
  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-17 11:59:16

    ChinaDaily早报2013-01-17 【Morning Buzz】 Take two truths and keep them in your pocket. Let one be: I am dust and ashes. And the other: For my sake the world was created. (Jewish proverb) 接受两个真理并把它们装在口袋,一个是"我只是一粒尘埃",另一个是"世界为我而造"。(犹太谚语) 早安,各位。 【Markets】 Dow Jones 13,511.23 -23.66 -0.17% Nasdaq 3,117.54 +6.76 +0.22% 【Highlights】 >9 in 10 students to return 九成留学生欲回国就业 >Largest smartphone producer 我国智能手机出货最多 >ANA, JAL suspend Boeing 787 日两大航企停飞波音787 >87 killed at Syrian campus 叙大学连环爆炸87人亡 >Record US military suicides 美军自杀者超阵亡人数 >Cleanest place in hotel 研究:酒店卫生间最干净

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-17 11:59:32

    【Cover Story】 >Rural health insurance lift [肺癌胃癌纳入农村医保 20种大病报销不低于9成] Starting 2013, the rural health insurance system will cover more serious diseases, CCTV reported Wednesday, citing unnamed officials from the Ministry of Health. Twenty kinds of serious illnesses - including lung cancer and gastric cancer - will be included in the health insurance system and the patients can be reimbursed no less than 90% of their medical expenses. 据央视16日报道,记者从卫生部了解到,2013年,我国农村医疗保障重点将向大病转移。肺癌、胃癌等20种疾病全部纳入大病保障范畴,报销比例不低于90%。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-17 11:59:46

    【Top News】 >9 in 10 students to return 九成留学生欲回国就业 Because of the Western economic downturn and high unemployment rate, 89.6% of Chinese overseas students plan to seek a job or start a business back in China in the future, according to a study released by New Oriental Wednesday, chinanews.com reported. A business major remains the first choice for Chinese students to seek further study abroad, while engineering and technology also enjoy high popularity among them. The study also found that the proportion of high school students studying abroad has risen to 6%, up from 3.2% in 2011, showing a growing trend of younger Chinese to study abroad. 据中新网报道,新东方16日发布的一份报告显示,89.6%的中国留学生计划未来回国就业或创业,国外经济持续低迷,失业率居高不下是一大原因。调查还发现,商科专业依然是中国学生出国留学的首选。同时,工程及技术专业也是不少学生选择的目标。此外,出国读高中的学生比例从2011年的3.2%增长到了6%,留学低龄化趋势十分明显。 >ANA, JAL suspend Boeing 787 日两大航企停飞波音787 Japan's 2 main airlines, All Nippon Airway (ANA) and Japan Air Line (JAL), announced Wednesday they had grounded all their Boeing 787 aircraft for safety checks after one of them made an emergency landing at Japan's Takamatsu Airport earlier in the day. Smoke was detected inside the aircraft shortly after it took off. The 137 passengers and crew members were evacuated using the plane's evacuation chutes. This is the latest setback for Boeing's problem-hit Dreamliners, which have suffered issues including fuel leaks, a cracked cockpit window and an electrical fire in recent weeks. 16日,日本发生波音787客机紧急迫降事件,日本两大航空公司——全日空和日航随即宣布停飞各自拥有的全部波音787客机,以便进行安全检查。当日早些时候,一架波音787客机在起飞后被发现机舱冒烟,不得不迫降高松机场,机上137名乘客及机组人员通过逃生滑梯离开飞机。最近数周,被称为"梦想客机"的波音787客机陆续发生燃油泄漏、驾驶窗玻璃碎裂、电池起火等多起事故。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-17 11:59:59

    >87 killed at Syrian campus 叙大学连环爆炸87人亡 Two explosions tore through one of Syria's biggest universities on the first day of student exams Tuesday, killing 87 people and wounding more than 160, Xinhua reported. Video footage on state television showed students carrying books out of Allepo University after the first explosion, walking quickly away. Then there was another explosion and people began to run. Both the Syrian government and the opposition have blamed each other for the incident. China has strongly condemned the blast and all violence against civilians and urged both sides to end the violence immediately, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said Wednesday. 据新华社报道,15日,叙利亚最大的大学之一阿勒颇大学发生两起爆炸,导致87人死亡,160多人受伤。当天是学生考试的第一天。该国国家电视台录像显示,第一次爆炸发生后,学生们抱着书本快步走出校园,接着发生第二次爆炸,人们开始奔跑。叙政府和反对派均指责对方应为此事件负责。中国外交部发言人洪磊16日表示,中方强烈谴责该爆炸事件及针对平民的暴力,并敦促叙冲突双方立即停火止暴。 >Record US military suicides 美军自杀者超阵亡人数 The number of US military suicides hit a record high in 2012, as the deaths outpaced US casualties in Afghanistan. The Pentagon said suicides in the military jumped to 349 in 2012, a 16% increase from 2011, AP reported. Some experts are predicting the dark trend will grow worse in the coming year. In 2006 military suicides began to increase, as wars in Afghanistan and Iraq dragged on. The Pentagon has rolled out numerous initiatives to encourage service members battling depression or post-traumatic stress to seek help. 据美联社报道,2012年美军自杀人数创下新高,达349人,较2011增加了16%,这一数字甚至超过在阿富汗战死的美军人数。一些专家预测这一不良趋势在今年还将加剧。据了解,从2006年起,随着美国陷入阿富汗战争和伊拉克战争,美军自杀人数开始攀升。五角大楼已采取多种方案鼓励患抑郁症和创伤后压力症的服役军人寻求帮助。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-17 12:00:11

    【In Brief】 >China plans to launch 20 spacecraft this year, including the country's 3rd lunar probe Chang'e-3 and manned spacecraft Shenzhou-X, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation announced Wednesday. 中国航天科技集团公司16日称,2013年我国计划将神舟十号载人飞船、嫦娥三号月球探测器等20颗航天器送入太空。 >Chinese shipments of smartphones totaled 224m units in 2012, making the country the world's largest smartphone producer, official data showed Wednesday, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,16日发布的官方数据显示,去年我国智能手机出货量达2.24亿部,已成为全球最大的智能手机生产国。 >Two people were killed after a helicopter crashed into a construction crane in central London early Wednesday, xinhuanet.com reported. 据新华网报道,当地时间16日早晨,一架直升机撞上了英国伦敦市中心一栋施工大厦的吊车,目前确认已有两人罹难。 >US President Obama Wednesday formally proposed the most expansive gun-control policies in generations and initiated 23 separate executive actions aimed at curbing what he called "the epidemic of gun violence in this country", The Washington Post reported. 据《华盛顿邮报》报道,美国总统奥巴马16日正式提出数代人以来最为全面的控抢政策,同时签署了23项独立行政令,意在遏制"美国泛滥的枪支暴力"。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-17 12:00:24

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Cleanest place in hotel 研究:酒店卫生间最干净 Holidaymakers should think twice before taking their breakfast in bed - new research has suggested that the bathroom is actually the most hygienic place to eat in most hotel bedrooms, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. The study found that as bathrooms are regularly and thoroughly cleaned, they usually contain the least amount of bacteria. Mattresses (床垫) and duvets, however, are rarely cleaned, making them among the dirtiest places in the average hotel room. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,外出度假时爱在酒店房间床上用早餐的人注意了:一项最新研究显示,在大多数酒店中,卫生间才是最适宜用餐的地方,因为那里卫生状况最好。研究发现,由于卫生间会定期彻底清洁,因此那里细菌数量是最少的。而多数酒店房间中的床垫和羽绒被等物品则很少清洁,是最脏的区域之一。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-17 12:00:53

    【Talk Show】 我真是厌烦透了 >Where are you going for lunch today? 今天午饭你打算吃什么? >I don't know... how about a burger? 不知道呢,汉堡怎么样? >No. I eat that almost everyday. I'm getting sick and tired of them. 不好,我几乎每天都吃汉堡,我真是吃腻了。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。) 【Word Prize】 --He was a man of medium height, pigeon-toed at the base, bulgy half-way up, and bald at the apex. 此处pigeon-toed意思是? 答案:A.内八字 原句意为:他是个中等身高,迈着内八字,腆着啤酒肚,而且秃顶的男子。 相关词汇:splay-footed外八字,bow-legged罗圈腿,flat-footed扁平足,cross-eyed斗鸡眼。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-17 17:14:31


  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-17 17:31:06


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-18 07:17:19

    ChinaDaily晚报2013-01-17 【Weather Jan 18】 Fuzhou: sunny 4~12℃ Xiamen: cloudy 6~12℃ Quanzhou: cloudy 6~11℃ 【BOC Exchange Rates】 100 USD = 627.67 CNY 100 GBP = 1004.68 CNY 100 EUR = 834.96 CNY 100 HKD = 80.96 CNY 100 JPY = 7.128 CNY (以上人民币汇率中间价来源于中国银行网站。) 【Markets】 Shanghai Stock 2284.91 -24.59 -1.06% HangSeng Stock 23339.76 -17.23 -0.07% 【Highlights】 >Resale homes see sales hike 京二手房成交上涨360% >3s ladies rent boyfriend '剩女'压力大租男友过年 >Soccer chief dismissed 传韦迪下课将执掌汽摩 >Mistaken image of Zhang 教科书错识张作霖(图) >PCs take notes from tablets 可当平板的混搭PC问世 >Chelsea to head inauguration 克林顿女助阵总统就职 >US employee sends job to CN 美员工将工作外包中国

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-18 07:18:21

    【Cover Story】 >Boeing 787s grounded 多国叫停波音787客机 Europe, Japan and India Thursday joined the US in grounding their Boeing 787s, after a 2nd incident involving battery failure caused a Dreamliner passenger jet to make an emergency landing, Reuters reported. Analysts said it is the first such action against a US-made passenger plane since the McDonnell Douglas DC-10 was grounded in 1979 after a deadly crash in Chicago. "The company is working around the clock with its customers and the various regulatory and investigative authorities to find answers as quickly as possible," Chief Executive Jim McNerney said. 据路透社报道,由于"梦想客机"波音787第二次因电池故障被迫紧急着陆,欧洲、日本和印度17日继美国之后纷纷对该机叫停使用。分析人士称,这是1979年麦道DC-10飞机在芝加哥发生致命坠毁事故以来,美国制造的客机首次遭遇如此大范围的禁飞。执行总裁吉姆·迈克纳尼说:"波音公司将全力与乘客以及监管和调查部门一起尽快找出问题所在。"

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-18 07:18:37

    【Top News】 >Resale homes see sales hike 京二手房成交上涨360% In the first half of January, online contract sales for 2nd-hand homes in Beijing stood at 7,940 units, up 360% from the same period in 2012, according to figures from the municipal's commission of housing and urban-rural development's website, Beijing News reported. The average resale home price reached RMB25,475 per sq m, an increase of 3.5% from last month, according to statistics from Basic-5i5j Property Agency's market research division. 据《新京报》报道,根据北京住建委网站的数据统计,2013年1月上半月北京二手住宅网签总量为7940套,与2012年1月同期的网签量相比大幅上涨了360%。据伟业我爱我家市场研究院数据统计,上半月,北京二手住宅交易均价为25475元/平米,比去年12月份的房价上涨3.5%。 [二手房交易热原因] The rigid demand of first-time home buyers and the demand of those looking for better apartments are still the major drive behind high property transaction volumes since the beginning of the year, said Hu Jinghui, vice president of Basic-5i5j. A shrinking supply of new homes and the poor locations of those new homes, which are often outside the 5th or even the 6th ring roads, are also diverting part of the pent-up housing demand from new homes to 2nd-hand homes, Hu added. 伟业我爱我家集团副总裁胡景晖分析表示,首次置业的刚性购房需求和着急改善的置业升级购房需求仍是年初支撑楼市交易量火热的主要力量。此外,年初新房市场供应量的萎缩,以及新开楼盘普遍在五六环以外,也促使部分购房需求从新房市场流向二手房市场。 >3s ladies rent boyfriend '剩女'压力大租男友过年 As the Spring Festival approaches, some women – who are regarded as old enough to get married – are choosing to rent a boyfriend online to comfort their parents at home, Metro Express reported. One "boyfriend" is priced at RMB100 per hour for provisional renting and RMB300 for a whole day, not including transportation or boarding. The rented boyfriend has to accompany his girlfriend to go shopping, dine and watch films. Many online store owners said that their businesses are very busy during the Spring Festival and boyfriends for renting were reserved long ago. 据《城市快报》报道,春节临近,部分大龄女为了安慰家中爸妈,便在网上租男友。据悉,"男友"收费标准一般为:临时出租100元一小时,全天出租300元,不含路费和食宿。服务内容包括陪逛街、陪吃饭和陪看电影等。不少网店店主表示,春节期间业务繁忙,"男友"早被预订一空,根本没有"档期"。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-18 07:18:52

    >Soccer chief dismissed 传韦迪下课将执掌汽摩 Wei Di will be removed from the post of vice-president of the Chinese Football Association, sports.163 reported. The nation's sports governing body made the decision with respect to his age and mediocre performance in getting China's national soccer out of the doldrums (低迷), said a source. Wei had been heading the Water Sports Administrative Center under the General Administration of Sport of China (GACS) for years before replacing Nan Yong as head of the Chinese Soccer Administrative Center in January, 2010. He will be probably be appointed to head the Automobile & Motorcycle Sports Administrative Center under the GACS in the near future. 据网易体育报道,知情人士透露,足协副主席韦迪因年龄和业绩问题将被免去相关职务。据悉,韦迪离开足管中心后,将到体育总局汽车摩托车运动管理中心担任主任。韦迪从2010年1月开始接替南勇担任足管中心主任,之前他曾担任体育总局水上运动管理中心主任数年。 [中国足球现状] The plight of Chinese soccer changed little in Wei Di's term of office. In the past 3 years, the women's national soccer team has for the first time failed to win a place in either the Olympics or World Cup. The men's national soccer team was way down the list for a possible appearance in the World Cup matches. 韦迪在任3年间,中国足球环境基本未发生变化。男足仍然处于遥望世界杯状态,女足甚至首次无缘奥运以及世界杯。 >PCs take notes from tablets 可当平板的混搭PC问世 Personal computer makers, trying to beat back a tablet mania (风靡) that's eating into their sales, are making what may be a last-ditch attempt to sway customers by mimicking (模仿) the competition, Reuters reported. Many of the laptops to be unveiled in the coming months will be hybrids or "convertibles" - morphing easily between tablets with touchscreens and laptops with a keyboard, industry analysts say. The iPad is not replacing the laptop because it's hard to create content; that's the niche that PC makers are going after, said a client. 据路透社报道,近年来,个人电脑(PC)厂商一直在苦苦应对因"平板热"而导致的市场萎缩。现在,他们可能会使出最后一招:师夷长技以制夷。业内分析师称,今后几个月上市的很多笔记本都将采用混合本或变形本的模式,可以在触屏平板电脑与带键盘的笔记本之间随意转换。有客户表示,iPad无法取代笔记本,因为它很难制作内容。这正是PC厂商瞄准的细分市场。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-18 07:19:09

    【In Brief】 >From Thursday to Friday, northwestern Xinjiang and southwestern Tibet will have moderate or heavy snow falls. Some parts of southwestern Tibet will see snowstorms. From Saturday, the central-eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, central-eastern Northwest China and northern areas of North China-Huaihe will see a wide range of snowy weather, the National Meteorological Center forecast. 据中央气象台预报,17-18日,新疆西北部、西藏西南部有中到大雪,西藏西南部局部地区有暴雪。19日开始,青藏高原中东部、西北地区中东部、华北至淮河以北大部地区将出现一次大范围的降雪天气。 >China generated the greatest number of overseas visitors to L.A., with 459,000 last year, according to the Los Angeles Tourism & Convention Board, the Los Angeles Time reported. 据《洛杉矶时报》报道,洛杉矶旅游及会议委员会的最新数据显示,该市2012年接待45.9万中国游客,在所有赴洛杉矶的外国游客中所占的比例最高。 >High school students were given a wrong impression of Chinese warlord Zhang Zuolin (1875-1928) if they used history text books published by People's Education Press before 2007, chinanews.com reported. The picture (see photo) was instead the portrait of He Haiqing, another warlord based in Hunan, Zhang's grandson Zhang Lyushi revealed Wednesday. 据中新网报道,张作霖之孙张闾实16日爆料,2007年前人教社高中历史教材中,其祖父张作霖的照片(见图)并非张作霖本人,而是另一位湖南的督军何海清。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-18 07:19:25

    【Celebrity】 >Chelsea to head inauguration 克林顿女助阵总统就职 Another Clinton is taking on an important role in the 2013 Presidential Inauguration. The Presidential Inaugural Committee announced Tuesday that former first daughter Chelsea Clinton has signed on to help promote President Barack Obama's inaugural kick-off event to get Americans across the country engaged in serving their communities, US media reported. Clinton will be honorary chair of the National Day of Service, during which President Obama invites Americans across the country to volunteer in their communities in remembrance of Martin Luther King, Jr. As part of that role, Clinton will speak at the Service Summit on the National Mall on Saturday. 据美国媒体报道,克林顿家族又有一位成员将在奥巴马就职典礼中担任要职。美国总统就职典礼委员会15日宣布,前第一千金切尔西·克林顿已报名参加推动总统奥巴马就职前的开场活动,帮助动员全美各地民众投入社区服务。切尔西将担任"全国服务日"的荣誉主席,奥巴马呼吁民众用服务小区的方式纪念马丁·路德·金。此外,切尔西还将在19日于国家大草坪举行的服务峰会上发表讲话。 【Kaleidoscope】 >US employee sends job to CN 美员工将工作外包中国 US company Verizon found one of its staff was outsourcing (外包) his work to a company based in Shenyang, China, the BBC reported. The software developer, in his 40s, is thought to have spent his workdays surfing the Web, watching cat videos and browsing eBay. He paid just 1/5 of his 6-figure salary to the Chinese company to do his job. Verizon says the scam came to light after an American infrastructure firm asked it for an audit, suspecting that its infrastructure was being hacked. 据英国广播公司报道,美国威瑞森公司发现,该公司一位员工将自己的工作外包到中国沈阳。这位40多岁的程序员年薪6位数(美元),他仅把自己工资的1/5用于支付帮他干活的中国公司,而自己每天的"工作"就是网上冲浪、看喵星人视频以及浏览易趣购物网。威瑞森称,直到有美国基础设施公司怀疑其设备遭到黑客攻击,要求对威瑞森进行审计时,这位员工的伎俩才大白于天下。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-18 07:19:39

    [这位程序员的典型'工作日'] --9:00 am – Arrive and surf Reddit for a couple of hours. Watch cat videos. 上午9点:到达办公室,登录Reddit(新闻社交网站)玩上几小时,然后看喵星人视频。 --11:30 am – Take lunch. 上午11点半:吃午饭。 --1:00 pm – EBay time. 下午1点:逛易趣网。 --2:00 pm – Facebook updates, LinkedIn. 下午2点:更新Facebook(社交网站),登录LinkedIn(职业社交网站) --4:30 pm – End of day update e-mail to management. 下午4点半:将当天的工作进展电邮发给领导。 --5:00 pm – Go home. 下午5点:下班回家。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-18 07:19:54

    【China Daily Radio】 北京市疾控中心主任邓瑛介绍,自去年12月起,流感发病水平开始上升,目前已进入高峰时期,未来一段时期内,流感将维持较高活动水平。 请看相关报道: The Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention said the flu outbreak rate is at its highest level in 5 years. 北京疾控中心表示,目前流感爆发率居5年来最高水平。 Flu outbreak就是"流感集中爆发"。Outbreak指"(战争、情感、火山等的)爆发"或"(疾病、虫害等的)突然发生”。例如:an outbreak of measles是"麻疹爆发",an outbreak of jealousy是"妒性大发作"。另外,outbreak还可指"暴乱",如a slave outbreak是"奴隶暴动"。 冬季被认为是flu season(流感季节),天气寒冷、人们多处于相对密闭的场所以及增减衣物不合理均可能导致flu transmission(流感传播)。医生建议提前接种flu vaccine(流感疫苗),并尽量少去人员密集的场所。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-18 07:20:17

    【Word Power】 农村医疗保障 rural health insurance 例句: China's rural health insurance will cover more than 20 kinds of serious diseases, including gastric cancer and lung cancer. 我国农村医疗保障将大病保障范畴扩大至胃癌、肺癌等20种疾病。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。) 【Word Prize】 --Obama proposed bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines to reduce gun violence in the US. 此处high-capacity magazines意思是? A.宣传枪械的杂志 B.大容量弹夹 C.攻击性武器

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-18 07:38:02

    ChinaDaily早报 2013-01-18 【Morning Buzz】 Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn't stop to enjoy it. (William Feather, American publisher, 1889-1981) 许多人错失了属于他们的快乐,不是因为他们从未找到它,而是因为他们没有停下来享受它。(威廉·斐勒,美国出版人,1889-1981) 早安,各位。 【Markets】 Dow Jones 13,596.02 +84.79 +0.63% Nasdaq 3,136.00 +18.46 +0.59% 【Highlights】 >FDI sees decrease in 2012 我国吸引外资3年来首降 >34 killed in Algerian strike 阿空袭致34名人质死亡 >Biggest gun-control push 奥巴马推美最严控枪令 >Gold returned to Germany 德将启动'黄金回家'计划 >16 items left in man's body 老人术后体内遗16件异物 >Jeans help fight dry 牛仔裤也主打保湿护肤?

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-18 07:38:18

    【Cover Story】 >BJ's 1st 3D print museum 京城首现3D打印体验馆 China's first 3D print museum opened in the Industrial Design and Creative Industry Base of Beijing, where people can try for themselves some fancy 3D printing technology, which, believed by many, can usher in the Third Industrial Revolution era, YNET.com reported. The multi-dimensional data of the products are collected through a shoebox-sized 3D scanner and stored in the computer for processing and printing. A series of items in the museum including cans, sports shoes, dolls and mini human beings can all be printed out. 据北青网报道,国内首家3D打印体验馆近日在北京工业设计创意产业基地开张,人们可以在这里亲身体验被称为"将带来第三次工业革命"的3D打印技术。一个鞋盒大小的3D"扫描仪"先获取被打印物件的三维数据,数据随后存至电脑,经处理后即可打印。易拉罐、运动鞋、洋娃娃,甚至迷你版的模拟人型就这样被打印出来。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-18 07:38:37

    【Top News】 >34 killed in Algerian strike 阿空袭致34名人质死亡 Mauritania's ANI news agency reported that 34 of the captives and 15 of the captors had been killed Thursday when Algerian forces opened fire from helicopters at a gas plant where gunmen were holding dozens of hostages. A group of gunmen stormed the natural gas complex in Illizi, Algeria Wednesday night and held 41 foreigners, including Americans, Japanese and Europeans, and some locals in retaliation for Algeria's support for a French offensive against Islamist fighters in Mali. An Algerian security source earlier said 25 foreign hostages had escaped the besieged compound. Algeria's state news agency APS reported Thursday that the military operation to free hostages in the gas field facility had ended, setting free 600 Algerian workers and 4 westerners, including two Scots, a Kenyan and a French. 据毛里塔尼亚ANI通讯社报道,阿尔及利亚军队17日向绑匪劫持人质的天然气田发动直升机空袭,造成34名人质和15名绑匪死亡。16日晚,阿尔及利亚伊利济省一处天然气田遭武装分子袭击,包括英、法、美等国公民在内的41名外国人和一些当地人被劫持。该武装组织称,此次袭击是对阿尔及利亚支持法国打击马里伊斯兰武装分子的回应。阿尔及利亚安全部门早些时候称,已有25名外国人质成功逃脱。另据阿尔及利亚官方通讯社17日报道,营救被劫持至天然气田的人质的军事行动已结束,成功解救600名阿尔及利亚员工及4名外国人质。4名外国人质中包括两名苏格兰人,一名肯尼亚人和一名法国人。 >Biggest gun-control push 奥巴马推美最严控枪令 US President Barack Obama launched the biggest US gun-control push in decades Wednesday, urging Congress to approve an assault weapons ban and background checks for all gun buyers to prevent mass shootings, Reuters reported. He also announced 23 steps he intends to take immediately without congressional approval. These include improving the existing system for background checks and lifting the ban on federal research on gun violence. But he acknowledged that the steps he took on his own would have less impact than the broad measures requiring approval from Capitol Hill. 据路透社报道,美国总统奥巴马16日公布该国数十年来最严厉的控枪对策,呼吁国会通过对攻击性枪支的禁令,并对所有购枪者实施背景检查,以避免大规模射杀事件。奥巴马同时还宣布了23项无需国会批准即可实施的行政令,包括完善现有的背景检查系统、放宽对枪支暴力联邦研究项目的限制等。但他也承认,和需要国会通过的全面方案相比,这些措施影响有限。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-18 07:38:51

    >Gold returned to Germany 德将启动'黄金回家'计划 Germany's central bank is planning to shift 54,000 gold bars worth $36b from Paris and New York to its base in Frankfurt, one of the biggest publicly announced shipments of the precious metal on record, The Washington Post reported. Germany has the 2nd highest holdings of gold in the world, which has long been stored overseas due to Cold War fears of a Soviet invasion. 据《华盛顿邮报》报道,德国央行近日计划将5.4万块价值360亿美元的金条从巴黎和纽约转移回其位于法兰克福的总部,这是有史以来公开披露的规模最大的黄金运输计划之一。德国是全球黄金储备量第2高的国家,此前因担心冷战期间遭苏联侵袭而长期将黄金储存海外。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-18 07:39:09

    【In Brief】 >The Ministry of Commerce said Wednesday that foreign direct investment (FDI) fell in 2012 by 3.7% from a year earlier to $111.7b, the first annual decrease in 3 years. 商务部16日称,中国2012年外商直接投资金额1117亿美元,同比下降3.7%。这是外商直接投资三年来首现年度缩水。 >Two Foxconn shuttle buses collided with each other in downtown Zhengzhou city in Henan Thursday morning, leaving 7 dead and more than 20 others injured, chinanews.com reported. 据中新网报道,17日上午,河南郑州市两辆富士康班车相撞,造成7人死亡20多人受伤。 >The Ministry of Railways will invest RMB650b on railway infrastructure this year, Sheng Guangzu, minister of railways, said Thursday. A national railway development fund will be established as an investment platform for social and private capital, xinhuanet.com reported. 据新华网报道,铁道部部长盛光祖17日透露,2013年,全国铁路将安排固定资产投资6500亿元。同时,争取尽快设立国家铁路发展基金,搭建吸引民间资本的平台。 >Qatar Airways has grounded its entire fleet of 5 Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft until further notice, the company said in a statement Thursday. 卡塔尔航空公司17日发表声明称,该公司5架波音787"梦幻客机"目前已全部停飞,何时重新启用将另行通知。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-18 07:39:24

    【Newsmaker】 >16 items left in man's body 老人术后体内遗16件异物 Surgeons in a hospital in Germany allegedly left more than a dozen medical odds and ends inside a patient's body during a 2009 operation. 74-year-old Dirk Schroeder had undergone a "routine surgery" for prostate cancer (前列腺癌). Post-surgery, Schroeder discovered that his wounds had healed badly. Later surgeons found and cleared away 16 pieces of medical equipment in the man's body. This included a needle, a 15 cm roll of bandage (绷带), a 15 cm long compress(敷布), several swabs(棉签) and a fragment of surgical mask, according to the Daily Mail of London. Although Dirk died of his cancer last year, his family is now suing the hospital for £80,000. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,德国一家医院的医生们竟然在一位接受手术的老人体内遗留了16件手术用品,虽然老人已于去年因癌症去世,但他的家人现在向医院发起诉讼,索取8万英镑的赔偿。2009年,74岁的德尔克·施罗德接受前列腺癌常规手术,术后发现伤口愈合困难,最终医生从他体内发现并清除了16件异物,其中包括一个针头、一段15厘米长的绷带卷、一段15厘米长的敷布、几根棉签和医用口罩碎片。 【Kaleidoscope】 >Jeans help fight dry 牛仔裤也能保湿护肤? Wrangler, a US jeans brand, has launched a line of jeans which can moisturize the skin, The Huffington Post reported. The "Denim Spa" line of skinny jeans, which hold skincare ingredients like apricot kernel oil (杏仁油) and shea butter (乳木果油) within the fabric, hydrate your skin while you wear them. The skincare ingredients in the denim reportedly last for 15 days' wear, after which a reload spray can be applied. The jeans are set to sell online for $136 a pair starting Jan 28. 据《赫芬顿邮报》报道,美国牛仔品牌Wrangler近日推出具有保湿功能的牛仔裤系列Denim Spa。据悉,该系列牛仔裤的布料中含有杏仁油和乳木果油等护肤成分,可以在穿着时对皮肤起到滋润作用。滋润成分可维持15天,用完后可用喷雾壶再续。这种牛仔裤售价136美元,将于本月28日在网上开卖。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-18 07:40:09

    【Talk Show】 我真是厌烦透了 >I'm sick and tired of eating the same thing for lunch everyday. 每天午饭都吃同样的东西,我真是厌烦透了。 >I'm getting sick and tired of this song. They play it way too often at this club. 这家俱乐部老播这首歌了,我都听腻了。 >I'm sick and tired of listening to him nag all the time. 我非常讨厌他总是唠叨个没完。 >I'm getting sick of this phone. I think I'll buy a new one. 我不喜欢这部手机了,我觉得我应该买一部新的。 (本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。) 【Word Prize】 Obama proposed bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines to reduce gun violence in the US. 此处high-capacity magazines意思是? 答案:B.大容量弹夹 原句意为:奥巴马建议颁布对攻击性武器和大容量弹夹的禁令,以减少美国枪支暴力。 Magazine除了常见的"杂志"的意思外,还有"(枪的)弹仓;弹盒;弹盘;弹夹"之意。目前美国有6个州限制弹夹容量,从7发到20发不等。一般认为,超过10发的都属于大容量弹夹。

  • mayI

    mayI 2013-01-18 08:04:34


  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-18 11:26:05

    1.17 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 X (0915,赖床45nin) 2.每天一种水果 √ 3.多喝水 1000ML √ 4.天气好的时候散步半小时,下雨时瑜珈半小时 X 5.22点前脸部护理 √ 6.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 7.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 8.记帐 √ 9.最晚23点上床 X 【 学习 】 1.10点英语小短文 √ 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧两集 V (friends 6,the big bang theory 21) 4.线稿一张 X 5.China Daily 晚报 √ 6. Englishpod 跟读30min √ 7.<<笔记女王的手帐活用术2:偷看别人的笔记>> √ P82 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 √ (60min) 9.每天看一小时专业知识 ("城市农场"---生态化) √ 10.每天看半小时专业相关的网站(美讯/菲尔设计/SUBAR) √ 日结: 英语:3.5h 专业: 1.5h 拓展:1h 共6h

  • 上善若氺

    上善若氺 (life is love) 2013-01-18 11:38:53

    China daily 的订阅地址是哪个? 加油哦~

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 11:50:36

    ChinaDaily早报 2013-01-18 【Weather Jan 19】 Fuzhou: cloudy 8~15℃ Xiamen: cloudy 9~16℃ Quanzhou: sunny 8~13℃ 【BOC Exchange Rates】 100 USD = 627.52 CNY 100 GBP = 1002.68 CNY 100 EUR = 839.03 CNY 100 HKD = 80.94 CNY 100 JPY = 6.9657 CNY (以上人民币汇率中间价来源于中国银行网站) 【Markets】 Shanghai Stock 2317.07 +32.16 +1.41% HangSeng Stock 23601.78 +262.02 +1.12% 【Highlights】 >Economic growth eases to 7.8% 去年全国GDP增速降至7.8% >Illegal plug-ins called off 铁道部或叫停'抢票助手' >Comedian Zhao absent from gala 赵本山2度退出央视春晚 >Intl schools boom in China 国际学校抢滩大陆市场 >Microsoft's new patent 微软专利:敲手机可静音 >Another Obama for president 奥巴马哥哥欲当肯总统 >Ponytail-tying with vacuum 牛爸吸尘器扎马尾(图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 11:50:56

    【Cover Story】 >Top scientists awarded 年度最高科技奖揭晓 Explosions expert Zheng Zhemin and famous radar engineer Wang Xiaomo won China's top science award Friday, xinhuanet.com reported. Zheng, 88, is a member of both the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE). He has devoted himself to research including elastic mechanics, explosion processing and underground nuclear explosions. Wang, 74, is a CAE member who has been engaged in the research of radar for the past 30 years. He is regarded as the "father" of airborne warning and control systems in China. 据新华网报道,中国爆炸力学专家郑哲敏和著名雷达专家王小谟,18日荣获2012年度国家最高科学技术奖。郑哲敏,88岁,中国科学院和中国工程院院士,弹性力学、爆炸力学以及地下核爆炸研究专家。王小谟,74岁,中国工程院院士,30年来一直致力于雷达研究,被誉为中国机载预警和控制系统的奠基人。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 11:51:16

    【Top News】 >Economic growth eases to 7.8% 去年全国GDP增速降至7.8% China's economic expansion slowed to 7.8% year-on-year in 2012 amid external jitters and domestic woes, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed Friday. The growth rate, the weakest expansion in 13 years, was down from 9.3% in 2011 and 10.4% in 2010. In terms of the average per capita disposable income in 2012, urban residents saw their income increase 9.6% to RMB24,565 and the growth was 1.2 percentage points more than that of 2011. Rural residents' per capita net income climbed 10.7% to RMB7,917 – 0.7 percentage points lower than the growth of 2011. 国家统计局18日公布我国2012年相关经济数据。去年,面对严峻的国内外经济形势,全国国内生产总值(GDP)同比增长7.8%,增速低于2011年的9.3%、2010年的10.4%,创13年最低水平。不过,就居民人均可支配收入而言,2012年我国城镇居民人均可支配收入为24565元,同比增长9.6%,比上年加快1.2个百分点;农村居民人均纯收入7917元,同比增长10.7%,比上年回落0.7个百分点。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 11:51:45

    >Illegal plug-ins called off 铁道部或叫停'抢票助手' The Railways Ministry has met with administrators of Kingsoft Internet and ordered the software corporation to stop functions of its browser plug-in that helps the chances of Internet users to purchase rail tickets online, tech.sina.com reported. The move came after some tech companies started providing "ticket-seizing plug-ins", which ruined "fair play rules" for potential ticket buyers. The railway authorities may also order other similar plug-ins installed on browsers such as firefox, 360SE and sogou to stop. 据新浪科技消息,针对部分春运"抢票助手"插件影响购票公平性,铁道部已正式约谈金山网络,要求立刻停止该公司的浏览器春运抢票的功能。其它如火狐、360安全浏览器和搜狗浏览器等各类"抢票插件"也有可能会被叫停。

  • Emo

    Emo (余生皆假期) 2013-01-19 11:51:49


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 11:52:00

    >Intl schools boom in China 国际学校抢滩大陆市场 The number of international schools registered in the Chinese mainland has skyrocketed in the past 12 years, from 22 to 338, according to Nicholas Brummitt, managing director of the British-based International School Consultancy Group. Enrollment rose 25-fold in the same period, to 184,073 students. The trend coincides with the increasing incomes of the middle-classes and their aspirations on the mainland, Reuters reported. Many wealthy parents see these schools as a way to get a foreign-style education while keeping their only children close to home. 据路透社报道,英国国际学校咨询集团常务董事尼古拉斯·布鲁米特表示,最近12年,在中国大陆注册的国际学校数量剧增,从22所增长到338所,入校学生数量增长25倍,达到184073人。这种趋势与大陆中产阶层收入增加和强烈的愿望相吻合。很多富裕的家长认为,自己的独生子(女)在这些学校能够获得外国式教育,同时又离家不远。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 11:52:16

    >Microsoft's new patent 微软专利:敲手机可静音 Microsoft is applying for a new patent that allows you to hit your cell phone to shut it up, foreign media reported. Microsoft say the whack (敲击) could silence ringtones, a text message sound or an accidental button-press which turns the music on. This patent could prove particularly useful if one's phone is in one's trouser pocket when it rings. 据外媒报道,微软正在申请一项新专利,拍打一下手机,就可使其进入静音模式。微软称,敲击手机可关闭铃声、信息提示音,或者由于不小心碰到手机键而打开的音乐。对于来电时手机仍在裤子口袋里响不停的情况,该专利尤其有用。

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-19 11:52:22

    1.18 医院+串门 的干活 啥也木干成~

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 11:52:33

    【In Brief】 >Over 3.14b people are expected to go home by road or water during China's annual Spring Festival travel rush, Ministry of Transport spokesman He Jianzhong said Thursday, xinhuanet.com reported. 据新华网报道,交通运输部新闻发言人何建中17日表示,今年春运期间,我国公路水路客运量预计将超过31.4亿人次。 >The CCTV's 2013 Spring Festival Gala Team announced Friday on its micro blog that Zhao Benshan, a veteran comedy actor, had decided to withdraw from the gala broadcast nationwide on the Spring Festival Eve because his material fell short of his expectations. It will be the 2nd time in a row that Zhao has dropped out of the cast of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala. 2013年央视春晚官方微博18日发表声明,称赵本山因认为作品未能达到自己的心理预期,决定退出蛇年春晚,这已是赵本山连续两年缺席央视春晚演出。 >More than 8,000 New York City school bus drivers and matrons went on strike Wednesday morning, leaving some 152,000 students trying to find other ways to get to school, ABC reported. 据美国广播公司报道,当地时间16日上午,美国纽约8000多名校车司机及助手举行罢工,造成约15.2万名学生不得不另寻其它方式去学校。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 11:52:48

    【Celebrity】 >Another Obama for president 奥巴马哥哥欲当肯总统 Malik Obama, US President Barack Obama's elder half-brother may run for president of Kenya if he 1st wins local governors' elections due in March, The Daily Telegraph of London reported. Mr Obama, 54, is an accountant by profession and has promised to tackle entrenched poverty in his home county, Siaya. Barack Obama met Malik for the 1st time in 1985, and the pair have been close ever since. They served as best man at each other's weddings. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,美国总统奥巴马同父异母的哥哥马利克·奥巴马将在今年3月参加肯尼亚斯阿亚县长竞选,如果成功,他还可能竞选该国总统。54岁的马利克是一名职业会计师,他承诺改善家乡斯阿亚县根深蒂固的贫困现状。马利克与奥巴马1985年相认,至今保持亲密关系。他们还是彼此婚礼上的伴郎。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 11:53:03

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Ponytail-tying with vacuum 牛爸吸尘器扎马尾(图) Most fathers have absolutely no idea how to do their daughter's hair. But one ingenious father has devised a creative way to arrange his daughter's hair in a ponytail in less than 5 seconds, with the help of a vacuum cleaner, foreign media reported. In a recently posted YouTube video, the father uses a vacuum cleaner to pull the daughter's hair back into a ponytail before he slips on a hair-tie, which was strategically placed near the end of the nozzle, to hold it all in place. The video has gone viral online with one YouTube user calling the dad "Father of the year!" 据外媒报道,大部分爸爸都完全不知道怎么给女儿扎头发,但有位牛爸想到了一个在不到5秒内给女儿扎个马尾辫的小妙招:使用吸尘器。一个近日发布的YouTube视频中,这位老爸先把头绳巧妙地放到吸尘器吸嘴前端,用吸尘器将女儿的头发吸到后边拢紧扎成马尾,再迅速用头绳扎紧。该视频在网络爆红,甚至有YouTube用户将里面的爸爸封为"年度最牛老爸"!

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 11:53:15

    【China Daily Radio】 没空照看孩子就让手机陪孩子玩?我们身边这样的情况还真不少见。好像智能手机和平板电脑除了常规的网络电子功能以外,还多了一个功能,就是当"保姆"。 When parents are too busy to spend time with their kids, they give them a smartphone or a tablet. All kinds of online games will entertain their kids and be their good friend. And once the children are addicted to these games, they will leave their parents alone. In this case, the smartphone or tablet is used as a virtual nanny, thus called a smartphone nanny. 当父母过于忙碌而无暇陪伴孩子时,他们就将智能手机或平板电脑交给孩子玩。手机和平板里的各类在线游戏会让孩子找到乐趣,并且成为孩子的好朋友。一旦孩子对这些游戏上了瘾,就不会再去烦他们的父母了。这种情况下,父母塞到孩子手中的智能手机或平板电脑其实就是一个虚拟的保姆,该现象也由此被称之为"手机保姆"。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 11:53:26

    【Weekly Topic】 We will soon welcome a busy Spring Festival, starting with the shopping season in the 12th lunar month and ending with the Lantern Festival, the 15th day of the new year. Windows and doors will be decorated with paper-cuts and couplets. Folk dances such as the lion dance, yangge and waist drum dance will be performed. Homes will be cleaned. Generous meals and sacrifices to the Kitchen God are in the making. However, within China, regional customs and traditions concerning the celebration of the Chinese new year vary widely. What are the special customs and taboos in your home town? Do you have a favorite festive activity or a good story to share? 春联、剪纸、秧歌、舞狮、腰鼓,或是扫房掸尘、杀猪宰羊祭灶神……从腊月起置办年货至正月十五闹元宵,天南地北的中国人都在忙着过年。不过,东、西、南、北、中,大家"过"的方式不尽相同。在您家里,过年的风俗、忌讳都有哪些?最能体现您家乡特色的"年味"活动是什么?最让你难以忘怀的"过年故事"都有哪些?

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 11:56:52

    上面多了一个18号的早报,其实第二次发的早报是晚报啦,敲错字了。。。。。。! ChinaDaily早报 2013-01-19 【Morning Buzz】 Life is a rhythm and its taste is savored in the changes between light and shadow, left and right, sun and rain. (Lao She, Chinese writer, 1899-1966) 生活是种律动,须有光有影,有左有右,有晴有雨,滋味就含在这变而不猛的曲折里。(老舍,中国作家,1899-1966) 早安,各位。 【Markets】 Dow Jones 13,649.70 +53.68 +0.39% Nasdaq 3,134.71 -1.29 -0.04% 【Highlights】 >Pay rises predicted for 2013 今年5成企业涨薪6-10% >BJ not alone in pollution 外媒:亚洲成污染重灾区 >US experts probe Boeing 787 美专家抵日查波音故障 >Projector on Google Glass 谷歌眼镜或配微型投影 >Man killed as dog drives van 宠物狗'开车'撞死主人(图) >Tips:'A bun in the oven' 点津:'烤箱里的面包'何意?

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 11:57:16

    【Cover Story】 >Algeria hostage crisis 阿人质事件引国际关注 Governments from around the world have been voicing concern over what is happening in a desert gas plant in Algeria where Islamist gunmen took hundreds of hostages, including dozens of Americans, Japanese, French, British, Irish and Norwegian, foreign media reported. A raid by Algerian government forces on the gas plant Thursday morning may have claimed dozens of hostages' lives. 据外媒报道,发生在阿尔及利亚沙漠中的一个天然气田的劫持事件引发多国政府的强烈关注,因为被伊斯兰武装分子劫持的数百名人质中有来自美国、日本、法国、英国、爱尔兰和挪威等国的数十名公民。而17日早间阿政府军对气田发动的突袭可能已造成多名人质死亡。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 11:57:27

    --US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Friday that militants who attacked the US and its citizens will be hunted down. A US plane landed Friday at an airport near the gas plant in Algeria, to evacuate Americans caught up in the crisis, Reuters reported. 美国国防部长帕内塔18日表示,对于袭击美国和美国公民的武装分子将会穷追猛打。据路透社报道,美国一架飞机18日降落在阿人质绑架事件发生地附近的机场,以撤离被困当地的美国人。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 11:57:47

    --British Prime Minister David Cameron Friday condemned the "brutal and savage" hostage crisis. Cameron said that about 30 British citizens were believed to be "at risk" in Algeria. That number has now been "quite significantly reduced". But he could not give any further details. 英国首相卡梅伦18日对"血腥残忍的"人质事件表示强烈谴责。卡梅伦称, 大约30名英国公民据信在阿尔及利亚遇险,目前人数已大大减少,进一步的细节他不能提供。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 11:57:58

    --French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault Friday said that the Algerian military operation against Islamist militants was still under way. "Several hostages were reported dead, but we do not know either the number nor their nationality," he said. 法国总理艾罗18日称阿尔及利亚针对伊斯兰武装分子的军事行动仍在继续。他称:"已知数名人质遇难,但我们还不知道具体人数和他们的国籍。"

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 11:58:11

    --Japanese PM Shinzo Abe, whose country also has citizens there, has called his Algerian counterpart to urge a halt to the operation, voicing "strong concerns". 日本首相安倍晋三致电阿尔及利亚首相,对事态表示强烈关注,要求阿政府停止对伊斯兰武装势力的进攻,以保证日本人质的安全。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 11:58:25

    【Top News】 >Pay rises predicted for 2013 今年5成企业涨薪6-10% Chinese enterprises are expected to increase staff salary moderately in 2013, and 54.9% of them are expected to have a pay rise of between 6-10%, according to a survey by ChinaHR.com, Beijing Evening News reported. Employees of environmental protection, Internet, and medical industries are predicted to get relatively high levels of pay rise this year. 据《北京晚报》报道,中华英才网调查数据显示,今年企业会普遍涨薪,其中54.9%的企业涨薪范围集中在6%至10%。各行业中,环保、互联网和医药等涨薪幅度较大。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 11:58:39

    >BJ not alone in pollution 外媒:亚洲成污染重灾区 Beijing is not the only Asian city with serious air pollution. The Chinese capital is just one of hundreds of cities, largely in Asia, where poisonous air is now the fastest growing cause of death in urban populations, The Guardian reported. In the past few months there have been acute air pollution incidents reported in Bangladesh, Iran, Afghanistan, Nepal, and Pakistan. The annual Global Burden of Disease report says air pollution causes 1.2m deaths a year in east Asia, and 712,000 in south Asia. 据英国《卫报》报道,北京并非唯一一个空气严重污染的亚洲城市。在数百个城市,有毒空气正加速成为人类健康杀手,而这些城市多分布在亚洲。过去几个月内,孟加拉国、伊朗、阿富汗、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦等国家都先后发生过严重的空气污染事件。全球疾病负担的年度报告显示,东亚每年有120万人死于空气污染,南亚则有71.2万。

  • 如人饮水

    如人饮水 (都知欢聚最难得 难奈别离多) 2013-01-19 11:58:55

    怎么订阅china daily

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 11:58:57

    >US experts probe Boeing 787 美专家抵日查波音故障 A team of experts from US aviation authorities and Boeing Co arrived in Japan Friday to inspect a 787 Dreamliner passenger jet that made an emergency landing during an All Nippon Airways (ANA) Co flight earlier this week, Reuters reported. Many countries have grounded the Dreamliners after warning lights indicated a battery fault on the ANA flight Wednesday. The 787, a lightweight, mainly carbon-composite aircraft, has been plagued by mishaps since its launch. 据路透社报道,美国空管机构和波音公司的专家组18日抵达日本,将检查本周早些时候紧急迫降的一架波音787梦幻客机,该机由全日空运营。自16日这架波音787客机发出警报显示电池出现故障以来,多国已暂时停飞787梦幻飞机。787客机重量较轻,以复合碳材料为主,自推出以来备受小事故困扰。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 11:59:11

    >Projector on Google Glass 谷歌眼镜或配微型投影 Engadget (知名科技博客) points out that Google has applied for a patent of a system to project images from its Google Glass computerized glasses to a number of surfaces, Business Insider reported. The patent explains a system that would allow for projecting a QWERTY keyboard and other buttons anywhere you might want to press them. If this patent is realized, you might soon be dialing your next phone number by touching your forearm. 据《商业内幕》报道,科技博客"瘾科技"透露,谷歌已为其新系统申请专利,该系统可通过使用谷歌眼镜,将影像投射在许多表面上。根据这款专利的说明,系统能够将QWERTY键盘以及其它按钮投影在任何地方,方便用户按压。如果该专利最终能够转化为产品,那么用户将能够在自己的手臂上拨打电话号码。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 12:03:03

    【In Brief】 >China's State-owned enterprises saw profits of RMB2.2 trillion in 2012, down 5.8% year on year, the Ministry of Finance said Friday. 财政部18日表示,2012年,国有企业累计实现利润2.2万亿元,同比下降5.8%。 >The Bank of China opened a branch in Vladivostok Friday, its 2nd branch in the Russian Far East and the 1st Chinese financial institution in the Primorsky Krai district, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,中国银行18日在海参崴开设了一家分行,这是中行在俄罗斯远东地区开设的第2家分行,也是滨海边疆区的第一家中资金融机构。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 12:03:19

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Man killed as dog drives van 宠物狗'开车'撞死主人(图) A dog drove a van and ran over and killed its owner in Florida, NBC reported. The strange incident began as 68-year-old James Campbell and his wife, 56-year-old Iris Fortner, returned to their home. While Fortner, who was driving, backed a 1995 Chevy van into their property, Campbell got out of the vehicle to open the garage gate. As Fortner opened the driver's side door to see where Campbell was standing, her large boxer (拳师犬) came running and jumped into the van, pressing the accelerator. It struck and ran over Campbell. He was later found dead at the scene. 据美国国家广播公司报道,美国佛罗里达州日前发生宠物狗开车撞死主人的离奇事件。68岁的詹姆斯·坎贝尔和56岁的妻子艾瑞斯·福特纳开车抵达住宅时,开车的福特纳倒车准备入库,坎贝尔提前下车去开车库大门。可当福特纳打开驾驶座车门查看丈夫的位置时,他们家的大拳师犬突然跳进车内并踩上了油门。这辆1995年雪佛莱厢式车撞倒坎贝尔并从他身上轧过,坎贝尔当场死亡。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 12:03:38

    【Language Tips】 A bun in the oven ---------- 该词组字面意思为"烤箱里的面包",引申为"怀孕"之意。该用法最早出自Nicholas Monsarrat1951年的杰作《沧海无情》,其中将a bun in the oven解释为pregnancy (怀孕)。 请看例句: I heard you have a bun in the oven. 我听说你有喜了。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 12:03:55

    【Talk Show】 今天就到此为止吧 >Let's call it a day. I'm too tired to continue working. 今天就到此为止吧,我太累了,无法继续工作。 >We can't continue working without Mike, so let's call it a day. 迈克不在,我们没法继续工作了,所以今天就这样吧。 >It's already 9 o'clock. Let's call it a day. 已经9点了,今天就到这儿吧。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 12:06:51

    怎么订阅china daily 怎么订阅china daily 如人饮水

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    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 12:12:00

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    泡椒喵~ (九天应元雷声普化天尊) 2013-01-19 12:15:25


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 23:20:32

    ChinaDaily晚报2013-01-19 英国诗人雪莱曾写道,"地狱是个伦敦般的城,人口稠密,迷雾阵阵。"这句诗在60年前再真实不过。1952年的伦敦,比今天的北京更加烟雾朦胧。但如今,伦敦早已不再是传说中的"雾都"。半个世纪来伦敦如何治雾,今天的中国城市应该借鉴。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 23:39:39

    半个世纪前的那场伦敦大雾布莱恩·谢尔特记忆犹新。在那些雾霭朦胧的日子里,小布莱恩不得不摸索着从学校走回家。那个寒冬,为斗火取暖,家家户户的煤炉都在制造烟雾,空气中弥漫着一股煤炭和木头烧焦的味道。布莱恩说,有时把手放在面前都看不到。 Brian Salter remembers clearly those foggy days. As a schoolboy half a century ago in London, he sometimes had to feel his way home from school. Smoke poured out of the chimneys of every household as residents stoked up their coal fires to keep warm in that bitterly cold winter and the air was filled with the smell of burning coal and wood. There were times you were hard pressed even to see the hands before your face, Brian said. 1952年12月5日,一场死寂的、令人窒息的烟雾将伦敦街道牢牢罩住。大雾散去的4天后,4000多人丧命。迄今为止,这起事故仍是全球空气污染史上最大的一次灾难。令人震惊的死亡数据让伦敦市重新审视空气污染问题。"雾都劫难"向世人证明了空气污染确实可以致命。英国政府自此誓言驱散雾霾。 On Dec 5, 1952, a silent, suffocating shroud settled over the capital's streets. By the time it lifted, 4 days later, more than 4,000 people had lost their lives in what is still officially the world's worst air pollution disaster. These shocking revelations led to a rethinking of air pollution. The disaster demonstrated to people around the world that it was a real and deadly problem. The British government vowed to clean the air.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 23:40:27


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 23:40:59

    [城镇限烟尘] 1954年,伦敦市出台《伦敦城法案(多项赋权)》,控制烟雾排放。1956年,英国将这一举措普及至全国,推出了《清洁空气法》。这些法案引进了一系列举措来控制空气污染,其中最为重要的就是在城镇设立"无烟尘区",只许烧无烟煤。家庭取暖的燃料变成了清洁煤、电和天然气,其排放的煤烟污染和二氧化硫随之减少。 In 1954, the city began to introduce regulations on smoke through the City of London (Various Powers) Act, and the country followed with the Clean Air Act of 1956. These Acts introduced a number of measures to reduce air pollution, especially by introducing "smoke control areas" in some towns and cities in which only smokeless fuels could be burnt. By shifting homes' sources of heat towards cleaner fuels, electricity and gas it reduced the amount of smoke pollution and sulfur (硫) dioxide from household fires.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 23:41:17

    [烟囱限高度] 1968年,英国修正《清洁空气法》,以巩固空气质量的改善。修正案要求烧煤和天然气等其他燃料的工厂必须使用高烟囱。立法时,政府意识到煤烟污染已经可以控制,但想要驱散二氧化硫尚有困难。因此,烟囱建得越高,空气污染就能更快地驱散。 The Clean Air Act was revised in 1968 to reinforce these changes. The amendment ordered industries burning coal, gas or other fuels to use tall chimneys. At the time of this legislation it was recognized that smoke pollution could be controlled, but that sulfur dioxide removal was generally impracticable. Hence, the higher the chimney, the better the dispersal of the air pollution 《清洁空气法》颁布后,城区空气质量显著改善,特别是工业和家庭燃煤所制造的烟雾、沙砾和灰尘得到了控制。 Urban air quality improved significantly following the Clean Air Acts. In particular, the smoke, grit (沙砾) and dust that resulted from industrial and domestic sources due to coal burning had been controlled.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 23:43:15


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 23:43:35

    [收'拥堵费'] 2003年,伦敦市开始对工作日穿行市中心的私车收费,以缓解交通拥堵,并募集资金对交通情况做进一步改善。在市中心开车的标准费用为10英镑,在没有付款的情况下开进中心城区将被罚60至187英镑。 In 2003, the city of London started charging a fee for driving private automobiles inside its central area during weekdays as a way to reduce traffic congestion and raise revenues to fund transport improvements. The standard fee for applicable vehicles is nowadays £10 per day if you want to drive downtown. Failure to pay results in a fine of between £60 and £187. "拥堵费计划"并没有影响进城的人数,却改变了人们的交通方式:5至6成人改乘公共交通工具,2至3成选择绕行,剩下的人做出了其他改变。2002年,38%的伦敦人每天开车,到2006年,这一数字减少到19%,主要道路上的自行车使用率却大幅增长了72%。 The Congestion Charging Scheme did not affect the number of people who travelled to the central area but it did modify the transport methods they use: 50-60% changed to public transport, 20-30% diverted around the zone and others implemented other adaptations. In 2002, 38% of people used their cars daily in London. In 2006 this was reduced to 19%. It has also contributed to the growth in bikes: since 2000 there has been a 72% increase in the use of bikes on London's major roads.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 23:43:51

    [设'低排区'] 伦敦市长在2008年设立了世界上首个全市范围的低排放区。该计划限制污染最严重的柴油车在大伦敦大部分地区通行,通过对想进入大伦敦地区的重污染车收费,来抑制污染车型的使用。不符合排放标准的大货车、面包车等每天的通行费用为100英镑,卡车、公共汽车和长途大巴等则需付200英镑。 In 2008, the Mayor of London introduced the world's first citywide Low Emission Zone (LEZ). It restricts circulation of the most polluting heavy diesel vehicles in most of Greater London. The LEZ is designed to discourage the use of the most individually polluting vehicles in the Greater London area by imposing heavy charges on them. If your vehicle doesn't meet the emissions standards, the daily charge is £100 for larger vans, minibuses and other specialist vehicles, and £200 for lorries, buses, coaches and other specialist heavy vehicles. 尽管车流量没有改变,在这一地区通行车辆的尾气排放量却有所减少,空气质量随之改善。设立"低排区"以前,大伦敦预计有100平方公里地区的PM10超出了每立方米23的年平均水平;2012年,超过PM10目标水平的地区减少了11%。 Although traffic volumes have not necessarily changed, vehicles travelling in the area have lower emissions, and this had lead to air quality improvements. Without the proposed LEZ, 100 sq km of Greater London were forecast to exceed the annual mean PM10 objective of 23 micrograms per cubic meter. In 2012, reductions of around 11% were delivered in the area of London exceeding the PM10 objectives.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 23:44:05

    [发展新能源] 2012年,伦敦新巴士开始运营。新公交巴士采用了最新的混合动力技术,燃料利用率比传统的柴油巴士提高了40%。 A "New Bus for London", which entered service in 2012, incorporated the latest hybrid technology and is 40% more fuel efficient than conventional diesel buses. 伦敦市长还计划将伦敦打造成欧洲的电动车之都。政府已额外批准1700万英镑的电动车基础设施,这笔费用将用于铺建9100个电动车充电站,首批7500个将于2013年春天建成,剩下1600个将在接下来的一年内完成。 The Mayor also plans to make London the electric vehicle capital of Europe. An additional funding of £17m for electric vehicle infrastructure has been confirmed. This will deliver a network of around 7,500 charging points by spring 2013 with around 1,600 charge points to be installed over the next 12 months.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 23:44:20


  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 23:44:34

    [全面监测] 伦敦市拥有一个分布广泛的空气质量监测网络,而它们均由非政府组织伦敦空气治理网络管理。空气质量监测网络由国王学院的环境研究小组建立,目前该组织共有123个主动监测点。 London has a widespread network of air quality monitoring stations. They are all administered by the non-governmental organization London Air Quality Network, which has been developed by Kings College Environmental Research Group. Currently there are a total of 123 active monitoring sites in the LAQN. 空气质量监测网络发起的"伦敦空气计划"在全市范围内每小时测量一次污染程度,并绘制污染两份3D地图发布,公众可查看整体污染情况,也可查看数据记录的任何时段内某一特定污染物的指数。 In its London Air project, the organization records pollution levels across the capital on an hourly basis onto two 3D maps. The public can explore overall pollution or a specific pollutant for any period over which data has been recorded.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 23:44:49

    [媒体监督] 英国媒体在监督空气质量上可谓相当严厉。一旦政府没能做出有效行动,英国广播公司、《卫报》等主流媒体就会批评政府无能,并警告英国或被欧盟处以巨额罚款,或用恶劣空气每年造成的死亡人数让政府敲响警钟。 British media are very strict on air quality scrutiny. Whenever the government fails to take effective action, the BBC, The Guardian and other mainstream media will criticize the incompetence of the authorities and give warnings on either large amounts of EU fines or the deaths the poor air quality is likely to cause each year. 《卫报》曾在2010年批评伦敦市长,称他自认为伦敦空气已经足够好,要取消向西部扩大拥堵区的计划。《卫报》称伦敦市长在空气质量的问题上正在倒退,将把事情弄得更糟。 The Guardian criticized the mayor's lifting of the western extension of the congestion charge in 2010 as he deemed the air in London was clean enough. The newspaper accused him of taking backward steps on air quality and making the problem worse. 英国广播公司曾调查出伦敦市长2012年曾游说国际方面放松空气污染法,这项调查迫使市长发布了自己长达750页的游说报告。 A BBC investigation once discovered the Mayor of London was lobbying to weaken international air pollution laws in 2012. It urged the mayor to release 750 pages of details about his lobbying.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 23:45:06

    [企业履责] 一些商业公司也采取自发行动。他们希望向公众表明,合并邮寄物品、鼓励员工步行前往开会地点之类的小小举动也能给城市的污染问题带来切实改变。 Some businesses are also taking action on their own, hoping to show that small steps, like consolidating deliveries and encouraging employees to walk to meetings, can make a real dent in the city's pollution problem. 野村证劵参与了伦敦旧城公司两年前发起的城市空气项目,有效合并了食品、办公设备的投递和垃圾的清运以减少卡车运输次数。它还禁止在办公室外闲置引擎,并鼓励员工夜间拼车回家。 Working with the City of London Corp's 2-year-old CityAir program, Nomura has consolidated food and office supply deliveries and garbage pickups to cut truck trips. It has also banned engine idling outside its offices, and encouraged employees to share late-night taxis home. 大型律师事务所西盟斯亦有类似经历:它的"步行去见客户"计划利用公司内部社交网络、宣传海报和小型折叠地图来鼓励员工避免乘坐短程出租。公司为携带沉重文件的员工提供了带轮子的文件箱,并把这项计划推广到了其他20家律师事务所。 That is also true at Simmons & Simmons, a large law firm: Its Walk to Client program uses an internal social networking site, posters and small foldout maps to prod employees to shun taxis for short trips. It provides wheeled cases for those with heavy files to carry, and it has promoted the program to 20 other law firms.

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-19 23:45:19

    [大气污染相关词汇] fog 雾,雾气 mist 薄雾,多指晨间的白雾 haze 薄雾,多由天气炎热所引起 smog 烟雾,烟尘等引起的空气污染 fly ash 浮尘 grime 灰尘污垢 exhausts 尾气 pollutant 污染物 emissions 排放物 sulpfur dioxide 二氧化硫 greenhouse gas 温室气体 PM2.5 Particulate Matter (悬浮颗粒)2.5的缩写,大气中直径小于或等于2.5微米的颗粒物 shroud (雾等)笼罩 tackle 治理,处理 disperse 驱散 lift 消散 engulf 吞没 monitoring 监测 visibility 能见度 clean energy 清洁能源 electric vehicle 电动车辆 respiratory diseases 呼吸系统疾病

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-20 00:02:13

    1.19 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 √ 2.每天一种水果 3.多喝水 1000ML √ 4.天气好的时候散步半小时,下雨时瑜珈半小时 √ 5.22点前脸部护理 √ 6.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 7.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 8.记帐 √ 9.晚饭后一粒钙片 √ 10.最晚23点上床 X 【 学习 】 1.10点英语小短文 X 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧一集 √ <<friends 7>> 4.线稿一张 5.China Daily 晚报 6. Englishpod 跟读30min √ 040 7.笔记女王的手帐活用术:偷看别人的笔记 √ P92 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 √ (60min) 9.每天看一小时专业知识 √ 10.每天看半小时专业相关的网站(美讯/菲尔设计/SUBAR) √ 日结: 英语:2.5h 专业:1.5h.找到一个很有意思的创意网站.http://www.cngadget.cn/page/19 拓展:0.5h 共:4.5h.上午又去医院鸟~~~这周光去医院了,偷懒好多天!!!

  • WhoAreYou

    WhoAreYou (白云苍狗时光飞) 2013-01-20 23:16:11


  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-20 23:37:14

    1.20 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 √ 2.每天一种水果 √ 3.多喝水 1000ML √ 4.天气好的时候散步半小时,下雨时瑜珈半小时 X 5.22点前脸部护理 √ 6.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 7.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 8.记帐 √ 9.晚饭后一粒钙片 √ 10.最晚23点上床 X 【 学习 】 1.10点英语小短文 √ 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧一集 √ <<friends 7>> <<the big bang theory 22>> 4.线稿一张 x 5.China Daily 晚报 √ 6. Englishpod 跟读30min √ 041 7.笔记女王的手帐活用术:偷看别人的笔记 √ P103 看完鸟~撒花~~~ 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 √ (60min) 9.每天看一小时专业知识 √ 10.每天看半小时专业相关的网站(美讯/菲尔设计/SUBAR) √ (看了个科技馆一般的餐厅.迪拜人民的.色彩非常大胆.个人觉得不会舒服) 日结: 英语:3.5h 专业:1.5h. 拓展:1.5h 卢英德---百事CEO,说,当旁人谈论你不懂的话题时, 你不能只是听他们说, 你要参与进去,这样才能融入环境. 共:6.5h.画画总是没有画,我到底是有多怕画画啊~~~

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-21 07:56:42

    ChinaDaily早报1.20 【Morning Buzz】 Take away my bread, If you want. Take away my air. But, don't take away your smile. (Pablo Neruda, Chilean poet, 1904-1973) 你需要的话,可以拿走我的面包,可以拿走我的空气,可是,别把你的微笑拿掉。(巴勃鲁·聂鲁达,智利诗人,1904-1973) 早安,各位。 【Highlights】 >Provincial-level 2 meetings start 省级地方两会陆续召开 8位代省(市)长将'转正' >US, Japan to hold joint drill 美日下周举行联合军演 >31 hostages killed in Algeria 阿劫持事件31人质死亡 >Kim Jr had plastic surgery 金正恩或已接受整容术 >Cat beats stock pros 猫咪炒股打败投资专家 >Tips: 'Cookie cutter' 点津:'饼干切割'啥意思

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-21 07:57:35

    【Cover Story】 >Flights cancel halting trips 浙万人巴厘岛游遭'搁浅' Batavia Airline announced the cancellation of all direct flights from Hangzhou to Bali, disrupting trips for tens of thousands of Chinese travelers, xinhuanet.com reported. A total of 80 flights have been canceled by the only airline to fly the Hangzhou-Bali route. Direct charter flights between the 2 places before Feb 4 have been confirmed grounded, and flights after that will be subject to official notification, according to the company's Hangzhou branch director. 据新华网报道,唯一直飞杭州-巴厘岛的印尼发达飞航空公司近日突然宣布航班全部停飞,导致近万人次游客将不能按照原定计划出行。据悉,共计80个航班将被取消。印尼发达飞航空公司杭州站负责人表示,2月4日前杭州直飞巴厘岛的包机确定停飞,但之后的航班情况还要等官方正式通知。 【Top News】 >Provincial-level 2 meetings start 省级地方两会陆续召开 8位代省(市)长将转正 Saturday saw the start of China's provincial-level people's congresses and political consultative conferences, chinanews.com reported. Local legislators and members of the advisory body will hold their meetings across the country in the next 30 days, addressing issues of people's livelihoods and drafting blueprints for development in line with local conditions. Also, the 8 newly elected acting provincial governors and municipal mayors, including Beijing's Wang Anshun, Shanghai's Yang Xiong and Shanxi's Li Xiaopeng, are expected to officially take their posts in the meetings. Their promotions had come as part of a large-scale leadership reshuffle nationwide after the 18th Party Congress. 据中新网报道,中国省级地方"两会"19日启幕。全国各省区市将在未来1个月内陆续开会,聚焦民生、因地制宜谋划发展蓝图。中共十八大后,中央、地方党政机关进行了大范围人事调整,全国目前共有8位代理省(市)长,其中包括:北京市代市长王安顺、上海市代市长杨雄和山西省代省长李小鹏等。在各地即将召开的人大会议上,这8位代省(市)长将"转正"。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-21 07:57:51

    >US, Japan to hold joint drill 美日下周举行联合军演 About 200 soldiers from the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force are joining some 1,000 Marines and sailors next week for the start of the annual "Iron Fist" inter-operability exercise in Southern California, defensenews.com reported. The bilateral training exercise will begin on Jan 22 and run through Feb 15. Unlike previous years, the Japanese troops will practice small-unit tactics and conduct close-air support and live-fire and maneuver training with the Marines. 据美国《防务新闻》周刊网站报道,约200名日本陆上自卫队员将与约1000名美国海军陆战队员和水兵共同参加下周开始在加州南部举行的"铁拳"年度联合演习。此次联合训练演习将于1月22日开始,2月15日结束。不同于往年的演习,日本自卫队员今年将与美海军陆战队员一起演练小部队战术、近距离空中支援、实弹射击和机动训练。 >31 hostages killed in Algeria 阿劫持事件31人质死亡 As many as 31 hostages, including 19 foreign nationals, have been killed since the Algerian army launched a rescue operation Thursday at the Tinguentourine gas field, Xinhua reported Saturday. There are "a few" hostages in the gas field complex and the rescue operation is still going on. 据新华社19日报道,自17日阿尔及利亚军队开始解救在Tinguentourine气田遭劫持的人质以来,已有31名人质不幸身亡,其中包括19名外籍人员。目前,劫匪手中仍有"少数人质",解救行动仍在继续。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-21 07:58:07

    【In Brief】 >A fleet of 3 Chinese marine surveillance ships, Haijian 137, Haijian 23 and Haijian 26, patrolled territorial waters off China's Diaoyu Islands Saturday, according to the State Oceanic Administration. 据国家海洋局消息,19日,中国海监137、23、26船编队在中国钓鱼岛领海内巡航。 >Shipments of personal computers in the Asia-Pacific region, excluding Japan, fell for the 1st time in 2012, 2% to 121m units, due to the global economic slowdown and increased use of mobile devices, Reuters reported. 据路透社报道,由于全球经济放缓及移动设备日益普及,2012年亚太地区(不含日本)个人电脑出货量首次出现下滑,收缩2%至1.21亿台。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-21 07:58:38

    【Language Tips】 'Cookie cutter' -------------- Cookie cutter原指"饼干成型切割模具",可以用来制作出许多形状、式样完全一样的饼干,正好应了那句"一个模子刻出来的"。后来,人们就用cookie cutter比喻"循规蹈矩的态度,缺乏原创性、千篇一律的东西"。 请看例句: "We cannot look too cookie-cutter", the new designer said. 那位新来的设计师说:"我们不能看起来过于一成不变"。 【Talk Show】 今天就到此为止吧。(2) >How much more work do we have for tonight? 今晚我们还得做多少工作? >I think we finished everything for the day. 我觉得我们完成了今天的所有任务。 >Good. Let's call it a day then. 好,那就到这里吧。 >I think we should pick it up in the morning. 我觉得我们可以明早继续干。 Pick it up = Continue ^_^

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-21 08:00:22

    ChinaDaily晚报1.20 【Weather Jan 21】 Fuzhou: cloudy 12~22℃ Xiamen: cloudy 14~22℃ Quanzhou: cloudy 12~21℃ 【Highlights】 >China opposes US comment 中方不满美钓鱼岛言论 >Train ticket info a concern 律师申请公开春运票数 >Obama 2.0 smarter, tougher 美媒点评奥巴马2.0时代 >Russian Navy starts drills 俄舰队举行大规模军演 >Politician fights off gunman 政客演讲险遭'爆头'(图) >Tips:Compassion fatigue 点津:什么是'怜悯疲劳'?

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-21 08:01:03

    【Cover Story】 >Measures to combat pollution 京重污染天拟实施限行 The number of vehicles on Beijing's roads may be limited on days when the city suffers from heavy air pollution, according to a Beijing Municipal Air Pollution Control Regulation draft released by the municipal government for comments Saturday. During heavy air pollution days, the government should issue air pollution notices and take emergency measures, such as suspension of factory production and reduction in the number of vehicles, the draft says, Beijing Times reported. 据《京华时报》报道,北京市19日发布《北京市大气污染防治条例(草案送审稿)》,向社会征求意见。草案明确规定,在大气受到严重污染的紧急情况下,市政府应当及时发布大气污染公告,采取强制性应急措施,包括责令排污单位停产、部分机动车停驶等。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-21 08:01:28

    【Top News】 >China opposes US comment 中方不满美钓鱼岛言论 China expressed strong discontent and firmly opposed a recent comment that the US made about the Diaoyu Islands, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Qin Gang said Sunday. "Although the US does not take a position on the ultimate sovereignty of the islands, we acknowledge they are under the administration of Japan," said US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Friday after a closed-door meeting with visiting Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida. "We oppose any unilateral actions that would seek to undermine Japanese administration," she added. 中国外交部发言人秦刚20日称,对于美方近期涉钓鱼岛言论,中方表示强烈不满和坚决反对。美国国务卿希拉里18日与到访的日本外务大臣岸田文雄举行闭门会晤,会后希拉里表示,虽然美国不在钓鱼岛主权归属上持有立场,但美国认为钓鱼岛属于日本行政管辖范围。她还称,美国反对任何侵害日本行政管辖权的单边行为。 >Train ticket info a concern 律师申请公开春运票数 Two lawyers in Beijing asked the Ministry of Railways to publicize train ticket sales details during the Spring Festival travel rush, Beijing News reported. Xiao Wenbin and Ma Gangquan sent the application form by express to the Ministry of Railways. They believe that the public is eager to learn about detailed data, such as the number of tickets issued and those sold out. Whether there are any reserved tickets for insiders is also a public concern. The Ministry of Railways has not responded to the request yet. 据《新京报》报道,19日,北京两名律师向铁道部邮寄申请书,要求公开今年春运期间的可售票总数等信息。据悉,肖文彬与马纲权将申请书以快递的方式寄送到铁道部。两人称,公众希望掌握春运期间铁路车票的发放总数、销售总数, 以及是否有预留票等具体信息。铁道部对此暂无回应。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-21 08:01:42

    >Obama 2.0 smarter, tougher 美媒点评奥巴马2.0时代 On the eve of his 2nd inauguration, US President Barack Obama appears smarter, tougher and bolder than ever before, said David Gergen, a senior political analyst for CNN. Obama has made it clear that he won't compromise with Republicans on the debt ceiling. He also stepped up the issue of gun control this past week. No president in the last 2 decades has been as forceful or sweeping in challenging the nation's gun culture. In his coming State of the Union address, and perhaps in his inauguration, the president will begin a hard push for comprehensive reform of the country's immigration system. 美国总统奥巴马第二次宣誓就职前夕,美国有线电视新闻网撰稿人、高级政治分析人士大卫·葛根对其第二任期作出了展望。他认为,奥巴马看起来比以往任何时候都更加精明、强硬、大胆。奥巴马已明确表示不会在债务上限议题上作出让步;且在过去一周还提及了另一个议题:枪支管控。在过去20年内没有哪一位总统像奥巴马一样强有力地对美国的枪支文化提出挑战。在即将发表的国情咨文讲演或就职演说中,他还将开始努力推动对移民制度进行全面改革。 >Russian Navy starts drills 俄舰队举行大规模军演 The Russian Navy has started major military drills in the Black and Mediterranean seas, the country's Defense Ministry said Saturday, foreign media reported. The exercises involve 8 major warships from the Black Sea, Baltic and North fleets. As the largest war game in the past decade, the maneuvers seek to check the readiness of military command and the inter-fleet force's ability to fulfill missions in distant waters, according to the ministry. 据外媒报道,俄罗斯国防部19日宣布,俄罗斯海军当日在黑海和地中海海域开始进行军事演习。参加此次军演的有来自黑海舰队、波罗的海舰队及北方舰队的共8艘大型舰船。俄国防部称,这是俄近几十年规模最大的舰队间联合军事演习,演习的主要目的是检查军事管理机构及多舰队力量集群对完成远海区域任务的准备情况。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-21 08:01:56

    【In Brief】 >Snow will continue in North China Sunday and into Monday, with a heavy snowfall forecast for northern Shandong, weather authorities said Sunday. 气象部门20日预计,20日北方地区仍是降雪天气,降雪预计将持续至21日,山东北部预计有暴雪。 >One Malaysian is feared dead while the fate of another is unknown in a bloody hostage crisis in Algeria that supposedly ended on Saturday, Malaysia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement on Sunday, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,马来西亚外交部20日发表声明称,1名马来西亚人在19日结束的阿尔及利亚人质事件中丧生,另一名马来西亚人至今下落不明。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-21 08:02:12

    【Newsmaker】 >Politician fights off gunman 政客演讲险遭'爆头'(图) A gunman attempted to assassinate Ahmed Dogan, the leader of Bulgaria's ethnic Turkish party during a televised conference Saturday, the Daily Mail of London reported. Fortunately for Dogan, the weapon misfired allowing him to escape. Before he could attempt a 2nd shot, the suspect was tackled to the ground by security guards and delegates attending the conference. Police said the 25-year-old attacker was also armed with 2 knives along with the gas pistol. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,保加利亚土耳其族党领导人艾哈迈德·多干19日在一次电视会议中,遭一持枪男子行刺。幸运的是,枪支哑火,艾哈迈德才逃过一劫。在嫌疑人开第二枪之前,他被安保人员及与会的党代表摁倒在地。警方称这名25岁的袭击者携带的是一支瓦斯枪,同时还携带两把刀。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-21 08:02:51

    【Language Tips】 'Compassion fatigue' ----------- 不知大家是否发现,当一个社会中慈善捐助和对怜悯之心的需求过频过多时,公众往往会表现出同情心丧失和疲倦的态度。这种情绪表现就是compassion fatigue,即"怜悯疲劳"。这个短语源于20世纪60年代的美国,由于当时饥饿人群剧增,求助需求过多,民众开始厌倦无休止的行善。 请看例句: Though it is good to work for a charity, too much charity brings about compassion fatigue. 即使做慈善是件好事,但是过多的需求会使人们产生捐助疲倦心理。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-21 08:03:06

    【China Daily Radio】 我们管那些事后才发表看法的行为叫"马后炮"。可还有那么一些人,干活时不见他们,等到该享受了,他们就立马出现,还表现出一副热心想帮忙但没机会的样子。这样的人在英语里可以叫last minute helper。 A last minute helper is that person who shows up after everything else is done and offers to do something after everything is already finished. Last minute helper指所有事情都完成以后才出现,或者别人把所有事情都做完后才提出帮忙的人,我们称为“事后帮手”。 For example: Joe showed up when we got all the dishes ready. He offered to set the table, but Mary had already done it. He is definitely a last minute helper. You cannot count on him. 乔来的时候,我们已经做好菜了。他要求摆置餐桌,可是玛丽早就摆好了。他绝对是个事后帮手,一点都指靠不上。 (本期英文内容由美籍编辑Michael Thai润色。)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-21 08:03:48

    【Weekly Topic】 We will soon welcome a busy Spring Festival, starting with the shopping season in the 12th lunar month and ending with the Lantern Festival, the 15th day of the new year. Windows and doors will be decorated with paper-cuts and couplets. Folk dances such as the lion dance, yangge and waist drum dance will be performed. Homes will be cleaned. Generous meals and sacrifices to the Kitchen God are in the making. However, within China, regional customs and traditions concerning the celebration of the Chinese new year vary widely. What are the special customs and taboos in your home town? Do you have a favorite festive activity or a good story to share? 春联、剪纸、秧歌、舞狮、腰鼓,或是扫房掸尘、杀猪宰羊祭灶神……从腊月起置办年货至正月十五闹元宵,天南地北的中国人都在忙着过年。不过,东、西、南、北、中,大家"过"的方式不尽相同。在您家里,过年的风俗、忌讳都有哪些?最能体现您家乡特色的"年味"活动是什么?最让你难以忘怀的"过年故事"都有哪些?

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-21 08:04:46

    ChinaDaily早报1.21 【Morning Buzz】 When befriended, remember it, when you befriend, forget it. (Benjamin Franklin, US politician and inventor, 1706-1790) 记住别人的友善,忘记自己的慷慨。(本杰明·富兰克林,美国政治家、科学家, 1706-1790) 早安,各位。 【Highlights】 >Crackdown on fireworks 全国开展整治烟花行动 >Obama sworn in to 2nd term 奥巴马宣誓连任美总统 >DPRK allows cellphones 朝允外国人携手机入境 >Gillard knits to beat stress 曝吉拉德靠织毛衣减压 >Genome can reveal surname 研究:查基因可知姓氏 >Teddy bears that can talk 智能机让泰迪熊说话(图)

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-21 08:05:04

    【Cover Story】 >Businesses eye couples '独生夫妻'烦恼带来商机 Married couples who are from only-child families have to face a dilemma each year, deciding whose parents to spend the holidays with. Companies are now finding opportunities thanks to the problem,China News Service reported. Travel agencies are pushing new products that encourage young couples to invite both their parents for a holiday trip. Restaurants advertising their New Year's Eve dinner are trying to attract couples with slogans like: "Whose parents will you accompany? Worry no more!" The efforts have been effective, leading to many reservations. "春节该去谁家过"、"年夜饭该陪哪家父母吃"等问题是独生子女们过年不得不面对的"烦恼"。而众多商家已开始挖掘这些"烦恼"中蕴藏的商机。据中新社报道,不少旅行社推出"旅行度除夕"等新点子,鼓励小夫妻们带着双方父母报团参加春节旅游。同时,许多酒店的年夜饭也打出"别再为该陪谁家父母而忧愁"等广告语,抓住"独生夫妻"的心理,预订情况十分火爆。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-21 08:05:20

    【Top News】 >Crackdown on fireworks 全国开展整治烟花行动 China's Ministry of Public Security on Sunday vowed to step up efforts against substandard fireworks as Spring Festival approaches, xinhuanet.com reported. Producers and distributors will be inspected nationwide in a bid to prevent substandard products from entering the market, as well as to stop the illegal production of fireworks. Since December, police nationwide have confiscated more than 231,000 boxes of substandard fireworks and detained 1,545 suspects. 据新华网报道,中国公安部20日称,随着春节临近,公安机关将积极开展整治伪劣烟花爆竹行动,在全国范围内排查烟花爆竹生产经营企业和零售网点,防止非法产品流入市场,查处违法违规生产经营行为。从去年12月起,全国已收缴伪劣烟花23.1万箱,处理违法犯罪人员1545人。 >DPRK allows cellphones 朝允外国人携手机入境 Since Jan 7, foreigners visiting the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) have been able to bring their cellphones with them by filling out a registration form at customs, a technician with the Korean-Egyptian joint venture company Koryolink revealed, Xinhua reported Sunday. For decades, foreigners visiting the DPRK had to leave their cellphones at customs and could pick them up on departure. Foreigners cannot use the 3G network in the DPRK, and no Internet access is allowed yet. The technician said that mobile Internet services for foreigners will commence soon. "It is not a technical problem, we are just waiting for the DPRK authorities' approval," the technician revealed. 据新华社20日报道,朝鲜埃及合资企业高丽电信公司技术员透露,从本月7日开始,外国人只需在海关填写一张登记单,即可携带手机进入朝鲜。几十年前,外国人入境时必须将手机寄存在朝鲜海关,离境时才能取走。目前,朝鲜境内尚未批准接入网络,外国人在该国还无法使用3G网络。不过,该技术员透露,手机上网就快开通了,没有技术问题,只等朝方同意。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-21 08:05:38

    >Shops ready for inauguration 奥巴马就职美店家捞钱 Washington businesses are gearing up for a deluge of customers in preparation for US President Barack Obama's 2nd inauguration Monday, AFP reported. Tucked behind a souvenir shop near the White House, T-shirts, sweatshirts, buttons and a vast assortment of inauguration paraphernalia are being staged for the onslaught of shoppers. This year's inauguration has shrunk to an estimated 500,000 to 800,000 people from the record-breaking 1.8m for Obama's 1st swearing-in 4 years ago. An official from the DC Chamber of Commerce said that each visitor to the capital spends about $336 in expenditures. 据法新社报道,为迎接21日举行的美国总统奥巴马连任就职仪式,华盛顿的众多商店正做好准备应对大批顾客。白宫附近的纪念品商店已经堆满T恤、长袖运动衫、纽扣及其它各种就职纪念品,等待顾客的疯狂抢购。相比4年前奥巴马首次就职典礼创下的180万人的纪录,今年参观典礼的人数预计缩减至50-80万人。华盛顿商会的官员称,每位前往华盛顿的游客花销大约为336美元。 >Genome can reveal surname 研究:查基因可知姓氏 Show geneticists (遗传学者) the chromosomes (染色体) in your genome (基因组), and they are quite likely to identify your surname. This astounding feat was accomplished by Tel Aviv University researchers, The Jerusalem Post reported. The Israeli researchers developed an algorithm (运算法则) that makes it possible to identify family names on the basis of genetic data in the Y chromosome, which is handed down through generations from father to son (except for slight mutations along the way). 把你的基因组染色体信息提供给遗传学家,他们就可能说出你姓什么。以色列特拉维夫大学的研究人员已完成了这项令人震惊的研究。据《耶路撒冷邮报》报道,研究人员研发出的一套运算法则使得通过Y染色体上的基因信息判定姓氏成为可能。因为Y染色体是严格的父子相传的基因组片段,其上的基因信息,除了一些微小的变异之外,一代代地由父亲遗传给儿子。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-21 08:05:54

    【In Brief】 >Permanent residents in Beijing hit 20.69m at the end of 2012, up 507,000 from the end of the previous year, according to data released Sunday, xinhuanet.com reported. 据新华网报道,20日发布的数据显示,2012年年末北京常住人口达2069万人,比上年末增加50.7万人。 >US President Barack Obama was officially sworn in to the 2nd term at a private ceremony in the White House Sunday, xinhuanet.com reported. As the date fell on a Sunday, Obama will take the oath again and deliver his inaugural address Monday at a public inauguration ceremony at the Capitol. 据新华网报道,美国总统奥巴马20日在白宫举行私人仪式,正式宣誓就职,开始第二任期。由于20日是一些宗教的礼拜日,奥巴马的公众就职典礼将于21日在美国国会大厦举行。届时,奥巴马将再次宣誓,并发表就职演说。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-21 08:06:10

    【Newsmakers】 >Gillard knits to beat stress 曝吉拉德靠织毛衣减压 Politicians from various countries have often indulged in passions outside of politics as a way of beating stress. Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard (see photo) has revealed she combats stress by knitting and thinks the repetitive activity is "soothing", ABC reported. "The thing that's good about the knitting is it takes enough of your attention that your mind can't be racing a million miles an hour on everything else," she said. Last year Gillard revealed she knitted a little jacket for the baby girl of Finance Minister Penny Wong. 各国政要通常会在政坛以外的事情中投入热情,从而减缓压力。据澳大利亚广播公司报道,澳总理吉拉德(见图)透露,她主要通过织毛线来为自己减压,认为这种重复性动作令人放松。吉拉德表示:"编织的好处在于它吸引了你许多注意力,使你的思绪无法高速运转去想别的事情。"据悉,去年,吉拉德曾为澳财政部长黄英贤的女儿织了一件小外套。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-21 08:06:28

    【Kaleidoscope】 >Teddy bears that can talk 智能机让泰迪熊说话(图) Japanese toy company, Cube Works, released a teddy bear called Cocolo Bear that can be programmed to speak. As soon as you place an Android or iOS phone into the cavity at its heart, the bear will move in sync with the voice from the phone. During calls the toy can move its mouth as if speaking to you. It can also talk to children, record voices and instigate simple games. 日本玩具制造商Cube-Works发布了一款会说话的泰迪熊Cocolo Bear。只要把iOS或Android系统的智能手机放入位于其心脏处的插槽,泰迪熊就能随手机内的声音舞动。在通话时,这种玩具能变换口型,就像在和主人对讲一样。此外,Cocolo Bear还能与孩子们交谈,录音并进行简单的游戏。

  • 五爸

    五爸 (五爸) 2013-01-21 08:07:08

    【Talk Show】 怎样安慰心情不好的朋友 >My friend is in a bad mood now, what should I say to cheer him/her up? 我朋友这会儿心情不好,我该说些什么让ta高兴起来呢? >I just keep quiet and not say anything. 我只是静静地什么也不说。 >I only speak when he/she asks for my opinion. 只有当ta问我的意见时我才说。 (本期英文内容由美籍编辑Michael Thai润色。)

  • Ging

    Ging (五妈) 楼主 2013-01-22 00:05:29

    1.21 【 生活 】 1.9点起床 √ 2.每天一种水果 √ 3.多喝水 1000ML √ 4.天气好的时候散步半小时,下雨时瑜珈半小时 √ 5.22点前脸部护理 √ 6.22点诗词各 一篇 √ 7.澡后抹润肤乳 √ 8.记帐 √ 9.晚饭后一粒钙片 √ 10.最晚23点上床 X 【 学习 】 1.10点英语小短文 X 2.China Daily 早报 √ 3.美剧一集 √ <<friends 8>> <<the big bang theory 22>> 4.线稿一张 X 5.China Daily 晚报 √ 6. Englishpod 跟读30min √ 042 7.笔记女王的手帐活用术:成功圆梦者的学习笔记术 √ P10 8.把零碎的时候利用起来 √ (60min) 好像有7成了. 9.每天看一小时专业知识 √ 10.每天看半小时专业相关的网站(美讯/菲尔设计/SUBAR) √ 日结: 英语:3h .看七层的单词眼熟了,哈哈 专业:2h. 消防车道的改良---功能性与美观性的结合. 别墅的分类:空中别墅★,独栋,双拼,联排,叠加式别墅★ .各风格别墅的特点. 拓展:0.5h 共5.5h.又不满6h.早上逛街去啦~最近老是在外头晃,一点都不上进!!!

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