
  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-06 19:22:18

    【Newsmaker】 >Richest black woman changed 最富黑人女性易主(图) Oprah Winfrey has lost her long-held title as the richest black woman in the world to a Nigerian oil tycoon, the Daily Mail of London reported. Edging out Oprah is Folorunsho Alakija, a 61-year-old woman from Nigeria who is reportedly worth at least $3.2b. Alakija is the founder and owner of Famfa Oil, which owns a 60% interest in an offshore oil field that produces roughly 200,000 barrels of oil per day. It is reported that Alakija is worth $500m more than Oprah. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,奥普拉·温弗瑞长期享有的"全球最富黑人女性"头衔近日易主。把奥普拉挤下榜首的是61岁的尼日利亚石油大亨弗罗伦索·阿拉基嘉,她是法姆法石油公司的创立人和所有者,至少拥有32亿美元资产。法姆法石油公司现持有尼日利亚一块近海油田60%的权益,该油田每天产油20万桶。据称,阿拉基嘉的财富比奥普拉多出约5亿美元。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-06 19:22:49

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Radio DJ makes prank call DJ冒充女王套凯特病情 A Sydney radio station claims it pulled off a royal prank (恶作剧) after a DJ (Disco Jockey) posed as the Queen and called a nurse at the London hospital treating Prince William's pregnant wife Catherine, ABC reported. DJ Mel Greig, impersonating the 86-year-old monarch, dialed the hospital and asked the operator: "Could I please speak to Kate please, my granddaughter?" The operator replied: "Oh yes, just hold on Ma'am." Greig was put through to a ward where a nurse told her that Kate was "sleeping at the moment and she has had an uneventful night". 据美国广播公司报道,澳大利亚一家广播电台日前导演了一出针对英王室的恶作剧:他们的一名DJ冒充英国女王,打电话给怀孕的凯特王妃入住的伦敦医院套取信息。DJ梅尔·克雷格打通电话后,模仿86岁女王的声音说:我找我的孙女凯特。接电话者信以为真:"好的夫人,请稍等。"电话被转接给了病房的值班护士。护士表示凯特正在睡觉,前一晚情况稳定。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-06 19:23:24

    【China Daily Radio】 现在不少公共场所都提供免费的无线上网连接服务,方便了大众,同时也吸引了更多人群的光顾。不过,有些人为了享受免费的上网服务,长期占用公共场所的位置,也让不少营业场所的经营者头痛。 Wi-Fi squatter refers to someone who lingers in a public location to use its Wi-Fi Internet connection, or who uses such a connection without authorization. Wi-Fi squatter指长时间占用公共场所无线网络连接资源的人,或未经授权使用无线网络连接的人,即"Wi-Fi蹭网族"。 Cafe owners have tried a variety of tactics to foil Wi-Fi squatters. They put out signs that ask laptop users to share tables or point them to nearby Wi-Fi hot spots such as public libraries. 咖啡馆老板们试过很多办法阻止Wi-Fi蹭网族。他们挂出告示,提醒正在使用笔记本的客人与其他客人拼桌,或者告诉他们去公共图书馆等其他有Wi-Fi热点的地方。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-06 19:24:07

    【Word Power】 准生证 birth permit 例句: China's top family planning authority issued a notice simplifying the procedure of granting birth permits to parents-to-be, particularly for the migrate population. 国家计生委下发通知,要求简化育龄夫妻,尤其是流动人口,办理准生证的程序。 【Word Prize】 --We've had our suspicions for a while, but now he's officially come out. 此处he's come out意思是? A.他恋爱了 B.他出轨了 C.他出柜了

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-06 23:28:29

    12.6 1.9点起床 X 2.10点听力 √ 3.China Daily 早报 √ 4.每天一种水果 √ 5.多喝水 1000ML √ 6.美剧一集 √ 7.线稿一张 √ (画了单体,结果不理想,静下心来画,耐心耐心耐心!!!今天的心得是--注意物体的黑白灰关系,物体是立体的!) 8.China Daily 晚报 √ 9. Englishpod 跟读30min √ (016-017) 10.22点前脸部护理 √ 11.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 12.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 13.最晚24点上床 √ 14.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 √ 043 15.把零碎的时候利用起来(暂定于复习 dream note) X 大叉!!! 16.每天看一篇专业文章 √ (有些囫囵吞枣,focus!focus!)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-07 08:15:46

    【Morning Buzz】 Winter is on my head but eternal spring is in my heart. (Victor Hugo, French poet, 1802-1885) 我身在冬天,心中却装满春天。(维克多·雨果,法国诗人,1802-1885) 早安,各位。 【Markets】 Dow Jones 13,074.04 +39.55 +0.30% Nasdaq 2,989.27 +15.57 +0.52% 【Highlights】 >Forbes unveils power list 2012福布斯权力榜公布 >Yuan to take dollar's crown '元'挑战美元霸主地位? >Top hotels in 2nd tier cities 高端酒店落户二线城市 >Mo Yan arrives in Sweden 莫言正装亮相瑞典(图) >JP ballot sorter makers 'busy' 日大选忙'晕'投票机厂商 >Apple's biggest loss 苹果重挫市值蒸发350亿 >Israeli jet engines stolen 以F-16引擎被偷卖废铁

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-07 08:16:31

    【Cover Story】 >Officials sacked for GM test '黄金大米'调查结果公布 Three officials have been sacked for their involvement in a controversial test of genetically modified (GM) rice on school children in Hunan, Xinhua reported. The test violated relevant regulations, scientific ethics and academic integrity, according to a statement released Thursday by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC), Zhejiang Academy of Medical Sciences, and Hunan provincial CDC. The 3 organizations apologized to the public for their role in the affair. 据新华社报道,中国疾病预防控制中心、浙江省医学科学院、湖南省疾病预防控制中心6日联合公布具有争议的"黄金大米"事件调查情况通报:这项在湖南学生中进行的转基因试验违反了相关规定、科研伦理和科研诚信,3名相关责任人已被撤职。上述机构为此次事件向公众致歉。 [试验隐瞒家长] In 2008, 80 pupils in Hengnan county, Hunan, were used as test subjects in a US-China joint research project that included GM-grown "Golden Rice". Of these, 25 were fed 60 grams of Golden Rice on June 2. The research team had informed parents of the tested children about the experiment but withheld the truth that GM rice would be used. 2008年,中美合作开展一项含有转基因黄金大米的研究项目,湖南省衡南县80名小学生成为实验对象。其中,25名学生在6月2日食用了60克黄金大米。该研究小组曾向参与实验的学生家长通报实验情况,但隐瞒了使用转基因大米的事实。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-07 08:17:29

    >Top hotels in 2nd tier cities 高端酒店落户二线城市 With China's economic transition and development of its vast mainland, more 2nd and 3rd tier cities have become travel destinations for business people over the past few years. High-end business services in these cities are developing surprisingly fast, with a proliferation of internationally branded hotels, fortunechina.com reported. In these cities, senior managers can enjoy facilities comparable to those offered in 1st tier cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, and the local cultural environment is also steadily improving. 据财富中文网报道,随着中国经济转型以及越来越多的内地省份得到开发,近年来,商务人群将旅行目的地锁定在更多的二、三线城市。让人惊叹的是,这里的高端商务服务业发展迅猛,国际品牌酒店已经遍地开花。高级经理人可以在此享受到和北上广等地一样的设施,当地的人文环境也在日益优化。 >JP ballot sorter makers 'busy' 日大选忙'晕'投票机厂商 Japanese ballot sorting machine manufacturers got a headache when coping with newly emerged parties and a growing number of candidates running for the Dec 16 parliamentary election, xinhuanet.com reported. The manufacturers have to continuously make adjustments to adapt to new events. A manufacturer spokesman complained that they had to make unexpected changes. As many as 12 political parties announced they would campaign in the general election, a record number of parties since the new electoral system was introduced in 1996. 据新华网报道,日本将于本月16日举行大选。针对新党林立、候选人数不断增多的乱象,为大选提供投票分类机的制造商大伤脑筋,他们必须不断对投票用纸分类机进行调整作业。有厂商发言人抱怨:这简直是预料之外的工作日程。据悉,大选参选政党数量多达12个,创日本1996年实行新的选举制度以来之最。

  • 你这么晚还不睡

    你这么晚还不睡 (有人走向觉醒,有人走向轮回。) 2012-12-07 08:17:32


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-07 08:17:57

    >Apple's biggest loss 苹果重挫市值蒸发350亿 Apple Inc shares tumbled more than 6% Wednesday, chalking up their biggest single-day loss in 4 years as fears grow about intensifying competition in the mobile device market, Reuters reported. The company shed $35b in market value Wednesday. Apple's shares have headed steadily lower since September. 据路透社报道,由于市场对移动设备市场竞争加剧的疑虑与日俱增,当地时间5日,苹果公司股价重挫逾6%,创下4年来最大单日跌幅。当日,苹果公司市值蒸发了350亿美元。据悉,苹果股价自9月以来持续下跌。 [多重原因造跌势] Investors and analysts blamed the sell-off on a mix of factors, including a forecast by an influential research firm that the iPad maker is continuing to cede ground to rival Google Inc's Android gadgets, and unconfirmed reports said that at least one major stock-clearing house was raising margin requirements on Apple stock trades. 投资者和分析师认为,多重原因造成股价大跌:一家权威研究公司预计,苹果公司将继续遭到谷歌安卓设备的蚕食;一些未证实的报告称,至少一家大型证券清算所提高了苹果股票交易的保证金要求。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-07 08:18:31

    【In Brief】 >China has become Australia's 2nd biggest source of visitors behind New Zealand as arrivals from China in the 12 months ending September climbed 17% to 573,000, the latest data from Tourism Australia has shown, the Financial Times reported. 据英国《金融时报》报道,澳洲旅游局最新数据显示,截至今年9月的过去一年中,中国赴澳旅游人数增长17%至57.3万,成为仅次于新西兰的澳大利亚旅游业第2大客源国。 >China Mobile has won approval to add Wenzhou and Wuxi as its 4G network pilot cities, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,中国移动获批将4G试点城市扩大至温州和无锡。 >The 2012 Nobel Literature laureate Mo Yan has arrived in Sweden and attended Thursday's press conference, cnr.cn reported. He will make a speech entitled "Storytellers" Friday, focusing on "literature, story, hometown and kinsfolk".(See photo) 据中广网报道,2012诺贝尔文学奖得主莫言已抵达瑞典并参加了6日的新闻发布会。莫言将于7日发表题为"讲故事的人"的演讲,主题为"文学、故事、家乡、亲人"。(见图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-07 08:19:01

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Israeli jet engines stolen 以F-16引擎被偷卖废铁 Thieves have made off with several US-made engines for F-16 warplanes worth millions of dollars from an airbase in central Israel, local media reported. Military police suspected there may have been collusion between the thieves and personnel at the base and the engines may have been stolen to be sold as scrap metal. Last year, parts for F-15 and F-16 warplanes were stolen from the Tel Nof air base, and were subsequently discovered at a warehouse used by scrap metal merchants. 据以色列媒体报道,小偷从该国中部某空军基地偷走了数个美国制造、价值数百万美元的F-16战机引擎。宪兵怀疑这可能是一起内外勾结的偷盗事件,被偷的引擎很可能被当废铁卖掉。去年,以色列特尔诺夫空军基地就丢失了一些F-15、F-16战机配件,后在废品收购商的仓库里被发现。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-07 08:20:45

    【Talk Show】 美剧里的象声词(2) >Can I, as the only normal person in this room, say, "ew"? 作为这个房间里惟一一个正常人,能否允许我说一句:"呃"?(ew是感叹词,表示恶心。) >I will not be shushed. These might be my last words. 我才不要闭嘴呢,说不定这就是我的遗言了。(shush表示叫别人安静不要说话。) (本期英文内容由美籍编辑Chris Clark润色。) 【Word Prize】 --We've had our suspicions for a while, but now he's officially come out. 此处he's come out意思是? 答案:C.他出柜了 原句意为:我们也曾怀疑过,现在他正式出柜了。 He/She's coming out (他/她出柜了),即"承认自己的同性恋身份"。"性取向"英文说法为sexual preference/orientation。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-07 10:50:17

    求励志贴和应用地址 求励志贴和应用地址 你这么晚还不睡

    励志帖?小组里很多啊~ 我推荐一个吧~ http://www.douban.com/group/topic/22615313/?start=1800 应用地址?哪方面

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-07 20:36:43

    【Weather Dec 8 】 Fuzhou: cloudy 9~14℃ Xiamen: cloudy 11~18℃ Quanzhou: cloudy 12~18℃ 【BOC Exchange Rates】 100 USD = 629.3 CNY 100 GBP = 1010.09 CNY 100 EUR = 815.98 CNY 100 HKD = 81.2 CNY 100 JPY = 7.6151 CNY (以上人民币汇率中间价来源于中国银行网站) 【Markets】 Shanghai Stock 2061.79 +32.55 +1.60% HangSeng Stock 22191.17 -58.64 -0.26% 【Highlights】 >Mag 7.3 quake hits Japan 日本东北发生7.3级地震 >Measures to test physique 国务院新规测学生体质 >Another 4 miners rescued 4矿工被困井下5天后获救 >Rolls-Royce in bribery probe 劳斯莱斯陷多国行贿门 >French property going cheap 法富豪逃亡便宜外国人 >Lin's documentary filmed 林书豪传记影片1月首映 >Obese mother crushes bed 英胖妈压坏女儿床(图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-07 20:40:53

    【Cover Story】 >Mo hosts news conference 莫言:获奖是个人的事情 Mo Yan, the winner of the 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature, covered a number of topics during a news conference in the Swedish Academy at 12:00 pm Thursday, the People's Daily Overseas Edition reported. The topics included the meaning of the prize and how writers could avoid being unable to write well after receiving such an award. Mo will collect his prize in Sweden's capital, Stockholm, Monday. 据《人民日报海外版》报道,当地时间6日中午12时,2012年诺贝尔文学奖获得者、中国作家莫言在瑞典文学院举行新闻发布会,就获奖的意义以及打破诺奖魔咒等话题发表看法。莫言将于当地时间10日在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩领取诺奖。 [谈诺奖] Mo told the reporters how he felt about the prize. "Winning the award is my own business. The award goes to a writer, not a country," he said. "But I believe my award will arouse interest in literature in China and have a positive effect on Chinese literature." 谈到他此次获奖的意义,莫言说,获奖是我个人的事情,诺贝尔文学奖从来就是颁给一个作家,而不是颁给一个国家的。但我相信我的获奖会引起一些作家的创作热情,对中国文学起到积极的推动作用。 [话魔咒] "What I want to do right now is go back to my desk and write novels," said Mo. "Some say that someone who wins the Nobel Prize for Literature cannot write well any more. The fact is many good writers have broken the spell and I hope to be one of them." 莫言表示,当前最希望重新回到书桌前写小说。有人说一个作家获得诺贝尔奖后再也写不出好作品,但也有很多优秀作家打破了这个魔咒,我希望自己努力加入这个行列,打破魔咒。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-07 20:43:13

    【Top News】 >Measures to test physique 国务院新规测学生体质 The Ministry of Education is considering new measures to test the physical quality of students across the country each year, Beijing News reported. According to the measures, every student in a school is required to participate in the annual test and the results should be reported to the Ministry, which will select a specified number of students from each province each year to test their suppleness and endurance. The Ministry will select 4 pilot provinces this year and the measures are expected to expand across the whole country next year. 据《新京报》报道,教育部正在制定相关实施办法,未来有望每年对全国学生体质进行一次测试。新办法将要求所有学校每年对每个学生进行体质测试,同时将测试结果上报教育部。教育部每年将从各省抽测指定数量的学生,测试内容主要有柔韧性和耐力等方面。据悉,教育部计划今年抽取4个省份试点,明年有望覆盖全国。 >Rolls-Royce in bribery probe 劳斯莱斯陷多国行贿门 One of the world's largest makers of jet engines, Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC, is being investigated by British authorities over allegations of bribery and corruption in overseas markets including Indonesia and China, The Globe and Mail reported. "It is too early to predict the outcomes, but these could include the prosecution of individuals and of the company," said a company spokesman. 据《环球邮报》报道,世界最大的航空引擎制造商之一劳斯莱斯因涉嫌在印尼、中国等多个海外市场存在贿赂和腐败行为,正在接受英国政府的调查。该公司发言人称,"现在预测结果还太早,但很有可能个别人和公司将遭到起诉。" [航空引擎巨头] Rolls-Royce is the world's 2nd-largest maker of jet engines for civil and military use (it sold off its car business years ago). The company serves roughly 500 airlines, has 40,000 employees and generates nearly $20b in annual revenue. 劳斯莱斯是世界第2大民用及军用航空引擎制造商(该公司数年前已卖掉其汽车业务)。目前为全球约500家航空公司提供引擎,拥有4万名雇员,年收益近200亿美元。 >French property going cheap 法富豪逃亡便宜外国人 The French are fleeing. A spate of (大量) proposed tax hikes is leading hundreds of wealthy French to consider leaving the country and put their homes on the market, The Wall Street Journal reported. The result: the best opportunity in years for foreigners to buy a Parisian luxury house or a country chateau. The number of luxury properties for sale could balloon next year, property brokers say. 法国人正在大逃亡。据《华尔街日报》报道,该国政府针对富人的一系列加税提案正迫使数以百计的法国富豪考虑离开本国,并出售其在法住宅。结果就是:外国人迎来了觊觎多年的购巴黎豪宅或乡间古堡的最佳时机。房产经纪人表示,明年涌入市场的豪宅数量还将大幅增长。 [豪宅'白菜价'] The newly available properties of departing expats are scattered around France. A 19th-century 500-sq m Provencal farmhouse on about 15 acres of land is listed at $3.8m, a 10% discount to the market value. A 310-sq m top-floor luxury apartment in Nice boasts an unobstructed (畅通无阻的) view of the Mediterranean for $4.9m. 移民出逃的富人留下来的这些房产遍布法国各地。在普罗旺斯的一处占地约15英亩、住宅面积约500平米的19世纪农庄,要价仅为380万美元,比市场价低了10%。在尼斯,一套号称能一览无余地欣赏到地中海美景、约310平米的顶层豪华公寓售价490万美元。 ['大鱼'早跑了] Several high-profile businessmen have already packed their bags. Former L'Oreal Chief Executive Lindsay Owen-Jones has taken up residence in Switzerland. Belgium now counts Amaury de Seze, who served as chairman of supermarket giant Carrefour, as a local. Nicolas Chanut, founder of French investment advisory firm Exane, moved to London. 几位声名显赫的法国巨商早已离开。欧莱雅前CEO琳赛·欧文-琼斯已在瑞士定居;曾任超市巨头家乐福集团董事长的阿默里·西兹移居比利时;法国投资咨询公司Exane的创始人尼古拉·沙努特也已搬去伦敦。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-07 20:44:42

    【In Brief】 >A tsunami alert was issued after a magnitude 7.3 earthquake jolted northeast Japan Friday afternoon, according to Xinhua. Residents in Tokyo and some other areas could feel a strong tremor 据新华社报道,日本东北部地区7日下午发生7.3级地震,东京等地有较强震感,日本方面已发布海啸警报。 >Four miners, who had been trapped in a flooded coal mine in Qitaihe, Heilongjiang for more than 5 days, were rescued early Friday morning, rescuers said, Xinhua reported. Seven others are still missing. 据新华社报道,黑龙江七台河煤矿透水事故中,在被困井下超过5天后,4名矿工于7日凌晨获救。目前井下仍有7人被困。 >Tourists holding a 3rd country's visa and flight ticket will be given 3 days to stay in Beijing without a visa from Jan 1, 2013, the Beijing Municipal Commission of Tourism Development announced Wednesday. The tourists include those from 45 countries and regions such as the US, UK and Canada. 北京市旅游委5日宣布,北京将从2013年1月1日起,对美国、英国、加拿大等45个国家和地区持有第三国签证和机票的旅客,在北京口岸实施72个小时过境免签政策。 >The Bank of China is ranked 5th in China's "2012 Top 50 Brand Rankings", with its brand valued RMB78.9b. The list was released by branding consultancy Interbrand in Beijing. 近日,国际品牌咨询公司Interbrand在北京发布"2012最佳中国品牌50强",中国银行以789亿元的品牌价值排名第5。 【Newsmaker】 >Lin's documentary filmed 林书豪传记影片1月首映 "Linsanity," a documentary film chronicling Lin's improbable rise from substitute player to stardom, will be featured at the upcoming Sundance Film Festival in January 2013, foreign media reported. Directed by Evan Leong, one of Jeremy Lin's close friends, the film project was actually being worked on long before Lin became a household name with his amazing run with the New York Knicks in February. The film also introduces Jeremy Lin's Christian beliefs. 据外媒报道,林书豪从一个替补队员成长为一名超级球星的故事将被拍摄成传记电影《林来疯》,并将于2013年1月在美国的圣丹斯电影节上映。该影片由林书豪好友梁伊凡执导,林书豪今年2月因在纽约尼克斯队的惊人表现而家喻户晓,但该片早在这之前就已经开始筹划。此外,这部纪录片还将讲述林书豪对于基督教的信仰。 【Kaleidoscope】 >Obese mother crushes bed 英胖妈压坏女儿床(图) A 114 kg mother was shamed into losing weight after snapping her daughter's bed while reading her a bedtime story, the Daily Mail of London reported. Cacia Griggs, 26, from Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, spent the whole of her 20s as a morbidly (病态地) obese size 24, but crushing her 4-year-old daughter's bed was the final straw. Just one year later she has lost 50 kg and married her fiance. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,一个体重114公斤的妈妈在给女儿讲睡前故事时压坏了女儿的床,于是不堪其辱,决定减肥。卡西亚·格里格斯今年26岁,是剑桥郡彼得伯勒市人,她在20多岁时,一直穿着超级肥大的24码衣服,然而直到把4岁女儿的床压坏,她才终于下定决心减肥。一年后,她成功减掉50公斤,并与自己的白马王子喜结良缘。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-07 20:46:15

    【China Daily Radio】 这两年一直都流行裹腿的紧身牛仔裤,一时间想要买一条正常形状的牛仔裤倒显得有些困难。想要穿潮流装没有错,不过如果穿的时候身体出现不适可要注意哦。 A number of patients in the US have been found suffering from "meralgia paresthetica", a disorder that causes symptoms of tingling, numbness and pain in the upper legs, as a result of their trendy clothing, such as skinny jeans. 很多美国人都因为穿着紧身牛仔裤等流行服饰而患上"感觉异常性股痛",其症状表现为大腿刺痛、麻木及疼痛。 "It's a disorder that occurs when one of the nerves that runs in the outer part of a thigh gets compressed," said Dr Karen Boyle from the Greater Baltimore Medical Center in the US. Wearing high heels with skinny jeans could worsen the problem as tilting the pelvis increases the pressure on nerves, she said. 美国大巴尔的摩医疗中心的博伊尔医生表示,这种症状多发于大腿外侧神经受压迫时。她表示,紧身牛仔裤配穿高跟鞋会加重症状,因为(穿高跟鞋时)骨盆侧倾会增加对神经的压迫。 Dr Boyle warned that any tingling sensation caused by their denims should not be ignored as this could lead to more permanent damage. 博伊尔医生警示,穿牛仔裤时感觉到的任何刺痛都不应该被忽视,因为这一状况可能导致永久性损伤。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。) 【Weekly Topic】 This week marks the 20th anniversary of the SMS (short message service). For the last 2 decades, texting has become the norm for staying in touch and it has speeded up daily life for millions. Can you still recall the first text message you sent or received? Or do you have a memorable story related to SMS? Please share it with us. 这一周迎来了短信服务20岁的生日。在过去的20年中,短信已成为一种重要的交流方式,同时也加快了人们的生活节奏。你是否还记得自己发出或收到的第一条短信?如果你有难忘的短信故事,请与我们分享。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-07 23:26:24

    12.7 1.9点起床 X (昨天有点失眠,所以起晚了~这是借口么?是的) 2.10点听力 √ 3.China Daily 早报 √ 4.每天一种水果 √ 5.多喝水 1000ML √ 6.美剧一集 √ 7.线稿一张 √ (继续单体,继续不理想,还是老问题太毛躁.耐心耐心耐心!!!) 8.China Daily 晚报 √ 9. Englishpod 跟读30min √ (018-019) 10.22点前脸部护理 √ 11.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 12.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 13.最晚24点上床 √ 14.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 √ 061 15.把零碎的时候利用起来(暂定于复习 dream note) √ (其实只看了一点点点点点点点) 16.每天看一篇专业文章 √ (全是图片,真是好开心HIAHIA~~)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-08 11:42:12

    【Morning Buzz】 I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good character, and my enemies for their good intellects. (Oscar Wilde, Irish poet, dramatist and critic, 1854-1900) 我根据长相选择朋友,根据人品选择熟人,根据智力选择敌人。(奥斯卡·王尔德,爱尔兰诗人、剧作家、评论家,1854-1900) 早安,各位。 【Highlights】 >HRW group chides Singapore 美组织吁撤诉中国司机 >Home agencies fail expansion 京房产中介减少1800家 >Tsunami warning lifted 日本解除震后海啸警报 >Officials account spending 普京:官员申报全家消费 >Ex-Thai PM accused of murder 泰前总理涉嫌谋杀(图) >Tips: 'To case the joint' 点津:洋小偷黑话'踩点'

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-08 11:44:49

    【Cover Story】 >Apple to return production 美国制造'逆袭'苹果回迁 Apple will invest more than $100m in returning a small proportion of its manufacture of Mac computers to the US next year, the first time in more than a decade that its products will be made as well as designed in the US, its CEO Tim Cook told Bloomberg Business Week in an interview Thursday. The announcement could be good news for a country that has been struggling with an unemployment rate of around 8% for some time and has been bleeding good-paying factory jobs to China and other Asian countries and regions. 苹果首席执行官库克6日接受《彭博商业周刊》采访时表示,该公司明年将投资逾1亿美元,使一小部分Mac电脑的制造业务回流美国。这将是10多年来,苹果首次将产品的设计和制造均转至本土进行,对美国来说可能是个利好消息。该国高达8%的失业率已持续一段时间,而工厂的高收入业务都流向了中国等亚洲国家和地区。 [海外制造遭抨击] Like other US corporations, Apple has come under fire for over-relying on low-cost Asian labor and contributing to the decline of the US manufacturing sector. It makes the majority of its products, from Macs to the iPhone and iPad, in China. 苹果也如其他美国企业一样,因过分依赖亚洲廉价劳力,造成本国制造业日益衰落而饱受诟病。其Mac、iPhone和iPad等大部分产品都在中国制造。 【Top News】 >HRW group chides Singapore 美组织吁撤诉中国司机 Human Rights Watch called for the "illegal strike" charges against Chinese bus drivers to be dropped and discrimination to be ended, Reuters reported. "Singapore defies basic labor rights by criminalizing migrant workers for a work stoppage," Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch, said in a statement. 据路透社报道,针对新加坡对中国籍公交司机"非法罢工"的指控,美国人权观察组织呼吁新当局撤诉并停止歧视。人权观察组织亚洲副主任罗伯森在声明中表示,新加坡将外来劳工罢工定为刑事罪行,是蔑视基本的劳工权利。 [事件回顾] Five Chinese bus drivers have been charged for allegedly instigating (煽动) an illegal strike after a total of 171 Chinese bus drivers took medical leave on Nov 26, citing inequitable pay raises. If convicted, the drivers will face fines of up to 2,000 Singapore dollars each, or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months, or both. 11月26日,171名中国巴士司机以薪资不公为由集体请病假。随后,5名中国籍司机涉嫌非法煽动罢工遭指控。一旦罪名成立,他们每个人将面临最高达2000元新币(约合人民币10215元)罚款,或被监禁最长一年,或两者并处。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-08 11:45:30

    >Home agencies fail expansion 京房产中介减少1800家 There have been few new estate agencies opening up although sales of 2nd-hand homes have registered a strong rebound this year, Beijing News reported. Some 1,800 outlets have been forced to shut by property brokerage services – mostly small scaled – in the past 2 years since new rigorous real estate policies were introduced to cool property prices. As for large scale brokerages, they have taken a prudent attitude toward business expansion. The current market is only strong enough for existing outlets rather than for newcomers, said Liu Jun, chairman of Geland Real Estate Co. 据《新京报》报道,虽然今年北京二手房市场回暖明显,但二手房中介门店的数量并未见增。在深度调控之下,两年间北京的二手房中介门店减少了1800家左右,其中多是小型中介。大型中介目前仍对扩张持谨慎态度。鑫尊集团董事长刘军表示,现在的市场情况只能保证现有门店盈利,市场行情还不足以支撑大幅扩张。 >Tsunami warning lifted 日本解除震后海啸警报 A tsunami warning for Japan's northeastern coastal areas has been lifted Friday by Japanese Meteorological Agency following a 7.3-magnitude earthquake off the east coast of Honshu, Japanese broadcaster NHK reported. Shortly after the quake, the 1m-high tsunami reached Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture – the centre of the devastation from the March 11 disaster in 2011 – where at least 10 people were injured after this latest quake. 据日本NHK电视台报道,日本本州东部海岸7日发生7.3级地震后,日本气象厅向东北部沿海地区发出的海啸预警现已解除。地震发生不久,去年3·11大地震重灾区——日本宫城县石卷市观测到1米高的海啸,截至目前,本次地震已造成当地至少十人受伤。 >Officials account spending 普京:官员申报全家消费 Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a set of bills introducing controls on personal spending by government officials, local media reported. According to the new law, the controls will apply to "purchases of land or other real estate property, vehicles, securities and stocks, if their amount exceeds the income of the purchaser and his or her spouse for the 3 years immediately preceding the transaction." The new provisions will go into effect on Jan 1, 2013. 据俄罗斯媒体报道,该国总统普京近日签署了一系列控制政府官员个人消费的法案。新法规定,一旦官员购买土地或其他房产、汽车、证券和股票的消费额超过购买者和其配偶此前3年的总收入,将对其实行消费控制。新法规将于2013年1月1日生效。 ['重拳'反腐] Officials will have to declare not only their own spending, but also the spending of their spouses and underage children. The source of funds for the acquisition of any property will need to be justified. Failing to do so will result in the official being fired and the property confiscated (充公). The law also introduces criminal liability (刑事责任) for failure to pay a fine that is envisaged as the main punishment for officials unable to prove the legality of their property acquisition. Penalties include house arrest (软禁) or community service, with no specific jail time stipulated in this case. 官员不但要申报自己的消费额,还要申报配偶及未成年子女的消费额。官员需证明自己所购任何资产的资金来源合法,若做不到,官员就会被撤职,其资产被充公。对于那些无法证明所购资产合法,又没有缴纳作为主要惩罚的罚金的官员,该法规将对其追究刑事责任。处罚包括软禁或社区服务,但未规定监禁时间。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-08 11:46:10

    【In Brief】 >A record 1b people will have traveled across an international border as a tourist in 2012, according to the World Travel & Tourism Council. 世界旅游与观光协会预计,2012年全球将有超过10亿人出境旅游,创历史新高。 >US President Barack Obama's approval rating rebounded to a 3-year high at 53%, a month after he won a 2nd term, according to a poll released by Quinnipiac University. 美国奎尼匹克大学进行的民意调查显示,该国总统奥巴马在成功连任一个月后,其支持率反弹至53%,创3年来新高。 【Celebrity】 >Ex-Thai PM accused of murder 泰前总理涉嫌谋杀(图) Thai law enforcement authorities announced Thursday that they will file murder charges against former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and his deputy Suthep Thaugsuban for their roles in a deadly 2010 crackdown on anti-government protests, AP reported. Investigators found Abhisit possibly culpable (有罪的) in the death of a taxi driver because he allowed troops to combat war weapons and live ammunition against protesters. Abhisit and Suthep will be summoned to the DSI office on Dec 12. 据美联社报道,泰国执法机关6日宣布,将以谋杀罪名指控前总理阿披实和前副总理素贴。调查人员发现,阿披实在2010年允许军方使用战争武器和实弹镇压反政府示威者,可能对一名出租车司机的死亡负有刑事责任。泰特别案件调查厅办公室将于本月12日传唤阿披实和素贴到庭接受质询。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-08 11:49:08

    【Language Tips】 'To case the joint' ------------------- Casing the joint这个习语用来形容小偷或盗贼的犯罪行动。Joint表示聚会地点、集合地。To case the joint指的是在行动前去观察或勘探某一地点的情况,即踩点,通常这一地点也就是犯罪分子要实施犯罪的地方。 请看例句: Before taking final action, you have to case the joint to make sure everything is in the right place. 在采取最后行动前,你必须要去踩点,保证万无一失。 【Talk Show】 我好怕怕。(1) >I have a great fear of sharks. 我很怕鲨鱼。 >I'm worried it might rain today. 我担心明天会下雨。 >I'm frightened I might fall. 我很害怕我会掉下去。 >James is scared to death of flying. 詹姆斯怕坐飞机怕得要命。 【Weekly Topic】 This week marks the 20th anniversary of the SMS (short message service). For the last 2 decades, texting has become the norm for staying in touch and it has speeded up daily life for millions. Can you still recall the first text message you sent or received? Or do you have a memorable story related to SMS? Please share it with us. 这一周迎来了短信服务20岁的生日。在过去的20年中,短信已成为一种重要的交流方式,同时也加快了人们的生活节奏。你是否还记得自己发出或收到的第一条短信?如果你有难忘的短信故事,请与我们分享。

  • 熏kimi

    熏kimi (it's about the time to change) 2012-12-08 11:56:37

    劝楼主要是想提高英语的话 还是 看washington post , Economist 神马的 才有进步 中国日报 都 劝楼主要是想提高英语的话 还是 看washington post , Economist 神马的 才有进步 中国日报 都是中式英语 WP New York Times 神马的 也都有app 的 ... Freia

    同意!外教也是不建议看China Daily,21世纪报还是可以看的

  • Freia

    Freia (Farbenreich meiner Wünsche) 2012-12-08 12:53:13

    同意!外教也是不建议看China Daily,21世纪报还是可以看的 同意!外教也是不建议看China Daily,21世纪报还是可以看的 熏kimi

    是怕把你带到 中式英语的沟里去了 而且我觉得内容都是为party 服务的

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-08 15:28:17

    21世纪报我之前 定过, 篇幅好长,我有阅读困难~至于New Year Times 和其他,我脚得我还读不懂, 另外我 学英语不是为了考试,出国或者翻译,想先养成习惯,坚持一下吧先~ 贴在这里, 只是当下搬运工~ 中国新闻的特点...我觉得我还是很认同chepelev的,所以政治那块, 我都只瞅一眼就跳过了~ 恩...还有别的方法学的:美剧,EP和BBC之类的,不是只有 china daily的 谢谢楼上两位关心~

  • 熏kimi

    熏kimi (it's about the time to change) 2012-12-08 15:29:57

    是怕把你带到 中式英语的沟里去了 而且我觉得内容都是为party 服务的 是怕把你带到 中式英语的沟里去了 而且我觉得内容都是为party 服务的 Freia


  • Freia

    Freia (Farbenreich meiner Wünsche) 2012-12-08 16:12:30

    呵呵,Party什么的我就不知道啦,反正我看英语报纸只需是“有文化”的外国人写就可以了,就怕纠 呵呵,Party什么的我就不知道啦,反正我看英语报纸只需是“有文化”的外国人写就可以了,就怕纠结chinglish ... 熏kimi

    。。。我高中起就不看了 高一高二的时候还看过 中国日报 后来是我姐给我说这些的 就光看外文杂志网站了

  • 熏kimi

    熏kimi (it's about the time to change) 2012-12-08 16:40:41

    。。。我高中起就不看了 高一高二的时候还看过 中国日报 后来是我姐给我说这些的 就光看外文 。。。我高中起就不看了 高一高二的时候还看过 中国日报 后来是我姐给我说这些的 就光看外文杂志网站了 ... Freia

    请问你现在都在看什么外文杂志网呢? 我只知道http://www.un.org/wcm/content/site/chronicle/ 上外国网就是BBC了,略略看看标题什么的,不知道为啥最近打不开NYT

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-08 17:43:26


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-08 20:13:19

    "Merry Christmas"(圣诞快乐),这是世界上第一条短信的内容。当时打出这两个单词的人并不知道,在未来的20年里,人们的交流方式会发生怎样的剧变,他也不会想到,当"Xmas"开始流行,已少有人会在短信中写"Christmas"了。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-08 20:13:57

    [短信的诞生] 1992年12月3日,英国一位22岁的软件工程师,尼尔·帕普沃思,用一台电脑发出了历史上第一条短信,这条信息是发给正在参加圣诞晚会的老板的,只是简单的一句"圣诞快乐",但他的老板却无法回复。当时的手机只能接收信息,过了大约一年,诺基亚等厂家生产出具有相应功能的产品后,人们才能使用手机发短信。 On Dec 3, 1992, Neil Papworth, a 22-year-old software engineer in the UK, used a computer to send the first text message to his boss who was at a Christmas party. It simply read "Merry Christmas," and his boss had no way of replying. At that time, you could only receive messages on phones; you couldn't actually send messages from phones until a year or so later when phones from Nokia and others had the proper capability. 那时候,大多数公司的投资重心都在寻呼机上,直到几年后,电信公司才把目光聚焦到手机短信这一业务。1994年,英国电信公司沃达丰推出了短信息服务,该服务完全免费,但短信只能发送给同一网络中的用户。 Back then most companies were investing heavily in pagers (寻呼机). The idea of sending short messages via mobile phones only became a focus for telecoms companies years later. The British telecom company Vodafone launched text messaging in 1994. Texts were completely free then but could only be sent to people on the same network.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-08 20:14:32

    [蓄势待发] 在早期,每条短信都必须控制在160字符以内,不像现在,超出的内容可以合并成一条短信,而且联想文本输入法直到1995年才出现,可想而知,当时发短信的速度有多慢。尽管如此,这项不算昂贵的新技术还是在大学生当中迅速流行起来。1999年,短信息服务终于实现可完全兼容不同网络,一个新的热潮诞生了。 In the early days of texting, users had to stick to a 160 character limit (there was no way of running texts together as there is today) and predictive text systems did not exist before 1995, meaning texting speeds were much slower. Even so, the new inexpensive technology gained instant popularity among college students. In 1999, full cross-network compatibility for SMS (Short Message Service) was finalized. A new fever was born.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-08 20:15:20

    正如任何快速发展的新事物一样,短信一旦起步,便势不可挡。而科技也在发展,20年后,世界早已变换了天地。就在短信告别"青春期"的这一年,人们已在谈论它的"未老先衰"。 [达到巅峰] 到20世纪末,全球共发出超过1千亿条的短信,这一数字在2005增长至1万亿,这还不是巅峰。国际电信联盟的数据显示,在2010年,每分钟就有20万条短信被发出,全球一年共发出6.1万亿条短信。如今,每年有8.6万亿条短信息在人们之间传递。 By the end of the 20th century, more than 100b texts worldwide had been sent, growing to 1 trillion by 2005. And it just kept on growing. In 2010, the International Telecommunications Union reported that 200,000 text messages were being sent every minute and 6.1 trillion texts were sent worldwide. Now 8.6 trillion text messages are being sent every year. [受到挑战] 然而到了2012年,越来越多的证据显示,短信的高峰已过,在持续增长20年后,它终于显露出了疲态,人们已开始转向智能手机,使用电邮、即时通讯及其它第三方通讯工具进行交流。这些软件有更好的用户体验和便捷易用的新功能。市场研究公司Moor Insights & Strategy的分析师帕特里克·莫海德说,"短信不改进,就只能走向衰弱。" But in 2012, there is growing evidence that text messaging is past its peak. After 2 decades of constant growth, text messaging is finally slowing down as people move to smartphones and use e-mail, instant messaging, and 3rd-party messaging tools to communicate. These come with enhanced user experiences and handy extra features. "Texting isn't evolving, therefore it's declining," Patrick Moorhead, principal analyst at Moor Insights & Strategy said.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-08 20:16:02

    [费用是关键] 专家还指出,"归根结底还是费用问题。经过这么多年,运营商还在利用短信收取额外的费用,而实际上经营这项业务几乎可算无本生意,它带来的是纯利润。"另一方面,通过使用一些流行应用和服务,智能手机用户可以用Wi-Fi或蜂窝网络发出他们想发的任何信息,而无需按条付费。 "It comes down to cost - carriers still charge extra for text messaging after all these years, even though it costs essentially nothing to operate. It's pure margin," an expert pointed out. By using popular apps and services, smartphone users can send all the texts they want over Wi-Fi or cellular networks without paying per message. [短信还将陪伴我们很久] 要说短信已亡,却也为时尚早。虽然现在各种交流工具多得让人眼花缭乱,但短信仍然是值得信赖的信息传递者,我们还在用它分享新闻、八卦、娱乐、提醒等各类信息。它仍然比Facebook和Twitter连接着更多的人,还拥有着改变人们生活的能力。更何况,智能机只占所有手机的50%,所以短信在数年内还不会消亡。 It isn't over for SMS though. While a dizzying number of options exist today to interconnect people, the text message remains a reliable deliverer of news, gossip, laughs, alerts, and all manner of other information. It connects more people than Facebook and Twitter, and still holds the ability to change lives. Moreover, smartphones only account for 50% of all cell phones, so text messaging is likely to be around for years to come.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-08 20:16:47

    20年来,短信带给我们的不只是便捷的交流方式。它在潜移默化中改变的事物,要多得多。 *我们更容易与人联络 We are more accessible 现在,你可以轻易地联系到你想找的人,地点、时间都不是问题。而且短信通常都比电话更受欢迎,因为它节省时间和精力。就算你正在开会或听讲座,都可以立即给朋友写一条短信或阅读来信。 Now, you can easily connect with anyone no matter the place or the hour. Often SMS messages are preferred over phone calls since they require less time and effort. You can always write a quick note to a friend or read a message, even if you are at a conference or at lectures, for example. *我们变得三心二意 We are more distracted 这也许是短信带来的最大负面影响之一。因为我们随时随地都在发短信,无论是开车、走路、吃饭还是说话,短信都可照发不误,仿佛已成了瘾。结果便是,如今的人们越来越心不在焉。 This may be one of the most negative aspects of texting. It is because we text everywhere. We text and we drive; we walk and we text; we text and we eat; we speak and we text... It's like we are addicted. As a result, people are now more absent-minded.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-08 20:17:23

    *我们不再认真写字 We violate spelling rules 短信改变了我们写字的习惯,我们省去了传统标点,用缩写、首字母或表情符号代替单词的正常拼写。类似于"l8r" (later)、"gr8" (great)、"b4" (before)等的缩略语让家长们头疼不已,疾呼孩子已经不知道怎样正确拼写了。 Texts have changed the way we write, obliterating conventional punctuations and replacing properly spelled words with abbreviations, initials and "emoticon" symbols. Abbreviations such as "l8r" (later), "gr8" (great) and "b4" (before) soon had befuddled adults complaining that kids had lost the ability to spell correctly. *我们更加直截了当 We are more to-the-point 要在160字符的短信中尽可能地传达信息,一个办法就是上面提到的缩写,另一个,就是保持简单明了。想要节省时间和手机账单,就必须学会直奔主题,不能把时间浪费在形容词、多余的字眼和太多的细节上。 When we need to send information with around 160 characters, one way to fit into the limit is to use abbreviations as mentioned above. The other one is to be short and clear. If you want to save yourself some time and money from phone bills, you need to learn to be direct and to-the-point. There is no time for adjectives, filling words, excessive details and so on.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-08 20:18:28

    短信救过人命、伤过人心,它记录了点滴瞬间,见证了苦乐人生,成为我们追忆往事时的又一个凭证。以下几条短信,或多或少已在历史中烙下了自己的印记。 [见证幸福] "你愿意嫁给我吗?" "Will you marry me?" ——所知第一条求婚短信,由推销员格兰特·斯特朗奇于1999年发送给他的女友,后者回复道:"愿意。愿意。愿意。XXX"(注:X为亲吻之意) The first known text proposal was sent in 1999 by salesman Grant Strange to his girlfriend, who responded: "Yes. Yes. Yes. XXX" [记录创伤] "这是场有预谋的袭击,第二架飞机刚刚飞入第二座高楼。" "It's a DELIBERATE attack - a second plane just flew into the second tower." ——维基解密公布了所有"9·11事件"时发出的短信记录,这是其中一条,由一位匿名目击者发出。这些短信详细描述了美国历史上所遭受的最严重的恐怖袭击的整个经过。 This message, from an unknown witness, came to light as Wikileaks disclosed a full record of texts sent during the 9/11 attacks - a second-by-second account of the worst terrorist atrocity on US soil.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-08 20:19:19

    [走入政治] "奥巴马提名乔·拜登议员为我们的副总统候选人。" "Barack has chosen Senator Joe Biden to be our VP nominee." ——奥巴马使用大规模群发短信的方式来公布自己的副总统候选人,标志着在政治领域一对一传播时代的到来。但这巨大的短信发送数目使得当时美国网络几近瘫痪,很多支持者事后才收到这条消息。 Barack Obama's decision to announce his choice of vice president via a mass text message marked a new era of "personal" communication in politics. Obama's announcement arrived late for many of his supporters, though, as the sheer volume overwhelmed networks in the US. [闹过乌龙] "LOL" ——前新闻国际集团首席执行官丽贝卡·布鲁克斯透露,英国首相卡梅伦曾在发给她的短信后属上"LOL",因为他以为这三个字母代表"lots of love"(很多爱),而实际上人们用它表示"laughing out loud"(哈哈大笑)。 Former News International Executive Rebekah Brooks reveals that Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron used to send her texts signed "LOL" because he thought it meant "lots of love"; its usual meaning is "laughing out loud". [创造历史] "来自地球的问候。" "Hello from Earth." ——澳大利亚堪培拉外太空通信中心将世界各地的短信通过70米长的天线和无线电技术送到外太空。这些问候最终会送达据称为太阳系以外可支持生命存活的Gliese 581d星球。 Text messages from all around the world were sent into space from the Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex in Australia, a 70-meter antenna capable of sending radio signals into deep space. The greeting was sent to Gliese 581d - a planet outside our solar system thought to be able to support life. 【'潮人'的短信用语】 A3 - anyplace, anytime, anywhere ASAP - as soon as possible BRB - be right back CUL - see you later FTF - face to face HAND - have a nice day HRU - how are you IDTS - I don't think so JK - just kidding Luv U - I love you Luv U2 - I love you too MU - miss you OIC - oh, I see PCM - please call me

  • Freia

    Freia (Farbenreich meiner Wünsche) 2012-12-09 01:26:31

    请问你现在都在看什么外文杂志网呢? 我只知道http://www.un.org/wcm/content/site/chronicle/ 请问你现在都在看什么外文杂志网呢? 我只知道http://www.un.org/wcm/content/site/chronicle/ 上外国网就是BBC了,略略看看标题什么的,不知道为啥最近打不开NYT ... 熏kimi

    Economist washington post 专业是理科的原因 所以也看这俩: nature science

  • 怪物史莱克

    怪物史莱克 (反正怎麼過,都是一生。) 2012-12-09 02:49:29


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-09 08:59:12

    【Morning Buzz】 A man must have grown old and lived long in order to see how short life is. (Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher, 1788-1860) 为了解人生有多么短暂,一个人必须走过漫长的生活道路。(亚瑟·叔本华,德国哲学家,1788-1860) 早安,各位。 【Highlights】 >China combats corruption 十八大后12名官员被查 >CNOOC to take over Nexen 中海油收购尼克森获批 >Japan, US deploy destroyers 日美齐部署应对朝火箭 >Nurse in prank call dies '恶搞电话'逼死王妃护士? >'Christmas' post office busy 加圣诞岛邮戳驰名(图) >Tips: What is 'free rein'? 点津:'放任自由'表达法

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-09 08:59:40

    【Cover Story】 >Women's online role grows 女性网络势力正在崛起 It's a woman's World Wide Web. Today's online experience is increasingly about connecting with people and sharing information. And female users have responded enthusiastically, CNN reported. More than half of social network users are women. Women spend 2 more hours a month online than men and account for 60% of e-commerce dollars. 据美国有线电视新闻网报道,当今世界已成为女性万维网的时代。如今网上的人际交流和信息分享进行得越来越频繁,而女性用户正在其中扮演积极的角色。社交网络上超半数用户为女性。女性每月上网时间比男性多2小时,她们还贡献了60%的电子商务消费。 【Top News】 >China combats corruption 十八大后12名官员被查 Incomplete statistics show 12 government officials nationwide have been investigated by the Commission for Discipline Inspection in just over 20 days since the 18th CPC National Congress closed, Beijing News reported. Among them, womanizing and unclear assets are the main causes for the investigations. Experts said the 18th Party congress has set a new bar for the Party to recognize corruption. 据《新京报》报道,中共十八大闭幕至今20余天,在全国范围,不完全统计已有12名官员被纪委调查。其中情色、巨额财产来源不明的腐败案件尤其引人注目。专家分析称,十八大对反腐败的认识达到了一个新高度。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-09 09:00:12

    >CNOOC to take over Nexen 中海油收购尼克森获批 China National Offshore Oil Corp (CNOOC) Ltd's takeover of Nexen Inc was approved by the Canadian Ministry of Industry under the Investment Canada Act, CNOOC announced Saturday, Xinhua reported. The deal is all but certain to be completed owing to the governmental approval, according to an industry insider. The $15.1b takeover will be the biggest overseas acquisition by a Chinese company. 据新华社报道,中国海洋石油有限公司8日宣布,中海油收购加拿大尼克森公司的申请,符合《加拿大投资法》,已获得加拿大工业部的批准。业内人士称,在获得加拿大政府的批准后,这笔交易的成功可以说"几无悬念"。这笔交易总对价约为151亿美元。收购成功后,将成为中国企业最大的一笔海外收购。 [关于尼克森] Nexen Inc is a Canadian-based global energy company, listed on the Toronto and New York stock exchanges. Nexen is focused on 3 growth strategies: oil sands and shale gas in western Canada, conventional exploration and development primarily in the North Sea, offshore West Africa, and the deepwater Gulf of Mexico. 尼克森是一家位于加拿大的全球性能源公司,在多伦多和纽约两地上市。尼克森专注于3项发展战略:加拿大西部的油砂、页岩气及主要位于北海、西非近海及墨西哥湾深水海域的常规油气勘探与开发。 >Japan, US deploy destroyers 日美齐部署应对朝火箭 Japan and the US have deployed missile destroyers ahead of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's (DPRK) rocket launch, foreign media reported. Japan has sent 3 Aegis destroyers, armed with SM-3 missile interceptors, to its waters. It also sent a naval ship with PAC-3 (Patriot Advanced Capability-3) ballistic missiles to Okinawa. Meanwhile, the US deployed naval ships with ballistic missile defenses in the region, including 2 guided missile destroyers. 据外媒报道,日本和美国已部署导弹驱逐舰应对朝鲜火箭发射计划。日本在其海域部署了3艘宙斯盾驱逐舰,舰上装备有SM-3导弹拦截系统,并在冲绳部署了一艘携带"爱国者3"型弹道导弹的军舰。与此同时,美国也向该区域派遣了携带弹道导弹的军舰,其中包括两艘导弹驱逐舰。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-09 09:00:40

    【In Brief】 >Chinese women's national team finished 2012 in the 17th spot (5th in Asia) in the FIFA women's world rankings. The US, Germany and Japan remain in the top 3. This is the last edition of the FIFA women's world rankings this year. 国际足联公布了女足国家队最新世界排名同时也是2012年的年终排名。中国女足最终排名世界第17位,亚洲位列第5。女足世界排名前3位没有变化,仍然是美国、德国和日本。 >The year's trading volume of new residential properties in Beijing reached RMB211.7b as of Thursday, a 3-year record and a 40% increase from a year earlier, according to data from Centaline, people.com.cn reported. 据人民网报道,中原地产的统计数据显示,截至6日,北京新建居住类物业年内签约市值达到了2117亿元,同比大增4成,创3年内新高。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-09 09:01:16

    【Newsmaker】 >Nurse in prank call dies '恶搞电话'逼死王妃护士? A nurse who answered a prank call aimed at getting through to the pregnant Duchess Kate Middleton has been found dead, in a suspected suicide, the King Edward VII hospital said Friday, foreign media reported. The death comes days after the nurse was duped by 2 Australian radio station disc jockeys and revealed details about Kate's condition, which made headlines around the globe. The 2 disc jockeys behind the call have shut down their Twitter accounts and have been taken off the air until further notice. 据外媒报道,英国爱德华七世医院7日证实,接听"恶搞王室电话"的护士被发现死亡,疑似自杀。数日前,澳大利亚2名电台主持人为打探凯特王妃怀孕信息,将恶搞电话打至医院,女护士信以为真,致使有关凯特王妃身体状况的信息泄露。这一事件一时成为全球各大媒体头条。目前,2名主持人已删除微博账户,并被无限期停职。 【Kaleidoscope】 >'Christmas' post office busy 加圣诞岛邮戳驰名(图) One of the busiest post offices in Canada is in a small Cape Breton town that's fortunate enough to have the name of Christmas Island. Every year, thousands of holiday cards are sent to the post office to be stamped with the distinctive postmark, Canadian media reported. Anyone can send their mail marked with proper postage to the post office. Postmistress Hughena MacKinnon will then open the envelopes and hand-stamp the mail inside with 2 festive postmarks: one red and one green.(See photo) 据加拿大媒体报道,该国最繁忙的邮局之一位于布雷顿角一个有幸被命名为"圣诞岛"的小镇上,每年都会有成千上万的节日卡片被寄到这里,务求得到独特的"圣诞"邮戳。无论是谁,都可以花上适当的邮资,将信件寄到圣诞岛邮局。邮局局长麦金农女士会打开这些信封,亲手为里面的信件盖上两个节日邮戳:1个红色,1个绿色。(见图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-09 09:03:30

    【Language Tips】 'Free rein' ---------- Rein的本意是指套在马脖子上的缰绳。如果你拉紧缰绳,就可以使马放慢速度。因此rein常被引申为"驾驭、统治"的意思。Free rein意为"完全自由的行动",不受他人牵制。这个短语在日常生活中十分常用。 请看例句: Give free rein to your imagination. 你可以完全放飞想像力。 【Talk Show】 我好怕怕。(2) >That movie was absolutely terrifying. 那部电影真够恐怖的。 >I was petrified when I heard a noise outside. 我听到外面的声响时都吓呆了。 >He's been dreading this day for months. 他一连几个月都在担心这一天。 >That guy gives me the creeps. 那家伙让我毛骨悚然。 >I think he has a few last-minute jitters, but he'll be OK. 我觉得他只是最后关头有些焦虑,不过他会没事的。 (本期英文内容由美籍编辑Nelly Min润色。) 【Weekly Topic】 This week marks the 20th anniversary of the SMS (short message service). For the last 2 decades, texting has become the norm for staying in touch and it has speeded up daily life for millions. Can you still recall the first text message you sent or received? Or do you have a memorable story related to SMS? Please share it with us. 这一周迎来了短信服务20岁的生日。在过去的20年中,短信已成为一种重要的交流方式,同时也加快了人们的生活节奏。你是否还记得自己发出或收到的第一条短信?如果你有难忘的短信故事,请与我们分享。

  • cheeeeeeese

    cheeeeeeese 2012-12-09 09:07:46

    [内容不可见] [内容不可见] [已注销]

    中国移动用户发送短信CD到10658000,5元/月 中国电信用户发送短信CD到10659000,6元/月 中国联通用户发送短信CDCD到10655111,5元/月 给大家福利啦啦啦~

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-09 10:24:54

    复制完了,虽然说CD很中文式,但是我的目的主要是熟悉下单词,培养下语感,毕竟词汇才是王道,正 复制完了,虽然说CD很中文式,但是我的目的主要是熟悉下单词,培养下语感,毕竟词汇才是王道,正因为词汇帮我度过了苦涩的考研英语的关。因此平时看完中式化英语报后,有空可以看看床头灯系列那些,加强语感。先跟自己过不去,只有这样才能突破自己,往后看英语就不再吃力了。重要的就是要坚持。PS谢谢LZ和五爸的坚持~ ... 怪物史莱克

    多谢ls推荐,床头灯我大学时看过, 没有 坚持~

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-09 10:26:23

    Economist washington post 专业是理科的原因 所以也看这俩: nature science Economist washington post 专业是理科的原因 所以也看这俩: nature science Freia

    chepelev V5 chepelev在国外么? 我也是理科女~虐~

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-09 10:30:40

    12.8 1.9点起床 X 2.10点听力 √ 3.China Daily 早报 √ 4.每天一种水果 √ 5.多喝水 1000ML √ 6.美剧一集 √ 7.线稿一张X 8.China Daily 晚报 X 9. Englishpod 跟读30min X 10.22点前脸部护理 X 11.22点诗词各 一篇 X 12.澡后抹润肤乳 X 13.最晚24点上床 √ 14.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 X 15.把零碎的时候利用起来(暂定于复习 dream note) X 16.每天看一篇专业文章 X 全是叉~昨天去剪头发了, 花了五个小时总共~真是浪费时间!!! 我内疚我反省

  • Freia

    Freia (Farbenreich meiner Wünsche) 2012-12-09 10:53:54

    chepelev V5 chepelev在国外么? 我也是理科女~虐~ chepelev V5 chepelev在国外么? 我也是理科女~虐~ Ging

    嗯 加拿大

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-09 19:40:54

    【Weather Dec 10】 Fuzhou: cloudy -9~14℃ Xiamen: cloudy 13~17℃ Quanzhou: cloudy 10~16℃ 【Highlights】 >GD officials to declare assets 粤3地试点官员财产公示 >DPRK reschedules launch 朝鲜调整卫星发射时间 >Red Cross sets up committee 白岩松任红会监督委员 >Italian PM intends to resign 意大利总理宣布将辞职 >Robot to accompany astronauts 太空'陪聊'机器人将问世 >Dogs learn to drive 小狗八周学会开车(图) >Tips: What is 'dead duck'? 点津:死鸭子为何意?

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-09 19:41:40

    【Cover Story】 >Nov inflation rises to 2% 11月CPI同比上涨2% China's consumer price index (CPI), a main gauge of inflation, grew 2% year-on-year in November, the National Bureau of Statistics announced Sunday. The inflation rate increased from a 33-month low of 1.7% in October as a result of higher food prices. Food prices rose 3% in November from one year earlier, pushing the CPI up 0.95 percentage points. Vegetable prices jumped 11.3% year-on-year due to supply disruption from cold weather, pushing the CPI up 0.27 percentage points. 国家统计局9日发布的数据显示,11月份,全国居民消费价格总水平(CPI)同比上涨2%,继10月份CPI创下33个月低点(1.7%)后出现温和反弹,食品价格是其上涨主要原因。11月份,食品价格同比上涨3%,影响居民消费价格总水平同比上涨0.95个百分点。其中,由于寒冷天气影响供应,鲜菜价格上涨11.3%,影响居民消费价格总水平上涨0.27个百分点。 【Top News】 >GD officials declare assets 粤3地试点官员财产公示 Guangdong has selected 3 designated districts and counties to introduce a pilot project requiring all Party and government officials to report their assets, according to the Guangdong Commission for Discipline Inspection, China Business Journal reported. The 3 places are Hengqin in Zhuhai, Nansha district in Guangzhou and Shixing county in Shaoguan. Local government officials in the chosen areas must declare their family's assets. Some of the information will be made public. The pilot plan will be completed by the end of 2014 and expanded to other parts of the province. 据《中国经营报》报道,广东省纪委透露,广东将进行官员财产公示试点,试点地区已敲定为珠海横琴、广州市南沙新区和韶关市始兴县。试点地区党员领导干部需如实申报家庭财产并在一定范围内予以公示。据了解,试点工作将在2014年完成并逐步推广至全省。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-09 19:42:01

    >DPRK reschedules launch 朝鲜调整卫星发射时间 The Democratic People's Republic of Korea said Saturday that the scheduled time for the satellite launch will be readjusted, official news agency KCNA reported. "We are in the final stages of preparation for the launch of the 2nd version of Kwangmyongsong-3, a scientific and technological satellite," a spokesman for the Korean Committee for Space Technology said. However, the spokesman added that "our scientists and technicians are now seriously examining the issues of readjusting the launching time of the satellite for some reasons." The satellite was scheduled to launch between Dec 10 and Dec 22. 据朝中社报道,朝鲜8日宣布将调整卫星发射的预定时间。朝鲜宇宙空间技术委员会发言人说,朝鲜正在推进发射"光明星3号"2期科技卫星的准备工作,已进行到最后阶段。但因为一些原因,朝鲜科技工作者正在慎重考虑调整发射卫星的时间问题。该卫星原定于12月10日至22日期间发射。 >Italian PM intends to resign 意大利总理宣布将辞职 Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti said Saturday he intends to resign, Xinhua reported. After a 2-hour meeting with Italian President Giorgio Napolitano, Monti said he will step down after attempting to pass a 2013 budget through parliament. Monti's emergency cabinet of unelected technocrats has lost the support of the largest party in parliament - his predecessor Silvio Berlusconi's center-right People of Freedom party. Earlier in the day, Berlusconi announced plans to return to power. 据新华社报道,意大利总理蒙蒂8日宣布辞职意向。与总统纳波利塔诺会谈2小时后,蒙蒂宣布,他将在努力让议会通过他的政府预算法案后辞职。蒙蒂由未经选举的专家组成的紧急内阁已经失去了议会最大党派——前任总理贝卢斯科尼的中右派自由人民党的支持。当天早些时候,贝卢斯科尼宣布将再次竞选总理之位。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-09 19:42:22

    >Robot to accompany astronauts 太空'陪聊'机器人将问世 Japanese scientists are developing a humanoid robot designed to converse with astronauts to keep them company aboard the International Space Station, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. The 33-centimeter android is scheduled to be completed by next summer. It reportedly weighs around 1 kg and can recognize human facial features. The robot also has the ability to communicate with the astronauts in Japanese. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,日本科学家正在研制一款"陪聊"类人机器人,以便他能在国际空间站陪宇航员一起打发时光。这款机器人高33厘米,重约1公斤,能够识别出人类的面部特征,并会用日语与宇航员交流。预计"陪聊"机器人将于明年夏天诞生。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-09 19:42:44

    【In Brief】 >China's Nobel literature laureate Mo Yan will deliver a speech at Stockholm University at 9 pm today Beijing Time. The event is expected to be his most anticipated speaking engagement during his Sweden tour. The university will stream the event live on its official website. 北京时间今晚9点,赴瑞典领取诺贝尔文学奖的莫言将在斯德哥尔摩大学举行演讲,这次演讲更加受人瞩目。斯大的官网将通过视频进行直播。 >China's smartphone shipments hit a record high in the 3rd quarter, reaching more than 60m units, more than 3 times that of PC shipments over the same period, research firm IDC said. 调研公司IDC称,今年第3季度,中国市场智能手机出货量突破6000万台,创历史新高,是同期PC出货量的3倍多。 >The Red Cross Society of China has set up an outsider scrutiny committee, Beijing Times reported. Bai Yansong, a well-known TV presenter, and 16 other professionals and celebrities were chosen as committee members. 据《京华时报》报道,中国红十字会日前成立社会监督委员会,白岩松等17名各界知名人士担任委员。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-09 19:43:06

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Dogs learn to drive 小狗八周学会开车(图) Animal experts in New Zealand have been teaching dogs to drive in wooden carts, according to The Daily Telegraph of Australia. Astonishingly, it took 3 mutts (狗) just 8 weeks to master basics such as steering and braking. All the "trainees" involved were stray dogs rescued by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, an animal welfare group in New Zealand. Through this program, the group hopes to show the public how intelligent dogs are and encourage more adoption.(See photo) 据澳大利亚《每日电讯报》报道,新西兰动物专家正在教小狗在木质模型车里学习开车,令人惊讶的是,3条聪明的小狗仅花8周时间就掌握了诸如转向和刹车等基本驾驶技能。"小狗开车"课程的"学员"都是被新西兰动物福利组织防止虐待动物协会救回来的流浪狗。该组织希望通过这种方式向人们证明这些狗有多么聪明,并鼓励领养。(见图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-09 19:43:26

    【Language Tips】 'Dead duck' ---------- Dead duck(直译死鸭子)这个俗语可以用在生活的各个方面,意思是"注定要完蛋的人,没有价值的人或事"。 请看例句: The president's proposal looks like a dead duck. Some congressmen in his own party are against it, so I'm afraid he won't get enough votes to get it passed through Congress. 总统的提案看来是没有希望了,连他自己党内的议员都反对,所以他恐怕不能获得足够的票数使得这一提案在国会通过。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-09 19:43:45

    【China Daily Radio】 多哈气候大会9日已经结束,请看《中国日报》报道关于该大会第一阶段会议的报道: Developing countries have submitted a proposal for a mid-term financing target for 2015, which is meant to ensure that the $100 billion a year in climate financing that developed countries have pledged to provide by 2020 in climate financing is guaranteed. 发展中国家提出的2015年中期融资目标意在确保发达国家承诺的到2020年前实现每年1000亿美元的气候融资能够到位。 Climate financing就是"气候融资",指发达国家承诺通过征收碳税(carbon tax)、国际运输税(tax on international transport service)和金融交易税(financial transaction tax),以筹集资金,帮助发展中国家应对气候变化。 在第一阶段的会议中,有关《京都议定书(Kyoto Protocol)》的第二承诺期(second commitment period)等重要议题都没有实质性进展。 (本期英文内容由美籍编辑Michael Thai润色。)

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-09 23:24:01

    12.9 1.9点起床 X 2.10点听力 √ 3.China Daily 早报 √ 4.每天一种水果 √ 5.多喝水 1000ML √ 6.美剧一集 √ 7.线稿一张 √ (线条很碎,且犹豫.改!) 8.China Daily 晚报 √ 9. Englishpod 跟读30min √ 10.22点前脸部护理 √ 11.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 12.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 13.最晚24点上床 √ 14.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 √ P81 15.把零碎的时候利用起来(暂定于复习 dream note) X 16.每天看一篇专业文章 √ 17.每天看半小时美讯 √

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-10 08:53:17

    【Morning Buzz】 Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had. (Scott Fitzgerald, American writer, 1896-1940) 每当你想要指责别人的时候,要切记,这世上并非所有人都拥有你那样的优越条件。(斯科特·菲茨杰拉德,美国作家,1896-1940) 早安,各位。 【Highlights】 >Micro-homes hit market 15平住房将面市每套9万 >Mo Yan gives university speech 莫言大学演讲开场读'狼' >Higher tuition, less courses 英学费涨3倍课程遭'砍' >Typhoon Bopha kills 620 台风宝霞致菲超600人亡 >Chavez says cancer back 查韦斯癌症复发谈'继承' >Chileans want a doomsday off 智利1/4员工'预言日'请假 >Phones use 'eyeprints' 手机验证首推眼纹识别 【Notice】 《爱·分享》12月,留学攻略

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-10 08:54:41

    【Cover Story】 >Investors snap up parking spaces 京城兴'炒车位'最贵80万 Speculators are seeking new investment options as a result of the cooling property market. Investors in Beijing are now snapping up car parking spaces, which are becoming rarer and more expensive as city vehicles increase, Workers' Daily reported. Prices of parking spots, which were valued at more than RMB100,000 2 years ago, have now doubled. The most expensive parking space in the city costs an astounding RMB800,000. Investors are profiting by renting or reselling the spaces. 据《工人日报》报道,继炒房之后,京城兴起炒车位。随着机动车保有量的增加,车位供不应求,成为稀缺资源,价格也随之水涨船高。目前北京小区停车位价格最高可达80万元,而两年前价格十多万的车位,如今价格翻番。投资者购得车位后,或售或租,获利颇丰。 【Top News】 >Micro-homes hit market 15平住房将面市每套9万 Property developer China Vanke plans to sell experimental micro-apartments measuring 15 sq m, Voice of China reported. The apartments are priced at about RMB90,000 each, or roughly RMB6,000 per sq m. The micro-homes target college graduates aged 18-25 that have just started work. In Dongguan, a model apartment shows it has the capacity to house a table, toilet, cupboard, desk and wardrobe. 据中国之声报道,万科打算将实验室里的15平方米微型住宅推向市场,潜在用户是大学刚毕业18-25岁的有置业需求的年轻人。这种住宅每平单价约6000元,总价约9万元。在东莞已经有了这样的样板楼,桌、卫生间、橱柜、书桌衣柜一应俱全。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-10 08:55:07

    >Mo Yan gives university speech 莫言大学演讲开场读'狼' This year's Nobel Prize laureate in Literature, the Chinese writer Mo Yan, delivered a lecture at Stockholm University Sunday night (Beijing time), chinanews.com reported. After a welcome speech by Vice-Chancellor of Stockholm University, Kare Bremer, Mo read his short novel "Wolf" and excerpts from his work "Life and death are wearing me out". Later Mo, along with Swedish sinologists (汉学家) Goran Malmqvist and Torbjörn Lodén, exchanged opinions with the audience. 据中新网报道,北京时间9日晚,2012年诺贝尔文学奖得主莫言出席斯德哥尔摩大学组织的读书讲座。斯大副校长卡尔•布雷莫首先致欢迎辞,接着莫言朗读了自己的短篇小说《狼》以及小说《生死疲劳》的片段。之后,莫言以及瑞典著名汉学家马悦然和罗多弼一起与读者进行了交流。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-10 08:55:33

    >Higher tuition, less courses 英学费涨3倍课程遭'砍' Since the beginning of 2012, nearly 1 in 5 degree courses in British universities have been scrapped, while tuition fees have tripled to £9,000 per year, the Daily Mail of London reported. Universities are concentrating on popular subjects and dropping courses that have too few applicants or are too expensive to run. Official figures showed that both domestic and overseas students applying to the UK universities in 2013 have decreased. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,2012年年初以来,英国大学有近1/5的学位课程被削减,而大学学费则飙升3倍,达每年9000英镑。目前,英大学将重心放在受欢迎的学科上,砍掉了那些报名人数少或开课费用太昂贵的学科。官方公布的数据显示,申请2013年入读英国大学的本土学生和海外留学生人数都有所下降。 >Phones use 'eyeprints' 手机验证首推眼纹识别 A new phone security software that takes advantage of "eyeprints" has been developed by a US startup called EyeVerify, according to MIT Technology Review. EyeVerify's software identifies the owner by "eyeprints," the pattern of veins in the whites of eyes that differs from person to person. Users only have to look into the phone's camera lens and move their eyes to the side for the phone to recognize them. 据麻省理工《科技评论》报道,最近,一家名为EyeVerify的美国创业公司开发出了一种新的手机安全软件,此款软件的亮点是对于"眼纹"的利用,它能根据眼纹(即眼白的纹理结构)来识别用户,因为每个人的眼纹都是独一无二的。用户只要盯着手机摄像头,向两侧转动眼球即可验证身份。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-10 08:56:01

    【In Brief】 >The official death toll from Typhoon Bopha in the Philippines has already reached 620, while the number missing rose to 817, the country's National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council said Sunday. 菲律宾国家减灾避险管理委员会9日表示,据官方统计,台风"宝霞"已造成该国620人遇难,817人失踪。 >Top seed Xu Xin won the men's singles title at the 2012 ITTF World Tour Grand Finals in Hangzhou Sunday, beating Chinese teammate Wang Hao. 9日,国际乒联职业巡回赛年终总决赛在杭州落下帷幕。赛会头号种子许昕横扫王浩,加冕男单冠军。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-10 08:56:22

    【Celebrity】 >Chavez says cancer back 查韦斯癌症复发谈'继承' Venezuela's Hugo Chavez said Saturday that his cancer had returned and he would undergo another operation in the coming days. For the first time the president spoke publicly about the possibility of a successor, foreign media reported. Speaking during a televised address from the presidential palace, he said that if his health were to worsen, Vice President Nicolas Maduro should replace him. 据外媒报道,委内瑞拉总统查韦斯8日表示自己的癌症再度复发,将在几天内再次接受手术,查韦斯还首次公开谈及"继承人"问题。查韦斯在总统府发表电视讲话称,如果自己健康情况恶化,副总统尼古拉斯·马杜罗将接任。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-10 08:56:54

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Chileans want a doomsday off 智利1/4员工'预言日'请假 In a telephone survey conducted in Chile, 24% of respondents said that they will ask their employers for the day off on Dec 21. Almost half of those willing to ask for time off said they would explain to their superiors that they were "very superstitious" and therefore could not work that day, ABC reported. About 33% of respondents said they will ask to be paid in advance before Dec 21. Based on the Mayan calendar, it is believed that Dec 21, 2012 marks the end of the world. 据美国广播公司报道,智利的一项电话调查显示,该国24%的公民打算12月21日向雇主请假不上班,其中近一半人表示将向上司坦诚自己十分迷信,当天不能工作。此外,约33%的受访者请求在12月21日到来前预付他们工资。有传言,按照玛雅日历,2012年12月21日是世界末日。 >Eagle gets 5-mile truck ride 秃鹰被迫'搭便车'5英里 A bald eagle was forced to accept a free 5-mile ride with its head tightly stuck in the front grill of a pickup truck (敞篷小型载货卡车), foreign media reported. Horry, the truck driver, saw a bird-like creature on his truck while driving, but could not stop since he was on a 2-lane road. After arriving at his destination, he saw a bald eagle trapped in the grill. Luckily, it was unharmed and flew away after being freed. "I always carry vegetables but this is the first time I gave a bird a ride," Horry joked.(See photo) 据外媒报道,一只秃鹰因为头被卡在小货车的引擎盖中动弹不得,被迫"搭便车"5英里。货车司机霍利在驾驶过程中发现车上好像有一只鸟。但由于正在双行道上行驶,他无法停下来帮忙。抵达目的地后,他才发现一只秃鹰紧紧趴在引擎盖上。幸运的是,秃鹰未受伤,被解救后立即展翅飞走。霍利开玩笑说:"平时我都是载着蔬菜,这还是第一次让鸟搭便车呢!"(见图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-10 08:57:24

    【Talk Show】 买醉狂欢,一起喝一杯吧!(1) >Let's grab a beer after work. 工作后咱们去喝一杯吧。 (Grab是种很口语的讲法,比如grab a cab打辆车,grab your jacket带上外套,在这里grab a beer是喝一杯的意思。) >A glass of red for me, thanks. 麻烦帮我点一杯红酒,谢谢。 (Red在这里是不精确的一种说法,表达自己无所谓哪种特定的红酒。) (本期英文内容由美籍编辑Michael Thai润色。)

  • 滚滚萌萌哒

    滚滚萌萌哒 2012-12-10 10:13:58


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-10 17:34:54

    【Weather Dec 11】 Fuzhou: overcast 9~14℃ Xiamen: overcast 12~17℃ Quanzhou: cloudy 11~16℃ 【BOC Exchange Rates】 100 USD = 629.22 CNY 100 GBP = 1008.36 CNY 100 EUR = 812.1 CNY 100 HKD = 81.19 CNY 100 JPY = 7.6074 CNY (以上人民币汇率中间价来源于中国银行网站) 【Markets】 Shanghai Stock 2083.77 +21.98 +1.07% HangSeng Stock 22276.72 +85.55 +0.39% 【Highlights】 >2013 holiday dates issued 明年部分公假安排出炉 >Mo Yan gets award tonight 莫言今晚获颁诺贝尔奖 >Online retailers eye Dec 12 双十二'网促'喧嚣而至 >Rocket launch extended 朝推迟火箭发射至29日 >Typhoon victims beg for food 菲食物短缺致灾民乞讨 >PSY apologizes for lyrics 鸟叔因'歌词门'致歉美国 >Eye phone of contact lens 隐形眼镜也能接收短信

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-10 17:35:56

    【Cover Story】 >China's super rich beat US 京沪富豪人数超洛杉矶 New data from WealthInsight shows that Beijing and Shanghai each have more multi-millionaires now than Los Angeles, NBC reported. The study measures the segment of the population worth $30m or more. Beijing has 1,318 people in that group. Shanghai has 2,028. Both are higher than Los Angeles, which has 950. New York still towers over the others when it comes to the ultra-highs, with 2,929 people worth $30m or more. But the BRICS are catching up. Sao Paulo, Brazil, has 1,310 ultra-highs – more than San Francisco, Washington and Miami combined. 据美国全国广播公司报道,"财富洞察力"最新数据显示,北京和上海千万富翁人数双双超过美国洛杉矶。这份研究调查了资产在3千万美元以上的超富人群,结果显示,北京拥有1318名超级富豪,上海有2028人,均超过洛杉矶的950人。纽约依然是超级富豪最多的城市,有2929人。不过金砖国家城市正在赶超,巴西圣保罗有1310人,超过旧金山、华盛顿和迈阿密富豪人数的总和。 【Top News】 >Mo Yan gets award tonight 莫言今晚获颁诺贝尔奖 Chinese writer Mo Yan will be awarded the Nobel Literature Prize at 11:30 pm Beijing Time at the Nobel awarding ceremony today. According to Chongqing Daily, Mo Yan will receive the prize from the hands of Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf. While making the announcement, Per Wastberg, chairman of the Nobel Committee for Literature, will pay a compliment to Mo Yan, saying "Mo Yan's imagination soars across the entire human existence. He is a wonderful portrayer of nature." 中国作家莫言将于北京时间23时30分的诺贝尔颁奖仪式上获颁诺贝尔文学奖。据《重庆日报》报道,瑞典国王卡尔十六世·古斯塔夫将亲自为莫言颁奖。诺贝尔文学奖评选委员会主席佩尔·韦斯特伯格将为莫言致授奖词。授奖词中称赞莫言的想象力超越了人类存在本身,是一位卓越的自然描画者。 >Online retailers eye Dec 12 双十二'网促'喧嚣而至 In the wake of an impressive sales spree on Nov 11, e-commerce retailers are trying to forge Dec 12 into another shopping bonanza, Chongqing Evening News reported Monday. Besides attractive prices, e-commerce companies are launching new ways to draw buyers' attention. 360buy is offering youth beauty couriers to deliver goods in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu during Dec 12 shopping carnival. Paipai.com requires online sellers to ship goods within 72 hours after receiving orders. And 51buy.com plans to hand out RMB50m discount coupons to attract buyers. 据《重庆晚报》10日报道,继业绩惊人的"双十一" 网购狂欢之后,电商力图将"双十二"打造成另一个购物盛宴。除了以价格为噱头外,各路电商还频出新招吸引买家眼球。京东将于"双十二"期间在北上广和成都推出美少女快递员服务,拍拍网要求商家实现下单后72小时内发货,易迅则将使出投放价值5000万的优惠券的策略。 >Typhoon victims beg for food 菲食物短缺致灾民乞讨 Desperate families are begging for food on Philippine roadsides after super typhoon Bopha brought death and destruction to the south, AFP reported. "Have mercy on us, please donate," read one sign held up by a group of ragged children. A farmer's wife said her family was trying to make do while sheltering in a tent on a basketball court. "We were given rations but it was not enough for me and my 4 children," she said. A regional civil defence officer said many relief agencies, both governmental and non-governmental, were entering the area with supplies for typhoon victims. 据法新社报道,超级台风"宝霞"给菲律宾南部造成毁灭性打击,当地居民伤亡惨重,一些绝望的家庭在路边乞讨食物。一群衣衫褴褛的孩子举着标语牌,上面写道:"请可怜我们,捐点东西吧"。一农民妻子称,她的家人目前在篮球场上的帐篷内将就住着。"政府分配食物给我们,但那点食物对于我和4个孩子来说根本不够。"当地民防办公室官员说,目前许多政府和非政府救援机构,都正前往该地区,为灾民提供物资。 【In Brief】 >The State Council has issued major holiday dates for 2013. The New Year's Day holiday will last 3 days, from Jan 1 to 3. The Spring Festival holiday will last 7 days, from Feb 9 to 15. The major 7 festivals will have 29 days off in total. 国务院公布了明年放假安排,元旦1月1日-3日放假3天,春节2月9-15日放假7天,全年7个节假日共放假29天。 >Citizens from 45 countries will be permitted a 72-hour visa-free stay in Shanghai starting Jan 1, Beijing Times reported. The new policy, approved by the State Council, comes 4 days after Beijing officially announced a similar program, the first Chinese city to do so. 据《京华时报》报道,经国务院批准,上海口岸将从明年1月1日起对45个国家的公民实施72小时过境免签政策。4天前,北京成为首个正式实施这一政策的中国城市。 >The DPRK said Monday it would extend the period for launching a rocket to Dec 29 due to "technical deficiencies", Reuters reported citing KCNA. The rocket launch had been scheduled to take place between Dec 10 and 22. 据路透社援引朝中社报道,朝鲜10日表示,因技术缺陷,将推迟火箭发射时间至12月29日。朝方原定于本月10至22日发射火箭。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-10 17:37:33

    【Celebrity】 >PSY apologizes for lyrics 鸟叔因'歌词门'致歉美国 South Korean pop star PSY - who rose to fame around the world through his "Gangnam Style" - apologized for anti-American lyrics he rapped back in 2004, CNN reported. PSY rapped, "Kill those f---ing Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives," according to CNN's translation. In his apology, PSY, nicknamed Uncle Bird in China, said the song "was part of a deeply emotional reaction to the war in Iraq and the killing of 2 South Korean schoolgirls." "I will be forever sorry for any pain I have caused by those words," said PSY. 据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报道,凭借《江南Style》红遍全球的韩国歌手鸟叔PSY近日因他2004年的一首反美歌曲公开致歉。他在歌中唱到:"杀死那些折磨伊拉克战俘的该死美国佬"(根据CNN的翻译)。PSY在道歉声明中说:"歌曲只是对伊拉克战争及两名韩国女学生遇害的情绪化表达。我为这些话给大家带来的任何痛苦而深感抱歉。" [褒贬不一] US commentators online responded with varying viewpoints on the lyrics. Some expressed outrage over the South Korean pop star's alleged call for the slaying of American troops. Others praised PSY for speaking up and expressing his anti-war sentiments. 美国网友们对此事的评论褒贬不一。有的表示出对这位韩国流行歌手号召杀死美国士兵的愤慨。还有的对PSY大加赞扬,认为他敢于毫无保留地表达自己的反战情绪。 【Kaleidoscope】 >Eye phone of contact lens 隐形眼镜也能接收短信 Reading text messages off contact lenses in one's eyes could soon be a reality, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. Belgian researchers at Ghent University have developed a new technology that allows electronic messages sent from mobile phones to be directly projected on to contact lenses placed in one's eyes. The spherical curved LCD display handles projected images. Researchers believe the lens could be available to the public in just a few years. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,直接从戴着的隐形眼镜上读取短信将很快成为现实。比利时根特大学的研究人员发明了一种新技术,可以将手机上的电子信息直接投射到人们戴着的隐形眼镜上。镜片上的球面弯曲液晶显示屏能够对投射来的图像进行处理。研究人员认为,这种隐形眼镜有望在几年内面市。 【China Daily Radio】 中国物流与采购联合会与中国国家统计局联合发布的数据显示,中国11月份官方非制造业采购经理人指数(PMI)升至55.6,连续第2个月上升,而10月份该指数为55.5。该指数的上升可能进一步提振市场对中国经济前景向好的信心。 请看相关报道: The Purchasing Managers Index of China's non-manufacturing sector was 55.6% in November, up 0.1 percentage points from October, an official survey showed on Monday. 周一发布的一份官方调查显示,11月份中国非制造业采购经理人指数为55.6%,比上月上升0.1个百分点。 Purchasing Managers Index of non-manufacturing sector是"非制造业采购经理人指数",简称"非制造业PMI"。采购经理人指数(Purchasing Managers Index,PMI),通常都是指美国的采购经理人指数,是衡量制造业在生产水平(production level)、客户新订单(new orders from customers)、存货(inventories)、雇员水平(employment level)、订单交货速度(speed of supplier deliveries)等各方面状况的指数,是经济先行指标(the index of leading economic indicators)中一项非常重要的附属指标, 中国采购经理人指数(PMI)是由国家统计局和中国物流与采购联合会共同合作完成,是快速及时反映市场动态的先行指标,它包括制造业(manufacturing sector)和非制造业(non-manufacturing sector)采购经理人指数,与GDP(Gross Domestic Product,国内生产总值)一同构成我国宏观经济(macroeconomy)的指标体系。 【Word Power】 asset declaration 财产申报 Guangdong province has launched a pilot official asset declaration program in a bid to fight corruption, said a top provincial discipline inspector. 广东省纪委领导称,为打击腐败,广东已开展官员财产申报公示试点工作。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。) 【Word Prize】 --The English translation of the South Korean lyrics has picked up steam online, drawing thousands of views. 此处pick up steam意思是? A.受到冷落 B.日益流行 C.引发愤怒

  • Ruby

    Ruby 2012-12-10 17:43:28


  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-10 23:05:00

    12.10 1.9点起床 √ 2.10点听力 √ 3.China Daily 早报 √ 4.每天一种水果 √ 5.多喝水 1000ML √ 6.美剧一集 √ 7.线稿一张 √ (我想屎!!!) 8.China Daily 晚报 √ 9. Englishpod 跟读30min √ 10.22点前脸部护理 √ 11.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 12.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 13.最晚24点上床 √ 14.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 √ P95 15.把零碎的时候利用起来(暂定于复习 dream note) √ (一点点~) 16.每天看一篇专业文章 √ (感触很明显,有些之前不明白的地方一下通透了,以后要多看~) 17.每天看半小时美讯 √ 学习的状态MS渐入佳境,效率比以前也高了, 真是good news.明天起每天看一集<<Friends>>. 零碎的时间仍是没有利用起来. 画画的时候....哎...没有耐心!!!为什么为什么为什么!!! PS:今天试了拓词,拓词会上瘾~拓了45min 要奖励自己什么呢~

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-11 09:05:53

    【Morning Buzz】 He will never have true friends who are afraid of making enemies. (William Hazlitt, English writer, 1778-1830) 害怕树敌的人不会有挚友。(威廉·赫兹里,英国作家,1778-1830) 早安,各位。 【Markets】 Dow Jones 13,169.88 +14.75 +0.11% Nasdaq 2,986.96 +8.92 +0.30% 【Highlights】 >PLA Navy patrols near Diaoyu 我海军舰队钓鱼岛巡航 >Mo Yan awarded Nobel Prize 莫言着燕尾服领取诺奖 >Mercury hits low in BJ 京'异常'冷气温26年最低 >3 suns overhead in SH 沪现'3个太阳'奇观(图) >Japan falls into recession 日经济理论上陷入衰退 >Flipping a coin is not 50:50 研究:掷硬币无关乎运气 >Dogs' teeth Guinness record 港312只宠物齐刷牙(图) 【Notice】 12月,留学攻略,邀您一起'分享爱' 【Cover Story】 >Experts contribute to China 去年53万外专来华工作 The number of foreign experts coming to China has risen from less than 10,000 per year in the early days of reform and opening-up, to about 530,000 by the end of 2011, according to Zhang Jianguo, president of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, xinhuanet.com reported. Foreign experts have become a force for China's modernization, said Zhang at the opening ceremony of the 11th Conference on International Exchange of Professionals. The country will invite more of them to work in China, while selecting more Chinese professionals to be trained in other countries. 据新华网报道,国家外国专家局局长张建国在10日开幕的第11届中国国际人才交流大会上称,改革开放以来,来中国工作的外国专家从最初的每年不足1万人次,上升到2011年的近53万人次,外国专家已成为中国现代化建设的一支生力军。张建国称,我国还将邀请更多的外国专家来华工作,并选派更多专业人才出国培训。 【Top News】 >PLA Navy patrols near Diaoyu 我海军舰队钓鱼岛巡航 A flotilla (小型舰队) of the PLA Navy patrolled waters near the Diaoyu Islands Monday after returning from a training exercise in the west Pacific, Xinhua reported. It is the 2nd time Navy warships conducted such a patrol in the waters near the Diaoyu Islands since October. Qiu Yanpeng, commander of the task force and also the Donghai Fleet's vice commander, said it is legitimate for China's Navy to patrol in waters under Chinese jurisdiction and it is the Navy's responsibility to safeguard the country's maritime territory and interests. 据新华社报道,中国海军舰艇编队完成在西太平洋海域远海训练任务后,10日返航途中在钓鱼岛附近海域巡航。这是今年10月以来中国海军舰艇编队第二次在这一海域巡航。编队指挥员、东海舰队副司令员邱延鹏表示,中国海军在本国管辖海域巡航,是完全正当合法、无可非议的。保卫国家海洋国土、维护国家海洋权益,中国海军义不容辞,责无旁贷。 >Mo Yan awarded Nobel Prize 莫言着燕尾服领取诺奖 Chinese writer Mo Yan was awarded 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature in Stockholm Concert Hall in Sweden Tuesday morning Beijing Time. King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf awarded Mo Yan the Nobel diploma, medal and a document confirming the prize amount. The amount of each Nobel Prize this year was 8m Swedish kronor (RMB7.5m). Since 1901, the Nobel Prizes have been presented to the Laureates at ceremonies on Dec 10 which is the anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death. 北京时间11日凌晨,中国作家莫言在瑞典斯德哥尔摩音乐大厅获颁2012年诺贝尔文学奖。瑞典国王卡尔十六世·古斯塔夫为莫言颁发诺贝尔奖证书、奖章和奖金支票。今年的诺奖奖金为800万瑞典克朗,约合人民币750万。从1901年起,每年的诺奖颁奖典礼都定在当地时间12月10日阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔逝世周年时举行。 [现场细节] The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony started with the Swedish royal anthem "The King's Song." Mo Yan, dressed in black tailcoat, went slowly up to his seat on the stage with the other Nobel Prize winners. After Mo was awarded the literature prize, the orchestra at the ceremony presented the 4th part of the "Aladdin Suite" called "Chinese Dance". 授奖仪式在瑞典国歌《国王之歌》中开启。莫言当时身着燕尾服,与其他诺奖获得者一同缓缓登台就坐。在莫言领奖后,现场奏起了《阿拉丁组曲》第四曲《中国舞曲》。 [授奖词节选] Presentation speech for Mo was introduced by Per Wastberg, writer, chairman of the Nobel Committee. "Mo Yan is a poet who tears down stereotypical propaganda posters, elevating the individual from an anonymous human mass," he said. "Playfully and with ill-disguised delight, he reveals the murkiest aspects of human existence, almost inadvertently finding images of strong symbolic weight." 为莫言介绍的是作家、诺贝尔评委会主席佩尔·瓦斯特伯格。他介绍说:"莫言是个诗人,粉碎了陈腔滥调的宣传画,让茫茫人海中的个体得以升华。""他以俏皮而难以掩饰的轻快口吻,揭示出人类存在的极端阴暗面,看似不经意间就找到了极具象征意义的形象。"

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-11 09:06:52

    >Japan falls into recession 日经济理论上陷入衰退 Revised government data showed Monday that Japan's economy shrank for the 2nd quarter in a row in the 3 months through September, indicating that the world's 3rd-largest economy has entered a recession, The Wall Street Journal reported. The downward revision of the previous quarter means Japan has already clocked up 2 consecutive quarters of shrinkage, a yardstick (标准) widely seen by private economists as constituting a recession. However, economists say that the downturn likely touched its low point in the October-December quarter. 据《华尔街日报》报道,10日,日本政府有关修正数据显示,该国7-9月份经济连续第二个季度萎缩,表明这个全球第3大经济体已陷入衰退。根据私人经济学家普遍认可的标准,连续两个季度出现经济萎缩是一国经济陷入衰退的标志。不过,经济学家们称,10月-12月份的季度中日本经济的低迷局面可能已经触底。 >3 suns overhead in SH 沪现'3个太阳'奇观(图) The sky appeared to have 3 suns in Shanghai Monday morning, sparking interests among local residents and Internet users, China News Service reported. Some people even used the "Doomsday prophecy" to explain this spectacle. In response, Shanghai meteorologists said it was actually the phenomenon of a solar halo, caused by refraction of sunlight through ice crystals high in the atmosphere. This rare phenomenon also occurred in Suzhou and areas in Sichuan, data showed.(See photo) 据中新社报道,上海天空10日上午出现罕见的"3个太阳"奇观,引发网友和市民热议,有人甚至将其与"世界末日论"联系在一起。对此,上海中心气象台解释称,这是气象上的日晕现象,是高空薄云中的冰晶产生的折射现象。资料显示,这种"3个太阳"的现象此前也在苏州、四川多地出现过。(见图) 【In Brief】 >Automobile sales in China expanded 11.52% month-on-month to hit 1.79m units in November, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers said Monday, xinhuanet.com reported. 据新华网报道,中国汽车工业协会10日称,11月,全国汽车销售179万辆,环比增长11.52%。 >The capital's temperatures in the first 9 days in December averaged at -4.6℃, hitting a record low over the same period since 26 years ago, xinhuanet.com reported. The mercury in previous years registered an average of -0.5℃ during Dec 1-9 in Beijing. 据新华网报道,今年12月1日到9日北京的平均气温为零下4.6摄氏度,而常年同期气温只有零下0.5摄氏度,创26年来京城同期气温最低纪录。 【Kaleidoscope】 >Flipping a coin is not 50:50 研究:掷硬币无关乎运气 When people find something hard to decide, they sometimes flip a coin and let fate take its course. In reality, the odds of guessing heads or tails correctly aren't as even as you might think, and the reason has much more to do with physics, The Daily Mail of London reported. According to research by a Stanford math professor - Persi Diaconis, a natural bias occurs when coins are flipped, which results in the side that was originally facing up returning to that same position 51% of the time. No matter how often a coin is flipped, the side that started up will spend more time facing up in the air. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,当人们感到难以抉择时,往往会通过掷硬币的方式,交由老天爷决定。而实际上,硬币抛出后的正反概率并非你想象的那样对半开,其背后的原因与物理有关。根据斯坦福大学数学教授佩尔西·戴康尼斯的研究,自然倾向在掷币时起了作用。硬币在抛出时朝上的那一面,最终朝上的概率为51%。其原因在于,无论用多大的力掷硬币,抛出时向上的那一面,在整个过程中朝上的时间都会更长。 >Dogs' teeth Guinness record 港312只宠物齐刷牙(图) In the south of Hong Kong, owners of 312 pooches (小狗) scrubbed their animals' teeth for 3 minutes using a special brush and gel, as they sought to set a new Guinness World Record in the category "most people brushing dogs' teeth simultaneously", the Daily Telegraph of Sydney reported. Organizers said the event was aimed at promoting a hygienic lifestyle for dogs as well as for raising funds for a dog rescue centre. It will take 3-4 months for Guinness officials to certify whether the event is actually a new Guinness World Record. 据澳大利亚《每日电讯报》报道,在香港南部,312位狗主人使用特制牙刷和牙膏,为爱犬集体刷牙3分钟,以期创造"同时为狗刷牙人数最多"的吉尼斯世界纪录。组织者称,这次活动旨在宣传宠物狗的卫生生活方式,并为狗救援中心筹集资金。吉尼斯世界纪录委员会需要三到四个月时间来认证这项纪录。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-11 09:08:02

    【Talk Show】 买醉狂欢,一起喝一杯吧!(2) >She just pounded another Bacardi. 她很快又喝完了一杯百加得。 (Pound的本意是重复地重击,在这里引申为"很快地喝掉一瓶酒",往往带有一些诙谐甚至讽刺的意思。Bacardi是非常出名的朗姆酒,中文音译为百加得,在夜店很盛行,有些人不太能直接喝这种烈性酒,通常会兑一些碳酸饮料和冰块。) >Dad loves sipping Chinese strong liquor Erguotou. 老爸喜欢喝点二锅头。 (二锅头是国产白酒里的代表。在向国外游客介绍的时候,有人会将白酒称为white wine,但这种说法容易造成误会,因为white wine本身是与我们所熟悉的红葡萄酒,即red wine相对应的一个概念。而中国的白酒原料是粮谷,所以,我们一般用Chinese spirits/liquor来指代白酒,更学术一点的说法是Chinese distillate spirits,distillate是"蒸馏"的意思。) (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-11 19:23:37

    【Weather Dec 12】 Fuzhou: cloudy 9~15℃ Xiamen: overcast 13~18℃ Quanzhou: cloudy 12~16℃ 【BOC Exchange Rates】 100 USD = 629.06 CNY 100 GBP = 1010.96 CNY 100 EUR = 814.16 CNY 100 HKD = 81.17 CNY 100 JPY = 7.6175 CNY (以上人民币汇率中间价来源于中国银行网站) 【Markets】 Shanghai Stock 2074.70 -9.07 -0.44% HangSeng Stock 22323.94 +47.22 +0.21% 【Highlights】 >China's Nov exports rose 2.9% 11月出口增幅远低预期 >Record highs for land prices 城市11天内诞生7'地王' >Sales of gold soar in the US 美大选后金币销量激增 >End in sight for FBI building FBI欲售总部'丑陋'大楼 >Indian man beheads sister 印女孩私奔被兄长斩首 >Djokovic buys up donkey cheese 小德买断全球'驴奶酪' >Meggings in NY fashion 纽约潮男爱穿秋裤?(图) 【Cover Story】 >Google avoids $2B in taxes 4国调查谷歌百慕大避税 By funneling nearly $10b in revenue into a Bermuda shell company last year, Google dodged about $2b in income taxes worldwide, Bloomberg reported. The off-shore tax shelter cut Google's tax rate nearly in half. Governments in France, the UK, Italy and Australia are probing Google's tax avoidance as they seek to boost revenue. Bermuda is a self-governing British overseas territory in the North Atlantic Ocean, and it has no corporate income tax. 据彭博社报道,谷歌2011年通过把近百亿美元营收转移到一家百慕大的壳公司,在全球范围内避开了20亿美元的所得税,这种离岸避税手法将其整体税率降低了近一半。试图增加政府收入的法国、英国、意大利和澳大利亚4国正对谷歌的避税行为展开调查。百慕大位于北大西洋,是英国的自治海外领地。百慕大没有公司所得税。 【Top News】 >Record highs for land prices 城市11天内诞生7'地王' As the year end nears, many 1st and 2nd-tier cities have witnessed the emergence of new "land kings" in land auction markets, Securities Daily reported. During the 11 days between Nov 27 and Dec 7, a total of 7 plots of land were grabbed by property developers paying record high prices in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Chengdu, Changsha and Suzhou, according to statistics from Homelink Real Estate. Large-scale property developers have been intensifying their acquisition of land recently, said Xu Feng, head of a research center at Midland Realty. 据《证券日报》报道,年末将至,一二线城市土地市场突现"地王潮"。据链家地产统计,11月27日至12月7日这11天内,北京、上海、深圳、南京、成都、长沙以及苏州共诞生了7个地王。美联物业全国研究中心总监徐枫表示:"大型房企近日都加大了拿地的力度"。 >Sales of gold soar in the US 美大选后金币销量激增 Demand for gold coins in the US has soared since the presidential election, as small investors fret about the lack of action to address America's ballooning debt, the Financial Times reported. The US Mint's (美国铸币局) sales of American Eagles, one of the most popular gold coins, leapt 131% in November, hitting their highest level in more than 2 years. The jump in sales of gold coins highlights gold's role as the favored investment of disenchanted (幻想破灭) Americans. "Now people are buying gold and jewels not because they like them but because of fear. They're trying to protect their wealth," said a spokesman for a jeweler. 据《金融时报》报道,美国总统大选结束以来,由于小投资者担心政府不会采取切实措施削减不断攀升的债务,美市场对金币的需求量激增。11月,美国铸币局最受欢迎的金币币种之一美国鹰洋销量激增131%,创两年多来最高值。金币销量大增凸显出黄金是对形势失望的美国人所青睐的投资品种。某珠宝商的发言人称:"如今,人们购买黄金和珠宝不是因为喜欢它们,而是出于担忧。他们正想方设法保护自己的财富。" >End in sight for FBI building FBI欲售总部'丑陋'大楼 Just 6 blocks from the White House, the FBI's hulking headquarters has long been the one everyone loves to hate. The verdict(结论): It's an ugly, ill-proportioned,harsh and overbearing architectural mishap (灾祸). But in this time of economic uncertainty, the building has one big thing in its favor... it sits atop valuable real estate. The agency has issued an invitation to developers asking them to build a new headquarters building for the FBI in a different location. In exchange, they'll consider throwing in the J Edgar Hoover building and the underlying land as part of the transaction payment, AP reported. 据美联社报道,距白宫仅6街之遥的美国联邦调查局(FBI)总部J·埃德加·胡佛大楼,一直被民众视为"眼中钉":外观丑陋、格局不佳、粗糙且令人望而生畏,简直是建筑学的不幸。不过,在"财政悬崖"逼近之际,这处位于黄金地段的建筑有个很大的优点:值钱。日前,FBI已向开发商发出邀请,考虑以总部大楼和其地下土地作为部分交换,让他们为FBI在别处盖座新楼。 【In Brief】 >China's exports rose 2.9% from a year earlier in November, below market expectations for a 9% increase, customs data showed, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,海关统计显示,11月份,我国出口同比增长2.9%,低于此前市场预期的9%。 >The National Development and Reform Commission said on its website that it has recently approved 14 power transmission projects for a total dynamic investment of RMB5.2b. 发改委网站公告显示,近期其密集批复了14个输变电项目,累计动态投资额为52亿元人民币。 >A report on global trends by the US National Intelligence Council notes that by 2030 China is likely to have surpassed the US as the world's largest economy, ABC reported Monday. 据美国广播公司10日报道,美国国家情报委员会的一份全球形势发展报告指出,中国可能于2030年超过美国,成为全球最大的经济体。 >New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is weighing up whether to make a bid for The Financial Times Group, which includes the namesake (同名物) paper and a half interest in The Economist magazine, the New York Times reported. Analysts value The Financial Times Group at about $1.2b. 据《纽约时报》报道,纽约市长迈克尔·布隆伯格最近正在考虑是否竞购金融时报集团,该集团拥有报纸《金融时报》的全部股份和杂志《经济学人》一半的股份。分析师对金融时报集团估值约为12亿美元。 【Newsmaker】 >Indian man beheads sister 印女孩私奔被兄长斩首 Last week, an Indian named Mehtab Alam, 29, beheaded his sister Nilofer, 22 on the street, Indian media reported. The wealthy businessman told police that he had killed his sister for "dishonoring the family." Nilofer was married for 8 years and had 2 children. She had run away from home to live with an old boyfriend last month, alleging that she was being tortured by her husband's brother at home. Mehtab has been arrested. 据印度媒体报道,29岁的印度富商麦赫塔布·阿拉姆上周在大街上将自己22岁的妹妹妮洛弗斩首。麦赫塔布对警方称,他这么做是因为妹妹"让家族蒙羞"。妮洛弗结婚8年,育有2个孩子,上月从家里逃出来,住在前男友那里。妮洛弗自称在家里受到丈夫的兄/弟的虐待。目前麦赫塔布已被逮捕。 >Djokovic buys up donkey cheese 小德买断全球'驴奶酪' Novak Djokovic, the No 1 ranked singles tennis player in the world, has purchased the entire global supply of Pule, a rare cheese produced from donkey milk that can cost over $500 per pound, ABC reported Monday. Djokovic reportedly bought the annual output of Pule from the world's sole producer, a donkey farm 80 km west of the Serbian capital Belgrade. He plans to use the cheese, which recently set the record for the world's most expensive cheese, in a chain of restaurants he's opening.(See photo) 据美国广播公司10日报道,世界头号男单网球选手德约科维奇日前以每磅超过500美元的价格买断了全球驴奶酪"Pule"的供应。据报道,塞尔维亚首都贝尔格莱德以西80公里处有一家养驴农场,是全球唯一驴奶酪供应商,其奶酪被认定为世界最贵奶酪,而小德买断了这家农场全年的驴奶酪产品。他将把这些驴奶酪用在自己即将开张的连锁餐厅。(见图) 【Kaleidoscope】 >Meggings in NY fashion 纽约潮男爱穿秋裤?(图) Men's tights (紧身裤), for so long the preserve of ballet dancers and runway models, are taking New York by storm and could soon be seen on the streets of Britain, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. Celebrities such as Justin Bieber and Russell Brand have been spotted wearing male leggings, or "meggings". Some New Yorkers, however, see the "megger" as an affront (冒犯) to masculinity (男子气概). Gabriel Cru, 35, said: "Men in tights? Get out of here. We don't do men in tights in New York. That's European!" 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,一直以来都是芭蕾舞者和T台男模专属的打底裤(状似秋裤),如今竟在纽约男士中流行开来,甚至有望席卷英国街头。贾斯汀·比伯、拉塞尔·布兰德等名人都在穿打底裤。但也有纽约人士认为打底裤有辱男子气概。35岁的克鲁就表示:"打底裤?一边去吧,纽约男的才不穿呢,那太欧范儿了!" 【China Daily Radio】 广东省纪委书记黄先耀近日表示,广东正在粤北和珠三角地区各选择一个县和一个区,开展领导干部家庭财产申报并在一定范围公示的试点工作。 请看《中国日报》的报道: Guangdong province is to launch a pilot project requiring all Party and government officials to report their assets, in the latest move to curb corruption. 广东省推最新反腐举措,将推出试点项目要求所有党政机关干部申报财产。 To report assets就是"申报财产",如果是向公众"公开财产"则可以用disclose assets来表示,"公开收入"当然就是disclose income。 广东省此次pilot project(试点项目)先在几个designated districts and counties(指定区县)实行,如果有成效就在全省范围内推行。另外,对官员illegally applying for identity cards and other certificates(非法申请身份证件和其他证件)、transferring properties abroad(向国外转移财产),以及arranging for their spouses' and children's emigration(安排配偶子女出国移民)等行为也将进行更严格的监督。 【Word Power】 过境免签 visa-free stay 例句: Shanghai is set to follow capital Beijing to permit 72 hour visa-free stay for transit tourists from 45 countries. 上海将效仿北京,对45个国家的游客实施72小时过境免签政策。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。) 【Word Prize】 --The actress supposedly heard a crack about her new movie, and she just got all steamed up. 此处a crack意思是? A.嘲笑 B.谎言 C.吹牛

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-11 22:38:47

    12.11 1.9点起床 X 2.10点听力 √ 3.China Daily 早报 √ 4.每天一种水果 √ 5.多喝水 1000ML √ 6.美剧两集 √ (老友记好无聊~) 7.线稿一张 X 8.China Daily 晚报 √ 9. Englishpod 跟读30min X 24 10.22点前脸部护理 √ 11.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 12.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 13.最晚24点上床 √ 14.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 √ P110 15.把零碎的时候利用起来 √ (拓词90分钟) 16.每天看一篇专业文章 √ 17.每天看半小时美讯 √

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-12 08:52:31

    【Morning Buzz】 You will never enjoy the world aright, till the sea itself floweth in your vein, till you are clothed with the heavens, and crowned with the stars. (Thomas Traherne, British poet, 1637-1674) 直到以苍穹作衣,以星辰作冠,血脉里流淌着海水,人们才能真正享受世界的美。(汤姆斯·特拉赫恩,英国诗人,1637-1674) 【Markets】 Dow Jones 13,248.44 +78.56 +0.60% Nasdaq 3,022.30 +35.34 +1.18% 【Highlights】 >Plane hijackers sentenced 新疆劫机案3嫌犯获死刑 >GZ offers 'green' subsidies 广州新能源车补贴万元 >DPRK takes down rocket 韩媒:朝火箭移下发射台 >Tajikistan to enter WTO 塔吉克斯坦将加入世贸 >Islamist terrorism may end 恐怖主义2030年将终结? >Birds help impala clean ears 羚羊享受小鸟'掏耳'(图) 【Notice】 12月,留学攻略,邀您一起'分享爱' 【Cover Story】 >Survey: Chinese are happy 海外印象:中国人很'幸福' The Report on China's National Image 2012 was jointly released Tuesday afternoon by the Chahar Institute, the Center for International Communication Studies under China International Publishing Group and Millward Brown, CRI Online reported. It's the first such report issued by Chinese research institutions. The main findings of the report are: 据国际在线报道,11日下午,察哈尔学会、中国外文局对外传播研究中心、华通明略3家机构共同发布《中国国家形象调查报告2012》。据悉,该报告是第一份由中国研究机构发布的中国国家形象调查报告。调查报告有以下主要发现: --Overseas people have a relatively good knowledge of China, with over 70% of respondents saying that they know something about China. They gain knowledge of China mostly from TV, the Internet, newspapers and magazines. 海外民众对中国的了解程度较高。70%以上的海外受访者表示对中国有所了解。电视、互联网和报纸杂志是海外民众了解中国的最主要的途径。 --China is a mysterious and charming nation in the eyes of foreign people. They are impressed with the economic influence of China. 海外民众眼中的中国是神秘而有魅力的。海外民众对中国的经济影响力感触较深。 --Chinese people are branded as happy, meek, rational and mysterious by foreign people and less considered as impulsive or having a strong character. 在海外民众的印象中,"幸福"、"温顺"、"理性"、"神秘"是中国国民的主要特征,认为中国人"冲动"、"有个性"的比例相对较低。 --Chinese brands have gained certain popularity in the overseas market. More than half of overseas consumers accept Chinese branded products. The top 5 most recognized categories are computer and IT products, household appliances, retailing, clothes and game consoles. 中国品牌在海外已经建立起一定的知名度。超过半数的海外消费者可以接受中国品牌。电脑和IT产品、家电、零售商品、服饰和游戏机是中国品牌接受度最高的5个品类。 【Top News】 >Plane hijackers sentenced 新疆劫机案3嫌犯获死刑 A court in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region on Tuesday sentenced 3 men to death and another one to life imprisonment after finding them guilty of attempting to hijack an aircraft on June 29, xinhuanet.com reported. All the defendants pleaded guilty to the court. The court found that the group were influenced by religious extremists and terrorists from October 2011 to February 2012, and made preparations for their hijacking from mid May to June. 24 crew members and passengers were injured in the incident, which caused direct economic losses of RMB28.583m, said the statement. 据新华网报道,新疆一家法院11日判决6.29劫机案3名疑犯死刑,另有1名疑犯被判无期徒刑。被告在法庭上对犯罪事实供认不讳。法庭称,2011年10月至2012年2月期间,该团伙受宗教极端主义和恐怖主义影响,从5月中旬至6月间开始谋划此次劫机事件,致使24名机组人员和乘客受伤,造成直接财产损失2858.3万元。 >GZ offers 'green' subsidies 广州新能源车补贴万元 Effective from December, energy-saving car buyers in Guangzhou are entitled to a RMB10,000 rebate from the municipal government, according to the city's new-energy vehicle subsidy policies rolled out Monday, China Daily reported. The city is the first to officially introduce such incentives nationwide. Buyers must apply for the subsidy within 3 months after the new-energy car is registered at their local transportation bureau. Green car owners are also granted free car number plates, while conventional car users need to bid for a plate at a starting price of RMB10,000. 据《中国日报》报道,广州市10日公布了新能源中小客车购置补贴试行办法,成为国内首个正式采取此类奖励机制的城市。从12月起,新能源车购买者可以在完成新能源车注册登记的3个月内,向有关部门申领1万元的购车补贴。此外,购车者还可以免费获得新能源车牌照,而传统汽车牌照则需通过拍卖方式获得,起拍价1万元。 >DPRK takes down rocket 韩媒:朝火箭移下发射台 The DPRK has removed a long-range rocket from its launch pad in an apparent effort to fix technical problems that forced the nation to extend a launch window by a week until Dec 29, Yonhap News Agency reported, citing a military source in Seoul Tuesday. According to analysis of the latest satellite imagery, the DPRK has taken the 3 stages of the Unha-3 rocket off the launch pad and moved them into a nearby assembly line at Dongchang-ri in the country's northwest, the source said. 韩联社11日援引韩国军方消息人士称,朝鲜已经将远程火箭从发射台上拆卸下来以修复技术缺陷,该技术问题迫使其将火箭发射窗口期延长一周至12月29日。该消息人士称,最新的卫星图像分析显示,朝鲜已经将"银河3号"三级火箭移下该国西北部东仓里的发射台,运抵附近的组装中心。 >Islamist terrorism may end 恐怖主义2030年将终结? A US intelligence report released Monday says the "current Islamist phase of terrorism" might end by 2030, but violent terrorism itself is unlikely to die completely and might evolve into bloodless forms of economic and financial terrorism, the Times of India reported. The report by the US National Intelligence Council says that with more widespread access to lethal(杀伤性) and disruptive technologies, individuals who are experts in cyber systems might sell their services to the highest bidder, including terrorists who would focus less on causing mass casualties and more on creating widespread economic and financial disruption. 据《印度时报》报道,美国国家情报委员会10日公布的一份报告称,现阶段的伊斯兰恐怖主义或将于2030年终结,但暴力恐怖主义本身不可能完全消失,而将进化成不流血的经济金融恐怖主义。报告指出,随着对破坏性技术更为广泛的接触,许多网络专家可能向出价更高的人出售服务,包括恐怖分子,后者将不再集中精力制造大规模杀伤事件,而是致力于制造传播范围更广的经济和金融混乱。 【In Brief】 >New yuan-denominated lending reached RMB522.9b in November, falling RMB40b year-on-year, the People's Bank of China announced Tuesday. 中国人民银行11日发布的数据显示,11月份人民币贷款增加5229亿元,同比少增400亿元。 >The General Council of the World Trade Organization (WTO) approved Tajikistan's accession package on Monday, paving the way for the country to become its 159th member, xinhuanet.com reported. 据新华网报道,世界贸易组织总理事会10日通过塔吉克斯坦加入世贸组织的一揽子文件,该国将成为世贸组织的第159位成员。 【Newsmaker】 >Queen to deliver 3D speech 英女王首拍3D圣诞讲话 Queen Elizabeth II has recorded her Christmas message in a 3D format at Buckingham Palace, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. It will be the first time viewers can watch the Royal Family in 3D. The speech will be made available on Christmas day and viewers will have to use a pair of 3D glasses to enjoy the 3-dimensional effects. It is said that the speech will cover the positive impact on the nation of the London Olympics and her Diamond Jubilee, but will not mention the current situation of Princess Kate's pregnancy. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,英女王伊丽莎白二世于日前在白金汉宫录制了3D版圣诞节讲话,这将是公众首次通过3D形式欣赏王室风范。这段讲话将于圣诞节播出,民众需准备3D眼镜才可一睹立体特效。据称, 此次讲话涉及伦敦奥运会对国家的积极影响和女王登基60周年庆祝活动等,但不会提及凯特王妃的怀孕情况。 【Kaleidoscope】 >Birds help impala clean ears 羚羊享受小鸟'掏耳'(图) A South-African photographer has snapped a series of harmonious pictures of 2 birds helping an impala (黑斑羚) clean its ears, foreign media reported. Seen from a distance, the impala looks as if it is wearing a pair of Oxpeckers (牛椋鸟) as earrings. But the truth is that the 2 birds are enjoying a feast by eating up the ticks and the wax in the impalas' ears with their brightly-colored beaks. And the impala seems quite satisfied with the service as its eyes are squinting (眯起) a little bit. (See photo) 据外媒报道,一位南非摄影师拍下了一组温馨照片:两只小鸟正在帮助一只黑斑羚"掏耳朵"。远远看去,黑斑羚好像戴了一对牛椋鸟形状的"耳环",事实却是两只小鸟正在享受饕餮大餐,它们用鲜艳的小嘴啄食斑羚耳朵里的壁虱和耳垢。此时,斑羚微眯双眼,似乎对服务相当满意。(见图) 【Talk Show】 买醉狂欢,一起喝一杯吧!(3) >Guzzle it! 干了这杯酒! (guzzle可以翻译为"狂饮",不光是指喝酒的速度,还包括饮酒时那种狂热的气氛,所以该词往往用在非常欢乐、热闹的场景。) >Break out the champagne. 开瓶香槟酒。 (香槟酒往往用在庆祝场合,对于这种著名的气泡酒[sparkling wine]来说,开瓶就不再用"open",而是"break out",该词组本身即有爆发、越狱的意思。) >Hit me. 再来一杯。 (这个短句常出现在牌桌上,当发牌者询问是否继续时,玩牌的人可以选择不继续"pass",或继续"hit me",在酒吧,类似的对话也发生在调酒师和买醉者之间,"请问需要再加一杯吗?"答曰:"Hit me.") (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。) 【Word Prize】 --The actress supposedly heard a crack about her new movie, and she just got all steamed up. 此处a crack意思是? A.嘲笑 B.谎言 C.吹牛 答案:A.嘲笑 原句意为:那名女演员可能是听到有人嘲笑她的新电影,所以一下子怒火中烧。 作动词用时,crack意为"使破裂",对应的名词即"破裂;破裂声"。我们手机报文章中常出现它的一个词组crack down on,意为"镇压;取缔",比如:to crack down hard on drunken driving,从严治理酒后驾车。本题中的crack是一个俚语用法,意为"嘲笑;挖苦话"。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-12 21:21:19

    【Weather Dec 13】 Fuzhou: overcast 13~17℃ Xiamen: cloudy 14~20℃ Quanzhou: cloudy 15~19℃ 【BOC Exchange Rates】 100 USD = 628.83 CNY 100 GBP = 1013.23 CNY 100 EUR = 817.82 CNY 100 HKD = 81.14 CNY 100 JPY = 7.6038 CNY (以上人民币汇率中间价来源于中国银行网站) 【Markets】 Shanghai Stock 2082.73 +8.02 +0.39% HangSeng Stock 22503.35 +179.41 +0.80% 【Highlights】 >Visitors to Taiwan hit record 大陆赴台游人数创新高 >Confessing love on Dec 12 单身族双十二扎堆告白 >DPRK launches satellite 朝'障眼法'成功发射火箭 >JP new PM chosen on Dec 26 日最快26日选出新首相 >The top jobs for 2013 2013最佳工作榜单出炉 >Christmas card for gangsters 警察寄贺卡感化黑帮(图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-12 21:33:41

    【Weather Dec 13】 Fuzhou: overcast 13~17℃ Xiamen: cloudy 14~20℃ Quanzhou: cloudy 15~19℃ 【BOC Exchange Rates】 100 USD = 628.83 CNY 100 GBP = 1013.23 CNY 100 EUR = 817.82 CNY 100 HKD = 81.14 CNY 100 JPY = 7.6038 CNY (以上人民币汇率中间价来源于中国银行网站) 【Markets】 Shanghai Stock 2082.73 +8.02 +0.39% HangSeng Stock 22503.35 +179.41 +0.80% 【Highlights】 >Visitors to Taiwan hit record 大陆赴台游人数创新高 >Confessing love on Dec 12 单身族双十二扎堆告白 >DPRK launches satellite 朝'障眼法'成功发射火箭 >JP new PM chosen on Dec 26 日最快26日选出新首相 >The top jobs for 2013 2013最佳工作榜单出炉 >Christmas card for gangsters 警察寄贺卡感化黑帮(图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-12 21:34:06

    【Weather Dec 13】 Fuzhou: overcast 13~17℃ Xiamen: cloudy 14~20℃ Quanzhou: cloudy 15~19℃ 【BOC Exchange Rates】 100 USD = 628.83 CNY 100 GBP = 1013.23 CNY 100 EUR = 817.82 CNY 100 HKD = 81.14 CNY 100 JPY = 7.6038 CNY (以上人民币汇率中间价来源于中国银行网站) 【Markets】 Shanghai Stock 2082.73 +8.02 +0.39% HangSeng Stock 22503.35 +179.41 +0.80% 【Highlights】 >Visitors to Taiwan hit record 大陆赴台游人数创新高 >Confessing love on Dec 12 单身族双十二扎堆告白 >DPRK launches satellite 朝'障眼法'成功发射火箭 >JP new PM chosen on Dec 26 日最快26日选出新首相 >The top jobs for 2013 2013最佳工作榜单出炉 >Christmas card for gangsters 警察寄贺卡感化黑帮(图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-12 21:34:32

    【Weather Dec 13】 Fuzhou: overcast 13~17℃ Xiamen: cloudy 14~20℃ Quanzhou: cloudy 15~19℃ 【BOC Exchange Rates】 100 USD = 628.83 CNY 100 GBP = 1013.23 CNY 100 EUR = 817.82 CNY 100 HKD = 81.14 CNY 100 JPY = 7.6038 CNY (以上人民币汇率中间价来源于中国银行网站) 【Markets】 Shanghai Stock 2082.73 +8.02 +0.39% HangSeng Stock 22503.35 +179.41 +0.80% 【Highlights】 >Visitors to Taiwan hit record 大陆赴台游人数创新高 >Confessing love on Dec 12 单身族双十二扎堆告白 >DPRK launches satellite 朝'障眼法'成功发射火箭 >JP new PM chosen on Dec 26 日最快26日选出新首相 >The top jobs for 2013 2013最佳工作榜单出炉 >Christmas card for gangsters 警察寄贺卡感化黑帮(图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-12 21:36:14

    【Cover Story】 >Universities share exam 三大联盟自招笔试'撞车' Three prestigious university groups Tuesday announced their enrollment plans for 2013, which will be run independently from the national college entrance exam "gaokao", Oriental Morning Post reported. The 3 groups - Peking University group (11 universities), Tsinghua University group (7 universities) and a science and engineering university alliance (9 universities) - have scheduled their written exam dates on the same day - March 2, 2013, which means students have to make difficult choices on which exam to take. Exam subjects given by the 3 groups have each been reduced to 2. 据《东方早报》报道,2013年高校自主招生11日揭开面纱。今年"北约"(包括北京大学等11所高校)、"华约"(包括清华大学等7所高校)、"同盟"(9所工科高校)三大联盟笔试时间大撞车,都集中在2013年3月2日这一天,笔试的科目也都缩减为两门。三大联盟不将各自的联考时间错开,意味着考生必须要进行艰难的选择。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-12 21:37:11

    【Top News】 >Confessing love on Dec 12 单身族双十二扎堆告白 As the figure 12 in Chinese sounds a bit like "need your love", Dec 12, 2012 is regarded as "the best love confession day in this century" and "the right time to say goodbye to being single and end up as a couple", chinanews.com reported Wednesday. Some netizens are saying that singles should not miss Dec 12 to confess their love again if they missed Sept 9, 2009, symbolizing forever lasting love, Oct 10, 2010, meaning perfect love, and Nov 11, 2011 representing uncompromising lifetime loyalty to your loved one. 据中新网12日报道,2012年12月12日因其谐音"要爱要爱要爱",被网友赋予"告别单身,一起进入'2'人世界"的美好意义,是许多人心目中的"世纪示爱日"。有网友指出,错过了象征着长长久久的2009年9月9日、寓意十全十美的2010年10月10日、象征一心一意的2011年11月11日,一定不能错过2012年12月12日向心爱的人表白。 >DPRK launches satellite 朝'障眼法'成功发射火箭 The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) said Wednesday it successfully launched a Kwangmyongsong-3 satellite into pre-set orbit using a long-range carrier rocket, Xinhua reported citing KCNA. The move comes after the Republic of Korea (ROK) Tuesday said the DPRK appeared to have removed the 3-stage rocket from the launch pad in an apparent attempt to fix technical problems Pyongyang cited when it extended the launch window by one week until Dec 29. 据新华社援引朝中社报道,朝鲜12日宣布,该国成功用远程运载火箭将"光明星3号"卫星送入预定轨道。而就在前一天,韩国方面称,朝鲜似乎已将三级火箭从发射台上拆卸下来以修复技术缺陷。该"技术缺陷"是朝鲜此前对外宣称的,朝方还因此将火箭发射窗口期延后一周至本月29日。 [韩日美回应] --ROK President Lee Myung-bak convened the National Security Council meeting immediately after the launch. ROK's Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan said in an official statement that the launch violates the UN resolution that bans the DPRK from conducting nuclear and missile tests. 朝鲜发射火箭后,韩国总统李明博立即召开了国家安全会议。韩国外长金星焕在一份正式声明中称,朝方行为已违反联合国关于禁止朝鲜进行核技术和导弹技术试验的相关决议。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-12 21:37:40

    --A Japanese government spokesman said that the rocket launch is "unacceptable". Japan strongly condemned the launch, said Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura. 日本政府发言人称,朝鲜发射火箭"不可接受"。日本内阁官房长官藤村修表示,日本强烈谴责这一行为。 --The US termed the launch "highly provocative", saying it threatens peace and security in the region and that it was "yet another example of DPRK's pattern of irresponsible behavior". 美国称朝鲜的此次发射是"高度挑衅"行为,将对地区和平和安全构成威胁,是"朝鲜式不负责任行为模式的又一例证"。 [朝:用于科学目的] Wednesday's move marks the DPRK's 2nd bid of the year and its 5th attempt since 1998 to launch a long-range rocket. Pyongyang, whose previous mission in April this year ended in failure, has countered that its "polar-orbiting earth observation satellite" is for peaceful scientific purposes only. 这是朝鲜自今年4月份火箭发射失败后年内进行的第2次远程火箭发射,也是该国自1998年以来进行的第5次远程火箭发射试验。朝鲜称,其发射的"极地轨道地球观测卫星"只是用于科学发展的和平目的。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-12 21:38:15

    >The top jobs for 2013 2013最佳工作榜单出炉 If you're an accountant, computer systems analyst or event coordinator, there's a good chance your luck will change in 2013. These 3 professions are among the best jobs that require a bachelor's degree for 2013, according to a new study by CareerBuilder and Economic Modeling Specialists Intl based on a database from over 90 countries, forbes.com reported. The list also points out that the occupation that has produced the most jobs since 2010 is software development (applications and systems software). 如果你是一名会计师、计算机系统分析师或活动协调员,那么2013年你将很可能时来运转。据福布斯网站报道,凯业必达招聘网与经济建模专家国际公司根据90多个国家的数据进行的一项研究显示,这3类职业是2013年要求具备本科学位的最佳工作之选。榜单还指出,自2010年以来,新增岗位最多的职业当属软件开发员(应用程序与系统软件)。 >HIV the new leukemia cure? 艾滋病毒或可治愈血癌 Doctors from the University of Pennsylvania and the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia have successfully used a disabled version of HIV to reprogram a 7-year-old leukemia (白血病) patient's immune (免疫) system genetically to kill her cancer cells, The New York Times reported. Emma Whitehead emerged from the experimental treatment in April cancer-free and is still in complete remission now. The breakthrough procedure could potentially replace bone marrow transplant (骨髓移植) as a leukemia treatment. 据《纽约时报》报道,美国宾夕法尼亚大学和费城儿童医院的医生利用经过改良、失去致病功能的艾滋病病毒,从基因层面修改了一名患白血病7岁女童的免疫系统,成功地杀死了她体内的癌细胞。这名女孩叫艾玛·怀特海德,4月份接受了该实验性治疗后癌细胞彻底不见了,正在完全缓解。这一突破性进展有望取代骨髓移植来治疗白血病。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-12 21:38:43

    【In Brief】 >The number of visitors from the Chinese mainland to Taiwan hit a record high of over 1.8m in the first 11 months of 2012, up 60.6% year-on-year, statistics released Tuesday by the National Tourism Administration have shown. 国家旅游局11日发布的数据显示,今年1-11月,大陆赴台旅游人数超过180万人,同比增长60.6%,创历史新高。 >A total of 11.792m sq m of residential housing were sold in Beijing in the first 11 months of 2012, up 52.7% year-on-year, the municipal bureau of statistics said Wednesday, chinanews.com reported. 据中新网报道,北京市统计局12日称,前11个月,全市住宅销售面积为1179.2万平方米,同比增长52.7%。 >Bank of China's Taipei branch has been designated as the clearing bank for renminbi transactions in Taiwan, the People's Bank of China announced Tuesday, China Daily reported. 据《中国日报》报道,中国人民银行11日宣布中国银行台北分行为台湾地区人民币交易清算银行。 >Japan's next prime minister will be chosen in a special Diet session (特别国会) to be convened on Dec 26 at the earliest following Sunday's general election, Kyodo News reported Tuesday. The new prime minister would form a cabinet immediately to replace the existing one, led by the current ruling Democratic Party of Japan. 据共同社11日报道,16日大选结束后,日本最快将于26日召集特别国会选出下一任首相。新首相将会立即着手组建内阁,新内阁将取代目前由日本执政党民主党领导的内阁。 >Canadian Immigration Minister Jason Kenney has unveiled a new program to accept 3,000 foreign tradespeople, whose skills will be in demand in Canada during 2013, CBC reported Tuesday. 据加拿大广播公司11日报道,该国移民部长肯尼公布了一项新计划,将在2013年接收3000名符合技术需求的外商移民至加拿大。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-12 21:39:09

    【Newsmaker】 >Christmas card for gangsters 警察寄贺卡感化黑帮(图) In the spirit of the holidays, Abbotsford police in Canada are sending Christmas cards to gangsters and drug dealers featuring the police chief dressed as Santa in tactical gear and poses the question on the front of the card: "Which list will you be on next year?" the Huffington Post reported. A message in the card says: "We believe it is never too late to make a better choice for your life. For the sake of your family & for your own sake, consider 2013 the year you choose a new & better life. We're here to help." 据《赫芬顿邮报》报道,在圣诞来临之际,加拿大阿伯茨福德市警方向黑帮分子和毒贩寄出圣诞卡,卡面上警察局长打扮成一个全副武装的圣诞老人,并在封面上抛出问题:"明年你会上哪张名单?"贺卡内文则写道:"我们相信对生活做出更好的选择永远不会太迟。为了你的家人和你自己,考虑下在2013年选择更好的新生活吧。我们随时提供帮助。"

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-12 21:39:41

    【Kaleidoscope】 >High taxes for handsome men? 日专家建议征'帅哥税' Takuro Morinaga, an economic analyst in Japan, has proposed a "handsome tax" on good-looking men as a solution to the nation's persistent problem of low fertility rates, Asahi Shimbun reported. According to the economist, "If we levied a 'handsome tax' on good-looking guys, that would serve to correct a little bit of the unfairness in dating, making it easier for homely guys to find a partner and the number of marriages would increase." Morinaga suggests doubling the income tax on good-looking guys while reducing the tax rate for homely guys by 10-20%. 据日本《朝日新闻》报道,针对日本长期的少子化问题,该国经济分析师森永卓郎提出可通过征收"帅哥税"来解决。森永卓郎认为,向相貌好的人征收"帅哥税",可以在一定程度上改变交往中的不公,使相貌平平的人更容易找对象,结婚的人就会增加。他提议将帅哥的所得税翻番、相貌普通的人所得税减少一至两成。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-12 21:40:18

    【China Daily Radio】 微博已经成为了很多人生活的一部分,早晨起床第一件事是刷微博,晚上睡前最后一件事也是刷微博。有些人不仅喜欢发微博,还热切希望自己的微博能被多人转发。如果发出去一条后无人问津,他们可能还会抑郁呢。 Re-tweet depression describes a situation in which you are often thrown into bouts of manic depression when you discover that your tweets/micro blog have not been re-tweeted/reposted enough. This depression often deepens when you find that your blog posts have not been re-blogged, or your Facebook status updates have not been liked. Re-tweet depression指发微博后发现没有被太多人转发时陷入一种躁郁状态,我们称之为"微博欠转抑郁症"。如果你的博客文章没有被人转载,Facebook等社交网站上的状态更新也没有人点"喜欢"的话,这种抑郁情绪就会更严重。 For example: He is experiencing re-tweet depression because no one has reposted any of his micro blog posts so far. 他正受"微博欠转抑郁症"折磨呢,因为到现在为止还没有人转发过他的微博。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-12 21:40:45

    【Word Power】 养老服务 elderly care service 例句: China Development Bank will provide loans of no less than RMB10b annually to help build a system to support the elderly care service industry. 国家开发银行将提供每年不少于100亿元的专项贷款,以支持社会养老服务体系建设。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。) 【Word Prize】 --Australian newspapers claim UK press is on a "witch-hunt" following the death of a nurse. 此处witch-hunt意思是? A.邪门歪道 B.政治迫害 C.于事无补

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-12 23:41:56

    12.12 1.9点起床 X 2.10点听力 X 3.China Daily 早报 √ 4.每天一种水果 √ 5.多喝水 1000ML √ 6.美剧两集 √ 7.线稿一张 √ (peace~有进步了~) 8.China Daily 晚报 √ 9. Englishpod 跟读30min √ (26th) 10.22点前脸部护理 √ 11.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 12.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 13.最晚24点上床 √ 14.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 √ P121 15.把零碎的时候利用起来 √ (拓词30min) 16.每天看一篇专业文章 √ (龙湖看得我心花怒放~fighting!!!) 17.每天看半小时美讯 X 今天赖床, 10点才起来,下午又睡到四点~请叫我睡神

  • 采菊东篱下

    采菊东篱下 (只要记得你的梦想) 2012-12-12 23:44:39

    楼主加油,想当初我天天看china daily,生词抄了两大本,每天拿来看看,词汇量徒增!China daily 是我第一本英文报纸!好有亲切感啊!

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-13 08:43:28

    【Morning Buzz】 Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; love leaves a memory no one can steal. 死亡给人留下了无法治愈的伤痛,但爱为我们留下了带不走的回忆。 南京大屠杀75周年祭, 祈祷全人类远离战争! 【Markets】 Dow Jones 13,245.45 -2.99 -0.02% Nasdaq 3,013.81 -8.49 -0.28% 【Highlights】 >75th anniversary of NJ Massacre 南京纪念30万同胞遇难 >83% tap water safe to drink 城市饮用水达标率83% >UN slams DPRK's rocket launch 联合国谴责朝发射火箭 >Obama recognizes SOC 美国承认叙'反对派联盟' >MS, Apple battle for revenue 微软苹果'利不均'惹纠纷 >'Gold' JP's persona in 2012 '金'当选日本年度汉字 >Korean biggest dating event? 韩3万人相亲挑战吉尼斯 【Notice】 12月,留学攻略,邀您一起'分享爱'

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2012-12-13 08:44:07

    【Cover Story】 >The 2012 Economic Figures 中国经济年度人物揭晓 China's Key Economic Figures for 2012 were announced at an award ceremony Wednesday evening. A lifetime achievement award was presented to Robert Kuok, chairman of the Hong Kong-based Kerry Group. The top 10 economic figures of the year were led by Sany Chairman Liang Wengen, Alibaba CEO Jack Ma and Lenovo CEO Yang Yuanqing. Lei Jun was named the boldest man for his contribution to Xiaomi Corp, a Chinese smartphone maker. Those winning the economic awards engaged in industries covering traditional manufacturing, modern service trades, and strategic emerging industries as well as financing. The honors were seen as embodying China's economic growth in global mergers and acquisitions, the state-owned enterprise's reforms as well as changes in Internet industries. 12日晚,2012中国经济年度人物榜公布。嘉里集团董事长郭鹤年获得终身成就奖,三一集团梁稳根、阿里巴巴马云、联想集团杨元庆等十人当选年度人物,小米公司雷军获得年度新锐奖。获奖名单涉及传统制造业、现代服务业、战略新兴产业,以及金融等行业,充分体现了2012年中国企业在跨国并购、国企改革、互联网产业变局等多方面的特点。 [2012中国经济年度人物] --梁稳根 三一集团董事长 --马 云 阿里巴巴集团董事会主席兼首席执行官 --杨元庆 联想集团董事长兼首席执行官 --宁高宁 中粮集团有限公司董事长 --王健林 大连万达集团股份有限公司董事长 --张维功 阳光保险集团股份有限公司董事长兼总裁 --胡问鸣 中国船舶工业集团公司党组书记、董事长 --宋志平 中国建筑材料集团有限公司董事长、党委书记;中国医药集团总公司外部董事、董事长 --郁亮 万科企业股份有限公司总裁 --关锡友 沈阳机床集团董事长、总经理

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