都來寫出自己的Top 10吧!


来自: Griet(Wir kommen wieder.)
2009-10-01 03:06:31

  • sam

    sam (心之所向 素履以往) 2009-10-01 14:51:34

    我的top ten 是 1: All These Things I've Done (心目中绝对NO。1) . . . . . . 2: Don't Shoot Me Santa (这首歌好怀旧,好伤感,好激昂) 3: Human (唱K必点!) 4: A Great Big Sled (圣诞单曲,感觉温馨) 5: Believe Me Natalie (最具复古风的歌曲) 6: Uncle Jonny (粗犷的曲风,超级喜欢) 7: Jenny Was a Friend of Mine (据说是小花最喜欢的,我也喜欢^_^) 8: Tranquilize (刚开始听觉得旋律很古怪,也因此喜欢) 9: When You Were Young (经典killers曲风!演唱会的结尾曲!) 10: Sam's Town (开头的吉他,帅! i see london,i see sam's town ~~~)

  • Griet

    Griet (Wir kommen wieder.) 楼主 2009-10-02 04:34:18

    All These Things I've Done是很棒。 那句“I got a soul, but I'm not a solider”被很多人翻唱啊。 War Child上,The Killers和U2, Coldplay合唱,都挑這首歌:)

  • sam

    sam (心之所向 素履以往) 2009-10-03 12:16:39

    我是因为All These Things I've Done喜欢上killers的,呵呵,从此一发不可收拾

  • 踹踹

    踹踹 (是时候) 2009-10-07 19:37:50

    有点难 因为我是变动的 1. All These Things I've Done Jenny, Sam's Town ,When A Dustland Fairytale , When You Were Young ,Read My Mind , Human,这些得并列吧。

  • Griet

    Griet (Wir kommen wieder.) 楼主 2009-10-08 02:59:16

    其實我最最最最最愛的一首啊,是他們翻唱Dire Straits的那首《Romeo & Juliet》。 他們翻得太好听了。Brandon表演的特別出色。

  • Armourland

    Armourland (All Things Bright & Beautiful) 2009-10-09 00:33:21

    好难选。。。。 1.Mr. Brightside (我听killers的第一首歌) 2.Read My Mind 3.Indie Rock & Roll 4.Sweet Talk 5.Human 6.All These Things That I've Done 7.This River Is Wild 8.Romeo & Juliet 9.Sam's Town 10.When You Were Young 还有好多,Bones,Spaceman,Neon Tiger,Tranquilize。。。。

  • Griet

    Griet (Wir kommen wieder.) 楼主 2009-10-09 03:21:21

    MS很多人的第一首Killers歌都是Mr Brightside呀:) 官网上排名,這首是第一名:)

  • sam

    sam (心之所向 素履以往) 2009-10-09 21:35:25

    .When You Were Young 是我第一首认识的KILLERS歌,当时我还觉得不好听— —

  • forca

    forca 2009-10-10 22:00:48


  • ikewell

    ikewell 2010-01-02 10:06:12

    1.somebody told me (因为是第一首歌在好几年前大概03年左右吧,还是初中生的时候晚上103.7会放TOP40,这首就上榜了从此爱上了) 2.Jenny was a friend of mine (越听越爱,不会腻的,可惜没有MV) 3.everything will be alright(很悲伤,我喜欢) 4.when you were young(MV很有感觉,曲风也很有气势) 5.Tranquilize(第一次听音调无比怪,很诡异,但是听多了发现味道就来了) 6.human(说不出喜欢理由,囧) 7.Mr Brightside(貌似也是初中时,西行记还在上海台放的时候这首蝉联几个礼拜的榜首哦) 8.Bling(喜欢他的歌词) 9.A White Demon Love Song(算新歌吧,越听越爱听,歌词也喜欢) 10.Believe Me Natalie/sam's town/read my mind/Romeo And Juliet(也很爱,算是一等)

  • lilalila

    lilalila 2010-01-05 16:54:24

    this river is wild

  • Kaolla

    Kaolla 2010-01-14 22:03:18

    1. A dustland fairytale 2.Mr. brightside 3.all these things that's i've done 4.glamorous indie rock and roll 5.sam's towm 6.bones 7.my list 8.this river is wild 9.tranquilize 10.where the white boys dance 排名不分先后. =x=

  • 刺挠

    刺挠 (raison d'être) 2010-01-16 14:34:47

    每首歌都不太一样啊- =囧 最喜欢 HUMAN

  • 地瓜FUN

    地瓜FUN (Cowards die in shame!) 2010-01-16 16:09:03

    我听他们的第一首歌是Human···然后就开始把他们所有的歌都载来听了 我发现我跟楼上的是一样的 直到现在最喜欢的还是HUMAN··

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-01-17 22:32:05


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-02-24 21:52:05


  • nz-1

    nz-1 2010-02-24 22:44:18

    其實我最最最最最愛的一首啊,是他們翻唱Dire Straits的那首《Romeo & Juliet》。 他們翻得太好听了。Brandon表演的特別出色。 ============================================================= me too 有一天突然看到胆敢有乐队翻唱心目中的神曲,正准备开喷。。。后来发现翻得还真不错,虽然编曲方面简单了很多,但是主唱演绎得真不差,唱得很凄美。于是开始喜欢上the killers。。。

  • 小熊猫

    小熊猫 (baby nono) 2010-02-28 10:35:58

    1: When You Were Young 2: Read My Mind 3: Mr Brightside 4: This Is Your Life (没人喜欢?) 5: Human 6: Spaceman 7: Jenny Was a Friend of Mine 8: Tranquilize 9: Sam's Town 10: All These Things I've Done 11: Sweet Talk 12: A Crippling Blow

  • 大胡妹

    大胡妹 (革鸣的小推车!) 2010-02-28 11:22:22

    Jenny was a friend of mine 生活中果然有个jenny,她和我很好哦,呵呵呵

  • 无人应答

    无人应答 (2020.2.6) 2010-03-01 10:04:46

    觉得都好听!难以抉择啊…… 1: Sam's town(像讲故事一样娓娓道来) 2: A dustland fairytale(既洋溢着悲伤又充满了希望) 3: when U were young(积极地充满力量) 4: This is your life(喜欢那句U Know, I'am on your side) 5: This river is wild(I've been trying hard to do what's right, But U know I could stay here all night) 6: Tranquilize(经典呐) 7: Mr Brightside(听到的killers的第一首歌 也是喜欢的第一首歌) 8: Read my mind(喜欢的第二首) 9: All these things that I've done(被词后深深喜欢的) 10: Human(Are we human or are we dancer,只可意会不可言传那)

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-03-06 03:36:06


  • J日日野J

    J日日野J 2010-03-07 16:27:58

    1:sweet talk 2: show you how 3: under the gun 4: Goodnight, Travel Well 5: The World We Live In 6: This Is Your Life 7 Human 8 When You Were Young 9 Smile Like You Mean It 10 Glamorous Indie Rock And Roll

  • 果果桑

    果果桑 (空欢喜) 2010-03-07 21:26:05

    1.human 2.Mr. brightside 3.A dustland fairytale 4.spaceman 5.when you were young

  • Legato

    Legato (真实最可贵) 2010-03-14 14:20:54


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-03-18 09:34:20


  • britpunk

    britpunk (还能britpunk多久) 2010-03-18 10:11:49

    1.All These Things I've Done 2.Human 3.Somebody Told Me 4.Mr. Brightside 5.This Is Your Life 6.Read My Mind 7.Sam's Town 8.For Reasons Unknown 9.A Crippling Blow 10.Bones

  • 一点一点

    一点一点 (云计算与占星术) 2010-03-18 13:55:28

    1 read my mind 2 read my mind 3 read my mind 4 read my mind 5 read my mind 6 read my mind 7 read my mind 8 read my mind 9 read my mind 10 read my mind

  • Apr falls I'll

    Apr falls I'll 2010-03-18 22:26:05

    1.this is your life 2.human 3.spaceman 4.Mr.Brightside 5.all these things I've done 6.change your mind 7.read my mind 8.somebody told me 9.a crippling blow 10.sam's town

  • 黑脸少年雷雨田

    黑脸少年雷雨田 (Shaun Ray) 2010-03-20 11:29:37

    1.Read my mind 2.Mr.Brightside(jacques luconts thin white duke remix) 3.Uncle Jonny 4.Human 5.Sam's Town 6.Mr.Brightside 其他的也就部分上下了。这几个是我最喜欢的

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-05-27 20:00:03


  • O'Wow

    O'Wow 2010-06-13 20:55:34

    木有top 10 只有top all

  • 无人应答

    无人应答 (2020.2.6) 2010-07-01 09:46:40


  • Legato

    Legato (真实最可贵) 2010-07-23 23:55:30

    Don't Shoot Me Santa 居然排不上号? 莫非没多少人听过?

  • konakona5281

    konakona5281 2010-07-31 13:07:46

    大爱Neon Tiger~~

  • 生鱼巴洛克

    生鱼巴洛克 2010-09-15 19:27:08

    没人喜欢那首 和 elton john合唱的better you than me?

  • 刘青猫

    刘青猫 (来了来了说吧说吧) 2010-09-20 18:39:06

    Don't Shoot Me Santa 永远的最爱!

  • Anubis

    Anubis (尽人事后安天命...) 2010-10-07 18:39:57

    1 Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll 之所以排第一是因为很久很久前和朋友们开车出去玩,来回8个小时,当时我车里就只有一盘CD,hot fuss。 所以后来我三个朋友从没有听说过the killers,到最后不停的听这首glamorous indie rock roll 然后齐声高歌stay if you wanna love me stay .....这首歌真的太适合大合唱了 It's Indie Rock & Roll for me. 剩下9首 Mr Brightside When You Were Young All These Things I've Done Read My Mind Joy Ride Human Bones Somebody Told Me This Is Your Life Romeo & Juliet

  • jabberwocky

    jabberwocky 2010-10-09 16:41:21

    Mr.brightside Glamorous Indie Rock&Roll For Reasons Unknown Read My Mind When You Were Young Human Show You How Somebody Told Me Why Do I Keep Counting Ballad of M.Valentine 哎其实都差不多

  • 黄豆

    黄豆 2010-10-13 14:44:53

    on top

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-12-29 23:10:01


  • Darcy

    Darcy 2011-01-09 14:22:56

    Somebody Told Me Believe Me Natalie For Reasons Unknown This River Is Wild All The Things I've Done Sam's Town Bones Mr. Brightside Spaceman Read My Mind

  • OC

    OC (God calling from the hotlines) 2011-01-14 23:11:56

    Indie Rock & Roll Indie Rock & Roll Indie Rock & Roll Indie Rock & Roll Indie Rock & Roll Indie Rock & Roll Indie Rock & Roll Indie Rock & Roll Indie Rock & Roll Read My Mind

  • 万能的喜剧

    万能的喜剧 (礼失,求诸野) 2011-02-09 12:31:35

    All These Things I've Done 经典啊! Sam's Town 整首歌都很大气 Mr.Brightside 也很经典 Smile Like You Mean It 中间那段吉他和后面那段"Someone is calling.."那段很迷幻 When You Were Young Read My Mind Spaceman Losing Touch Under The Gun(kill me now..) This is Your Life

  • 北极星

    北极星 2011-02-12 17:27:40

    1.losing touch心声 2.human 3.read my mind 4.mr.brightside 4.I can't stay 5.Tranquilize

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2011-04-02 16:52:10


  • Molly

    Molly (braveheart.) 2011-10-11 11:56:02

    somebody told me ~~!!!!最爱 ~

  • 豆友53002549

    豆友53002549 2011-10-11 21:35:21


  • 胡椒酱

    胡椒酱 (你不能把这个世界让给你所BS的人) 2012-12-24 17:47:07

    1. Mr. brightside (第一首他们的歌,爱极了MV爱极了小花的眼线) 2. Jenny was a friend of mine(我还真认识个叫jenny的姑娘……喜欢间奏!) 3. read my mind (喜欢那句"Oh well I don't mind, you don't mind. Coz I don't shine if you don't shine") 4. somebody told me (歌词咋就这么嘲呢) 5. i feel it in my bones 6. the world we live in 7. deadlines and commitments

  • 坂

    2013-01-20 04:56:25

    1.Sam's Town 2.Goodnight,Travel Well (聽一遍哭一遍QAQ) 3.This River Is Wild 4.Move Away 5.Under The Gun 6.My List 7.Read My Mind 8.Battle Born 9.A Dustland Fairytale 10.When You Were Young

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2013-01-30 12:37:31


  • Damselfly.

    Damselfly. (footage not found.) 2013-03-26 13:12:24

    1. this river is wide (太振奋了,每次essay写到吐都要靠这首回血) 2. bling (when it shines like gold, you'll remember me歌词太美) 3. dustland fairy tale (royal albert hall的现场每次看都要哭) 4. all these things I have done (太大气了,不敢相信第一砖就能出这样的) 5. read my mind (因为这首开始听杀手的) 6. for reasons unknown (超爱MV啊) 7. don't shoot me santa (超爱穿花毛衣的BRANDON BOY哈哈哈) 8. crippling blow (很中国民歌的感觉,总觉得他们有中国情结,但麻痹还不来) 9. spaceman (三砖是最美颜时期,鸡毛装帅到爆) 10. my list (写给老婆的,嫉妒到哭啊)

  • mu

    mu 2013-08-25 23:47:14

    1 Human 2 Read My Mind 3 Good night, travel well 4 spaceman 5 The world we live in 6 Sam's Town 7 For reasons unknown 8 A dustland fairy tale

  • 米牛牛

    米牛牛 (下雨别忘收衣胡啊!!) 2013-09-23 11:35:05

    【spaceman】排第一!!太好听啦、已经听啦10000多遍啦、还打啦1下鼓、请大家听1哈!!:):) http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjEyNDU4NTky.html

  • momo

    momo (巴啦啦能量) 2020-07-21 10:57:10

    1.Human 2.Mr.Brightside 3.When you were young 4.Miss atomic bomb 5.Shot at the night 6.The man 7.Spaceman 8.Bones 还有小花的两首solo,Still want you和Can't deny my love

  • theflyingidiot

    theflyingidiot 2022-06-19 19:08:04

    four winds我很喜欢。here with me,the way it is.其次。


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