
来自: Bonnie(过好现在)
2020-04-12 12:55:31 已编辑 新加坡

  • 鹤少夜

    鹤少夜 (只要出发,就能到达) 2020-07-02 11:27:52


  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2021-06-06 10:44:57

    在选择工作时,前瞻性的思考逻辑应该是: 1)、这份工作是否能够充分发挥我的优势? 2)、它能够给我带来怎样的能力提升? 3)、这家公司的晋升空间怎么样?是否值得长期发展? 4)、这家公司在行业内的竞争力如何?是否是一个值得加入的平台? 5)、我是否认可这家公司的价值理念,能否融入这家公司?

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2021-06-16 11:07:29

    • 您今年团队的工作目标是什么? • 您团队目前的工作重点是什么? • 您要雇用的这个岗位人员一年之内的工作重点和要求是什么? • 您是否可以给我讲讲您的故事,您是如何进入这个行业的?您最热爱这个工作的哪方面? • 什么让您晚上睡不着觉?(也就是说工作压力在哪里?) • 我面试的这个工作岗位的事业前景是什么?有什么培训或深造的机会?

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2021-08-14 15:35:46

    一定要找到一件或者几件能一个人做也自得其乐的事情才不至于陷入一种可悲的境地。 不管是读书还是学习一种新的技能,不外乎是为了把时间安排的满满当当,而不至于把所有期待和时间投注在其他人身上而使自己失去了主动的权利,太多扰乱自己心绪的事如果发生了,很容易因为过度关注其他人而让自己陷入颓唐之中,管理自我的难度在于,来自自我的否定是真实且不容怀疑的,而这种情绪的克制远远难于否定其他人的看法,毕竟,自己最了解自己。 而从其他人那里寻找到的安慰或者庇护都是一时一地的,生而为人注定孤独的来孤独的去,这是无法掩藏的事实,并不会因为沟通的或紧或疏而有所改变,我们都知道,只是愿意承认的人太少,让人痛苦的就是,我们很难摆脱来自自己的否定,这和举起自己一样令人艰难绝望。 所以需要时间来见证自己的成长和与自我斗争的结果。 满足长久以来的愿望,就是自我斗争胜利的一种表现,在愿望实现的结果背后,呈现的是自我长久克制的成功,而自律方得自由。 其他人在复杂境遇中的表现是不可预期的,唯有控制自己,会增加人在困境中面对艰难事态的决心和勇气。 对其他人的绝望和对自己的信任是独自出发的必备,即使有人同行,但是分秒之间幽微的想法是除了自己以外任何人都难以捕捉的,有时候,外界影响太大,人会连自己也看不清楚。 所以,要加油,学会自律,会增加信心。

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2021-09-21 17:51:54

    "Changsha is the capital city of Hunan province." "I've been working as a project manager for 9 years." "I've been working as a project manager since I graduated." technicality "I want to improve my English so that I can speak to people in English speaking countries." The Netherlands (Holland) 16:10=ten past four "You can choose to have breakfast when you like." "Each transaction produces 272g of e-waste on average." "We have to convert everything in our heads." (brains) "I'm comparing Chinese and English food." "I'm making a comparison between Chinese and English food." By comparison... (to compare) "Bitcoin mining produces more e-waste than an iPhone 13." "She was very happy when she turned 13 but she's not so happy now she's turning 30." "Expectations of men and women in society are different." day in, day out (every day) - "In Shanghai, people work overtime day in, day out." "Even though I like my job, I still miss certain parts (aspects) of my last job." "I caught him at a bad time." "He took out his frustration on me." "I think I was treated unfairly." "My sister said that I should speak to the HR department if I think I was treated unfairly."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2021-09-30 21:52:34

    "I went by high speed train." "I took a flight to Changsha." "Changsha is one of the hottest cities in China." "When my flight landed..." thirty-eight degrees "The temperature in Changsha was 7 degrees higher than in Shanghai." flight attendant(s) "The flight attendant announced that the temperature in Changsha was 38 degrees." 'to announce' = to say something to an audience (group of people) "The weather's been really cold lately; yesterday, it was 15 and today it's 13!" "The wind almost blew me over." 'to blow someone over' (phrasal verb) "Most of the time, we worked well together but, in the end, things didn't work out." "Have you met many memorable students?" "My town is well-connected to other places." "Royston is at a crossroads." Inner Mongolia "He wouldn't want us to be sad." "They've passed away." "My grandfather died when I was a baby." "The woman died in 1992." "My grandparents on my dad's side have died (passed away)." "I've been to a lot of beautiful European countries and cities." "If you've been double vaccinated, it's quite easy to travel." "I've been vaccinated." "You need two doses of the vaccine." "You can choose which vaccine to have." "AbbVie is one of the top ten pharmaceutical companies in the world." "Having less responsibility is less stressful." "There's less pressure in lower positions." 'to bear responsibility' "If you want to earn more money, you need to bear greater responsibility." "You have to decide whether it's worth it." "It makes me sound like I lack ambition." "We have to choose our priorities." "You can live to work." "You can work to live." 'behind your back'

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2021-10-20 21:56:44

    "It can really improve the way that I express myself." autumn = fall short-sleeved shirt long-sleeve shirts "I've rolled my sleeves up because it's not very cold in my house right now." boiler (central heating) stove/heater "If it's cold in Shanghai, I just put more layers on." "In winter, you have to wear lots of layers (of clothing)." "We start cycling early in the morning because there's too much traffic later in the day." motorbikes/mopeds "The cost of a taxi in Thailand is five times as expensive as in China." ladyboys "The UK is Northwestern Europe and Sweden is in Northern Europe." "Spain and Italy are in Southern Europe." southern = SU - thurn "Sweden is above the UK and Spain is below the UK." "Sweden is to the north of the UK and Spain is to the south of the UK." geography terrain = landscape landscapes (plural) landscape (countable) scenery (views/appearance) scenery (uncountable) Europe (YU-rup) "Guangdong and Fujian are richer than Gansu." real estate (USA) = property (UK) "Sweden is famous for fresh air." physical geography (terrain) human geography humanities (history and geography) core subjects (English and maths) extra subjects (optional subjects/options) "If you don't study hard at high school, your parents and teachers will put a lot of pressure on you." Stockholm "Denmark and Sweden are neighbouring countries." "The North Sea is between the UK and Denmark." "The flight takes an hour and a half." "The montains in Shandong are much higher than in Jiangsu." "Shandong is a mountainous province." "Norway is more mountainous than Sweden." fjords Norwegian language "Fjords are very deep valleys between mountains and they are filled with water." flat areas Brazil Amazon rainforest "In China, we find out which provinces have new cases." "The doctor still wanted to do a Coronavirus test." A-levels "You need to get a certain amount of points to go to a particular university." Modern languages (German & Spanish) "The most important thing is to have a university qualification."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2021-11-16 20:11:32

    reflect (verb) pale skin pale (light in colour) white people degree "A lot of Chinese women want to have pale skin." "They want to get a tan." tan = skin that is darker due to the sunlight "It's the opposite to China." "People in Hunan and Shanghai are usually paler than people in Guangdong and Hainan." ultraviolet ray UV ray(s) "The UV rays aren't as strong." "We only have two seasons in Hunan: summer and winter." "The temperature changes drastically in Hunan." drastically = extremely/suddenly drastically (DRA-stik-lee) drastically = a lot/very much climate change carbon neutral "China has a plan to go carbon neutral." kayaking "We had a kayaking race." "We came second."(We finished in second place.) 'to come first/second/third...' autumn (season) grapefruit 'based on a true story' First World War Second World War Adolf Hitler The German Girl deforestation (DEE-fo-re-stay-shun) world leaders = presidents Boris Johnson Prime Minister (UK) appearance climate summit = meeting about the climate summit = top of a mountain Glasgow UK (United Kingdom) UK: England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland Gone With the Wind influence (noun) Glasgow, Scotland pledge = promise (verb) reverse deforestation (verb) = repair the damage caused by deforestation replant the forests (verb) attempt = try (verb) 'to make progress' vast = huge absorb = take in (verb) "China is vast." (land) "Temperatures increase." phonetic symbol carbon dioxide (car-bun di-OK-side) tonal language https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/59136545 sand dune The Sand Dune

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2021-11-22 22:34:32

    wedding Spanish woman Spain (country) España = Spain España = e - SPAN - ya wedding = WE - ding wedding talk "When my aunt and uncle got married, my aunt wore a red dress because the colour red represents luck." wear = wore (past) wore = war (pronunciation) "I listened to a wedding talk." fifty people fifty (50) = FIF - tee fifteen (15) = fif - TEEN Were there fifty or fifteen people? "Are there 50 or 15?" "It's traditional to wear a red wedding dress in China." "However, some people choose to wear a white dress instead." "I don't really have a preference." marriage marriage (noun) "The marriage is the most important thing." sentimental (adj.) "I'm a realist." realist (noun) emotional (adj.) privilege (noun) translate (verb) "It was the first time that I've experienced it." "In society, people usually expect women to be emotional." "It's one of the most common differences between men and women." "I surprised myself." bride and groom "The bride and her family appreciated what I did."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2021-11-23 22:33:07

    "The Japanese are very punctual." punctual (adj.) = on time "I need to be on time for work." entertainment (noun) "In some countries, everyone expects people to be late." South America "I would let my friend know." 'to let someone know' = 'to tell someone' TEFL = Teach English as a Foreign Language technique(s) "I treat it as a chat." chat = informal conversation approach(es) methodical (adj.) methodology (noun) methodical (mu-THO-di-kul) method (noun) / methodical (adjective) /məˈθɒdɪkl method (noun) = a way to do something methodical (adjective) = doing something in an organised way, according to method "He's a methodical teacher." = "He uses method in his teaching." artificial light "White reflects light." "Blue absorbs light." "Light blue reflects some light." photographer (person) videographer (person) videography (noun) film editing edit (verb) "I'm going to edit the video." lighting (noun) soft light physics "I even forgot some of the basics." ancient costume costume (KOS-choom) green snake "The film is about a snake that becomes a girl." 'to become' = 'to turn into' "The film is about a snake that turns into a girl." become (formal) turn into (informal) = change from one thing to another (shape/form)

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-02-21 12:10:25

    readjusting relative(s) "I haven't gone back to Shanghai yet." 'to hand in my resignation' = to leave my job "I need to go back to Shanghai to hand in my resignation." head hunter(s) recruiters CV (UK) resume (USA) - RE-zu-may Personal Strengths advantages (plural) strengths (plural) layout job search "Coding isn't my strength." "Sometimes you sacrifice your physical health and free time for your job." 'to be satisfied with something' = "I wasn't very satisfied with my last job." "It's an important consideration." selfish (adj.) "I had a high position, so I had a lot of responsibility." mortgage (house loan) mortgage (MOR-gij) "If I wanted to buy a house in Shanghai, I would need to get a mortgage." "It's hard to know who you can trust." straightforward (direct) people "I feel very stressed." (emotion/feeling) "My job is stressful." (description) "I feel stressed because my job is stressful." "I'm at a crossroads." repetitive jobs repetitive (adj.) repetitive (ru-PE-ti-tiv) Are you prepared to move to another part of China for the right job? "My family doesn't want me to go to the USA because of the pandemic." 'to consider' = "I'm considering moving to another city." "I've considered going to the USA." "I have a ten-year business visa." "You need a change of scenery." scenery = landscape 'a change of scenery' = change of place Where did you go? Austria "The temperature in the UK is usually too mild (warm) for snow." chimney

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-02-21 12:13:56

    "The Winter Olympics are being held in Beijing." 'on the news' "I saw it on the news." (on TV) natural snow snow cannons artificial snow freestyle skier "Eileen is a freestyle skier." ski jumping "Eileen got medals in ski jumping." 1 = Gold / 2 = Silver / 3 = Bronze bronze (BRONZ) 'in reality' 'in reality' / 'the fact is' / 'actually' "I don't feel attracted to him." factor (aspect/thing) classmates society (noun) "If people don't think that their marriage is working, they get divorced." "Divorce wasn't an option." "It wasn't common for people to get divorced in the past." "Some people give up more easily." "Some people don't put effort into making their marriage work." 'to pressure' = Will your parents pressure you to get married? pressure (verb) 'to keep/stay in contact' = "My parents kept in contact by letter." "They fell in love naturally." arranged marriage 'to go on a blind date' "Some parents send their children on blind dates." matchmaking "When you're under pressure, you can't think straight." 'to think straight' = to think logically coherently = in a logical way coherently = in a connected and logical way incoherently = in an illogical way "When two people plan to get married, they discuss their finances together." "Sometimes, men will give a lot of money to the bride and her family." 'finances' "Before buying an expensive car, the man checked his finances." finances (FI-nan-sis) "I think their finances are OK." "If you talk to other people about your relationship problems, it can be hard to find solutions." unappreciative (adj.) 'to struggle with something' = to find something difficult to do shy (adj.) "He isn't sociable." friendship romantic relationship "It was worth the wait." "It's worth the wait." (present) 'in theory' "There's no spark." (strong feeling) "If you get married young, you and your partner will change a lot as you get older." "I have a theory about letter writing."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-02-21 14:33:53

    skiing "The Winter Olympics are being held in Beijing." 'on the news' "I saw it on the news." (on TV) natural snow snow cannons artificial snow freestyle skier "Eileen Gu is a freestyle skier." ski jumping "Eileen Gu got medals in ski jumping." 1 = Gold / 2 = Silver / 3 = Bronze bronze (BRONZ) 'in reality' 'in reality' / 'the fact is' / 'actually' "I don't feel attracted to him." factor (aspect/thing) classmates society (noun) "If people don't think that their marriage is working, they get divorced." "Divorce wasn't an option." "It wasn't common for people to get divorced in the past." "Some people give up more easily." "Some people don't put effort into making their marriage work." 'to pressure' = Will your parents pressure you to get married? pressure (verb) 'to keep/stay in contact' = "My parents kept in contact by letter." "They fell in love naturally." arranged marriage blind dating 'to go on a blind date' "Some parents send their children on blind dates." matchmaking "When you're under pressure, you can't think straight." 'to think straight' = to think logically coherently = in a logical way coherently = in a connected and logical way incoherently = in an illogical way bride price finances "When two people plan to get married, they discuss their finances together." "Sometimes, men will give a lot of money to the bride and her family." 'finances' "Before buying an expensive car, the man checked his finances." finances (FI-nan-sis) "I think their finances are OK." "If you talk to other people about your relationship problems, it can be hard to find solutions." unappreciative (adj.) 'to struggle with something' = to find something difficult to do shy (adj.) "He isn't sociable." friendship romantic relationship "It was worth the wait." "It's worth the wait." (present) 'in theory' "There's no spark." (strong feeling) "If you get married young, you and your partner will change a lot as you get older." "I have a theory about letter writing."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-02-21 14:33:55

    readjusting relative(s) "I haven't gone back to Shanghai yet." 'to hand in my resignation' = to leave my job "I need to go back to Shanghai to hand in my resignation." head hunter(s) recruiters CV (UK) resume (USA) - RE-zu-may Personal Strengths advantages (plural) strengths (plural) layout job search "Coding isn't my strength." "Sometimes you sacrifice your physical health and free time for your job." 'to be satisfied with something' = "I wasn't very satisfied with my last job." "It's an important consideration." selfish (adj.) "I had a high position, so I had a lot of responsibility." mortgage (house loan) mortgage (MOR-gij) "If I wanted to buy a house in Shanghai, I would need to get a mortgage." "It's hard to know who you can trust." straightforward (direct) people "I feel very stressed." (emotion/feeling) "My job is stressful." (description) "I feel stressed because my job is stressful." "I'm at a crossroads." repetitive jobs repetitive (adj.) repetitive (ru-PE-ti-tiv) Are you prepared to move to another part of China for the right job? "My family doesn't want me to go to the USA because of the pandemic." 'to consider' = "I'm considering moving to another city." "I've considered going to the USA." "I have a ten-year business visa." "You need a change of scenery." scenery = landscape 'a change of scenery' = change of place Where did you go? Austria "The temperature in the UK is usually too mild (warm) for snow." chimney skiing "The Winter Olympics are being held in Beijing." 'on the news' "I saw it on the news." (on TV) natural snow snow cannons artificial snow freestyle skier "Eileen Gu is a freestyle skier." ski jumping "Eileen Gu got medals in ski jumping." 1 = Gold / 2 = Silver / 3 = Bronze bronze (BRONZ) 'in reality' 'in reality' / 'the fact is' / 'actually' "I don't feel attracted to him." factor (aspect/thing) classmates society (noun) "If people don't think that their marriage is working, they get divorced." "Divorce wasn't an option." "It wasn't common for people to get divorced in the past." "Some people give up more easily." "Some people don't put effort into making their marriage work." 'to pressure' = Will your parents pressure you to get married? pressure (verb) 'to keep/stay in contact' = "My parents kept in contact by letter." "They fell in love naturally." arranged marriage blind dating 'to go on a blind date' "Some parents send their children on blind dates." matchmaking "When you're under pressure, you can't think straight." 'to think straight' = to think logically coherently = in a logical way coherently = in a connected and logical way incoherently = in an illogical way bride price finances "When two people plan to get married, they discuss their finances together." "Sometimes, men will give a lot of money to the bride and her family." 'finances' "Before buying an expensive car, the man checked his finances." finances (FI-nan-sis) "I think their finances are OK." "If you talk to other people about your relationship problems, it can be hard to find solutions." unappreciative (adj.) 'to struggle with something' = to find something difficult to do shy (adj.) "He isn't sociable." friendship romantic relationship "It was worth the wait." "It's worth the wait." (present) 'in theory' "There's no spark." (strong feeling) "If you get married young, you and your partner will change a lot as you get older." "I have a theory about letter writing."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-02-21 14:49:42

    在选择工作时,前瞻性的思考逻辑应该是: 1)、这份工作是否能够充分发挥我的优势? 2)、它能够 在选择工作时,前瞻性的思考逻辑应该是: 1)、这份工作是否能够充分发挥我的优势? 2)、它能够给我带来怎样的能力提升? 3)、这家公司的晋升空间怎么样?是否值得长期发展? 4)、这家公司在行业内的竞争力如何?是否是一个值得加入的平台? 5)、我是否认可这家公司的价值理念,能否融入这家公司? ... Bonnie

    考察公司盈利能力: 1.公司的整体业务模式是怎么样的? 2.公司的业务有没有资源和背书?依靠哪些大集团? 3.公司的上下游产业链是怎么样的?销售的渠道是哪些?渠道是固定的吗? 考察公司工资奖金体系:

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-02-23 22:52:14

    foreign interviewer (person) "I hope I can perform well on Friday." 'fewer hours' (not as many) "I think I'll be working fewer hours." "I've been working for almost 10 years." 'to be based in Shanghai' "I've been based in Shanghai." "I think that I'm suitable for this position because I have experience working in project management." Mandarin (MAN-du-rin) "I have a good level of Mandarin." 'relevant experience' "I have experience that is relevant to this job." / "I have relevant experience." "For example..." industry (IN-du-stree) automobile industry "I already have experience working with colleagues from various countries." different = various (VE-ree-us) 'to adapt to something' paperwork "The appearance was..." "The appearance was disorganised." disorganised (messy) disorganised (messy) = organised (neat) * "Neat" is a formal word. Sorry, I missed that. Could you repeat that for me, please? Could you repeat? disorganised (boss) coach = train (verb) coaching = guidance (noun) "I have coached many of my colleagues in the past." "I have experience coaching some of my colleagues informally." 'to take the project to the next phase/stage' 'to resolve issues in order to take the project to the next stage' "I communicate with the __________ department to resolve issues and keep the project moving." "They make decisions locally (in their countries)." 'the company that acquires the small business' "One company buys out another company." (to buy out) "XXX has been bought out by XXX, so it's now part of the same group." "a is part of the A group." merge (verb) xxx.com (domain) Internet domain ________@gmail.com "When two companies merge, the company that has been bought out will have to use a new Internet domain." database(s) UI (User Interface) "All of the tools have to be integrated." representative (re-pri-ZEN-ti-tiv) persuasive (pur-SWAY-siv)

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-02-24 22:03:13

    wardrobe wall "We don't want the background to be distracting." facial expression "I get distracted when I see my facial expressions." I got my PMP qualification in 2014. 2014 - twenty fourteen I'm interested in... I'm passionate about... The Open Group Architecture Framework 'to get (grab) their attention' peer(s) I use my spare (free) time to join workshops. I use my spare (free) time to join workshops with experienced people in the data AI industry. global division I noticed that the manager of this position works in the global division. Will I also be working on the global team? How many people work on this team? How many people work in this department? I'm very familiar with using Microsoft Office tools and I have experience using project management programs such as... familiar (fu-MI-lee-ur) tools = programs Jira is used universally, so most of my peers know how to use it and I don't need to waste time on training them. Jira can be integrated with other communication tools. high fidelity subjective "Beauty is subjective." cosmetic surgery symmetry eyebrows accurate data consultation analyse (verb) / analysis (noun) I used Excel a lot because I had to analyse data. presentations script As a project manager, I take the lead in dealing with different departments such as...

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-03-04 08:39:12

    eliminate the gap eliminate (e-LI-mi-nayt) eliminate = remove reduce "We didn't communicate well." communicate (verb) "Our communication wasn't very good." statistics (sta-TIS-tiks) (stats) "You can see your stats." "No wonder..." "No wonder your English has improved." no wonder = no surprise unwritten rules "If I'm better prepared, I can lead the interview." answer = respond plural = more than one thought (singular) thoughts (plural) *Use plural nouns when talking about things generally. "Do you like eating apples?" (general) "Would you like an apple?" (now = one time) "Do you like cats?" (general) "Do you like my cat?" (specific) 'to stroke a cat/dog' good score = good marks distract (verb) "My wardrobe distracts me." _______ed (adjectives to describe feelings) 'tired' 'exhausted' 'distracted' "I feel distracted." "I got good marks." "I got a good score." 'compared to' (UK) 'compared with' (USA) *They're both correct, so it's just a regional difference. "You're more tired than the last time we spoke." slightly (adverb) adverb (AD-verb) adjective (AD-jek-tiv) due to = because of Passive voice: 'to be' + ________ed (verb) 'on the page' : (colon) center (USA) centre (UK) professional (technical) term the/a/some/this/these etc. (articles) functionality (noun) = the way that something functions "Our goal is to improve the functionality of the website features." organize (USA) / organise (UK) 'to have a glance at something' "I'll have a quick glance." glance = look glance = quick look

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-03-08 20:21:22

    analyst (person) analysis (noun) developer (person) extensive = a lot sector= area/field Validation: the action of checking or proving the validity or accuracy of something. "the technique requires validation in controlled trials" validity = the condition (status) of being valid validity (va-LI-di-tee) firm (informal) licence (noun) license (verb) 'to be barred from something' = 'to be blocked from something' "I locked the cat out of the room." = I closed the door and locked it with a key so that the cat couldn't come in. "The product will be taken off the system." _____ing (describing responsibilities in the past) bullet points What was the most satisfying aspect of the project for you? What did you enjoy most about this project? senior executive executive (ek-ZEK-yu-tiv) 'to be dedicated to something' = to completely focus your time and energy on something 'the cost of rental' "I'm still dedicated to improving myself." career progression 'unrealistic expectations' "It knocked my confidence." = It reduced my confidence. upbringing (noun) = the way your parents raise you 'to have the motivation to do something' valued "You're competing with your colleagues." "There's a lot of competition between colleagues." "She thinks that I've improved a lot since we first met." 'five years ago' 2017 (twenty seventeen)

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-03-23 11:48:32

    Intern (apprentice) "The salary that the company has to pay is lower." 'to go with someone' = to hire someone "The company went with someone else because he had more experience and was cheaper." apprentice (a-PREN-tis) salary negotiation (talking about salary) "I passed the first round of interviews." performance requirements "I got an offer from a company in Singapore." "They want me to work in the head office." Coronavirus (pandemic) "The Chinese government is very strict about restrictions." pension quarantine (KWO-run-teen) 'to be in quarantine' = "My district is in quarantine at the moment." pension = money that you can access when you retire average salary 'relatively high' "UK salaries are relatively (quite) high." "Salaries in Singapore are double that of UK salaries." 'cost of living' = "The cost of living in Singapore is much higher than in China." ambitious (adj.) "It's an ambitious target." automotive 'across the board' = in general "The size of the crypto industry is smaller." 'the day after tomorrow' = in a couple of days secure = safe/certain globally = worldwide "The pharmaceutical industry has more employees globally than the crypto industry." 15,000,000 (fifteen million) 1,000,000 (one million)

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-04-10 22:40:52

    一线城市吸引人的地方是产业结构(高端服务业占比高) 结构化数据、非结构化数据 量转型、量定义、对应值 数据是对现实世界实体的映射 SQL-Structured query language

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-05-02 22:37:17

    alcohol gel Croatia kro - AY - sha blurred background spray "All of the restrictions have been relaxed." "Omicron isn't as serious as Delta." "I got vaccinated because my plan is to move to Singapore." 'to get vaccinated' COVID test(s) "A lot of people are afraid of getting COVID." multinational corporation immunity vaccine(s) "A lot of people have had vaccines, so they don't have serious symptoms." headache (HE - dayk) hoarse (adj.) "My voice was hoarse." chaotic (adj.) chaotic (kay - O - tik) chaos (noun) "Last month was chaos." "Last month was chaotic." "It was a chaotic situation." "Food was twice as expensive as usual." 'double the price' "Food was three times as expensive as usual." "I think that food was five times as expensive as usual." 'to discard something' = 'to throw something away' metamorphic "Some food went bad." = "Some food went off." (expired) "Some food went rotten." "Some of the food went rotten." ("有些食物腐烂了"。) "People don't like the feeling of not having freedom." "Nobody likes not having freedom." 25,000,000 25 million "The population of Shanghai is around twenty-five million." 60,0000 60,000 (sixty thousand) "It means that one in fifty people has COVID." 700000 "Most people have recovered quickly." eye mask strong/weak "My sense of smell wasn't very strong." sequela long-term effects/symptoms 'sense of smell' slack up "My sense of smell was a bit weak." "My sense of smell had become weaker." "He's slacking." = He isn't working very hard. "It wasn't accurate." 他并没有很努力地工作。 他在偷懒。 quarantine hospital mosquitoes/flies mosquito net fishing net 'for certain' "As soon as I can travel to Singapore, I'll go." throat lack of understanding "I cough because I have asthma." 气喘病 "A lot of people in the UK have asthma." lungs "You're not contagious anymore and you just had COVID." "When I sleep, I don't talk." "Sometimes you get the feeling that you can't breathe properly." asthma inhalers inhaler "Inhalers contain powder which you can breathe in and open your lungs." "We use blue inhalers when we can't breathe properly." "I don't have serious asthma." low air pollution breathing problems "There are a hundred reasons that you might have a cough." "We have to learn to live with COVID."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-05-19 21:45:26

    "Maybe I recovered quickly because I'm fully vaccinated." "There's been a big dip (drop) in American stocks." "I've recovered." "The Shanghai government is taking COVID very seriously." "I think that COVID is more serious than the common cold."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-06-26 21:02:04

    Cardiff, Wales England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland My native language is Mandarin not English. I will move to Singapore in two months. modern RP Received Pronunciation I hope that I can continue to improve. Now, I have to focus on studying proffesional skills for my work/job/career. (not "working")

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-06-27 22:04:16

    equatorial / tropical a diverse culture diverse (adj.)/ diversity (n.) equatorial (adj.) / equator (n.) -ted = tid -ces = siz -shes = shiz -ches = chiz washes She washes the clothes on Saturday. brushes The artist has many brushes for painting. heritage = property that is or may be inherited; an inheritance. "they had stolen his grandfather's heritage" cruise ship to cruise = to travel smoothly ur - chin

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-07-03 23:01:40

    Thai food Thailand (n.) Thai (adj.) a cosmetics company varied front end development to be valuable data leak stressed to feel stressed the day after tomorrow

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-07-11 20:38:03

    最近状态不错。 好久没有写日记了,一个人常常复盘以前的工作感情,也能点滴体悟到别人的一丝善意,还有职场间那些甩黑锅推卸责任互相倾轧的瞬间。 偶尔会观察现在的领导,觉得能够学到很多,包括面对事情的处理方式和态度。 很感恩能够有这么好的机会,进入喜欢的行业,和厉害的同行一起共事,最近真的好运爆表,各方面都很顺利。 虽然依然没有遇到心爱的人,不过一个人有滋有味的小生活也甚是欢乐。

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-07-11 22:39:54

    Let's start cumulative update "I won't need my winter clothes in Singapore." KG kilograms "I have 41 kilograms of clothes." short sleeve luggage = "I have a lot of luggage." housing estate "There are housing estates in the suburbs." housing estate neighbourhood "We have a place where we can put things that we want to donate." waste (rubbish) 'where' "This is the city where my parents live." where (location) "My company will give me two weeks of free hotel accommodation." search engine(s) fast-growing companies rate of growth 'to abide by the process' = 'to follow the rules' 'to follow procedure' "You have to stick to company policy in mature companies." "The cost of housing used to be lower." "Some of my colleagues don't want to work very hard and prefer to have an easy life." Elon Musk (Tesla) "She recommended me." recommended (re-ko-MEN-did) "It's hard for him to get a promotion." 'to get a promotion'/'to get promoted' 'from what I've seen' = 'in my experience' 'the highest position' highest position = top position 'in my profession' = 'in my area' execution (noun) execute (verb) executive (person) "It's a prestigious title." prestigious (pre-STI-jus) Caps Lock Capital letters 'to influence' / 'to have an influence/impact on' "Maybe he can influence others." "Maybe he can have an influence on others." "Some of my colleagues were laid off recently." 'to lay off staff' = to tell colleagues to leave a company middle-aged men "Some middle-aged men don't have a very good attitude towards their work." "They want to do the bare minimum." minimum = smallest amount "They don't care." = "It doesn't matter." "They think that the bare minimum is enough." "My way of working isn't compatible with theirs." "They're not interested in making improvement." "They're not interested in getting better." 'conservative (reserved) approach' conservative (adjective) = not usually liking or trusting change, especially sudden change gym coach/instructor (fitness coach/instructor) "I felt like I'd been treated unfairly." "I didn't feel very happy at the time (in the moment)." 'to have good memories' 'to be on bad/good terms' "When I left the company, I was on bad terms with my boss." 'a breach of contract' "I felt hard done by." = I felt that I'd been treated unfairly. verbally (spoken words) what happen Sorry, let me refresh the page I was kicked out of the classroom 😂 "I've moved on." = I'm not worried about the situation anymore. "I felt liberated." = "I felt free again." "I felt repressed." ____ed "Some bad things came to mind." 'to come to mind' "I felt forced to do it." "I gave in to what he was saying." 'to give in' = to surrender "Sometimes, people don't have bad intentions." 'to have a bad motive' "If you're unhappy in a situation, you don't have to tolerate it; you can change it." Croatia "I came back to the UK two days before our lesson in May." "We have a big troop." headline(s) "There are lots of headlines about COVID." variant Omicron "The BA.5 variant." restaurants cafés diners beauty salons 'to announce' = to say publicly 'in April/May' = in + _______ (month) tape 磁带 "It's a crime to break the tape." "We felt trapped." "We felt that we didn't have a lot of freedom."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-07-12 11:27:01

    昂贵的衣服和化妆品,固然好,当他们在可力所能及范围之内,用的不当回事儿的时候,最好。如果他们本身给生活造成了一点点的负担和困扰,就不够好,不值得放在心上。 青春本身就有很多天然优势,是全世界所有昂贵的产品都不能相抗衡的,譬如健康的身体,好的记忆力,明亮的眼睛,无限的潜力和可能性,这些都值得骄傲。 生活的麻烦还得靠自己解决。也没有什么是一定要拥有的。除了理智、明辨是非的大脑,对美的感悟与欣赏力,好好生活的决心与定力。

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-07-17 21:01:30

    messy / crazy tangled a heatwave Cardiff South Wales Intimacy They are intimate friends. an acquaintance metres a care home a nursing home

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-04 22:30:47 上海

    really enjoyed Ireland banshee Leprechauns wailing comb gold legend horizon leave her comb on the road lep-reh-kawn carefree

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-07 22:01:03 中国香港

    I am packing my bags I am packing up I am packing for my move to Singapore. college colleague a postgraduate diploma GDL (Graduate Diploma in Law) community tutor professional teacher euphemistic circumbendibus implict physical punishment There are no consequences to saying something negative online. at the start of August at the beginning of August drill = practice ally (be careful with pronunciation) alley = a small street allies prime minister

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-08 22:32:28 上海

    "My flight is on the twenty-second of August." "My parents are coming to visit me before I go to Singapore." "My parents are coming to say goodbye to me." Saturday landing card "I can only fill in the landing card three days before I arrive in Singapore." 'three days ago' (past) 'three days before' (future) "I can see that you've had a haircut." "I had a haircut two weeks ago." hairdresser hairdresser = the person who cuts your hair hairdresser (HER-dre-sur) women's hair (hairdressers) men's hair (barbers) hair salon "I'm going to the barbers." barbers (shop) hairdressers (shop) "You're going to the hairdressers." etyma root word feminine masculine masculine (MA - skyu - lin) feminine (FE - mu - nin) female (FEE - mayl) "The words feminine and female are connected." "The words masculine and male are connected." "He is..." "She is..." "It's difficult for Chinese people to remember which pronoun to use: he or she." "He and she are pronouns." 'in a business setting' 'in a business situation'

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-08 22:34:42 上海

    Spain Croatia "Croatia is always very hot in summer." "This year is the hottest year since I've been in XXX." "40 degrees in the UK is very unusual." global warming parasol "Parasols protect you from the sun." unbearable (adj.) "When the weather is very hot, it's unbearable." luggage CBD (Central Business District) 'in the centre' / 'in the city centre' "The company is in the centre of the city." "When I booked my flight, I entered my name wrong." customer service "I had to pay $70 to cancel my ticket." "I've booked with XXX Airlines." "You could take the risk, but you might not be allowed on the flight." innocent mistake synonyms good = great synonyms = words with the same meaning

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-08 22:37:42 上海

    "What's your surname?" = "What's your last name?" "What's your first name?" Joshua (first name) James (middle name) O'Looney (last name) "There isn't much variety of surnames in xxx." inherit the surname 'to inherit' "O'Looney is a very unusual surname."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-08 22:38:01 上海

    "It's a tradition to give children middle names." plum blossom wintersweet 'sun in the sky' auspicious "They thought it would bring me good fortune if they gave me this name." boy's names girl's names

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-08 22:38:17 上海

    "It's a tradition to give children middle names." plum blossom wintersweet 'sun in the sky' auspicious "They thought it would bring me good fortune if they gave me this name." boy's names girl's names Chris Christine (female) Christopher (male) Joshua (male) "Joshua is a biblical name."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-08 22:42:15 上海

    plum blossom wintersweet auspicious "They thought it would bring me good fortune if they gave me this name." boy's names girl's names Chris Christine (female) Christopher (male) Joshua (male) "Joshua is a biblical name." Bible biblical (adj.)

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-08 22:42:44 上海

    "It's a name from the Bible." = "It's a biblical name." "Joshua means God is deliverance." deliverance = saving delivery 'to deliver' = to carry "We are Christians."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-08 22:45:43 上海

    "Joshua means God is deliverance." deliverance = saving delivery 'to deliver' = to carry "We are Christians."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-08 22:46:34 上海

    "It's a Buddhist statue." Buddhist (person) rituals ceremonies

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-08 22:47:03 上海

    rite monk monk(s) "The monks were bald." bald = without hair Buddhism Christianity "It's not very common for people to serve God like this." Valentine's Day (VA - lun - tines) immortal supernatural being vampire

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-08 22:47:19 上海

    rite monk monk(s) "The monks were bald." bald = without hair Buddhism Christianity

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-08 22:47:24 上海

    rite monk monk(s) bald = without hair Buddhism Christianity

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-08 22:47:27 上海

    rite monk monk(s) bald = without hair Christianity

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-08 22:47:36 上海

    "It's not very common for people to serve God like this." Valentine's Day (VA - lun - tines) immortal supernatural being vampire

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:28 上海

    "It's a Buddhist statue." "Buddhism is popular in xxx." Buddhism (religion) Buddhist (person) rituals ceremonies

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:28 上海

    "It's a Buddhist statue." "Buddhism is popular in China."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:29 上海

    "It's a Buddhist statue." "Buddhism is popular in China." Buddhism (religion) Buddhist (person)

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:30 上海

    "It's a Buddhist statue." "Buddhism is popular in China." Buddhism (religion) Buddhist (person) rituals ceremonies

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:30 上海

    "Joshua means God is deliverance." deliverance = saving delivery 'to deliver' = to carry "We are Christians." "It's a Buddhist statue." "Buddhism is popular in China." Buddhism (religion) Buddhist (person)

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:31 上海

    "Joshua means God is deliverance." deliverance = saving delivery 'to deliver' = to carry "We are Christians." "It's a Buddhist statue." "Buddhism is popular in China." Buddhism (religion) Buddhist (person) rituals ceremonies rite monk monk(s) "The monks were bald." bald = without hair Buddhism Christianity "It's not very common for people to serve God like this." Valentine's Day (VA - lun - tines) immortal supernatural being vampire

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:32 上海

    "It's a name from the Bible." = "It's a biblical name." "Joshua means God is deliverance." deliverance = saving delivery 'to deliver' = to carry "We are Christians." "It's a Buddhist statue." "Buddhism is popular in China." Buddhism (religion) Buddhist (person) rituals ceremonies rite monk monk(s) "The monks were bald." bald = without hair Buddhism Christianity "It's not very common for people to serve God like this." Valentine's Day (VA - lun - tines) immortal supernatural being vampire

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:32 上海

    "It's a name from the Bible." = "It's a biblical name."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:33 上海

    "It's a name from the Bible." = "It's a biblical name." "Joshua means God is deliverance."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:34 上海

    "It's a name from the Bible." = "It's a biblical name." "Joshua means God is deliverance." deliverance = saving 'to deliver' = to carry

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:34 上海

    "It's a name from the Bible." = "It's a biblical name." "Joshua means God is deliverance." deliverance = saving 'to deliver' = to carry "It's a Buddhist statue." "Buddhism is popular in China." Buddhism (religion) Buddhist (person)

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:35 上海

    "It's a name from the Bible." = "It's a biblical name." "Joshua means God is deliverance." deliverance = saving 'to deliver' = to carry "It's a Buddhist statue." "Buddhism is popular in China." Buddhism (religion) Buddhist (person) rituals ceremonies rite monk monk(s) "The monks were bald." bald = without hair Buddhism Christianity "It's not very common for people to serve God like this." Valentine's Day (VA - lun - tines) immortal supernatural being vampire

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:36 上海

    "It's a name from the Bible." = "It's a biblical name." "Joshua means God is deliverance." deliverance = saving delivery 'to deliver' = to carry

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:36 上海

    "It's a name from the Bible." = "It's a biblical name." "Joshua means God is deliverance." deliverance = saving delivery 'to deliver' = to carry "We are Christians." "It's a Buddhist statue." "Buddhism is popular in China." Buddhism (religion) Buddhist (person) rituals ceremonies rite monk monk(s) "The monks were bald." bald = without hair Buddhism Christianity "It's not very common for people to serve God like this." Valentine's Day (VA - lun - tines) immortal supernatural being vampire

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:37 上海

    plum blossom wintersweet auspicious "They thought it would bring me good fortune if they gave me this name." boy's names girl's names Chris Christine (female) Christopher (male) Joshua (male) "Joshua is a biblical name." Bible biblical (adj.) "It's a name from the Bible." = "It's a biblical name." "Joshua means God is deliverance." deliverance = saving delivery 'to deliver' = to carry "We are Christians." "It's a Buddhist statue." "Buddhism is popular in China." Buddhism (religion) Buddhist (person) rituals ceremonies rite monk monk(s) "The monks were bald." bald = without hair Buddhism Christianity "It's not very common for people to serve God like this." Valentine's Day (VA - lun - tines) immortal supernatural being vampire

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:38 上海

    "It's a tradition to give children middle names."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:39 上海

    "It's a tradition to give children middle names." plum blossom wintersweet "They thought it would bring me good xxx if they gave me this name."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:39 上海

    "It's a tradition to give children middle names." plum blossom wintersweet "They thought it would bring me good fortune if they gave me this name."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:40 上海

    "It's a tradition to give children middle names." plum blossom wintersweet sun in the sky "They thought it would bring me good fortune if they gave me this name."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:41 上海

    "It's a tradition to give children middle names." plum blossom wintersweet 'sun in the sky' "They thought it would bring me good fortune if they gave me this name."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:41 上海

    "It's a tradition to give children middle names." plum blossom wintersweet 'sun in the sky' auspicious "They thought it would bring me good fortune if they gave me this name."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:42 上海

    "It's a tradition to give children middle names." plum blossom wintersweet 'sun in the sky' auspicious "They thought it would bring me good fortune if they gave me this name." boy's names girl's names Chris Christine (female) Christopher (male) Joshua (male) "Joshua is a biblical name." Bible biblical (adj.) "It's a name from the Bible." = "It's a biblical name." "Joshua means God is deliverance." deliverance = saving delivery 'to deliver' = to carry "We are Christians." "It's a Buddhist statue." "Buddhism is popular in China." Buddhism (religion) Buddhist (person) rituals ceremonies rite monk monk(s) "The monks were bald." bald = without hair Buddhism Christianity "It's not very common for people to serve God like this." Valentine's Day (VA - lun - tines) immortal supernatural being vampire

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:43 上海

    "What's your surname?" = "What's your last name?" "What's your first name?" Joshua (first name) James (middle name) O'Looney (last name) "There isn't much variety of surnames in xxx." inherit the surname 'to inherit' "O'Looney is a very unusual surname." "It's a tradition to give children middle names." plum blossom wintersweet 'sun in the sky'

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:44 上海

    "What's your surname?" = "What's your last name?" "What's your first name?" Joshua (first name) James (middle name) O'Looney (last name) "There isn't much variety of surnames in xxx." inherit the surname 'to inherit' "O'Looney is a very unusual surname." "It's a tradition to give children middle names." wintersweet 'sun in the sky' auspicious "They thought it would bring me good fortune if they gave me this name." boy's names girl's names Chris Christine (female) Christopher (male) Joshua (male) "Joshua is a biblical name." Bible biblical (adj.) "It's a name from the Bible." = "It's a biblical name." "Joshua means God is deliverance." deliverance = saving delivery 'to deliver' = to carry "We are Christians." "It's a Buddhist statue." "Buddhism is popular in China." Buddhism (religion) Buddhist (person) rituals ceremonies rite monk monk(s) "The monks were bald." bald = without hair Buddhism Christianity "It's not very common for people to serve God like this." Valentine's Day (VA - lun - tines) immortal supernatural being vampire

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:45 上海

    "What's your surname?" = "What's your last name?" "What's your first name?" Joshua (first name) James (middle name) O'Looney (last name) "There isn't much variety of surnames in xxx." inherit the surname 'to inherit' "O'Looney is a very unusual surname." "It's a tradition to give children middle names." plum blossom wintersweet 'sun in the sky' auspicious "They thought it would bring me good fortune if they gave me this name." boy's names girl's names Chris Christine (female) Christopher (male) Joshua (male) "Joshua is a biblical name." Bible biblical (adj.) "It's a name from the Bible." = "It's a biblical name." "Joshua means God is deliverance." deliverance = saving delivery 'to deliver' = to carry "We are Christians." "It's a Buddhist statue." "Buddhism is popular in China." Buddhism (religion) Buddhist (person) rituals ceremonies rite monk monk(s) "The monks were bald." bald = without hair Buddhism Christianity "It's not very common for people to serve God like this." Valentine's Day (VA - lun - tines) immortal supernatural being vampire

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:45 上海

    "What's your surname?" = "What's your last name?" "What's your first name?" first name middle name last name Joshua (first name) James (middle name) O'Looney (last name) "There isn't much variety of surnames in xxx." inherit the surname 'to inherit' "O'Looney is a very unusual surname." "It's a tradition to give children middle names." plum blossom wintersweet 'sun in the sky' auspicious "They thought it would bring me good fortune if they gave me this name." boy's names girl's names Chris Christine (female) Christopher (male) Joshua (male) "Joshua is a biblical name." Bible biblical (adj.) "It's a name from the Bible." = "It's a biblical name." "Joshua means God is deliverance." deliverance = saving delivery 'to deliver' = to carry "We are Christians." "It's a Buddhist statue." "Buddhism is popular in China." Buddhism (religion) Buddhist (person) rituals ceremonies rite monk monk(s) "The monks were bald." bald = without hair Buddhism Christianity "It's not very common for people to serve God like this." Valentine's Day (VA - lun - tines) immortal supernatural being vampire

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:46 上海

    "What's your surname?" = "What's your last name?" "What's your first name?" first name middle name last name Joshua (first name) James (middle name) O'Looney (last name) "There isn't much variety of surnames in China." inherit the surname 'to inherit' "O'Looney is a very unusual surname." "It's a tradition to give children middle names." plum blossom wintersweet 'sun in the sky' auspicious "They thought it would bring me good fortune if they gave me this name." boy's names girl's names Chris Christine (female) Christopher (male)

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:47 上海

    "What's your surname?" = "What's your last name?" "What's your first name?" first name middle name last name Joshua (first name) James (middle name) O'Looney (last name) "There isn't much variety of surnames in China." inherit the surname 'to inherit' "O'Looney is a very unusual surname." "It's a tradition to give children middle names." plum blossom wintersweet 'sun in the sky' auspicious "They thought it would bring me good fortune if they gave me this name." boy's names girl's names Chris Christine (female) Christopher (male) Joshua (male) "Joshua is a biblical name." Bible biblical (adj.) "It's a name from the Bible." = "It's a biblical name." "Joshua means God is deliverance." deliverance = saving delivery 'to deliver' = to carry "We are Christians."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:47 上海

    "What's your surname?" = "What's your last name?" "What's your first name?" first name middle name last name Joshua (first name) James (middle name) O'Looney (last name) "There isn't much variety of surnames in China." inherit the surname 'to inherit' "O'Looney is a very unusual surname." "It's a tradition to give children middle names." plum blossom wintersweet 'sun in the sky' auspicious "They thought it would bring me good fortune if they gave me this name." boy's names girl's names Chris Christine (female) Christopher (male) Joshua (male) "Joshua is a biblical name." Bible biblical (adj.) "It's a name from the Bible." = "It's a biblical name." "Joshua means God is deliverance." deliverance = saving delivery 'to deliver' = to carry "We are Christians."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:48 上海

    "What's your surname?" = "What's your last name?" "What's your first name?" first name middle name last name Joshua (first name) James (middle name) O'Looney (last name) "There isn't much variety of surnames in China." inherit the surname 'to inherit' "O'Looney is a very unusual surname." "It's a tradition to give children middle names." plum blossom wintersweet 'sun in the sky' auspicious "They thought it would bring me good fortune if they gave me this name." boy's names girl's names Chris Christine (female) Christopher (male) Joshua (male) "Joshua is a biblical name." Bible biblical (adj.) "It's a name from the Bible." = "It's a biblical name." "Joshua means God is deliverance." deliverance = saving delivery 'to deliver' = to carry "We are Christians." "It's a Buddhist statue." "Buddhism is popular in China." Buddhism (religion) Buddhist (person) rituals ceremonies rite monk monk(s) "The monks were bald." bald = without hair Buddhism Christianity "It's not very common for people to serve God like this." Valentine's Day (VA - lun - tines) immortal supernatural being vampire

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:49 上海

    Spain Croatia "Croatia is always very hot in summer." "This year is the hottest year since I've been in XXX." "40 degrees in the UK is very unusual." global warming parasol "Parasols protect you from the sun." unbearable (adj.) "When the weather is very hot, it's unbearable." luggage CBD (Central Business District) 'in the centre' / 'in the city centre' "The company is in the centre of the city." "When I booked my flight, I entered my name wrong." customer service "I had to pay $70 to cancel my ticket." "I've booked with Singapore Airlines." "You could take the risk, but you might not be allowed on the flight." innocent mistake synonyms good = great synonyms = words with the same meaning "What's your surname?" = "What's your last name?" "What's your first name?" first name middle name last name Joshua (first name) James (middle name) O'Looney (last name) "There isn't much variety of surnames in China." inherit the surname 'to inherit' "O'Looney is a very unusual surname." "It's a tradition to give children middle names." plum blossom wintersweet 'sun in the sky' auspicious "They thought it would bring me good fortune if they gave me this name." boy's names girl's names Chris Christine (female) Christopher (male) Joshua (male) "Joshua is a biblical name." Bible biblical (adj.) "It's a name from the Bible." = "It's a biblical name." "Joshua means God is deliverance." deliverance = saving delivery 'to deliver' = to carry "We are Christians." "It's a Buddhist statue." "Buddhism is popular in China." Buddhism (religion) Buddhist (person) rituals ceremonies rite monk monk(s) "The monks were bald." bald = without hair Buddhism Christianity "It's not very common for people to serve God like this." Valentine's Day (VA - lun - tines) immortal supernatural being vampire

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:50 上海

    Spain Croatia "Croatia is always very hot in summer." "This year is the hottest year since I've been in Shanghai." "40 degrees in the UK is very unusual." global warming parasol "Parasols protect you from the sun." unbearable (adj.) "When the weather is very hot, it's unbearable." luggage CBD (Central Business District) 'in the centre' / 'in the city centre' "The company is in the centre of the city." "When I booked my flight, I entered my name wrong." customer service "I had to pay $70 to cancel my ticket." "I've booked with Singapore Airlines." "You could take the risk, but you might not be allowed on the flight." innocent mistake synonyms good = great synonyms = words with the same meaning "What's your surname?" = "What's your last name?" "What's your first name?" first name middle name last name Joshua (first name) James (middle name) O'Looney (last name) "There isn't much variety of surnames in China." inherit the surname 'to inherit' "O'Looney is a very unusual surname." "It's a tradition to give children middle names." plum blossom wintersweet 'sun in the sky'

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:50 上海

    Spain Croatia "Croatia is always very hot in summer." "This year is the hottest year since I've been in Shanghai." "40 degrees in the UK is very unusual." global warming parasol "Parasols protect you from the sun." unbearable (adj.) "When the weather is very hot, it's unbearable." luggage CBD (Central Business District) 'in the centre' / 'in the city centre' "The company is in the centre of the city." "When I booked my flight, I entered my name wrong." customer service "I had to pay $70 to cancel my ticket." "I've booked with Singapore Airlines." "You could take the risk, but you might not be allowed on the flight." innocent mistake synonyms good = great synonyms = words with the same meaning "What's your surname?" = "What's your last name?" "What's your first name?" first name middle name last name Joshua (first name) James (middle name) O'Looney (last name) "There isn't much variety of surnames in China." inherit the surname 'to inherit' "O'Looney is a very unusual surname." "It's a tradition to give children middle names." plum blossom wintersweet 'sun in the sky' auspicious "They thought it would bring me good fortune if they gave me this name." boy's names girl's names Chris Christine (female) Christopher (male) Joshua (male) "Joshua is a biblical name." Bible biblical (adj.) "It's a name from the Bible." = "It's a biblical name." "Joshua means God is deliverance." deliverance = saving delivery 'to deliver' = to carry "We are Christians." "It's a Buddhist statue." "Buddhism is popular in China." Buddhism (religion) Buddhist (person) rituals ceremonies rite monk monk(s) "The monks were bald." bald = without hair Buddhism Christianity "It's not very common for people to serve God like this." Valentine's Day (VA - lun - tines) immortal supernatural being vampire

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:51 上海

    "My flight is on the twenty-second of August." "My parents are coming to visit me before I go to Singapore." "My parents are coming to say goodbye to me." Saturday landing card "I can only fill in the landing card three days before I arrive in Singapore." 'three days ago' (past) 'three days before' (future) "I can see that you've had a haircut." "I had a haircut two weeks ago." hairdresser hairdresser = the person who cuts your hair hairdresser (HER-dre-sur) women's hair (hairdressers) men's hair (barbers) hair salon "I'm going to the barbers." barbers (shop) hairdressers (shop) "You're going to the hairdressers." etyma root word feminine masculine masculine (MA - skyu - lin) feminine (FE - mu - nin) female (FEE - mayl) "The words feminine and female are connected." "The words masculine and male are connected." "He is..." "She is..." "It's difficult for Chinese people to remember which pronoun to use: he or she." "He and she are pronouns." 'in a business setting' 'in a business situation' Spain Croatia "Croatia is always very hot in summer." "This year is the hottest year since I've been in Shanghai." "40 degrees in the UK is very unusual." global warming parasol "Parasols protect you from the sun." unbearable (adj.) "When the weather is very hot, it's unbearable." luggage CBD (Central Business District) 'in the centre' / 'in the city centre' "The company is in the centre of the city." "When I booked my flight, I entered my name wrong." customer service "I had to pay $70 to cancel my ticket." "I've booked with Singapore Airlines." "You could take the risk, but you might not be allowed on the flight." innocent mistake synonyms good = great synonyms = words with the same meaning "What's your surname?" = "What's your last name?" "What's your first name?" first name middle name last name Joshua (first name) James (middle name) O'Looney (last name) "There isn't much variety of surnames in China." inherit the surname 'to inherit' "O'Looney is a very unusual surname." "It's a tradition to give children middle names." plum blossom wintersweet 'sun in the sky' auspicious "They thought it would bring me good fortune if they gave me this name." boy's names girl's names Chris Christine (female) Christopher (male) Joshua (male) "Joshua is a biblical name." Bible biblical (adj.) "It's a name from the Bible." = "It's a biblical name." "Joshua means God is deliverance." deliverance = saving delivery 'to deliver' = to carry "We are Christians." "It's a Buddhist statue." "Buddhism is popular in China." Buddhism (religion) Buddhist (person) rituals ceremonies rite monk monk(s) "The monks were bald." bald = without hair Buddhism Christianity "It's not very common for people to serve God like this." Valentine's Day (VA - lun - tines) immortal supernatural being vampire

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 09:06:52 上海

    "My flight is on the twenty-second of August." "My parents are coming to visit me before I go to Singapore." "My parents are coming to say goodbye to me." Saturday landing card "I can only fill in the landing card three days before I arrive in Singapore." 'three days ago' (past) 'three days before' (future) "I can see that you've had a haircut." "I had a haircut two weeks ago." hairdresser hairdresser = the person who cuts your hair hairdresser (HER-dre-sur) women's hair (hairdressers) men's hair (barbers) hair salon "I'm going to the barbers." barbers (shop) hairdressers (shop) "You're going to the hairdressers." etyma root word feminine masculine masculine (MA - skyu - lin) feminine (FE - mu - nin) female (FEE - mayl) "The words feminine and female are connected." "The words masculine and male are connected." "He is..." "She is..." "It's difficult for Chinese people to remember which pronoun to use: he or she." "He and she are pronouns." 'in a business setting' 'in a business situation' Spain Croatia "Croatia is always very hot in summer." "This year is the hottest year since I've been in Shanghai." "40 degrees in the UK is very unusual." global warming parasol "Parasols protect you from the sun." unbearable (adj.) "When the weather is very hot, it's unbearable." luggage CBD (Central Business District) 'in the centre' / 'in the city centre' "The company is in the centre of the city." "When I booked my flight, I entered my name wrong." customer service "I had to pay $70 to cancel my ticket." "I've booked with Singapore Airlines." "You could take the risk, but you might not be allowed on the flight." innocent mistake synonyms good = great synonyms = words with the same meaning "What's your surname?" = "What's your last name?" "What's your first name?" first name middle name last name Joshua (first name) James (middle name) O'Looney (last name) "There isn't much variety of surnames in China." inherit the surname 'to inherit' "O'Looney is a very unusual surname." "It's a tradition to give children middle names." plum blossom wintersweet 'sun in the sky' auspicious "They thought it would bring me good fortune if they gave me this name." boy's names girl's names Chris Christine (female) Christopher (male) Joshua (male) "Joshua is a biblical name." Bible biblical (adj.) "It's a name from the Bible." = "It's a biblical name." "Joshua means God is deliverance." deliverance = saving delivery 'to deliver' = to carry "We are Christians." "It's a Buddhist statue." "Buddhism is popular in China." Buddhism (religion) Buddhist (person) rituals ceremonies rite monk monk(s) "The monks were bald." bald = without hair Buddhism Christianity "It's not very common for people to serve God like this." Valentine's Day (VA - lun - tines) immortal supernatural being vampire

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-09 21:32:46 上海

    echelon tier 1 suits casino jetton casino chips substitute for money values ashtray dispose of... please dispose of your litter in the bin please dispose of your ash in the ashtray blouse patterns plain yellow jade bracelet contempt contemptuous unimpressed interested Georgia Brasov Romania 40% Kung-Fu Hustle Steven Chow confused nervous wrinkles eyebrows raised eventually it wears off celebrity (famous person) use in moderation active/passive vocabulary

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-08-26 22:34:10 新加坡

    to endure sth / to put up with sth impolite She didn't have basic manners. you don't have to stay in touch with her. You can forget about her and move on.

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-09-18 21:01:27 新加坡

    trams rail rental price / the price of renting is very expensive the service charge / tax is included in your order price label you don't need to bring winter clothes they have 40 degrees sports centre To go downstairs treadmill in your building Singapore natives foreigners gas and electricity bills permanent residency inactive midnight snack official language University of Bath it depends on what your interest is 30000 1 person- 25,00 per year 2 person- 50, 000 per year scholarship / grant

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-09-21 22:59:55 新加坡

    "I'm preparing for my probation review." "The company was established in March 2018." "After the tenth of September, there was an increase." "We had to keep a low profile." "We work (cooperate) with F1 racing." 'to pay attention to' = "We should pay attention to our customers' feedback." "We should give something back to society." "We should always put our customers first." "Our mission is to become..." 'to analyse the data' "This is what my department does." "This is what we do in my department." 'different types of analysis' notification (noun) 'to notify' (verb) 'three basic elements' 'too many ad hoc tasks' "This team doesn't exist anymore." exploratory (ek-SPLO-ru-tree) "The presentation has to be 25 minutes long."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-09-22 21:01:34 新加坡

    "We rank fourth/fifth." "XXX is dominating the industry." "At XXX, we are dominating the industry." 'the USDC industry' '39 different currencies' national currency fiat money fiat currencies 'support 39 fiat currencies' Southeast Asia 'based in Singapore' "The company is based in Singapore." "We're a blockchain company and we were established in March 2018." "The data is from the 9th of September 2020 and we can see an increase in the number of signups after the 10th of September." "We have more than 28 active traders." 'in March' = 'as of March' "We ranked 40th in March and now we've climbed to 14th." 40th (fortieth) 14th (fourteenth) risk averter "Whether you're a risk seeker or a risk averter, we have suitable products." conservative (adj.) low-risk products trading bot(s) trading bot "Trading bots can automatically buy and sell according to your targets." copy trading "Copy trading is suitable for newcomers." 'fiat currency P2P trading' "Currently, we have more than 10 million registered users around the world." "At this time last year, we only had 1 million registered users." "We're a fast-growing company." "We've grown rapidly." fast = rapid month - year "The data is from the 20th of September 2020 and we can see an increase in the number of signups after the 10th of September." zero fees in spot market "We can see an increase in the number of signups since the 10th of September due to the zero fees policy." 10th (tenth) "We can see an increase in the number of signups and users depositing their money since the 10th of September due to the zero fees policy." 'users depositing their money' survey (SUR-vay) 'to conduct surveys' - "We've conducted some surveys." 'to conduct research' "I've collected some anonymous feedback." anonymous (a-NO-ni-mus) "We've conducted some surveys and I've collected some anonymous feedback from my colleagues." 'in the third picture' 'to gather (collect) information' "You can give your business department insight, which will help the team to make decisions." 'on the first/second/third/fourth level' introductory phrases markers For example... Let's look at... markers (words) "Let's look at the diagram."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-09-27 22:02:14 新加坡

    "I had planned to use my own money." misunderstanding (noun) "It isn't much money." "Are people in the UK generous with their money?" "My colleagues have salaries that are higher than average." "I think it was just an excuse." "My colleague's attitude has upset me." safety fuse "Let it out!" "Would you prefer to live by yourself?" "I didn't have a lot of job security." "There is more to life than work." "I'm fed up with the bad weather." 'to be fed up with something' = to be annoyed with something curtains "I'm feeling optimistic." "Most of my colleagues are nice." idiom Chinese proverb(s) saying(s) = expression(s) "It's the straw that breaks the camel's back." "This little situation was the straw that broke the camel's back." break - broke (past) "We work from home a lot of the time and it can be a little bit boring." 'to waste time on something' = "We don't have to waste on travelling to and from the office." World War One World War Two "The UK was badly bombed during the world wars." ration book ration = restricted amount of something booklet (small book) the Great Cultural Revolution "China had a similar policy during the Great Cultural Revolution." coupon "Food was rationed." food supply "Countries with food supply problems often introduce rationing." rationing (noun) = "Rationing is a way of managing food supply." Russian Ration but - blood - Russia bat - mat - ration a,e,i,o & u (vowels) alphabet (A-Z) consonants (other letters) "The alphabet has 26 letters." "The English alphabet is made up of consonants and vowels." parcel post office saxophone "My grandpa plays the saxophone." "I can play the saxophone." eBay second-hand (used) "If I tried to sell the saxophone on eBay, the buyer might complain because the saxophone isn't in great condition." "Delivery costs are usually quite cheap in China." Singapore citizen Singapore national territorial area "If you're a Singapore national, you can get access to cheap housing." "Singapore is densely populated." (a lot of people live in a small area) densely populated (DENS-lee POP-yu-lay-tid) "I went punting in Cambridge." 'to punt' = "Do you know how to punt?" "Have you punted before?" "Punting is fun." "I was standing on the back of the boat." punt (boat) "If you go to Cambridge, you should go on a punt." "How long did you punt for?" "We swapped for a little while." free time (leisure time) 'bike ride' 15 000 people "You can do a lot of things in Cambridge." "I know a lot of my neighbours." "Would you prefer to live in a big city or a small town?" "We're close to nature." "We live in the countryside." "How did you meet each other?" 'friends of friends' "If you have more free time, you can spend more time with your friends." "Are you still in contact with your childhood friends?" "We used to talk a lot, but now we don't talk as much anymore." "We don't have much in common anymore." (We don't like and do the same things.) "Recently, more and more people are choosing to stay single." "I haven't found the right person yet." "I live in a small town near London." "The London mindset affects people in my town." destiny The Crown (TV series))

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-10-24 22:32:41 新加坡

    deepavali diwali hindus and sikhs mosques Catholicism catholic (adj.) catholicism (n.) "street" "opposite" buddhist (adj.) buddhism (n.) It's a very diverse neighbourhood. an artillery gun/piece a cannon initialism acronym phonetic symbol What are your initials? These are my initials. Please write your initials on the document. fun vs. funny The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Atomic Habits (James Clear) a keystone habit

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-11-05 23:01:05 新加坡

    gloomy My blinds were drawn/down. sword curtains The first time was... (not "the first time is...") Dine in the Dark The twenty first of October "shoulders" "knife" We have to guess what we ate and then they show us what we really ate. a small portion to be in shape to get in shape to stay in shape They tell you to take some time to adjust to the brightness outside. catan island Linkee Roman Venetian L I N K E E Father Christmas Santa Claus Santa a reindeer

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-11-14 21:05:39 新加坡

    something is making the headlines in Singapore liquidated insider news close their positions blue chips go for interviews join in the interview Redhill outlet mall work arrangement designated cycling path extreme hot / cold fur coats long-sleeve dresses fanciful English chatty / sociable

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-11-20 21:04:23 新加坡

    steep slope gradual slope flat road city bike cycling fanatic seasoned cyclists seasoned hiker seasoned traveler How did you spend your weekend with your friends ? Where did you spend your weekend with your friends ? PS Cafe at One Fullerton bond together : make closer build : build relationships economically developed country USD$1.43 to SDG$1 market forces A party runs a country 管理 forefathers : Mr Lee Kuan Yew sunblock lotion pump petrol for their cars refill the oil tank Melaka Penang immigration customs Take a coach / tour bus to Melaka Bali, Indonesia 1.5 to 2 hours flight Deepavali Christmas light-up in Orchard Road Christmas light-up in MBS https://thesmartlocal.com Christians 70% Chinese 20% Malays 10% Indians 60% Buddhist 30% Christians 10% Non-believers I know about it but I'm not a devout Buddhism Pray for good fortune We are not that strict in China. I hang out with my colleagues on the weekends. disturbing other people timing Cows are sacred animals so we shouldn't eat them Pigs are unclean animals There are many schools of thoughts I don't have food preference insects are high in calcium

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-12-10 17:41:21 新加坡

    power nap nap = sleep refreshed https://econsystemsthinking.medium.com/review-and-summary-economics-the-users-guide-by-ha-joon-chang-65f3981d57ce Economics: A user's guide to make some predictions the charts alt coins as opposed to = when you compare with Shadowing method https://www.fluentu.com/blog/language-shadowing/ dissertation = final work major, minor linguistics study of language intermediate level not many people characters lockdown suburbs throw it out filling full I am full The meal was filling junk food people have been laid off America you won't risk losing your job we were affected by confidence in this stock will crash soon I thought FTT was going to crash soon panic ____ ? panic selling heating between between Russia and Ukraine an electric heater dialect There is a lack of (formal) They need (informal) Next time : Presentation And talk about the most interesting parts of the article.

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-12-11 09:53:34 新加坡

    关于11月8日Ftt崩盘事件 曾经我以为我欠缺的是胆量,不敢一次性投入更多,所以错过了千载难逢的机会。 但后来想想,我缺的是认知,是对事物本质的理解,我缺了信仰,所以才缺了勇气。 应该找机会调研一下BTC从成立到现在的价格波动情况,牛熊周期。 内心对于十年后行业的发展,还有行业对社会对影响(进步/负面),未来的方向,都要有一个比较清晰的蓝图。 除了工作/事业,自己十年后的价值核心点是什么,如何创造好的影响,也需要用心思考

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-12-19 23:06:45 新加坡

    balloon floating飘浮 put/extinguish put out pipe 水管 take a sip heritage skyscraper 摩天大楼 cave 洞 monster 妖怪 industrial area 工厂区 cloth布料 anchovies 小鱼仔 cucumber 黄瓜 supper宵夜

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2022-12-27 22:04:18 马来西亚

    bowling 'to go bowling' = "I went bowling for the first time." "I didn't come last." (last place) "I came fifth." bowling alley (place) "I went to the bowling alley." 'to bowl' (verb) "I like bowling." = "I like to bowl." "I was in last place." 'to come ______ (position)' "She came first." "He came second." = "He finished in second place." "I came fifth." = "I finished in fifth place." Canada (CA - na - da) "In Egypt, they speak Arabic." "In Pakistan, they speak Urdu." "70 million people speak Urdu." 1/3 "The population of China is 1.5 billion." "In Chile, they speak Spanish." Egyptian (adj.) "The Egyptian man told me." "We used English to talk to each other." underground car park "Do you want to get out here or in the underground car park?" "Some people look Chinese but weren't born in China, so they don't speak Chinese." "Our appearance is similar." "If I spoke Japanese, I could pretend to be Japanese." mannerisms "The Japanese have a habit of bowing." Korean mannerisms distinctive (unique) distinctive (di - STINK - tiv) distinctive (different) "I have a way to distinguish between Chinese and Korean people." expressive "A lot of Chinese people are reserved (shy)." variety landscape(s) "China has a lot of different landscapes and so there are a lot of different lifestyles." "The pace of life is fast in Shanghai and slower in the west." pace = speed "I only go back to my hometown at Spring Festival, so I don't spend a lot of time there." "The economy in Changsha has developed rapidly since I've left." "Changsha is the capital of Hunan province." free time (spare time) flaunt "It doesn't make sense to earn a lot of money if you can't use it; it's illogical." "I don't like flaunting my money." flaunting = showing off "This is the difference between Shanghai and Singapore." "A lot of people in Singapore are wealthy but they don't flaunt their wealth in the same way as people do in Shanghai." "I had the idea that there weren't any poor people in Singapore." Switzerland SWIT - zur - lund 'TZ' = ts "I have a better work-life balance." "Do you feel happier than when you were living in China?" competition competitive company competitive (adj.) = "If a company has a lot of Chinese employees, there will be a more competitive environment." "The large population in China forces people to be more competitive." minority 'to be in the minority' "In Singapore, I'm not in the minority." "Singapore has a very small population in comparison to other countries." illogical (i - LO - ji - kul) flaunting (FLORN - ting) homeless people bricklayer(s) Indian(s) wealthy (WEL - thee) wealthy = rich rich (informal) wealthy (formal) "People might treat you better if you look wealthy." "There were not." = "There weren't." bird "There weren't many birds." were "They were waiting." "They were not waiting." "They weren't waiting." "It (the population) forces people to be competitive." plural population (singular) "The population of China is around 1.5 billion people." 'in comparison to' = compared to 'want' 'won't' 'weren't' "I want to have lunch." "I won't have lunch." (will not) "They weren't having lunch." WANT "They want to study Chinese." WON'T "They won't study Chinese." "They weren't waiting for the train." She wants to study English 'O' = dog weren't + _____ing They won't have time to study English I want to relax at weekend. 'at the weekend' "I want to relax at the weekend." grammatical mistakes grammatical (gra - MA - ti - kul) plural and singular nouns 'Population' is a singular noun. "The people ____ waiting for the bus." ARE "The population _____ public transport." (use) USES "People will listen to what you say." content "If people make a lot of mistakes when speaking, it can be distracting for the listeners." strategy (STRA - tu - jee) "COVID is milder now." "It can really improve the way that I express myself." autumn = fall short-sleeved shirt long-sleeve shirts "I've rolled my sleeves up because it's not very cold in my house right now." boiler (central heating) stove/heater "If it's cold in Shanghai, I just put more layers on." "In winter, you have to wear lots of layers (of clothing)." "We start cycling early in the morning because there's too much traffic later in the day." motorbikes/mopeds "The cost of a taxi in Thailand is five times as expensive as in China." ladyboys "The UK is Northwestern Europe and Sweden is in Northern Europe." "Spain and Italy are in Southern Europe." southern = SU - thurn "Sweden is above the UK and Spain is below the UK." "Sweden is to the north of the UK and Spain is to the south of the UK." geography terrain = landscape landscapes (plural) landscape (countable) scenery (views/appearance) scenery (uncountable) Europe (YU-rup) "Guangdong and Fujian are richer than Gansu." real estate (USA) = property (UK) "Sweden is famous for fresh air." physical geography (terrain) human geography humanities (history and geography) core subjects (English and maths) extra subjects (optional subjects/options) "If you don't study hard at high school, your parents and teachers will put a lot of pressure on you." Stockholm "Denmark and Sweden are neighbouring countries." "The North Sea is between the UK and Denmark." "The flight takes an hour and a half." "The montains in Shandong are much higher than in Jiangsu." "Shandong is a mountainous province." "Norway is more mountainous than Sweden." fjords Norwegian language "Fjords are very deep valleys between mountains and they are filled with water." flat areas Brazil Amazon rainforest "In China, we find out which provinces have new cases." "The doctor still wanted to do a Coronavirus test." A-levels "You need to get a certain amount of points to go to a particular university." Modern languages (German & Spanish) "The most important thing is to have a university qualification." "I went by high speed train." "I took a flight to Changsha." "Changsha is one of the hottest cities in China." "When my flight landed..." thirty-eight degrees "The temperature in Changsha was 7 degrees higher than in Shanghai." flight attendant(s) "The flight attendant announced that the temperature in Changsha was 38 degrees." 'to announce' = to say something to an audience (group of people) "The weather's been really cold lately; yesterday, it was 15 and today it's 13!" "The wind almost blew me over." 'to blow someone over' (phrasal verb) "Most of the time, we worked well together but, in the end, things didn't work out." "Have you met many memorable students?" "My town is well-connected to other places." "Royston is at a crossroads." Inner Mongolia "He wouldn't want us to be sad." "They've passed away." "My grandfather died when I was a baby." "The woman died in 1992." "My grandparents on my dad's side have died (passed away)." "I've been to a lot of beautiful European countries and cities." "If you've been double vaccinated, it's quite easy to travel." "I've been vaccinated." "You need two doses of the vaccine." "You can choose which vaccine to have." "AbbVie is one of the top ten pharmaceutical companies in the world." "Having less responsibility is less stressful." "There's less pressure in lower positions." 'to bear responsibility' "If you want to earn more money, you need to bear greater responsibility." "You have to decide whether it's worth it." "It makes me sound like I lack ambition." "We have to choose our priorities." "You can live to work." "You can work to live." 'behind your back' "Changsha is the capital city of Hunan province." "I've been working as a project manager for 9 years." "I've been working as a project manager since I graduated." technicality "I want to improve my English so that I can speak to people in English speaking countries." The Netherlands (Holland) 16:10=ten past four "You can choose to have breakfast when you like." "Each transaction produces 272g of e-waste on average." "We have to convert everything in our heads." (brains) "I'm comparing Chinese and English food." "I'm making a comparison between Chinese and English food." By comparison... (to compare) "Bitcoin mining produces more e-waste than an iPhone 13." "She was very happy when she turned 13 but she's not so happy now she's turning 30." "Expectations of men and women in society are different." day in, day out (every day) - "In Shanghai, people work overtime day in, day out." "Even though I like my job, I still miss certain parts (aspects) of my last job." "I caught him at a bad time." "He took out his frustration on me." "I think I was treated unfairly." "My sister said that I should speak to the HR department if I think I was treated unfairly."

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-01-13 23:02:25 新加坡

    outdoors / outside indoors / inside an outdoor area condominium condo condom outdoor swimming pool HDB hairdresser barbers a barbershop a cut-throat razor execute= to be killed by the government penalty = a punishment imposed for breaking a law, rule, or contract. "the charge carries a maximum penalty of ten years' imprisonment" phenomenon Dumb English the death penalty a sex worker / a prostitute

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-01-18 10:04:59 新加坡

    Brazil North America Central America South America _Notes_ • my money *goes further* when I travel • they are *renowned* for their football • I think this job is *closer aligned with* my interests • I used to think that the job was just *a means to an end* • the work became *monotonous* _How would you correct (or improve) these phrases / sentences_? I have living in Shanghai for a long time _Pronunciation & Intonation_ asterisk House of Cards • I used to work in *recruitment* • I used to work in *headhunting* • do you _consume content_ in English? • you could try to *recall* our conversation • what do you like to *get up to* in your free time? photographs *Are you really into* art? Are you *a keen swimmer* ? I don't *stand a chance* at winning in basketball We *consider* basketball to be very American tennis rugby cricket table tennis is a very *fast paced* game it's *a non-contact* sport I can *defend myself* in badminton I can *hold my own* in badminton I can *put up a good fight* I *strongly recommend* looking for various examples of these words / expressions online Google is your best friends The Cambridge Online Dictionary is your second-best friend she *posted* her videos on social media I don't know if she will *have my back*

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-01-22 23:44:07 新加坡

    Other countries friends → international friends Burning the candle at both ends → working hard (in the morning and late at night). Diligent = hard-working Example: I am a very diligent (努力) worker, and often burn the candle at both ends so that I can improve in my work. “I can read her like an open book” “her face is an open book” 一看就知道他在想什么 Prestigious = famous + well-known E.g. prestigious university Connections 人脉 Influential people Part-time Masters Night-school 20k-40k gbp p/y Cambridge Oxford VISA Rabbit → to High profit margins 3 parts: Two targets → a) Health (not healthy). Fatty food/ rich food. b) Marriage. c) Career → how are you better than everyone else? Or how can you market yourself as better than everyone else? “Who you know, not what you know” 人脉 Scholarships 500gbp 4000RMB Expensive gym/health club in Singapore → MBS health club Banyan Tree Fitness Club Yoga club PHD “Tied down” Average age to get married: 31 for a woman 33 for a man Marriage is for life 30 → 50 years 33 → 47 years There is no “right” person → they are made through the relationship Compatible = you can work well together Ideas about: -money / children / travel / politics/ family situations (good family)/

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-01-31 23:31:10 新加坡

    melatonin Life hack (informal). : a usually simple and clever tip or technique for accomplishing some familiar task more easily and efficiently. "Life hacks," as they are known, are all about eliminating life's manifold frustrations in simple and deliciously clever ways. Life hack = A life hack (or life hacking) is any trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method that increases productivity and efficiency, in all walks of life. The term was primarily used by computer experts who suffer from information overload or those with a playful curiosity in the ways they can accelerate their workflow in ways other than programming. Using melatonin to help with adjusting to new timezones is a useful life hack. rubberband elastic band to lay (someone) off

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-02-02 23:00:10 新加坡

    the birth rate pension Japanese people Syria refugee When people start families with people from other countries, it brings the world closer together.

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