
  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-18 19:20:52

    【China Daily Radio】 "babe"一词曾因为Sonny和Cher's Sixties的名曲《I Got You Babe》而为人熟知,但在最新的一项调查中被投票为女性最讨厌的昵称。 It has become one of the most common terms of endearment used by couples, but "babe" has been voted the most hated pet name for women. "Sweetcheeks", "snookums" and "muffin" were also a definite no no, but terms such as "gorgeous", "beautiful" and "lovely" were considered acceptable. 虽然"babe(宝贝)"是情侣间最常用于表示亲昵的词,但它也被评为女性最讨厌的昵称。"Sweetcheeks(甜妞)"、"snookums(小甜心)"和"muffin(可指帅哥/美女)"等昵称也都是女性雷区,但"迷人的"、"美丽的"和"可爱的"则可以接受。 美式的昵称如"baby girl(小宝贝)""baby doll(洋娃娃)",还有"pudding(布丁)""pumpkin(小南瓜)"也不受女性欢迎。该调查同时披露,只有五分之一的英国人会在大多数时间叫另一半的全名,同样还有五分之一的人承认会在没有别人在场时叫另一半的私密昵称。 很多参与调查的男士承认,另一半不在身边时会以特别称谓来指代另一半,比如一些人常用的"The Mrs(夫人)""The wife(妻子)",而且还有六分之一的男士悄悄承认会喊他们的另一半"The boss(领导/老板)"。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-18 19:21:04

    【Word Power】 末日谣言 doomsday rumor 例句: Police in Jiangsu have detained 8 more members of a cult for spreading doomsday rumors. 江苏警方又拘捕了8名散布末日谣言的邪教人员。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-18 19:21:10

    【Word Prize】 --After taking a jog around the block, Jill felt the need to evacuate her bowels. 此处evacuate her bowels意思是? A.洗澡 B.睡觉 C.上厕所

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-18 19:24:34

    楼主,我也来插一脚…… 楼主,我也来插一脚…… tree


  • momo

    momo 2012-12-18 20:09:53


  • 咸鱼派

    咸鱼派 (一年后的今天我会怎么说自己) 2012-12-18 21:56:23


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-18 23:56:44

    能告诉我这是从什么地方订阅的吗 能告诉我这是从什么地方订阅的吗 咸鱼派

    移动发CD到10658000 一天两条 5块钱一个月

  • 小鹿phoebe

    小鹿phoebe 2012-12-18 23:57:55


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-19 00:00:58

    12.18 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 √ (8:15起床) 2.每天一种水果 √ (梨+猕猴桃) 3.多喝水 1000ML √ 4.22点前脸部护理 √ (可是都24点了) 5.22点诗词各 一篇 √ (《蝶恋花》小五很喜欢) 6.澡后抹润肤乳 √ (嘿嘿,老公帮我涂的很均匀) 7.最晚24点上床 √ (真正的整点了) 【 学习 】 1.10点听力 X 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧两集 √ (the big bang theory 1st ; friends 8th) 4.线稿一张 X 5.China Daily 晚报 √ 6. Englishpod 跟读30min X 7.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 √ P192 (全新的知识点:次贷) 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 (拓词30min) 9.每天看一篇专业文章 √ (进阶版:总平图集合.美美地~~~) 10.每天看半小时美讯 X

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-19 09:25:05

    【Morning Buzz】 The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited. (Plutarch, Greek historian, 46-120 AD) 思想不是用来装填的容器,而是有待点燃的火焰。(普鲁塔克,希腊历史学家,公元46-120) 早安,各位。 【Markets】 Dow Jones 13,350.96 +115.57 +0.87% Nasdaq 3,054.53 +43.93 +1.46% 【Highlights】 >GD Party chief appointed 胡春华任广东省委书记 >Most unhappy with holiday plan 7成人不满明年放假安排 >Plastic to replace paper notes 英国考虑采用塑料钞票 >Method to combat fat fingers 谷歌新增'广告确认'功能 >DPRK 1st lady very pregnant 朝第1夫人孕相明显(图) >Miss France 'white as snow' 法国小姐因'太白'遭指责 >Frost flowers in the Arctic 北冰洋现绝美'霜花'(图) 【Notice】 12月,留学攻略,邀您一起'分享爱'

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-19 09:25:54

    【Cover Story】 >China temperatures to plunge 寒潮来袭我国大部降温 A strong cold front will send temperatures down across China and bring heavy snow to some regions from Wednesday, the National Meteorological Center said, xinhuanet.com reported. Temperatures in most parts of the country will drop by 6-10℃, and some regions will see temperature drop of 12℃, the center said. Many parts of the country will usher in the coldest air so far this winter. 据新华网报道,中央气象台预报,19日开始,一股强冷空气将入侵我国,全国大部分地区气温将下降6至10摄氏度,局部可达12摄氏度,部分地区有大到暴雪。多地气温将跌至入冬来最低点。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-19 09:26:26

    【Top News】 >GD Party chief appointed 胡春华任广东省委书记 Hu Chunhua has been appointed secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), replacing Wang Yang, the CPC Central Committee announced Tuesday, xinhuanet.com reported. Wang Jun will replace Hu as secretary of the Inner Mongolia autonomous regional Committee of the CPC, according to the announcement. 据新华网报道,中共中央18日宣布,汪洋同志不再兼任广东省委书记职务;胡春华同志兼任广东省委书记,不再兼任内蒙古自治区党委书记职务;王君同志任内蒙古自治区党委书记。 >Most unhappy with holiday plan 7成人不满明年放假安排 A survey by China Youth Daily found that 73.4% of respondents are unsatisfied with the arrangements for holidays in 2013, released last week by the State Council. Under the arrangements, each of 7 major holidays will be extended by at least 2 days, so that people can have consecutive days off. The preceding or following Saturday and Sunday will be workdays to make up for the time lost. 60.5% of respondents say the plan will make them exhausted before or after holidays. 国务院上周出台了2013年放假安排,而《中国青年报》的一项调查显示,73.4%的受访者对这一安排"不满意"。根据放假安排,为了让人们连续休假,7个主要节日通常会增加至少2天的假期,而假期前后的周六、日则变成了工作日。该调查显示,60.5%的人认为这种"挪假"的做法会"造成节前或节后过度疲劳"。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-19 09:26:57

    >Plastic to replace paper notes 英国考虑采用塑料钞票 Plastic banknotes which are more durable, waterproof and harder-to-counterfeit are set to be introduced in Britain, replacing the paper money used for more than 300 years. The polymer(聚合物) sterling (英国货币) notes could be in circulation within 3 years. The Bank of England has put out a £1b tender (投标) from 2015 for the printing of notes at its press in Debden, Essex, the Daily Mail of London reported. It demands that bidders are able to cope with the change from paper to plastic from the start of the contract. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,英国正计划用塑料钞票取代已经用了300多年的纸钞,更耐磨、防水,而且更难以仿造的聚合物钞票可能在3年内开始流通。英格兰银行已经公布了一项10亿英镑的对外招标,从2015年起为其在埃塞克斯德布登的印刷厂印制钞票,合同一开始便要求投标者能够应对钞票从纸张到塑料的材质变化。 >Method to combat fat fingers 谷歌新增'广告确认'功能 Google has introduced a new way to curb the "fat fingers effect" - the theory that people accidentally click on mobile ads because cellphone screens are so small, the New York Times reported. When users click on an ad, Google will verify their real intention by asking them to click on a button labeled "visit site". Early tests have shown that the new feature decreases the number of clicks on ads, but increases the number of people who make a purchase. 据《纽约时报》报道,谷歌公司推出了一种对抗"胖手指效应"的新方法。"胖手指效应"指的是由于手机屏幕过小的缘故,人们经常误点击移动广告。当用户点击广告时,谷歌会给出一个"访问网站"按钮,以确认用户的真实意图。初步测试表明,新功能减少了广告的点击量,但实际购买商品的人数有所增加。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-19 09:27:21

    【In Brief】 >A Turkish Earth observation satellite was successfully sent into space from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center early Wednesday morning, marking the completion of this year's space launches, xinhuanet.com reported. 据新华网报道,中国19日凌晨在酒泉卫星发射中心成功发射一颗土耳其地球观测卫星,至此,中国今年的航天发射任务全部圆满成功。 >With security stepped up, most schools resumed in Newtown, Connecticut Tuesday after last week's massacre, AP reported. Tragedy-hit Sandy Hook Elementary School remains closed. 据美联社报道,经历了上周校园枪击惨案后,18日,美国康涅狄格州纽敦市的多数学校加强安保,重新开课。惨案发生地桑迪·胡克小学仍然关闭。 >Rating agency Standard & Poor's Tuesday raised Greece's sovereign credit rating to B-minus with a stable outlook from selective default, Reuters reported. 据路透社报道,评级机构标准普尔18日将希腊主权信用评级从"选择性违约"上调至"B-",展望为稳定。 >Facebook has an unlikely new member: Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Reuters reported. The social network is banned in Iran due to its use by activists to rally government opponents in 2009. 据路透社报道,社交网站Facebook近日迎来了一位"不太可能"的新用户——伊朗最高领袖哈梅内伊。由于曾被人利用作为反对伊朗政府的工具,Facebook自2009年起在伊朗被禁。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-19 09:27:49

    【Newsmaker】 >DPRK 1st lady very pregnant 朝第1夫人孕相明显(图) Television footage of the wife of Kim Jung-un, the leader of the DPRK, suggests that Pyongyang may be close to making a happy announcement about the birth of an heir, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. Ri Sol-ju was pictured wearing traditional mourning clothing, but appeared to be heavily pregnant at a memorial service for former DPRK leader Kim Jong-il Monday. DPRK's state media has yet to release an official statement on the condition of the nation's first lady. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,朝鲜可能在不久后将宣布领导人有后的喜讯。朝鲜17日为前任领导人金正日举行悼念仪式,领导人金正恩的夫人李雪主出席,从电视台实况转播的画面中看,她虽然身着传统黑色丧服,但腹部隆起已经非常明显。目前朝鲜的官方媒体尚未对其怀孕情况发表正式声明。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-19 09:28:25

    >Miss France 'white as snow' 法国小姐因'太白'遭指责 The newly crowned Miss France beauty queen has become embroiled in accusations of racism, AFP reported. Marine Lorphelin (see photo), 19, a medical student from Burgundy, was crowned Miss France 2012. But Louis-Georges Tin, the president of the French Representative Council of Black Associations lamented the lack of contestants from France's African communities. “It amounts to denying the very existence of French people of African origin,” Tin said. Then he went on to express regret that "Miss France is as white as the end of year snow." 据法新社报道,新晋法国小姐日前被卷入种族主义的纠纷。来自法国勃艮第的19岁医科学生玛琳·罗尔弗(见图)日前加冕"2012年法国小姐",但法国黑人代表协会主席路易斯·乔治·丁却感叹参赛选手很少是非裔法国人,他说:"这就等于否定了非裔法国人的存在。"他还遗憾地称:"法国小姐白得像年末的积雪。"

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-19 09:29:05

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Frost flowers in the Arctic 北冰洋现绝美'霜花'(图) Hundreds of flowers drift silently across the surface of the sea, but these aren't normal petals (See photo). They are in fact elaborate frost flowers in the Arctic Circle, the Daily Mail of London reported. The flowers typically form in temperatures nearing -22℃ and their spiky structures have been known to house micro-organisms. Similar to a coral reef, each flower is in essence a temporary ecosystem. The flowers have been found to produce chemicals such as formaldehyde (甲醛) which could give clues about the origin of life on Earth. 广袤的海面上静静漂浮着成百上千朵花儿,但这可不是一般的花朵,而是北极圈才有的精致"霜花"(见图)。据英国《每日邮报》报道,这些"霜花"只在接近零下22摄氏度的条件下才形成,其尖利的"花瓣"内包含了各种微生物。类似于珊瑚礁,每一朵霜花都是一个临时的生态系统。这些花还能产生甲醛等化学物,这为人们探索地球生物的起源提供了线索。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-19 09:29:36

    【Talk Show】 工作中的大错小错 >Regardless of the size of the mistake, the most important thing to do is to tell someone straight away. 不管多大的错误,最重要的是赶快把错误告知他人。 >If you try to hide a mistake and someone else finds out, the trouble will be much worse. 如果你想把错误隐藏起来,被别人发现后麻烦更大。 >Anyone can make a mistake once, but only a fool makes the same mistake twice! 每个人都有犯错的时候,但只有傻瓜才会犯同样的错误! (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)

  • Whisper

    Whisper (何必仰望,我亦是风景。) 2012-12-19 09:30:42


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-19 09:30:50

    【Word Prize】 --After taking a jog around the block, Jill felt the need to evacuate her bowels. 此处evacuate her bowels意思是? 答案:上厕所 原句意为:绕街区慢跑了一圈后,吉尔感觉想上厕所。 Evacuate常用的意思是"撤离",而在这里是"排空"之意,bowel是"肠",所以不难得出该习语的意思。以此类推,"evacuate one's bladder(膀胱)"的意思也很明了了。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-19 10:00:29

    12.18 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 √ (8:15起床) 2.每天一种水果 √ (梨+猕猴桃) 3.多喝 12.18 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 √ (8:15起床) 2.每天一种水果 √ (梨+猕猴桃) 3.多喝水 1000ML √ 4.22点前脸部护理 √ (可是都24点了) 5.22点诗词各 一篇 √ (《蝶恋花》小五很喜欢) 6.澡后抹润肤乳 √ (嘿嘿,老公帮我涂的很均匀) 7.最晚24点上床 √ (真正的整点了) 【 学习 】 1.10点听力 X 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧两集 √ (the big bang theory 1st ; friends 8th) 4.线稿一张 X 5.China Daily 晚报 √ 6. Englishpod 跟读30min X 7.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 √ P192 (全新的知识点:次贷) 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 (拓词30min) 9.每天看一篇专业文章 √ (进阶版:总平图集合.美美地~~~) 10.每天看半小时美讯 X ... 五爸

    12.18 小结:上午去医院产检,晚上偷懒看了三小时电视~ 惰性变大了~ 要改啊啊啊啊啊

  • 别再见

    别再见 2012-12-19 10:24:48

    来这里读~哈~ 来这里读~哈~ Ging


  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-19 10:54:48

    联通不能订么? 联通不能订么? 别再见

    可以的~ 中国移动用户发送短信CD到10658000,5元/月 中国电信用户发送短信CD到10659000,6元/月 中国联通用户发送短信CDCD到10655111,5元/月

  • 别再见

    别再见 2012-12-19 11:05:47

    可以的~ 中国移动用户发送短信CD到10658000,5元/月 中国电信用户发送短信CD到10659000,6元/ 可以的~ 中国移动用户发送短信CD到10658000,5元/月 中国电信用户发送短信CD到10659000,6元/月 中国联通用户发送短信CDCD到10655111,5元/月 ... Ging

    谢谢~ 哈哈~

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-19 11:50:37

    谢谢~ 哈哈~ 谢谢~ 哈哈~ 别再见


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-20 00:21:22

    【Weather Dec 20】 Fuzhou: light rain 11~17℃ Xiamen: overcast 14~17℃ Quanzhou: cloudy 18~24℃ 【BOC Exchange Rates】 100 USD = 628.65 CNY 100 GBP = 1021.65 CNY 100 EUR = 831.48 CNY 100 HKD = 81.12 CNY 100 JPY = 7.4434 CNY (以上人民币汇率中间价来源于中国银行网站) 【Markets】 Shanghai Stock 2162.24 -0.23 -0.01% HangSeng Stock 22623.37 +128.64 +0.57% 【Highlights】 >New Party chiefs appointed 桂闽新任书记名单公布 >Medical insurance to rise 医保拟提高个人缴费额 >Beauty parlor corrupt hotbed 美容腐败撂倒12女高官 >Bus driver sentenced '小悦悦案'司机判2年半 >Obama backs gun control laws 奥巴马表态挺控枪立法 >S. Korean voters cast ball 韩国大选'雌雄'对决开战 >The first baby girl in a century 百年一遇'千金'诞生(图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-20 00:22:12

    【Cover Story】 >Study: PM2.5 kills thousands PM2.5或致8千余人早死 An estimated 8,572 premature deaths occurred in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Xi'an this year due to high levels of PM2.5 pollutants (污染物质), creating a total economic loss of RMB6.82b, a study has found, China Daily reported. The study jointly released Tuesday by Peking University's School of Public Health and Greenpeace looked at the health and economic impact of PM2.5, particulate matter smaller than 2.5 micrometers in diameter. Exposure to PM2.5 can lead to significantly increased death rates due to cardiovascular (心血管的), cerebrovascular (脑血管的) and respiratory (呼吸系统的) diseases, as well as an increased cancer risk, the report says. 据《中国日报》报道,18日,北京大学公共卫生学院和国际环保组织绿色和平联合发布《PM2.5的健康危害和经济损失评估研究》报告。该报告估算,2012年,北京、上海、广州、西安4个城市因PM2.5污染造成的早死人数为8572人,因早死而致的经济损失达68.2亿元。报告指出,PM2.5暴露可致心脑血管系统及呼吸系统疾病,增加患癌风险,从而导致死亡率大幅上升。 【Top News】 >New Party chiefs appointed 桂闽新任书记名单公布 The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) announced Wednesday that it has appointed Peng Qinghua as secretary of the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region's CPC committee, Xinhua reported. You Quan has been appointed secretary of the Fujian Provincial Committee of the CPC. 据新华社报道,中共中央19日宣布,任命彭清华同志为广西壮族自治区党委书记,尤权同志担任福建省委书记。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-20 00:22:48

    >Medical insurance to rise 医保拟提高个人缴费额 The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MHRSS) plans to increase the government's payments and individual contributions to the medical insurance pool next year, Beijing Morning Post reported. In addition, a higher proportion of medical bills will be covered by the country's insurance system, said MHRSS Minister Yin Weimin. A pilot insurance project for serious illnesses will also be undertaken. 据《北京晨报》报道,人社部拟明年适当提高居民医保财政补助和个人缴费标准。人力资源和社会保障部部长尹蔚民表示,明年将稳步提高基本医疗保险待遇水平;搞好大病保险试点。 >Beauty parlor corrupt hotbed 美容腐败撂倒12女高官 Beijing police wound up an investigation into several cases of corruption involving beauty parlors by early December, Procuratorial Daily reported. The investigation, the first of its kind in the capital, was launched 1 year ago. Of the 13 cases filed for prosecution, 12 were related to women suspects. Most of them, aged 40-50, were holding senior official positions. Procurators said beauty parlors have become hotbeds of corruption for women officials. 据《检察日报》报道,截至12月初,京城多起因美容而衍生的系列贪污案在历时一年多的全面调查后,侦查工作陆续终结。这是北京市检察机关首次查办发生在美容会所里的贪污案件,共立案13件,其中12起案件的犯罪嫌疑人为女性,她们大都40-50岁,担任单位要职。办案检察官剖析,美容会所已成为女性官员贪污的一个高发地。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-20 00:23:15

    >Obama backs gun control laws 奥巴马表态挺控枪立法 US President Barack Obama supports the renewal of the assault-weapons ban and would also back any law to close a loophole in gun-show sales, the White House said Tuesday, Reuters reported. White House spokesman Jay Carney offered some of the first specifics on how Obama intends to make good on his promise to address gun violence in the aftermath of a shooting rampage at a Connecticut elementary school. 据路透社报道,白宫18日表示,美国总统奥巴马支持攻击性枪支联邦销售禁令重新生效,并支持任何旨在弥补当前枪支展销会的销售漏洞的法案。在康涅狄格州小学枪击惨剧发生后,奥巴马承诺将解决枪支暴力问题,这是白宫发言人卡尼首次就奥巴马将如何兑现此承诺做出的明确表述。 【In Brief】 >Foshan's intermediate people's court has sentenced a driver to 2 years and 6 months behind bars for negligence that resulted in the death of Xiao Yueyue, Yangcheng Evening News reported. 据《羊城晚报》报道,"小悦悦事件"肇事司机过失致人死亡一案已经由佛山中院终审判决,肇事司机获刑两年6个月。 >A new passenger rail line connected China's easternmost county of Fuyuan to inland areas Tuesday, Xinhua reported. The railway, the eastern end of which terminates just 12 km from the Russian border, is expected to help boost tourism in Fuyuan and the border island of Heixiazi. 据新华社报道,18日,素有"东方第一站"之称的抚远火车站开通运营。由于该铁路终点距中俄边境线仅12公里,未来这一线路有望带动抚远和中俄边境黑匣子岛的旅游。 >Mandarin and Italian will be the first 2 languages to be taught in primary and high schools across Australia from 2014 under the national curriculum, Australia's School Education Minister Peter Garrett announced Wednesday. 澳大利亚联邦学校教育部长卡立德19日宣布,根据2014年开始实施的新澳洲统一教学纲要,中文普通话和意大利语将被列为率先在全国中小学推广教学的外语。 >David Cameron is expected to announce Wednesday that Britain will withdraw at least 4,000 troops from Afghanistan next year, the Guardian reported. 据《卫报》报道,预计英国首相卡梅伦将于19日宣布,该国明年将从阿富汗撤回至少4000名官兵。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-20 00:23:45

    【Celebrity】 >S. Korean voters cast ball 韩国大选'雌雄'对决开战 Tens of millions of South Koreans are voting Wednesday until 6 pm to decide whether to keep the conservatives in power or hand the job to the liberals, Xinhua reported. The neck-and-neck race pits the ruling Saenuri party's Park Geun-hye – a daughter of a military strongman and the country's former president, against Moon Jae-in of the main opposition Democratic United Party – a former human rights lawyer once jailed for taking part in protests against then-president. Park garners solid support from older voters, while Moon is more popular with younger people. 据新华社报道,韩国总统选举19日进行,数千万民众走向投票站票选新任领导人,投票将于当天下午6时结束。目前,大选举选情胶着,最终对决将在保守派和自由派之间展开。保守派候选人朴槿惠来自现任执政党新国家党,自由派候选人文在寅来自最大在野党民主统和党。朴槿惠的父亲军人出身,是韩国前总统朴正熙。文在寅做过人权律师,曾因反对朴正熙而被捕入狱。朴槿惠的主要支持者多是年龄较大的人群,文在寅的支持者多是年轻人。 【Kaleidoscope】 >The first baby girl in a century 百年一遇'千金'诞生(图) A family named Jenkins in south-west Wales were celebrating the birth of a girl in their family, the BBC reported. After looking into family history and that kind of thing, the family realized then that she was the first baby girl in a 103-years. Grandfather Howell Jenkins said that the last woman in his family had been his aunt, who was born in October 1909. 据英国广播公司报道,英国威尔士西南部的詹金斯家正在欢庆自家新添一位"千金"。在翻查家谱和家族史后,他们发现已经有103年没添过女孩了。老爷爷霍尔·詹金斯说,此前他们家族的最后一个女性是他生于1909年10月的姑姑。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-20 00:24:15

    【China Daily Radio】 在网上有段时间把秋裤炒得很热,甚至出了秋裤体,那这个秋裤到底怎么说? --It's blistering cold, and you're not wearing long johns? 谜底揭晓,口语里long johns就是秋衣秋裤的意思,动词用wear。blistering的本意是起泡,可以形容极度热也可以形容极度寒冷。北方的冬天是有暖气的,但我见过很多南方的朋友冬天也不穿秋裤,甚是佩服。 --It's chilly. Bring a hoodie. chilly是那种微凉的天气,这个时候需要穿一些薄一点的外套,hoodie是指篮球运动员很常穿的帽衫。 --It's freezing. Get a down jacket. freezing比chilly要冷得多,不过比blistering cold要暖和一些,down jacket就是我们平时冬天穿的羽绒服,一般是鸭绒填充的,仅次于军大衣的保暖装备! --It's cooler in September. Take a windbreaker with you. 九月份天气凉爽下来,出去的时候记得带件风衣。在时尚圈,风衣的另一种说法是trench coat,在美剧里windbreaker可以理解为那种普通的外套。 --That's okay I'm in my sweats. 很多人喜欢出去跑步运动,穿那种很普通的运动套服,一般是棉的材质,如果有人问你穿的够不够多,你就可以用这个句子回答。 有一种思念叫做望穿秋水,有一种寒冷叫做忘穿秋裤!冬天来了,无论你在地球的哪个地点,记得穿上秋裤哦!

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-20 00:25:13

    【Word Power】 网上骚扰 cyberstalking 例句: Federal prosecutors said on Tuesday they would not file any charges in the cyberstalking investigation of Paula Broadwell, the mistress of former CIA chief David Petraeus. 美国联邦检察官周二宣布,将撤销对美国前中情局局长彼得雷乌斯的情妇布罗德维尔进行网上骚扰的起诉。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。) 【Word Prize】 --Would you kindly pass the cow paste? 此处cow paste意思是? A.胶水 B.黄油 C.调味酱

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-20 08:13:07

    【Morning Buzz】 Sweet are the uses of adversity. (William Shakespeare, English playwright and poet, 1564-1616) 苦尽甘来。(威廉·莎士比亚,英国剧作家、诗人,1564-1616) 早安,各位。 【Markets】 Dow Jones 13,251.97 -98.99 -0.74% Nasdaq 3,044.36 -10.17 -0.33% 【Highlights】 >China brands on Top 500 list 中国23品牌入世界500强 >Q.E. Land named in Antarctic 英在南极洲命名'女王地' >Samsung overtakes Nokia 三星终结诺基亚14年领跑 >Mo denies to star in ads 莫言否认代言天价香烟 >Japan's stylish 1st lady 日时髦第1夫人归来(图) >Exercise good for the body? 专家称运动排毒无依据 【Notice】 12月,留学攻略,邀您一起'分享爱'

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-20 08:13:47

    【Cover Story】 >Park wins ROK presidency 朴槿惠当选韩国总统 Park Geun-hye of South Korea's ruling Saenuri Party won the presidential election Wednesday and become the 1st female leader of the country, local media reported. With all votes counted as of 5:40 am Thursday, Park had 51.6% against Moon's 48%. The gap exceeded 1.08m ballots. Her victory marks the first time that a candidate has won more than 50% of the vote since South Koreans started directly electing their chief executive in 1987. 60-year-old Park beat her liberal rival, Moon Jae-in of the main opposition Democratic United Party. Park will start her 5-year presidential term starting February next year to replace incumbent President Lee Myung-bak. 据韩国媒体报道,在19日进行的韩国总统选举中,韩国执政党"新国家党"的总统候选人朴槿惠,击败最大在野党"民主统合党"候选人文在寅,将成韩国历史上首位女总统。20日凌晨5时40分,韩国总统选举计票工作全部完成,朴槿惠和文在寅分别获得了51.6%和48%的得票率,两人得票数相差超过108万张。同时,朴槿惠也成为自1987年韩国开始实行总统民选制度后,韩国选举历史上首位以超过半数的支持率当选的总统。60岁的朴槿惠将于明年2月接替现总统李明博,开始5年的总统任期。 [关于朴槿惠] --Park Geun-hye is the daughter of Park Chung-hee, who is regarded as one of the most controversial former presidents of the country. He led South Korea from 1961 until his assassination in 1979. Her mother was assassinated 5 years before her father, thrusting the then 22-year-old into the role of First Lady, charged with receiving the spouses of foreign heads of state. 朴槿惠的父亲朴正熙是韩国极富争议的总统之一。他1961年起领导韩国,直到1979年被刺杀,她的母亲在1974年也被刺杀。其母死后,当时22岁的朴槿惠充当起"第一夫人"的职责,负责接待外国首脑的夫人。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-20 09:00:06

    --Park is seen as having inherited her father's toughness. Told of her father's death in 1979, she's said to have responded, "Is the border secure?" 人们认为她遗传了父亲的坚毅性格。据说,当得到父亲被杀的消息后,她的第一反应是,"边境还安全吗?" --She is unmarried and has no children, saying that her life will be devoted to her country. 她至今未婚,没有子女。她说要把生命奉献给自己的国家。 --She has a faint scar on her right cheek from a knife attack she survived while campaigning in 2006 for a seat in the National Assembly. 她的右脸上有一道淡淡的疤痕,那是2006年她为赢得国会席位的竞选活动中,被人用刀袭击所致。 --At times, she has cited former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher as her role model. At other times it has been Angela Merkel, the conservative German Chancellor. 有时,她将英国前首相撒切尔夫人引为自己的榜样,有时又赞颂保守派的德国女总理默克尔。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-20 09:07:29

    【Top News】 >China brands on Top 500 list 中国23品牌入世界500强 After 6 years, Google returned to the top of the list of the World's 500 Most Influential Brands in 2012, released by the World Brand Lab Wednesday, China News Service reported. Microsoft and Coca-Cola were ranked 2nd and 3rd. A total of 23 Chinese mainland companies are listed, of which CCTV, China Mobile, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and State Grid Corporation of China made it to the top 100. 据中新社报道,世界品牌实验室19日揭晓2012年度《世界品牌500强》排行榜,谷歌时隔6年重返榜首;微软和可口可乐分列第2、3名。中国内地有23个品牌入选,其中入围品牌百强的有CCTV、中国移动、工商银行和国家电网。 >Q.E. Land named in Antarctic 英在南极洲命名'女王地' Britain named a vast swathe of its Antarctic territory after Queen Elizabeth II Tuesday, Reuters reported. Newly christened "Queen Elizabeth Land," the 437,000 sq km slice of Antarctica, is almost twice the size of Britain and populated almost exclusively by penguins, seals and various bird species. A British presence is maintained via 3 research stations operated by the British Antarctic Survey. In 1908, Britain became the 1st country to claim territory in the Antarctic. 据路透社报道,英国18日宣布以英女王伊丽莎白二世的名字命名部分英属南极洲领地。这片被命名为"伊丽莎白女王地"的南极洲土地有43.7万平方公里,几乎是英国国土面积的2倍,上面仅仅居住着企鹅、海豹和各种鸟类。英国南极考察队在那里驻扎有三个研究工作站。1908年,英国成为世界上第一个对南极洲领土声明主权的国家。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-20 09:08:01

    >Samsung overtakes Nokia 三星终结诺基亚14年领跑 For the first time in 14 years, Samsung has overtaken Nokia to take the No 1 spot as the top cell phone brand, foreign media reported. Samsung is expected to account for 29% of worldwide mobile phone shipments this year, according to market research firm IHS. Nokia, meanwhile, will see its market share drop to 24% from 30% in 2011. Apple sits at No 3 with a market share of 10%. Samsung's rise was helped by strong sales of its smartphones, IHS said. 据外媒报道,三星14年来首次超越诺基亚,成为第一大手机品牌。市场研究公司IHS称,预计三星今年的手机出货量将占全球手机市场的29%。而诺基亚的市场份额将从2011年的30%降到了24%。苹果位居第3,市场份额为10%。IHS称,三星在手机市场的崛起主要得益于其智能手机的强劲销售。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-20 09:08:41

    【In Brief】 >World economic growth has weakened considerably during 2012 and is expected to remain subdued in the coming 2 years, says UN report "World Economic Situation and Prospects 2013", published Tuesday. The global economy is expected to grow at 2.4% in 2013 and 3.2% in 2014. 联合国18日发布《2013年世界经济形势与展望》报告称,2012年,世界经济增长速度大幅放缓,预计未来两年还将持续低迷, 明后两年将分别增长2.4%和3.2%。 >Hong Kong's Immigration Department estimated Wednesday that 8.65m passengers would pass through its land, sea and air checkpoints during the Christmas-New Year holiday period, up 11% from last year. 香港入境事务处19日称,今年圣诞节及元旦假期预料将有865万人次经各海、陆、空管制站进出香港,较去年同期增加11%。 >Japan posted a trade deficit of 953.4b yen in November, a record for the month, the Ministry of Finance said Wednesday. Exports to China fell 14.5%, Kyodo News reported. 据共同社报道,日本财务省19日称,日本11月份贸易逆差额为9534亿日元,创下同期新高。对华出口额减少14.5%。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-20 09:11:28

    【Newsmaker】 >Mo denies to star in ads 莫言否认代言天价香烟 Family members of Mo Yan Wednesday denied the Nobel Prize winner is to star in a cigarette advertisement, xinhuanet.com reported. Mo's daughter Guan Xiaoxiao posted on the microblogging website of Tencent, "My father did not, does not, and will not endorse any tobacco products ever." Guan Moxin, a brother of Mo, also said he had no idea of any commercial endorsement. Their statements were made after an online post said Mo would be starring in a local cigarette ad. The brand, named "Taishanfoguang", is allegedly sold for over RMB20,000 per carton. 据新华网报道,诺贝尔文学奖得主莫言的家人18日否认莫言将代言香烟广告。莫言女儿管笑笑在腾讯微博上称:"我父亲过去不会,现在不会,以后也不会代言烟草。"莫言二哥管谟欣也证实,莫言从未有过做商业广告的想法。此前网上有帖子称莫言将为山东"泰山佛光"牌香烟作代言,据称该香烟每条售价2万元以上。 >Japan's stylish 1st lady 日时髦第1夫人归来(图) Stylish lady Akie Abe is going to become Japan's 1st lady again as her husband Shinzo Abe is set to become the Japanese prime minister for the 2nd time, Kyodo News reported. Akie is reportedly a former DJ and fan of South Korean television dramas. Her fondness for an occasional drink - in contrast to her husband, who prefers sweets - has made her a hit with her husband's supporters. 据共同社报道,随着安倍晋三即将再次出任日本首相,时髦的安倍昭惠也将再次成为第一夫人。报道称,安倍昭惠曾做过DJ,爱看韩剧。她平时还有小酌几杯的喜好,这让她在安倍晋三的支持者中非常受欢迎。与夫人相反,安倍晋三则是滴酒不沾,喜爱吃糖。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-20 09:11:57

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Exercise good for the body? 专家称运动排毒无依据 The word "detoxification" is often flung around the fitness community. However medical experts deny there is a correlation between body exercise and detoxification(排毒), Reuters reported. Yoga teachers regularly speak of detoxifying twists, aerobics instructors of detoxifying sweat, dieters of detoxifying fasts. But health professionals are skeptical. "If you start talking about exercising to detoxify, there's no scientific data," said Dr Elizabeth Matzkin, chief of women's sports medicine at Harvard Medical School. "The human body is designed to get rid of what we don't need." 据路透社报道,"排毒"一词俨然成了健身圈的流行语,但医学专家称运动与排毒二者并无关联。瑜伽老师常说扭转有助排毒,健美操教练会说出汗排毒,而节食排毒则是减肥人士的口头禅,但健康专家对这些说法却持怀疑态度。哈佛医学院女性运动医学专业负责人马茨金说:"谈到运动排毒,这没有科学依据。人体本身就具有清除多余物质的机能。"

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-20 09:12:28

    【Talk Show】 工作中的大错小错 >Learn from your mistakes and don't repeat them. 从错误中汲取教训,不要重犯旧错。 >When someone else makes a mistake and comes to you for help, try to focus on solving the problem and not on criticizing them. 当别人犯错后向你寻求帮助时,尽量把注意力放在解决问题上而不是责备他们。 【Word Prize】 --Would you kindly pass the cow paste? 此处cow paste意思是? 答案:B.奶油 原句意为:您能帮忙把黄油递一下吗? 做名词时,paste有"面团;软糖;糨糊"等意,这里的cow paste("牛糨糊")就专指butter,即"奶油,黄油"。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-20 09:47:31

    12.19 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 √ (8:35起床 赖床30min) 2.每天一种水果 √ 3.多喝水 1000ML √ 4.22点前脸部护理 X 5.22点诗词各 一篇 X 6.澡后抹润肤乳 X 7.最晚24点上床 √ 【 学习 】 1.10点听力 √ 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧两集 (the big bang theory 2nd) 4.线稿一张 X 5.China Daily 晚报 X 6. Englishpod 跟读30min X 7.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 X 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 X (拓词15min) 9.每天看一篇专业文章 X 10.每天看半小时美讯 X 今天串门串了一天,嗷嗷嗷!!!

  • 星流未央

    星流未央 2012-12-20 13:09:33


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-20 20:14:54

    【Weather Dec 21】 Fuzhou: overcast 12~19℃ Xiamen: cloudy 14~20℃ Quanzhou: cloudy 13~19℃ 【BOC Exchange Rates】 100 USD = 628.77 CNY 100 GBP = 1021.88 CNY 100 EUR = 832.65 CNY 100 HKD = 81.13 CNY 100 JPY = 7.493 CNY (以上人民币汇率中间价来源于中国银行网站) 【Markets】 Shanghai Stock 2168.35 +6.11 +0.28% HangSeng Stock 22659.78 +36.41 +0.16% 【Highlights】 >'Meng': character of 2012 '梦'当选中国年度汉字 >Driving test fee to rise 驾考新规实施学费上涨 >Year-end reports on sale 年终总结网店月销千篇 >Mass murder once a fortnight 调查:美两周一次大杀戮 >Latin Americans happiest 拉美最幸福新加坡最悲催? >Computers with 5 senses 电脑5年后将有'5感官'

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-20 20:15:42

    【Cover Story】 >High-speed rail a challenge 京广高铁逼停多条航线 The Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed rail is set to open soon, with a likely impact on the business of airlines covering the same route, National Business Daily reported Thursday. To cope with the challenges brought by the high-speed rail, some airlines have slashed ticket prices while some have even dropped destinations along the Beijing-Guangzhou line. From Dec 26 to Jan 1, there are 19 flights from Wuhan to Beijing daily and 11 of them are offering discounts of 65%-86% for tickets booked in advance. Almost all the flights from Shijiazhuang to Wuhan or Changsha will be grounded after the Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed rail opens, according to civil aviation experts in Hebei. 据《每日经济新闻》20日报道,京广高铁即将全线贯通,这将给沿途航线带来一定冲击。为应对京广线的挑战,部分航线的机票价格已全线下调,甚至有航空公司主动放弃"京广线"市场。12月26日后一周内,武汉至北京航班日发19趟,其中11趟航班预订票价在1.4折-3.5折。河北民航业人士表示,一旦京广高铁开通,石家庄到武汉和长沙两地的航线将基本停飞。 【Top News】 >'Meng': character of 2012 '梦'当选中国年度汉字 "Meng", the Chinese character for dream, was chosen as China's character of the year as the Catalog of Chinese Language 2012 was released Thursday, chinanews.com reported. The catalog interprets "Meng" at both the national and personal levels. China has already realized its dream of hosting the Olympics. She has also sent people into space, built its own aircraft carrier, won a Nobel prize and overtaken the UK and France in terms of GDP. The Chinese people are also dreaming of a more robust welfare system, better medical care, more comfortable living conditions and a fairer social environment. 据中新网报道,"汉语盘点2012"活动结果20日揭晓,"梦"当选国内"年度汉字"。活动对"梦"字的解读为:国家实现了奥运梦、飞天梦、航母梦、诺贝尔梦,GDP赶英超法梦;老百姓则梦想能有更可靠的社会保障、更高水平的医疗卫生服务、更舒适的居住条件、更公平的社会环境。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-20 20:16:12

    >Driving test fee to rise 驾考新规实施学费上涨 New regulations on the national driving test will come into effect on Jan 1 next year, resulting in changes for exam items, domestic media reported. As a consequence, driving schools in most regions say they will hike their training fees by a minimum of RMB500. In Beijing, a potential small-vehicle driver would pay a training fee of more than RMB5,000 while for freight car drivers, this will be nearly RMB10,000. 综合国内媒体报道,明年1月1日起,驾考新规将实施。因考试项目有所调整,多地驾校放言将提高学费,涨幅在500元以上。以北京为例,明年学小客车价格将突破5000元大关,大货车学费接近万元。 >Year-end reports on sale 年终总结网店月销千篇 The sale of year-end work reports is booming online as this year draws to an end, Chongqing Evening News reported. Priced at about RMB150 per item, more than 30,000 such reports are up for grabs on E-shopping platform Taobao. A Taobao-based seller claims it has 7 years of experience in ghostwriting, with writers drawn from a large-sized website partner. Records show the seller dealt with more than 1,260 transactions in a month. Some E-shoppers, however, found they had purchased a report similar to a colleague's. E-shoppers of year-end work reports are also at risk of leaking their employers' business secrets as the seller asks for their information including titles, research projects and achievements. 据《重庆晚报》报道,临近年关,网上代写年终总结顺势火爆,每篇叫价约150元左右。淘宝网店上相关商品超过3万件。有卖家称拥有7年代写经验,并跟大型网站写作团队合作,该店月成交量高达1260多笔。但也有买家发现,网上所买总结竟与同事雷同。此外,总结牵涉到买家的职务、研发项目、研发成果等信息,一旦不慎会涉嫌泄露公司商业机密。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-20 20:16:48

    >Mass murder once a fortnight 调查:美两周一次大杀戮 Mass killers target Americans once every 2 weeks on average, a USA Today examination found. Using news accounts and FBI records from 2006 through 2010, USA Today identified 156 murders that met the FBI's definitions of mass killings, where 4 or more people were killed. All told, the attacks killed 774 people, including at least 161 young children. Among its other findings: 《今日美国》一项分析发现,全美平均每两周出现一次大规模杀人案。根据新闻报道和联邦调查局(FBI)从2006年到2010年的记录,美国共发生大规模杀戮156次,共造成774人死亡,其中至少161名为儿童。按照FBI的定义,大规模杀戮为受害者在4人及以上的杀戮。该分析还发现: --Lone gunmen account for fewer than half of the nation's mass killers. About a quarter of mass murders involve 2 or more killers. 孤胆枪手占全美大规模杀人案凶手的一半以下。大约1/4的大规模杀人案都涉及两名及以上杀人犯; --A third of mass killings didn't involve guns at all. When guns were involved, killers were far more likely to use handguns than any other type of weapon. 1/3的大规模杀人案不涉及枪支。涉及枪支的案件中,凶手更有可能使用手枪而不是其他类型武器。 --Children are frequently victims. At least 161 who died in mass killings – roughly one in five – were 12 or younger. 儿童常常是受害者。至少161名12岁以下儿童在大规模杀人案中死亡,约占全部死亡人数的1/5。 --Mass murderers tend to be older than other killers, with an average age of nearly 32. Like all killers, they are overwhelmingly men. 大规模杀人案凶手往往较其他杀人凶手年长,平均年龄接近32岁。大规模杀人案凶手同其他杀人凶手一样,绝大多数都是男性。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-20 20:17:23

    【In Brief】 >Russia is enduring its harshest winter in over 70 years, with temperatures plunging as low as -50℃. Across the country, 45 people have died due to the cold, RIA Novosti reported. 据俄新社报道,俄罗斯正在经历70多年来最严寒的冬季,气温下降至-50℃,全国范围内已有45人冻死。 >Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said he is donating nearly $500m in stock to a Silicon Valley charity with the aim of funding health and education issues, AP reported. 据美联社报道,Facebook CEO马克·扎克伯格日前称,他将向硅谷一家慈善机构捐赠价值近5亿美元的股票,以资助健康与教育问题。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-20 20:17:50

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Latin Americans happiest 拉美最幸福新加坡最悲催? The world's happiest people are in Latin America and those living in Singapore are the most unhappy, a poll of 150,000 people around the globe has found, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. Gallup Inc asked about 1,000 people in each of 148 countries last year if they were well-rested, had been treated with respect, smiled or laughed a lot, learned or did something interesting and felt feelings of enjoyment. Panama and Paraguay topped the list and 7 of the 10 most joyful countries are in Latin America. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,对全球15万人的民调显示,拉丁美洲国家民众的幸福指数最高,而新加坡人则感觉最不幸福。盖洛普公司去年在148个国家各选取1000名民众进行调查,询问他们是否有良好的休息、是否受到尊重、是否经常笑、是否学到或做过有趣的事情,以及是否感到快乐。结果显示,巴拿马和巴拉圭排名最靠前,前十名中有7个是拉丁美洲国家。 >Computers with 5 senses 电脑5年后将有'5感官' IBM announced in a global report that, by 2018, computers are expected to mimic all the 5 human senses and be able to experience the world as humans do, CNN reported. The company's annual "IBM 5 in 5" report, in which IBM predicts the 5 trends in computing in 5 years, says that future computers will be able to see, hear, taste, smell and touch. "That will basically change our way of working and lifestyles, and spark progress in medical research," said Bernie Meyerson, IBM's vice president. 据美国有线电视新闻网报道,IBM在一份全球报告中称,到2018年计算机有望模拟人的5种感官,并能像人类一样感知世界。这份名为《IBM 5 in 5》的年度报告对未来5年计算机技术作出5项展望,其中预测未来的电脑将拥有看、听、尝、嗅和触的能力。IBM副总裁伯尼·梅耶森称,"这将从根本上改变人们的工作和生活方式,还会推动医学研究领域的重大进展。"

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-20 20:18:13

    【China Daily Radio】 太原家乐福长风店在近日的商品销售过程中存在价格欺诈行为,目前,该案已按法定程序进行处理。家乐福总部委托中国区总经理等高层管理人士到太原处理此事,并表示公司将会认真对待,同时开展自查自纠,举一反三。 请看相关报道: A senior executive with Carrefour headquarters has apologized for price cheating in an outlet in north China's Shanxi province and promised to strengthen management. 家乐福总部一位高管就山西一分店价格欺诈行为致歉,并承诺要加强管理。 Price cheating就是"价格欺诈"或"哄抬物价",太原家乐福长风店在商品销售过程中displaying lower prices on shelves(标低价),charging higher prices at the cashier(结高价),构成了price fraud(价格欺诈)。家乐福总部表示会进行self-investigation(自查),并strengthen management(加强管理)。 根据有关法律法规,此类price violations(价格违法行为)主体将被没收illegal profits(违法获利),并被处以总额不高于违法获利五倍的罚款。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-20 20:19:01

    【Word Power】 铁腕政权 iron-fisted rule 例句: Born as the eldest daughter of former South Korean president Park Chung-hee, Park Geun-hye's reluctance to acknowledge her father's iron-fisted rule has been her weakest link. 作为韩国前总统朴正熙的长女,朴槿惠总不太情愿承认父亲的铁腕政权,这成为她最薄弱的一环。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。) 【Word Prize】 Leggings have been a college wardrobe staple for years. 此处staple意思是? A.必备品 B.收藏品 C.遗弃的物品

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-21 00:03:33

    12.20 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 √ (赖床45min) 2.每天一种水果 √ 3.多喝水 1000ML √ 4.22点前脸部护理 √ 5.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 6.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 7.最晚24点上床 X 【 学习 】 1.10点听力 √ 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧两集 √ (the big bang theory 3rd;friends 9th) 4.线稿一张 X 5.China Daily 晚报 √ 6. Englishpod 跟读30min X 7.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 √ P202 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 √ (拓词45min) 9.每天看一篇专业文章 √ (2011景观设计年鉴) 10.每天看半小时美讯 X 今天采购明天回家的物品3h. 明天起断网半个月,计划更改为看二建~

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-21 18:10:31

    【Morning Buzz】 There is only one kind of love, but there are one thousand imitations. (Francois de La Rochefoucauld, French author, 1613-1680) 爱只有一种,爱的仿造品却有千种。(弗朗西斯·德·拉·罗什福科,1613-1680) 早安,各位。 【Markets】 Dow Jones 13,311.72 +59.75 +0.45% Nasdaq 3,050.39 +6.02 +0.20% 【Highlights】 >Wage directive to strengthen 收入调节力度明年加大 >Lhasa most secure in China 安全感排行榜拉萨居首 >Record guns buy-back in NJ 美市民主动缴枪创纪录 >$500M left at Holy Site 耶城'哭墙'现5亿元支票 >Clinton: diplomatic illness? 希拉里被政敌指责'装病' >Romeo Beckham's model debut 小贝之子代言时装(图) >Indian man living in a tree 印男子树顶生活9个月 【Notice】 12月,留学攻略,邀您一起'分享爱'

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-21 18:12:34

    【Cover Story】 >Old ID cards to be invalid 第1代身份证元旦起停用 The first generation of ID cards, launched in 1985, will be invalid from Jan 1, 2013, according to the adopted amendment to the Resident Identity Card Law, xinhuanet.com reported. Residents using the old cards will be unable to purchase railway and airline tickets, or make banking, telecom, insurance businesses and other transactions. The public security department urges cardholders to replace their old cards for 2nd-version ID cards before the deadline. 据新华网报道,根据新修订的《中华人民共和国居民身份证法》,1985年发布的第一代身份证即将于2013年1月1日起停止使用。届时,持一代证将无法购买火车票、飞机票,办理银行、电信、保险等业务。公安部门提醒仍持第一代身份证的公民尽快办理二代证。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-21 18:14:43

    【Top News】 >Wage directive to strengthen 收入调节力度明年加大 Xie Xuren, head of the Ministry of Finance, promised Thursday more effort in 2013 to optimize the national income distribution structure, xinhuanet.com reported. "We will improve policies to adjust both the gross pay and wage level in monopolized sectors (垄断行业), and tighten regulations on high-income groups," Xie said at the national financial work conference. "We will also continue to regulate allowances and subsidies for civil servants while increasing allowances for those who work in remote areas." Xie added. 据新华网报道,财政部部长谢旭人20日在全国财政工作会议上表示,明年将进一步优化国民收入分配格局。谢旭人称,将完善对垄断行业工资总额和工资水平的双重调控政策;加大对高收入者的调节力度;继续做好规范公务员津贴补贴工作,完善艰苦边远地区津贴政策。 >Lhasa most secure in China 安全感排行榜拉萨居首 Chinese residents have ranked Lhasa, Shanghai, and Xiamen as the top 3 most secure cities in China, according to the Blue Book on Public Services, released by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Thursday, chinanews.com reported. The survey of 38 cities in the country also found that residents in Guiyang have the lowest sense of security. Generally, people in eastern port cities and municipalities feel more secure than those in other cities. 据中新网报道,中国社会科学院20日发布的《公共服务蓝皮书》称,一项覆盖全国38个城市的调查显示,拉萨、上海、厦门是市民安全感排名前3的城市。安全感最差的城市是贵阳。总体上东部开放港口城市、直辖市市民的安全感好于其他城市。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-21 18:30:44

    >Record guns buy-back in NJ 美市民主动缴枪创纪录 Deeply affected by the massacre at Sandy Hook, gun owners in Camden, New Jersey, known as the most violent American city, turned in a record number of weapons in a buy back scheme, US media reported. 1,137 firearms were handed in over 2 days. Many were illegal weapons under state laws, but all those who turned in guns were promised anonymity and no questions asked, and they were paid up to $250 per weapon. Nearly all of the weapons are to be destroyed. 据美国媒体报道,受桑迪·胡克小学枪击事件影响,有美国最暴力城市之称的新泽西州卡姆登市开始推行一项枪械回购计划,短短2日就有1137支枪械上缴,创下记录。在这些枪械中,许多都属于违法武器。但愿意上缴的人获得保证,可匿名缴枪,不会受到盘问,而且每把枪可获得最多250美元的报酬。这些武器将大部分被销毁。 >$500M left at Holy Site 耶城'哭墙'现5亿元支票 Worshippers usually leave notes to the Almighty at Jerusalem's Western Wall, one of Judaism's holiest sites. But half a billion dollars? Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said a worshipper found an envelope at the site Wednesday with 507 checks in the amount of about $1m each, AP reported. They were not made out to anyone. Rosenfeld said he thinks the check writers "wanted to give all they had to the Creator of the universe." 据美联社报道,耶路撒冷"哭墙"是犹太教圣地之一,朝圣者常在此留下写着祈祷词的纸条,但有人竟留下了5亿美元支票。以色列警方发言人米基·罗森菲尔德证实,一名朝圣者19日在哭墙处发现一个信封,里面有507张支票,每张的金额都有近100万美元。所有支票上都没有写收件人,罗森菲尔德称,写支票的人或是"希望将拥有的全部奉献给造物主"。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-21 18:31:21

    【In Brief】 >China's economic growth is expected to bounce back to 8.4% next year, fuelled by fiscal stimulus and the faster implementation of large investment projects, the World Bank said in a report Wednesday. 世界银行19日发布报告称,在财政刺激和大型投资项目加快实施的推动下,2013年中国经济增速可反弹至8.4%。 >Google Inc announced Wednesday that it will sell Motorola's set top box division, Motorola Home, to Arris Group Inc for $2.35b in cash and stock, foreign media reported. 据外媒报道,谷歌19日宣布,将以23.5亿美元现金加股票的方式,将机顶盒制造部门"摩托罗拉家庭业务"出售给Arris Group。 >India successfully test fired its home-made, nuclear-capable surface-to-surface Prithvi II ballistic missile in the eastern state of Odisha Thursday. The missile has a strike range of over 350 km, the Times of India reported. 据《印度时报》报道,印度20日在该国东部奥里萨邦地区成功试射一枚自主研制、可携带核弹头的"大地—2"型地对地弹道导弹,其射程达350公里。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-21 18:31:57

    【Newsmaker】 >Clinton: diplomatic illness? 希拉里被政敌指责'装病' US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton came down with "diplomatic illness" to avoid testifying about the attack on the US mission in Benghazi, claims former US ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, US media reported. It is claimed that Clinton was scheduled to testify this week and to present an independent report on the incident. But the Secretary won't be there because of a concussion she suffered during a fainting spell this past weekend brought on by the flu. Bolton said: “There is an obligation to indicate what happened. She may not be testifying this week, but she will not escape it forever." 据美国媒体报道,前美国驻联合国大使约翰·波顿日前称,希拉里患上了"外交病",理由是她不想出席利比亚班加西使馆遇袭事件的听证会。据称,按原计划希拉里得参加本周的听证会并单独就此事提交报告,但她因上周末的流感而晕倒,导致脑震荡而不能出席。波顿说: "希拉里有义务把使馆攻击事件交代清楚,她能躲过这星期,却躲不了一辈子。" >Romeo Beckham's model debut 小贝之子代言时装(图) Romeo, second son of celebrity couple David and Victoria Beckham, made his modeling debut as the new face of British luxury brand Burberry's spring-summer 2013 campaign, foreign media reported. In the ad, Romeo sports a tailored suit and tie along with a classic beige (米黄色) Burberry trench coat (风衣) teamed up with black shoes and umbrella, looking extremely handsome. Christopher Bailey, the British label's chief creation officer said in an interview "The young star 'stole the show' during the photo shoot despite it being his first professional job". 据外媒报道,明星夫妇贝克汉姆和维多利亚的次子罗密欧近日拍摄了自己的首支广告,成为英国奢侈品牌Burberry2013春夏时装的代言人。广告中,罗密欧身着量身定制的套装和领带,外披经典米色Burberry风衣,脚穿黑皮鞋,手持黑雨伞, 看起来帅气十足。英国品牌首席创意总监克里斯托弗·贝利接受采访时说:"虽然这是小家伙首次拍摄时尚广告,但他十分抢镜。"

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-21 18:32:25

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Indian man living in a tree 印男子树顶生活9个月 An Indian man has spent 9 months living in a tree because his wife refuses to say sorry for cheating on him, the Daily Mirror reported. Sanjay walked in on his partner and a next-door neighbor in their Mumbai home. And when his wife refused to apologize he climbed a nearby guava tree and has been there ever since. The 25-year-old has survived on a diet of fruit from the tree and food handed up by relatives. Sanjay's wife has since returned to live with her parents and has still not said sorry. 据《每日镜报》报道,一位印度男子因妻子出轨且不跟他道歉,在树上生活了9个月。该男子名叫桑杰,他撞见自己的妻子和邻居在他们孟买的家中偷情,而妻子却不肯向他道歉,他于是爬上了附近的一颗番石榴树再也没有下来。据悉,25岁的桑杰靠吃树上的果子和家人递来的食物维生。而桑杰的妻子此后就住回了娘家,至今未向丈夫道歉。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-21 18:33:31

    【Talk Show】 上课下课 >Okay, everybody settle down. Let's get started. 好,大家坐下,开始上课。 >Let me show you how to get it done. 让我来为你演示一下怎么做。 >It's all good in theory, but in practice it cannot stand the test. 很多事情都是理论上说得通,但是在现实中经不住考验。 【Word Prize】 --Leggings have been a college wardrobe staple for years. 此处staple意思是? 答案:A.必备品 原句意为:打底裤多年来已成为大学生衣橱里的必备品。 Staple除了我们熟知的"订书钉;U形钉"意义外,还有"家庭必备品;主食"等意思,比如:Don't forget staples like sugar and salt when you go to the shops.(你去商店时,不要忘记买糖和盐之类的必备食品。)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-21 18:34:09

    【Weather Dec 22】 Fuzhou: rainy 9~13℃ Xiamen: shower 11~18℃ Quanzhou: shower 11~16℃ 【BOC Exchange Rates】 100 USD = 628.81 CNY 100 GBP = 1022.98 CNY 100 EUR = 831.7 CNY 100 HKD = 81.14 CNY 100 JPY = 7.4409 CNY (以上人民币汇率中间价来源于中国银行网站) 【Markets】 Shanghai Stock 2153.31 -15.04 -0.69% HangSeng Stock 22506.29 -153.49 -0.68% 【Highlights】 >Main source of news in China 网络成我新闻传播主源 >3 Chinese named best CEOs 百大CEO出炉中国获3席 >Jobless to be monitored 英国政府远程监督'懒虫' >WikiLeaks to release files 阿桑奇将公开百万密文 >2012 Miss Universe unveiled 美佳丽冠环球小姐(图) >Robbery without sound 英国劫匪'无声'抢劫银行 >IQ tests are 'meaningless' 研究:IQ测试无任何意义 【Notice】 本周六起,我报"慢读"推出年度盘点系列策划,敬请关注。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-21 18:34:36

    【Cover Story】 >Free taxis hard to find 打车难易榜北京倒数11 It is in Lhasa that it takes the least time to find a taxi, followed by Tianjin and Shanghai, according to a survey conducted in 38 major cities, Beijing News reported Friday. Beijing is ranked 28th (the 11th from bottom). 8.48% respondents said it is hard and usually takes half an hour or more to find a taxi. 45.29% said 10 to 30 minutes is needed before getting a taxi and only 11.68% said within just 5 minutes. 据《新京报》21日报道,一项针对38个大城市打车难易程度的调查显示,拉萨市民打车等候时间最少,位列榜首,天津排名第2,上海第3,北京位列第28(倒数11位)。数据显示,8.48%的人表示打车很难,通常需等待半小时以上,45.29%的人称需等10-30分钟才能打到出租车,只有11.68%的人等车时间在5分钟以内。 [城市通病] The report suggests that finding an available taxi is a common problem in Chinese cities. In rush hours, on dense-traffic roads, during major holidays or due to bad weather, it's even harder to find an available taxi. 报告指出,打车难已是城市通病。在拥堵路段、上下班高峰时段、重要节假日或是遇上恶劣天气,打辆出租车更是难上加难。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-21 18:35:11

    【Top News】 >Main source of news in China 网络成我新闻传播主源 Three quarters of Internet users in China claim that the Internet is their main source of national news, according to a survey from the "International Communication Market Report" issued by the Office of Communication, CRI Online reported. The Internet has become the Chinese Internet users' primary source for each category of news: world (71%), national (74%) and local (55%). These are the highest figures across the countries in which the regulator conducted consumer research. Internet users in China are predominantly urban-based with higher incomes. 据国际在线报道,英国通讯传播管理局日前发布国际通讯市场报告,其中一项调查显示,3/4的中国网民称,网络是他们获取国内新闻的主要来源。网络已成为中国网民主要的新闻信息源,其中71%的国际新闻,74%国内新闻和55%的地方新闻均通过网络获得。在该管理局进行客户调查的多个国家中,中国这些数据数值最高。据悉,中国网民主要以城市高收入人群居多。 >3 Chinese named best CEOs 百大CEO出炉中国获3席 Only 3 Chinese made it into the 100 best-performing CEOs in the world, according to a ranking released Friday by the Harvard Business Review. They were Li Jiaxiang – former board chairman of Air China, Wang Dongming at Citic Securities and Dong Mingzhu at Gree Electric. Late Apple CEO Steve Jobs was ranked 1st, followed by Amazon.com's Jeff Bezos and Samsung Electronics' former CEO Yun Jong-yong. 21日,《哈佛商业评论》发布全球百大CEO排行榜,中国仅3名首席执行官上榜,分别是中国国航前董事长李家祥,中信证券的王东明和格力电器的董明珠。已故苹果CEO乔布斯位居榜首,紧随其后的是亚马逊的杰夫·贝佐斯和三星电子前CEO尹钟龙。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-21 18:35:40

    >Jobless to be monitored 英政府将远程监督'懒虫' British benefit claimants (领救济金的人) will have their online job applications remotely monitored by the government next year to see whether they are making serious attempts to find work, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. The Universal Jobmatch website launched by the government will scan the CVs of benefit claimants and automatically match them up with job openings that suit their skills. They may risk losing their benefits if they are found to turn down viable (切实可行的) opportunities. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,英国政府明年将远程监督失业救济金领取者的求职情况,以确定其是否在努力找工作。政府将开通一个名为"万能工作匹配"的网站,网站会扫描失业人员的简历,并自动根据他们的技能为其安排工作。如果被发现放弃合适的工作机会,他们将面临失去救济金的风险。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-21 18:36:09

    【In Brief】 >WikiLeaks has more than 1m files to release in 2013, said the website's founder Julian Assange during a Christmas speech in the Ecuadorian embassy in London Thursday. The documents will affect every country in the world. "维基解密"创始人朱利安·阿桑奇20日在厄瓜多尔驻伦敦使馆发表圣诞讲话,他表示, "维基解密"明年将公开超过100万份文件,这些文件将影响全球每一个国家。 >Olivia Culpo (see photo), a 20-year-old beauty from Rhode Island, was crowned Miss Universe this year, Reuters reported. 据路透社报道,来自美国罗德岛、年芳20岁的佳丽奥利维娅·卡波尔(见图)日前摘得2012年"环球小姐"桂冠。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-21 18:36:41

    【Newsmaker】 >Robbery without sound 英劫匪'无声'抢劫银行 A bizarre robbery, with no one speaking, happened at a NatWest Bank branch in Salford,Manchester, in the north of England recently, foreign media reported. An unidentified man walked into the NatWest branch and without saying anything, handed a cashier a chilling hand-written note which read: "£5,000 now or I'll shoot". Out of fear, the cashier handed over more than £2,000 in cash and the raider (劫匪) left calmly. Thanks to the security measures in place, a sizeable amount of the cash has been recovered after security dye was activated. 据外媒报道,位于英格兰北部曼彻斯特索尔福德的西敏寺分行近日遭遇了一起怪诞的抢劫。一名身份不明的男子走进银行,他一言不发,将一张手写的威胁字条递给出纳员,上面写着"马上给我5000英镑,否则开枪"。出于恐惧,出纳员给了劫匪2000多英镑现金,劫匪拿到钱后平静地离开。幸亏银行设有安保措施,在安保染色剂被激活后,大量纸币已被追回。 【Kaleidoscope】 >IQ tests are 'meaningless' 研究:IQ测试无任何意义 Researchers at Canada's Western University have found that IQ testing is "too simplistic" and "rather meaningless", the Daily Mail of London reported. According to traditional IQ tests, intelligence is influenced by 3 elements – short-term memory, reasoning and verbal ability. But being good at one of these factors does not mean you are going to be equally gifted at the other 2, said researchers. They suggest intelligence is too complex to be represented by a single number. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,加拿大西部大学的研究人员发现,当前的IQ测试方法过于简单化,没有任何意义。传统IQ测试认为,一个人的智力主要受短期记忆、推理以及语言能力影响。但研究者称,擅长其中一项并不意味着你在其他两方面也同样具有天赋,判断一个人是否聪明的过程非常复杂,因此很难通过单一测试来衡量。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-21 18:37:09

    【China Daily Radio】 近日利用"末日"敛财的骗人手段异常猖獗。连日来,江苏、重庆、福建、四川等多地警方已因散布"末日谣言"拘留近百人。 请看相关报道: The people, all belonging to the "Almighty God" cult, spread doomsday rumors door-to-door or at public venues and claimed that only the cult could save people's lives, according to police. 据警方通报,这些人都是"全能神"的邪教信徒,他们挨家挨户或在公共场所散布末日谣言,并声称只有他们这个教才能拯救人们的生命。 Doomsday rumor就是"末日谣言"。英语中有不少表达"世界末日"的词汇,比如:doomsday在宗教意义上指"最后审判日",也称为Judgment Day;比较通俗的说法为end of the world;另外还有apocalypse,强调的是世界末日时的"毁灭"意味。 由世界末日传言引发的各类骗局可称为doomsday scam(末日骗局),前段时间某地发生的抢购蜡烛事件则属于panic buying(恐慌购买)。所有这些行为都属于undermining social order(扰乱社会秩序)的行为,均已被警方制止。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-21 18:38:19

    【Weekly Topic】 A survey of employees across 32 countries showed more Chinese believed they were overqualified for their job than their peers from any other nation. 84% Chinese respondents said they were underused. Has it been the same with you over the past year? Share your opinions with us. 有调查显示,84%的中国受访雇员觉得自己被"大材小用"。在32个受调查的国家中,中国人自认为"屈才"的比例最大。回顾过去一年的工作和学习,您觉得您被"大材小用"了吗?

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-21 18:40:44

    12.20 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 √ (赖床45min) 2.每天一种水果 √ 3.多喝水 1000ML √ 12.20 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 √ (赖床45min) 2.每天一种水果 √ 3.多喝水 1000ML √ 4.22点前脸部护理 √ 5.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 6.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 7.最晚24点上床 X 【 学习 】 1.10点听力 √ 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧两集 √ (the big bang theory 3rd;friends 9th) 4.线稿一张 X 5.China Daily 晚报 √ 6. Englishpod 跟读30min X 7.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 √ P202 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 √ (拓词45min) 9.每天看一篇专业文章 √ (2011景观设计年鉴) 10.每天看半小时美讯 X 今天采购明天回家的物品3h. 明天起断网半个月,计划更改为看二建~ ... Ging


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-23 09:02:15

    2012年,社交媒体迎来了鼎盛发展的一年。微博,一个最初的个性化社交工具,在走进公众生活3年后,升级成了舆论监督的有力平台。而反腐,这个十八大释放的最强音,在社交媒体时代取得了令人惊喜的成绩。2012,且看"微"公民如何"大"作为。从"63小时秒杀"正厅级到人肉"搜"出表哥,微博反腐这股迅猛之风令人拍手称快。 [63小时'秒杀'] 11月23日,重庆市北碚区区委书记雷政富被免职。重庆市纪委证实,近日互联网流传有关不雅视频中的男性确定为雷政富。从微博上出现雷政富与青少年二奶淫乱的视频链接和照片,到其落马,中间仅隔了63个小时。 Lei Zhengfu, Party secretary of Beibei district in Chongqing municipality, was sacked on Nov 23 after an investigation by the discipline committee confirmed he was the man featured in a sex tape widely circulated online. There was a mere 63-hour interval between his dismissal from his position and the appearance of a micro blog with the video link as well as corresponding still images showing Lei Zhengfu having sex with a teenage mistress. "秒杀"期间发生了很多事情。11月20日,疑似雷政富不雅视频的截图在微博上发布;次日,重庆市纪委回应,称注意到此事,并且开始核实;同一天,雷政富接受媒体采访时称,不雅视频照是造假的,并与爆料人进行私下交涉;22日,重庆市官方确认不雅视频并非PS,继续核实当事人的身份;23日,重庆市政府新闻办公室官方微博称,确认不雅视频的主角为雷政富本人,宣布免去他的书记职务,并且立案调查。 A lot happened in those dramatic hours. On Nov 20, a micro blog, containing the screenshots that someone suspected were of Lei having sex with a woman, was posted online; the next day, the municipal disciplinary committee responded that they had taken note of the incident and a probe was already under way; also the same day, Lei denied the accusation in an interview and said the images were “photoshopped”, when he tried to negotiate with the whistle blower; on Nov 22, local authorities confirmed the images were not “photoshopped” as the probe continued; on Nov 23, the Chongqing municipal press office finally confirmed that Lei was the man in the video via their official micro blog and also announced to remove him from his position and open up an investigation. [人肉'搜'出物证] 因被网友搜出在不同照片中戴过至少11块名表,9月21日,陕西省安监局局长、"表哥"杨达才被撤职。8月26日,一场重大车祸导致36人死亡,杨达才视察事故现场留下一张微笑的照片,引发网友对他进行人肉搜索。从这位官员的其他照片中,网友"搜"出了他在不同场合佩戴的11块名表。仅凭官职的工资收入,杨达才不可能负担得起。官方针对上述现象展开调查发现,杨达才确实存在腐败问题。 Yang Dacai, chief of Shaanxi's work safety watchdog, wearing at least 11 pricey wristwatches in different photos, was sacked on Sept 21. Yang first came into the spotlight after some netizen noticed he was photographed wearing a broad smile while surveying a collision that left 36 people dead on August 26. Checking other photographs of Yang, they identified that he sported 11 luxury watches on different occasions, which he could not afford given his level of income as a civil servant. This exposure led to official investigations, which found Yang guilty of corruption. [微博掀起反腐潮] 雷政富和杨达才并非因微博而落马的个案。从今年1月微博爆出第一起"官员艳照门"起,"性侵门"、"不雅视频门"、"表叔门"、"房叔门"层出不穷。据不完全统计,2012年,由微博爆料而查处的官员违纪行为有15起;截至12月19日,仅在新浪微博上,以"反腐"为名或主题的微博账户就有920个,反腐相关微博超过990万条。 Lei Zhengfu and Yang Dacai are not rare examples. Micro blog muckraking (揭发丑闻) has caused the fall of many Chinese officials. Since the first pornographic photo scandal broke out on a micro blog in January, scandals concerning sexual assaults, sex videos, luxury wristwatches, and misappropriation of properties have kept emerging on the platform. Incomplete statistics show that the micro blog caused investigations into 15 disciplinary violations in 2012. As of Dec 19, there had been 920 accounts named after or tagged anti-corruption on Sina Weibo alone; they had tweeted more than 9.9m messages in total. 微博赋予中国公民一次集体发声的机会。@是一种传播,更是一种表达。[草根发声] 1月28日,普通网友"风雨过后见彩虹"在微博上发布了一组视频和照片,揭发山东省农业厅副厅长单增德与一单身女性的不正当关系,照片公布了一封疑似单增德写给情妇的"离婚承诺书"。事发当天,山东省纪委就针对该贴做出回应。 A micro blog posted on Nov 28 exposing an official's scandal had the authorities responding the same day. The blogger, whose screen name was "Feng Yu Guo Hou Jian Cai Hong" showed a video and a photo of Shan Zengde, deputy head of the agricultural department of Shandong provincial government, accusing him of having an affair with a single woman. The photo showed a letter of commitment, seemingly signed by "Shan Zengde" promising to divorce his wife and tie the knot with his mistress. 140字、一张照片、一段视频,微博这个平台赋予草根发声参政的机会,各路贪腐线索在这里汇集,无数民意诉求在这里彰显,"小"积成多,"沙"聚成"塔",形成一股反腐新势力。公民记者在社交媒体时代的中国开始集体发声。 Micro blogging has provided the grassroots with an opportunity to be heard and engaged in state affairs with just 140 characters, a photo or a video. It is a platform in which clues to corruption can be pooled and public opinions can count. Numerous micro blogs are turning into a macro force of anti-corruption. In the age of social media, citizen journalists have started to make their own voices heard in China. [大V助兴] 与草根微民形成对比的是实名认证的大V用户。公知分子组成的大V群体的意见领袖角色在微博上表现地更为显著,他们的一次发言或转发往往一石激起千层浪,引发围观无数。在微博上,草根-意见领袖-草根的传播形式深远有效,反腐能量在这样的形态下逐步得到声张。 In contrast to grassroots micro-bloggers, are verified celebrity users. The "V" users, composed mostly of public intellectuals, are typically playing the opinion leader role on micro blogs. Their posts or forwards can trigger a resonance straight away. Information gets a good following when being disseminated from the masses to opinion leaders, and then back to the masses. In such a way, anti-corruption energy is gradually been promoted widely. 鲁迅曾批判国人爱看热闹的性格。这种围观,如今在微博上成了一种狂欢。在行使监督权的同时,它也是一把"双刃剑"。 [谣言导致误伤] 雷政富的落马彰显了强有力的网络公众监督,但一名来自福建厦门的女孩同时也被莫名卷入丑闻。一名网友编造了一则《雷政富情妇曝光》的网帖,附上数张美女照,并为她们贴上雷政富情妇的标签。其中就包括大学生小林。这不但是对无辜者的污蔑,也构成了犯罪。 Though Lei Zhengfu's dismissal shows strong public supervision of the Internet, a college girl from Xiamen, Fujian province, was wrongly drawn into the scandal. One netizen posted a made-up story, "Exposure of Lei Zhengfu's mistresses",showing photographs of some beautiful women on the Internet and branding them Lei's mistresses. Among those photographed-women was one college student named Xiao Lin, which is not only an affront against the innocent girl, but also a criminal offense. 网络反腐过程中的诽谤绝非仅有。新华网统计了至少9起编造的不实故事。许多网友对官员有先入为主的有罪印象,认为是官员就没一个是清廉的,于是盗用他人照片佐证自己的观点或主张。这种行为反而有害于网络监督。 Maligning (诽谤) others is not uncommon when netizens fight corruption on the Internet. Xinhuanet.com has collected at least 9 false stories. Many netizens adopt the "presumption of guilt", thinking that no officials are clean-handed and use unknown people's photographs to support their views or claims, which harms Internet supervision. [规范监督机制] 作为全民性监督力量,微博爆料需逐步规范化。中南大学廉政与法治研究中心主任李满春建议,一方面,有关部门需要把微博反映的情况进行整合,从而扩大微博反腐的影响力,以实质性的效果来取信于民;另一方面,在制度层面需要设立明确有效的微博反腐制度规范,起到启发引导群众,推动国家政务公开和廉政建设的作用。 As a mass population supervision force, micro blog exposure should have been gradually standardized. Li Manchun, director of the Incorrupt Government and Law Research Center of Central South University, suggested 2 policies: the authorities should integrate different sources of corruption exposure so as to expand influence and win public trust; the government should set an explicit and effective regulation on micro blog anti-corruption in order to guide the public, push forward openness in state affairs and help build a clean government. [反腐相关词汇] corruption 腐败 a clean government 廉政 take a bribe 受贿 violate the discipline 违纪 exposure 曝光 dismiss sb from his post 撤职 muckrake 揭发丑闻 abuse of power 滥用职权 impeach 检举 Internet supervision 网络监督

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-23 09:09:53

    12-23早报 【Morning Buzz】 I like a man who grins when he fights. (Winston Churchill, British politician and orator, 1874-1965) 我喜欢微笑着的斗士。(温斯顿·丘吉尔,英国政治家、演说家,1874-1965) 早安,各位。 【Highlights】 >Train tickets to cost less 元旦起火车票全面降价 >US Senate OKs $633B bill 美国会批准6330亿军费 涉及钓鱼岛和对台军售 >Temperature hits lowest in BJ 京最低气温破30年极值 >Rioting spreads in Argentina 阿根廷华人超市遭哄抢 >US Olympian worked as escort 美奥运名将成名妓(图) >'Leave no stone unturned' 点津:'石头全翻过'何意 【Cover Story】 >Rural income to grow faster 农村收入增长力超城市 China will put more efforts into boosting rural incomes, as emphasized at the Central Rural Work Conference ending Saturday in Beijing, xinhuanet.com reported. In the near future, farmers' incomes are expected to grow in pace with urban resident incomes, if not faster. The conference decided to take comprehensive measures and foster a favorable environment to provide more jobs and increase sources of income for farmers. 据新华网报道,中央农村工作会议22日在京闭幕,会议强调,要着力促进农民增收。今后一段时间,农民收入至少应与城镇居民收入同步增长,并力争超过。要研究采取综合措施,营造有利环境条件,不断开辟就业门路、拓宽增收渠道。 【Top News】 >Train tickets to cost less 元旦起火车票全面降价 Starting Jan 1, rail passengers will pay less for tickets as the railway liability insurance is abolished, Information Daily reported. Under the current regulations, the mandatory liability insurance premium is 2% of the ticket price. This has been questioned by the public because the premium just guarantees passengers a maximum compensation of RMB20,000. In the future, passengers can buy their own accident insurance in insurance companies. 据《信息日报》报道,明年1月1日起,铁路旅客意外伤害强制险将被取消,由此,火车票价格也将全面下调。依据目前规定,每个购买火车票的旅客都被强制交纳票价2%的保费,但理赔时却只能拿到封顶2万元的赔偿,该规定近年来屡遭公众质疑。今后,铁路旅客可自愿通过保险公司购买人身意外伤害保险。 >US Senate OKs $633B bill 美批准6330亿美元军费 涉及钓鱼岛和对台军售 The US Senate on Friday approved a $633b Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2013, which will take effect after endorsement by US President Barack Obama. Two clauses involve China's issues. One says, although the US takes no position on the ultimate sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands, it acknowledges the administration of Japan over them. The other calls for arms sales of F-16C/D aircraft or other aircraft of similar capability to Taiwan. The 2 clauses are both written as "sense of Congress," which means they have no binding power over the president. 美国国会参议院21日通过了2013财政年度国防授权法案,批准给国防部总计约6330亿美元的预算经费。法案只需总统奥巴马签字即可生效。这一法案包括两个涉华条款,但在措辞上都仅表明是国会"意向",对总统没有强制力。其一:美虽然对钓鱼岛主权最终归属不持立场,但承认日本对该岛屿的行政管辖权;其二:呼吁美向中国台湾地区出售F-16C/D或类似机型战机。 >Rioting spreads in Argentina 阿根廷华人超市遭哄抢 At least 2 people were killed in Argentina as looters ransacked (抢劫) supermarkets in several cities, many of them owned by Chinese immigrants, xinhuanet.com reported. Nationwide, some 100 people were injured, among whom are several Chinese. The Chinese embassy in Argentina has demand in an emergency meeting that the Argentina Security Ministry take measures to ensure the safety of life and property of overseas Chinese. The looting came after thousands of people marched in front of the presidential palace earlier this week, demanding pay raises and a solution to Argentina's spiraling inflation. 据新华网报道,阿根廷多个城市近日发生哄抢超市事件,多家华人超市受到波及。哄抢潮造成该国至少两人死亡,近百人受伤,其中包括多名华侨华人。中国驻阿使馆已紧急照会阿根廷安全部,要求阿方采取必要措施保护各地华侨华人人身和财产安全。据了解,哄抢发生前的本周早些时候,已有数千人在总统府前游行示威,要求增加工资并抑制阿根廷通胀加剧。 【In Brief】 >The number of Chinese visitors to Japan dropped 44% year-on-year to 52,000 in November, according to the Japanese government, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,日本政府公布的数据显示,11月访日中国游客为5.2万人次,较2011年同期下降44%。 >Temperatures in Beijing could plunge to -15℃ in urban areas over the weekend, the lowest in almost 3 decades, weather forecasters said Saturday. 气象部门22日预报,北京城区本周末天气将降至零下15摄氏度,有望刷新近30年来最冷气温纪录。 【Celebrity】 >US Olympian worked as escort 美奥运名将成名妓(图) Suzy Hamilton, a 3-time Olympic mid- and long-distance running athlete (see photo), confirmed that she has been living a double life for the past year as a $600-an-hour escort in Las Vegas, the New York Post reported. Hamilton, 44, said the lifestyle was exciting, but she admitted that as a mother and a wife, what she did was wrong. She also said that she would take full responsibility for her mistakes. 据《纽约邮报》报道,现年44岁的苏茜·汉密尔顿曾是美国3届奥运中长跑名将(见图)。日前,她承认去年以来一直过着"双面人生"——秘密从妓,成为赌城拉斯维加斯一名时薪高达600美元的应召女郎。汉密尔顿说,这种生活方式给她带来"兴奋感",但是作为一名母亲和妻子,她的这种行为是极其错误的,她愿意为其过错承担责任。 【Language Tips】 Leave no stone unturned ------------------------ Leave是留下的意思。表面上看,短语leave no stone unturned的意思是没有留下一块未被翻开的石头,也就是说把所有的石头都翻了个遍,可见这个人有很强的决心。现在,我们用这个短语表示"千方百计,不遗余力"。 请看例句: The police promised to leave no stone unturned in solving the murder. 警察承诺要想尽办法侦破那桩谋杀案。 【Talk Show】 周末去钓鱼吧。 (2) >I think we'll go to a lake and fish from a boat. 我觉得我们可以找一个湖,然后在船上钓鱼。 >Well, if you're free, please join us. We'd be happy to have you along. 你要是没事儿,我们会很高兴你能和我们一起去。 >We can spend a few hours getting back to nature and enjoying the fresh air. 我们可以一起回归自然,享受几个小时的新鲜空气。 【Weekly Topic】 A survey of employees across 32 countries showed that more Chinese believed they were overqualified for their jobs than their peers from any other nation. 84% of Chinese respondents said they were underutilized. Has it been the same for you over the past year? Share your opinions. 有调查显示,84%的中国受访雇员觉得自己被"大材小用"。在32个受调查的国家中,中国人自认为"屈才"的比例最大。回顾过去一年的工作和学习,您觉得您被"大材小用"了吗?

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-23 18:44:26

    12-23晚报 【Weather Dec 24】 Fuzhou: cloudy 7~14℃ Xiamen: cloudy 8~15℃ Quanzhou: sunny 10~14℃ 【Highlights】 >High-speed rail has test run 京广高铁亮相先睹为快 >JP not to station officials 日推迟向钓鱼岛派驻员 >Americans line up to buy guns 惨案后美民众购枪囤弹 >Chavez may be sworn in late 查韦斯或推迟宣誓就职 >Guo to perform at gala 郭德纲首次应邀上春晚 >Subway mascot needs redesign 吉祥物'太土'被下岗(图)【Cover Story】 >City temperatures plunge 10余省会城市气温-10℃ A strong cold front sent temperatures down across China Saturday, xinhuanet.com reported. Temperatures in over 10 provincial capitals dropped below -10 C. Temperatures in Harbin and Changchun dropped to lows of -30 C. Urumchi saw temperatures below -29 C. Some experts claim that Saturday and Sunday will be the coldest days in Beijing in the past 10 and 30 years, respectively. 据新华网报道,22日,一股强冷空气侵袭中国,10多个省会城市的最低气温低于零下10摄氏度。其中哈尔滨和长春的最低温同为零下30摄氏度,紧随其后的是乌鲁木齐,最低气温达到了零下29摄氏度。据有关专家称,北京22日、23日两天的最低气温将分别突破10年和30年的低温极值。 【Top News】 >High-speed rail has test run 京广高铁亮相先睹为快 The world's longest high-speed railway line, connecting Beijing to Guangzhou, is set to open on Dec 26. Authorities took journalists for a trial ride Saturday. Travelling at an average speed of 300 km/h, the 2,298-km north-south line will cut railway travel time between the two cities from 22 hours to just 8. "世界最长高铁"京广高铁即将于本月26日开通运营。22日,铁道部组织多家媒体记者试乘。据悉,京广高铁全长2298公里,运营平均速度300公里/小时,8小时贯通南北,比目前最快的列车省时14小时。 [记者观察] >Despite travelling at speeds much faster than the country's conventional rolling stock, the ride on the bullet train was smooth and quiet other than a low-level hum. The temperature in the train was fixed at 22 C. 与传统机车相比,"子弹头"火车速度要快得多,但却十分平稳和安静,没有嗡嗡的噪音。车内温度恒定在22摄氏度。 >The train's reclining seats are laid out in rows of 2 and 3 and separated by an aisle. They are upholstered in cloth and can be turned around to face each other. 列车上的靠背椅一排共有5座,一边3座,一边2座,中间为走廊。座椅均铺有套布,并可反转使座椅面对面。 >The train includes stainless steel squat toilets with slightly more bathroom space than a normal airliner. Uniformed women were on hand to serve drinks and snacks during the trip.(See photo) 高铁设有不锈钢蹲式卫生间,整体空间比一般客机稍大。身着制服的"高姐"全程随时供应饮料、零食。(见图) >JP not to station officials 日推迟向钓鱼岛派驻员 Shinzo Abe, head of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, decided Saturday not to station officials on the Diaoyu Islands to avoid further aggravating ties with China, The Japan Times reported. "The bilateral relationship with China is one of Japan's most crucial diplomatic policies," Abe said. "We want to make efforts to reset ties and start developing a mutually reciprocal relationship." Abe intends to send LDP Vice President Masahiko Komura, head of the Diet Members League for Friendship of Japan and China, as a special envoy to Beijing given his ties with Chinese officials. 据《日本时报》报道,日本自民党总裁安倍晋三22日决定,暂时推迟向钓鱼岛派驻公务人员,避免与中国关系的恶化。安倍强调:"日中关系是极为重要的双边关系之一,将努力重回战略互惠关系的出发点。"安倍还有意派遣自民党副总裁、日中友好议员联盟会长高村正彦作为特使前往北京。据悉,高村在中国政界拥有广泛人脉。 >Americans line up to buy guns 惨案后美民众购枪囤弹 Gun enthusiasts thronged to shows around the US Saturday to buy assault weapons they fear will soon be outlawed, Reuters reported. At gun shows in Pennsylvania, Missouri and Texas, long entrance lines stretched out the door. Crowds gathered around dealer booths in a rush to buy weapons even at higher prices. A school shooting in Connecticut prompted a number of politicians, including President Barack Obama, to call for a ban on assault weapons. 据路透社报道,22日,美国各地的枪展被挤得水泄不通。枪支爱好者争相购买攻击性武器,以防其突然被政府取缔。在宾州、密苏里州和德州,展会入口处排起了长队,展位四周人头攒动,买家甚至愿以高价购入枪支。日前发生在康涅狄格州的校园枪击案,促使包括总统奥巴马在内的多名政客呼吁禁枪。 【In Brief】 >Chinese cross-talk actor Guo Degang has accepted an invitation to attend the 2013 Spring Festival Gala, hosted by China Central Television to celebrate the Year of the Snake, West China City Daily reported. Guo's team has allegedly confirmed the news. 据《华西都市报》报道,相声演员郭德纲将应邀亮相央视2013年蛇年春晚。据称郭德纲团队已证实此事。 >This month's rocket launch by the DPRK shows it has likely developed the technology to fire a warhead more than 10,000 km, putting the US West Coast in range, South Korean officials said Sunday. 韩国官员23日表示,本月朝鲜发射火箭的举动表明,该国可能已经拥有相关技术,令弹头射程超过1万公里,美国西海岸已在其打击范围内。 【Newsmaker】 >Chavez may be sworn in late 查韦斯或推迟宣誓就职 Venezuela will not call fresh elections if Hugo Chavez's cancer prevents him from taking office by January 10, the head of Congress said Saturday, despite a constitutional mandate that the swearing-in take place on that date, foreign media reported. Chavez is recovering in Cuba from a cancer operation that followed his October re-election. He has not been heard from for nearly 2 weeks, raising doubts as to whether he will be fit to continue governing. 据外媒报道,委内瑞拉全国代表大会主席22日称,即使总统查韦斯因癌症无法于1月10日宣誓就职,委内瑞拉也不会重新举行大选。该国宪法原本规定,总统最晚应在1月10日宣誓就职。查韦斯在今年10月的大选中成功连任,后接受癌症手术,目前在古巴休养,近两周来音讯全无,引发人们对他是否适宜重返政坛的怀疑。 【Kaleidoscope】 >Subway mascot needs redesign 吉祥物'太土'被下岗(图) Wuhan subway mascots Hehe and Tuntun recently aroused disputes among netizens after being depicted in media, Chutian Metropolis Daily reported. The netizens criticized the two mascots as too ugly and old-fashioned. "The mascots for the subway will be redesigned as soon as possible. The new Hehe and Tuntun will be cartoon characters instead," Wuhan Metro Operation Company said Saturday. Meanwhile, experts also pointed out major flaws in the mascots' design. (See photo) 据《楚天都市报》报道,武汉地铁吉祥物"鹤鹤"、"豚豚"近日被媒体公布后,在网友中引起争议,被指责为"太丑太土"。对此,武汉地铁运营公司22日宣布,武汉地铁吉祥物将择机重新设计;"鹤鹤"、"豚豚"修改后将只充当宣传动画片的角色,不作为地铁吉祥物。专家表示,吉祥物的设计确实存在一些硬伤。(见图) 【Language Tips】 'To call the shots' ---------- Shot有发射的意思, 因此to call the shoots原意就是指军官下令部队开枪。现在,这个说法常常出现在美国人的口语中,引申为"发号施令,下命令"。 请看例句: The 3 partners who own our company are supposed to have equal say in running it. But one of them, old Mr Johns, is the one who calls the shots and tells us what to do. 我们公司3个合伙人老板在经营方面应该是有同样的发言权。但是最后做决定的总是老约翰先生,每次都是由他来告诉我们干什么。 【China Daily Radio】 本年度结束时,之前实行的减税政策即将到期,而去年制定的开支削减方案将于明年1月1日生效,两项政策叠加将导致的经济衰退称为"财政悬崖"。 请看《中国日报》报道: Trade disputes and the US fiscal cliff are expected to top the agenda of the 23rd China-US Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade scheduled for Dec 18 and 19 in Washington. 第23届中美商贸联合委员会将于当地时间12月18日至19日在华盛顿举行,贸易纠纷以及美国的财政悬崖料将成为此次会议的首要议题。 Fiscal cliff就是近期一直困扰美国的"财政悬崖"。本年度结束时,布什政府时期和金融危机后推出的经济刺激计划实行的减税(tax cuts)政策就要到期,而2011年制定的开支削减(spending cuts)方案将于2013年1月1日开始生效,这两项政策叠加可能导致的美国经济出现衰退(recession)或金融市场崩溃(financial market crash)就被称为"财政悬崖"。 此次会议,中方可能会提及的其它议题有:美国针对中国商品的"反倾销措施(anti-dumping measures)",以及对于美国高科技产品出口中国的限制(restrictions on US high-tech products exported to China)。 (本期英文内容由美籍编辑Michael Thai润色。)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-24 08:24:14

    12-24早报 【Morning Buzz】 Faith makes all things possible. Love makes all things easy. (Dwight L. Moody, American evangelist and publisher, 1837-1899) 信仰让一切成为可能,爱让一切变得简单。(德怀特·L·穆迪,美国福音传道者、出版人,1837-1899) 早安,各位。 【Markets】 Dow Jones 13,190.84 -120.88 -0.91% Nasdaq 3,021.01 -29.38 -0.96% 【Highlights】 >China firmly opposes US bill 我坚决反对美涉华法案 >MOF cancels service fee items 我国明年取消30项收费 >France tackles class repeats 法'留级生'比例高欲减员 >DPRK develops racing game 朝鲜推出首款电脑游戏 >Collins' 12 Words of 2012 柯林斯:2012年12大热词 >Cartoons in temple murals 泰古庙惊现哆啦A梦(图) 【Notice】 《爱·分享》12月,留学攻略 【Cover Story】 >China to protect online data 关注'网络信息保护立法' A draft bill to strengthen Internet information protection will formally be tabled for deliberation at a session of China's legislature set to open Monday, Xinhua reported. Widely hailed by Internet and telecom experts and netizens, the long-awaited move comes amid China's efforts to secure personal information on the Web. Numerous online scams have resulted in high levels of fraud and identity theft in recent years, with netizens having limited recourse as a result of an ineffective legal system that does little to protect personal information. 据新华社报道,全国人大常委会今日将审议"关于加强网络信息保护的决定草案的议案"。这一被期待已久的议案旨在打击侵害公民个人信息的违法犯罪,得到了业内专家和网民的广泛支持。近年来,网络诈骗和信息泄露层出不穷,但关于个人信息保护方面的立法却相对滞后。 【Top News】 >China firmly opposes US bill 我坚决反对美涉华法案 China voiced firm opposition Sunday to contents concerning the country in a defense authorization bill approved by the US Congress. The bill contains sections relating to the Diaoyu Islands and Taiwan. Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying said the Diaoyu Islands have always been the inherent territory of China since ancient times. The Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the US and Japan should not harm the interests of any 3rd parties, including China, nor be involved in any foreign territorial disputes, she said. She also pointed out that China is firmly opposed to arms sales to Taiwan by any country. 外交部发言人华春莹23日表示,中方对美国国会通过的国防授权法案中有关涉华内容表示强烈反对。该法案涉及钓鱼岛和台湾问题。华春莹称,钓鱼岛自古以来就是中国固有领土。《美日安保条约》不应损害包括中国在内的第三方利益,更不应介入他国间领土争议。华春莹还指出,中方坚决反对任何国家向台湾出售武器。 >MOF cancels service fee items 我国明年取消30项收费 China will cancel 30 administrative service fee items next year, according to a statement released on the Ministry of Finance (MOF) website. The measure, scheduled to take effect on Jan 1, 2013, is expected to save businesses and residents about RMB10.5b each year. The canceled items include tax invoice and resident booklet production costs, enterprise registration fees and housing management fees for tenants. The policy will be carried out in a bid to reduce the tax burden on individuals and enterprises and straighten out the taxation and fee system, according to the MOF. 近日,财政部网站发布通知,决定自2013年1月1日起,取消和免征税务发票工本费、户口簿工本费、企业注册登记费和房屋租赁管理费等30项涉及企业和居民的行政事业性收费,每年可减轻企业和居民负担约105亿元。施行该政策是为了进一步减轻企业和居民的课税负担,理顺税务和收费体系。 >France tackles class repeats 法'留级生'比例高欲减员 French President Francois Hollande has promised to reduce the number of pupils forced to repeat grades in school, local media reported. French students had the highest rate for repeating school years among OECD countries, with over 38% of 15-year-olds having repeated a year, according to a report. The OECD report also said that although many educators saw repeating grades as a good way to help children improve, repeat students were no more likely to do well than other classmates. 据当地媒体报道,法国总统奥朗德近日做出承诺,将减少被迫留级的学生数量。报告显示,在经合组织国家中,法国学生的留级率最高,超过38%的15岁学生留过一次级。这份由世界经合组织发布的报告称,尽管许多教育人士认为留级是帮助孩子提高成绩的好办法,但事实上留级生并不比其他班上其他同学表现更出色。 >DPRK develops racing game 朝鲜推出首款电脑游戏 The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) has released its 1st video game ever, an online racing game in which players drive through a virtual Pyongyang, collect fuel, pass by tourist attractions and meet the DPRK's famous traffic ladies, foreign media reported. The online racing game, Pyongyang Racer, is produced by Nosotek, a Western IT company based in the DPRK. It can be played for free on the Koryo Tours website. Though described as an old arcade game, the online racing actually features impressive 3D graphics and a fairly accurate mapping of the DPRK's capital. 据外媒报道,朝鲜近日发布该国第一款电脑游戏《平壤赛车手》,由位于朝鲜的西方IT公司Nosotek制作,用户可以在"高丽旅游"的网站上免费玩这款游戏。《平壤赛车手》让玩家驾车展开平壤之旅,沿途需要加油,路过各种景点,还可以遇到朝鲜闻名遐迩的女交警。虽然被描述成像是早期的电子游戏,但游戏运用到了3D制图以及精准的实景地图等技术。 >Collins' 12 Words of 2012 柯林斯:2012年12大热词 Collinsdictionary.com has chosen one word for each month of 2012 based on the top news stories and trends of the year, with "Gangnam Style," "fiscal cliff" and "legbomb" making the list. Here are the collinsdictionary.com words of 2012: 英国柯林斯词典网站日前选出代表2012年每个月热点事件的12大年度词汇,"江南style"、"财政悬崖","大腿炸弹"等词纷纷入选。以下为12个年度词汇列表: January: Broga 1月:兄弟瑜伽 January brought the launch of a new form of yoga tailored distinctly to men. The word "broga" comes from the combination of "bro" and "yoga." 1月,一种专为男士设计的新型瑜伽问世。Broga由bro和yoga两词合成。 February: Legbomb 2月:大腿炸弹 During the Oscars, actress Angelina Jolie posed with her right leg jutting out of her high-slit dress. The unusual pose led to many parody images online. 2月份的奥斯卡颁奖礼上,女星安吉丽娜·朱莉摆出从高叉裙内伸出右腿的造型,网上随即涌现出众多模仿恶搞图片。 March: Eurogeddon 3月:欧洲末日 The threat of "Eurogeddon" created a buzz in Europe throughout March, as the economic situation in the eurozone worsened and Greece sought another bailout. 3月欧元区经济形势恶化,希腊寻求新一轮的援助,"欧洲末日"的威胁挥之不去。 April: Mummy Porn 4月:妈咪性书 With the launch of the 50 Shades of Grey book series in April, erotic fiction received a new name. 4月份出版的《50道阴影》系列小说让色情小说有了新名字。May: Zuckered 5月:被'扎克' In May, Facebook launched its initial public offering (IPO), and its share price plummeted almost immediately after hitting the market. 5月,Facebook启动IPO,上市伊始股价即暴跌。 June: Jubilympics 6月:钻禧奥运 In June, Brits prepared to host the London Olympics and celebrated the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. 6月,英国举国庆祝女王登基60年庆典,并准备举办伦敦奥运会。 July: Romneyshambles 7月:罗姆尼的混乱 When US presidential candidate Mitt Romney travelled to London, his serial gaffes led to a new word, "Romneyshambles". 7月,美国总统候选人米特·罗姆尼访问英国,他的一系列失态事件催生了这一新词。 August: Games Makers 8月:奥运创造者 London's numerous Olympic volunteers were dubbed "Games Makers". 8月,伦敦奥运会的大批志愿者被称为"奥运创造者"。September: 47% 9月:47% A secret tape of Romney at a private fundraiser revealed him saying that 47% of Americans would vote for Obama no matter what. The video and phrase spread virally and "47%" became a key phrase of the election. 9月,罗姆尼在一个私人筹款会上的讲话被偷录下来并广泛流传。视频中,罗姆尼表示,无论如何都会有47%的美国人为奥巴马投票。47%成了美国大选的一个关键词。 October: Superstorm 10月:超级飓风 In late October 2012, superstorm Sandy wreaked havoc on portions of the Caribbean, the mid-Atlantic and northeastern US. 2012年10月末,超级飓风"桑迪"席卷加勒比海部分地区,大西洋中部和美国东北部地区,造成巨大破坏。 November: Gangnam Style 11月:江南style South Korean musician PSY's catchy song became the most viewed video on YouTube in November. 韩国歌手PSY的这首神曲在11月成为YouTube史上点击量最高的视频。 December: Fiscal Cliff 12月:财政悬崖 As 2012 draws to a close, the US government faces a "fiscal cliff", or a sharp decrease in government spending and an increase in taxes. 12月,2012年进入尾声,美国政府面临"财政悬崖",即政府支出大幅减少、税收增加的现象。 【In Brief】 >US President Barack Obama nominated John Kerry Friday to replace Hillary Clinton as secretary of state, Reuters reported. 据路透社报道,美国总统奥巴马21日提名约翰·克里接棒希拉里·克林顿出任国务卿一职。 >Italy will go to the polls in a 2-day national election from Feb 24 to 25, 2013, the cabinet announced Saturday after President Giorgio Napolitano signed a decree formally dissolving parliament, Reuters reported. 据路透社报道,22日,内阁在意大利总统纳波里塔诺正式签署法令解散议会后宣布,该国大选将于明年2月24-25日两天举行。 【Kaleidoscope】 >Cartoons in temple murals 泰古庙惊现哆啦A梦(图) Tourists visiting a 700-year-old temple in Thailand were surprised to find murals containing cartoon characters, such as the Japanese cat Doraemon, CCTV reported. The mural artist commissioned during the renovation of the ancient Wat Sampa Siw Temple 8 years ago snuck in mugs of the famous blue feline because he liked cats. Other modern touches include Angry Birds, a Kung-Fu Panda and an iPad in a deity's hand. The additions have reportedly become an attraction in themselves and are bringing even more visitors. (See photo) 据央视报道,近日,游客在游览泰国一座700年历史的古庙时,惊奇的发现其壁画中竟藏有日本卡通猫"哆啦A梦"等卡通人物。据悉,8年前,古庙Wat Sampa Siw因重新翻修而委托壁画艺术家作画。由于画师喜欢猫,便偷偷地在画中画上了有名的蓝猫"哆啦A梦"。壁画中添加的其他现代元素还包括愤怒的小鸟,功夫熊猫等,此外,还画有一神仙手持iPad。增加的卡通形象成了一大卖点,吸引更多游客前来参观。(见图) 【Talk Show】 "消除误会"的口语表达 >I've invited her out for coffee this afternoon. I'd like to clear the air. 今天下午我邀她去喝咖啡了,我想解释一下我们之间的误会。 >I'm hoping to explain what I meant so that she doesn't feel upset anymore. 我希望向她解释一下我的意思,这样她就不会继续郁闷了。 >I prefer face-to-face conversation over e-mail. 比起电子邮件,我更喜欢面对面的谈话。 (本期英文内容由美籍编辑Michael Thai润色。)

  • 传奇☂

    传奇☂ (活着就是为了庆祝生命。) 组长 2012-12-24 08:25:18


  • 基督的画笔

    基督的画笔 (Delete,delete all,all delete..) 2012-12-24 08:44:06


  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-24 10:26:02

    好贴推荐!真棒!加油! 好贴推荐!真棒!加油! 传奇☂


  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-24 10:28:32

    回家 第二天就感冒 鸟~这水土不服得~ 没学习两天啦~ 昨天只看了一集 the big bang theory 今天 开始跟上吧

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-24 18:42:05

    【Weather Dec 25】 Fuzhou: cloudy 11~16℃ Xiamen: cloudy 11~17℃ Quanzhou: cloudy 12~17℃ 【BOC Exchange Rates】 100 USD = 629.13 CNY 100 GBP = 1016.11 CNY 100 EUR = 828.72 CNY 100 HKD = 81.18 CNY 100 JPY = 7.4329 CNY (以上人民币汇率中间价来源于中国银行网站)

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-24 18:44:46

    【Top News】 >Ticket price a little cheaper 火车新票价便宜0.5-4元 The price for high-speed railway tickets will be cut by RMB0.5-4 under a new regulation, rather than a 2% reduction of the ticket price as perceived by most people, the online ticketing system 12306.com revealed, according to Modern Express. Passengers will pay RMB1.5 less for a high-speed ticket from Nanjing to Beijing, for example. But the prices for express and nonstop trains are still under adjustment. Starting Jan 1, China will implement a new railway ticket pricing system, which will abolish the compulsory accident insurance. 据《现代快报》报道,铁路客户服务中心12306网站显示,高铁火车票下调后的票价已经出台,降价幅度并不是以前猜测的票面价格的2%,而是0.5元至4元之间。例如,南京到北京高铁票价仅下调1.5元。但特快、直快等列车下调票价还在调整中。据了解,从1月1日起,全国铁路将实施新票价,新的票价内不含有强制意外保险。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-24 18:45:09

    >US within DPRK missile range 外媒:朝导弹射程或超万里 The DPRK's rocket launch this month showed it has likely developed technology, long suspected in the West, to fire a warhead more than 10,000 km, putting the US West Coast in range, ROK military officials said Sunday, Reuters reported. ROK retrieved and analyzed parts of the first-stage rocket that dropped in the waters off its west coast. "As a result of analyzing the material of Unha-3, we judged Pyongyang had secured a range of more than 10,000 km in case the warhead is 500-600 kg," an ROK Defense Ministry official said. 据路透社报道,韩国军事官员23日声称,朝鲜本月的火箭发射表明,朝鲜很可能已经发展了弹头射程超过一万公里的技术,可以将美国西海岸置于打击范围之内。据悉,韩国回收并分析了朝鲜落入其西海岸水域的第一节火箭部分残骸。韩国国防部官员在新闻发布会上说:"根据对'银河3号'卫星残骸的分析结果,我们得出如下结论:如果弹头重500至600公斤,朝鲜就获得了导弹射程达到一万公里以上的技术。">Korea chooses annual idiom '举世皆浊'成韩年度成语 The phrase "a world of filth" was chosen as the annual Korean idiom in 2012, according to the Aju Business of Korea. According to a survey of 626 university professors in Korea undertaken by a Korean academic institution, 28.1% of the professors voted for the phrase "a world of filth". Many Koreans said that the annual idioms chosen over the past 2 years have negative meanings. They would prefer a more positive one in the future. 据韩国《亚洲经济》报道,2012年韩国年度成语近日评选结束,"举世皆浊"被选为韩国年度成语。据报道,韩国某权威学术机构针对韩国国内的626名大学教授做出了一项调查,结果显示,28.1%的受访教授将票投给了"举世皆浊"。许多韩国人表示近两年评选出的年度成语均十分负面,不知何时才会出现充满"正能量"的结果。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-24 18:45:28

    >Baby makes dad richer 男性生儿育女有助'增收' A new report has found that when men become fathers, their pay actually increases – by an average of 19% compared with their childless male colleagues, the Daily Mail of London reported. Potential explanations are that the incentive of being a breadwinner for the family pushes them to work harder or that men tend to wait until they have a decent wage to have children. On the contrary, a working woman who takes time off to have children may see her career and pay suffer. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,最新报告发现,男性成为父亲后,收入会有所增加,平均收入会比无子女男性高出19%。其原因也许是男人需要承担养家糊口的责任,这刺激他们更加努力打拼,还可能是因为男性会等待拥有满意的收入后才愿意抚养小孩。与之相反,女性需要请假生育小孩,事业和薪水可能受到负面影响。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-24 18:45:45

    【In Brief】 >The number of laborers in China will reach a peak in 2013, exceeding 1b for the first time, Guangzhou Daily reported quoting a recent report released by the State Information Center. 据《广州日报》报道,国家信息中心日前发布报告称,2013年,中国的总劳动人口数量将达到顶峰,首次超过10亿人。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-24 18:46:01

    >Noda Yoshihiko cabinet will resign at the interim cabinet meeting on Dec 26, Kyodo News reported. The Democratic Party, which held power for 1,198 days under the leadership of Hatoyama Yukio, Kan Naoto, and Noda Yoshihiko, will be out of office. 据日本共同社报道,日本野田佳彦内阁成员将在26日的临时内阁会议上全体辞职。以鸠山由纪夫、菅直人、野田佳彦为首,历时1198天的民主党执政将划上句号。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-24 18:46:21

    >Bank of China was awarded "Best Public Welfare Marketing" at the 2012 CBN Marketing Festival for its outstanding performance in corporate social responsibility. "2012第一财经中国营销盛典"日前举行,中国银行凭借在企业社会责任方面的突出表现荣获"最佳公益营销"奖项。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-24 18:46:36

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Oldest Christmas tree in UK 英最老八旬圣诞树(图) This may be the oldest Christmas tree in Britain. A 102-year-old pensioner in the UK has decorated the same Christmas tree every December for 80 years, the Daily Mail of London reported. Eliza Woolhouse has had the artificial tree so long she can no longer remember how much she paid for it. "They don't make them like this any more. I'm too old and I've had it too long to want another. I've always valued it," said Mrs Woolhouse. (See photo) 这可能是英国最老的圣诞树了。据英国《每日邮报》报道,该国一位102岁的老人伊莱扎•伍尔豪斯80年来每年12月都装饰同一棵圣诞树。因为时间太久,老人已经忘了当初花多少钱买的这棵假树。伍尔豪斯老人说:"现在人们都不作这种圣诞树了。我年纪大,用它用得也久,所以不想换成其它的了。我一直很珍惜它。"(见图)

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-24 18:46:55

    【China Daily Radio】 去超市买东西的时候,标价2.99元的商品似乎总是比3元的商品受欢迎。市场销售圈的人管这叫"左位数效应"。说的是,人们购物时只关注价签最左侧的数字,只要这个数字在自己承受范围之内,后面的数字就不会太在意了。 A new study, published in the latest issue of the Journal of Consumer Research, shows that an occurrence known by marketers as the "left-digit effect" drastically influences the choices that people make while buying various items. Simple experiments have proven that too little attention is paid to the digit on the right hand side of a price tag. 最新一期《消费者研究杂志》发表的一份研究显示,一种被市场推广人员称为"左位数效应"的现象很大程度上影响人们购物时的决定。实验证明,人们在购物时对价签上小数点右侧的数字并不是太在意。 For instance, people would rather buy something that is priced at $3.99 than those priced at $4.00. In actual stores, this is encouraged, as producers and managers have the final two numbers of the price printed with much smaller fonts than the first one or two. 例如,人们更愿意购买标价为3.99美元的商品,而不选择4美元的商品。这种现象在实体商店中也得到进一步放大,商家打出的商品价格中,最后两位数字印得明显比前两位数字小很多。 "Shoppers pay a disproportionate amount of attention to the leftmost digits in prices and these leftmost digits impact whether a product's price is perceived to be relatively affordable or expensive," the study says. 该研究指出:"消费者大部分的注意力都放在商品价格最左侧的数字上面,而这些数字决定了该商品价格是否在可承受范围之内。"

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-24 18:47:12

    【Word Power】 劳务派遣工 outsourced labor 例句: More than 60m outsourced laborers currently work in China, accounting for nearly 20% of its urban workforce, according to the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. 据全国总工会报告显示,全国劳务派遣工已达到6000多万人,约占城镇就业人员的20%。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-24 18:49:30

    【Word Prize】 --John is hoping to crash at his friend Mike's place for a couple of days. 此处crash意思是? A.打游戏 B.吃饭 C.过夜

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-25 10:42:03

    【Morning Buzz】 The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other. (William E. Vaughan, American columnist, 1915-1977) 圣诞树旁最好的礼物,是一家人亲密无间的欢乐。(威廉•E•沃恩,美国专栏作家,1915-1977) 圣诞快乐,各位。 【Markets】 Dow Jones 13,139.08 -51.76 -0.39% Nasdaq 3,012.60 -8.41 -0.28% 【Highlights】 >Identity management online 我国拟推网络身份管理 >11 kids die in van plunge 赣面包车侧翻11幼儿亡 >Social media's Xmas cheer 社交网络成圣诞新聚点 >US sells Alaska to pay debt? 美媒:阿拉斯加卖给中国? >Top 10 tongue-twisters 10大拗口词'现象'居首 >SEAL commander suicide 海豹指挥官阿富汗自杀 >NASA's new 'toy' spacesuit NASA推'玩具总动员'制服

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-25 10:43:36

    【Notice】 12月,留学攻略,邀您一起'分享爱' 【Cover Story】 >Li Keqiang profile released 新华社刊发李克强特稿 The official profile of Li Keqiang has been released by Xinhua which elaborated on the experience and family life of the 57-year-old in detail and with rare photographs. An honest and human image of the leader was revealed to the public. Following are some excerpts from the Xinhua article. 新华社近日刊发李克强人物特稿,详细披露这位57岁的中共领导人的出身经历与家庭,并配发珍贵图片,令公众了解到一个有血有肉的领导人形象。以下为文章摘要。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-25 10:44:32

    [公众已了解的李克强] *插队知青 Li Keqiang was born in 1955 in Anhui province. In 1974, 19-year-old Li was dispatched to Fengyang, a poverty-stricken county in Anhui, to take up farming. He tilled the land during the day and read books at night. 李克强,1955年出生,安徽人。1974年,19岁的李克强来到贫穷的安徽凤阳农村插队。白天下田劳作,夜晚挑灯读书。 *北大高材生 When the country's universities reopened in 1977, Li took the entrance examination and was accepted by the Law School of Peking University (PKU). Upon graduation, he remained at PKU to head its Communist Youth League (CYL) Committee. Three years later, he was chosen as a member of the Secretariat of the CYL Central Committee. 1977年国家恢复高考第一年,李克强考入北大法律系。毕业后留校担任团委书记。三年后被增选为团中央书记处书记。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-25 10:45:03

    *博士省长 When Li left Beijing for Henan province in 1998, he became the country's youngest provincial governor with a doctoral degree. 1998年,李克强离开北京来到河南工作,他成为全国最年轻的"博士省长"。 *最年轻总理 At the age of 52, Li joined the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee 5 years ago at the 1st Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee. A few months later, he became China's youngest vice premier in nearly 20 years. 5年前的中共十七届一中全会上,52岁的李克强成为中共中央政治局常委。几个月后,他成为中国近20年来最年轻的副总理。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-25 10:45:24

    [你可能不知道的李克强] *师从于国学大师 Li spent his early years studying sinology, or Chinese language and culture, from Li Cheng, a master of Chinese culture in Anhui Provincial Research Institute of Cultural History. 李克强早年拜安徽文史馆的国学大师李诚为师,悉心研习国学。 *博士论文获大奖 Li earned a bachelor's degree in law and master's and doctorate degrees in economics from PKU. His doctoral dissertation, "On the Tri-structure of China's Economy", won him the Sun Yefang Prize, the top honor for economic sciences on the Chinese mainland. 李克强先后攻读完北大法律学士学位、经济学硕士和博士学位。博士论文《论我国经济的三元结构》,荣获中国内地经济学界最高奖项——孙冶方经济科学奖的论文奖。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-25 10:45:35

    *开会不喜用讲稿 He prefers to make impromptu speeches, talk face-to-face, ask in-depth questions, find the nature of problems and create solutions on the spot if possible. 在许多会议上,他基本都不用讲稿,常常与参会者面对面交流,在深入提问中迅速发现问题本质,并对一些问题的解决当场作出部署。 *常年读英文原著 Li loves reading books and has a good memory. He enjoys original English books in his spare time and follows the latest economic and technical developments around the world. 李克强阅读广泛,博闻强记。他常年坚持阅读英文原著,密切跟踪国际上最新的经济科技动态。 *夫人是外语教授 Cheng Hong, Li's wife, is an English professor at the foreign language department of Capital University of Economics and Business. They have one daughter. 李克强夫人程虹是首都经济贸易大学外语系英语教授。李克强和程虹育有一女。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-25 10:54:23

    12.24 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 X 2.每天一种水果 √ 3.多喝水 1000ML X(冬天了就不爱喝水了) 4.22点前脸部护理 X 5.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 6.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 7.最晚24点上床 √ 【 学习 】 1.10点听力 √ 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧两集 √ (the big bang theory 6th;friends 11th) 4.线稿一张 X 5.China Daily 晚报 √ 6. Englishpod 跟读30min X 7.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 √ P211 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 √ (拓词45min) 9.每天看一篇专业文章 X 10.每天看半小时美讯 X

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-25 10:58:02

    【Top News】 >11 kids die in van plunge 赣面包车侧翻11幼儿亡 Eleven children died after a van carrying 15 kindergarteners plunged into a roadside pond on Monday in Jiangxi, xinhuanet.com reported. The accident happened around 9 am Monday in Hongtang village, Binjiang town of Guixi city. Three children died instantly. Twelve students were sent to hospital, where 8 died and 4 were stable as of 5:30 pm Monday. Police have detained the van driver and are investigating the cause of the accident. 据新华网报道,江西省贵溪市面包车坠水事故已造成11名儿童死亡。24日9时许,贵溪市滨江镇洪塘村一辆载有15名幼儿园学生的面包车侧翻坠入路边水塘,3名儿童当场死亡,其余12人送医抢救。截至24日17时30分,其中4名儿童脱离危险,另有8名儿童因抢救无效死亡。目前肇事司机已被公安机关控制,事故原因正在调查中。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-25 10:58:24

    >Social media's Xmas cheer 社交网络成圣诞新聚点 Young Chinese are organizing Christmas events on social networking sites to avoid being bored or lonely in this festive season, xinhuanet.com reported. On sites like Douban and Sina Weibo, you can find nearly a hundred Christmas events in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou with costs ranging from zero to a few hundred yuan. Numerous celebrations have been suggested, such as Karaoke-singing, dancing, going to movies and exchanging gifts. 据新华网报道,圣诞节来临,不少中国年轻人为排遣一个人过节的单调无聊,在社交网络上吹响了圣诞"集结号"。在豆瓣、新浪微博等社交网络上,以"圣诞节"为主题的同城活动,北京、上海、广州等城市几乎都有近百项,费用从免费到几百元不等,活动形式有大家凑在一起唱歌、跳舞、看电影、交换礼物等,多种多样。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-25 10:58:40

    >US sells Alaska to pay debt? 美媒:阿拉斯加卖给中国? The US government should sell Alaska to solve the fiscal cliff, argues Steven Mufson, senior editor of The Washington Post, who writes the idea of selling Alaska is neither crazy nor absurd. Mufson claims nothing seems more absurd when compared against the $16 trillion US debt which will greatly dampen (抑制) the development of the US economy. He also indicates China could be a potential buyer since it's a major creditor of the US and it is abundant in cash but short of resources. 《华盛顿邮报》资深编辑斯蒂文•莫夫松日前发表文章,建议美国政府卖掉阿拉斯加来解决财政悬崖问题。莫夫松指出,这个想法既不疯狂也不荒谬,因为没任何事能比16万亿美元的债务更荒谬,这些债务将大大阻碍美国经济发展。 他还表示中国很可能成为买家,因为它不仅是美国最大的债权国,现金充足,而且正面临资源匮乏的局面。

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