

来自: Ging(五妈)
2012-11-26 16:31:54

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-26 16:48:36

    <Morning Buzz> Politeness is like an air cushion,there may be nothing in it ,but it eases our jolts wonderfully.礼貌像只气垫:里面可能什么也没有,但却能奇妙地减少颠簸. >Responses to instant chickens In attention-garabbing news it was announced that the caged chickens provided to KFC(China) need merely 45 days from birth to reach the table.The news exposed by media said Shanxi Suhai Group, a live-chicken provider for KFC and McDonald's was able to reduce growth time by feeding chickens medical additives .The companies involved in the incident have recently responded to the news. 中国区肯德基原鸡 45天出栏 "最近成为网络热门.此前,有称山西粟海集团向肯德基,麦当劳供应原鸡,饲料中添加有药物,肉鸡45天速成.随后,涉事公司针对上述说法均做出回应. ShanXI Suhai Group said in response that their chicken feeds meet national standards and it is normal for white-feathered chicken to mature in 45 days. reported Voice of China. 据中国之声报道,山西粟海回应:公司的肉鸡饲养标准和国家标准是一致的,而所使用的白羽鸡45天出栏属正常. KFC posted on its official Weibo saying the chickens provided by ShanXi Suhai Group account for merely 1%of all its raw stock,and the provider had a strong food security record. 肯德基在官方微博回应:山西杰海集团在肯德基鸡肉 原料卫生衣体系中属于较小的区域性供应商,仅占鸡肉采购量的1%左右.过往食品安全记录正常. McDonald's said on its official Weibo that ShanXi Suhai Group is not its chicken provider.

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-26 17:04:21

    <Top News > >Search engines peek at us Search engines have long provided clues to the topics people look up .But now sites likeGoogle and Bing are showing the precise questions that are most frequently asked .The questions are revealing interesting patterns.The New Your Times reported. The autocomplete feature reveals broader user patterns ."It's a way that serach engines reflect society"said Danny Sullivan.editor in chief of Search Engine Land. 据纽约时报报道,搜索引擎一直以为都有搜索提示功能,但如今谷歌和Bing等 搜索引擎可以精确显示最经常被 提及的问题,这些问题提示了一些有趣的习惯."自动完成功能"提示更普遍的用户习惯,"Search Engine Land 网站主编丹妮苏利文表示," 这是搜索引擎反映社会的一种方式." Frequently asked questions include :When will the world end ?Is Neil Armstong Muslim? Was George Washington gay? Whether a certain person is gay is one category of question that comes up with puzzling frequency.Type "why are Americans "and the qutocomplte choices include "fat","stupid" and "patriotic".Substitute "Chinese "and "the autocomplete includes "skinny","rude"and "smart" 经常被提及的问题包括:世界什么时候灭亡?尼尔阿姆斯特朗是不是穆斯林? 乔治华盛顿是同性恋吗?比较奇怪的是,某人是不是同性恋是经常出现的一类问题.此外,输入"为什么是美国人","自动完成"功能提供的选项包括胖,伤,爱国等 等 .换成中国人,提示内容则显示 苗条,粗鲁 和聪明等等.

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-26 17:23:28

    Walmart's to close more stores Since Walmart's Mexican subsidiary was exposed to have been involved in bribery in April ,an internal probe of Walmart's actions has extended to Brazil,China and India,cnr.cn reported. Reports say the retailing giant is slowing its overseas business expansion and will likely close 100 unprofitable stores.The number of Walmart stores in China has reached more than 380 from 100 in 2007 据中广网报道,从今年4月份被爆出墨西哥行贿事件后, 活尔玛公司的海外反腐调查范围已经扩大到巴西,中国和印度等市场.

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-26 17:38:36

    Japan PM,oppostion debate 野田批安倍钓鱼岛言论 Japan's prime minister Yoshihiko Noda,head of the ruling Democratic Party,and Shinzo Abe , chief of the main opposition. Liberal Democartic Party (LDP),are likely to hold a face-to-face public debate Thursday over key issues, Kyodo News reported.Japan is scheduled to hold the general election on Dec 16. 据日本共同社报道,日本首相,民主党党代表野田佳彦与主要反对党,自民党总裁安倍晋三,预计于29日就关键议题进行党首辩论.下月16日,日本将举行大选. The 2 leaders differed sharply over monetary and foreign policies especially the LDP'sproposal to post public servants on a permanent basis on the Diaoyu Islands."Putting personnel there at this time could cause further escalation of tensions .The bilateral relationship would be jeopardized if we don't have a severe view on the currentcircumstances." Noda said. 目前,野田和安倍在倾向和外交政策上存有明显分歧,尤其针对自民党提出向钓鱼岛派公务员常驻一事,野田批评称"在当下非常埋藏,派人员驻钓鱼岛将中日紧张关系升级.如果不对目前局势持态度,双边关系将毁于一旦"

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-26 18:18:37

    <In Brief > >The death toll from a coal mine accident in Guizhou Saturday has risen to 20 cctv .com reported .Three others remain trapped. Authorities will pay each the family of each victim of the accident at the Xiangshui Coal Mine in Liupanshui RMB1.036 M ,in accordance with the highest compensation standard. 据央视网报道,24日发生的贵州六盘水响水煤矿事故死亡人数上升至20人,目前仍有3名被困.据悉,该起矿难赔偿将按现行的最高标准执行,每 名遇难人员的家属获赔103.6万.

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-26 18:21:37

    The Vietnam National Assembly has passed an Anti-Corruption Law with nearly 95%of the vote, local media reported .The bill requires senior officials to disclose their personal property. 据越南媒体报道,越南国会最近以接近%赞成标通过了<<反腐败法>>,要求越南高级官员公开个人财产.

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-26 18:31:18

    <Newsmaker> Officer sues Scotland Yard 卧底爱上监视人怪警局 A former undercover UK police officer is suing Scotland Yard for failing to "protect" him against falling in love with a woman in the group of eco-warriors he was sent to infiltrate,the Daily Mail of London reported.Mark Kennedy says his superiors knew he was sleeping with women he had been sent to spy on,but turned a blind eye because of the qualityof intelligence he was providing .he is claiming damages of between 50000 to 100000 for compensation due to police "negligence" 据英国 每日邮报 报道,英国一名前卧底警察 起诉伦敦警察厅,原因是在他被 派去潜入下个激进环保组织时爱上一名女性监视对象,而伦敦警察厅却没有 "保护"他.马克肯尼迪表示,我的上级知道我在跟女人们睡觉,却因我获得的信息重要而睁只眼闭只眼.他要求警方为"职责疏忽"赔偿他5-10万英磅.

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-26 18:37:54

    <Kaleidoscope> >Artificial muscle stronger An international research team has created a new type of artificial muscle that is 200times stronger that human muscle fibers of comparable size.Tech News Daily Reported. The new muscles are made of ropes of carbon nanotubes and paraffin wax .Ray baughman ,a researcher at the University of Texas and the leader of the team maintained that the muscle will find applications in vaarious fields.But he said it can not replace human muscles in th short term. 据 科技新闻日报 报道,一个国际研究小组成功研制出新型 人造肌肉,其强度为同等 体积的天然肌肉 的200倍.人造肌肉采用碳纳米管纱和固体打造.据项目领导人,美国德克萨斯州大学研究员雷 鲍弗曼称,该人造肌肉拥有广泛用途,但短期内还不能取代人体肌肉.

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-26 18:45:07

    >3D tape measure for buyers Scientists from Surrey university and design experts from the London college of Fashion are developing a program which can take precise waist,hip,chest and othermeasurements from camera images.The Daily Telegraph of Lonndon reported .The new software is able to build up a 3D image. Based on the information ,withonline clothes shoopers can get more accurat information of their body sizes and can more easily choose the size that fits them best.The program is expected to be brought to market within 2 years. 据英国 每日电讯报 报道,来自英国萨里大学的科学家及伦敦时装学院的设计师们正致力于开发一种新程序,它能通过摄像头影像精确测算一个人的腰围,臀围,胸围和其它数据,并生成 3D图像.基于此,网上淘衣族可得到 关于他们身体型号更精确的信息,由此更便利地选购最合适自己尺寸的衣服.该应用预计2年内可上市.

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-26 18:48:28

    <Talk Show> 踏上蜜月之旅 >Aren't u excited we're going on our honeymoon? >I'd better go back 打包行李 >Did they take off yet?出发 >It's so romatic to send people off on theri honeymoon

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-26 18:48:45

    一个彩信怎么可以 这么多!!! 没天理啊!!!

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-26 18:49:16

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  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-27 10:26:06

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  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-27 10:26:43

    11.27早报 【Cover Story】 >Flawed cars punished harsher 汽车召回罚款最高超亿 A new regulation on defective automobile products recall management has raised the maximum fines from RMB30,000 to over RMB100m. The rules approved by the State Council will take effect on Jan 1 next year. Manufacturers will be fined 1% to 10% of their products' value if they produce, sell or import defective automobiles. Those who hide the defects or refuse to recall will also be punished. Serious violators may have their related licenses revoked. 国务院《缺陷汽车产品召回管理条例》将于明年1月1日起实施。《条例》规定,对生产者未按照规定停止生产、销售或者进口缺陷汽车产品,隐瞒缺陷情况或拒不召回的,处以缺陷汽车产品货值金额1%以上10%以下的罚款。这意味着,罚款金额将从原来的最高3万元提高到超过1亿元。情节严重的还将被吊销有关许可。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-27 10:27:52

    【Top News】 >Swipe fees to fall next Feb 刷卡手续费明年2月下调 The State Council has approved the proposal to slash credit card swipe fees, a notice issued by China's Central Bank has revealed, Sina Finance reported Monday. The regulation will take effect on Feb 25 next year. Swipe fees will be cut by between 23% and 24%, involving only domestic deals. Swipe fees refer to those charged to a merchant by banks and credit card centers after he receives payments through card swiping. 据新浪财经26日报道,央行下发通知,国务院已同意了银行卡刷卡手续费标准调整方案,并将于2013年2月25日起全面执行。此次刷卡费率总体下调幅度在23%至24%。调整仅涉及境内银行卡的消费交易。刷卡手续费是指商店接受客户刷卡后,支付给银行和信用卡中心的手续费。 >Top Web author list revealed 唐家三少:最富网络作家 Tangjia Sanshao (see photo) has become China's highest-paid Internet author with earnings of RMB33m in royalties, according to the 2012 Internet Author Rich List revealed by Western China Metropolis Daily Monday. He is followed by Wochi Xihongshi and Tiancan Tudou, who earn RMB21m and RMB18m respectively. The list ranks top 20 Internet writers in China whose earnings in the past 5 years add up to RMB177m, though they all made a start with only RMB0.014 per 1,000 characters on literature websites. 《华西都市报》26日发布2012中国网络作家富豪榜,网络作家唐家三少(见图)、我吃西红柿、天蚕土豆分别以3300万、2100万、1800万的版税收入荣登该榜前三甲。据了解,此次上榜的20名网络作家,均以1000字1.4分钱的行情在文学网站起步,但他们在5年内敲出了共1.77亿元的个人财富。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-27 10:28:32

    >Hire a trip to Australia 澳大利亚推分期付款游 In a move to boost the domestic tourism market, the Australian tourist industry has launched its service of "travelling in monthly payments" to attract worldwide visitors, CRI Online reported. A small down payment can grant tourists the enjoyment of Australian beaches, as long as they pay off the remaining interest-free loans monthly in the following year. Currently, the service is confined only to the Daydream Island, south of Keynes, a tourist city in the country. 据国际在线报道,为了提振低迷的国内游市场,澳大利亚旅游业近期开始试点"分期付款旅游"服务,吸引各国游客。游客只需支付小额的首付,就可以马上飞往澳大利亚享受海滩。余款可以轻松地在剩下的一年内按月分期支付,而且完全没有利息。目前这一措施仅限于位于澳旅游城市凯恩斯东南的一个名为"白日梦"的小岛。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-27 10:28:55

    【In Brief】 >Seven people died and 35 others were injured in at least 22 accidents at the Tai'an section of the Beijing-Taipei Expressway in Shandong amid heavy fog Monday, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,因受大雾影响,京台高速山东泰安段26日发生至少22起车祸,目前,已致7人死亡,35人受伤。 >Apple has shifted its battery production orders for the iPad and Macbook to Chinese battery makers Amperex Technology Ltd and Tianjin Lishen Battery Ltd, as the original manufacturer Samsung SDI has stopped supplying Apple, according to TechCrunch. 据TechCrunch消息称,苹果已经为iPad和MacBook选择了新电池供应商,即中国的新能源科技有限公司和天津力神电池股份有限公司,而此前的供应商三星SDI已停止向苹果供应电池。 >Brazilians have selected the name "Fuleco" for its 3-banded armadillo mascot for the 2014 World Cup after a 3-month voting process, AP reported. (See photo) 据美联社报道,经过3个月的投票,巴西民众将"Fuleco"定为2014年世界杯吉祥物三色犰狳的名字。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-27 10:29:18

    【Newsmaker】 >Israeli defense minister out 以色列防长宣布将辞职 Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak shook up the Israeli political system Monday with the abrupt announcement that he is quitting politics and will not run in general elections in January, AP reported. He said he has been wrestling with the decision for several weeks but wanted to spend more time with his family. Barak said he would remain as defense minister until a new government is formed. 据美联社报道,以色列国防部长埃胡德·巴拉克26日突然宣布将结束其政治生涯,且不会参加明年1月举行的大选,此举震动了以色列政坛。他说对此决定已反复斟酌数周,但最终还是想花更多时间陪伴家人。巴拉克表示,他会一直担任国防部长直到新政府成立。 [真正原因?] Barak and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who enjoyed a close working relationship for most of the past 4 years, reportedly have fallen out over whether to defer to the US on any attack against Iranian nuclear facilities. Barak's detractors in Netanyahu's Likud Party wanted him replaced. 据报道,巴拉克和首相内塔尼亚胡过去4年中,多数时间合作地很好,但两人却在对伊朗核设施发动袭击的问题上是否遵从美国的主张产生分歧。内塔尼亚胡利库德党内批评巴拉克的人想把他换掉。 >Killed by her hair dye 女子染发后脑受损死亡 A British woman who fell into a coma for about 1 year after coloring her hair at home has died in hospital, the Daily Mail of London reported. Julie McCabe collapsed with breathing difficulties and suffered heart failure and brain damage following a suspected allergic reaction to a L’Oreal hair dye in October last year. McCabe dyed her hair every 6 weeks but had never suffered a reaction before. There has been no definitive link made with the L'Oreal product but her family blamed a chemical found in hair dyes for her extreme reaction. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,英国一名女子在家中染发后陷入昏迷一年,日前死于医院。朱莉·麦卡比去年10月使用了欧莱雅染发剂后疑出现过敏反应,接着产生呼吸困难、心脏衰竭、脑部受损等症状。据了解,麦卡比此前每6周染发一次,但从未有过敏反应。迄今尚未确认欧莱雅染发剂就是元凶,但她的家人深信是染发剂中的化学物质引发了她的极端反应。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-27 10:29:38

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Men in pink shirts earn more 男人穿粉衬衫更有'钱'途 Men who wear pink shirts to work earn £1,000 more a year than those who favor traditional colors such as white or blue, according to a new study, foreign media reported. Men who wear pink are also twice as likely to have a Master's degree than those who favor white shirts, with 1/10 pink shirt wearers having a PhD. Researchers also found men who wear pink are more likely to get compliments from female colleagues and are more confident characters in the office. 据外媒报道,最新研究显示,穿粉色衬衫的男人比穿蓝白等传统颜色衬衫的同事每年多挣1000英镑。穿粉色衬衫的男士有硕士文凭的几率是穿白衬衫男士的两倍,每10位粉衬衫男士里还有1人是博士。此外,研究人员还发现,穿粉衬衫的男人更容易得到女同事称赞且在办公室更加自信。 [其它颜色衬衫] Those who frequently wear purple or lilac have the most office romances, while those who prefer blue have the least, the survey also found. Men who favor shirts with green tones are the most likely to be late for work, whilst white shirt fans are the most punctual. 调查还发现,办公室桃花运最旺的是那些常穿紫色或藕荷色衬衫的男人,而喜欢蓝衬衫的人"办公室恋情"最少。喜欢绿色调衬衫的男士最容易迟到,而喜欢白衬衫的男人则最守时。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-27 10:29:52

    【Talk Show】 踏上蜜月之旅。(2) >As a wedding gift to you, the hotel would like to give you the honeymoon suite. 作为送你们的新婚礼物,酒店免费为你们升级蜜月套房。 >I'd like to make a reservation for a suite with both shower and bath, and a king-size bed. 我想订既有淋浴又有浴缸的房间,还需要一张超大的双人床。 >Can you change this into dollars? 能帮我把这个换成美元吗? >They bumped them up to first class because they're on their honeymoon. 就因为度蜜月,他们的航班升级成了头等舱。(bump someone up to是固定搭配,一般特指飞机舱位的"升级"。)

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-27 10:39:42

    【Morning Buzz】 Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. (Soren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher, 1813-1855) 只有往回看才能理解生活,但是生活必须向前看。(索伦·克尔凯郭尔,丹麦哲学家,1813-1855)

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-27 22:35:52


  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-27 23:34:40

    腌了个泡白菜,不知道一周后,能不能入口~ PS:今天的小窍门是糯米粉煮成糊的时候,要小火, 并且要不断搅拌,不然会变成面疙瘩

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 09:55:57

    11.27晚报 【Cover Story】 >'Carrier Style' hits Web '航母style'掀起模仿潮 The Internet is abuzz with the hand signals of crew members of China's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, people.com.cn reported. With knees bent, crew members on the carrier's flight deck pointed their index and middle fingers forward as the pilot of a J-15 fighter jet was given the green light. Within less than 24 hours after the fighter took off, social media users tried posting their own versions of "Carrier Style" pictures in mimicry of the new gesture. An ordinary person like a toddler, a girl, an old man or big family members were shown giving instructions with background pictures of the flying J-15 or a motorcycle and other vehicles. 据人民网报道,歼-15在"辽宁舰"起飞时的指挥手势日前走红,被网友亲切地称为"航母Style"。该动作的要领是"侧屈腿,食指和中指指向飞机起飞方向。"在歼-15起飞后不到24小时,社交网友争"晒"对该动作的模仿,图片背景有歼-15起飞时的画面,也有摩托车等交通工具,"发号施令"的人包括孩童、少女、老人,甚或是一家人。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 09:56:10

    【Top News】 >Production lines suspended 酒鬼酒'三连跌'暂停生产 All the production lines of Jiugui Liquor were suspended Tuesday and won't be resumed until the company's production equipment is replaced, said the company, xinhuanet.com reported. The share of Jiugui Liquor contaminated by excessive amounts of plasticizer has fallen to its daily limit for 3 consecutive trading days. From a peak price of RMB61.45 on Oct 19, its share price has slumped by 35% in 23 trading days, knocking RMB7.4b off shareholder value. The company says it has no recall plans yet. 据新华网报道,酒鬼酒表示,公司所有生产线今日起全面停产,待更换设备后再恢复生产。受塑化剂事件影响,酒鬼酒已连续第3个交易日跌停。从10月19日最高价61.45元开始,股价在23个交易日跌幅已经超过35%,市值蒸发74亿。公司方面表示,目前并没有产品召回计划。 >Airlines vie for express biz 航企快递相互渗透'抢食' Once being upstream and downstream partners, airlines and express delivery providers are infiltrating into each other's turf. The competition between them has brought a fierce battle to the express and logistics industry, China Business News reported Tuesday. 据《第一财经日报》27日报道,此前互为上下游的航空公司和快递企业,正在向彼此的领域渗透,而这种"天地"间竞争也给快递物流市场带来一场混战。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 09:56:32

    [航企欲落地] China Eastern Airlines Co is integrating its subsidiary air cargo and logistics companies, aiming to transform itself from a traditional air cargo provider to a modern logistics provider. Besides China Eastern, China Southern Airlines Co is also considering getting involved in downstream businesses and extending the industrial chain of air cargo. 东方航空公司正在整合旗下的航空货运公司与物流公司,希望由传统的航空货运向现代物流商转型。除了东方航空,南方航空也在酝酿介入下游,延伸航空货运产业链。 [快递要上天] Meanwhile, courier companies have launched counterattacks against the infiltration of upstream airlines. SF Express Co has set up its own airline system and owns 7 all cargo aircraft. YTO Express Co is applying to establish its own airline system, hoping to introduce self-owned all cargo carriers for parcel deliveries. 与此同时,面对航企纷纷向下渗透,快递公司也向上游发起了反攻。目前,顺丰速运已经组建了自己的航空公司,并拥有7架全货机。圆通速递则在申请筹建自己的航空公司,希望引进自有全货机进行包裹递送。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 09:56:48

    >Starbucks going more Chinese 星巴克'变味'加速中国化 Starbucks Corp is aiming to become more Chinese as it plans a rapid expansion in the country, The Wall Street Journal reported. Belinda Wong, president of Starbucks China, said in an interview that the company aims to capture a larger market by going more local and applying its cultural insights, Wong said. 据《华尔街日报》报道,随着星巴克计划在中国迅速扩张业务,该公司眼下正力争变得更加中国化。星巴克中国区总裁王静瑛在接受采访时表示,星巴克力求更本土化,将其对中国文化的理解应用到实际中,进而夺取更大市场。 [更大门店] Starbucks has learned that Chinese consumers value space and couches on which to relax in the afternoons. The coffee company is adding some stores that are nearly 3,800 square feet and can seat consumers who come with groups of friends and business partners. 星巴克认识到中国消费者看重的是空间和可供他们在下午时放松一下的沙发。这家咖啡公司计划新增一些面积接近3800平方英尺(约合350平方米)的门店,可容纳与众多朋友和商业伙伴一同光顾的消费者。 [中国口味] Starbucks has also discovered that Chinese tastes for coffee go only so far. It plans to introduce new Chinese-inspired flavors, building on existing favorites like red bean frappuccinos. 星巴克还发现,中国人对咖啡口味的接受度不过如此。该公司计划在红豆星冰乐等现有热卖产品的基础上,推出灵感源于中国的新口味。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 09:57:02

    >Experts exhume Arafat 阿拉法特灵柩今日打开 A well-informed Palestinian source said Tuesday that the remains of former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat have been exhumed, Xinhua reported. They were put on a plastic stretcher at a mosque where the samples will be taken for a poisons test. The investigation aims to find out if Arafat's 2004 death in a French hospital resulted from poisoning. The Palestinians suspect that Israel had poisoned Arafat when he was besieged in his Ramallah headquarters before falling ill. 据新华社报道,巴勒斯坦消息人士27日透露,巴已故领导人阿拉法特的尸体已从灵柩中取出。目前,尸体被放置在一个塑料担架上,位于一座清真寺内。技术人员随后将从遗骨中提取样本进行检测,以查明阿拉法特是否系中毒身亡。阿拉法特于2004年在法国一家医院去世,巴勒斯坦方面怀疑,阿拉法特在拉马拉总统府遭围攻期间,遭以色列投毒,随后他才病倒。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 09:57:15

    【In Brief】 >Luo Yang has been bestowed with the honor of Aviation Hero of Commitment by the Aviation Industry Corp of China, Beijing News reported. Li, the man in charge of research and development on the J-15 carrier-based fighter jet, had devoted himself to the country. Li died of a heart attack while at work. 据《新京报》报道,执行任务时突发心脏病殉职的歼-15研制现场总指挥罗阳,已被中航工业授予"航空报国英模"称号。 >Shanghai shares extended losses Tuesday, plunging 1.3% to 1991.17 points, sinking below the 2000 mark for the first time since 2009. It is also the lowest level in nearly 45 months. 上证指数27日继续下跌,收报1991.17点,跌1.3%,创近45个月新低。这也是上证指数自2009年来首次跌破2000点。 >Microsoft is currently preparing an update for Windows Phone 8, codenamed Apollo Plus, The Verge reported. 据科技博客The Verge报道,微软正在准备对Windows Phone 8进行升级,升级代号为"Apollo Plus"。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 09:57:25

    【Newsmaker】 >Tracking system for women 沙特给女性贴'电子标签' Denied the right to travel without consent from their male guardians and stopped from driving, women in Saudi Arabia are now being monitored by an electronic system that tracks any cross-border movements, AFP reported. Since last week, Saudi women's male guardians have begun receiving text messages on their phones informing them when women under their custody leave the country. The move by the Saudi authorities was swiftly condemned on social network Twitter. "Why don't we just install a microchip into our women to track their whereabouts?" read one post. 据法新社报道,沙特阿拉伯女性在没有男性监护人同意的情况下不能旅行,也无权驾驶汽车,现在还要被电子系统随时随地追踪跨境活动。从上周起,沙特男性开始收到手机短信提示,告知他们监护的女子何时离开了国家。沙特当局的这一做法迅速在社交网站推特上引发批评浪潮,有的用户直接调侃:"为啥不直接在女人身上植入芯片时刻追踪她们呢?"

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 09:58:13

    【Kaleidoscope】 >No fans match to be guarded 零观众球赛也安保(图) Two thousand Russian police officers will be on duty at Zenit St Petersburg's match with CSKA Moscow even though no fans will be allowed in (see photo), Zenit said Monday, Russian media reported. A match without fans is a punishment for Zenit, whose game at Dynamo Moscow earlier this month was abandoned when a firework thrown from the Zenit end injured Dynamo's goalkeeper. 据俄罗斯媒体报道,圣彼得堡泽尼特足球俱乐部26日称,虽然不允许球迷入场,但2000名警察仍将在泽尼特对阵莫斯科中央陆军的比赛中执勤(见图)。不允许球迷进场其实是对泽尼特的惩罚。泽尼特本月初对阵莫斯科迪纳摩队时,从泽尼特看台那边投掷过来一枚烟火装置,导致对方守门员受伤,比赛被迫中止。 【China Daily Radio】 中国文化部副部长赵少华11日在十八大记者会上表示,十年来中华文化影响力不断扩大,全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外文化交流格局正在形成。不过,中国对外交流仍然存在"文化逆差",这需要进一步解放思想,扩大文化交流的渠道、规模、形式以及内容。 请看相关报道: The increase of imported films is part of what Zhao Shaohua, vice-minister of culture, called a "cultural deficit" facing the country. 进口影片增加正是文化部副部长赵少华所说的我国现在面临的"文化逆差"的一部分。 Cultural deficit就是"文化逆差",指中国文化贸易(cultural trade)出口少于进口,中国的对外文化交流和传播(international cultural exchange and popularization)严重"入超"。这种"文化逆差"主要表现在电影、电视剧、图书、文艺演出等文化产品(cultural products)的进口多出口少。在国际贸易中,出口多于进口的情况叫做trade surplus (贸易顺差),反之则叫做trade deficit (贸易逆差)。 今年一季度,中国取代日本成为the 2nd-largest film market (第二大电影市场)。前十个月,domestic box office receipts (国内票房收入)比上年同期增加了40%,但其中近60%的收入来自imported films (进口影片)。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 09:58:59

    【Word Power】 着舰 deck-landing 例句: A J-15 fighter jet has successfully carried out the first deck-landing exercises on China's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning. 中国首艘航母"辽宁舰"成功进行了首次歼-15舰载机的着舰试验。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 14:13:16

    11.28早报 【Morning Buzz】 Wit is the salt of conversation, not the food. (William Hazlitt, English writer, 1778-1830) 风趣是谈话的佐料,而非主食。(威廉·赫兹里,英国作家,1778-1830)

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 14:13:36

    【Cover Story】 >Toyota adjusting strategies 丰田在华'本土化'求自救 Toyota Motor is adjusting its strategies in China, China Enterprises News reported. The title of Toyota China will be changed into China Toyota to stress localization. For the first time, Chinese executives are included in the top management team in Toyota China, including Dong Changzheng, executive deputy manager of Toyota's Chinese business and Lang Lixin, deputy general manager of Lexus China. The company also confirmed the 2013 production of Toyota Dear Qin, a global strategic sedan and hatchback. Toyota says Qin means "dear" in Chinese and "represents the wish for the model to become cherished by many Chinese consumers". 据《中国企业报》报道,丰田近日调整在华战略。其在华称谓将由此前的"丰田中国"改为"中国丰田",以强调本地化战略。丰田在华高层中,首次出现了丰田中国执行副总经理董长征、雷克萨斯中国区副总经理郎立新等中国面孔。此外,丰田证实将于2013年推出一款全球战略轿车以及掀背车"TOYOTA Dear 亲"。丰田表示,"亲"在汉语中是"亲爱的"之意,公司希望让这款车获得众多中国消费者的青睐。 --Sales of Toyota Motor in China continued its decline in October as anti-Japanese-product anger at Japan's illegal "purchase" of China's Diaoyu Islands remained strong. The Japanese automaker sold 45,600 vehicles in the world's largest market, a 44% year-on-year decline. The downtrend followed its 48.9% year-on-year sales decline in September. 日本非法"购买"钓鱼岛引发中国消费者持续抵制日货,丰田9月在华销量同比下挫48.9%。10月在华销量为4.56万辆,同比下降44%。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 14:13:59

    【Top News】 >Transaction volume hiked 36城商品房成交量上涨 In the week of Nov 19 to Nov 25, the weekly year-on-year transaction volumes of commercial housing in 36 out of 39 cities monitored rose, according to a report released by the China Index Academy Monday, Economic Information reported. The growth rate from Harbin is the highest at 777.22%. Both the weekly transaction volumes in 10 major cities rose. Among them Shenzhen's rate is the highest at 200.27%. 据《经济参考报》报道,中指院26日发布的报告显示,19日至25日一周内,监测的39个城市中,36个城市商品房周成交同比增长,其中哈尔滨增幅最大,达777.22%。重点城市中,10个城市周成交同比上涨,其中深圳涨幅最大,达到200.27%。 [业界观点] The trade in first-hand and 2nd-hand houses has recently exhibited different trends in the property market. Most of the volumes are contributed by government-subsidized housing and 2nd-hand housing transactions, said Zhang Xu, a property analyst from Home Link. As the supply of newly built commercial housing shrunk, the transaction volume of new houses continuously dropped month-on-month. 链家地产分析师张絮表示,近期房地产市场一二手房走势出现了分化,此次高成交多在保障房与二手房方面。由于新建商品房供给量减少,因此如果仅看新建住房成交,则是连续环比下降。 >Officials sacked over lunch 营养餐缩水5人被免职 Five officials in Hunan have been removed from their posts after government subsidies for rural children's meals were suspected of being pocketed, xinhuanet.com reported. A teacher exposed online that children in a primary school in Fenghuang county received only a small piece of bread and a little bit of milk for lunch. It was below the RMB3 meal standard set by the government for a subsidized lunch for school children. Local government Tuesday said 2 officials within its education bureau, the school's principal and 2 deputy principals have been sacked following the allegation. 据新华网报道,针对湖南凤凰县一名老师网上反映的小学生营养餐问题,当地政府27日对凤凰县教育局两名官员,学校校长、以及两名副校长做出免职处理决定。政府补贴3元的学生"营养午餐"到了该校的孩子们手上,只剩下了一个巴掌大的小面包和一小份牛奶。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 14:14:14

    >US school trains cyber spies 美大学正培养网络间谍 The University of Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the US is training cyber spies, the Daily Mail of London reported. Students are taught there with a mixture of classroom theory and practical field work, the Cyber Corps program creator was quoted as saying, with each assigned to a police crime lab on campus to apply their skills to help recover evidence from digital devices. This 2-year program is teaching students to write viruses, hack networks, crack passwords and mine data, and placing 85% of graduates with the NSA or CIA. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,美国俄克拉荷马州的塔尔萨大学正在培养网络间谍。这个"网络军团"项目的创始人称,他们采用了课堂理论和实践相结合的教学方式,学生可在学校的犯罪侦破实验室实习,利用学到的技能帮助恢复数字设备中的证据。在为期两年的网络间谍课程中,学生将学习如何编写计算机病毒、发动网络攻击、窃取密码以及收集数据等。85%的毕业生将获得为国家安全局和中央情报局工作的机会。 >SpaceX to build Mars colony 20年内8万人移民火星 SpaceX founder Elon Musk has announced detailed plans to send 80,000 people to colonize Mars by ferrying explorers to the Red Planet for $500,000 per trip over 2 decades, The Economic Times reported. "On Mars, you can start a self-sustaining civilization and grow it into something really big," said the private space entrepreneur. The colony would start with a small group of people, armed with supplies including materials to build a transparent dome, which could be pressurized so that Martian pioneers could farm on Martian soil. 据《经济时报》报道,私人航天飞机公司SpaceX创始人埃隆•马斯克宣布了一项详细的火星殖民计划,他将用20年的时间将8万人运至火星,每张"火星船票"收取50万美元。马斯克表示,"你可以在火星上开启一个自给自足的文明,并将其发扬光大。"该计划将先派遣一支小"先锋队"前往火星,运载各种供给,包括建造可密封的透明圆顶屋的材料,以便在其中用火星土壤耕种。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 14:14:26

    【In Brief】 >China will strive to foster 100 agricultural companies with annual sales exceeding RMB10b in the next 3 to 5 years, Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu said Tuesday. 中国农业部部长韩长赋27日提出,将力争用3到5年时间培育100家年销售额超过100亿元的农业领军企业。 >US shoppers are expected to spend more than $1.5b on Cyber Monday, up 20% from last year, according to research firm comScore, AP reported. 据美联社报道,研究机构comScore预测,美国"网购星期一"销售额将超15亿美元,同比上涨20%。 >A new survey has found that 9 out of 10 middle-aged women in Britain take control of the family finances, foreign media reported. 据外媒报道,最新调查发现,英国90%的中年女性手握家中的财政大权。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 14:14:38

    【Newsmaker】 >Grandpa takes China by storm 中国潮外公引外媒'围观' Forget Gangnam style; Chinese man does "Grandpa style". Wearing aviator sunglasses and a selection of thigh-high tights and frilly skirts, 72-year-old Liu Qianping (see photo), also known as "MaDiGaGa", has caused quite a stir in China, CNN reported. In the past few weeks, images of the fashionista grandpa have appeared on TMall, marketing clothes for a business set up by his granddaughter. Sales of the store have surged fivefold. The Toronto Star and AFP also reported the rising Internet star. "江南Style?过时了!来看中国外公Style!"美国有线电视新闻网报道,头戴飞行员式墨镜,身穿长筒紧身丝袜,搭配褶边小裙,72岁的"麻爹嘎嘎"刘谦平(见图)在网上掀起风潮。过去数周里,"潮外公"的照片被贴在其孙女开的天猫网店上为服装做宣传,自此销售额翻了5倍。加拿大《多伦多星报》、法新社等外媒也都纷纷对他进行报道,称之为网络新星。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 14:14:49

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Free 3D gun coming soon 3D打印机可造真枪(图) Anyone in the world could soon have access to a 3D printable plastic gun through the Internet thanks to a US company which plans to distribute schematics for the weapons free of charge, the Daily Mail of London reported. Defense Distributed hopes to test prototypes of the printable weapons - which can fire real bullets - by the end of the year. Non-expert users will have the ability to make a gun with just a click. This could very well change the way we think about gun control and consumption. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,美国一家公司计划在网上发布免费武器图纸,这意味着不久以后,无论你在世界哪个角落,都可以通过网络获取一支3D打印塑料枪,这种枪可发射真子弹。这家名为Defense Distributed的公司希望年底可以测试打印。没有枪械知识的人们只需点击打印,就可以拥有一支枪,这项计划将大大改变人们对枪支管理和消费的理解。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 14:15:05

    【Talk Show】 最后一刻幸运过关 >I ran all the way there and made it by the skin of my teeth. 我一路跑过去,差点就错过了。 >He never does any revision for exams but always manages to pass by the skin of his teeth! 他考试前从不复习,但总能勉强过关。 >I passed the test by the skin of my teeth. 我差点儿没通过考试。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 17:22:54

    书单: 一、修为类29本:同学们可看一些哲学、自然科学、社会历史方面的书。 畅销书: 李开复:《做最好的自己》;丹尼尔·戈尔曼:《情商:它为什么比智商更重要》1995 《谁动了我的奶酪?》、《致加西亚的信》、《拿破仑·希尔成功学全书》 《如何掌控自己的时间和生活》、《高效能人士的七个习惯》 中国古典名著: 《论语》、《道德经》、《易经》或是后人的经典解读 《孙子兵法》(特别是曹操做注的那一本,太博大精深了,每次阅读都有新的收获) 《三十六计》、《三国演义》、《史记》(但要注意司马迁的个人价值取向)、《东周列国志》 现代名著: 费正清著《中国现代史》、《毛泽东选集》(《论持久战》、《实践论》、《矛盾论》)真的很经典!《邓小平文选》 西方名著: 罗素著《西方哲学史》、黑格尔的《辩证法》、霍金著《时间简史》等,有助于我们加深对事物的认识 名人传记类: 《曾国藩书信全集》、《胡雪岩全传》中国著名商人传记 思维训练: 爱德华·德·波诺(Edward De Bono) 在国际上被公认为首屈一指的创造性思维大师.著作达60多种。代表作主要有:《思维的训练》、《六顶思考帽》 毕业找工作前必读的书: 《工作中无小事》、《你在为谁工作》、《不要只做我告诉你的事》、《我爱笨老板》 二、管理类经典21本 (一)彼得·德鲁克(也译作杜拉克)被称为管理大师中的大师,他的以下代表作,要读精读透。有兴趣的同学对他的书可见一本买一本,多读有益(优先选机械工业出版社): 《卓有成效的管理者》高级管理者必读的经典之作 《管理的实践》将管理学开创成为一门学科 《管理:任务,责任,实践》为学习管理学的学生提供的系统化教科书 《成果管理》、《21世纪管理的挑战》、《旁观者:管理大师德鲁克回忆录》 (二)其他大师的经典之作 1. 世界级经典教材哈罗得·孔茨的《管理学》 2. 松下幸之助的巨著:《松下幸之助管理全集》(很厚的) 3. 日本管理大师大前研一:《看不见的新大陆》 4. 管理大师彼德斯的代表作:《追求卓越》 5. 迈克尔·波特:《竞争战略》竞争战略之父 6. 金昌为、莫博涅/著:《蓝海战略》商务印书馆,2005年5月 7. (美)柯林斯等:《基业长青》中信出版社平凡的道理,但是却非常有现实价值! 8. (美)斯莱沃斯基等:《发现利润区》中信出版社 2002年6月 比《基业长青》更加实在、细致而真切地剖析了企业通过为客户提供价值而获取利润的成长之道。 9. 菲利浦·科特勒:经典教材《营销管理》一印再印,风靡全球。任何一位营销人,不管他涉世未深,还是资历深厚,都受到该书直接的或者间接的影响。 10. 威谦·大内:《Z理论》Z理论创始人 11. 《兰德决策》这是一本解释如何决策的好书。我们中间大道理懂的不少,但在实际工作中解决问题时却经常范一些低级错误,这本书能教我们一些基本的方法。 12. 爱德华·戴明《转危为安》(Out of the Crisis)一书是他最成熟的管理著作 13. 迈克·哈默:《公司再造》/《再造企业》20世纪90年代最优秀的一个管理思想家 14. 拉里·博西迪《执行》 15. 斯图尔特·克雷纳《管理百年》译著海南出版社笔调活泼,极富有吸引力 三、专业相关的畅销书6本 1. (美)斯蒂芬·P·罗宾斯《管人的真理》中信出版社 2002年11月 2. 《影响力:你为什么会说“是”?》(美)西奥迪尼中国社会科学出版社 2001年 3. 《现在发现你的优势》 4. 墨顿·亨特《心理学的故事》译著海南出版社 5. 魅力赢天下(蒂姆.桑德斯):机械工业出版社,2005 6. 《鲍威尔领导秘诀》,作者:奥伦·哈拉里 四、专业经典名著14本: 1. 乔治·埃尔顿·梅奥:《工业文明的社会问题》行为管理学派的创始人 2. 道格拉斯·麦格雷戈:《企业的人事方面》人性假设理论创始人 3. 弗雷德里克·赫茨伯格:双因素理论创始人:《工作与人性》 4. 亚伯拉罕·马斯洛:《马斯洛管理》需求层次理论创始人 5. 戴维·麦克利兰:《渴求成就》激励理论的巨匠 6. 维克托·弗鲁姆:《管理决策新论》期望理论的奠基人 7. 马克思·韦伯:《社会与经济组织理论》组织理论之父 8. 卡尔·韦克--著名的组织行为学者《组织的社会心理学》 9. 彼得·圣吉:《第五项修炼——学习型组织的艺术与任务》学习型组织之父 10. 切斯特·巴纳德:《经理人员的职能》社会系统学派的创始人 11. 享利·明茨伯格:《管理工作的本质》/《经理工作的性质》中国社会科学出版社,1986年,原版1973管理领域的经典 12. 弗雷德·菲德勒:《让工作适合管理者》权变管理创始人 13. 约翰·科特:《现代企业的领导艺术》领导变革之父 14. 罗伯特·卡普兰的平衡计分卡---75年来最具影响力的管理学说 五、专业书18本: 1. 《人力资源管理》,加里·德斯勒著,中国人民大学出版社1999年版 2. 人力资源管理-获取竞争优势的工具 / (美)劳伦斯 S.克雷曼 / 孙非等译 /北京 : 机械工业出版社 , 1999 3. 《人力资源管理研究》,赵曙明著,中国人民大学出版社2001年版 4. 哈佛商学院MBA教程,《人力资源管理》,红旗出版社 5. 詹姆斯.W.沃克著,《人力资源管理译丛:人力资源战略》,中国人民大学出版社 6. (美)爱德华.拉齐尔,《人事管理经济学》,三联书店 7. 人力资源管理实务及实例 / 人力资源管理杂志社编 中山大学出版社 , 2001 8. 人力资源管理理论与实务/ 廖洪元编著成都 : 电子科技大学出版社, 1995 9. 《雇员培训与开发》徐芳译中国人民大学出版社 10. 《员工招募、面试甄选和岗前引导》王丽娟译中国人民大学出版社 11. 《组织变革中的人力资源管理》译著人民邮电出版社 12. 约瑟夫等著,《战略薪酬:人力资源管理方法》第二版,社会科学出版社 13. 《薪酬管理》董克用译中国人民大学出版社 14. 《双面神绩效管理》第三册许玉林译电子工业出版社 15. 以KPI为核心的绩效管理-饶征孙波-中国人民大学出版社 16. 胡谢骅:有效果比有道理更重要——NLP系列经典丛书 17. 彭剑锋、饶征,《基于能力的人力资源系统开发与管理》,中国人民大学出版社 18. 做中国人的人力管理,台湾国学大师南怀谨:《论语别裁》复旦大学出版社 六、经济类书3本: 1. 曼昆《经济学原理》,为大一学生而写,引用大量案例和报刊文摘,与生活贴近。 2. 科斯、阿尔钦、诺思财产权利与制度选择——产权学派与新制度学派译文集 3. 吴敬琏:当代中国经济改革:战略与实施 国内经济学家的书可选看,如吴敬涟、林毅夫、张维迎、张培刚、厉以宁等,但不可太杂,切记! 七、介绍企业案例的书9本: 1. 《道路与梦想》、《从优秀到卓越》是什么保证了深圳万科15年的持续增长和领跑?是什么保证了万科每年30%以上的利润增长?有太多的东西值得我们学习和思考。 2. 《联想为什么》是一本中国人写中国企业的哈佛式案例分析力作。主要是从企业战略、人才、观念、创新、激励等方面探讨联想之所以成功的原因。 3. 《海尔,中国造》亏损147万元的小厂,16年后成为国际知名企业集团,年销售额达406亿元,保持80%的平均增长速度。被评为全球同行业企业增速之首。 4. 《走出华为》有人说,在国内唯一值得称道的公司就是华为。为什么说华为是中国最优秀的企业,一个亲历华为的人想告诉您一个真实的华为。 5. 《大变局》作者秦朔记载并解析了在前十年中国企业改革的风风雨雨,让我们了解中国企业的实际状况,并得到深刻教训和很好的启发。 6. 《只有偏执狂才能生存》,英特尔的创始人之一格罗夫著。没有英特尔的微处理器,就算一万个比尔·盖茨也无力回天。同样的,没有格罗夫,也就没有今天的英特尔。 7. 《杰克·韦尔奇自传》(美)韦尔奇中信出版社 2001年美国通用的前CEO传记 8. 《差距:中国一流企业离世界一流企业有多远》姜汝祥著 其它可参阅的专业书: 1. 人力资源管理: 第十一版 / 亚瑟. 舍曼, 乔治. 勃兰德, 斯科特. 斯耐尔合著 大连 : 东北财经大学出版社, 1998 2. 人力资源管理: 第六版 / R. 韦恩·蒙迪, 罗伯特·M. 诺埃著; 葛新权等译北京 : 经济科学出版社, 1998 3. 《人力资源管理》(美)劳埃德.拜厄斯、莱斯利.鲁著李业昆译人民邮电出版社 4. 迈克尔.比尔等《管理人力资本》,华厦出版社 5. 雷蒙德.A.诺伊等,《人力资源管理获得竞争优势》第三版,人民大学出版社,2001 6. 人力资源管理 / 余凯成, 程文文, 陈维政编著大连 : 大连理工大学出版社, 1999 7. 《转型-与战略匹配的人力资源管理》霍尔比契中国财政经济出版社 8. 张德,《人力资源管理》,企业管理出版社 9. 《人力资源管理导论》郑晓明机械工业出版社 10. 余凯成等,《人力资源管理》,大连理工大学出版社 11. 谢文辉等,《卓越人力制度典范》,石油工业出版社 12. 张再生,《职业生涯管理》,经济管理出版社 13. 辛向阳,《薪资革命》,企业管理出版社 14. 马士斌,《生涯管理》,人民日报出版社 15. 《组织设计与管理》许玉林复旦大学出版社 16. 《绩效管理》许玉林复旦大学出版社 17. 《薪酬管理》,刘昕著,中国人民大学出版社,2002年版 18. 《薪酬的最佳方案》,成华著,中央编译出版社,2004年版 19. 《人力资源动态诊断手册》,佟天佑著,广东经济出版社,2004年版 参加工作之后可参阅的书: 1. 人力资源管理实务问答与工作模本 / 李剑编著 /北京 : 中国致公出版社 , 2001 2. 人力资源管理实务必备手册 / 李剑编著 /北京 : 中国言实出版社 , 2000 3. 人力资源管理及开发手册 / 人力资源经理杂志社编 /广州 : 中山大学出版社 , 2001 4. 人力资源管理手册 The IEBM handbook of human resource management / (英)迈克尔·普尔, 马尔科姆·沃纳主编; 清华大学经济管理学院编译辽宁教育出版社

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 18:31:25

    【Cover Story】 >Authors earn well in China 揭外国作家'中国捞金'榜 British novelist J. K. Rowling was named the foreign author making the biggest fortune in China with earnings of RMB15m in royalties, according to a 2012 earnings list, published by Western China Metropolis Daily. Rowling is followed by Garcia Marquez, the author of the novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude" earning RMB6m in China. And the 3rd place goes to Walter Isaacson, who pockets RMB5m for the biography "Steve Jobs". A group of Japanese writers is also prominent on the list, with 5 of them taking the top 15 places. 《华西都市报》最新发布的2012年外国作家富豪榜显示,英国作家J·K·罗琳在中国以1500万元人民币的版税收入位列榜单首位,《百年孤独》作者马尔克斯,《史蒂夫·乔布斯传》作者艾萨克森分别以600万元、500万元的成绩位居2、3位。此外,日本作家在中国的"吸金"能力尤为突出,他们占据前15中的5个席位。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 18:31:52

    【Top News】 >Property tax expansion? 社科院建议推广房产税 Academic researchers have suggested that property tax trials should be expanded beyond the current cities of Shanghai and Chongqing, according to a report issued Wednesday by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Xinhua reported. Urban households should pay taxes at a higher rate, based on the estimated value of the house, for an area in excess of 40 sq m for each family member, said the report. The levy should apply to all home buyers no matter how many years their home ownership legally lasts. Both newly built and resale houses should be covered by the policy. 据新华社报道,社科院28日发布报告,提出应推广沪渝经验,对城镇居民家庭人均用房超过40平米部分,无论住房为何种产权性质,均应按评估价格征收税率较高的保有环节房产税,且新增商品房和现有存量房均纳入征税范围。 >Avoid unofficial 12306 apps 谨防山寨版12306客户端 More than 20 apps using the name "mobile 12306" have been found on Apple's App Store and in Android's marketplace, Beijing Times reported. It followed the failure of the Ministry of Railways to meet its schedule in launching an official "mobile 12306" service by the end of September to allow passengers to purchase railway tickets via mobile phone. The unauthorized versions of 12306 apps are priced from RMB0-30, with some even featuring China railway's logo in their icons. Customers should avoid booking and buying tickets via apps other than the official version, the Ministry warns. 据《京华时报》报道,截至目前,铁道部原本计划9月底上线的"掌上12306"手机购票业务仍未推出,但在苹果App Store和安卓平台中已有类似的"李鬼版12306客户端"20多个。这些应用的售价从免费到30元不等,不少应用的图标还使用了铁路路徽。铁路部门提醒,切勿通过非官方版本的客户端付款订票。 >Cross-Straits travel easier 6城市外地人可申请赴台 College students and residents without local household registration in 6 cities in the Chinese mainland are able to apply for passports and travel permits to Taiwan starting Sept 1, Yang Yi, the State Council's Taiwan Affairs Office spokesman said at a press conference Wednesday, chinanews.com reported. The 6 cities are Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. According to the policy, the materials a non-local resident need to provide are a household register, a 2nd generation citizen's identity card, a temporary residence permit and evidence that he or she has made social security payments in the city for more than a year. 据中新网报道,国台办发言人杨毅28日在例行发布会上表示,自今年9月1日起,在北京、上海、天津、重庆、广州、深圳等6城市,符合条件的非本市户籍就业人员和高等院校在读大学生,也可异地申办往来台湾地区通行证及签注。按相关规定,非本市户籍人员可凭户口簿、二代居民身份证、暂(居)住证,以及在就业地连续一年以上缴纳社会保险的证明进行申请。 >Non-HK patients to pay more 非港人看公医涨价五成 Starting April, 2013, the fees for services for non-local residents in public hospitals in Hong Kong will be increased by 44.5%, and the fees and charges for private services will be increased by 45%, Southern Metropolis Daily reported Wednesday. The new policy of hospital fees and charges levied on non-eligible persons and private patients receiving public healthcare services has just been approved by Hong Kong's Hospital Authority. It will then cost non-Hong Kong residents nearly HK$1,000 for emergency care and HK$4,600 daily to stay in a general ward. 据《南方都市报》28日报道,香港医院管理局日前通过非符合资格人士及私家病人使用公立医院服务收费加价的决议。根据新规定,2013年4月起,香港公立医院除了提高非本地居民的服务收费44.5%外,公立医院的私家诊症服务收费也将增加45%。届时非本地居民看急诊需花费近1000港元,而入住普通病房的费用每日将达到4600港元。 >Egypt in nationwide protests 埃及多地爆发民众游行 Violent clashes between demonstrators and police erupted as tens of thousands of Egyptians rallied against President Mohamed Mursi Tuesday night in one of the biggest outpourings of protest since Hosni Mubarak's overthrow in cities including Cairo, Alexandria and Port Said, people.com.cn reported. The main demand of the "million-person march" is to withdraw the president's constitutional declaration and "protect the fruit of the revolution". Three people have been killed and hundreds have been injured in the clashes, according to local media. 据人民网报道,埃及首都开罗、亚历山大、塞得港等地27日夜爆发自穆巴拉克下台以来最大规模的示威游行,数万民众集会抗议总统穆尔西并与警方发生暴力冲突。埃及媒体说,这场"百万人大游行"的诉求是要推翻穆尔西的宪法声明,"保卫革命果实"。冲突已造成3人死亡,数百人受伤。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 18:32:04

    【In Brief】 >China Film Group and Shanghai Film Group have submitted their applications to list on the Shanghai stock exchange, according to a document posted on the China Securities Regulatory Commission's website, cnr.cn reported. 据中广网报道,证监会网站最新公布的IPO股票申报企业基本信息表显示,中国电影股份有限公司和上海电影有限公司已递交IPO申请,拟上市地都是上证所。 >Retired Chinese NBA basketball player Yao Ming was conferred with an honorary doctorate in social sciences at Hong Kong University, Oriental Morning Post reported. 据《东方早报》报道,退役的NBA球星姚明日前获得香港大学颁授的名誉社会科学博士学位。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 18:32:53

    [2010年10月7日早报] Some people say it is the best news website across the US, but do not believe them. Theonion.com is an entertainment website featuring satirical articles reporting on international, national and local news. 有人说"洋葱网"是美国最好的新闻网站,但是,千万别听他们忽悠。这其实是个恶搞网站,上面报道的国际、美国国内和地方新闻都是充满讽刺意味的假新闻。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 18:33:03

    【China Daily Radio】 专业人士指出,中国经济持续增长动力充沛,世界成功经济体的发展经验表明中国具有克服"中等收入陷阱"的制度和经济优势,不会落入"中等收入陷阱"。 请看相关报道: China can easily avoid what is known as the middle income trap given its still rapidly growing productivity, said Frank Gong, managing director of JP Morgan Securities (Asia Pacific) Limited. 摩根大通亚太区董事总经理龚方雄表示,中国凭借其依旧快速增长的生产力可以轻松避免所谓的"中等收入陷阱"。 Middle income trap就是"中等收入陷阱",指当一个国家的人均收入(per capita income)达到中等水平,由于不能顺利实现经济发展方式(economic development model)的转变,导致经济增长动力不足,最终出现经济停滞的一种状态。 专家分析认为,将中国的经济发展模式转变为sustainable pattern(可持续发展模式)是避免这一问题的关键,其中包括the reform of the income distribution mechanism(收入分配制度改革)。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 18:33:16

    【Word Power】 网络星期一 Cyber Monday 例句: Cyber Monday, which refers to the Monday after Black Friday following Thanksgiving in the US, has become the biggest online shopping day in the country in recent years. 网络星期一是指美国感恩节后紧接着黑色星期五的那个周一,这一天已成为美国近年来网络购物最重要的日子。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 20:18:41

    昨天 看电影去了, 所以昨天的晚报木有读, 今天 看了三份...我快瞎了

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 20:33:22

    不错,好习惯! 感谢分享 不错,好习惯! 感谢分享 新开始

    刚开始两天~惭愧~ 希望自己能坚持下去~ 加油!

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-28 21:35:16

    ◆目标 ❤每天 1.9点起床 2.10点听力 3.China Daily 早报 4.每天一种水果 5.多喝水 1000ML 6.China Daily 晚报 7.22点前脸部护理 8.22点诗/词 一篇 9.澡后抹润肤乳 10.最晚24点上床 ❤每周 1.仔细上一次发膜 2.一周去一次超市(开源节流,现在一周要去三四次,少去少去少去!!!) ❤每月 1.看一场电影 2.读完一本书 ●附加:一周一张手绘(12.1-12.14)-->一周两张(12.15-1.15)-->一天一张(1.16-明年5月)

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-29 09:40:08

    【Morning Buzz】 If God created shadows it was to better emphasize the light. (Pope John XXIII, 1881-1963) 如果说上帝创造了阴影,那不过是为了更好地衬托光明。(教皇约翰二十三世,1881-1963)

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-29 09:40:25

    【Cover Story】 >Drinking fountains in schools 直饮水3年内覆盖沪校园 Drinking fountains with clean water supply will be installed into each middle and primary schools in Shanghai by 2015, local education authorities said, chinadaily.com.cn reported. About 2/3 of local students face insufficient water intake, as water in schools must be boiled and filtered before drinking. More than 400 schools in the city have already been equipped with the water fountains. Under the plan, the rest of the 1,200 schools will receive water facilities by 2015. 据中国日报网报道,上海市教委称,2015年直饮水将覆盖全市中小学校。当地近2/3的学生饮水量不足,这与学校自来水无法直接饮用,需要通过煮沸过滤有关。目前,市内已有400多所学校完成了直饮水建设,按照计划,其余1200所学校将在2015年前完成直饮水建设。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-29 09:40:39

    【Top News】 >High living costs in China 京沪生活成本高于纽约 The latest annual cost of living survey by US consulting firm Mercer found Beijing and Shanghai to be pricier than New York and London. Shanghai was ranked 16th. Beijing followed at 17th, ahead of London (25th) and New York (32nd), South China Morning Post reported. Hong Kong came 9th. Other major Chinese cities were catching up quickly. Shenzhen and Guangzhou were ranked, 30th and 31st, respectively, up 13 and 7 places from last year. 据香港《南华早报》报道,美国美世咨询公司就年度生活成本进行的一项最新调查发现,北京和上海的生活成本比纽约和伦敦还高。上海在总排名中列第16位,北京紧随其后列第17位,高于伦敦(第25位)和纽约(第32位)。香港位于第9位。其他中国大城市也在迅速赶超,深圳和广州分列30和31位,分别比去年提高13位和7位。 >Death penalty for making film 辱先知影片7人判死刑 Egypt's Cairo Criminal Court sentenced to death in absentia 7 Egyptian fugitive defendants in the case of an anti-Prophet film, the Egyptian state-run TV reported Wednesday. The defendants, who are Egyptian immigrants to the US, were accused of committing crimes related to the unity and independence of Egypt. The 7 defendants have been put on the watch list of Cairo International Airport. The low-budget video, produced in the US, denigrated the Prophet Mohammad and triggered anti-US protests and attacks on Western embassies around the Muslim world. 据埃及国家电视台28日报道,开罗刑事法院缺席判处7名涉嫌参与制作侮辱伊斯兰教先知影片的在逃被告死刑。被判决的7名被告是埃及旅美侨民,他们被控犯下妨碍国家独立统一的有关罪行。这7人已被列入开罗国际机场的入境监控名单。这部在美国制作的低成本影片诋毁了先知穆罕默德,在穆斯林国家引发反美示威浪潮,西方国家使馆也遭到袭击。 >Apple fires maps manager 苹果地图负责人遭解雇 Apple Inc has fired the manager responsible for its troubled mapping software, seeking to win back the trust of users disappointed after the program debuted in September, according to insiders, Bloomberg reported. Richard Williamson, who oversaw the mapping team, was pushed out by Senior Vice President Eddy Cue. Critics have faulted Apple's new map software for unreliable landmark searches, routes that get users lost and lack of public transport directions. 据彭博社报道,消息人士透露,苹果已经解雇苹果地图负责人里奇·威廉姆森,希望重新赢得用户的信任。苹果今年9月推出地图应用,但由于出现了许多故障,用户感到十分失望。在苹果高级副总裁艾迪·库的主张下,威廉姆森最终被踢出苹果。批评人士指责,苹果地图的地标搜索功能不可靠,提供的路线会让用户迷路,而且缺少公共交通系统指引。 >Exam finish partying banned 剑桥大学禁考试后庆祝 Cambridge undergraduates have been banned from their traditional celebrations at the end of exams as their antics have upset the public, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. "Over–exuberant" students left the exam venues and emerged into the city center streets, spraying champagne and throwing flour at one another. Passers-by have had to dodge crowds of excited students. Now the university has introduced a rule demanding that students leave quietly, do not block pavements and roads, and refrain from causing any damage.(See photo) 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,剑桥大学近日正式废止本科生们疯狂庆祝考试结束的传统,原因是他们的疯狂行径招致了公众不满。往常,结束考试后过度兴奋的剑桥学生喜欢聚集在市中心街道上疯狂庆祝,互泼香槟和面粉,导致过往路人避之不及。剑桥出台的禁令中要求学生安静离开,不得阻塞人行道和街道,更不得毁坏公物。(见图) >Soft drink ups cancer risk 研究:喝汽水易患前列癌 Men who drink one normal-sized soft drink per day are at greater risk of getting more aggressive forms of prostate cancer, according to a Swedish study, AFP reported. The study found those who drank one 330-milliliter soft drink a day were 40% more likely to develop more serious forms of prostate cancer that required treatment. While further research was needed, there are already plenty of reasons a person should cut back on soft-drink consumption, researchers said. 据法新社报道,瑞士一项研究显示,每天喝一罐普通装汽水的男性患恶性前列腺癌的风险会更高。该研究发现,那些一天喝330毫升汽水的男性患上较为严重、需要诊治的前列腺癌的概率比一般人高出40%。研究人员称,虽然此调查还需深入研究,但目前现有理由已足以让人少喝汽水。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-29 09:40:49

    【In Brief】 >The Chinese central government allocated RMB15.05b in meal subsidies to improve the nutrition of rural students this year, the Ministry of Finance announced Wednesday. 财政部28日称,中央财政今年累计下发150.5亿元支持农村学生营养改善计划。 >The US Treasury Department Tuesday said in its latest semi-annual currency report that China did not manipulate its currency, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,美国财政部27日公布汇率半年报,报告承认中国未操纵货币汇率。 >The OECD slashed its global growth forecasts Tuesday to 2.9% this year from its previous 3.4%,warning that the debt crisis in the euro zone is the greatest threat to the world economy. 经济合作与发展组织27日预测全球经济今年将增长2.9%,较之前做出的预测值3.4%有所下调,并警告称欧债危机是全球经济的最大威胁。 >A newly released satellite photo of North Korea indicates the country may be preparing for a long-range missile test in the next 3 weeks, US media reported. The photo, taken by US satellite operator DigitalGlobe, shows increased activity at North Korea's Sohae Launch Facility. 据美国媒体报道,该国卫星图像公司数字全球近日公布了一张卫星照片显示,朝鲜有可能在未来3周内进行一次远程导弹试验。卫星照片拍摄到朝鲜西海卫星发射场的活动增多。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-29 09:41:00

    【Newsmaker】 >'Life of Pi' a hard film 李安坦言'少年派'最难拍 Gay cowboy drama "Brokeback Mountain" may have been considered a risky film to make, but director Ang Lee said his new 3D movie, "Life of Pi", is his riskiest yet, Reuters reported. "Because you cannot make a tiger do everything you want it to do, you have to use digital. A digital animal, up until 2 years ago, was not totally realistic yet, let alone in 3D," Lee said. The film is adapted from Canadian author Yann Martel's best-selling novel of the same name and was once considered impossible to make. 据路透社报道,对于导演李安而言,拍牛仔同性爱情片《断背山》可能已是一种冒险,但他本人却认为3D新片《少年派的奇幻漂流》,是他迄今拍过的风险最大的电影。李安说:"因为你没法让老虎做出每个你希望它做的动作,只能用数码动画。而在两年前,数码动画实现起来尚有困难,更别说3D版本了。"该片根据加拿大作家扬·马特尔的畅销同名小说改编而成,此前有观点认为此故事不可能被搬上银幕。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-29 09:41:10

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Facebook friends stress you 社交网好友多压力山大 A new report from the University of Edinburgh Business School claims that the more friends you have on Facebook, the more stressed you're likely to be about actually having them, theatlantic.com reported. The report theorizes the wider your Facebook network, the more likely it is that something you say or do on the site will end up offending one of that network's members. Unsurprisingly, the survey of more than 300 Facebook users indicated that adding employers or parents resulted in the greatest increase in anxiety. 据《大西洋月刊》网站报道,爱丁堡商学院的一份研究显示,Facebook上的好友越多,你的压力就可能越大。其理论在于,你的Facebook交际圈越大,你在该网站上说的某句话或做的某件事就越有可能冒犯到圈子中的某位成员。这份调查了300多名Facebook用户的研究还有一个意料中的发现:把你的老板或父母加为好友给你带来的焦虑最多。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-29 09:41:19

    【Talk Show】 最后一刻幸运过关(2) >Hi, I'm stuck in a traffic jam – I might still make it to the presentation, but it'll be by the skin of my teeth. 我这里堵车了,也许我还是能赶到演说现场,但是很悬。 >The car missed me by inches. I escaped by the skin of my teeth. 汽车差一点儿就撞上我了,我幸免于难。 >We caught the train by the skin of our teeth. 我们在最后一刻赶上了火车。 Now let's see what we've learnt today: By the skin of one's teeth,就是虎口脱险,侥幸成功的意思。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-29 11:22:52

    友情提醒一下楼主 NYT中文版也是中英双语的 可读性应该好很多 友情提醒一下楼主 NYT中文版也是中英双语的 可读性应该好很多 豆友45455545

    NYT 是什么,求科普~ 怎么订

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-29 18:30:27

    11.29晚报 【Cover Story】 >Irregular meals in cities 超三成白领早餐无规律 Over 30% of office workers in China don't have regular breakfast every day, according to a survey on their eating habits in big cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, New Express reported. 12.56% of people eat breakfast on 1-2 days per week, while 5.38% simply skip breakfast. Over 50% of office workers eat out for lunch on working days, but most worry about the sanitary conditions and food safety, with gutter oil and clenbuterol raising the highest concerns. 据《新快报》报道,一项针对北上广深等城市职场人饮食现状的调查报告显示,超过3成的白领吃早餐不规律,其中12.56%的人每周仅有1-2天会吃早餐,还有5.38%的人从不食用早餐。此外,超5成白领工作日在外吃午餐。但有不少人在吃饭的同时,忧心就餐卫生与食品安全,其中地沟油、瘦肉精是他们最担心的隐患。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-29 18:30:43

    【Top News】 >Memorial held for Luo 罗阳追悼会今在沈举行 A high-profile memorial service was held for Luo Yang Thursday morning in Shenyang, xinhuanet.com reported. Thousands of people stood in silence in the Huilonggang Cemetery for Revolutionaries in a tearful farewell to him. Luo, head of the production phase of the J-15 fighter jet, experienced a heart attack on Sunday after the J-15 fighter jet successfully landed on China's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning. He later died in hospital. He was also chairman and general manager of Shenyang Aircraft Corp, a subsidiary of the Aviation Industry Corp of China. 据新华网报道,今日上午,歼-15研制现场总指挥、中航工业沈阳飞机工业(集团)有限公司董事长、总经理罗阳的追悼会在沈阳回龙岗革命公墓举行,数千名群众怀着极其沉痛的心情为罗阳同志送行。25日,罗阳在航母舰载机歼-15成功起降"辽宁舰"后突发心脏病,经抢救无效在医院去世。 >Zheng: wealthiest writer 郑渊洁冠中国作家首富 Zheng Yuanjie, known as the King of Fairy Tales, was crowned the wealthiest Chinese author in 2012 by Western China Metropolis Daily on Thursday, rising from 3rd place in the previous year. The children's book author leads the rich list with earnings of RMB26m in royalties this year. Mo Yan, benefiting from his new title as Nobel laureate, takes 2nd place with earnings of RMB21.5m. Children's writer Yang Hongying, who earned RMB20m in 2012, ranks No 3. The top 30 writers on the list have together pulled in an income of RMB190m in total throughout the past year. 《华西都市报》于29日发布2012年中国作家富豪榜,"童话大王"郑渊洁从2011年的"探花"地位上升至"状元"宝座,年度版税收入达2600万元。莫言因"诺奖效应",以2150万元的全年版税收入高居第2,儿童文学作家杨红樱以2000万元居第3。该榜单前30名的作家全年收入共计1.9亿元。 >China no more world factory 中国将失世界工厂地位 Early signs that Southeast Asian nations are trumping China as a home to low-cost manufacturing are likely to gather momentum in the next few years, costing China its status as the world's factory within the next 5 to 10 years, according to Daiwa Capital Markets. In a report released Wednesday, Daiwa said that 10 years ago, Nike had 40% of its production generated in China. But now 41% is made in Vietnam. 大和资本市场28日发布报告称,初步迹象表明,东南亚国家正在超越中国成为低成本制造业的乐土,而这一趋势将在数年内加速。5到10年内,中国将失去世界工厂的地位。大和称,10年前耐克40%的产品在中国制造,而如今41%则是越南制造。 >Obama to meet Romney 奥巴马选后首会罗姆尼 The White House says US President Barack Obama will meet privately Thursday with his vanquished rival Mitt Romney, their first face-to-face encounter since the election, AP reported. Obama promised in his victory speech on Nov 6 to engage with Romney and consider his ideas. The meeting comes as Obama and congressional Republicans try to negotiate a way out of automatic tax increases and deep spending cuts that have come to be known as the fiscal cliff. The White House says the 2 men will have a private lunch in the White House's Private Dining Room. There will be no press coverage. 据美联社报道,白宫宣布,美国总统奥巴马29日将私下宴请竞选落败的共和党对手罗姆尼,这将是选战结束后两人的首次会面。奥巴马曾在11月6日的胜选演说中承诺,将与罗姆尼会面,并考虑他提出的政见。此次会面正值奥巴马与共和党国会议员磋商如何避免自动增税和大幅减支,即所谓的"财政悬崖"。白宫表示,二人的午宴将在白宫私人餐厅进行,不开放媒体采访。 >BBC accused of falsification 土著穿衣BBC被轰改历史 Naturists have accused the BBC of "falsifying history" by putting clothes on the actors appearing in Andrew Marr's History of The World, the Daily Mail of London reported. British Naturism says that the program depicts people from past civilizations, that would have been naked, in costumes which are inconsistent with historical evidence. In response to a letter from the campaigners, the BBC reportedly admitted to the inconsistencies, explaining that they have to take into account the "sensitivities of the widest possible world audience". 据英国《每日邮报》报道,因为安德鲁·玛尔的《世界历史》节目中的演员穿着衣服,英国广播公司(BBC)日前遭裸体主义者炮轰"歪曲历史"。英国裸体主义理事会称,在该节目中远古时代的人穿着衣服,违背了当时的人们赤身裸体的史实。据称,BBC在给该组织的回信中承认了节目有与史实不符之处,但解释说这是因为不得不考虑"全球最广大观众的感受"。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-29 18:30:53

    【In Brief】 >South Korea has suspended the launch of Naro-1, its space rocket carrying a satellite, after an abnormality was detected in the 2nd stage of the rocket, Vice Minister of Education, Science and Technology Cho Yul-rae said Thursday, xinhuanet.com reported. 据新华网报道,韩国教育科学技术部第二次官赵律来29日表示,因二级火箭出现异常,罗老号运载火箭当天的发射计划取消。 >Several airlines plan to increase fuel surcharges for international routes starting Saturday, cnr.cn reported. 据中广网报道,多家航空公司将于12月1日起上调国际航线燃油附加费。 >Cold air will be active in northern China in the coming 3 days, the National Meteorological Center forecast Thursday. In central and eastern Inner Mongolia, Northeast China, Xinjiang and central Northwest China, the temperatures will drop 4 to 8℃, and possibly by as much as 10℃ in some places. 中央气象台29日预报,未来3天,北方地区冷空气活动频繁,内蒙古中东部、东北、新疆、西北地区中部等地气温将下降4~8℃,局地可达10℃。 >The Bank of China took the Corporate Governance Recognition Awards and was ranked among the Ten Best Performing Companies in Corporate Governance, according to the Corporate Governance Assessment Report on Chinese Listed Companies for 2012, and the Corporate Governance Report on Listed Companies. 2012年中国上市公司治理评价结果和"上市公司企业管治水准报告"于日前发布,中国银行获得年度"最佳公司治理奖"和"十大最高企业管治得分公司"。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-29 18:31:03

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Rise of skinny skyscrapers '瘦长型'摩天大楼走俏 Skyscrapers are going on a diet. According to The Wall Street Journal, skinny apartment towers are on the rise around the globe, sprouting from small lots. Fueling the drive toward slim living is an array of factors led by robust demand from the upper crust of the residential market willing to pay for premium views. Advances both in structural design and building materials have also made constructing skinny skyscrapers possible. In the long run, higher prices mean developers can build on small sites that in the past wouldn't have allowed it. 摩天大楼正在瘦身。据《华尔街日报》报道,在世界各地,瘦削的公寓高楼正从狭小的地块上拔地而起。多种因素在推动这种趋势的发展,首先是来自高端住宅市场的强劲需求,买家愿意为高层美景花更多的钱;其次,结构设计和建筑材料领域的进步也让建造细长型摩天大楼成为可能;最后,更高的售价意味着开发商可以在小面积工地上开工,而这在以往是不可能的。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-29 18:31:16

    【China Daily Radio】 经重庆市纪委调查核实,近日互联网流传有关不雅视频中的男性为北碚区区委书记雷政富。11月23日,重庆市委研究决定,免去雷政富同志北碚区区委书记职务,并对其立案调查。 请看相关报道: A district official in Southwest China's Chongqing Municipality was sacked on Friday after he was confirmed as the man featured in a sex video exposed by micro bloggers and widely circulated on the Internet. 近日在微博上曝光并广泛流传的不雅视频中男性确认为重庆某区官员,该官员已于周五被免职。 Sex video就是上文所说的"不雅视频",与此类似的表达还有前美国中情局长的sex scandal(性丑闻),前些年惹人瞠目的sex photo scandal(艳照门)事件等。 另外,sexting(性短信)也因为手机功能的不断强大而风靡。"性短信"带来的社会危害之一是短信内容可以被轻易地广泛传播,而始发送者对此却束手无策。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-29 21:04:42

    打不开链接~我自己百度的也打不开~ >-<

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-30 10:50:47

    11.29 1.9点起床 √ 2.10点听力 √ 3.China Daily 早报 √ 4.每天一种水果 √ 其实吃了两种 5.多喝水 1000ML √ 6.China Daily 晚报 √ 7.22点前脸部护理 √ 8.22点诗/词 一篇 √没有按时,快23点了才想起来 9.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 10.最晚24点上床 √23:25 PS:昨天去超市了, 上一回去是两天前, 因为 没米了~

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-30 12:03:10

    囧 才发现貌似国内是被墙了 囧 才发现貌似国内是被墙了 豆友45455545

    嗷 ~我不会翻墙~

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-11-30 21:30:02

    好多JM推荐看美剧~ 蝴蝶自己在跟绝望的主妇,很有兴趣,可是土豆上被删除了,优酷上也没有找到中英字幕的~就找了别的美剧来看 下午时间比较空闲,从12.1起每天看一集,还有,从12.1起开始手绘

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-01 10:00:51

    11.30 1.9点起床 √ 2.10点听力 √ 3.China Daily 早报 √ 4.每天一种水果 √ 5.多喝水 1000ML √ 6.China Daily 晚报 √ 7.22点前脸部护理 √ 8.22点诗/词 一篇 √ 9.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 10.最晚24点上床 X 00:25 PS:昨天做了发膜

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-01 15:59:16

    ◆12月目标 ❤每天 1.9点起床 2.10点听力 3.China Daily 早报 4.每天一种水果 5.多喝水 1000ML 6.美剧一集 7.线稿一张(12.1-12.14) 8.China Daily 晚报 9. Englishpod 跟读30min 10.22点前脸部护理 11.22点诗/词 一篇 12.澡后抹润肤乳 13.最晚24点上床 ❤每周 1.仔细上一次发膜 2.一周去一次超市(开源节流,现在一周要去三四次,少去少去少去!!!) ❤每月 1.看一场电影 2.读完一本书

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-02 09:45:17

    12.1 1.9点起床 X 2.10点听力 √ 3.China Daily 早报 √ 4.每天一种水果 √ 5.多喝水 1000ML √ 6.美剧一集 √ (跟不上,先过着看吧~) 7.线稿一张(12.1-12.14) √ (先画了几个单体,太久没画了,下笔不果断,以至于要另外画线纠正,所以画面很凌乱,继续!) 8.China Daily 晚报 √ 9. Englishpod 跟读30min √ ( 10.22点前脸部护理 √ 11.22点诗/词 一篇 √ 12.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 13.最晚24点上床 √

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-02 22:08:31

    看到一本书 20几岁你必须要知道的经济学常识 当这个月的任务了~明天起读

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-03 11:08:18

    12.2 1.9点起床 √ 2.10点听力 √ 3.China Daily 早报 √ 4.每天一种水果 √ 5.多喝水 1000ML √ 6.美剧一集 √ 7.线稿一张(12.1-12.14) √ (改用铅笔画了,有点意思,加油!) 8.China Daily 晚报 √ 9. Englishpod 跟读30min √ (一直被打断,效果不好) 10.22点前脸部护理 √ 11.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 12.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 13.最晚24点上床 X

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-03 20:13:31

    楼主加油! 楼主加油! 双禧


  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-04 09:35:39

    12.2 1.9点起床 X (前天睡太晚~我错了~改正!) 2.10点听力 √ 3.China Daily 早报 √ 4.每天一种水果 √ (吃了三种~嗷) 5.多喝水 1000ML √ 6.美剧一集 √ 7.线稿一张(12.1-12.14) X (木有画, 太懒了~) 8.China Daily 晚报 √ 9. Englishpod 跟读30min (007-011)√ 10.22点前脸部护理 √ 11.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 12.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 13.最晚24点上床 √ 其中美剧看了两集, 每集看两遍~EP也是超额完成~因为今天要和朋友出去玩, 所以12.3赶进度,也因为如此, 质量没控制住~用点心呐~~~

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-04 22:07:14

    12.2 1.9点起床 X (前天睡太晚~我错了~改正!) 2.10点听力 √ 3.China Daily 早报 √ 4. 12.2 1.9点起床 X (前天睡太晚~我错了~改正!) 2.10点听力 √ 3.China Daily 早报 √ 4.每天一种水果 √ (吃了三种~嗷) 5.多喝水 1000ML √ 6.美剧一集 √ 7.线稿一张(12.1-12.14) X (木有画, 太懒了~) 8.China Daily 晚报 √ 9. Englishpod 跟读30min (007-011)√ 10.22点前脸部护理 √ 11.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 12.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 13.最晚24点上床 √ 其中美剧看了两集, 每集看两遍~EP也是超额完成~因为今天要和朋友出去玩, 所以12.3赶进度,也因为如此, 质量没控制住~用点心呐~~~ ... Ging

    诗里提到屠苏酒,百度了一下, 是古人辞旧迎新喝的一种酒,由年少者先饮, 依次到年长者.

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-04 22:41:36

    12.4 1.9点起床 √ 2.10点听力 √ (今天的好难,没听懂~) 3.China Daily 早报 √ 4.每天一种水果 √ 5.多喝水 1000ML √ 6.美剧一集 X (不过昨天看过今天的了~嘿嘿~) 7.线稿一张(12.1-12.14) (画了几笔,翻到一本教程,于是重新拟了个计划表:12.5-12.18 单体+小景;其后是小透视,透视图里注意平时疏忽的古建,鸟瞰,雕塑,水景要重点练习;其中可穿插平立面的练习.手绘一定要坚持!这个是重中之重!!!) 8.China Daily 晚报 √ 9. Englishpod 跟读30min (012-013)√ ?(虽然昨天超额了, 今天还是听了两篇,perfect!!!) 10.22点前脸部护理 √ 11.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 12.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 13.最晚24点上床 √ 14.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 √ P21 (很通俗,很好的书,对生活很有启发) PS:今天虽然出去玩了,但是完成量还是很满意,加油!不能因为应酬就有理由不完成计划,既然定好了,就要执行.要有执行力!!!

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-05 09:26:43

    楼楼,这个订的怎么收费吖? 楼楼,这个订的怎么收费吖? D.

    5块钱一个月, 一天两份, 早报和晚报, 非常划算的~

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-05 17:38:24

    3Q啦~ 3Q啦~ D.

    我好像漏了一个问题~发CD到10658000 移动

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-05 22:44:55

    12.5 1.9点起床 √ 2.10点听力 √ 3.China Daily 早报 √ 4.每天一种水果 √ (两种) 5.多喝水 1000ML √ 6.美剧一集 √ 7.线稿一张 X 总是没有坚持~总是总是总是~ 8.China Daily 晚报 √ 9. Englishpod 跟读30min (014-015)√ 10.22点前脸部护理 √ 11.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 12.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 13.最晚24点上床 √ 14.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 √ P33 今天 居然睡了两个半小时的午觉,我有罪!!!懊恼的我算了下,每天大概有五小时的时间不翼而飞,哪去了哪去了~都是零碎的时间~果断利用起来~ 用来干吗呢?恩,复习china daily的笔记,之间虽然每天读了, 可是没有及时复习,温故才能知 新~恩~~

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-06 23:28:29

    12.6 1.9点起床 X 2.10点听力 √ 3.China Daily 早报 √ 4.每天一种水果 √ 5.多喝水 1000ML √ 6.美剧一集 √ 7.线稿一张 √ (画了单体,结果不理想,静下心来画,耐心耐心耐心!!!今天的心得是--注意物体的黑白灰关系,物体是立体的!) 8.China Daily 晚报 √ 9. Englishpod 跟读30min √ (016-017) 10.22点前脸部护理 √ 11.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 12.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 13.最晚24点上床 √ 14.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 √ 043 15.把零碎的时候利用起来(暂定于复习 dream note) X 大叉!!! 16.每天看一篇专业文章 √ (有些囫囵吞枣,focus!focus!)

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-07 10:50:17

    求励志贴和应用地址 求励志贴和应用地址 你这么晚还不睡

    励志帖?小组里很多啊~ 我推荐一个吧~ http://www.douban.com/group/topic/22615313/?start=1800 应用地址?哪方面

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-07 23:26:24

    12.7 1.9点起床 X (昨天有点失眠,所以起晚了~这是借口么?是的) 2.10点听力 √ 3.China Daily 早报 √ 4.每天一种水果 √ 5.多喝水 1000ML √ 6.美剧一集 √ 7.线稿一张 √ (继续单体,继续不理想,还是老问题太毛躁.耐心耐心耐心!!!) 8.China Daily 晚报 √ 9. Englishpod 跟读30min √ (018-019) 10.22点前脸部护理 √ 11.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 12.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 13.最晚24点上床 √ 14.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 √ 061 15.把零碎的时候利用起来(暂定于复习 dream note) √ (其实只看了一点点点点点点点) 16.每天看一篇专业文章 √ (全是图片,真是好开心HIAHIA~~)

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-08 15:28:17

    21世纪报我之前 定过, 篇幅好长,我有阅读困难~至于New Year Times 和其他,我脚得我还读不懂, 另外我 学英语不是为了考试,出国或者翻译,想先养成习惯,坚持一下吧先~ 贴在这里, 只是当下搬运工~ 中国新闻的特点...我觉得我还是很认同chepelev的,所以政治那块, 我都只瞅一眼就跳过了~ 恩...还有别的方法学的:美剧,EP和BBC之类的,不是只有 china daily的 谢谢楼上两位关心~

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-09 10:24:54

    复制完了,虽然说CD很中文式,但是我的目的主要是熟悉下单词,培养下语感,毕竟词汇才是王道,正 复制完了,虽然说CD很中文式,但是我的目的主要是熟悉下单词,培养下语感,毕竟词汇才是王道,正因为词汇帮我度过了苦涩的考研英语的关。因此平时看完中式化英语报后,有空可以看看床头灯系列那些,加强语感。先跟自己过不去,只有这样才能突破自己,往后看英语就不再吃力了。重要的就是要坚持。PS谢谢LZ和五爸的坚持~ ... 怪物史莱克

    多谢ls推荐,床头灯我大学时看过, 没有 坚持~

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-09 10:26:23

    Economist washington post 专业是理科的原因 所以也看这俩: nature science Economist washington post 专业是理科的原因 所以也看这俩: nature science Freia

    chepelev V5 chepelev在国外么? 我也是理科女~虐~

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-09 10:30:40

    12.8 1.9点起床 X 2.10点听力 √ 3.China Daily 早报 √ 4.每天一种水果 √ 5.多喝水 1000ML √ 6.美剧一集 √ 7.线稿一张X 8.China Daily 晚报 X 9. Englishpod 跟读30min X 10.22点前脸部护理 X 11.22点诗词各 一篇 X 12.澡后抹润肤乳 X 13.最晚24点上床 √ 14.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 X 15.把零碎的时候利用起来(暂定于复习 dream note) X 16.每天看一篇专业文章 X 全是叉~昨天去剪头发了, 花了五个小时总共~真是浪费时间!!! 我内疚我反省

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-09 23:24:01

    12.9 1.9点起床 X 2.10点听力 √ 3.China Daily 早报 √ 4.每天一种水果 √ 5.多喝水 1000ML √ 6.美剧一集 √ 7.线稿一张 √ (线条很碎,且犹豫.改!) 8.China Daily 晚报 √ 9. Englishpod 跟读30min √ 10.22点前脸部护理 √ 11.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 12.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 13.最晚24点上床 √ 14.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 √ P81 15.把零碎的时候利用起来(暂定于复习 dream note) X 16.每天看一篇专业文章 √ 17.每天看半小时美讯 √

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-10 23:05:00

    12.10 1.9点起床 √ 2.10点听力 √ 3.China Daily 早报 √ 4.每天一种水果 √ 5.多喝水 1000ML √ 6.美剧一集 √ 7.线稿一张 √ (我想屎!!!) 8.China Daily 晚报 √ 9. Englishpod 跟读30min √ 10.22点前脸部护理 √ 11.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 12.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 13.最晚24点上床 √ 14.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 √ P95 15.把零碎的时候利用起来(暂定于复习 dream note) √ (一点点~) 16.每天看一篇专业文章 √ (感触很明显,有些之前不明白的地方一下通透了,以后要多看~) 17.每天看半小时美讯 √ 学习的状态MS渐入佳境,效率比以前也高了, 真是good news.明天起每天看一集<<Friends>>. 零碎的时间仍是没有利用起来. 画画的时候....哎...没有耐心!!!为什么为什么为什么!!! PS:今天试了拓词,拓词会上瘾~拓了45min 要奖励自己什么呢~

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-11 22:38:47

    12.11 1.9点起床 X 2.10点听力 √ 3.China Daily 早报 √ 4.每天一种水果 √ 5.多喝水 1000ML √ 6.美剧两集 √ (老友记好无聊~) 7.线稿一张 X 8.China Daily 晚报 √ 9. Englishpod 跟读30min X 24 10.22点前脸部护理 √ 11.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 12.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 13.最晚24点上床 √ 14.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 √ P110 15.把零碎的时候利用起来 √ (拓词90分钟) 16.每天看一篇专业文章 √ 17.每天看半小时美讯 √

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-12 23:41:56

    12.12 1.9点起床 X 2.10点听力 X 3.China Daily 早报 √ 4.每天一种水果 √ 5.多喝水 1000ML √ 6.美剧两集 √ 7.线稿一张 √ (peace~有进步了~) 8.China Daily 晚报 √ 9. Englishpod 跟读30min √ (26th) 10.22点前脸部护理 √ 11.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 12.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 13.最晚24点上床 √ 14.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 √ P121 15.把零碎的时候利用起来 √ (拓词30min) 16.每天看一篇专业文章 √ (龙湖看得我心花怒放~fighting!!!) 17.每天看半小时美讯 X 今天赖床, 10点才起来,下午又睡到四点~请叫我睡神

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-13 17:43:24

    楼主加油,想当初我天天看china daily,生词抄了两大本,每天拿来看看,词汇量徒增!China daily 楼主加油,想当初我天天看china daily,生词抄了两大本,每天拿来看看,词汇量徒增!China daily 是我第一本英文报纸!好有亲切感啊! ... 采菊东篱下


  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-13 23:24:41

    12.13 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 √ (赖床45min) 2.每天一种水果 √ 3.多喝水 1000ML √ 4.22点前脸部护理 √ 5.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 6.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 7.最晚24点上床 √ 【 学习 】 1.10点听力 √ 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧两集 √ 4.线稿一张 √ (注意用明暗表示远近关系~画面要丰富但是不能杂乱~QAQ) 5.China Daily 晚报 √ 6. Englishpod 跟读30min √ (28th) 7.20几岁你该知道的经济常识 √ P145 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 √ (拓词30min) 9.每天看一篇专业文章 √ 10.每天看半小时美讯 √ 效率MS高了(还是我遇到不明白的地方就轻易放过了???),可却没有 多完成任务,浪费的时间也多了. 今天学习5小时,浪费 :赖床45min+游戏45min+不停刷豆瓣无数分钟+午睡(其实没有睡着.记住:睡不着就起来) 希望明天把时间利用得更好~

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-14 20:49:43

    楼主,我也来插一脚…… 楼主,我也来插一脚…… tree

    左脚 还是右脚~

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-15 09:55:51

    12.14 大闹天宫中~ 啥也没干~ 看了CD

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-15 09:57:02

    12.15 【Morning Buzz】 When you reach for the stars, you may not quite get one, but you won't come up with a handful of mud either. (Leo Burnett, US advertising executive, 1891-1971) 伸手摘星,即使没摘到,也不会弄得满手污泥。(李奥·贝纳,美国广告大师,1891-1971)

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-15 09:57:27

    【Cover Story】 >Frigid launch for iPhone 5 iPhone5开售场面冷清 Compared to the overheated sales of the iPhone 4S last year, iPhone 5's launch is pitifully cheerless this year. When Apple's flagship store in Sanlitun shopping district in Beijing opened at 8 am Friday, only 2 customers stood inside a cordon (警戒线) set up by Apple staff. Meanwhile, several media reporters fought to interview at the store those who had just bought an iPhone 5. "Reporters outnumbered customers" could properly describe the sales situation of the iPhone 5 when initially hitting stores in the Chinese mainland. 相比去年iPhone 4S的火爆场面,今年行货iPhone 5发售情况可谓冷清得可怜。14日上午8点,当苹果位于北京三里屯的旗舰店专卖店开张时,只有两名消费者站在苹果店员拉起的警戒线内。与此同时,现场出现几家媒体争抢采访购买iPhone 5消费者的情况,"记者比消费者多"可以很好的形容iPhone 5中国大陆首销的场面。 ['首秀'惨淡为哪班] This year, Apple launched a new rule to release iPhone 5 in the mainland, requiring customers to apply online a day before to buy the device. 今年,苹果在大陆推出了行货iPhone 5发售新政策,消费者需提前一天通过网上预约的方式进行购买。 --The cheapest model of the iPhone 5 is retailing for RMB5288 ($850) in Chinese mainland, well above the $650 selling price in the US, which led a lot of residents on the mainland going abroad to purchase the phones. 在中国大陆,最便宜的iPhone 5零售价格也达5288元(约合850美元),远高于美国650美元的售价。这使得许多中国人纷纷出国时买iPhone 5。 --Though Apple remains king of the high-end smartphone in the Chinese mainland, it has slowly lost market share to phones running Google Inc's Android operating system offered by companies like Samsung Electronics Co. 虽然目前苹果依然是中国内地高端智能手机之王,然而三星电子等公司出售的、搭载谷歌安卓操作系统的手机正慢慢侵蚀其市场份额。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-15 09:57:44

    【Top News】 >30% Govt cars off road 京治理污染首'罚'公务车 Beijing authorities require 30% of the capital's official government cars to stay off the roads on "ultra-heavy air polluted" days, according to a newly issued air pollution emergency plan, Xinhua reported. The temporary plan ranks air pollution in 3-grade levels – heavy pollution, serious pollution and ultra-serious pollution. Corresponding measures will be taken based on different levels of pollution. The pollution in 3-grade levels is defined in detail in China's new national standard on air quality, which will take effect on Jan 1. 据新华社报道,北京市政府已出台《北京市空气重污染日应急方案(暂行)》,方案明确,当极重污染日出现时,30%的公务用车将停驶。方案将基于明年1月1日起实施的空气质量"新国标",将空气重污染日分为重度、严重、极重,分级采取相应的污染应对措施。 >Japan's LDP set for big win 日'鹰派'安倍提前锁胜局 Opinion polls by the Asahi, Yomiuri and Nikkei newspapers Friday forecast that Japan's hawkish (鹰派的,强硬派的) former prime minister Shinzo Abe is on track for a return in Sunday's election, as the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) was headed for a hefty (大量的,重的) majority in the lower house of parliament. An LDP win would usher in a government committed to a tough stance in a territorial row with China, a pro-nuclear power energy policy as well as a radical recipe of hyper-easy monetary policy and big fiscal spending to end persistent deflation and tame a strong yen, reported Reuters. 日本《朝日新闻》、《读卖新闻》和《日经新闻》14日公布的民调显示,日本自民党有望在16日举行的众议院大选中获得压倒性多数席位,日前首相、鹰派人物安倍晋三重新执掌日政坛已无悬念。路透社对此评论称,自民党如果获胜,日新政府将在中日领土问题上持强硬立场,同时将支持核能发电政策。针对日本持续通缩和日元走强问题,新政府还会采取超宽松货币政策以及增大财政开支等极端措施。 >UK data-hungry net shoppers 英国人网购最疯狂(图) Internet shopping is more popular in the UK than in any other country, the BBC reported. Consumers in the UK spend an average of £1,083 a year on Internet shopping, leaving the 2nd highest E-spender Australians (£842) far behind, a survey from regulator Ofcom suggests. The UK's fondness for net shopping is, in part, driven by mobile devices, as UK consumers are downloading more data from their mobiles than any other nation. 16% of all Web traffic in the UK was from mobiles, tablets or other connected devices – more than any other European country. 据英国广播公司报道,英国人网购开支全球最高。英国通信管理局调查显示,英国人均全年网购花销1083英镑(合10915元人民币),远超亚军澳大利亚人(人均842英镑,合8486元人民币)。促使英国人喜欢网购的一大因素是移动设备,该国手机下载数据量居全球之首——16%的网络流量来自于手机、平板电脑或其他连网设备,该比例高于欧洲任何一个国家。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-15 09:57:58

    【In Brief】 >The Beijing municipal government said Friday that it will renovate the city's drainage system after heavy rain in July resulted in the deaths of some 80 people. The renovations will start at the end of the month and are expected to be finished by next June. 北京市政府14日表示,将对该市的排水系统进行升级改造。今年7月,北京暴雨致约80人死亡。据悉,升级改造工程将于本月底动工,预计将于明年6月竣工。 >A shooting at a Connecticut elementary school on Friday has left 28 people dead, including 20 children and the gunman, US media reported. The rampage was the nation's 2nd-deadliest school shooting 据美国媒体报道,美国康涅狄格州一所小学14日发生枪击案,包括20名儿童和枪手在内的28人死亡。本次枪击事件是美国历史上第二惨痛的校园悲剧。 >Standard & Poor's has become the last big credit ratings agency to give the UK government a bloody nose by downgrading the outlook on Britain's triple A rating to negative, the Financial Times reported. 据《金融时报》报道,标准普尔将英国AAA评级的前景展望调整为负面,成为做出这一决定的最后一个大型评级机构,此举给了英国政府当头一棒。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-15 09:58:10

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Andersen's '1st work' found 安徒生'雪藏'童话见天日 An early work by Hans Christian Andersen has been found at the bottom of a box near the Danish fairy tale writer's home city, experts say, the BBC reported. The Tallow Candle is a short story about a revered candle that becomes grimy and neglected until its inner beauty is recognized and ignited. Experts believe it was the first work of the author. They suggest it was written during Andersen's time at a grammar school in the mid-1820s.(See photo) 据英国广播公司报道,人们在丹麦童话大师安徒生故乡附近地区的箱底里发现了他的一部早期作品。该作品名为《牛油蜡烛》,讲述一只受人尊敬的蜡烛因变得肮脏而被忽视,后来其内在美被发现和点燃的故事。专家认为,这个短片故事是安徒生创作的首部作品。专家推测,该作品写于19世纪20年代中期,那时安徒生还在语法学校学习。(见图)

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2012-12-15 09:58:21

    【Language Tips】 'Where's the beef?' ---------- Beef是牛肉的意思。从字面意思上来看,这句话是在问"牛肉在哪里?它源自一名顾客对一家快餐店里汉堡包的质疑和不满。后来演变为日常生活中常见的习语,表示"没有实质性的东西或意义"。就连民主党总统候选人蒙代尔在1984年总统竞选时都曾用这句话来攻击他的对手里根总统。"Where's the beef, Mr. President - where's the beef?"意思是:你不要尽说空话,总统先生,我们要看实质性的成就。 请看例句: Our history teacher is a good talker but there isn't much real meat about history in what he says. I'd like to ask him, 'Where's the beef?' because we sure don't learn much from him. 我们的历史老师很能夸夸其谈,但是他说的东西里没有什么实质性的内容。我真想问问他,实质性的内容在哪里,因为我们真是没从他那里学到多少东西。

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