Pravda vitezi

Pravda vitezi的书  · · · · · ·  ( 159本在读 · 3995本想读 · 39本读过 · 425个书单 )

  • A Farewell to Alms
  • Whispers on the Color Line
  • Follow the Leader?
  • Vietnam 1945
  • Smolensk Under Soviet Rule
  • Black Men Can't Shoot
  • 数字架构与法律
  • 江督易主与晚清政治
  • 海上傭兵
  • 地虎噬天王

> 浏览Pravda vitezi看的杂志(23)

Pravda vitezi的电影  · · · · · ·  ( 110部在看 · 3027部想看 · 647部看过 · 75个片单 )

  • 麦田守望的女孩
  • 杂种
  • 勃列日涅夫
  • 1918:梦想之战 第一季
  • 百变狸猫
  • 幕府将军 第一季
  • 辐射 第一季
  • 史密斯夫妇 第一季
  • 真探 第二季
  • 老爹们

Pravda vitezi的音乐  · · · · · ·  ( 1张在听 · 299张想听 · 29张听过 )

  • Cacophony - Speed Metal Symphony
  • Krystian Zimerman... - Beethoven: The Piano Concertos
  • Zhu Xiao-Mei - J.S. Bach: Well Tempered Clavier - vol. 1
  • Monica Huggett... - Bach: The Musical Offering
  • Takács Quartet... - Brahms: String Quartet & Piano Quintet
  • Brahms - Leipziger Streichquartett/Rohde/Sanderling

Pravda vitezi的移动应用  · · · · · ·  ( 想要16 · 用过3 )

  • Famous Samuel Johnson Quotes by Feel Social (iPhone)
  • Samuel Johnson Books (iPhone / iPad)
  • Samuel Johnson Collection (iPhone)
  • Samuel Johnson Works (iPad)
  • Samuel Johnson QuickQuotes (iPhone / iPad)
  • Grace to You Sermons (iPhone / iPad)
  • 微信 (iPhone / iPad)
  • NPR for iPad (iPad)

Pravda vitezi的游戏  · · · · · ·  ( 想玩7 · 玩过40 )

  • 帝国时代:决定版 Age of Empires: Definitive Edition
  • 不予播出 Not For Broadcast
  • 这就是警察 2 This Is the Police 2
  • 西港独立社 The Westport Independent
  • 冷战热斗 Twilight Struggle
  • 孤胆枪手 Alien Shooter
  • 秘密潜入 Project IGI: I'm Going In
  • 秘密潜入2:隐蔽打击 Project IGI 2: Covert Strike
  • 荣誉勋章:联合袭击 Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
  • 反恐精英 Counter-Strike



Ezekiel 25:17

" Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody’s gonna die. Come read Homer." -----------Hayeky



“容易的路不要走,因为阶级跃迁的文化重炼必然是痛苦的” - 030


"You must be under the mistaken impression that I care.”

"Why do the wrong people travel, when the right people stay back home? "

"The only easy day was yesterday."

" To mourn is not to fear. To grieve is not to admit defeat."

“He who we don't deserve has died for us”

Partisan politics must stop at the water's edge

"The survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands. The best hope for peace in our world is the expansion of freedom in all the world."

"Boys, one day the Germans will be gone. And we'll carry on, and get back to the way we were and how things were. If we let things fall apart now, because they are here, then it's gonna be difficult or impossible to get back there. The law is all we have. "

"Cry 'Havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war"

invictus maneo

"Nature didn't select me. I selected myself by harnessing my nature."

empowerment? or emancipation?

" 1 Nothing goes forever, experience is the
exemption however
2 No endurance no victory " ------------- Gespenst

a product of human action but not of human design


Pravda vitezi的广播  · · · · · ·  ( 全部 )

Pravda vitezi 转发

Cillian Murphy: I am Irish. 巳注销的广播

Pravda vitezi的舞台剧  · · · · · ·  ( 4部想看 )


Pravda vitezi的同城活动  · · · · · ·  ( 13个参加 · 26个感兴趣 )

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