
  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-12 17:44:42

    M~~~学习下下哈哈 lz加油呀~~~ M~~~学习下下哈哈 lz加油呀~~~ 木瓜呆了


  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-12 23:52:16

    13.1.12 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 √ (8:30.越来越晚了⊙﹏⊙) 2.每天一种水果 √ 3.多喝水 1000ML √ 4.22点前脸部护理 √ 5.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 6.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 7.最晚23点上床 X (24:00) 【 学习 】 1.10点英语小短文 √ 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧两集 √ (friends 3rd,the big bang theory 20h) 4.线稿一张 √ (线煞不住.郁闷.透视强的图,问题就出来啦~~~) 5.China Daily 晚报 √ 6. Englishpod 跟读30min √ 7.<<笔记女王的手帐活用术2:偷看别人的笔记>> √ P31 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 √ (拓词 60min) 9.每天看一小时专业文章 √ (今天的内容多半是巩固) 10.每天看半小时专业相关的网站(美讯/菲尔设计/SUBAR/ABBS) √ 日结: 英语:4h. 专业:2.5h. 拓展: 1.5h .BBC古文明系列,网速太扯蛋了~~~ 共8h.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 00:06:15

    ChinaDaily晚报2013-01-12 当2013年新年钟声响起的那一刻,全世界的人们不知许下了多少形形色色的新年愿望。但在印度,许多人虔诚地许下了同一个愿望,那就是"2013,No Rape"。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 00:06:36

    [浪漫约会成噩梦] 年底那场噩梦,他显然尚难摆脱:"我对搭乘那辆公交有点忐忑,但我的朋友赶时间回家,所以我们上了那辆车。那是我所犯的最大错误,之后一切都失控了。"时隔已近一个月,印度公交轮奸案受害者的男友仍陷在深深的自责、难以名状的愤怒和恐惧中。 Clearly, he is still deeply traumatized by the nightmare of the end of last year. "I was not very confident about getting onto the bus, but my friend was running late, so we got on it. This was the biggest mistake I made, and after that everything went out of control," he recounted. Nearly a month has passed since the bus gang-rape incident in India. The victim's boyfriend is still tortured by guilt, anger and fear. 2012年12月16日,印度新德里。他跟女友看完《少年派》走出影院,一个本应浪漫的约会,却在他们登上一辆公交开始演变成噩梦。当时,车上已有6人,上车后,那些人开始调戏并羞辱他的女友。他起初奋力反抗,遭暴打后无奈一遍遍乞求他们放过她。但是,那场他至死不愿看到的残忍暴行,他还是目睹了。13天后,被轮奸并遭殴打的女友因伤势过重去世。 It was Dec 16, 2012, New Delhi. He and his girlfriend had just finished watching Life of Pi at a cinema. The couple had no idea that their romantic date would turn into a horrific nightmare the moment they boarded the bus, which already had 6 male occupants. Those men started teasing and taunting his girlfriend. He tried to fight the men but got beaten. Later he begged them again and again to leave her alone. The cruelty he witnessed is what he would rather die than see. His girlfriend, who was gang-raped and brutally beaten, died from her injuries 13 days later. [噩梦,尚在继续] 在印度,2012年12月16日那场轮奸暴行不是首例,也不可能是最后一例。就在这起案例发生半个月后,印度又有一名年轻女性被轮奸后杀害,半裸的尸体被丢弃在新德里街头。在这个国家,类似噩梦始终不断上演…… The Dec 16 attack was not the first such case in India, and, sadly, unlikely to be the last. Only half a month after the bus gang-rape incident, another young woman was gang-raped and killed before being dumped semi-naked on the streets in New Delhi. Similar scenes are frequently playing out across India.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 00:06:57


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 00:07:14

    [全国性问题] 联合国人权事务高级专员称强奸在印度是个"全国性的问题",影响不同阶层、不同种姓的妇女。 The UN high commissioner for human rights said rape is a "national problem" in India, affecting women of all classes and castes. 印度国家犯罪记录局数据显示,印度记录在案的强奸案件由1971年的2487起增至2011年的24206起,增长率为873%。印度平均每3分钟发生一起针对女性的暴力犯罪,每22分钟就发生一起强奸案,而印度首都新德里成为名副其实的"强奸之都"——过去6年间,共发生强奸案3200多起,平均每天1.46起。 Statistics compiled by the National Crime Records Bureau showed that reported rapes in India have gone up from 2,487 in 1971 to 24,206 in 2011, an increase of 873%. Every 3 minutes in India, on average, there's a case of violence against women, and every 22 minutes, a woman is raped. New Delhi has earned its epithet of rape capital of the nation. The city saw more than 3,200 rape cases over the past 6 years, or 1.46 cases daily. [女性高危国家] 汤姆森路透基金会一项调查将印度列为全球对女性来说危险程度第四高的国家,比索马里还要差,仅略好于阿富汗和刚果。强奸和因此导致的死亡(多为自杀)在印度不断见诸报端,而还有更多的强奸案件并未向民众报道,甚至没有报告给警方。联合国数据显示,每年每10万人中,瑞典强奸报案率是63例,英国是29例,美国是27例,而印度则仅有1.8例。 A poll by the Thomson Reuters foundation listed India as the world's 4th most dangerous place for women, worse than Somalia and only slightly better than Afghanistan and Congo. Rapes, and the ensuing deaths (often from suicide), are routinely described in India's press—though many more attacks go unreported to the public or police. UN figures show 63 rapes annually per 100,000 people in Sweden, 29 in the UK, 27 in the US. And in India? Just 1.8.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 00:07:35


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 00:07:51

    [父权孕育奴性] 印度是高度父权制社会,女性从属于男性的观念依然根深蒂固。传统的价值观认为女性自身并不重要,重要的是她们能够生儿育女和保存文化。由此,很多男性根本不把女性当一回事,不认为强奸是犯罪。世界经济论坛发布的《2012全球性别差距报告》中,印度的男女平等状况在135个调查对象中排名第105,远远低于众多非洲国家、中东国家。 India is a highly patriarchal society, where the belief that women are inferior and subordinate to men still persists. Traditional values say women are important not in their own right, but only because they produce children and preserve culture. Therefore many men don't deem women equal individuals, and don't consider rape a crime. The World Economic Forum ranked India 105th out of 135 countries in its 2012 Global Gender Gap Index, much lower-ranked than many countries in Africa and the Middle East. 受制于父权社会,印度重男轻女现象极为严重。女儿被认为是累赘,儿子则被认为是家庭的财富。这导致性别选择性堕胎和杀害女婴等行为,印度男女比例由此严重失衡。根据印度2011年人口普查,该国男女比例为1000:940。这一事实也间接加剧了该国的强奸问题。 Typical for a patriarchal society, son preference is particularly widespread in India. Daughters are often regarded as a liability, whereas sons are regarded as an asset for a family. This leads to sex-selective abortions and even female infanticides that have wildly skewed India's gender ratio. India's 2011 census showed that there are only 940 women for every 1,000 men, which also indirectly exacerbates India's rape problem.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 00:08:10

    [影视鼓吹"奴性"文化] 印度电影和电视节目对女性的贬低已成常态。宝莱坞电影中常有男主角领着一群弟兄追逐羞怯而并不情愿的女演员,触碰她、拉扯她和扑到她身上的情节。最流行的电视剧里面,理想的印度女性谦恭温顺,安于接受家庭主妇的传统角色。 Indian movies and TV shows routinely trivialize women. In Bollywood films, it's not unusual for the leading man and a gang of his buddies to chase a coyly reluctant actress, touching, pulling and throwing themselves on top of her. On television, the most popular soap operas show the ideal Indian woman as meek, submissive and accepting of her traditional role inside the home. 《印度时报》的一篇报道指出,宝莱坞上世纪70年代到80年代最有名的"恶棍"专业户演员Ranjeet拍了近100场强奸的戏码,"观众都要为他加油喝彩了"。宝莱坞传达出的信息几乎总是:如果你坚持不懈地骚扰某位女性,"无论她拒绝你多少次,最终还是会同意"。 As a report from the Times of India points out, Ranjeet, the best-known "villain" actor of Bollywood in the '70s and '80s, did close to 100 rape scenes, "with the audience almost cheering him on." The message from Bollywood is almost always that if you harass a woman enough, "no matter how often she says no, she'll ultimately say yes." 浸淫于鼓吹奴性的流行文化,许多人认为强奸不是暴力罪行,充其量是受害者的个人耻辱。当追问谁该对强奸受害者负责时,社会舆论会把矛头指向推崇暴力的电影、音乐乃至女性受害者本身,反而为强奸犯洗脱罪责。有的官员还曾公开声称是受害者的着装和行为"邀请"别人强奸。 Immersed in a pop culture that propagates servility, many view rape as personal shame and not a violent crime. Violent movies, music and women themselves are all blamed for male sexual violence against women, but rapists are not held responsible. Some officials even have publicly suggested that victims themselves "invite" sexual assault through their clothing or conduct.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 00:08:23


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 00:08:37

    [包庇罪犯] 在印度,当女性到警方处提出强奸指控时,警方通常不鼓励受害者提起诉讼,反而会规劝她们接受经济补偿,甚至嫁给强奸犯。那些提起诉讼的受害人要等待数年案件才会被受理。因此,许多遭遇强奸暴行的女性选择了忍辱求全,不向警方报案以求不给家族蒙羞。 In India, when women do come to the police with a rape claim, police routinely discourage victims from filing complaints, urging them instead to accept financial compensation from their attackers, or even marry them. Those that do file complaints have to wait years for their cases to be heard. Therefore, many women choose to remain silent about their experience and don't report to the police, to avoid bringing shame on their families. [执法不严] 官方数据显示,印度2001-2010年间全国强奸案件的平均定罪率仅为26%。虽然印度刑事法典第376条规定强奸可施以终身监禁的处罚,那些被定罪的犯人经常在服刑几个月或几年后就获释了。 Official figures show that the conviction rate for the country as a whole, on average, was only 26% in rape cases between 2001 and 2010. While Section 376 of the Indian Penal Code lists punishments of up to life in prison for rape, those convicted are often let off after serving only a few months or years.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 00:09:11

    [知法犯法] 虽然法律明文规定强奸属于犯罪,但印度却有不少官员乃至立法者知法犯法。过去5年间,印度政党提名的候选人中,有260人因曾对妇女犯下暴力罪行正等待出庭受审。印度有一小部分在职的邦级和国家级立法者面临强奸等针对妇女的犯罪行为的指控。 Rape is a crime under Indian law. However, many officials and even lawmakers violate the law with full knowledge of it. Over the past 5 years, India's political parties have nominated 260 candidates waiting to go on trial for various crimes against women. A handful of state- and national-level lawmakers currently in office in India face charges of rape or other crimes against women. [结束语] 针对女性的暴力事件折射出她们在整个社会中所受的待遇。因此,采取何种态度很重要。比如说,印度的电影和音乐行业应停止将侵犯女人的男性描绘为具有男子气概的英雄、媒体也应停止使用"夏娃的挑逗"这类委婉用语指代性骚扰。目睹男性猥亵女性的人能够站出来与之抗衡。性侵犯受害人的家属不要老是想着自以为蒙受的耻辱,而应该更多地去想一想怎样将罪犯绳之以法。改变人们对强奸的态度竟要建立在如此多妙龄女子的痛楚和死亡之上,不由让人扼腕叹息。 Violence against women tends to reflect how they are treated across society. Attitudes, therefore, matter. India’s film and music industries, for example, should stop depicting men who assault women as macho heroes. The press should drop the use of coy phrases such as "Eve-teasing" when it really means sexual harassment. Those who witness men groping women could confront them. The families of victims of sexual crime should dwell less on the shame they feel they have incurred and more on how to prosecute offenders. The pity is that in order to change attitudes about rape, so many young women have had to suffer and die. (本期英文内容由美籍编辑Nelly Min润色。)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 09:19:23

    ChinaDaily早报 2013-01-13 【Morning Buzz】 Of all our sunny world, I wish for a mere garden-bench, where a cat sleeps in the sun...That's where I'd sit, with a letter pressed against my heart, one single little letter, That's what my dream looks like...(Edith Irene Sodergran, Swedish-speaking Finnish poet, 1892-1923) 在这五光十色的世界,我想要的只是公园里的一把长椅,有一只猫在上面晒太阳。我坐在那儿,一封短信紧贴胸膛。这就是我梦想的生活。(伊迪特·伊蕾内·索德格朗,芬兰瑞典语诗人,1892-1923) 早安,各位。 【Highlights】 >China publishes new maps 新版地图展示南海诸岛 >Cities levy tax on rent 多地将征收房屋租赁税 >Sony seeks to sell building 索尼考虑出售办公大楼 >Decades of abuse revealed BBC性侵主播恶行曝光 >Kate's portrait unveiled 凯特王妃画像展出(图) >US won't build Death Star 美万人请愿造'死星'遭拒

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 09:19:39

    【Cover Story】 >Air turns hazardous in BJ 京连续遭遇重度污染天 Heavy polluted fog lingered over Beijing on Sunday. The Beijing Municipal Environmental Monitoring Center warned that the severe pollution was likely to continue until Tuesday. People are advised to stay indoors. Air quality in Beijing reached serious levels Saturday, with PM2.5 readings hitting a nearly off-the-chart high of 750, xinhuanet.com reported. Almost all regions of the capital were covered with dark brown particulates. 据新华网报道,笼罩京城的重污染雾霾今天仍将持续。北京环境监测中心表示,重污染在15日之前不会明显改善,建议市民尽量选择室内活动。12日北京PM2.5指数最高站点达到750,濒临"爆表",北京几乎所有区域都被意味着最严重污染的"深褐色"覆盖。 --PM2.5 are airborne particles with a diameter of 2.5 microns or less, which are small enough to deeply penetrate the lungs. The air is considered good when the index is at 50 or below, but hazardous when it reaches 301 to 500. PM2.5指大气中直径小于或等于2.5微米的"可入肺颗粒物"。PM2.5指数在50以内意味着空气质量良好,301-500之间则较危险。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 09:19:55

    【Top News】 >Cities levy tax on rent 多地将征收房屋租赁税 Following Shanghai, Shenzhen and Shenyang, more Chinese cities such as Wuhan, Xi'an and Hefei have launched a tax on rent income, cnr.cn reported. According to the rules, the tax is levied on landlords, but tenants are worried that the move will push up the cost of renting. 据中广网报道,继上海、深圳、沈阳之后,武汉、西安、合肥等多个城市近日也都出台了新的房屋租赁管理办法,按照房租的一定比例征收房屋租赁税。虽然房租税的缴税主体是房东,但租客们担心这种租赁税会转嫁到自己身上。 >Sony seeks to sell building 索尼考虑出售办公大楼 Sony Corp is looking to sell one of its main buildings in Tokyo, as the Japanese electronics giant steps up its shedding of nonessential assets to raise cash, foreign media reported. The company is considering selling Sony City Osaki building for about $1.1b to $1.5b. Completed in 2011 and located in one of Tokyo's main office areas, the 124,000 sq m, 25-story building houses around 5,000 employees. Weakened by years of red ink and a sharp decline in its core consumer-electronics segment, Sony needs to bolster its finances to compete with leaner rivals. 据外媒报道,日本电子巨头索尼正加紧剥离不必要资产以换取现金流,为此它打算出售其在东京的Sony City Osaki办公大楼。大楼估价在11亿美元到15亿美元之间。大楼2011年完工,座落于东京最主要的写字楼区域,高25层,占地12.4万平方米,目前有约5000名员工在此处办公。由于连年亏损以及核心消费电子产品业务营收大幅下滑,索尼迫切需要增强自己的财务实力,以便与更有竞争力的对手抗衡。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 09:20:13

    【In Brief】 >China has inked for the 1st time South China Sea islands on its new official maps in equal scale to that of the Chinese mainland. The new vertical-format maps of China was published by Sinomaps Press, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,新编官方竖版《中华人民共和国全图》近日由中国地图出版集团推出。这套地图首次将南海诸岛与大陆同比例展示出来。 >The death toll from a landslide that hit Gaopo village in the city of Zhaotong, Yunnan province, on Friday rose to 46 as bodies of the last 2 missing were found Saturday morning, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,11日发生的云南省昭通市高坡村山体滑坡灾害最后两名失踪者的遗体在12日上午被找到,遇难者人数最终确认为46人。 >Analyst Brian White of Topeka Capital claims that Apple is gearing up to launch the iPad 5 and iPad Mini 2 in March, citing sources at CES this week in Las Vegas, Business Insider reported. 据《商业内幕》报道,Topeka资本市场分析师布莱恩·怀特表示,根据本周拉斯维加斯消费电子展(CES)上消息人士的说法,苹果将于3月份发布iPad 5和iPad mini 2。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 09:20:27

    【Newsmaker】 >Decades of abuse revealed BBC性侵主播恶行曝光 Former BBC star Jimmy Savile was one of Britain's "most prolific" sex offenders, committing at least 214 sex crimes against victims as young as 8, a police report detailing allegations over 50 years revealed Friday. It accused the late television and radio host of using his celebrity status to gain access to vulnerable children in hospitals, nightclubs and even a hospice. The revelations have triggered a scandal in Britain and prompted a string of public inquiries into how some allegations were not properly investigated while Savile was alive. 英国警方11日公布的英国广播公司(BBC)已故主持人吉米·萨维尔性丑闻调查报告,报告称萨维尔恶贯满盈,在超过50年的时间里犯下至少214桩性侵犯案件,其中最小的受害者年仅8岁。这位电视广播双栖红星利用自己作为名人的便利,在医院、夜店,甚至收容所里,接触毫无防备心的青少年实施犯罪。萨维尔性侵案的揭露在英国引发轩然大波,公众强烈质疑此案为何在萨维尔生前没有得到妥善调查。 >Kate's portrait unveiled 凯特王妃画像展出(图) The first official painting of the Duchess of Cambridge was unveiled to mixed reviews Friday, the BBC reported. Paul Emsley's work took 3.5 months using a technique of building thin layers of oil and glazes (釉彩) on canvas. It is now on display at London's National Portrait Gallery. Sunday Times Art Critic Waldemar Januszczak said he was "disappointed" by the portrait because the Duchess' "eyes don't sparkle." But Alastair Adams, president of the Royal Society of Portrait Painters, said it's quite natural. 据英国广播公司报道,英国王妃凯特的首幅官方肖像11日在位于伦敦的英国国家肖像馆公布于众,评价褒贬不一。这幅肖像由艺术家保罗·埃姆斯雷在画布上运用薄层油和釉彩技术绘成,耗时3个半月。《星期日泰晤士报》艺术评论员瓦尔德马·贾纳斯扎克称他很失望,因为王妃的"眼睛不够有神"。但皇家肖像画家协会主席阿拉斯泰尔·亚当斯却认为这幅画相当自然。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 09:21:05

    【Kaleidoscope】 >US won't build Death Star 美万人请愿造'死星'遭拒 The White House would like to be clear: It does "not support blowing up planets". That was the official statement released Friday in response to a petition calling on the federal government to build a Death Star–like battle space station modeled after the one in Star Wars. The more than 25,000 people who signed the petition argued that the project would spur job creation and strengthen national defense capabilities. The White House cited the prohibitive $850 quadrillion cost. "We're working hard to reduce the deficit, not expand it," said the statement. 白宫11日正式对一个打造"死星"的请愿活动做出回应——政府不会支持炸毁行星。近日超过2.5万美国人签名呼吁联邦政府建造一个类似《星际大战》中"死星"的战斗空间站,称能创造就业机会和强大国防。白宫称,拒绝这一请愿的重要一点在于成本,打造一颗死星要花费85兆亿元。"我们在努力减少赤字,而不会扩大它"。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 09:21:20

    【Talk Show】 太无聊了啊 >I'm bored to death. Let's do something. 我太无聊了,咱们干点儿什么吧。 >I'm so bored, I could die. 我无聊得快要死掉了。 >I'm dying of boredom. 我感觉无聊死了。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 09:22:28

    【Weekly Topic】 Does South China need a central heating system? As the cold weather continues to freeze the South, people are strongly calling on the government to introduce North China's central heating model to South China, especially the vast areas along the Yangtze River. However, there are objections saying it would be difficult, energy-wasting, and therefore unrealistic. What's your opinion? Do you have any good ideas to deal with the problem? 我国南方大部近日寒潮连连,让南方,尤其是长江沿线,像北方一样集中供暖的呼声高涨,但反对者认为,南方地区集中供暖难度大,能耗大,因此并不现实。您认为南方是否该集中供暖?可有良方来解"南方之冷"?

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 23:26:56

    ChinaDaily晚报 2013-01-13 【Weather Jan 14】 Fuzhou: cloudy 9~16℃ Xiamen: cloudy 11~16℃ Quanzhou: cloudy 11~16℃ 【Highlights】 >Cause of landslide identified 镇雄山体滑坡成因认定 >BJ to build new airport 北京明年将起建新机场 >France bombs Mali rebels 法国出兵马里意图'反恐' >Radcliffe rakes in 2012 cash '哈利波特'去年身价5亿 >Fish do not feel pain 研究称鱼类没有疼痛感 >Twins marry twins 美国惊现'双双胞胎'家庭

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 23:27:12

    【Cover Story】 >China sees massive pollution 近半城市空气严重污染 A thick layer of haze and fog shrouded major parts of East, Central and South China during the weekend as pollution in many cities reached hazardous levels, People's Daily reported. As of midnight Saturday, air quality indices in 33 cities monitored by the China National Environment Monitor Center exceeded 300, or "severely polluted" level, indicating that even healthy people should avoid outdoor activities. The cities monitored include Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, Zhengzhou, Guiyang, Wuhan, Harbin, Changchun, Qingdao and Chengdu. 据《人民日报》报道,本周末,我国东部、中部、南方大部地区出现严重雾霾天气,多个城市空气质量达到危险水平。中国环境监测总站数据显示,截至13日零时,北京、天津、石家庄、郑州、贵阳、武汉、哈尔滨、长春、青岛、成都等33个监测城市空气质量指数超过300,达到严重污染级别,这意味着即使健康人也应尽量避免户外活动。 【Top News】 >BJ to build new airport 北京明年将起建新机场 A new airport in Beijing approved by the State Council will start construction in 2014, cnr.cn reported. The new airport will be located in Yufa town and Lixian town, Daxing district, Beijing, as well as Guangyang district, Langfang city, Hebei province. Plans for the airport began as early as 2008. Preliminary airport demolition and construction will take place this year. Official construction will begin next year and is expected to be finished in the second half of 2018. 据中广网报道,北京新机场已获国务院批复,将于2014年全面开工建设。早在2008年,北京新机场的建设地址就已经确定在北京市大兴区榆垡镇、礼贤镇以及河北廊坊广阳区一带。据北京新机场建设指挥部透露,新机场将在今年启动一些局部建设和拆迁工作,明年全面开工建设,争取在2018年下半年投入使用。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 23:27:34

    >France bombs Mali rebels 法国出兵马里意图'反恐' French aircraft pounded Islamist rebels in the West African country of Mali for a 2nd day Saturday, Reuters reported. France launched a military mission Friday to help recapture the north of Mali from al-Qaida-linked rebels. Under cover from French fighter planes, Malian troops have driven the Islamists out of the strategic central town of Konna. Britain announced Saturday that it was deploying aircraft to assist France, who warned that the control of northern Mali by the militants posed a security threat to Europe. 据路透社报道,当地时间12日,法国在西非国家马里针对伊斯兰叛军发动的空袭进入第2日。11日起,法国展开军事行动,以帮助马里政府收复被叛军控制的北部地区。在法国战机的掩护下,马里政府军已从与"基地"组织有联系的叛军手中,夺回中部军事要镇孔纳。法国警告称:马里北部若被武装分子所控制,定会对欧洲造成安全威胁。12日,英国宣布派战机支援法国。 [你知道吗?] >Mali is in the grip of an unprecedented political crisis, one of the most serious since the landlocked West African country gained independence from France in 1960. 深陷政治危机、前途未卜的西非内陆国家马里,正在遭遇1960年从法国独立出来后最为严重的危机。 In April 2012, rebel groups, some with links to al-Qaida, took control of the large areas of the north of the country - one of the poorest in the world. 2012年4月,叛乱组织控制了马里北部的大片地区——全世界最穷困的地区之一。部分叛军与"基地"有联系。 France has deployed troops after an appeal from the Malian government in the face of a new rebel threat. 为应对叛乱威胁,马里政府请求法国援助。目前法军已经入驻马里。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 23:27:54

    >Fish do not feel pain 研究称鱼类没有疼痛感 Fish do not suffer when they are hooked and fighting for their lives, according to research by an international team, the Daily Mail of London reported. Scientists say fish do not have a brain system or enough sensory receptors in their nerve cells to experience suffering. While fish may struggle to get free, they say this does not mean they are in pain. Instead, they show "little effect" from injuries and toxins that would leave humans in agony. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,一项跨国研究表明,鱼类在被垂钓者钓上的时候,尽管在挣扎求生,但是并不感到痛苦。科学家称,鱼类没有大脑系统,或是神经细胞中没有足够的感觉接收器。鱼儿拼命挣脱时,并不意味着它们很疼痛。相反,它们受伤中毒时,与人类的痛苦相比可谓"没啥感觉"。 【In Brief】 >Prolonged rainy and snowy weather triggered a landslide that killed 46 people on Friday in Zhenxiong county, Yunnan, an investigation team sent by the Yunnan government said Saturday, Xinhua reported. The team denied a direct relationship between the landslide and mining activities. 据新华社报道,云南政府派出的专家组12日表示,造成46人亡的1·11镇雄山体滑坡成因系连续雨雪天气引发的自然灾害,与采矿没有直接关系。 >The UN's Food and Agriculture Organization forecast that global food prices will remain high in 2013. Due to low grain reserves currently, a poor harvest in 2013 may result in a new round of price increases, xinhuanet.com reported. 据新华网报道,联合国粮食及农业组织预测,2013年全球粮食价格仍将居高不下。在当前粮食库存偏低的形势下,如果粮食歉收,可能出现新一轮的价格上涨。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 23:28:14

    【Celebrity】 >Radcliffe rakes in 2012 cash '哈利波特'去年身价5亿 Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe, 23, made 17m pounds in 2012, The Sun reported. The company that manages his assets, including all Potter-related earnings, is now worth 48m pounds - up from 31.2m pounds in 2011. "He's very savvy with money and is worth far more than many successful actors twice his age," a source said.(See photo) 据《太阳报》报道,饰演哈利·波特的影星,23岁的丹尼尔·雷德克里弗过去一年收入1700万英镑。包括哈利·波特所有相关收入在内,其资产管理公司现价值4800万英镑(约合人民币4.9亿元)——高于2011年的3120万英镑。有消息称,"波特"很会理财,现在的身价比许多年龄大他两倍的知名演员都要高。(见图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 23:28:29

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Twins marry twins 美国惊现'双双胞胎'家庭 When identical twin sisters Darlene and Diane Nettemeier went to a twins' festival in Twinsburg, Ohio, they soon found themselves attracted to the tall, dark and handsome brothers Mark and Craig, also identical twins. Soon afterwards, the pair of twins fell in love, got married, and then went on to produce another set of identical twins. Now the Sanders family – Craig and Diane, and Mark and Darlene – live in houses next door to each other in Texas and have 5 children between them.(See photo) 达琳和黛安是一对同卵双胞胎姐妹,她们在美国俄亥俄州双胞胎镇出席一次双胞胎聚会时,同时遇到了她们的"梦中情人"——身材高大、皮肤黝黑、长相帅气的马克和克雷格兄弟俩,他们也是同卵双胞胎。这两对双胞胎不久就分别陷入爱河,走进婚姻,其中一对还生了一对双胞胎。现在,这两对夫妻——克雷格和戴安,马克和达琳——在德克萨斯州比邻而居,共有5个孩子。(见图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 23:28:45

    【Language Tips】 'Darby and Joan' ----------- Darby和Joan分别是两个人的名字。根据英国当地传说,他们是一对夫妇,尽管没有可观的收入,却一直安静而满足地享受着生活,直到两人都于80岁后离开人世。后来,人们便用两人的名字来指代一对白头偕老的幸福夫妇。 请看例句: Eric and Betty are the Darby and Joan of the village. 埃里克和贝蒂是村里一对恩爱幸福的老夫妻。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 23:29:01

    【China Daily Radio】 我国将全面开展学生体质健康测试,健全国家学生体质健康监测评价制度,加强人员培训和过程管理,委托第三方机构开展测试质量监控,保证测试质量。 请看相关报道: China will carry out fitness monitoring for school children nationwide from 2013 in a bid to boost students' physical health, Minister of Education Yuan Guiren said on Monday. 教育部部长袁贵仁周一表示,为了提升学生健康水平,我国将从2013年起在全国范围内开展学生健康监测。 Fitness monitoring就是"健康监测",fitness在这里指in good physical condition(身体健康),强调身体各项机能良好,很多人锻炼身体常去的健身中心就是fitness center。我们常用的health一词含义则更加广泛,既可以指physical health(身体健康),也可指mental health(心理健康)。 据官方数据显示,我国在校学生中超重(overweight)和视力不佳(poor eyesight)等问题较为普遍。曾有三名学生参加long-distance running(长跑)后引发heart-related problem(心脏问题)而死亡。 (本期英文内容由美籍编辑Michael Thai润色。)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-13 23:30:05

    【Weekly Topic】 Does South China need a central heating system? As the cold weather continues to freeze the South, people are strongly calling on the government to introduce North China's central heating model to South China, especially the vast areas along the Yangtze River. However, there are objections saying it would be difficult, energy-wasting, and therefore unrealistic. What's your opinion? Do you have any good ideas to deal with the problem? 我国南方大部近日寒潮连连,让南方,尤其是长江沿线,像北方一样集中供暖的呼声高涨,但反对者认为,南方地区集中供暖难度大,能耗大,因此并不现实。您认为南方是否该集中供暖?可有良方来解"南方之冷"?

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-14 00:03:42

    13.1.13 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 √ (0900.比昨天还晚!!!) 2.每天一种水果 √ 3.多喝水 1000ML √ 4.22点前脸部护理 √ 5.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 6.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 7.最晚23点上床 X 【 学习 】 1.10点英语小短文 √ 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧两集 V (friends 4th,the big bang theory 20h) 4.线稿一张 X 5.China Daily 晚报 √ 6. Englishpod 跟读30min √ 7.<<笔记女王的手帐活用术2:偷看别人的笔记>> √ P41 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 √ (拓词 60min) 9.每天看一小时专业文章 √ 10.每天看半小时专业相关的网站(美讯/菲尔设计/SUBAR/ABBS) √ (找到一个很棒的新浪微博.哈哈~~~) 日结: 英语:3h. 专业:1.5h. 拓展: 1.5h . 看了个视频,中国文明.居然是外国人做的.真是讽刺.其中说到日本艺术家在复员商朝的铸铜手艺.讽刺again.只提到了殷商文化和秦始皇. 共6h. 达标.下午偷懒,啥也没干.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-14 09:25:57

    ChinaDaily早报2013-01-14 【Morning Buzz】 Only if I can embrace the world, What does it matter if I embrace it awkwardly? (Albert Camus, French novelist and playwright, 1913-1960) 只要我能拥抱世界,那拥抱得笨拙又有什么关系。(阿尔贝·加缪,法国小说家、剧作家,1913-1960) 早安,各位。 【Highlights】 >3 Chinese kidnapped in Sudan 3名中国工人苏丹遭绑架 >Finance firms cut bonuses 金融业年终奖上调垫底 >NY declares flu emergency 纽约州入卫生紧急状态 >McDonald's becomes 'Macca's' 澳洲麦当劳为国庆改名 >Transport minister uses train 英交通部长'站火车'上班 >Designer's bizarre furniture 动画家具创意十足(图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-14 09:26:16

    【Cover Story】 >PM2.5 masks become popular PM2.5口罩热销作用有限 A type of anti-PM2.5 face mask is selling like hot cakes on the Internet, as China has been covered by dense fog and air pollution for several days, eastday.com reported. Nearly 1,500 entries for so-called PM2.5 masks can be found on Taobao, with prices ranging from RMB1-100. Most of these products claim to be antibacterial and dustproof, with activated carbon fabric and even antitoxins. But experts warn that most of these products can do nothing to prevent inhalation of tiny particulate matter less than 2.5 micrometers in size, suggesting reduction of outdoor activities can be far more effective. 据东方网报道,连日来,受雾霾和空气污染的影响,一类"PM2.5口罩"在网络的销售火爆起来。在淘宝网可查询到近1500条相关产品的信息,价格从1元到100元不等。产品宣传中多以抗菌、防尘、添加活性炭,甚至防毒为卖点。但专家称,市面上大多数所谓PM2.5口罩根本无法阻隔PM2.5微粒,对于PM2.5防护,建议市民还是以减少户外活动为主。 【Top News】 >Finance firms cut bonuses 金融业年终奖上调垫底 A survey of year-end bonuses at 1,000 enterprises in different industries showed that only 58% of enterprises will raise bonuses for 2012 compared to 2011, Shenyang Evening News reported Sunday. Of the surveyed companies, 32% said they will slash year-end bonuses while 10% plan to keep them the same. About 70% of property companies will see year-end bonuses rise. Bonus increases in the financial industry, which used to be one of the most enviable sectors, is the lowest. Up to 63% of financial companies said they will cut year-end bonuses for 2012. 据《沈阳晚报》13日报道,近日,一项针对1000家不同行业企业年终奖的调查显示,较之2011年,58%的受访企业将上调年终奖,32%的企业选择下调年终奖,另有10%的企业维持不变。行业上,70%的受访地产企业将上调年终奖。而曾经风光无限的金融业,年终奖上调比例却在各行业中垫底。据悉,有63%的金融企业表示将减少2012年年终奖。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-14 09:26:31

    >NY declares flu emergency 纽约州入卫生紧急状态 The governor of New York State, Andrew Cuomo, has declared a public health emergency in response to this year's increasingly severe flu season, CBS reported. "We are experiencing the worst flu season since 2009, and influenza activity in New York State is widespread, with cases reported in all 57 counties and all 5 boroughs of New York City," Cuomo said Saturday. Already 19,128 cases of influenza have been reported in New York this season, far more than the total 4,404 positive cases reported all last season (2011-2012). To date, 18 children across the US have died as a result of this year's seasonal influenza. 据哥伦比亚广播公司报道,美国纽约州州长科莫12日宣布该州进入公共卫生紧急状态,全力应对今年日益严峻的流感疫情。科莫说,纽约州正在经历2009年来最严重的流感季,流感病毒在全州57个地区和纽约市5个区都非常活跃。据悉,这个流感季中,纽约已报告19128例流感病例,远超上个流感季(2011-2012)的4404例病例。迄今,季节性流感已致全美18名儿童死亡。 >McDonald's becomes 'Macca's' 澳洲麦当劳为国庆改名 The international fast food giant, McDonald's, will temporarily change signs at 13 selected stores around Australia to "Macca's" for the company's celebration of Australia Day on Jan 26, foreign media reported. Surveys have shown that more than 50% of Australians use "Macca's", the affectionate Australian-only nickname for the chain. The name has been formally submitted to the Macquarie Dictionary for consideration in the next issue. The restaurants will successively change their store signage to "Macca's" this month until Feb 4, when regular signage will return. 据外媒报道,全球连锁快餐巨头麦当劳为庆祝1月26日澳大利亚国庆,将暂将当地13家分店店名改为深受澳洲人喜爱的"Macca's"。调查显示,有超过50%的澳大利亚人使用该国独有的这一昵称指代麦当劳。"Macca's"一词已被《麦格理词典》正式考虑收入到下一版词典当中。当地麦当劳门店将于本月陆续改名为"Macca's",直到2月4日再次改回原招牌。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-14 09:26:47

    【In Brief】 >Three Chinese workers were kidnapped by militants in Sudan's Darfur region Saturday, and a Chinese engineer is missing there, officials with the Chinese embassy in Khartoum said Sunday, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,中国驻苏丹大使馆官员13日称,3名中国工人12日在苏丹达尔富尔地区遭武装分子绑架,另有1名中国工程师失踪。 >All highways in China will be toll-free for passenger cars from Feb 9-15 during the Spring Festival holiday in 2013, according to the Ministry of Transport, cnr.cn reported. 据中广网报道,交通运输部日前发出通知,2013年春节期间全国收费公路免收小型客车通行费的时间从2月9日开始到2月15日结束。 >With a week to go before US President Barack Obama is sworn in for his 2nd term, a dress rehearsal for the inauguration was held in Washington Sunday, Reuters reported. 据路透社报道,美国总统奥巴马第2任期的就职典礼进入最后一周倒计时,首都华盛顿13日为这次典礼举行了彩排。 >An Egyptian court accepted an appeal by ousted former president Hosni Mubarak and his former interior minister Habib al-Adli Sunday, allowing him to be retried over the killings of protesters in the 2011 uprising, Reuters reported. 据路透社报道,埃及一家法院13日接受前总统穆巴拉克及前内政部长阿德利的上诉,允许就其2011年抗议活动中杀害示威者一事进行重审。 >South Korea is expected to try to launch its space rocket Naro-1 again on Jan 25 after successfully conducting experiments to confirm all systems are working properly, Yonhap reported, citing a government source. 据韩联社报道,韩国政府消息人士称,若经试验检查所有系统运行正常,该国预计将于本月25日发射其"罗老"号航天火箭。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-14 09:27:02

    【Newsmakers】 >Transport minister uses train 英交通部长'站火车'上班 UK Transport Minister Simon Burns has been shamed into taking the train to work after his annual £80,000 chauffeur bill was revealed, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. Mr Burns was seen leaving his house at 5:30 am and walking through the freezing cold to Chelmsford station. The train he took was close to capacity. There were no free seats in standard class. Mr Burns had to stand in the vestibule with 4 other passengers between 2 carriages for 35 minutes.(See photo) 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,英国交通部部长西蒙·伯恩斯日前被指每年花费8万英镑乘坐公务车上下班,因此不得不改乘火车。日前,伯恩斯被发现早晨5:30便离开家,顶着寒风走到切姆斯福德车站。他乘坐的列车几乎满员,标准车厢里已无空座,伯恩斯只得与其他4名乘客站在两节车厢的连接处,全程站了35分钟。(见图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-14 09:27:18

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Designer's bizarre furniture 动画家具创意十足(图) Singing wardrobes and dancing cutlery in Disney's Beauty and the Beast have been brought to life thanks to Canadian designer Judson Beaumont, who has created bizarre furniture similar to items from the animated classic. His work includes a drawer chest that resembles a dress on a hanger, a bench that looks like a half-open tin can (see photo) and a wardrobe with arms and legs. Some of his pieces emulate well-known cartoon characters such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. The items are made at Judson's company, Straight Line Designs, and sell at prices up to £3,100. 加拿大设计师贾德森·博蒙特根据迪斯尼经典动画《美女与野兽》设计出了一批造型奇特的家具,把电影里会唱歌的衣柜和舞动的刀具带到了现实生活中。他的设计作品包括:酷似挂在衣架上的裙子的柜橱,形如半开沙丁鱼罐头的长凳(见图)和拥有四肢的衣柜。一些作品还模仿著名卡通形象,如迪斯尼的米老鼠和唐老鸭。这些家具由贾德森创办的直线设计公司生产,售价最高达3100英镑。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-14 09:28:18

    【Talk Show】 你是在开玩笑吧! >Hey Jane. Mom told me to tell you that you shouldn't stay out too late. 嘿,简,妈妈让我告诉你,不要在外面呆得太晚。 >You've got to be kidding me. I'm 30 years old. 你是在开玩笑吧,我已经30岁了。 >Patrick won the school election by 2 votes. 帕特里克以两票的优势在学校选举中胜出。 >He's not that popular; how did this happen? You've got to be kidding me. 这怎么可能?他没那么受欢迎的。你是在跟我开玩笑吧。 >I really hope you're wrong. 我真希望你说得不是事实。 >Please tell me it isn't so. 请告诉我这不是真的。 (本期英文内容由美籍编辑Michael Thai润色)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-14 23:40:23

    ChinaDaily晚报2013-01-14 【Weather Jan 15】 Fuzhou: cloudy 9~18℃ Xiamen: cloudy 10~17℃ Quanzhou: cloudy 10~16℃ 【BOC Exchange Rates】 100 USD = 626.95 CNY 100 GBP = 1011.02 CNY 100 EUR = 837.73 CNY 100 HKD = 80.87 CNY 100 JPY = 6.9928 CNY (以上人民币汇率中间价来源于中国银行网站) 【Markets】 Shanghai Stock 2311.74 +68.74 +3.06% HangSeng Stock 23413.26 +149.19 +0.64% 【Highlights】 >Authorities on pollution 京环保局释重污染原因 >Ex-housing official arrested 郑州'房妹'案主角被批捕 >Standing tickets half price? 网友呼吁火车站票半价 >CCTV host Chai Jing married 柴静被曝已经完婚(图) >World's most fun job 英国招聘全球最'爽'工作

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-14 23:40:40

    【Cover Story】 >'Argo' tops Golden Globes '德黑兰'爆冷夺金球最佳 The 70th annual Golden Globe Awards were held Sunday night in Los Angeles where the drama "Argo" and musical "Les Miserables" were the big winners. "Argo" won the Golden Globe for best drama and best director, beating front-runner "Lincoln". "Les Miserables" picked up 3 wins - best musical or comedy, best actor for Hugh Jackman and best supporting actress for Anne Hathaway. Daniel Day-Lewis won the award for best actor in a drama for his performance in "Lincoln", the only win for that movie. 美国当地时间13日晚,第70届美国电影电视金球奖颁奖典礼在洛杉矶举行,剧情片《逃离德黑兰》和音乐剧《悲惨世界》成为最大赢家。《逃离德黑兰》爆冷战胜夺奖大热影片《林肯》,获得剧情类最佳影片奖和最佳导演奖两项桂冠,《悲惨世界》囊获了音乐/喜剧类最佳影片奖、最佳男主角(休·杰克曼)和最佳女配角(安妮·海瑟薇)三项大奖。丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯凭借在《林肯》中的出色表演获得了剧情片最佳男主角奖,这也是该片斩获的唯一奖项。 [电视类奖项] Showtime terrorism thriller "Homeland" garnered best drama series, and the show's Damian Lewis and Claire Danes won best actor and actress. "Girls" won best musical or comedy series and "Game Change" won best miniseries or TV movie. Showtime台惊悚剧集《国土安全》获得剧情类最佳系列剧奖,而该剧男女主演戴米恩·刘易斯和克莱尔·丹妮丝还分别获得了剧情类系列剧的影帝和影后称号。音乐/喜剧类最佳系列剧归属《都市女孩》,最佳电视电影系列短剧则授予《规则改变》。 [音乐类奖项] Ang Lee's "Life of Pi" took home the best original score (配乐) award, while British singer Adele won best original song in a motion picture for the theme tune to the last James Bond blockbuster movie "Skyfall". 李安执导的《少年派的奇幻漂流》获最佳原创配乐奖,最佳电影原创歌曲奖由英国歌手阿黛尔演唱的最新邦德片《007:大破天幕危机》主题曲夺得。 [克林顿助阵] The biggest star at the Golden Globes had nothing to do with Hollywood. The 42nd US president Bill Clinton made a surprise appearance to present Steven Spielberg's "Lincoln". He received a standing ovation from the glamorous crowd, with many absolutely stunned to see him onstage.(See photo) 当天最耀眼的明星与好莱坞无关。美国第42任总统比尔·克林顿当天作为特别嘉宾登场,介绍了斯皮尔伯格执导的《林肯》。克林顿的出现令台下的明星及观众十分意外,大家兴奋起立,掌声经久不断。(见图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-14 23:40:57

    【Top News】 >Authorities on pollution 京环保局释重污染原因 A large emission of pollutants is the root cause of the recent heavy pollution in Beijing, the city's environmental authorities said at a news conference Monday morning. Pollution from fuel coal, motor vehicles, factories and dust has been discharged in large amounts, said Zhang Dawei, the director of the monitoring center of the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau. The adverse weather is being blamed for the lack of dispersal, being the immediate cause of the pollution, he added. North winds, forecast Tuesday night, are expected to blow away the pollutants from Beijing and its surrounding areas. 北京市环保局14日上午召开新闻通报会,解释了本次重污染的原因。环保局监测中心主任张大伟称,燃煤、机动车、工业、扬尘,这些污染源排放量大,是造成本次严重污染的根本原因。近期极端不利的污染扩散条件是形成本次污染过程的直接原因。预计15日夜间的偏北风将吹散北京以及周边区域的污染物。 >Ex-housing official arrested 郑州'房妹'案主角被批捕 A local government spokesman said prosecutors approved the arrest of Zhai Zhenfeng, a former housing administration official in Henan's Zhengzhou, for duty-related crimes Sunday evening, xinhuanet.com reported. His family was found to be in possession of too many houses. Some of the problems Zhai was involved with were discovered after Zhengzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate launched a formal investigation into Zhai on Jan 4 and interviewed a whistle-blower. Zhai's family used to own 31 houses, all of which are not economically affordable. Zhai was also found to have cheated to gain a birth permit for a 2nd child. 据新华网报道,河南郑州市政府宣布,13日晚检察机关以涉嫌职务犯罪对郑州"房妹"案主角翟振峰批准逮捕。1月4日,郑州市检察院正式对翟振锋进行立案查处,并约谈了事件举报人,目前涉及翟振锋的部分问题已经基本查清,翟家曾有31套房,均非经济适用房;翟还曾弄虚作假骗取二胎生育指标。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-14 23:41:19

    >Standing tickets half price? 网友呼吁火车站票半价 The price of standing-room only train tickets has become a hot issue in the run up to the Spring Festival peak travel season. Having paid the full price for a standing-only ticket for a long time, many people are now calling for a 50% discount for seatless tickets on Weibo, China's twitter-like micro blog, and 80% participating in a poll said they backed the introduction of such a discount. Migrant-workers, who have limited conditions and knowledge to scramble for a seat ticket, are often those that stand on the trains. They pay the same price, but don't enjoy the same service, netizens say. 又到春运时,火车站票票价问题成国内舆论热点。长期以来,无座车票依然全价出售。无座旅客以农民工兄弟居多,他们因条件、知识等原因,很难抢到有座票。网友微博呼吁,按照市场价值规律,他们没能享受到与车票价钱所匹配的服务,因此无座票应该半价,8成网友对此表示支持。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-14 23:41:35

    【In Brief】 >According to figures released Monday by e-commerce platform 3c.tmall.com, its annual sales volume of computers, communication and consumer electronics reached RMB50.2b in 2012, a year-on-year increase of 150%. 天猫电器城14日公布数据显示:天猫电器城2012年全年电脑、通讯和电子消费产品交易额达502亿元,相比2011年全年同比增长150%。 >TechCrunch columnist MG Siegler says that multiple sources are saying that they expect some sort of Facebook Phone to be put on display Tuesday; or it could be a Facebook OS running on an ordinary phone. 科技网站TechCrunch专栏作家西格尔称,多位消息人士预计Facebook15日将推出Facebook Phone,不过也可能是运行于普通手机上的Facebook操作系统。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-14 23:41:51

    【Newsmaker】 >CCTV host Chai Jing married 柴静被曝已经完婚(图) CCTV host Chai Jing has got married, Southern Metropolis Entertainment Weekly said on its micro blog, revealing a full face photo of her husband (see photo). Insiders disclosed that Chai Jing's husband is a famous photographer called Zhao Jia, who is a Beijinger of about 40 years old. Chai was said to be fresh off her honeymoon when her book was published last year. The couple now live in an apartment outside Beijing's 3rd Ring. 《南都娱乐周刊》微博爆料,央视主持人柴静现已结婚,并曝光了柴静老公的正面照(见图)。据知情人士透露,柴静老公名叫赵嘉,北京人,40岁左右,是国内一位知名摄影师。柴静去年出书时期刚与老公度完蜜月,二人现居于北京三环外的一所公寓里。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-14 23:42:07

    【Kaleidoscope】 >World's most fun job 英国招聘全球最'爽'工作 First Choice, a British travel firm, is advertising for the world's most fun job - as a water slide tester, foreign media reported. It is looking to fill the £20,000-a-year vacancy with one lucky applicant who will travel the globe for 6 months visiting the world's best water parks. Potential candidates must be fun-loving, passionate and enthusiastic as well as "mad about water parks". Luke Gaskins, First Choice Head of Holiday Innovation, said: "This is an amazing job for one lucky person who'll get to escape the 9-5 and instead spend their days rating slides and pools in the sun this summer."(See photo) 据外媒报道,英国旅游企业"第一选择"正在招聘全球最"爽"工作——水滑梯测试员。成功应聘者将获得两万英镑的年薪,并将在未来6个月里前往世界最好的水上乐园。"第一选择"要求应聘者爱好玩乐、充满热情与活力、对水上乐园很"狂热"。"第一选择"度假创新部门负责人卢克·加斯金斯称:"这是份绝妙的工作,一名幸运儿将借此摆脱朝九晚五,在阳光下给滑梯和游泳池打着分度过今夏时光。"(见图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-14 23:42:45

    【China Daily Radio】 保暖、柔软的雪地靴近几年成了年轻女性冬季的"宠儿",但英国骨科学院发现英国近年患脚趾畸形、脚痛等病症的女性数量急剧上升,罪魁祸首就是雪地靴。 请看相关报道: UGGs can be bad for your feet and ankles, causing pain and throwing your walk out of whack, causing problems to extend to the knees, hips and back. 雪地靴会对足部和脚踝造成损伤,引发疼痛并导致无法正常行走,最终疼痛会延伸至膝盖、臀部和背部。 大家都觉得雪地靴comfy-cozy (舒适暖和),但是,由于雪地靴没有arch support (足弓支撑),并不适宜穿着进行long-distance walking (长距离行走),否则可能导致posterior tibial tendinitis (胫后肌腱炎),走路变成pigeon toe (内八字),还可能引发athlete's foot (脚气)等skin infection (皮肤感染)症状。 医生建议穿雪地靴时可以在足弓处放置custom padding (定制鞋垫),并定期用anti-fungal spray (防真菌喷雾)对鞋进行杀菌清理。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-14 23:43:21

    【Word Power】 雾霾 fog and haze 例句: Thick fog and haze have shrouded central and northern parts of the country since Friday, and meteorologists said the bad weather is expected to continue until midweek. 周五以来,我国中部和北部地区遭遇严重雾霾天气,气象学家称恶劣天气将持续到周三。 【Word Prize】 --A gang member tipped the police to the planned robbery. 此处tipped意思是? A.泄密 B.袭击 C.拒捕

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-15 11:11:39

    13.1.14 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 X (0915.比昨天还晚!!!) 2.每天一种水果 X 3.多喝水 1000ML X 4.天气好的时候散步半小时,下雨时瑜珈半小时 √ 4.22点前脸部护理 X 5.22点诗词各 一篇 X 6.澡后抹润肤乳 X 7.最晚23点上床 √ 【 学习 】 1.10点英语小短文 √ 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧两集 X (friends 4th,the big bang theory 20h) 4.线稿一张 X 5.China Daily 晚报 X 6. Englishpod 跟读30min X 7.<<笔记女王的手帐活用术2:偷看别人的笔记>> √ P52 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 X (拓词 0min) 9.每天看一小时专业文章 X 10.每天看半小时专业相关的网站(美讯/菲尔设计/SUBAR/ABBS) √ 日结: 英语:0.5h 专业:0.5h 拓展:0.5h 共1.5h.昨天逛街去啦~~~ 偷懒一天

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-15 11:13:04

    ChinaDaily早报2013-01-15 【Morning Buzz】 Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step a time. (Mark Twain, American author and humorist, 1835-1910) 习惯就是习惯,谁也不能将其扔出窗外,而只能一步一步地引它下楼。(马克·吐温,美国作家、幽默大师,1835-1910) 早安,各位。 【Markets】 Dow Jones 13,507.32 +18.89 +0.14% Nasdaq 3,117.50 -8.13 -0.26% 【Highlights】 >GDP growth forecast at 8% 预测称中国GDP今年'返8' >China beats S Korean exports 中国货出口占有率最高 >Xinwen Lianbo: top 10 idioms <新闻联播>十大成语揭晓 >Quit EU referendum possible 英或2018公投退出欧盟 >Orders cut for weak demand 苹果因需求疲软减订单 >Dog leads puppy down stairs 狗宝下楼狗哥引导(图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-15 11:13:48

    【Cover Story】 >German cars dominate market 德系豪车称霸国内市场 German automakers continued their reign in China's luxury car market last year, again reporting record sales, China Daily reported. China's luxury car sales increased 18% to 1.2m units last year. German brands together accounted for three-quarters of the total. Audi, for long the top luxury carmaker in China, sold more than 400,000 vehicles last year, up 30% from 2011. BMW Group ranked 2nd in the luxury market with 326,444 cars delivered, a 40% rise from 2011. Mercedes-Benz, the 3rd-largest premium carmaker in sales, tallied 206,150 units in China last year - a record high. 据《中国日报》报道,德国汽车制造商去年在华销量再创新高,继续称霸中国豪车市场。去年,国内豪车销量提高了18%至120万辆,其中德国车销量占到总体的3/4。长期占据国内霸主地位的豪车制造商奥迪公司去年售出40多万辆汽车,销量比2011年增加了30%。稳坐豪车市场第二把交椅的宝马集团去年销量为326444辆,同比增长40%。而销量第3高的高档车制造商梅赛德斯奔驰去年在华销量创新高,达206150辆。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-15 11:14:04

    【Top News】 >GDP growth forecast at 8% 预测称中国GDP今年'返8' China's GDP growth will recover to 8% in the first half of 2013 and accelerate to 8.5% in the 2nd half, benefiting from corporate and infrastructure investments and a recovery in export growth, said Ma Jun, chief economist at Deutsche Bank Greater China. Ma said the economic recovery will continue in 2014, and that the GDP growth will likely peak at close to 9%. He also said the average property price may still rise in 2013 by up to 5%. 德意志银行大中华区首席经济学家马骏表示,得益于企业投资增加、基础设施投资增加以及出口增长反弹,中国GDP同比增幅将在2013年上半年回升至8%,继而在下半年提高到8.5%。马骏还称,经济复苏在2014年仍将持续,中国GDP增幅可能在某个时点接近9%,形成下一个峰值。此外,马骏称2013年平均房价仍有5%的上涨空间。 >China beats S Korean exports 中国货出口占有率最高 The number of China's export categories that led the global market grew to 1,431 in 2011 to put it at the top, followed by Germany (777), and the US (589), according to a study by South Korea's Institute for International Trade, Chosun Ilbo reported. In contrast, South Korean leading export products fell to 61. A total of 26 South Korean-made products that ranked No 1 in overseas markets were overtaken by foreign rivals. Among them, 12 were beaten out by Chinese products. They included petrochemicals and LCDs, which had been a mainstay of South Korean manufacturers for many years. 据《朝鲜日报》报道,韩国国际贸易研究院的研究显示,中国是拥有最多出口占有率第一产品的国家,总数在2011年升至1431种,其后是德国(777种)和美国(589种)。相比之下,韩国在全球出口市场占有率第一的产品降至61种,有26项产品失去了第一名的位置,其中12项产品被"中国制造"赶超,包括石油化工产品、液晶显示屏等韩国制造业多年来的支柱产品。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-15 11:14:18

    >Xinwen Lianbo: top 10 idioms <新闻联播>十大成语揭晓 Chinese idioms "jiwang kailai" (inherit the past and forge ahead into the future) and "jianchi buxie" (persevere unremittingly) made their way into the top 10 idioms most frequently used in "Xinwen Lianbo" in 2012, China Youth Daily reported. According to the list released by the Communication University of China and the China Radio and TV Yearbook, the other 8 idioms, which also made the list in 2011, are "firm and unshakable", "carry on as usual", "unprecedentedly", "long period of stability", "advance with the times", "seek truth from facts", "hard-won" and "rich and colorful". 据《中国青年报》报道,中国传媒大学和中国广播电视年鉴日前联合发布《新闻联播》十大成语榜单。榜单显示,《新闻联播》在2012年最常用的十大成语与上一年相比,新加入了"继往开来"和"坚持不懈"两个成语,而"坚定不移"、"一如既往"、"前所未有"、"长治久安"、"与时俱进"、"实事求是"、"来之不易"和"丰富多彩"等8个成语继续占据前10位。 >Quit EU referendum possible 英或2018公投退出欧盟 British Prime Minister David Cameron is likely to deliver a landmark speech next week, offering British voters a referendum on whether it is "in our interests or not to remain in the European Community", British media reported. Cameron will travel to The Hague in the Netherlands on Jan 22 where he will promise voters an in/out referendum in 2018 if the Conservative Party is returned to power at the next election. 据英媒报道,下周,英国首相卡梅伦很可能发表重要讲话,宣布英国将就"是否应该继续留在欧共体"问题举行全民公投。卡梅伦将于1月22日前往荷兰海牙,并向选民承诺:如果保守党在下次大选中再度掌权,英国将在2018年举行全民公投决定是否退出欧盟。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-15 11:14:33

    >Orders cut for weak demand 苹果因需求疲软减订单 Apple Inc has almost halved its order with suppliers of LCD panels for the iPhone 5 in the current quarter due to weak demand, in a further sign the US firm is losing ground to Asian smartphone rivals, the Nikkei reported Monday. Apple has asked suppliers Japan Display Inc, Sharp Corp and South Korean company LG Display Co Ltd, to cut supply, down from an initial plan to order about 65m units in the quarter. Japan Display's plant is expected to temporarily reduce output by up to 80% from October-December levels. 据《日本经济新闻》14日报道,由于需求疲软,当前季度,苹果公司已削减了其供应商近半的iPhone 5液晶面板订单。此举进一步表明,该公司在与亚洲智能手机制造商的竞争中正节节退败。据悉,当季苹果原定采购约6500万块面板,目前公司已要求日本显示器公司、夏普和韩国LG显示器有限公司等供应商减少供货。日本显示器公司预计将比上个季度(10-12月)临时减产80%之多。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-15 11:14:45

    【In Brief】 >Zhang Guiying, girlfriend of the notorious serial killer Zhou Kehua, will go on trial at 2:30 pm Tuesday at the court in Shapingba district of Chongqing Municipality, chinanews.com reported. 据中新网报道,重庆市沙坪坝区法院将于15日下午2时30分开庭审理悍匪周克华女友张贵英一案。 >Cuba loosened a 50-year-old travel restriction Monday, meaning Cubans will no longer need an exit permit and a letter of invitation from someone in another country to travel abroad, CNN reported. 据美国有线电视新闻网报道,古巴14日起放宽50年来的严控公民出境制度,古巴公民出境旅游将不再需要特殊出境许可证和外国邀请函。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-15 11:15:02

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Dog leads puppy down stairs 狗宝下楼狗哥引导(图) Canadian dog lover Tim Doucette's new 8-week old puppy Daisy was able to run up the stairs without a problem, but getting back down looked a little scary. Luckily, Doucette's other dog, Simon, a 6-month-old mix, was there to show Daisy the ropes. In Doucette's heart-warming footage, Simon runs up and down the stairs, patiently waiting until Daisy conquers her fears and puts a paw on the first of the stairs. Simon leads Daisy all the way down until she gets to the floor, the Daily Mail of London reported. Nearly 10,000 viewers have watched the adorable lesson.(See photo) 据英国《每日邮报》报道,近日,加拿大爱犬族蒂姆·多赛特拍摄的一段有爱视频引来近万网友的围观。多赛特家出生8周的狗宝宝"黛西"可以毫不费力地跑上楼梯,但下楼梯却成了它畏惧的难题。还好他家6个月大的混血狗"西蒙"及时出现,为黛西"言传身教"下楼诀窍。只见这个热心的"哥哥"在楼梯上跑上跑下亲自示范,耐心地等着小"黛西"克服恐惧,将爪子伸向面前的楼梯。西蒙全程护送直到黛西最终成功"着陆"。(见图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-15 11:15:39

    【Talk Show】 那些不靠谱的新年愿望 (1) I will go back to school to avoid paying my student loans. 我决定回校继续念书,这样就不用还学生贷款了。 I resolve to stop poisoning my family with my cooking. 我下定决心再不用我的厨艺毒害家人了。 I will never again take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night. 我再也不在同一晚同时吃安眠药和泻药了。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色) 【Word Prize】 --A gang member tipped the police to the planned robbery. 此处tipped意思是? 答案:A.泄密 原句意为:一名帮派内部成员向警方告发了蓄谋中的抢劫。 题目中,tip意为"向……提供内部消息,向……泄露消息;揭露(秘密、阴谋等)"。此外,tips名词意为"小贴士,小窍门";作动词时,tip有"给小费"等意思,比如:I tipped the taxi driver $5.我给了出租汽车司机5美元小费。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-15 16:07:44


  • 狸。

    狸。 (去看书) 2013-01-15 19:00:12


  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-15 21:04:07

    楼主好习惯 楼主好习惯 狸。


  • 肆意

    肆意 (我在寻找我的药) 2013-01-15 21:13:53


  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-15 21:33:16

    周记: (1.8--1.14) 生活: 1.仔细上一次发膜 √ 2.一周去一次超市 X (去了两次,共超支121) 3.每周吃一次草药 √ 4.每周至少吃一次鱼 √ 5.每周写一张明信片 √ 学习: 共39.5h.应42h.完成量约95%.还不达标.其中英语23h,专业10.5h,拓展6h.英语比重仍是最大,要注意调整.把专业的学习时间添加起来. 到昨天,共学习16.5+39.5=56,应完成小时数84,余28时未完成.在剩下的半个月里要尽量补足.★★★目标200小时★★★ 余下的半个月每天至少8小时,才能完成原定的每天学习小时的目标,每天10小时,才能完成200时的目标.嗷~~~我达不到!!!

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-15 21:33:31

    天天来你这里一趟 天天来你这里一趟 肆意


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-15 23:21:03

    ChinaDaily晚报2013-01-15 【Weather Jan 16】 Fuzhou: overcast 8~16℃ Xiamen: cloudy 8~18℃ Quanzhou: overcast 8~17℃ 【BOC Exchange Rates】 100 USD = 626.91 CNY 100 GBP = 1008.2 CNY 100 EUR = 838.93 CNY 100 HKD = 80.86 CNY 100 JPY = 6.9876 CNY (以上人民币汇率中间价来源于中国银行网站) 【Markets】 Shanghai Stock 2325.68 +13.94 +0.60% HangSeng Stock 23381.51 -31.75 -0.14% 【Highlights】 >Most Chinese cities polluted 10大污染城市7个在中国 >Analysis of wealthy groups 揭秘富人分布图:京最多 >RU to outlaw 'foot cloths' 俄兵弃百年'裹脚布'(图) >US's 1st all-digital lib 美开放首家'无书'图书馆 >Creator of RSS kills himself RSS天才发明者自杀身亡 >GPS error: 1450 km GPS误导老妇穿越数国

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-15 23:22:08

    【Cover Story】 >The most annoying cliches 公众最反感的官话套话 The letters page of People's Daily recently launched a campaign to collect the most irritating bureaucratic and rhetorical cliches and has drawn wide public interest and media attention. As of 2 pm Tuesday, the post of People's Daily had 12,278 retweets and 4,379 comments on Sina Weibo. Words and phrases including "zhongyao jianghua (an important speech)", "gaodu zhongshi (attach great importance to)", "yizhi renwei (agree unanimously)", "yuanman wancheng (successfully accomplish)", "chongfen kending (highly appreciate)" and "youguan bumen (the authorities)" have all been listed. 《人民日报》读者来信版近日征集"你最反感的官话套话",引起媒体和公众的广泛关注。截至15日14时,该征集在人民日报的新浪微博上已被转发12278次,评论4379条。"重要讲话"、"高度重视"、"一致认为"、"圆满完成"、"充分肯定"、"有关部门"等词均上榜。 【Top News】 >Most Chinese cities polluted 10大污染城市7个在中国 An environmental report suggests that fewer than 1% of China's 500 biggest cities meet the air quality standards recommended by the World Health Organization, according to China Business News. Seven out of the 10 severest polluted cities in the world are in China, said the report, which is compiled by a group of Chinese and foreign environmental experts together with the Asian Development Bank. It also points out that China's economic losses from air pollution, when calculated in terms of medical costs, amount to 1.2% of GDP annually. 据《第一财经日报》报道,由国内外环境专家及亚洲开发银行联合完成一份环境报告显示,中国最大的500个城市中,只有不到1%达到了世界卫生组织推荐的空气质量标准;世界上污染最严重的10个城市之中有7个在中国。报告还指出,中国的空气污染每年造成的经济损失,基于疾病成本估算相当于国内生产总值的1.2%。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-15 23:22:33

    >Analysis of wealthy groups 揭秘富人分布图:京最多 The number of Chinese households of "high net worth" status (classified as those with investable assets of more than RMB6m) has been estimated at 1.74m by the end of 2012, an increase of 17% year-on-year, China Economic Weekly reported, citing a 2012 report on Chinese wealth, jointly released by China Construction Bank and Boston Consulting Group. These households are mostly populated in coastal areas of southeastern China. Five provinces and municipalities – Beijing, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang and Guangdong – boast the largest number of wealthy groups on a per capita basis, accounting for more than 40% of the country's men of wealth. 据《中国经济周刊》报道,中国建行联合波士顿咨询公司发布的"2012年中国财富报告"显示,截至2012年底,高净值家庭(可投资资产在600万元人民币以上)数量预计达到174万户,比2011年增长17%。这些高净值家庭主要分布在东南沿海地区,其中北京、江苏、上海、浙江、广东5省市密度最高,总数占全国高净值家庭的40%以上。 [内陆省份迎头赶超] The under-developed inner land provinces are catching up. The number of high-net-worth households in Anhui, Gansu and Hunan, for instance, was expected to increase by more than 30% in 2012, higher than the national average. And Sichuan claimed the title for having the largest number of high-net-worth households in inland regions. 安徽、甘肃、湖南等欠发达内陆地区高净值家庭数量增长势头很高,增速预计超过30%,超过全国平均水平。此外,四川是高净值家庭数量最多的内陆省份。 [超半数为企业主] Entrepreneurs make up the largest proportion of high-net-worth groups at about 56%. Among these, nearly 60% of the corporations they run are at a mature stage of development. 高净值人群中企业主最多,约占56%。其中,6成人的企业处在成熟期。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-15 23:23:07

    >US's 1st all-digital lib 美开放首家'无书'图书馆 Bexar County, Texas, will launch the US's 1st all-digital public library system, dubbed BiblioTech, this year. BiblioTech's first branch is slated to open this fall, CNET reported. There won't be any physical books in the library. There will be digital systems instead. The all-digital library was inspired by Walter Isaacson's biography of Steve Jobs and will look like an Apple store. 据科技资讯网报道,德克萨斯州贝克萨尔县将在今年推出全美首个全数字公共图书馆系统。该系统名为BiblioTech,首家图书馆分支将于2013年秋季开放。馆内没有纸质实体书,全部采用数字系统。据悉,全数字图书馆的灵感来自沃尔特·伊萨克森撰写的《乔布斯传》,其陈设犹如苹果专卖店。 >RU to outlaw 'foot cloths' 俄军队告别百年'裹脚布' Russia's defense minister expressed horror that soldiers were still wrapping cloths around their feet instead of wearing socks, and vowed the historic practice must end this year, AFP reported. The move to ban the practice, dating back 100 years, is seen as part of an attempt to modernize the armed forces. According to soldiers, however, it's very uncomfortable wearing socks with tall boots. The feet quickly get rubbed raw and socks wear out instantly. 据法新社报道,俄罗斯国防部长称,他对士兵们依然在用裹脚布而不穿袜子感到震惊,他誓言将在今年结束这一历史惯例。裹脚布在俄军中已经沿用百年,"禁裹"被视为俄军队现代化的一大举措。但据士兵们称,高筒靴穿袜子非常不舒服,脚很快就会被磨破皮,袜子也坏得很快。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-15 23:23:23

    【In Brief】 >Nine people were killed and 28 others injured after an accident involving carbon monoxide (一氧化碳) poisoning at the Laojinchang gold mine in Huadian, Jilin early Tuesday morning, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,15日清晨,吉林省桦甸市老金厂金矿发生一氧化碳中毒事故,导致9人死亡、28人受伤。 >Blizzards in the Kanto region of Japan have cut electricity to more than 28,000 households, disrupted 800,000 commuters and injured over 300 people as of Monday, ribenxinwen.com reported. 据日本新闻网报道,截至14日,日本关东地区的暴风雪,已经导致2.8万余户人家断电,80万人交通受阻,300余人受伤。 >Organizers unveiled the first-ever smartphone app for a US presidential inauguration Monday, AFP reported. The app will provide live-stream video of Obama's swearing in for a 2nd term, locations of viewer access points, schedules for events nationwide, and historical facts and figures about the 56 previous presidential inaugurations. 据法新社报道,美国总统奥巴马就职典礼组织者14日推出了首款总统就职智能手机应用程序,将提供奥巴马连任宣誓的实况视频、观礼者入口地点、全国各地活动的时间表、先前56次总统就职典礼的历史事实和数据。 >The baby expected by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge is due in July, St James's Palace announced Monday, the BBC reported. 据英国广播公司报道,英国圣詹姆斯宫14日宣布,威廉王子和凯特王妃的首个孩子预产期在7月。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-15 23:23:48

    【Celebrity】 >Creator of RSS kills himself RSS天才发明者自杀身亡 Aaron Swartz, a wizardly (天才的) programmer, was found to have committed suicide last week in his New York apartment, The New York Times reported. Swartz once helped create RSS (Rich Site Summary), the tool that allows users to subscribe to online information, when he was only 14. He struggled for years with mental health disorders, and wrote about it occasionally in his blog. The death of this 26-year-old programmer is drawing fresh attention to the risks of depression. 据《纽约时报》报道,天才程序员阿龙·斯沃茨上周被发现在纽约的家中自杀死亡。他14岁时就协助发明了"丰富站点摘要"(RSS),让用户能够订阅网络信息。多年来,斯沃茨一直患有精神健康障碍,他有时会在博客上提及自己的病情。这位年仅26岁的程序员的死亡再度引起人们对患抑郁症风险的关注。 【Kaleidoscope】 >GPS error: 1450 km GPS误导老妇穿越数国 A 67-year-old Belgian woman set out to drive 61 km to Brussels under the guidance of her GPS navigation system but arrived in Croatia, 2 days and 1450 km later, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. Sabine Moreau claimed that she had "distractedly" driven to Croatia's capital, Zagreb, after entering a Brussels address into her Satnav (卫星导航). "I saw all kinds of traffic signs pass. First in French, then in German. But I didn't stop to wonder ," she said. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,一名67岁的比利时老妇打算在GPS导航系统的帮助下驱车61公里到布鲁塞尔,结果却被误导至克罗地亚,足足开了两天,跑了1450公里。莎宾·莫罗老太太表示自己在卫星导航系统上输入一个布鲁塞尔地址后,一直没注意,结果一路开到了克罗地亚首都萨格勒布。她说,"一路上我看到各种各样的交通标志,先是法语的,然后是德语,但我一直没放在心上。"

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-15 23:24:03

    【China Daily Radio】 我们在购买大件商品的时候都会三思而后行,因为一旦大笔投入,结果不如所愿的话,肯定会懊悔不已。我们今天说的这个词就是描述这种懊悔情绪的。 Buyer's remorse is the sense of regret after having made a purchase. It is frequently associated with the purchase of an expensive item such as a car or house. It may stem from fear of making the wrong choice, guilt over extravagance, or a suspicion of having been overly influenced by the seller. Buyer's remorse(买家懊悔)指购物后又后悔的情绪。这种情绪通常会在购买车、房等大笔支出时出现,多半是因为担心做了错误的选择、因为支出过大而愧疚,或者怀疑自己被卖家忽悠了。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-15 23:24:39

    【Word Power】 站票 standing tickets 例句: Wei Zhuang, a social worker and freelance writer, recently called on the Ministry of Railways to sell standing tickets at half price. 一位自由撰稿人、社会公益工作者卫庄日前呼吁铁道部以半价出售站票。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。) 【Word Prize】 --You could get away with Option A but Option D is better. 此处get away with意思是? A.无法容忍 B.完全忽略 C.勉强过关

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-15 23:46:25

    13.1.15 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 X (昨天逛了一天,今天愣是起不来床,嗷~~~) 2.每天一种水果 √ 3.多喝水 1000ML 4.天气好的时候散步半小时,下雨时瑜珈半小时 √ (跟着做了十五分,差点没S过去~) 4.22点前脸部护理 √ 5.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 6.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 7.最晚23点上床 【 学习 】 1.10点英语小短文 X 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧两集 V (friends 5th,the big bang theory 20h) 4.线稿一张 √ 5.China Daily 晚报 √ 6. Englishpod 跟读30min √ 7.<<笔记女王的手帐活用术2:偷看别人的笔记>> √ P61 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 √ (拓词 75min) 9.每天看一小时专业文章 √ (看了一个很棒的项目:波兰特"雨水园") 10.每天看半小时专业相关的网站(美讯/菲尔设计/SUBAR/ABBS) √ (还是那个 很棒的博客,有很多国际作品.好international啊) 日结: 英语:3h 专业:2.5h 拓展:1.5h .庞贝古城---最后一天 共7h. 画画时,近景重点刻画,先画;远景,后画,粗放地画.切记!!!景深要拉开.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-16 19:58:57

    ChinaDaily早报 2013-01-16 【Morning Buzz】 Life is a foreign language: All men mispronounce it. (Christopher Morley, American journalist, 1890-1957) 生活是一门外语,谁都发不好它的音。(克里斯托弗·莫利,美国记者,1890-1957) 早安,各位。 【Markets】 Dow Jones 13,534.89 +27.57 +0.20% Nasdaq 3,110.78 -6.72 -0.22% 【Highlights】 >New house sales surge 54城新房成交现开门红 >Scorpio/Aquarius spend most 天蝎男水瓶女'败家'之王 >Pakistan orders PM arrest 巴基斯坦下令逮捕总理 >Jack Ma to step down 马云将卸任阿里巴巴CEO >Classical works boost brains 研究:阅读名著有益大脑 >Woman stolen an empty train 90后女子盗开火车(图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-16 20:02:30

    【Cover Story】 >Winter aid for vagrants 民政部关爱流浪者过冬 China's Civil Affairs Ministry Tuesday urged local governments to take the initiative and offer prompt aid to vagrants and beggars to help them survive the winter weather, xinhuanet.com reported. Dou Yupei, vice-minister of civil affairs, said at a national video meeting that changes in the weather should be closely monitored, vagrants and beggars should get prompt assistance, and deaths caused by exposure to extreme cold or hunger should be avoided. More temporary shelters should be built in venues visited by vagrants, beggars or migrant workers, he said. 据新华网报道,民政部15日召开视频会议,要求各地民政部门主动为流浪乞讨人员提供帮助,保障他们安全过冬。民政部副部长窦玉沛表示,要密切关注严寒天气变化,确保流浪乞讨人员得到及时救助,坚决防止出现冻死、饿死现象。还要在流浪乞讨人员、外来务工人员集中活动区域增设临时救助点。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-16 20:02:51

    【Top News】 >New house sales surge 54城新房成交现开门红 The number of newly-built housing units sold in 54 major Chinese cities soared 103% year-on-year in the first 13 days of 2013, reaching 104,800 units, figures from the research center of Centaline Group showed, xinhuanet.com reported. Strong demand for new houses has driven prices higher, said Zhang Dawei, marketing research director of Centaline Group. China's property market cooled after the government imposed strong regulative measures in 2010 but has shown signs of warming up again in recent months. 据新华网报道,中原地产研究中心统计数据显示,1月1日至13日,全国54个主要城市新建住宅签约套数达到了10.48万套,较去年同期上涨了103%。中原地产市场研究部总监张大伟表示,消费者对新房强劲的需求推高了房价。因2010年政府推出系列调控政策而遇冷的房地产市场在最近数月出现回暖迹象。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-16 20:03:13

    >Scorpio/Aquarius spend most 天蝎男水瓶女'败家'之王 Scorpio men and Aquarius women were the biggest online shoppers in 2012 in China, according to annual figures released Tuesday by Alipay, a 3rd-party online payment service, caijing.com.cn reported. Scorpio men took 1st place by splashing out RMB14,206 per capita online, followed by Leo men and Capricorn men. As for the females, Aquarius became the biggest spenders, reaching an average of RMB15,095. Scorpios and Capricorns came 2nd and 3rd. Pisces men and Leo women spent the least last year. 据财经网报道,支付宝15日发布个人年度账单和全民年度账单。数据显示,2012年,天蝎男一年人均网络消费14206元,排名第一,其后是狮子男和摩羯男。女士方面,水瓶女排名第一,人均花费15095元,接下来是天蝎女和摩羯女。而双鱼男和狮子女则最为节省。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-16 20:03:38

    >Pakistan orders PM arrest 巴基斯坦下令逮捕总理 The Pakistani Supreme Court Tuesday ordered the arrest of the country's Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf, citing his involvement in a corruption case when he was the minister for water and power, local media reported. Pervez Ashraf, who is still in the official prime minister's residence, called an emergency meeting shortly after the court issued his arrest warrant. He also called legal experts to the house to seek their opinion on how to respond to the court's order. President Asif Ali Zardari, who was in Karachi, also convened an emergency meeting to discuss the situation arising out of the court's verdict. 据当地媒体报道,巴基斯坦最高法院15日下令逮捕总理阿什拉夫,称其涉嫌在担任水电部长期间存在腐败行为。在高法发布逮捕令后不久,阿什拉夫在其总理府邸召开紧急会议,还叫来法律专家征求对策。身在卡拉奇的巴基斯坦总统扎尔达里也召集了紧急会议,商讨此次高法判决或引发的局势动荡。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-16 20:04:09

    >Classical works boost brains 研究:阅读名著有益大脑 New research has found that reading the works of classical writers such as Shakespeare and Wordsworth has a beneficial effect on people's minds, catches the reader's attention and triggers moments of self-reflection, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. The research also found poetry, in particular, increased activity in the right hemisphere of the brain, an area concerned with "autobiographical (自传的) memory", which helped readers to reflect on, and reappraise, their own experiences in light of what they had read. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,最新研究发现,阅读莎翁和华兹华斯等古典作家的作品对人的心智成长大有裨益,这些作品能吸引读者的注意力,使人们进行自我反思。研究还发现,诗作尤其能使人的右脑更为活跃。右脑和"自传式记忆"有关,能让读者根据读到的内容回想起自己的经历,并对其进行重新评价。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-16 20:04:32

    【In Brief】 >Liu Zuoqi, former divisional chief of the transport bureau of the Ministry of Railways, has been sentenced to 13 years imprisonment for corruption, according to jcrb.com. 据正义网报道,铁道部原运输局处长刘作琪,因涉嫌受贿被判有期徒刑13年。 >Apple Inc's CEO Tim Cook stated that it has plans to set up an R&D center in Beijing, and move a certain amount of its servers for its App Store and iTunes to China in order to improve the downloading speed for users in China, Tencent Tech reported citing insiders. 据腾讯科技报道,消息人士称,苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克日前称,苹果将在北京设立研发中心,并将把部分App Store和iTunes服务器放在中国,以加快中国用户的下载速度。 >Russia plans to launch an unmanned space vehicle to the Moon in 2015, federal space agency Roscosmos said Tuesday. 俄罗斯联邦航天局15日表示,该国计划于2015年向月球发射无人空间探测器。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-16 20:05:02

    【Newsmaker】 >Jack Ma to step down 马云将卸任阿里巴巴CEO Jack Ma, the founder of Chinese e-commerce group Alibaba, plans to step down from his position as CEO on May 10, Ma said in a letter to employees Tuesday, chinanews.com reported. Alibaba's new CEO will be announced the same day, when Ma switches to the role of executive chairman to develop his company's strategies and talent as well as social responsibility efforts. He said most of Alibaba's leaders "born in the 1960s" would also pass on their leadership responsibilities to younger colleagues this year.(See photo) 据中新网报道,阿里巴巴集团创始人马云15日向员工发出信件,宣布于5月10日起不再担任阿里巴巴集团CEO一职,并将于当天公布新任CEO。马云表示,接下来将全力做好董事局主席工作,主要负责集团战略决策,人才培养,并完善阿里的公益事业。马云还称,今年阿里绝大多数生于上世纪60年代的领导者将会退出管理执行角色,让年轻人接班。(见图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-16 20:05:32

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Woman stolen an empty train 90后女子盗开火车(图) A Swedish woman born in 1990 stole a four-car train at a depot Tuesday and drove it about 1.6km to a suburb of Stockholm where it derailed and slammed into a 3-story apartment building, AP reported. The woman was seriously injured in the early morning crash and was flown to a hospital, police said. No one else was injured. The woman was arrested on suspicion of endangering the public.(See photo) 据美联社报道,15日凌晨,瑞典一名1990年出生的女子从仓库偷走一列4厢列车,并将其开行1.6公里,最后在斯德哥尔摩郊外冲出轨道,撞进一栋三层民居。该女子重伤并被直升机紧急送往医院。事故未造成其他伤亡,警方以涉嫌危害公共安全为由宣布逮捕该女子。(见图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-16 20:05:50

    【Talk Show】 那些不靠谱的新年愿望 I will start washing my hands after I use the restroom. 我决定以后上完厕所后洗手。 I will drink less beer; last year I drank enough beer to have kept the Titanic afloat. 我决定少喝些啤酒;去年我喝的酒都能让"泰坦尼克号"浮起来了。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-16 20:05:57

    【Word Prize】 --You could get away with Option A but Option D is better. 此处get away with意思是? 答案:C.勉强过关 原句意为:选项A也说得过去,不过选项B更合适。 老师在课堂讲解试题时可能会用到这句话。To get away with意为to do something successfully although it is not the best way of doing it,再比如:Do you think we could get away with just one coat of paint on that wall?你觉得我们只刷一层墙漆就行吗?

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-16 20:21:17

    ChinaDaily晚报 2013-01-16 【Weather Jan 17】 Fuzhou: overcast 6~15℃ Xiamen: cloudy 7~14℃ Quanzhou: overcast 9~14℃ 【BOC Exchange Rates】 100 USD = 627.45 CNY 100 GBP = 1008.44 CNY 100 EUR = 834.67 CNY 100 HKD = 80.93 CNY 100 JPY = 7.0592 CNY (以上人民币汇率中间价来源于中国银行网站) 【Markets】 Shanghai Stock 2309.50 -16.18 -0.70% HangSeng Stock 23356.99 -24.52 -0.10% 【Highlights】 >Leung delivers first speech 港特首报告:打造香港梦 >Japan's PM pays first visit 安倍上任首访东盟三国 >France on red terror alert 法反恐警戒接近最高级 >$100 to message Zuckerberg 距扎克伯格百美元之隔? >Old couple died same day 西安67载夫妻同日离世 >Daydreaming at work not bad 研究:工作'走神'助创意

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-16 20:21:39

    【Cover Story】 >Rolex less popular as gifts '表哥'影响富豪购礼榜单 The top luxury watchmaker Rolex has fallen for the 1st time out of the top 10 preferred brands used as gifts by China's male millionaires, according to the Hurun Report's Chinese Luxury Consumer Survey 2013, released Tuesday. The slipped position came as the effects of the top leadership's move to crack down on corruption, after a government official was spotted wearing different pricey wristwatches and later found involved in bribe scandals. In addition, the famous baijiu brand Moutai has dropped from 5th place last year to 13th place this year, given the government's ban on luxury brand baijiu for official receptions, as well as a health scare involving the use of plasticizers (塑化剂) by baijiu makers. The survey was conducted among 551 entrepreneurs from 31 cities. Their personal assets topped RMB10m and their annual personal expenditures averaged at RMB1.77m. 胡润研究院15日发布的"2013中国千万富豪品牌倾向报告"显示,受"表哥"事件影响,高端表劳力士在"男性富豪最青睐送礼品牌榜"上首次跌出前十。此外,受限酒令及塑化剂风波影响,茅台酒由去年的第5名跌至第13位。此次受访富豪来自31个城市551位个人资产超过千万元的企业家,他们年均消费177万元。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-16 20:21:59

    【Top News】 >Leung delivers first speech 港特首报告:打造香港梦 Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying delivered his maiden policy speech Wednesday, xinhuanet.com reported. CY Leung said that promoting economic development is the primary goal of the government as sustained economic growth is a prerequisite for the special autonomous region (SAR) to tackle housing, poverty, an aging population and environmental problems. "The final purpose is to realize the promising 'Hong Kong Dream'," he said in his blog. 据新华网报道,香港特首梁振英16日发布了上任以来的首份施政报告。梁振英表示,促进经济发展是特区政府的首要目标,持续的经济增长是香港解决房屋、贫困、老龄化以及环境问题的前提。他在网志中称,施政报告的最终目标是要打造令人憧憬的"香港梦"。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-16 20:22:21

    >Japan's PM pays first visit 安倍上任首访东盟三国 The new Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe left Wednesday for 3 Southeast Asian countries – Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia – on his first official overseas trip. Abe's visit follows the different trips by Japan's Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso to Myanmar and Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida to the Philippines, Singapore and Brunei earlier this month. A hawkish Abe is seeking support from other members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to counterbalance the growing economic might of China, with which Japan has a row over a territorial dispute, at a time when Japan needs new sources of growth for its languishing economy, said Reuters. 16日,日本新任首相安倍晋三开启东南亚3国——越南、泰国和印度尼西亚——出访之旅,这是他上台后的首次外访。早在本月初,日本副首相麻生太郎已出访缅甸,外相岸田文雄也相继访问了菲律宾、新加坡、文莱等东盟各国。路透社分析称,鉴于日本与中国有领土之争,且日本经济不断下滑急需新的经济增长点,鹰派人物安倍正试图拉拢东盟其它国家制衡中国经济崛起。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-16 20:22:38

    [你知道吗?] The last time he was prime minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe's inaugural foreign trip was to China. In the job again 7 years later, Abe had hoped to go first to Washington in order to bolster the security alliance with the US. But because US President Barack Obama said he was too busy, Abe chose to start with members of the 10-member ASEAN. 七年前,安倍首次任首相时,首访的国家是中国。如今,二次上台后,安倍本期待首访美国,以此加强与美国的安全同盟。但因为美国总统奥巴马称"日程繁忙",安倍不得不改选东盟成员国开启外交之旅。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-16 20:22:53

    >$100 to message Zuckerberg 距扎克伯格百美元之隔? Facebook members are being asked to pay $100 for their messages to reach the inbox of the social network's chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. Without paying, the message would likely end up in Zuckerberg's "other" message folder, which is often overlooked. It is said that the charge is part of a test of a system designed by Facebook to both raise some revenue and reduce spam from strangers. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,Facebook用户现在可以花上100美元,给这家社交网站的CEO马克·扎克伯格发上一条消息。不付费的话,用户所发信息可能被存入常遭忽视的"其它"文件夹。据悉,这是Facebook某项系统测试的一部分,他们希望能借此创收,并减少来自陌生人的垃圾信息。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-16 20:25:23

    >France on red terror alert 法反恐警戒接近最高级 Tourists are advised to be vigilant (警惕的) when visiting France this week after the country put security forces in a state of "reinforced red" alert, nearly the highest against terrorist attack, French media reported. Visitors can expect the presence of additional security measures at airports and railway stations. The heightened security comes after French forces launched military action in Mali to prevent the advance of rebel forces on the capital, Bamako. Rebel groups promised reprisals (报复) for the attacks. 据法国媒体报道,该国已将防范恐怖主义警戒级别提高至接近最高的"红色加强"级,建议本周访问法国的游客提高警惕。游客可能会在机场、火车站等地被要求进行额外安检。法国军方日前出兵马里,以阻止马里叛军攻占马里首都巴马科。叛军组织扬言要对法国的袭击进行报复行动,法国因此提高警戒级别。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-16 20:25:48

    [你知道吗?] In April 2012, rebel groups, some with links to al-Qaida, took control of large areas of the north of Mali, in West Africa. France deployed troops after an appeal from the Malian government in the face of a new rebel threat. 2012年4月,与"基地"有联系的叛乱组织控制了西非国家马里北部的大片地区。为应对最新的叛乱威胁,马里政府近日请求法国援助,法军因此入驻马里。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-16 20:26:03

    【In Brief】 >Yang Baibing, former director of the General Political Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, died at the age of 93 at 4:55 pm Tuesday in Beijing. He was also former secretary-general of the Central Military Commission,Xinhua reported. 据新华社消息,中央军委原秘书长,中国人民解放军总政治部原主任杨白冰同志于2013年1月15日16时55分在北京逝世,享年93岁。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-16 20:26:16

    >BOC Aviation, the aircraft leasing arm of the Bank of China, has placed its largest ever order to buy 50 A320 jets from Airbus at a list price of $5b, Reuters reported. 据路透社报道,中国银行旗下中银航空租赁向法国空客购入50架A320飞机,价值50亿美元,此次订单为该行有史以来最大的订单。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-16 20:26:28

    【Newsmakers】 >Old couple died same day 西安67载夫妻同日离世 On Jan 14, 2013, an old couple both passed away in Xi'an after 67 years' marriage, people.com.cn reported. Shouwen, their granddaughter, disclosed that her 86-year-old grandma every night tucked up the quilt of her grandpa who is 2 years elder. Shouwen's grandma died of cerebral haemorrhage at 4 am Monday. And 4 hours later, her grandpa suffering cerebral infarction also passed away. "My grandparents have loved each other for 67 years and their simultaneous death shows the 2 souls really communicated," Shouwen said. 据人民网报道,西安一对老夫妻相守67年,于2013年1月14日同日离世。据外孙女寿雯透露,姥爷今年88岁,姥姥86岁。姥姥每晚睡前,都要替姥爷盖好被子。14日早上4点,姥姥因脑淤血走了,八点,患了脑梗塞的姥爷也走了。寿雯说:"67年来,姥姥姥爷相濡以沫,两个老人真的是心灵相通!"

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-16 20:26:41

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Daydreaming at work not bad 研究:工作'走神'助创意 A new study shows daydreaming in work time could boost your brain's creativity, the Daily Mail of London reported. There is a stigma attached to boredom, but in fact, it gives your mind a chance to wander, according to Sandi Mann, a researcher at the University of Central Lancashire in the UK. "Daydreaming in the workplace allows lateral thinking that could assist with problem solving," he said. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,最新研究显示,工作时的白日梦能增强大脑创造力。英国中央兰开夏大学研究人员桑迪·曼称,人们都不喜欢百无聊赖的感觉,但事实上它能給大脑一个漫游畅想的机会。他表示:"工作中的白日梦能促进大脑进行横向思维,有助于解决问题。"

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-16 20:26:59

    【China Daily Radio】 自1月10日以来,浓雾笼罩京城已有两日。北京多地PM2.5浓度"爆表",部分地区实时监测PM2.5数值达700微克/立方米以上。预计未来三天,密云、大兴、门头沟、房山地区空气质量指数将达到极重污染。大雾与污染15日前不会有明显好转。 请看相关报道: The market for dust masks and air purifiers is booming in Beijing because the capital has been shrouded for several days in thick fog and haze. 近几日北京持续被浓重雾霾笼罩,市场上防尘口罩和空气净化器的销量剧增。 雾(fog)和霾(haze)是这两天我们经常听到的两个词,二者的区别为:雾的相对湿度(the relative humidity)一般在90%以上,而霾在80%以下,但通常两者并存。能见度(visibility)在1公里以下的称为雾,1公里以上但小于10公里的属于灰霾(dust haze)现象。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-16 20:27:11

    【Word Power】 爆表 off the charts 例句: Over the last several days, China has experienced its worst air pollution in decades, with the pollution index in several cities, including Beijing, literally off the charts. 连日来,我国遭遇了近几十年来最严重的空气污染,包括北京在内的多个城市污染指数爆表。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-16 20:27:18

    【Word Prize】 --He was a man of medium height, pigeon-toed at the base, bulgy half-way up, and bald at the apex. 此处pigeon-toed意思是? A.内八字 B.外八字 C.罗圈腿

  • moe酱

    moe酱 2013-01-16 20:38:16

    楼主,chinadaily客户端和fox news客户端都很好用耶,建议联通的可以试试啊~

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-16 22:46:59

    1.16 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 √ 2.每天一种水果 √ 3.多喝水 1000ML √ 4.22点前脸部护理 √ 5.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 6.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 7.记帐 √ 8.最晚23点上床 √ 【 学习 】 1.10点英语小短文 X 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧两集 V (friends 6th,the big bang theory 20h) 4.线稿一张 X 5.China Daily 晚报 X 6. Englishpod 跟读30min X 7.<<笔记女王的手帐活用术2:偷看别人的笔记>> √ P72 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 X (30min) 9.每天看一小时专业知识 X 10.每天看半小时专业相关的网站(美讯/菲尔设计/SUBAR) X 日结: 英语:1.5h 专业:0 拓展:0.5h 共2h.上午医院的干活,下午超市的干活,晚上讲了个超长的电话,一天就木有啦啦啦~~~

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-17 09:54:19

    楼主,chinadaily客户端和fox news客户端都很好用耶,建议联通的可以试试啊~ 楼主,chinadaily客户端和fox news客户端都很好用耶,建议联通的可以试试啊~ moe酱


  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-17 11:20:07

    A new study shows daydreaming in work time could boost your brain's creativity.

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