汇和表达法: a prank 恶作剧、胡闹 请看例句: As many as 45% of the emergency calls were frivolous or prank calls. 多达45%的紧急呼叫电话是骚扰电话或恶作剧。 practical joke 恶作剧 请看例句: In England , on April Fool’s Day – April 1st - jokes are only played in the morning as it is considered bad luck to play a practical joke on someone after noon. 在英格兰,只有在愚人节的上午才能和人开玩笑,过了中午的恶作剧会被人认为是不吉利的。 hoax 骗局、恶作剧 请看例句: We all left the building after a telephone caller said there was a bomb, but it was just a hoax. 有人打电话来说大楼里有炸弹,我们都撤离了,但这只是一个恶作剧。 play a trick/joke on sb 捉弄、恶作剧 请看例句: The first of April is commonly known as April Fools' Day, and it is customary on this day to play a trick on a friend. 4月1日是大家都知道的"愚人节"。这一天可以拿朋友开心。 tease 取笑、戏弄 请看例句: Marian teased George about his big glasses. 玛丽安取笑乔治的大眼镜。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-15 22:45:31

    12.15 12.13 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 √ (赖床75min) 2.每天一种水果 √ 3.多喝水 1000ML √ 4.22点前脸部护理 √ 5.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 6.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 7.最晚24点上床 √ 【 学习 】 1.10点听力 √ 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧两集 √ (the big bang theory 15th; friends 5th) 4.线稿一张 X 5.China Daily 晚报 √ 6. Englishpod 跟读30min X 7.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 √ P156 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 √ (拓词30min) 9.每天看一篇专业文章 √ 10.每天看半小时美讯 X 午睡了2个半,然后赖床30min, 我的天~~~

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-16 08:49:57

    【Morning Buzz】 Love is an ancient story yet it is ever new. 爱是一个古老的故事,但它却是万古常新。 早安,各位。 【Highlights】 >BJ taxi drivers 'not friendly' 京的哥友好度全球倒数? >Bank copes with scandal 招行回应招聘'拼爹门' >Japan holds general election 日今日大选安倍或胜出 >3 teachers die for students 美教师挡弹救学生(图) >Sons-in-laws key to marriage [做个好女婿婚姻更持久 做个好媳妇婚姻高风险] >Tips: 'Sitting duck' 点津:'坐着的鸭子'何意 >Talk Show: Quit smoking 口语:周末一起聊'戒烟'

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-16 09:18:29

    【Cover Story】 >US gun laws flawed 美枪支法被批漏洞百出 Friday's horrific shooting that left 20 children and 8 adults dead in Connecticut, revived the familiar US gun law debate, where restrictions vary widely between states. The federal government regulates "very, very little," noted Robyn Thomas, executive director of the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, AFP reported. 美国康涅狄格州14日发生令人震惊的枪击案,造成20名儿童和8名成人丧生。据法新社报道,此案再次引发有关美国枪支法律的争论,而美各州枪管法大相径庭。美国防止枪支暴力组织法律中心执行主任罗宾·托马斯表示,联邦政府对枪支"几乎完全疏于监管"。 [私人交易不受约束] The Brady Law requires federal background checks on firearm purchasers in the US. It is intended to detect any potential red flags in an individual's criminal and mental health history. But 40% of arms sales are not affected by the law, because they take place between private individuals, including through websites, or at gun shows. Such sales are not regulated by the federal government. 布雷迪法案规定,在美国枪支购买者须接受联邦背景调查。该法旨在甄别出枪支购买者有无犯罪前科或心理健康不良记录。然而,40%的枪支交易不受此法约束,因为个人可以通过网络、枪支展会等进行枪支交易。上述交易并不受联邦法律管辖。 [检查系统漏洞巨大] The National Instant Criminal Background Check System, maintained by the FBI, has its own loopholes. The Mayors Against Illegal Guns Organization found that millions of files on people with mental health issues were not included in the database. 联邦调查局的全国犯罪背景即时检查系统也有漏洞。反对非法枪支市长联盟发现,数百万份的心理健康问题档案并未包括进FBI的这一犯罪背景调查系统。 [各州立法难于监管] Most laws restricting gun sales take place at the state level. And within the 50 US states, variations in gun laws can make it easier for people to evade restrictions. Thirteen states do not consult background checks compiled outside the vendors' state. Any criminal history in another state or at the federal level would thus be left out. 美国大多数限制枪支购买的法律是由各州出台的,而50个州之间枪支法律上的差异也使得人们可以较容易地逃避法律监管。在13个州,州外购枪者无需接受背景调查,这意味着在外州的犯罪记录或联邦层面的犯罪记录可以逃脱检查。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-16 09:19:04

    【Top News】 >BJ taxi drivers 'not friendly' 京的哥友好度倒数第二? Taxi services in Tokyo, Singapore and Dubai are considered the best in the world, according to a survey of 40 key tourist cities by tourist guide site TripAdvisor, Xinhua reported. Beijing's taxi drivers were ranked 2nd least friendly and the taxi services 2nd worst, while Moscow came in 3rd from the bottom and Kuala Lumpur took the last place. 据新华社报道,旅游网站TripAdvisor针对游客对全球40个主要旅游城市的调查显示,东京、新加坡、迪拜的出租车服务最优质。北京"的哥"友好度、出租车服务质量均列全球倒数第2,莫斯科相关排名倒数第3,吉隆坡垫底。 >Bank copes with scandal 招行回应招聘'拼爹门' China Merchants Bank said an internal investigation team has been sent to its Jinan branch following an alleged scandal involving prospective employees with privileged social backgrounds, Beijing News reported. It came after a post said online there is something fishy going on, as the bank's Jinan branch recruits university graduates. A list of candidates selected for interviews shows footnotes marking the candidates' social connections to certain branch banking heads or government officials. The list was reportedly downloaded from the bank's official website. Bank authorities said if the recruitment violates regulations, those involved in the scandal will be punished. 据《新京报》报道,针对网友质疑招行济南分行涉嫌招聘"拼爹",招行回应称已派工作组核实相关情况,如有违规行为,将严肃处理。此前,有网帖称招行济南分行校园招聘存"猫腻",官网下载区的面试名单上,备注一栏写有多名应聘者与某某行长、某某政府领导的"关系"。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-16 09:22:35

    >3 teachers die for students 美教师挡弹救学生(图) Three teachers murdered in the US elementary school massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, all died heroes, trying to save their students from the gunman, the Daily Mail of London reported. Victoria Soto, a 27-year-old first-grade teacher, sacrificed herself to save her students - throwing her body in front of the young children. Principal Dawn Hochsprung, 47, school psychologist Mary Sherlach, 56, ran toward the sound of the gunfire to confront the danger - and were murdered as a result.(See photo) 据英国《每日邮报》报道,在美国康涅狄格州纽敦县的小学枪击案中,有3位教师为救学生英雄牺牲,彰显了人性光辉。27岁的一年级老师维多利亚·索托用自己的身体挡住子弹,拯救了年幼的孩子们。47岁的校长唐恩·霍启斯布朗和56岁的心理咨询老师玛丽·舍拉克不顾危险,冲向枪声发出的地方,双双献出了生命。(见图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-16 09:23:01

    【In Brief】 >Japan will hold its general election Sunday, and Japanese media predicted the Liberal Democratic Party, led by hawkish former premier Shinzo Abe, to win a big majority in parliament's lower house. 日本大选将于今日举行。此前,日本媒体普遍预测自民党将赢得下议院大多数席位,该党领袖——日本前首相、鹰派人物安倍晋三将成为日新任领导人。 >The bidding price for private car license plates set another record high in Shanghai in December. The average price grew by RMB2,400 month-on-month to nearly RMB70,000, xinhuanet.com reported. 据新华网报道,12月上海私车额度拍卖价格再次创出历年新高,均价较上月上涨2400元,逼近了7万元大关。 >Shanghai traffic police caught 350,000 cases of jaywalking (闯红灯) this year, with fines of RMB5-50, Shanghai-based Morning Post reported. 据上海《新闻晨报》报道,上海今年以来共查处35万起"中国式过马路"行人闯红灯行为,每起罚金5到50元不等。 >US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sustained a concussion after fainting from dehydration at her home, Philippe Reines, a State Department spokesman, said Saturday, The Washington Post reported. 据《华盛顿邮报》报道,美国国务院发言人菲利普·莱因斯15日说,国务卿希拉里·克林顿在家中因脱水晕倒,造成脑震荡。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-16 09:23:29

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Sons-in-laws key to marriage [做个好女婿婚姻更持久 做个好媳妇婚姻高风险] Developing a close relationship with your son-in-law may be a good investment in your daughter's marriage, according to a new study, foreign media reported. The 26-year study found that when a man reported having a close relationship with his wife's parents, the couple's risk of divorce decreased by 20%. Yet women who said they had a close relationship with their husbands' parents saw their risk of divorce rise by 20%. 据外媒报道,一项新研究发现,如果你希望女儿的婚姻幸福,那么和女婿处好关系或许是不错的投资。这项持续26年的研究发现,一桩婚姻中如果丈夫报告说自己与岳父岳母的关系亲密,这对夫妇离婚的风险会降低20%。而在妻子说自己与公公婆婆关系很亲密的情形中,结果正好相反,这些夫妻离婚的风险升高了20%。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-16 09:24:01

    【Language Tips】 'Sitting duck' ---------- Sitting duck从字面上解释就是"一只坐着的鸭子"。众所周知,一只正在飞的鸭子可不容易打到它;然而一只浮在水面上的鸭子却是一个很容易击中的目标。由此,Sitting duck的意思是:一个很容易受骗或被打击的对象。 请看例句: Sure. My friend Joe is a sitting duck for any phony offer that promises to make him rich in a hurry. Any time a fast-talking salesman comes along with a promise to make Joe a millionaire overnight, Joe will hand over his money. Of course, he'll never see it again. 我朋友乔伊对任何说是能让他很快发财的骗局都相信。只要那些滔滔不绝的推销员跑来向他保证他们能够一夜间使他成为百万富翁,他保管都会把钱交给他们。当然,这些钱他是再也见不到了。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-16 09:24:31

    【Talk Show】 用英语聊聊戒烟。(1) >The doctor recommended a therapy group that meets twice a week. 医生建议建立一个治疗小组,每周见两次面。 >So everyone in the group is trying to quit smoking? 小组里的人都是准备戒烟的? >Yep... we are all in the same boat. 是哎,我们都是难兄难弟。 >We have a buddy system... if we need help, we call each other. 我们还每两人分成一个小组,如果需要帮助,我们会给对方打电话。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-16 19:10:05

    【Weather Dec 17】 Fuzhou: rainy 11~15℃ Xiamen: shower 15~19℃ Quanzhou: rainy 12~18℃ 【Highlights】 >Police name shooting victims 美枪击案遇难名单公布 >2 children killed in Shandong 高密'校车'倾覆2幼儿亡 >Chinese buyers more impulsive 国人购买奢侈品'很冲动' >Tourist cards not desirable 热门景区'缺席'旅游年票 >3D Angry Birds to hit cinemas '愤怒的小鸟'将拍3D电影 >Tips: what is a 'skin game'? 点津:什么是'皮肤游戏'?

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-16 19:11:15

    【Cover Story】 >Bloody day for children 中美校园惨案催人反思 Friday turned out to be a bloody day for school children on opposite sides of the world. Twenty children were gunned down by a mentally unstable man at an elementary school in Connecticut, the US, and 22 children were stabbed by a mentally ill 36-year-old man at a school in Henan, China. The killing of innocent children is unforgivable, People's Daily wrote on its official micro blog. How a mentally unstable person becomes a killer should be considered and discussed by families, friends and society as a whole, the blog states. 2012年12月14日,应被称为"儿童悲伤日"。同一天,在同一星球的两侧,中国河南22名小学生被一名36岁男子砍伤,凶手患有精神疾病;美国康州一所小学20名儿童因枪击身亡,凶手患有精神障碍。《人民日报》在官方微博上表示,杀害无辜孩子的罪行不可饶恕,但这些精神类疾病患者如何最终成为行凶者,更值得他们的家人、朋友以及社会共同反思与讨论。 [外媒评论] The Edmonton Journal asked if those on the outskirts of society turn their backs on the world because they aren't accepted. 加拿大《埃德蒙顿日报》撰文诘问,是不是当"边缘人"无法被社会所接纳时,他们就会转身与社会为敌? "In our society, we marginalize those with psychiatric problems. We dismiss or ignore or deny or simply fail to recognize their symptoms, because those symptoms often make us uncomfortable. We stigmatize mental illness. That, in turn, makes people hesitant to seek treatment." "我们的社会排斥那些患有精神障碍的人。对于他们的病症,我们漠视、无视、否认,甚至一无所知,因为这些症状往往让我们感觉不适。我们将精神疾病视为可耻的事。这反过来让人们不敢寻求救治。"

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-16 19:11:46

    【Top News】 >Police name shooting victims 美枪击案遇难名单公布 Connecticut state police have released the names of the 26 people gunned down in a rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary School, US media reported. The 20 children killed included 8 boys and 12 girls, aged 6 or 7. All 6 adults killed at the school were women. Connecticut Chief Medical Examiner Wayne Carver said all the victims were killed up close by multiple rifle shots. 据美国媒体报道,康涅狄格州警方公布了该州桑迪胡克小学枪击案的26名遇难者名单。20名遇害儿童中有8名男孩,12名女孩,年龄皆为6到7岁。6名成人遇害者皆为女性。康涅狄格州首席法医卡弗说,所有遇害者皆死于近距离步枪枪伤,且都身中数枪。 [凶手其人] Adam Lanza, the 20-year-old alleged shooter, was a child of divorce. He was very bright, say neighbors and former classmates, but he was socially awkward. In school, Lanza spoke little and had few, if any, friends. He even managed to avoid having his picture in his 7th-grade yearbook. Unlike most in his age group, he seems to have left little imprint on the Internet - no Facebook page or Twitter account. Lanza's brother Ryan reportedly told police that his sibling had autism or Asperger's syndrome, and a personality disorder. (See photo) 康涅狄格州枪击案嫌犯亚当·兰扎只有20岁,父母离异。邻居和亚当以前的同学说,他非常聪明,但在社交方面很笨拙。亚当在学校很少讲话,几乎没什么朋友,甚至没有在7年级的毕业纪念册上留下照片。与大部分同龄人不同,亚当没有Facebook页面,也没有Twitter账号,在网络上没留下什么印记。据说,他的哥哥瑞安告诉警察,亚当患有自闭症或阿斯伯格综合症,并有人格障碍。(见图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-16 19:12:17

    >Chinese buyers more impulsive 国人购买奢侈品'很冲动' China's upscale shoppers are increasingly impulsive, according to a new report from consulting firm McKinsey & Co, The Wall Street Journal reported. Nearly 40% of domestic shoppers are buying spur-of-the-moment indulgences. The rise of the impromptu splurge (挥霍) has big consequences for luxury retailers, according to the report. Many companies have already begun tapping into in-store impulses and are rolling out VIP services for prized spenders. 据《华尔街日报》报道,咨询公司麦肯锡发布的最新报告显示,中国高端购物者越来越冲动。在中国国内,近40%的购物者会在一时冲动之下买东西。报告称,冲动消费行为的兴起给奢侈品零售商带来了极大的影响。很多公司已开始利用店内冲动购买行为,对其优质客户推出VIP服务。 >Tourist cards not desirable 热门景区'缺席'旅游年票 Popular tourist destinations, such as Beijing and Wuhan, are selling sightseeing cards that allow holders to visit a variety of tourist attractions in 2013. Unfortunately, the year-end bargain fails to feature the most popular attractions in respective regions, Voice of China reported. The cards grant entrance to many lesser-known attractions but skip the top hotspots. Experts say that a selection of new but less popular attractions ensures that there is something to suit all tastes; but the absence of top attractions makes the tourist passes less desirable. 据中国之声报道,临近年底,北京、武汉等热门旅游地区开始发售2013年旅游年票。多数新年票涵盖了知名度相对较小的景区,但最受游客欢迎的热门景区并不在其中。专家称,年票集中收录新景区和"冷门景区",有利于旅游均衡发展;但是,如果能纳入更受欢迎的景区,年票才会更具吸引力。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-16 19:13:05

    【In Brief】 >A bus carrying kindergarten children overturned into a ditch in the township of Jiangzhuang, Gaomi, Shandong, on Friday afternoon, killing 2 children and injuring 3 others, xinhuanet.com reported Sunday. 据新华网16日报道,14日下午,山东省高密市姜庄镇一辆幼儿园临时校车翻入路边水沟,造成两名儿童死亡,3名儿童受伤。 >With South Korea's presidential election only 3 days away, Lee Jung-hee, a candidate from the Unified Progressive Party, decided to quit the race Sunday, Yonhap News Agency reported. 据韩联社报道,韩国统合进步党总统候选人李正姬16日决定退出即将于3天后进行的韩国总统选举。 【Kaleidoscope】 >3D Angry Birds to hit cinemas '愤怒的小鸟'将拍3D电影 Makers of the popular smartphone game Angry Birds say a film version will hit theaters in 2016, the BBC reported. The animated 3D film will be produced by John Cohen. Cohen's credits include popular movies such as Iron Man, Despicable Me and Ice Age. 据英国广播公司报道,风靡全球的智能手机游戏《愤怒的小鸟》的制作商表示,将在2016年发行其3D动画电影。曾经制作过《钢铁侠》、《卑鄙的我》和《冰河世纪》等热门电影的约翰·科恩将制作《愤怒的小鸟》电影。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-16 19:13:31

    【Language Tips】 'Skin game' ---------- Skin是皮肤,但当skin这个字用在美国俗语里的时候,它还可以解释为欺诈某人以骗取他的钱财。在短语skin game中,我们不能按照字面意思译为"和皮肤做游戏",而是译为"通过任何不诚实的方式来进行赌博",也就是"骗局,欺诈"。这个说法从19世纪中期美国内战期间就开始在美国人当中流行了。 请看例句: In a bar in Chicago last week these 3 guys invited me to a friendly poker game. They let me win the first couple of hands and then upped the stakes. Do you know, I'd lost 5000 bucks by the time I realized I'd been caught in a skin game. 上星期在芝加哥的一个酒吧里,有3个人请我一起去打扑克牌玩。他们先让我赢了几局,然后就把赌注加大。你可知道,等我意识到我掉入了圈套时,我已经输了5000美元了。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-16 19:14:06

    【China Daily Radio】 调研数据显示,今年中国企业员工福利保障指数为65.37,反映企业员工福利保障体系处于基础水平。其中,企业员工福利保障广度指数为61.33,福利保障的总体覆盖面仍较窄。 请看《中国日报》的报道: China's employee benefits system is still underdeveloped, with a majority of employees hoping to see improvements in their packages, a research report said on Wednesday. 周三发布的一份研究报告指出,中国员工福利保障体系仍未全面发展,大部分员工都希望福利保障有所提升。 Employee benefits system就是"员工福利保障体系",指企业为员工提供的各类benefits package(福利项目),包括五险一金:养老保险(endowment insurance)、医疗保险(medical insurance)、失业保险(unemployment insurance)、工伤保险(employment injury insurance)和生育保险(maternity insurance),及住房公积金(housing provident fund);补充商业保险(supplementary commercial insurance),带薪年假(paid annual leave)等。 该报告显示,金融业(financial industry)员工福利最好,外资企业(foreign-funded companies)员工福利保障体系最佳。 (本期英文内容由美籍编辑Michael Thai润色。)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-16 19:15:28

    【Weekly Topic】 The State Council has urged local education authorities to release plans by the end of this year to enable migrant workers' children to take the college entrance exam in the city where they live. As the year-end nears and there is less than a month left till the deadline, discussion about the issue has intensified throughout the country, especially in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Should the hukou (local permanent residency permits) restrictions for the college entrance exam sitters be lifted? Please share your opinions with us. 年底渐近,距离国务院为地方"异地高考"方案所设期限仅剩不到1月。各地(尤其京沪穗)关于这一话题的讨论甚嚣尘上。该不该放开异地高考?欢迎与我们分享您的观点。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-16 23:18:09

    12.16 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 √ (赖床90min) 2.每天一种水果 √ (吃了归类不明的两种:西红柿和黄瓜~) 3.多喝水 1000ML √ 4.22点前脸部护理 X 5.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 6.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 7.最晚24点上床 √ 【 学习 】 1.10点听力 √ 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧两集 √ (the big bang theory 16th; friends 6th) 4.线稿一张 X 5.China Daily 晚报 √ 6. Englishpod 跟读30min X 7.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 √ P172 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 √ (拓词30min) 9.每天看一篇专业文章 √ (key words:新中式.不错的意向图&设计说明) 10.每天看半小时美讯 X 偷懒太多~明明可以完成任务,愣是要休息~检讨!!!

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-17 08:49:32

    【Morning Buzz】 This is the miracle that happens every time to those who really love: the more they give, the more they possess. (Rainer Maria Rilke, Austro-German poet, 1875-1926) 这是在真爱者身上一再发生的奇迹:付出越多,拥有越多。(莱纳·玛利亚·里尔克,奥匈帝国德语诗人,1875-1926) 早安,各位。 【Highlights】 >Meeting sets tone for 2013 中央经济工作会议闭幕 >Students face energy quotas 京高校将控水电气用量 >DPRK commemorates late leader 朝纪念金正日逝世1周年 >UK to legalize gay marriage 英拟推同性婚姻合法化 >Kerry for secretary of state 克里成美新国务卿?(图) >Dog sniffs out hospital bug '狗医生'能闻出病菌(图) 【Notice】 《爱·分享》12月,留学攻略

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-17 08:50:04

    【Cover Story】 >Japan's LDP back in power 日众议院选举自民党胜 Japan's House of Representatives election ended early Monday. The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) won by a landslide in the general election held Sunday as it solo secured 294 seats in the lower house, local media reported. The victory means the LDP will oust the DPJ (Democratic Party of Japan) and become the ruling party. The LDP and its ally, the New Komeito Party, will form a coalition government, the report said. As leader of the majority party, Shinzo Abe is expected to be Japan's new prime minister. Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda said at a press conference after the general election that he decided to step down as DPJ's chief. 据日本媒体报道,日本国会众议院选举结果17日凌晨揭晓,自民党在16日举行的众议院选举中取得压倒性胜利,单独赢得众议院294个议席。这意味着,目前执政的民主党政权将下台,政权将交予自民党手中。报道称,自民党将和公明党一同组建联合政府。而自民党总裁安倍晋三将成为日本新一任首相。日本首相野田佳彦在大选结束后的记者会上宣布,将辞去民主党党首职务。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-17 08:50:31

    【Top News】 >Meeting sets tone for 2013 中央经济工作会议闭幕 China will deepen economic reforms and promote opening-up next year, said a statement issued Sunday after the closing of a 2-day central economic work conference, xinhuanet.com reported. China will make it a central task to enhance the quality and efficiency of economic growth in 2013 and will actively and steadily push forward urbanization, the statement said. China will continue to implement proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy in 2013. The country will also continue property market control policies next year. 据新华网报道,为期两天的中央经济工作会议16日闭幕,会议提出明年将进一步深化改革开放,经济工作要以提高经济增长质量和效益为中心,积极稳步推进"城镇化"。会议还提出,要继续实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,坚持房地产调控政策不动摇。 >Students face energy quotas 京高校将控水电气用量 University students in Beijing will face stringent controls (紧缩控制) on their consumption of water, electricity and gas, chinanews.com reported Sunday. The move aims to cultivate energy-saving habits among students. A draft specifying energy-use quotas for university students has been completed and submitted for approval. 据中新网16日报道,为促成大学生养成节约能源的习惯,北京各高校的大学生水、电、气用量将被严控。据悉,本市高校生平均用能标准已经完成起草,现正在报批。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-17 08:50:56

    >DPRK commemorates late leader 朝纪念金正日逝世1周年 The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) held a national ceremony Sunday to mark the first anniversary of the death of former leader Kim Jong-il, xinhuanet.com reported. Current DPRK President Kim Jong-un attended the rally. Kim Yong-nam, chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly, lauded the accomplishments of the late leader in his memorial address. Kim Jong-il died of a heart attack on Dec 17, 2011. 据新华网报道,朝鲜16日举行中央追悼大会纪念前最高领导人金正日逝世一周年。朝鲜最高领导人金正恩出席了追悼大会。朝鲜最高人民会议常任委员会委员长金永南在悼词中颂扬了金正日的丰功伟绩。金正日于2011年12月17日因心脏病逝世。 >UK to legalize gay marriage 英拟推同性婚姻合法化 The British government announced that it will introduce a bill legalizing gay marriage in January 2013, UK media reported. Culture Secretary Maria Miller said the legislation would authorize same-sex civil marriages as well as religious ceremonies. The Church of England and the Church in Wales, which have expressed strong opposition, will be banned from holding gay weddings under the new law. Other religious organizations will be able to "opt in" and hold ceremonies. 据英国媒体报道,英国政府日前宣布将于明年1月推出新法案,使同性婚姻合法化。英国文化大臣米勒称,新法案将合法化同性伴侣的非宗教婚姻,同时也允许他们举办宗教婚礼仪式。但由于英格兰教会和威尔士教会强烈反对这一法案,新法律将禁止这两个教会为同性伴侣举办婚礼。其它宗教机构可以自由选择是否举办此类婚礼。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-17 08:51:22

    【In Brief】 >A 5-story residential building in Ningbo, Zhejiang collapsed Sunday, killing 1 person, Xinhua reported online. 据新华网报道,浙江宁波一幢5层居民楼16日发生倒塌,事故已造成1人死亡。 >China's Ye Shiwen claimed the women's 200m individual medley title with a championship record of 2:04.64 at the FINA World Swimming Championships (25m) Saturday, Xinhua reported online. 据新华网报道,在15日举行的短池世锦赛200米女子个人混合泳决赛中,叶诗文以2分04秒64摘金,并打破赛会纪录。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-17 08:51:50

    【Newsmaker】 >Kerry for secretary of state 克里成美新国务卿?(图) US President Barack Obama has decided to nominate Massachusetts Senator John Kerry to be the next secretary of state. Kerry's nomination will not be announced for a variety of reasons, including the need to finalize the nomination process and out of respect for the national mourning over last Friday's school massacre in Connecticut, ABC reported. Kerry, the Democratic presidential candidate in the 2004 election and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, would replace Secretary of State Hillary Clinton within a few weeks if confirmed by the Senate. 据美国广播公司报道,美国总统奥巴马已决定任命马萨诸塞州参议员约翰·克里为新一任国务卿。由于多方原因,这一任命定将暂不对外公布,一方面因为任命程序还未完成,另一方面则是由于14日康涅狄格州发生校园枪击案,全国仍在哀悼之中。克里是2004年大选时的民主党候选人,还是参议院外交委员会委员长。如获参议院批准,他将在几周内上任,取代现任国务卿希拉里·克林顿。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-17 08:52:21

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Dog sniffs out hospital bug '狗医生'能闻出病菌(图) Most dogs get excited when they sniff out a juicy bone. But Cliff, a 2-year-old Beagle (比格犬), shows enthusiasm for a far more unusual reason. The perceptive pooch (狗) has been trained to sniff out Clostridium difficile (艰难梭菌), a superbug bacteria found in patients, with great success, the Daily Mail of London reported. By simply sniffing around a hospital bed, he can detect whether patients are carrying the deadly infection. Cliff first used his detection abilities to test stool samples, which have a distinct odor when someone has the bug. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,大多数狗狗闻到骨头的香味会变得兴奋,但2岁大的比格犬柯利弗却与众不同,它闻到病人身上携带的超级病菌——艰难梭菌时会变得兴奋。经过训练后的柯利弗只需要在病床的周围嗅上一圈,就能成功分辨出这种病菌的携带者。柯利弗最开始是靠闻病人的便样来确定病菌的,因为带有艰难梭菌的患者其粪便的气味比较独特。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-17 08:52:53

    【Talk Show】 用英语聊聊戒烟 >The doctor also recommended getting some exercise so I started doing some cycling. 医生还建议多参加体育锻炼,所以我现在开始骑自行车了。 >I had to stop drinking too much beer, because when I drank, it made me want to smoke. 我也得少喝点酒,因为一喝酒我就想抽烟。 >So far the toughest times have been when I've hung out with friends in clubs, bars or KTVs. 到现在为止,最艰难的时刻就是和朋友去俱乐部、泡吧或者KTV。 (本期英文内容由美籍编辑Michael Thai润色。)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-17 19:27:51

    【Weather Dec 18】 Fuzhou: rainy 7~12℃ Xiamen: shower 11~15℃ Quanzhou: overcast 11~16℃ 【BOC Exchange Rates】 100 USD = 628.92 CNY 100 GBP = 1016.62 CNY 100 EUR = 827.69 CNY 100 HKD = 81.15 CNY 100 JPY = 7.472 CNY (以上人民币汇率中间价来源于中国银行网站) 【Markets】 Shanghai Stock 2160.34 +9.72 +0.45% HangSeng Stock 22513.61 -92.37 -0.41% 【Highlights】 >Economy better in 2013 IMF:明年全球经济好转 >Reasons behind school attack 豫嫌犯因'末日'砍伤学生 >Gas shortage hits China 多地遇'气荒'殃及出租车 >Bureau director detained 成都新都国土局长双规 >Athlete needs to sell medals 马拉松名将卖奖牌(图) >Hobbit beats Rings with $84 '霍比特人'强势登顶北美 >Xmas music: more shopping? 圣诞音乐可刺激购物欲

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-17 19:28:55

    【Cover Story】 >Infant formula duty cheaper 奶粉进口税率将降至5% Starting Jan 1, 2013, China will cut its tariff on more than 780 imported commodities including cardiac (心脏的) pacemakers, printers and flavorings below the preferential tariff rates, according to a notice on the website of the Ministry of Finance. Of these imports, the duty rate for special infant formula will be cut to 5%, notably lower than the preferential tariff rates of 15%. China currently levies a 10% tariff on imported infant formula. 据财政部网站消息,2013年1月1日起,我国将对心脏起搏器、打印机、调味品等780多种进口商品,实施低于最惠国税率的年度进口暂定税率。其中,特殊配方婴儿奶粉关税5%,显著低于最惠国15%的待遇,为目前税率的一半。 【Top News】 >Economy better in 2013 IMF:明年全球经济好转 IMF chief Christine Lagarde said Sunday that the economic situation will be a little better in 2013 than in 2012. The estimate of economic growth among developed nations would increase by 1.6% next year, up from an earlier estimated 1.5%, AFP reported. Developing countries should grow by 5.6%, while the global economy is expected to expand by 3.6%. 据法新社报道,国际货币基金组织总裁拉加德16日称,2013年的全球经济形势将比2012年略微好转。2013年发达国家GDP增长率预计达1.6%,比早前预计的1.5%略有上升;发展中国家2013年的GDP增长率预计为5.6%,2013年全球GDP的增长率预计为3.6%。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-17 19:29:27

    >Reasons behind school attack 嫌犯因'末日说'砍伤学生 The Guangshan County People's Procuratorate confirmed Monday that it has ratified the arrest of Min Yongjun on charges of jeopardizing public security. The suspect allegedly knifed 23 students at an elementary school in Henan Friday. Initial police investigations found Min, a long-term epilepsy (癫痫) sufferer, had been strongly affected psychologically by rumors of the upcoming end of the world predicted by ancient prophecy (预言). His motives for the attack are under further investigation. 河南光山县人民检察院17日确认,闵拥军涉嫌危害公共安全罪,已被检察机关批捕。14日,犯罪嫌疑人闵拥军涉嫌砍伤当地一小学23名学生。警方初步调查认定,闵拥军患有癫痫病多年,因受"世界末日"谣言影响持刀行凶。目前,案情正在进一步调查中。 [52名末日宣扬者被拘] Police have detained a total of 52 people nationwide, who were suspected of spreading rumors that the world would end in the near future, Shenzhen-based Jing News reported. 另据深圳《晶报》报道,警方在全国各地已拘留52名"末日说"宣扬者。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-17 19:29:52

    >Gas shortage hits China 多地遇'气荒'殃及出租车 Many regions in China have been hit by a natural gas shortage after several rounds of widespread snow brought down temperatures and pushed up demand for gas for home heating, chinanews.com reported. Owing to limited supplies, taxi drivers in many places, including Jinan, Baoding and Taiyuan, are having a hard time getting fuel for their natural gas-powered cars. They often have to wait in a long queue, some even up to a few kilometers long, to refuel at gas stations. Some taxi drivers are worried that the gas shortage may worsen as it gets colder in the coming days. 据中新网报道,随着几场大面积降雪,气温骤降,居民供暖需求上涨,全国多地天然气供应出现紧张状况,导致济南、保定、太原等地区的天然气动力出租车遭遇加气难,出租车排数公里大长队加气的"壮观"场面频现。出租车司机们担心,如果过几天天气更冷时,"气荒"可能会变得更加严重。 >Bureau director detained 成都新都国土局长双规 Mao Yixin, director of the Land and Resources Bureau of Xindu district in Chengdu, has been put under "shuanggui", a form of detention imposed on Party officials, for serious economic problems, according to the discipline inspection team leader Wang Chengyong, Beijing News reported. Rumor has it that RMB38.72m of cash was discovered in his apartment and his detention was concerned with a large real estate project. An industrial district in northern Chengdu, Xindu has been a problematic area for land use since it began to construct industrial parks and big real estate projects using large parcels of land in 2006. 据《新京报》报道,成都市新都区国土局纪检组长王成永介绍,该局局长毛一新涉嫌严重经济问题已被市纪委"双规"。据传毛一新其家中搜出3872万元现金,落马跟一大型房地产项目有关。新都区属于成都市北部的工业区,从2006年开始,该区推动工业园区建设及大型地产项目,用地规模很大。几年来,关于新都土地问题的举报一直没有间断。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-17 19:30:22

    【In Brief】 >The official death toll from super typhoon Bopha has already reached 1,020 people as the number of missing also rose to 844, the Philippine National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council said Sunday, xinhuanet.com reported. 据新华网报道,菲律宾国家减灾委员会16日通报,台风"宝霞"在菲律宾造成的死亡人数已达1020人,同时失踪人数上升至844人。 >Peter Jackson's "The Hobbitt: an unexpected journey" broke Hollywood's December record in its debut weekend in North America with a haul of $84.8m, a better start than for his 3 previous "Lord of the Rings" films. 上周末,《霍比特人1:意外旅程》在北美斩获8480万美元,刷新好莱坞影史12月首周末票房纪录。这是彼得·杰克逊继"魔戒三部曲"后又一重磅力作,首周末票房成绩也好于"魔戒三部曲"。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-17 19:30:52

    【Newsmaker】 >Athlete needs to sell medals 马拉松名将卖奖牌(图) Guo Ping (see photo), once an excellent national marathon athlete, said she would sell all of her 16 medals as she arrived in Beijing for treatment of her deformed feet, Beijing Times reported. It is said that she has been unable to walk and has led a life in poverty since her feet were injured 11 years ago. Now, a hospital would like to offer her free treatment. Guo took the medals with her for sale. "I will use the money to send Bobo (her son) to nursery school and then open a small restaurant so that my family can be free from hunger." 据《京华时报》报道,近日,曾是国家级马拉松健将的郭萍(见图)抵京,开始对畸形双脚进行治疗。据悉,郭萍的脚受伤后11年无法行走,生活极度窘迫,如今,有医院愿意为她免费治疗。郭萍随身带上了16块奖牌,表示要在北京将奖牌出售。她说:"用换来的钱,送博博(郭萍的儿子)去读幼儿园,开一个小餐馆,让一家人吃饱饭。"

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-17 19:31:19

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Xmas music: more shopping? 圣诞音乐可刺激购物欲 Endless loops of songs like "All I Want For Christmas Is You" in shops during the festive season don't just drive us mad - they also make us more careless with our money, academics have warned, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. "Festive jingles are force-fed to Christmas shoppers in a bid to change their mood, influence their sense of time and what sort of products they buy. In other words, this is an attempt to manipulate your shopping habits in a way that you might barely be aware of," said Dr Alan Bradshaw of Royal Holloway, University of London. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,学者警告说,圣诞节期间商店里不断循环播放的《圣诞节我只要你》这类的圣诞歌曲不但让我们情绪高亢,还让我们花钱更大手大脚。伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院的阿兰·布拉德肖博士说:"商店强迫圣诞购物者听这些喜庆歌曲,从而改变他们的心情,影响他们的时间感和购买的产品种类。换言之,就是试图用你几乎察觉不到的方式来操纵你的购物习惯。"

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-17 19:31:47

    【China Daily Radio】 网页打开很慢的时候,网站运行要求额外安装插件的时候,网页运行到一半突然关闭的时候,你是不是会有点不耐烦?甚至有点想发火?这就是"网怒",多表现为砸键盘或者猛点鼠标。 If you're a regular Internet user, have you ever felt a mounting sense of tension during what seems like an interminable wait for a web page to load? If so, calm down. You could be on the point of succumbing to a bout of web rage! 如果你经常上网,是不是有时候会因为网页打开太慢而觉得急躁、不耐烦?如果是这样的话,请你冷静,你可能正处于网怒情绪爆发的边缘! According to a recent survey of 1,600 Internet users in the UK, web rage is on the increase, causing short-temperedness and even physical aggression – not necessarily thumping the nearest person, but frustrated bashing of keyboards and over-zealous mouse-clicking! 英国最近一项针对1600位网民所做的调查显示,网怒现象处于上升态势,主要表现为易怒,甚至有攻击倾向。这里的攻击倾向倒不一定是针对身边的人,多半表现为砸键盘以及猛击鼠标。 引起网怒的首要原因是网页慢速下载时导致的烦躁情绪,其它原因还有:图片无法打开,某些网站需要安装制定软件才能运行,登录某个网站前要求提交个人信息,以及不能提供任何帮助的"帮助"按钮。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-17 19:32:41

    【Word Power】 大规模射杀 mass shooting 例句: US President Barack Obama says the US "cannot tolerate" any more mass shootings and must change to prevent them. 美国总统奥巴马称,美国不能再容忍这样的大规模射杀,必须改变以防止此类事件发生。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。) 【Word Prize】 --The review contains a few spoilers, so don't read it if you haven't seen the movie. 此处spoilers意思是? A.广告 B.短片 C.剧透

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-17 23:43:37

    12.17 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 √ (8:30起床 ,赖床 45min) 2.每天一种水果 √ 3.多喝水 1000ML √ 4.22点前脸部护理 √ 5.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 6.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 7.最晚24点上床 √ 【 学习 】 1.10点听力 √ 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧两集 √ (the big bang theory 17th,第一季done,谢耳朵好可爱 ; friends 7th) 4.线稿一张 √ (线好碎,下笔不肯定,形抓不准QAQ~泪奔~~~) 5.China Daily 晚报 √ 6. Englishpod 跟读30min √ (今天的好难~沮丧~~~ 29th) 7.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 √ P182 (期货没看懂) 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 √ (拓词50min) 9.每天看一篇专业文章 √ (key words:庭院景观) 10.每天看半小时美讯 X 小结:今日学习6h+,赖床45min,聊天1.5h,游戏0.5h, 明天可利用的时间更多!!! 画好了得到的是一幅画, 画坏了,只是损失一张纸. 加油!!!

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-18 12:42:05

    【Morning Buzz】 The bird wishes it were a cloud. The cloud wishes it were a bird. (Rabindranath Tagore, Indian poet, 1861-1941) 鸟儿愿为一朵云。 云儿愿为一只鸟。(泰戈尔,印度诗人,1861-1941) 【Markets】 Dow Jones 13,235.39 +100.38 +0.76% Nasdaq 3,010.60 +39.27 +1.32% 【Highlights】 >China reacts to JP election 中方回应安倍晋三胜选 >China's top apps unveiled 苹果公布中国区百强app >Teachers want rich husbands 富豪征婚教师应征最多 >US leads 2012 IPO race 2012美股融资全球最牛 >Shooter's mother loves guns 曝枪手亚当母亲是'枪迷' >Berlusconi gets engaged 72岁老贝宣布订婚(图) >Pony rides subway in Berlin 小马乘地铁引围观(图) 【Notice】 12月,留学攻略,邀您一起'分享爱'

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-18 12:42:33

    【Cover Story】 >Britain woos Chinese tourists 英'圣诞攻势'瞄准中国客 London's department stores are working hard to attract Christmas shoppers - but Chinese visitors are the particular target of a charm offensive(魅力攻势), AFP reported. Hotels, retailers and the British government are stepping up efforts to woo big-spending Chinese visitors in a bid to bounce back from Britain's longest recession in half a century. Congee (粥) and dumplings are on the breakfast menu at enterprising hotels. Major London stores have installed Chinese bank card terminals. Mandarin-speaking staff are on hand to help out with the Christmas shopping. 据法新社报道,伦敦的百货商场正在竭力吸引圣诞购物者——尤其是中国游客,他们已成为商家"魅力攻势"的主要目标。为了使英国经济从半个世纪来为时最长的衰退中振作起来,酒店、零售店和政府都在想法设法吸引花钱大方的中国游客。一些具有开拓性的酒店已将粥和饺子列入早餐菜谱里;一些伦敦大商场也安装上了中国的银行卡交费终端;一些会说中文的店员也已就位,准备在圣诞购物季大显身手。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-18 12:42:58

    【Top News】 >China reacts to JP election 中方回应安倍晋三胜选 China hopes Japan will deeply understand and appropriately address difficulties and issues between the 2 nations, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Hua Chunying said at a regular news briefing, Xinhua reported. She made the remark one day after the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) led by Shinzo Abe scored a landslide victory in Sunday's House of Representatives election. "The Chinese side attaches importance to the direction of Japan's China policy," said Hua. "We hope Japan will continue to follow the path of peaceful development," she added. 据新华社报道,安倍晋三带领的日本自民党在16日的众议院选举中以压倒性优势获胜,对此,中国外交部发言人华春莹17日在例行记者会上表示,中方重视日本对华政策的方向,希望日方深刻认识和妥善处理两国间面临的困难和问题,继续走和平发展道路。 >China's top apps unveiled 苹果公布中国区百强app Apps developed by Tencent, Baidu, Alibaba, and Sohu account for over 30% of the top 100 apps in China this year, according to Apple's "Best of 2012" charts, Beijing Morning Post reported. On the lists of different categories, WeChat from Tencent won the best social networking app. Alibaba's Taobao is the top e-commerce app, while the best input method app goes to Sogou Input. And Sohu News is the best of the Newsstand apps. 据《北京晨报》报道,苹果公布了其应用商店App Store 2012年度最佳app应用名单,在中国区百强榜单中,腾讯、百度、阿里巴巴、搜狐成为大赢家,旗下app应用数量占据了超过30%的榜单份额。其中社交类腾讯微信、电子商务类阿里巴巴的淘宝、输入法类搜狗输入板、资讯类搜狐新闻客户端成为各细分领域最佳应用。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-18 12:43:22

    >Teachers want rich husbands 富豪征婚教师应征最多 20% of 232 beautiful applicants who came to a matchmaking event held Sunday in Chongqing for single rich men were teachers, Chongqing Economic Times reported. Women doctors, the second most popular profession after teachers at the event, accounted for 16% of the applicants. According to organizers of the event, they have 48 single entrepreneurs as members, with most of them having a fortune of over RMB100m. Only 8 women who pass through the auditioning will take part in a matchmaking party to be held in January in Sanya, Hainan, where they will come face-to-face with the entrepreneurs. 据《重庆商报》报道,16日,重庆232名美女参加富豪征婚,其中老师最多,占参加人数的20%,其次是医生,占16%。主办方称,其单身企业家会员目前有48位,身家多过亿元。本次海选的8名胜出者将参加明年1月份在三亚举行的相亲派对,与企业家"零距离"接触。 >US leads 2012 IPO race 2012美股融资全球最牛 US stock exchanges are once again global leaders in the amount of initial public offerings (IPOs) for raising capital this year, according to global data provider Dealogic. The value of IPOs on the US market stood at $47.1b through Friday, the highest annual amount since 2007. Second-placed Chinese mainland market has raised $14b this year. Japan joins the top 3 for the first time since 2004, raising $12.5b. 国际数据提供商Dealogic的数据显示,美国证券交易所今年的首次公开募股(IPO)融资规模再次领先全球,截至本月14日的IPO上市融资总额达到471亿美元,创2007年以来的年度最高水平。排名第2的中国大陆市场今年IPO融资140亿美元。今年日本市场IPO融资规模总计约125亿美元,自2004年以来首次跻身世界前三甲。 [你知道吗?] --The $16b IPO from Facebook Inc accounted for fully 1/3 of US IPO proceeds (收益) this year. 今年Facebook160亿美元的IPO占到美国全年IPO规模的1/3。 --Hong Kong, which has ranked in the top 3 positions since 2001, raised $6.7b, sliding to the No 5 slot for the year. 自2001年以来就一直排名前3的香港市场今年IPO融资67亿美元,下滑至第5位。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-18 12:43:44

    【In Brief】 >Apple Inc said it sold more than 2m units of of its new iPhone 5 in the Chinese mainland after its launch there on Friday, setting a new record for its best first-weekend sales in the region, CNN reported. 据美国有线电视新闻网报道,苹果称,iPhone 5自14日登陆中国内地市场以来,已售出200多万部,创出了苹果产品在该地区上市首周最佳销售纪录。 >China, the largest foreign holder of US government debt, boosted its holdings in October by $7.9b to $1.1615 trillion, data from the US Treasury Department showed Monday, xinhuanet.com reported. 据新华网报道,美国财政部17日公布的数据显示,10月份美国最大债权国中国增持美国国债79亿美元,当月持有美国国债1.1615万亿美元。 >Russia exported over $15b worth of military equipment in 2012, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday. Russia is ranked as the 2nd biggest global arms exporter and its arms exports reached $13.2b in 2011. 俄罗斯总统普京17日称,俄2012年武器出口总额超过150亿美元。俄罗斯是世界第二大武器出口国,2011年俄武器出口总额为132亿美元。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-18 12:44:07

    【Newsmaker】 >Shooter's mother loves guns 曝枪手亚当母亲是'枪迷' The mother of the killer who massacred 26 pupils and staff at a US primary school may have played a major part in his catastrophic mental breakdown, the Daily Mail of London reported. Friends portrayed Adam Lanza's mother Nancy as a paranoid(偏执的) survivalist who has been struggling to stockpile food, water and guns in the home she shared with her 20-year-old son in Connecticut. "Mother Nancy often took her kids target shooting," one of the insiders said. Police disclosed that the 52-year-old had 5 legally registered guns – at least 3 of which her son carried with him. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,杀害26名师生的美国枪手亚当·兰扎的严重精神障碍或与他的母亲有很大关系。朋友们透露,亚当的母亲南希是个偏执的生存主义者,在康涅狄格州她和20岁的亚当共住的家里,她拼命地囤积食物、水和枪支。一位知情人士称,南希经常带她的孩子们去练习射击。据警方透露,这名52岁的女人名下合法注册了5把枪,亚当将其中至少3把携带到枪击案现场。 >Berlusconi gets engaged 72岁老贝宣布订婚(图) Former Italian prime minister, 72-year-old Silvio Berlusconi announced during a TV interview that he was engaged to Francesca Pascale (see photo), his 27-year-old girlfriend, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. “Finally I feel less lonely," he said. "Although only 27 years old, she has very solid values. She loves me very much and I feel the same." So far, Berlusconi has 5 children from 2 marriages but is yet to reach agreement with Veronica Lario on the terms of their divorce. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,72岁的意大利前总理贝卢斯科尼在接受一家电视台采访时宣布,他已与27岁的女友弗朗西斯卡·帕斯卡尔(见图)订婚。老贝称,"帕斯卡尔虽然只有27岁,但她有坚定的价值观,我们深爱彼此。"他感叹道:"我终于没那么寂寞了。"贝卢斯科尼有过两次婚姻,育有5名子女。目前他尚未办妥与第二任妻子维罗妮卡的离婚手续。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-18 12:44:30

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Pony rides subway in Berlin 小马乘地铁引围观(图) Subway passengers in Berlin got a surprise when a brown pony boarded the carriage, the Daily Mail of London reported. A mystery blonde woman nonchalantly led her horse on to the train. She held the horse on a short leash as it stood patiently surveying other passengers. Fellow commuters were bemused by the bizarre scene, but quick to photograph and film the cute pony. However, an S-Bahn (德国地铁) spokesman failed to see the funny side of the incident, saying the equine passenger clearly violated its travel policy. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,一匹棕色小马日前出现在德国柏林地铁内,令乘客们大感意外。当时,一名神秘金发女郎若无其事地将马牵入地铁车厢内,那匹马被一根短皮绳牵着,很耐心地站着打量身边的乘客。同乘者对这一怪异景象颇感困惑,但很快便开始为这匹可爱小马拍照录影。德国地铁部门发言人显然不认为此事可笑,并称这位马乘客违反了运输条例。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-18 12:45:14

    【Talk Show】 用英语聊聊戒烟。 >I guess you'll just have to chew a lot of gum. 我觉得你得多嚼口香糖。 >The doctor told me to keep my mouth and hands busy! Chew gum, drink water, whistle, draw, hold a pencil... just try to distract my mind. 医生让我的嘴和手都别闲下来。嚼口香糖、喝水、吹口哨、画画、拿着铅笔……就是为了分散我的注意力。 >I applaud your efforts to quit! I'm sure you'll be much happier in the long run. 真心为你的戒烟举动高兴。我肯定,长远看你一定比现在更快乐。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。) 【Word Prize】 --The review contains a few spoilers, so don't read it if you haven't seen the movie. 此处spoilers意思是? 答案:C.剧透 原句意为:本影评含部分剧透,尚未观影者建议勿阅读。 之所以称"剧透"为spoilers是因为它会"spoil a viewer's sense of surprise or suspense",即破坏掉观众(看电影或电视剧时)的意外感和悬念感。动词spoil本意指"溺爱;糟蹋",比如:a spoilt child被宠坏的孩子。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-18 19:18:21

    【Weather Dec 19】 Fuzhou: overcast 9~13℃ Xiamen: cloudy 11~15℃ Quanzhou: overcast 10~14℃ 【BOC Exchange Rates】 100 USD = 628.8 CNY 100 GBP = 1018.78 CNY 100 EUR = 827.85 CNY 100 HKD = 81.14 CNY 100 JPY = 7.4834 CNY (以上人民币汇率中间价来源于中国银行网站) 【Markets】 Shanghai Stock 2162.46 +2.12 +0.10% HangSeng Stock 22494.73 -18.88 -0.08% 【Highlights】 >New Party chiefs for provinces 浙陕吉3省省委书记敲定 >New home prices rise in Nov 11月53城房价环比上涨 >Gun control plea sets record 17万美国人请愿求控枪 >Most popular Google searches 2012谷歌中国热搜榜单 >Pippa gets highly-paid offer 英王妃妹高薪获聘记者 >Ronaldo loses 17 kg 罗纳尔多减膘17公斤(图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-18 19:18:43

    【Cover Story】 >Looted Chinese seal sold off 我乾隆玉玺在法被拍卖 France-based auction house Artcurial Monday sold a Chinese imperial seal (玉玺) for EUR1.1m (about RMB9.05m), AFP reported. The green jade seal dates from the Qianlong period (1736-95). The Association for the Protection of Chinese Art in Europe had urged Artcurial to withdraw it from the sale saying it was stolen in 1860 when the Summer Palace was pillaged by Anglo-French troops. The group said it had already mandated a lawyer to "take all legal action" if the sale goes ahead. 据法新社报道,一枚中国乾隆时期的绿色玉玺17日在法国艾德拍卖行以110万欧元(约合人民币905万元)的价格被拍出。欧洲保护中国艺术品协会此前曾表示,这枚玉玺是1860年英法联军洗劫圆明园时被盗走的,并敦促拍卖行撤回此拍品。该协会表示已委托律师,若对方执意拍卖,将采取法律行动。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-18 19:19:17

    【Top News】 >New Party chiefs for provinces 浙陕吉3省省委书记敲定 New Party chiefs for Zhejiang, Jilin and Shaanxi have been confirmed, Xinhua reported. The CPC Central Committee announced Tuesday that Xia Baolong was appointed secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the CPC, Zhao Zhengyong as secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the CPC and Wang Rulin as secretary of the Jilin Provincial Committee of the CPC. 据新华社报道,浙江、吉林、陕西3省新任省委书记已确定。中共中央18日宣布:夏宝龙同志任浙江省委书记,赵正永同志任陕西省委书记,王儒林同志任吉林省委书记。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-18 19:19:57

    >New home prices rise in Nov 11月53城房价环比上涨 Prices of newly built commercial homes in 53 out of 70 large and medium-sized cities rose in November compared with 35 in October, according to data released Tuesday by the National Bureau of Statistics. However, the growth rate in none of the 53 cities passed 1.0%. Compared with the same month last year, prices fell in 41 of the 70 cities while the growth rate in the remaining cities was still lower than 2.0%. 国家统计局18日公布的数据显示,11月份,中国70个大中城市中,新建商品住宅价格环比上涨的城市有53个,比上月增加18个。环比价格上涨的城市中,涨幅均未超过1.0%。与去年同月相比,70个大中城市中,价格下降的城市有41个。同比价格上涨的城市中,涨幅均未超过2.0%。>Gun control plea sets record 17万美国人请愿求控枪 A pro-gun control petition (请愿书) posted on the White House's "We the People" website, in the wake of the Connecticut elementary school massacre, has since secured more than 170,000 signatures, US media reported. It has become one of the fastest moving and most popular petition ever posted to the site. Several thousand new signatures were still being added to the petition each hour. The petition calls for the Obama administration to "immediately address the issue of gun control through the introduction of legislation in Congress". 据美国媒体报道,美国康涅狄格州小学枪击惨案发生后,一份发表在白宫"我们人民"网站上的支持"控枪"请愿书已获逾17万人签名,成为该网站史上签名数增长最快、最受欢迎的请愿书之一。目前其签名数仍以每小时数千个的速度增长。该请愿书呼吁奥巴马政府"立刻将控枪草案提交国会,立法解决枪支管控问题"。 [你知道吗] Petitions posted to We the People that receive more than 25,000 signatures are guaranteed an official response from the White House. 倘若发表在"我们人民"网站上的请愿书能获得超过2.5万人签字,白宫就会对其做出官方回应。>Most popular Google searches 2012谷歌中国热搜榜单 What were China's most popular Google searches for 2012? According to The Wall Street Journal, TV singing contest "the Voice of China" was the most-searched term in China, followed by the London Olympics and Gangnam Style. TV series Legend of Concubine Zhen Huan and the Diaoyu Islands were also among Google's top 5 search terms in China. 2012年中国最热的谷歌搜索有哪些?据《华尔街日报》报道,歌唱比赛节目"中国好声音"荣登谷歌中国热搜词汇第一名,其次是"伦敦奥运会"和"江南Style"。此外,电视剧"甄嬛传"和"钓鱼岛"也位列谷歌中国热搜榜前5名中。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-18 19:20:10

    【In Brief】 >November saw a 5.4% drop of foreign direct investment in China from a year earlier to $8.29b, the Ministry of Finance said Tuesday. 商务部18日公布数据显示,11月,中国吸收外资82.9亿美元,同比下降5.4%。 >Some 12.02m new urban jobs were created in the first 11 months this year, which has already beat the annual target of 9m, according to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security Tuesday. 人保部18日发布的数据显示,今年1-11月,我国城镇新增就业1202万人,提前完成年新增就业900万人的目的。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-18 19:20:26

    【Newsmaker】 >Pippa gets highly-paid offer 英王妃妹高薪获聘记者 Princess Kate's sister Pippa Middleton might very well sign on as an official correspondent with NBC's Today Show, Jezebel.com reported. NBC is said to be courting Pippa because of her close ties to the Royal Family, and may be preparing to offer her $600,000 to make up to 20 appearances a year covering such events as the Chelsea Flower Show and the opening of Buckingham Palace to the public. 据Jezebel网站报道,英国王妃凯特的妹妹皮帕·米德尔顿有望签约美国全国广播公司《今日秀》节目,成为该节目的官方记者。据称,美国全国广播公司看中皮帕,主要因为她与英王室的亲密关系。他们准备付她60万美元的薪资,让她每年在节目上亮相至多20次,负责报道诸如切尔西花展或白金汉宫对外开放等盛事。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-18 19:20:38

    >Ronaldo loses 17 kg 罗纳尔多减膘17公斤(图) Brazilian football legend Ronaldo Luis Nazario de Lima started to shed weight 3 months ago and has so far lost 17 kg (see photo, right), AP reported. He began gaining extra pounds after quitting the sport and his weight topped 118 kg (photo, left). But in order to attend an charity match in a good light at the end of the year, he decided to ditch his weight by attending an entertainment program in which the process of him losing weight was watched by millions so that he could better fulfill his goal. Ronaldo might actually return to world football after losing weight, a Brazilian website revealed. 据美联社报道,巴西足球巨星罗纳尔多3个月前开始减肥,目前已减掉了17公斤(图右)。罗纳尔多在退役后开始发福,体重曾一度达到118公斤(图左)。但为了以良好形象参加年底的慈善比赛, 他决定通过参加一档综艺节目减肥,让百万名观众观看他减肥的过程,从而使他更好的实现其减肥目标。据一巴西网站透露,罗纳尔多有可能在减肥成功后重返世界足坛。

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