

来自: (累啊,活得累啊)
2009-08-02 20:42:20

  • Moonface

    Moonface (science fiction,double feature) 2009-08-02 22:40:22


  • Narcissus

    Narcissus 2009-08-02 23:39:05

    This expense will be reimbursed to you.


    STARGAZER 2009-08-03 02:20:22

    it will be on the company's expense, but just make sure you get the receipt..

  • EthAn/宇♨

    EthAn/宇♨ (artificially bionic ethan宇) 2009-08-03 07:50:21

    i dont need to pay for that the government will do

  • 泡沫拿铁

    泡沫拿铁 (瀟灑的轉身,是我最華麗的姿態。) 2009-08-03 17:04:05


  • 李汉伦

    李汉伦 组长 2009-08-04 11:38:32

    "这个钱不用我掏腰包, 公家会报销的" I don't need to pay for (this) myself, the government will reimburse me. I can claim this money from the government. The government will cover (my/these) costs. 要看是怎么样的一个“报销”方法。

  • 猫

    (累啊,活得累啊) 楼主 2009-08-04 16:15:28

    谢谢汉伦和其他回答问题的筒子们。 不过补充一点,“公家”其实未必是指government, 中国人说的“公家”一般就是指他/她所在的工作单位,就是the company a person works for. 泡沫拿铁,我一向觉得香港人说话好怪啊!

  • sqchen

    sqchen (英雄为什么冲马桶?) 2009-08-04 17:18:27


  • 猫

    (累啊,活得累啊) 楼主 2009-08-04 17:24:27



    STARGAZER 2009-08-05 09:58:33

    好像国外消费以后, 好像给的都是receipt,而不开发票的, 可能是因为人家的税制不同的原因吧, 所以对于外国人没有invoice一说。 To 泡沫拿铁 , “Cam数”里面的“cam” 其实就是“claim”那个字, 也算是典型的港式英语吧

  • 泡沫拿铁

    泡沫拿铁 (瀟灑的轉身,是我最華麗的姿態。) 2009-08-05 19:08:54


  • 许多多

    许多多 2009-09-01 18:43:09

    公家 不单单是指 govern-ment吧?

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2009-09-01 18:59:43



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