
甘草披萨的书  · · · · · ·  ( 593本想读 · 1529本读过 · 19个书单 )

  • 宇宙高速驾驶员
  • 光恰似水
  • 为何生活越来越像走钢索
  • 接下来会发生什么
  • 我用中文做了场梦
  • 异端的肖像
  • 切尔诺贝利
  • 一次告别
  • 荒野之境
  • 深渊

甘草披萨的电影  · · · · · ·  ( 334部想看 · 7585部看过 · 181个片单 )

  • 第七个被害者
  • 夜叉池
  • 宽恕
  • 不是幅漂亮局面
  • 完美的日子
  • 全职
  • 下一个素熙
  • 高地战
  • 冒一切风险的阶级
  • 黑店狂想曲

甘草披萨的音乐  · · · · · ·  ( 80张想听 · 503张听过 )

  • 詹姆斯·霍纳 James Horner - James Horner: Collage - The Last Work
  • Akinobu - Perfect World
  • Kondor - Peace of Soul
  • Ruffn' featuring 荘野ジュリ - memories ~One Sweet Letter~
  • V.A. - モナレコードのおいしいおんがく~旅のスケッチ~
  • Lila Downs... - Al Chile
  • Daniel Norgren - Alabursy
  • Europe - Walk the Earth
  • Europe - The Final Countdown
  • Diary of Dreams - Nigredo

甘草披萨关注的小站  · · · · · ·  ( 全部 )

甘草披萨的移动应用  · · · · · ·  ( 想要14 · 用过41 )

  • 微医(挂号网)-专家问诊,预约挂号(神器),健康管家 (iPhone / iPad)
  • 接接夏日祭典 (iPhone / iPad)
  • Snapseed (iPhone / iPad)
  • 快拍 - Snapchat (iPhone / iPad)
  • 足记-原创短视频图片分享社区 (iPhone / iPad)
  • 小宇宙·一起听播客 (iPhone / iPad)
  • Amazon Kindle (Android)
  • 豆瓣阅读 (Android)
  • 360浏览器 360安全浏览器  (Android)
  • 我查查-条码比价、快递查询、二维码扫描 (Android)

甘草披萨的线上活动  · · · · · ·  ( 全部 )

Hello,old friend
And here we are ,you and me,on the last page.

By the time you read these words,
Rory and I will be long gone.
So know that we lived well,and were very happy.
And above all else,
Know that we will love you always.

Sometimes I do worry about you ,though
I think once we are gone
You won’t be coming back here for a while,
And you might be alone,which you should never be

Don’t be alone ,Doctor.
And do one more thing for me
There is a little girl waiting in the garden
She’s going to wait for a long while
So she’s going to need a lot of hope

Go to her, and tell her a story
Tell her if she is patient,
The days are coming that she’ll never forget
Tell her she’ll go to sea and fight pirates
She will fall in love with a man
Who’ll wait 2000 years to keep her safe.
Tell her she’ll give hope to the greatest painter who ever lived
And save a whale in outer space
Tell her this is the story of Amelia Pond

And this is how it ends.

But every morning I wake up Hoping to see a blue box in the front yard

Cause every time I look, you’re never there. And every time I sleep , you’re always there.

甘草披萨的广播  · · · · · ·  ( 全部 )

甘草披萨 说:

2002年上海放映《八美图》的时候,看到特吕弗太太和德纳芙老师的亲吻(还吻了那么久!),观众的反应是:“哇!”,某老师想知道22年后观众会是什么反应呢,今晚,答案火热出炉:全场一千多号观众疯狂鼓掌! 欧容老师太会玩了,歌舞与凶杀,撕逼,女女,乱……(为了广播的纯洁没写下去)什么都来,超级精彩、热烈的夜晚,完美的观影体验

甘草披萨的舞台剧  · · · · · ·  ( 11部看过 )


甘草披萨的同城活动  · · · · · ·  ( 140个参加 · 103个感兴趣 )

甘草披萨的游戏  · · · · · ·  ( 想玩1 )


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