  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-02-07 23:31:24 新加坡

    The video and audio are out of sync Have you heard about these exams? prestigious ACADEMIC VS GENERAL IELTS/TOEFL I'm not sure if it's worth it. part-time education full-time education MOOC = Massive Open Online Course online courses / education Better Call Saul Breaking Bad I was watching a TV series at the spa. READING ATOMIC HABITS TOGETHER

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-02-20 22:33:16 新加坡

    successful take advantage of me She takes advantage of me He doesn't keep his promises He didn't keep his promise good side // bad side good side of his character I trusted my boss _______as he expected They weren't truly hard-working They didn't actually devoted themselves to work as I did devote* didn't take part in _____ They had no goals Their performance wasn't excellent After I left that company, ______ honest person Then you won't be disappointed reflect 反应 traumatized by this experience I was fooled What goes around, comes around They all had left teammates // workmates // colleagues I was traumatized by that experience I was feeling down I was feeling a little bit depressed exploit being exploited 50 years lease red tape 官僚主义 specific // special

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-03-14 22:59:08 新加坡

    Singapore often has rain. It rains in Singapore more often than The trees in Singapore are taller than in Shanghai. The Dominican Republic What does the name "Dominic" mean? a prestigious name Our teacher asked us to choose an English name. It's not a name that your parents give you, it's a name that you choose. I'm considering going to the US for a job. She was a product manager. Sometimes I go to Malaysia for travel. I have to go through customs. customers [kah-sta-merz] - people who buy products/services customs [kah-stemz] - the government department that collects taxes on imported products Sometimes you have to wait 3 hours to check in. Malaysian dollars are cheaper than Singapore's. The US dollar is more stronger. I can work overseas and earn more. After I graduated, I joined an online financial company. At that time, everyone who bought BTC earned a lot of money. Their profits were more than their losses. It was a bull market. In tradition companies your career can hit a ceiling. I was afraid that I couldn't contribute more to the company. I joined another crypto-exchange. There is a lot of negative news about Binance. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OBBr6hdFQIhjZ5aIU12Jxj80eDGhIBNadBmG_5nyvjg/edit

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-03-31 16:06:29 新加坡

    The speaker discusses three points related to user retention. Firstly, they suggest improving the overall retention of products by implementing features such as cool-down periods for users who have lost money to prevent emotional trading. Secondly, they recommend focusing on retaining users who trade multiple products, and finding ways to encourage this behavior. Lastly, they suggest implementing measures to prevent loss of institutional, VIP, and ROI trader clients, and exploring ways to bring back users who have left the platform. The speaker emphasizes the importance of user retention for both users and the company's revenue growth, and suggests that improving retention should be a priority. 这段话主要涉及到如何提高公司的留存率,提高用户生命周期,从而增长收入。其中,留存率的提高可以从产品的角度入手,例如通过在产品中加入提醒功能,帮助用户保持冷静和控制情绪,避免不必要的交易和亏损。此外,从整体的用户行为链路入手,帮助用户发现多交易产品的人比只交易一个产品的人留存率更高,从而鼓励用户尝试更多的产品。对于一些影响交易最大的用户(如机构、VIP和ROI交易者),可以通过RM联系他们,及时解决问题,提高留存率。在用户流失时,可以通过一些召回措施尽量将他们拉回来。综合起来,留存率的提高对于用户和公司都有好处,因此应该在产品和用户角度上共同努力。

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-04-11 00:26:28 新加坡

    Talking about Online Shopping "Analysist" -> "analyst" (3 syllables) "Very cheaper" -> "much cheaper" "I'm considering to buy it" -> "I'm considering buying it" —————— Solving a Logistics Problem receipt - /rɪˈsiːt/ visitor /ˈvɪzɪtə/ ———— Talking about Personal Qualities sprained I sprained my ankle They took an x-ray net income (your income after tax). National Insurance (includes national health insurance, unemployment benefits, disability benefits and the state pension). Income Tax (used to pay for things such as the armed forces, government schools, etc.) department - work apartment - home make me more stronger ----> make me much stronger/make me stronger (note that 'stronger' is already comparative, so no need to add the 'more'). At first she told me I'm fracture ----> At first she told me I had fractured it (you had fractured your foot or ankle). you cannot to ----> you cannot (we don't use 'to' or 'ing' with any modal verb: can, could, should, would, will, must, might, may, shall). healthy insurance ----> health insurance (compound noun). most of people ----> most people (general - 一般的)/most of the people (specific - 具体的). when talking about proportions of things, we usually use 'of the' together

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-04-12 10:32:27 新加坡

    2017, 2023, etc... tedious job, boring movie (difference between these) frequency, frequently (noun and adverb) totally and in total (difference between these) in total we stay -> stayed her, his (difference between these) another questions -> another question -> other questions present simple and past simple tense (difference between these) I contact him recently -> I contacted him recently I like this person since 6 years ago -> I like this person we meet 6 years ago -> we met 6 years ago we met March -> in March he go back -> he went back -> you went back we lose -> lost he care -> he cares phone numbers -> phone number

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-04-16 13:18:41 新加坡

    4/12 今日最重要三件事: 1.把OKR再看一遍,确认下Q2季度的重心【☑️】 2.把KOL推送反馈机制做完【☑️】 3.tableau1个半小时课程看完 4/13 今日最重要的三件事情: 1.根据领导的反馈,修改OKR 【☑️】 2.增加其他区域的KOL推送 3.把tableau工具看板,一边看一边写笔记。 剩余要做的 1.买菜,家里没菜了,半小时内 【☑️】 2.锻炼身体,搜一些简单的运动,至少10分钟。 3.英文总结,至少2课,45分钟内完成 4.社交,结识新朋友,半小时内 【☑️】 复盘: 和学习分享有关的事情,总是在拖延。 还是那句话,在没有完成正事前,不要看娱乐八卦+听音乐+回忆过去等等。 要提高自己的时间价值,每一秒都是对未来的投资,要珍惜宝贵的时间和注意力资源。 今日还需思考的事情: 利他Vs利己的关系,什么是正确的消费观。 4/15 周末愉快,今天最重要的三件事是: 1.买一双新运动鞋【☑️】 2.社交,结识新朋友,交换新信息,投资机会,行业机会,web3等【☑️】 ——有和吉隆坡的房地产经纪人聊天 3.了解保险相关的事情【☑️】 剩余要做的 1.锻炼身体,做一些简单的运动 2.英文总结,至少2课 3.社交,结识新朋友,吸取新信息

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-04-18 11:16:40 新加坡

    4/18 每日自省:你今天有哪些缺憾、或者值得反思与改进的事情? 昨天晚上凌晨2点才睡,今天早上8点醒来后,又听了会音乐放松。 实际操作下来发现,听音乐时工作效率会降低,思考也会变得更感性,白天还是应该减少听音乐。 我发现对自己来说,听音乐和其他人打网游一样,是个挺有瘾的事情。 【克制一下听音乐的时间,适度放松,工作日不超过15分钟,周末不超过30分钟】 【早睡早起,闹钟定好,提醒自己睡觉】 昨天公司自助晚宴,吃了很多甜食,今天长胖了 【每顿一拳头碳水,一巴掌蛋白质,两拳头蔬菜,每条吃了多少,心中有数,进食前思考5秒】

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-04-19 15:15:19 新加坡

    4/19 昨天花费时间最多的是:看医生,恢复windows系统,和保险顾问聊天 工作相关:看了一些web3的内容 保险顾问推荐了两只可投资的基金,可以再多了解下 公交车,看到车上有坐着轮椅的人,手脚受伤,仿佛残疾,感叹生活不易,珍惜幸福。 今日重要三事: 1.关心下扭伤康复,流感严重,注意防护带口罩 2.📈 BI 2023 Q2 key projects 3.搭建行动项仪表盘 当不必为生活而出售自己的时间,你还会不断做的事是什么? 和朋友聊了新加坡好大夫的构思,等过段时间可以考虑写下business proposal

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-04-22 09:41:02 新加坡

    Talking about Product Recalls 产品和服务 Canopies to strangle choking entangled a decade reassure 180 Hitalk-L8-midterm test Some new words/expressions encountered today were: I am sorry for being late Tomb Sweeping Festival partner Silicon Valley Bank furniture domestic appliances firstly, secondly, thirdly, fourthly, ... lastly Some grammatical corrections from this test were: my ideal friend is who is honest and friendly -----> my ideal friend is someone who is honest and friendly What is 'partner' mean? ----> What does 'partner' mean? At first, he should be nice ----> Firstly, he should be nice treat us patient ---> treat us well/be patient when I was in Shanghai, have a roommate very unpolite ----> when I was in Shanghai, I had a roommate who was very impolite who always shopping ----> who always goes shopping not very frequency -----> not very frequently I shopping alone ----> I go shopping alone Yesterday, I talking about this ----> Yesterday, I was talking about this Some words to practise to saying out loud after the test are: Covid deliver food frequently

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-04-24 09:16:38 新加坡

    4/23 1.看完tableau ——入门级别终于看完了,没有实操,看完很多忘记,需要多练习 2.托福准备计划,准备申请硕士 3.晚上英文课 4.金沙抽奖,思考医疗行业创业的事情 5.简历更新和求职准备 7.考虑添置新加坡保险&国内保险 8.转PR申请 需要提高的事情: 1.今天也浪费了好多时间,可以找个环境好点的地方学习,图书馆等。 2.感觉饮食还是控制得不好,一拳头碳水,一巴掌蛋白质,两拳头蔬菜。

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-04-24 21:48:28 新加坡

    Verbs: Phrasal Verbs surgery, surgeon (difference between these) thumb recover, recovery (verb and noun) crutches he said I am serious/I have a serious problem (difference between these) exaggerate wall painting he wants to break into the house, he is trying to break in (difference between these) near, nearby (difference between these) You seem to be gradually picking up a natural speaking grammar from listening English-speaking in the classroom. Try to fix these grammatical mistakes: they are argue -> they are arguing she like -> she likes two men is running -> two men are running

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-04-28 22:43:12 新加坡

    Talking about Decision Making Practice the pronunciation of the following words: dinner advantages Add these words/expressions to your vocabulary: get the backing interested knowledge -> we are interested in knowledge grow up, grow (difference between these) more work life balance -> better work-life balance -> bad work-life balance for my opinion -> in my opinion people are concerned about something decisions imposed on staff make up your mind search something, search for something (difference between these) agree someone -> agree with someone Try to fix these grammatical mistakes: I working -> I work we are listen -> we listen leader decide -> decides boss give -> gives

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-04-29 11:19:40 新加坡

    Placing and Handling Orders Add these words/expressions to your vocabulary: dispatch and delivery (difference between these) run out of something Try to fix these grammatical mistakes: others colleagues -> other colleagues -> others -> another colleague he don't -> doesn't it is means -> it means

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-04-30 15:02:16 新加坡

    4/30 1.完成tableau学习4小时 2.英语口语半小时 3.写笔记、心得、文章、关于经济与web3

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-05-01 13:22:07 新加坡

    Acting on Research Niche market two thousand and one (2001) complacent competitive edge It RAN an advertising campaign It WENT into partenrnship It BECAME a private company.. turnover GREW 14% When I landed A partnership WITH... PROVIDE a better product and service It is difficult to ensure consistent quality. Once a month (not - one time one month) two times a week

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-05-09 11:48:43 新加坡

    Talking about Different Opinions sailor, seller air snake and snacks (difference in pronunciation) easy game -> game is easy to beat -> simple game simple and easy (difference between these) types of games, football game, video game fixed working schedule it lacks human touch sales department, salesmen, salespeople (difference between these) cafeteria vending machines annual bonus 1 year is 15 days -> we have 15 days of annual leave per year ignore what is means -> what does this mean? -> what is the meaning of something?

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-06-10 21:13:14 新加坡

    35岁做过的医美总结分享:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiD36lesZcE 1.尽量不要做注射类美容(尤其玻尿酸不要做),可以视情况考虑botox 2.刷酸比热玛吉效果还有效,超声刀作用于筋膜层(40岁以前不用考虑,不建议做超过三次) 3.激光脱毛可以考虑

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-08-08 23:21:32 新加坡

    20230710 今日最重要的三件事: 1.基本盘:初步制定Q3 OKR 2.完成Q3仪表盘,整理自助取数SQL 3.技能学习榜:tableau 熟练+python采集+量化金融 20230805 周六 from《小狗钱钱》,成为有钱人的理由: 1.让自己和家人有最好的医疗保障和服务 2.让自己和家人有高质量的生活,所有好吃的食物好看的衣服想学习的知识技能都能获得,而不用考虑金钱; 3.提前退休,或者选择只做自己喜欢的工作,把工作当成乐趣而不是谋生手段。 20230807 周一 75分 工作——有效工作时间7.5h,上班时间6h,学习时间1.5h 重要⭐️⭐️⭐️: 1.完成tableau初级第七节复习-预计2小时内,晚上8:00-10:00 ——【今日学习1.5小时】 2.活动自助Googlesheet完成。 2小时内 3.客服数据熟悉。1小时 不重要⭐️: 4.weekly brief通晒 1小时 5.周会及行动项 1.5小时 6.DISC相关 0.5小时 健康: 1.运动半小时,走路或者散步,拍风景,下班后。 ——【未完成】 2.饮食健康不油腻。 社交: 1.花费半小时在社交相关的事情上,建立有意义的社交关系

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-08-09 12:04:31 新加坡

    20230808 周二 65分 工作 1.活动相关,熟悉如何搭建自助看板,调整逻辑等 1h 【☑️】 2.review OKR 1h【☑️】 3.客服相关 熟悉数据底层 ——这个没做 4.tableau学习,完成第七节 1h【☑️】 健康168.4 明天体重不要涨: 1.到公司以后,不吃零食,不喝饮料【☑️】 2.运动半小时,走路或者散步 社交:装一款新的社交软件 其他重要事宜:申请 自省: 1.运动量不够,每天抽半小时快走、跑步,达到微微出汗的强度。 2.按摩体验差,要么好店,要么不去,不然浪费时间。 幸福感:明天新加坡国庆,有些期待

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-09-22 20:39:49 新加坡

    要做的事情还有很多,幸福不会从天而降,美好的生活要努力创造 明天要参加义工活动~ 活动:冰皮月饼制作与发放 日期: - 培训课程:9月23日,下午4:00 - 6:00 - 主活动:9月24日,早上7:00开始(活动提供早午餐) 地点:MacPherson CC, Paya Lebar Way,400号,新加坡,379131 着装要求:请穿上文华狮子会义工服。如果这是您首次参加,我们将在现场为您发放义工服。 1.要买合适的洗发水、洗面奶 2.好好思考自己的人生大事和职业发展

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-10-11 14:39:13 新加坡

    工作: 1.季度OKR聚焦,思考价值方向Next step,我要做什么接下来 2.CS OKR复盘,key action 3.Vip需求整理 排期 4.CS 赔偿金 预警,客服行为原因深层分析 5.对大数据的期望 ☑️ 6.稍微想想看自助看板 健康: 1.买好东西 2.练背 教学 or 找教练 找场地 提高效率 3.网球网球,游泳游泳 社交: 1.keep 自信,淡定,耐心,尊重,对未来更好的期待

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-11-09 21:53:28 新加坡

    Were you bored with your hair? Why did you dye your hair? hairdresser hairdresser (for women) barber (for men) "It's difficult to dye black hair blonde." South America Brazil "I went to South America." "My brother lives in South America." Paraguay "I've heard of Paraguay before." Ba-La-Gui brother "My brother lives in Paraguay." 我哥哥住在巴拉圭。 Google employees 'to put a lot of effort into something' = "I've put a lot of effort into working on my KPI." "He has very high expectations." 'to comb through something' (check in detail) shift pattern [PA-turn] "I need to buy eggs, bread and milk." reliable (adj.) AI (Artificial Intelligence) "I joined this industry almost two years ago." "I can't work in this industry in China." black market 15th (fifteenth) risky (adj.) 擦边球 edge ball "It's not technically illegal but it's on the edge." 擦边球 (idiom) familiarity "I'm familiar with this concept." concept [KON-sept] elegant (beautiful and stylish) "She was wearing an elegant dress." elegant [E-lu-gunt] "The elegant elephant walks slowly." "The elegant elephant walks elegantly." tongue twister (拗口令) 司马光砸缸 司马光 is a name but the 光 similar 缸 "The characters sound similar." behavior (USA) / behaviour (UK) ______or / _______our neighbor (USA) neighbour (UK) "His behaviour was confusing." Austria Australia Austrian German High German behaviour (singular) behaviours (plural) 'Behaviour' is normally used as a singular noun. psychology psychologist (person) behaviours (formal) "That child's behaviour is terrible." "We would normally associate these behaviours with people suffering from certain disorders." Objective & Key Results Regulatory Compliance in European, North American, and Other Regions Europe (place) / America (place) European (adjective) / American (adjective) European region North American region money laundering money laundering Snap! card game "Snap is a card game." "We've left the UK market." legalised viable (adj.) "It's not (financially) viable to work in these countries' markets." prosecute "We would be at risk of prosecution if we continued to operate (work) in these countries." prosecution (noun) 'to prosecute' 'at risk of prosecution' "We could be prosecuted for operating in these markets." math knowledge graph insights "I can share some insights with you." 'to make predictions' "We can make predictions about rises and falls in the market based on events." "I'm not in a hurry." = "I'm not in a rush." "I'm preparing while I still have time." ceiling (noun) "It's not like ten years ago; things have changed and there aren't as many options nowadays." "A lot of companies have laid off their staff, especially in the US." 'to be made redundant' = "He was made redundant." low profile 'to keep a low profile' = "I'm keeping a low profile." "If it's not broken, don't try to fix it." "We have respect for each other." = "We have mutual respect." mutual (both directions) https://1drv.ms/w/s!AisoYmI2Yfelgb4L7E_mPQQ9uMp1cg?e=xbj8PW

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2023-11-09 22:03:41 新加坡

    too---also regions----countries scammers Binary $300 more risks Every quarter delete quarterly Promo Code Vouchers distribution proportions of bonuses across different systems. remind or remember proportion---equal or balance you are not good friend with your boss small possibility manipulate Your working space is very TOXIC. not stable Unstable $20,000 36000 16000 16-digit number 0.0000000000006 btc 0.0000000000006 1btc Kindly confirm our lesson complete, rate me a stars and write me a comments.

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2024-05-31 10:34:34 新加坡

    说真的,很奇怪,以往每次我的工作遇到挫折,都很快地收拾好自己,继续往前走了。 一般我总是在很短的时间找到了薪水更高的工作,并且再下一份工作更加努力投入,但这一次,我觉得我丧失的,不仅仅是对这份工作的热情,还有对工作本身的热情。 我其实不太想寻找新工作,我感觉工作不是很快乐,似乎就在一个轮回里,我不断地尝试,然后迎来更大的挑战,或者说更大的失败,有时候我赢了,有时候我输了,但我没有挣脱这个轮回。 即使找到了一份薪资更高的工作,似乎也没有从根本上解决我的职业困境。 我做了很多年PM,我很幸运地能看到一个需求从诞生到上线,到多个需求茁壮发展为产品的全过程,我觉得我积累了很多有用的经验,只是过去没有有意识地做总结,所以没有沉淀出真正能产生商业价值的方法论。 如果能够把过往每一个项目的心得、收获出来,相信一定能帮到许多同业者。既然我得到了如此之多的机会,而这些机会在很多人眼里看来,都是很不错甚至艳羡的。 可是我始终觉得,我没有找到真正有价值可复用的东西,这导致了当我进入新项目时,遗忘了上份工作最核心的价值,实际上,过往做过的上百万单价的项目,随便一个,如果自己能够真正掌握,现在大概也就能够更接近心中理想的模样。

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2024-06-02 16:32:53 新加坡

    我的人生使命是什么?世界因为我会变的有什么不同? 我希望通过科技帮助世界获得进步和变革,减少贫穷、饥饿、疾病,促进富足、友谊、爱,让更多人感受到生活的美好。 五年后,我希望能够成为跨国公司高管,拥有影响和推动行业发展的力量,并借助这样的力量团结更多人造福各行各业。 也希望婚姻幸福,家庭美满,父母顺心,晚年安康,儿女健康成长,有一俩知心好友,互相牵挂关心。 不自行放弃拥有并守护美好的能力,爱是一件很难的事,是需要两个人一样成熟和强大,其中包括自己,而自己是我们唯一能把握的东西。 独立、健康、信任、成长型思维、 愿景与文化 、提供更多价值 把考试成功,变成“精通一个专业,成为这个领域中的高手”; 把升职加薪,变成“做着有价值的工作,得到很多人的认可和尊敬”; 把结婚生子,变成“付出很多爱,也得到很多爱,体验爱的温暖和珍贵”。 我的价值观排序:爱 坚定 平静 思考 自由(责任) 谨言慎行、要学会保护好自己、有一定的防备心理,俗话说‘害人之心不可有、防人之心不可无’

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2024-06-02 21:54:31 新加坡

    1.审美意识→过着美好的生活↑只有在热爱状态下的人才是最美的 2.热爱→热衷于想做的事↑一旦决定做出成果就会沉迷其中 3.成果→追求成果,也给别人带去好的成果↑认真做喜欢的事,会得到成果 4.好奇心→随兴趣行动↑不迷茫的话很容易遵从好奇心行动 5.简单→过少有彷徨、潇洒的生活

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2024-06-04 20:51:32 新加坡

    Your boss keeps climbing the corporate ladder but you feel stagnant You wear different hats

  • Bonnie
  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2024-06-23 22:13:57 新加坡

    关于如何实现我的人生理想 1.健康饮食,锻炼身体,心情愉悦,不自我PUA,多鼓励自己,爱自己,遇到问题修正即可,不要否定自己 2.要用心对待爱自己的人,每周至少要花半小时,制造高质量的相处体验(家人、朋友、爱人) 3.投入地工作,获取自己想要的成果,体系化地沉淀下来,让价值保存和传播。 今天去了南部山脊,给不知名的植物拍了照片。意外逛到了谷歌家大楼,吃到了赞赞的牛肉面。 最近要做的事情:去银行更新身份证信息、买理财或者更高收益的货基

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2024-07-02 23:51:09 新加坡

    今天去游泳了,吃到了1新币的牛奶巧克力冰激凌,喝了一杯椰子咖啡。 最近我每天都很平静,感受到怡然的快乐。

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2024-07-05 23:12:55 新加坡

    7/5 周五-遇见未来闪闪发光的自己 社交:11点与保险顾问聊天1小时,对财务规划有兴趣,想了解保险行业 最近的问题:漫无目的刷小红书太长时间了,要养成更健康的爱好,比如读书或者运动 最近要做的事情: 1.Send CV for new companies,每天选30个公司 2.Defi 学习 3.徒步 运动 hiking 游泳 4.雅思 托福 preparation

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2024-07-09 23:25:39 新加坡

    7/9 周二 因为收到了很多面试,所以想放缓一下投递简历 最近的问题:吃了很多糖,饮食还是需要调整,少喝高糖咖啡,适度吃碳水,每顿饭一拳头

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2024-08-13 15:44:40 湖南

    Hong Kong is an autonomous city. Regarding cloning people, the jury's still out. before I get this job = Before I got this job I'm prepare = I'm preparing Weakness: I'm not quite fluent in English, however I am taking English classes with a reputable (well known) company such as EF Online payments 6 cardinal (important) pillars Payments links (Opposite of terminal) Checkout (finished transaction) Elements (Flexible UI components) Terminal (in person transactions) Radar (detect fraud) Authorization Strength: I have extensive knowledge, coupled with experience that puts me in the forefront of the Fintech industry. For example

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2024-08-24 16:22:27 湖南

    Tennessee – known for country music and Taylor Swift efchristinek@gmail.com hiking walk... swimming... yoga dancing... go hiking by foot... mountain biking... trail riding... go to the gym... Pilates... trekking... running play tennis... camping... I bought in the past... I stopped using it... treadmill...I like it because you can adjust it for yourself. I recently helped a friend choose a racquet paddle - paddle racquet goggles, swimming cap... dumb bells - it lost its effectiveness... free weights... ...a pair of shoes... ...clothes... workout... durable ergonomic affordable versatile adjustable expensive collapsible effective boring... light heavy high quality

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie (过好现在) 楼主 2024-09-03 23:33:22 湖南

    2020-11-29 22:21:59 11/23-73.5-(11/20-71.6)周末考试吃多了,✘烧烤(高油脂)+碳水 1.CFA:押题B券上午完成,调节身心状态,尽快适应考试节奏 2.上下班快走+饮食健康+准备考试可以适量多吃,以不饿为标准 ------牛奶+豆皮鸡蛋夹馍+一小袋板栗 3. ✔Xlab big event rehearsal&thanksgiving,✔Monthly Report 理财:考虑保险+养老+医疗(必需+非必需)+购房+购车 2012~2013 基本生活开销+房租 2013.07~2017.05 SPA 2万+健身2万+意大利旅游1.4万+学钢琴5000 2017.5~2020 健身(连锁2万+工作室1万)+SPA1万+旅游西北/重庆成都5000 羊绒7000(2017/11)+包包1.25万(2019/4)+羊绒3.5万(2020/11) Total15万( 物件5.5万 健身5万 钢琴5000 SPA3万 旅游5000) ★现金流到达百万级前,克制一下奢侈品购物欲

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