

来自: 然后(Excelsior)
2010-01-12 01:33:49

  • 四川好人

    四川好人 (吃火锅) 2010-01-12 01:34:02


  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-12 01:34:54

    wait for me 2010-01-12 00:19 (分类:学英语) 歌手:flaw 专辑:endangered species ++++++++++++++++++++++ 这首歌翻译的很纠结…… 我喜欢这嗓音…… ++++++++++++++++++++++ All these miles, haunting questions linger in my mind走了这么远,还是有些难以解决的问题萦绕在我的脑海 All the while making bad decisions out of line经历的这些时光让错误的决定都消散了 Still I've tried, to let go of the danger in my life我也试过让自己生活在放弃的危险之中 It's alright, when that's the only thing I've left behind但是没关系了,我已经把这个主意抛在脑后 And there's still time.....而且我们还有时间 Wait for me, there's so much more of life for us to see 等着我,生命中还有很多美景等着我们去看 You must believe, it's not because of you I had to leave你要相信,我不是因你才离开 Wait for me, I only hope that you'll remember me等着我,我只奢求你能记得我 At this time, I'm counting all the reasons I should stay等着我,我想清楚了所有让我可以留下来的原因 The bottom line, I'm missing all the things I gave away我已没有底线,我已失去所有我放弃的东西 I remind, see your faces every single day我会记起在那些孤单的日子里想起你的脸庞 Still I'm blind, I wish that there was something I could say当我想说点什么把事情变对的时候,其实我也很迷茫 To make things right..... Just hold on a little bit longer请再坚持一会吧 My need for you is only growing stronger我只希望你能不断地变得坚强 I know you don't understand it much我知道你并不是非常理解 But it doesn't mean I have to care about you any less这并不意味着我对你的关心变少了 It doesn't have a thing to do with that我绝不会这么做的 There's still so many questions that are going to be addressed其实还有很多事情需要解决 I'm sorry that it had to be like this.....我很抱歉,但我不得不这么做 But there's still time to make things right但是我们还有时间来解决这些问题 Wait for me, there's so much more of life for us to see等着我,生命中还有很多的美好等着我们经历 You must believe, it's not because of you I had to leave你要相信,我不是因你才离开 Wait for me, I only hope that you'll remember me请等着我,其实我只奢望你能记得我 You must believe, it's not because of you I had to leave你一定要相信,我不是因你才不得不离开的 Wait for me 请等着我

  • 四川好人

    四川好人 (吃火锅) 2010-01-12 01:37:17

    我发现歌词几乎无法增加词汇量 连我这种词汇量不足3000的人都认识这首歌的所有单词 而我不会拼火锅里的任何一个单词

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-12 02:39:30

    唉……相比而言第一距我就有两个词不认识……这就叫做悲剧…… 原谅我这高中毕业的英语水平……

  • 哥萨克

    哥萨克 (Sleepwalker.....) 2010-01-12 02:47:31

    很美的歌词,美丽的旋律。。。 bread --- < if > if a picture paints a thousand word 如果一幅画里有千言万语 then why can't i paint you? 为何我却画不出你 the words will never show the you i've come to know 千言万语也无法描述 我所认识的你 if a face could launch a thousand ships 如果美貌能使千百艘船启航 then where am i to go 那我该前往何处 there's no one home but you,you're all that's left me to 在我心中只有你 你是我心中的唯一 and when my love for life is running dry 当我对生命的爱日渐乾涸 you come and pour yourself on me 你将自己灌注於我 if a man could be two places at one time,i'd be with you 假如灵魂可以飞离 我愿与你同在 tomorrow and today,beside you all the way 无论今日明日 我将永伴你身旁 if the world should stop revolving spinning slowly down to die 如果世界停止转动 缓慢停止直到毁灭 i'd spend the end with you 我会陪你到最后 and when the world was through then one by one the stars would all go out 而当一切都已结束 繁星一颗颗的熄灭 then you and i would simply fly away 你我将双宿双飞

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-12 23:42:10

    歌手:Guns N' Roses 专辑:don t cry Talk to me softly请悄悄对我说 There s something in your eyes说出你眼中隐含的话语 Don t hang your head in sorrow别让自己沉浸在悲伤之中 And please don t cry请别再流泪 I know how you feel inside I ve我知道你内心的感受 I ve been there before因为我一直守在你内心深处 Somethin s changin inside you你的内心已经有些改变 And don t you know只不过你自己不曾察觉 Don t you cry tonight请别在今夜哭泣 I still love you baby我依然爱你 Don t you cry tonight今夜无泪 Don t you cry tonight请别哭泣 There s a heaven above you baby你的前方还有更广大的天空 And don t you cry tonight所以别再为今夜而流泪 Give me a whisper你可以在我而别轻声诉说 And give me a sigh或者只是一声叹息 Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye请在说出再见之前,再吻我一次 Don t you take it so hard now不要如此沉重 And please don t take it so bad也别把事情想得这么糟糕 I ll still be thinkin of you亲爱的,我依然想念着你 And the times we had...baby以及和你一起度过的时光 And don t you cry tonight今夜不应有泪 Don t you cry tonight忍住泪水 Don t you cry tonight请别哭泣 There s a heaven above you baby你的前方还有更广阔的天空 And don t you cry tonight所以无需在今晚哭泣 And please remember that I never lied我希望你能知道我不曾对你撒谎 And please remember how I felt inside now honey也希望你能记得我曾在你内心的守望 You gotta make it your own way但是你必须走自己选择的路 But you ll be alright now sugar亲爱的,你会好起来的 You ll feel better tomorrow当明天的晨光又照进来 Come the morning light now baby你会感到新的一天又开始了 And don t you cry tonight今夜无泪 An don t you cry tonight忍住泪水 An don t you cry tonight请别哭泣 There s a heaven above you baby你的前方还有更广阔的天空 And don t you cry别再哭泣 Don t you ever cry无论如何也别再哭泣 Don t you cry tonight今夜不应有泪 Baby maybe someday也许有一天啊,宝贝 Don t you cry别再哭泣 Don t you ever cry无论如何也别流泪 Don t you cry Tonight今夜不应该用泪水来浇灌

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-14 01:37:16

    Vincent (Starry starry night) 2010-01-13 18:26 (分类:学英语) Vincent (Starry starry night) by Don Mclean ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 因为晚上想再看一遍《The best of youth》, 所以下午晒太阳晒了一半就跑回来翻译,于是今天就放出的比较早了。 这首歌是一个美国乡村民谣歌手写给凡高的,我喜欢这旋律。 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Starry starry night在一个繁星闪耀的夜晚 Paint your palette blue and grey你在调色板上染出蓝色和灰色 Look out on a summer's day用那双能直刺灵魂阴霾的双眼 With eyes that know the darkness in my soul望向那夏日的天空 Shadows on the hills用阴影勾勒出小山 Sketch the trees and daffodils素描出树和水仙花的形状 Catch the breeze and the winter chills捕捉微风和冬日的寒冷 In colors on the snowy linen land用色彩渲染积雪的亚麻色土地 Now I understand what you try to say to me开开始明白你想要对我说的是些什么了 And how you suffered for your sanity那些你如何忍受头脑清醒的痛苦 And how you tried to set them free还有又是如何努力想让他们获得自由 They would not listen但是他们没有认真倾听 They did not know how他们也不知道该如何倾听 Perhaps they'll listen you now也许现在他们会倾听你的心声了 Starry starry night群星璀璨的夜空 Flaming flowers that brightly blaze鲜艳的花朵在绚丽的燃烧 Swirling clouds in Violet haze云彩在紫罗兰色的雾霭里旋转 Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue这些都反射在你青瓷色的眼睛里 Colors changing hue色彩慢慢变幻 Morning fields of amber grain琥珀色谷物上的晨光 Weathered faces lined in pain艺术家所深爱着的土地 Are Soothed beneath the artist's loving hand如同一张饱经风霜的脸庞,留满了痛苦的痕迹 Now I understand what you try to say to me我开始明白你试图想表达的是什么了 And how you suffered for your sanity你是如何忍受着清醒所带来的痛苦 And how you tried to set them free又是如何试图帮他们获得解脱 They would not listen但是他们没有倾听 They did not know how他们也不知道如何倾听 Perhaps they'll listen you now也许现在他们回来试着听听你的心声 For they could not love you他们并不爱你 But still your love was true但是你对他们的爱却是如此真挚 And when no hope was left inside当你失去了最后一点希望的时候 On that starry starry night在一个群星闪耀的夜晚 You took your life as lovers often do你带走了自己的生命,就像殉情的爱人那样 But I could have told you Vincent但是我要对你说 This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you这个世界不会对一个像你一样美丽的人如此吝啬的 Starry starry night又是一个星光璀璨的夜晚 Portraits hung in empty halls人像悬挂在空荡荡的门厅里 Frameless heads on nameless walls没装裱的头像挂在无名的墙上 With eyes that watch the world and can't forget那头像上的眼睛望着这个世界仿佛不愿忘记 Like the stranger that you've met就像望着一个最熟悉的陌生人 The ragged man in ragged cloth衣衫褴褛的人 The silver thorn in a bloody rose就像一朵带着银刺的血色的玫瑰 Lying crushed and broken on the virgin snow支离破碎的躺在那已不再纯洁的雪地上 Now I think I know what you try to say to me现在我终于领悟你试着表达的那些意思 That how you suffered for your sanity你是如何忍受清醒的痛苦 And how you try to set them free又是如何试着给他们解放 They would not listen they're not listening still但是世界那时没有在听,而他们现在也没有听 Perhaps they never will也许他们永远也不会去倾听……

  • l

    l 2010-01-14 02:58:23

    加油哈 坚持最重要

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-15 02:19:17

    just one last dance 2010-01-15 02:15 (分类:在线笔记本) [ti:just one last dance] [ar:sarah connor natural] [al:key to my soul] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 就这么着吧 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -just one last dance- by doraliz just one last dance....oh baby...just one last dance就让我们跳最后一支舞吧 we meet in the night in the spanish café当我们在午夜的西班牙咖啡馆见面的时候 i look in your eyes just don't know what to say我望着你的眼睛,却不知道说什么好 it feels like i'm drowning in salty water我感觉我想是坠入了苦涩的海中 a few hours left 'til the sun's gonna rise在太阳升起之前我们还有几个小时 tomorrow will come an it's time to realize明天将会到来,而我也终将觉悟 our love has finished forever我们之前的感情已经永远的结束了 how i wish to come with you (wish to come with you)我是多么希望能和你一起前行 how i wish we make it through我是多么希望我能和你一起走到终点 just one last dance但是现在只剩这最后一次舞蹈了 before we say goodbye而我们就要说再见了 when we sway and turn round and round and round但是,我们一起摇摆,不停的旋转旋转旋转 it's like the first time还如初见那样 just one more chance如果还能在有一次机会 hold me tight and keep me warm请紧紧抱着我,给我温暖 cause the night is getting cold只因着夜晚已经变得寒冷 and i don't know where i belong我不知道我属于何处 just one last dance只是最后一次舞蹈 the wine and the lights and the spanish guitar这清风和光线,还有西班牙吉他 i'll never forget how romantic they are我永远忘不了这种浪漫的感觉 but i know, tomorrow i'll lose the one i love但是我知道,明天我将失去我爱的一切 there's no way to come with you再也不能与你同行 it's the only thing to do oh~~我们所能做的 just one last dance只是跳起这分别的舞蹈 before we say goodbye when we sway and turn round and round and round当我们一起摇摆华丽的旋转的时候 it's like the first time仿佛还和初见没有区别 just one more chance但是还能在有一次机会么? hold me tight and keep me warm请抱紧我,给我温暖 cause the night is getting cold因为这夜晚,太寒冷了 and i don't know where i belong我找不到自己的方向 just one last dance就再跳一次 just one last dance最后一次 before we say goodbye在分手之前 when we sway and turn round and round and round当我们一起摇摆,旋转的时候 it's like the first time我仿佛觉得我们,只是第一次见面 just one more chance再给一次机会吧 hold me tight and keep me warm请抱紧我给我温暖 cause the night is getting cold这夜已经凉得刺骨 and i don't know where i belong我不知道我身在何方 just one last dance just one last dance just one more chance just one more chance and just one last dance end ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 谢谢楼上

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-15 22:05:41

    ordinary people 2010-01-15 22:03 (分类:学英语) ordinary people conver reevies 专辑:创世纪ii 完结篇 [ti:ordinary people] [ar:conver reevies] [al:创世纪ii 完结篇] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 高中的时候表女且推荐给我的一首歌, 喜欢而已。 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ i don't wanna make you feel uneasy我不想让你感到困扰 but i'd really like to spend the right但我真的很想使用这权利 i know it's not an easy question我知道这并不是一个简单的问题 and i don't wanna ask you twice而我也不想问两遍 but the things we do together in the daytime但是我们在白天做的那些事情 always leaves me feeling oh so high经常让我无法感触,哦,是那么遥远 but something's missing in the morning有些感觉在清晨悄悄溜走 something's missing in the night有些则是在夜里 we're ordinary people with ordinary lives我们都是平凡的人,过着普通的生活 with the chance to be beautiful而我们也有机会把这生活变得很美好 we could be beautiful tonight我们也许可以度过一个美好的夜晚 well i'm giving up on lucky numbers我已经放弃那些幸运抽奖了 i'll never be a millionairre我永远也不会成为一个百万富翁 there must be something in this spell i'm under一定是我被人暗地里诅咒了 cos' i don't seem to care不过我似乎已经不是很在乎了 well the moon is getting oh so hight月亮越升越高 making patterns on the wall在墙上投出影子 and we could be so much closer也许在黎明到来之前, with the coming of the dawn我们可以更加亲近 we're ordinary people with ordinary loves我们都是普通人,有着平凡的爱情 with the chance to be so beautiful但是我们也有机会让着爱情变得无比美丽 we could be beautiful tonight就在今晚就可以 baby how long how long has it been?亲爱的,这已经发生了多久了呢? it feel's like we have waited我们的生命已经经历了如此漫长的等待 for all of our lives waited for tonight就是为了此刻 we're ordinary people with ordinary loves我们都是普通的人,拥有普通的感情 with the chance to be so beautiful但是我们也有机会把这一切都变得何其美丽 we could be beautiful tonight今晚我们都是如此的美丽 we're ordinary people我们只是普通人 just ordinary people with ordinary lives只是平凡的人,过着平凡的生活

  • 糖糖糖糖果子

    糖糖糖糖果子 (害怕) 2010-01-15 22:45:04


  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-15 23:09:05


  • Kenny

    Kenny (寻寻觅觅。) 2010-01-15 23:37:04

    加油加油~我会经常来看你的,希望你翻翻the rolling stone,那首歌有点难度,也很有意思。 注:可以看看网上别人的翻译,但是好像个别句子怪怪的,希望楼主满足我的心愿,给我看看好的翻译。

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-15 23:45:14

    好的,我明天来试试看~ 我可不敢保证质量,但是保证一定尽力而为。 谢谢支持~

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-16 03:40:32

    ordinary people 正确版 2010-01-16 03:34 (分类:学英语) ordinary people 歌手:john legend 专辑:get lifted ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 妈的,发现上一版《ordinary people》的歌词竟然不对…… 各种悲剧…… 坚决做完再睡。 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [ti:ordinary people] [ar:john legend] [al:2006 grammy nominees] girl, i'm in love with you亲爱的,我们一同坠入了爱河 this ain't the honeymoon这还不是蜜月 passed the infatuation phase通过这段迷茫的时期 right in the thick of love马上就能诸如深深的情网 at times we get sick of love有时我们都会染上爱情这种病 seems like we argue everyday我们似乎每天都在不停的辩论 i know i misbehaved and you made your mistakes我知道有的时候我不够礼貌,而你也犯了一些错 and we both still got room left to grow我们都还有改进的空间 and though love sometimes hurts虽然有时被爱所伤 i still put you first但是我依然把你放在第一位 and we'll make this thing work but i think we should take it slow我们还会继续这样,但是我想我们可以慢慢来 we're just ordinary people我们都是凡夫俗子 we don't know which way to go我们都不知道我们要去哪儿 cause we're ordinary people因为我们都是凡夫俗子 maybe we should take it slow也许我们才更应该慢慢来 take it slow, ohh别着急 this time we'll take it slow这时我们应该慢慢来 take it slow, ohh别着急 this time we'll take it slow这次不用着急 this ain't a movie no这不是在拍电影 no fairytale conclusion y'all也不会向大家说的那样有童话的结局 it gets more confusing everyday每天都有新的困惑 sometimes it's heavensent有时候也许是命中注定的 then we head back to hell again我们又掉头直坠地狱 we kiss then we make up on the way但我们会在这过程中不断亲吻,弥补我们的过失 i hang up, you call我弃权了,你定吧 we rise and we fall我们是沉是浮 and we feel like just walking away而我们的感触就像离开了一样 as all of the banses we take second chances如同所有的女尸妖那样我们还有第二次机会 though it's not a fantasy i still want you to stay虽然这并不那么梦幻,但我还是希望你能留下 maybe we'll live and learn也许我们能一起在生活中成长 maybe we'll crash and burn也许我们会碰撞出火花 maybe you'll stay也许你会留下 maybe you'll leave也许你会离开 maybe you'll return也许你又会回来 maybe we'll never fight也许我们永远也不再争吵 maybe we won't survive也许我们避免最后还是一个悲剧的结尾 maybe we'll grow, we'll never know也许我们会变得更成熟,我们也不知道 baby you and i只是亲爱的,我想和你在一起。

  • 作为一个粗人

    作为一个粗人 (路遙遠) 2010-01-16 04:36:01


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-01-16 04:38:57


  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-16 13:34:05

    2010-01-16 04:38:57 Lh的假日。 (什么和什么和xxxooo) 你好牛。下学期我也试试~ 一点也不牛,我的英语水平很烂的……

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-16 22:08:32

    like a rolling stone +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 我要早点睡了,今天晚上。 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 歌手:dylan bob 专辑:highway 61 revisited by Bob Dylan Once upon a time you dressed so fine还记得有一次你穿着光鲜亮丽的衣服 You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you?随手给路边的乞丐丢了一角钱硬币,你还记得么? People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall"人们大叫着说,小心,洋娃娃,你也会有这一天的a You thought they were all kiddin' you你觉得他们是在和你开玩笑 You used to laugh about你想拿人群聚集的地方 Everybody that was hangin' out报以一笑了之 Now you don't talk so loud现在你别这么高调 Now you don't seem so proud现在你别这么骄傲 About having to be scrounging for your next meal.当你也要为你的下一顿饭发愁的时候 How does it feel这感觉怎么样? How does it feel这感觉怎么样? To be without a home当你居无定所 Like a complete unknown完全不知道前方何方 Like a rolling stone?就像一块不停滚动的石头那样 You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely你也曾很顺利的上那些最好的学校 Dylan Bob But you know you only used to get juiced in it但是你也知道你在哪里什么也没学到 And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street没人教过你如何流落街头而不饿死 And now you find out you're gonna have to get used to it但是你现在却发现你不得不面对这个问题了不是么? You said you'd never compromise你说过你从来不向一个无名的乞丐妥协 With the mystery tramp, but now you realize但是你现在觉悟了吧 He's not selling any alibis当你望着他那空洞的眼睛 As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes问他能不能达成一个协议的时候 And ask him do you want to make a deal?他可从来接受任何借口 How does it feel这感觉怎么样? How does it feel这感觉怎么样? To be on your own这都是你自己决定的 With no direction home居无定所 Like a complete unknown就像一块不知道要去向哪里 Like a rolling stone?但是却不停滚动的石头 You never turned around to see the frowns on the jugglers and the clowns你从不向那些跟在你身后讨好你的落魄的艺人和小丑 When they all come down and did tricks for you投去哪怕是一瞥 You never understood that it ain't no good你从来就不明白,其实他们并不卑贱 You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you你也别让其他人把你给骗了 You used to ride on the chrome horse with your diplomat就是那些当你骑着金白色的马耀武扬威的时候 Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat在自己肩上放了一只暹罗猫 Ain't it hard when you discover that发现他们并不困难,如果你仔细去看的话 After he took from you everything he could steal.当他从你那偷走了所有他能偷到的东西之后 How does it feel这感觉怎么样? How does it feel这感觉如何? To be on your own你来决定吧 With no direction home居无定所 Like a complete unknown就像一块完全无知 Like a rolling stone?不断滚都的石头 Princess on the steeple and all the pretty people公主和美人们在高高的尖塔上 They're drinkin', thinkin' that they got it made他们花天酒地,胡思乱想,仅此而已 Exchanging all kinds of precious gifts and things互相赠送那些珍贵的宝物 But you'd better lift your diamond ring, you'd better pawn it babe但是你最好举着你的钻戒,然后把它当掉 You used to be so amused你过去常常沉迷玩乐 At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used拿破仑衣着破烂之前也是这样的 Go to him now, he calls you, you can't refuse去变成他吧,他在召唤你,而你不能抗拒啊 When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose当你一无所有,也没什么可以再失去的时候 You're invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal.你什么也不是,你也无处可藏了 How does it feel这感觉怎么样? How does it feel这感觉如何? To be on your own这一切都是你自己造成的 With no direction home居无定所 Like a complete unknown就像一块不知前方何方 Like a rolling stone?不停滚动的石头。 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=== 这首歌确实有点意思~

  • Caelian

    Caelian (索性连实验室带科学家一起偷走!) 2010-01-17 02:03:08

    我点歌了呵 下一首 you belong to me Jason Wade的那个

  • Caelian

    Caelian (索性连实验室带科学家一起偷走!) 2010-01-17 02:03:39

    P.S. 咱是歌词翻译爱好者~

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-01-17 02:38:35


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-01-17 02:44:00


  • Angie.

    Angie. 2010-01-17 10:09:35

    楼主很强大 ,加油盖楼~!!! GOGOGO~

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-17 14:15:28

    2010-01-17 02:03:08 Caelian (樨莲酱的叹息) 我点歌了呵 下一首 you belong to me Jason Wade的那个 明天吧,今天已经想好要翻译《GOOD BYE MY LOVE》了~

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-17 14:16:01

    2010-01-17 10:09:35 ''花。 (> the best is yet to come.) 楼主很强大 ,加油盖楼~!!! GOGOGO~ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++== 谢谢你们的鼓励,让我继续下去~~~~

  • Kenny

    Kenny (寻寻觅觅。) 2010-01-17 16:43:18

    Like a rolling stone! 楼主翻得好!继续努力。。。。 我很喜欢MJ的 you are not alone. 可以翻翻。

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-17 18:10:13

    LS说的歌我后天翻译吧,大家预约翻译的话先到此为止吧~ 我也很忙的,这样积累下去,欠账只会越来越多的,我现在只想踏踏实实每天认认真真翻译好一首歌。等每一次预约的歌曲翻译完成之后再接下一首。 谢谢你们的支持~ PS,译言上也有一篇翻译的《LIKE A ROLLING STONE》,我觉得翻译得比我要好。如果有兴趣的话可以看看。 PPS, 小昔Alice 的那个翻译我也很喜欢~

  • 豆友4383423

    豆友4383423 (No Distance Left to Run) 2010-01-17 18:20:33


  • bugz

    bugz (2024,开局不利啊...) 2010-01-17 18:23:35

    建议LZ把翻译好的歌词,上传到千千静音的那个破歌词服务器上。那里的英文歌歌词与翻译几乎为零。 坚持下去啦,以后就可以开始翻译电影字幕了。

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-17 18:32:30

    2010-01-17 18:23:35 bugz (petition英文字幕版,有下载了) 建议LZ把翻译好的歌词,上传到千千静音的那个破歌词服务器上。那里的英文歌歌词与翻译几乎为零。 坚持下去啦,以后就可以开始翻译电影字幕了。 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 抱歉,我实在是没有时间做时间轴……做这个貌似很费时间的…… 我离成长为字幕军还有很遥远的距离……………… 而且我是酷狗音乐和ITUNES的用户……

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-17 21:36:59

    goodbye my lover james back to bedlam +++++++++++++++++++++ 差一步就可以撕心裂肺。 'cause i saw the end before we'd begun。 +++++++++++++++++++++ did i disappoint you or let you down?难道我曾让你失望么,或者置你的感受于不顾? should i be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?我敢有负罪感么?或者就让法官来审判我吧 'cause i saw the end before we'd begun因为我在故事的开始就看见了故事的结局 yes i saw you were blinded是的,在你还看不见的时候我就已经可以预言 and i knew i had won而我相信最后我是对的。 so i took what's mine by eternal right所以我运用我那永恒的权利 took your soul out into the night把我自己从你灵魂深处抽离 it may be over but it won't stop there也许这就是剧终了,但时光仍不止步 i am here for you if you'd only care我因你而存在,如果你真的在乎的话 you touched my heart you touched my soul你触及我的心田,进入了我的灵魂深处 you changed my life and all my goals你改变了我的人生,改变了我前进的方向 and love is blind and that i knew when爱情总是盲目的,而当我意识到这点的时候 my heart was blinded by you我的心早已甘愿为你视而不见 i've kissed your lips and held your head我曾捧着你的脸,亲吻你的双唇 shared your dreams and shared your bed我们躺在床上分享你的那些梦想 i know you well, i know your smell我感受你的存在,感受你的味道 i've been addicted to you我曾沉溺在你的世界之中 goodbye my lover再见了爱人 goodbye my friend再见了,朋友 you have been the one你曾是唯一 you have been the one for me.对我来说你曾是整个世界 goodbye my lover再见我的爱人 goodbye my friend再见了,朋友 you have been the one你曾是唯一 you have been the one for me.你曾是我的唯一 i am a dreamer but when i wake,我是一个梦想者, you can't break my spirit你不能在我醒来的时候打碎我的灵魂 it's my dreams you take.带走我的梦想 and as you move on,当你继续前进的时候 remember me,请记住我 remember us and all we used to be记住我们曾经一同经历的时光 i've seen you cry, i've seen you smile我曾见证你的泪水也欣赏过你的笑容 i've watched you sleeping for a while我也曾在你熟睡时端详过你的面庞 i'd be the father of your child.我曾像个父亲那样照顾你这个小家伙 i'd spend a lifetime with you我曾想花费一生的时光来守护你 i know your fears and you know mine我知道你心灵深处最大的恐惧,而也只有你最明白我心 we've had our doubts but now we're fine我们也曾互相怀疑过,而现在也已没什么了 and i love you,i swear that's true.即便如此,我依然爱你,我发誓 i cannot live without you我不能活在我的世界 goodbye my lover再见我的爱人 goodbye my friend再见吧,朋友 you have been the one你曾是唯一 you have been the one for me.你曾是我生命的全部 goodbye my lover再见我的爱人 goodbye my friend再见吧,朋友 you have been the one你曾是唯一 you have been the one for me对我来说,你就是唯一 and i still hold your hand in mine我希望在我入睡的时候依然可以把你的手握在我的手心 in mine when i'm asleep and i will bear my soul in time当我跪倒在你脚边的时候 when i'm kneeling at your feet.我会及时支撑住我的灵魂不让它崩塌 goodbye my lover再见了爱人 goodbye my friend再见了,朋友 you have been the one你曾是唯一 you have been the one for me.对我来说,就是生命的全部意义 goodbye my lover再见了爱人 goodbye my friend再见了朋友 you have been the one你曾是唯一 you have been the one for me但那只是曾经 i'm so hollow, baby我感到自己像是被掏空了 i'm so hollow感到自己是那么虚弱 i'm so, i'm so, i'm so hollow就这样吧,空洞也只能这样了。

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-18 21:05:09

    you belong to me +++++++++++++++++++ 谢谢Caelian的推荐,这首歌很短啊,工作量瞬间减少一半。 我很喜欢歌手的嗓音,而且旋律也很简单优美。 意境说起来很像《旅行的意义》,也是我喜欢的风格。 唯一不喜欢那句不断重复的:you belong to me.所以就把翻译成我想你了。 没有谁是属于谁的,在世界上我们都是独立的个人,只是选择一同前行罢了。 +++++++++++++++++++ [ar:jason wade] [al:ost - shrek] ost - jason wade - shrek - you belong to me powered by billy see the pyramids along the nile你远眺那尼罗河边孤独耸立的金字塔 watch the sun rise from the tropic isle你在清晨端详那太阳从海平线的小岛背后升起 just remember darling all the while亲爱的但愿你能一直记得 you belong to me我想你了 see the market place in old algiers站在阿尔及尔那破旧的市场边 send me photographs and souvenirs给我寄那些照片和纪念品 just remember when a dream appears当着梦幻的场景在你眼前浮现的时候希望你能一 直记得 you belong to me我很想念你 and i'll be so alone without you而没有你在我身边,我会很孤独 maybe you'll be lonesome too也许你也和我一样孤独 fly the ocean in a silver plane你乘坐银色的小飞机飞越大洋 see the jungle when it's wet with rain俯瞰下面那下着大雨的森林 just remember till you're home again我只希望你能在你回家之前能记得我 you belong to me而我很思念你 (music) oh i'll be so alone without you没有你在我身边,我真的很孤独 maybe you'll be lonesome too也许你也和我一样的孤独 fly the ocean in a silver plane你坐着那银色的飞机 see the jungle when it's wet with rain看着看着下着大雨的热带雨林 just remember till you're home again请在回家之前别把我忘记 you belong to me我一直想念你

  • 欧阳bbb

    欧阳bbb 2010-01-18 21:22:17


  • 豆友4383423

    豆友4383423 (No Distance Left to Run) 2010-01-18 21:31:19

    you belong to me 有个版本是萨科奇她老婆唱的,也好听

  • 懒懒的

    懒懒的 2010-01-18 21:34:30

    M ARK!等待再续

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-19 19:34:55

    lark in the clear air ++++++++++++++++ 本来今天看了NHK的某部纪录片,心情不是很好。 不过晚上坐下来听到这个歌手的声音,心情平缓了很多。 谢谢Eva的推荐。 歌词又是这么短…… 真不是我偷懒…… ++++++++++++++++ dear thoughts are in my mind 对爱人的思念在我脑海中旋转 and my soul it soars enchanted,我的灵魂在陶醉的翱翔 as i hear the sweet lark sing 我仿佛听见百灵鸟甜蜜的歌声 in the clear air of the day,在蓝天白云间飘荡 for a tender beaming smile 请上天赐予我一个亲切而闪耀的微笑 to my hope has been granted,祝福我的希望能够得到肯定 and tomorrow he shall hear 明天他将会听见 all my fond heart longs to say.我那温柔的心跳 i will tell him all my love ,我将会向他表达我所有的爱意 all my soul's pure adoration,和我灵魂向他纯净的仰慕 and i know he will hear my voice 我知道他一定能听到我的心声 and he will not answer me nay,而他一定不会拒绝 it's this that gives my soul 我将奉献我全部的心灵 all it's joyous elation,还有所有的快乐和喜悦 as i hear the sweet lark sing 我仿佛听见百灵鸟那甜美的歌声 in the clear air of the day在蓝天白云间回荡

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-20 21:23:35

    you are not alone +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 来自Kenny 预约 MJ的经典曲目了,不说什么了 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ another day has gone, i'm still all alone又是孤单的一天过去了 how could this be?怎么会这样的? you're not here with me你不在我身边 you never said good-bye, someone tell me why没人能够告诉我你为何不辞而别 did you have to go and leave my world so cold?难道你一定要如此冷淡地离开我的世界么? everyday i sit and ask myself每天我都要坐下不断的问自己 how did love slip away?爱情怎么会就这样悄悄溜走? something whispers in my ear and says似乎有谁在我耳边轻语 that you are not alone这声音在说:你并不孤独 i am here with you我一直在这边陪伴着你 though you're far away虽然我们离对方很远 i am here to stay我会一直留在这里 you are not alone你并不孤独 i am here with you我在这儿伴随着你 though we're far apart虽然我们天各一方 you're always in my heart你却一直在我心中 you are not alone你并不孤独 just the other night只是另一个夜晚 i thought i heard you cry我想我听见了你的哭声 asking me to come and hold you in my arms呼唤着我,让我用手抱紧你 i can hear your prayers我似乎能听见你的祷告 your burdens i will bear我将担起你的重负 but first i need your hand但首先我需要你的双手 then forever can begin然后我们就能一同走到永远 that you are not alone你并不孤独 i am here with you我将在这儿陪伴着你 though you're far away虽然你离我很远 i am here to stay我还会在这里逗留 you are not alone你并不孤独 i am here with you我在这儿伴随着你 though we're far apart虽然我们天各一方 you're always in my heart你却依然在我心中 you are not alone你并不孤独 oh, whisper three words and i'll come running只需轻声说出那三个字,我一定会飞快地出现在你身边 and girl you know that i'll be there亲爱的,你知道我会出现在你身边 i'll be there我一定会出现在你需要我的时候 that you are not alone其实你并不孤独 i am here with you我一直在这而陪伴着你 though you're far away虽然你还在远方 i am here to stay而我在这儿守候

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-22 14:46:25

    close to you 2010-01-22 14:45 (分类:学英语) +++++++++++++++++++ 感谢Monday同学的推荐 又好短啊…… 今天翻译两首好了…… +++++++++++++++++++ why do birds suddenly appear为何鸟儿总是在你靠近 every time you are near?突然出现? just like me, they long to be就像我一样,它们也一直想 close to you.靠近你 why do stars fall down from the sky为何没当你经过的时候 every time you walk by?星星都在夜空中黯然失色 just like me, they long to be就像我一样,它们一直试图 close to you.接近你 on the day that you were born在你出生的那天 the angels got together天使们聚集在一起 and decided to create a dream come true他们下决心要完成一个美好的梦想 so they sprinkled moon dust in your hair于是他们将月明的碎屑撒入你的发际 and starlight in your eyes like they do他们将星光纳入你的眼眸 that is why all the guys in town这就是为什么所有的人 follow you all around都愿意跟随你围绕在你周围 just like me, they long to be就像我一样,她们一直如此 close to you.靠近你 on the day that you were born在你出生的那天 the angels got together天使们汇聚在一起 and decided to create a dream come true他们决心要实现一个伟大的梦想 so they sprinkled moon dustin your hair于是他们将月的辰光撒入你的发际 and starlight in your eyes like they do将这星光纳入你的眼眸 that is why all the guys in town这就是为什么每个人都愿意 follow you all around与你同行,伴你左右 just like me, they long to be就像我一样,她们一直想要 close to you.靠近你 just like me, they long to be就像我一样,他们也想要 close to you靠近你

  • 紅斑馬Lasia。

    紅斑馬Lasia。 (你觉得恨,却离不开。) 2010-01-22 20:51:59

    我可以预约你翻译Owl City的《Fireflies》不?

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-23 14:49:26

    bells of freedom bon jovi have a nice day [ti:bells of freedom] [ar:bon jovi] [al:have a nice day] bon jovi - bells of freedom album: have a nice day i have walked我一直独自前进 all alone on these streets在这街上 i call home我把这叫做家 streets of hope这是希望之路 streets of fear这也是恐惧之路 through the sidewalk cracks穿过人行道的裂缝 time disappears时间消失了 i was lost我迷失了 on my knees跪在地上 only if只有 hugged the field拥抱着大地 as i chocked我猛地抽回泪水 back to tears there's a silent scream一阵无声的尖叫传来 no one could hear没人能听见 so far away是那么遥远 from everything来自四面八方 you know it's true你知道这是真的 something inside有一种信念从内心 that makes you do推动你去做 what you got to do那些你想要做的 ring the bells敲响这钟 ring them loud把它们重重敲响 let them ring敲响他们, here and now就在这,就是现在 just reach out伸出双手 and ring the bells of freedom鸣响这自由之钟 when your world's当你的世界 crashing down轰然坍塌 like you've lost every round就像你已经输掉的每一局 stand the ground站起来 up the steps of the church走上教堂的台阶 through the fields in the dirt穿过充满泥土的田野 in the dark在黑暗中 i have seen我已经看见 that the sun still shines太阳依旧放射出光芒 for the one who believe为着任何一个坚信而又 so full of doubt充满怀疑的人 you needed proof你想要证明 just close your eyes只需要闭上眼睛 and hear the sound inside of you听听从你的心灵深处传来的声音 come crashing down正在轰然坍塌 yeah!没错儿!

  • 紅斑馬Lasia。

    紅斑馬Lasia。 (你觉得恨,却离不开。) 2010-01-24 10:49:50

    我也开始翻译了~~ 不过我翻译得比你还要烂。 晦涩的歌词。。。

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-24 17:22:34

    silent all these years +++++++++++++++ 一直很喜欢孙燕姿…… +++++++++++++++ excuse me but can i be you for a while对不起,但我想变成你一小会 my dog won't bite if you sit real still如果你安静的坐着,我的狗是不会咬你的 i got the anti-christ in the kitchen yellin' at me again我只是在厨房放了一个反基督你就冲着我大吼 yeah i can hear that是啊,我听见了 been saved again by the garbage truck我又一次被运垃圾的卡车给救了 i got something to say you know but nothing comes我想找点什么来和你说让你知道,但是什么也没想出来 yes i know what you think of me you never shut up我知道你对我是怎么看的,你从没闭过嘴 yeah i can hear that是啊,我能听见的 but what if i'm a mermaid但如果我是一条美人鱼 in these jeans of his with her name still on it穿着他那些印着她名字的牛仔裤 hey but i don't care但我无所谓 cause sometimes i said sometimes i hear my voice and it's been因为有时候我只是说有时候,我能听见自己的声音,而这就是我的声音 here silent all these years这么多年一直很安静 so you found a girl who thinks really deep thoughts所以你找了一个能真正深入思考的小姑娘 what's so amazing about really deep thoughts真是令人惊讶的能深入思考…… boy you best pray that i bleed real soon男孩,你最好起到我马上死掉 how's that thought for you这想法对你来说怎么样? my scream got lost in a paper cup我的尖叫就被一只纸杯挡住了 you think there's a heaven where some screams have gone你觉得叫声消失了就算是天堂了 i got 25 bucks and a cracker do you think it's enough我拿了25美元和一块饼干,你就觉得足够 to get us there我们到那儿了 but what if i'm a mermaid但是如果我是一条美人鱼 in these jeans of his with her name still on it穿着他那条印着她名字的牛仔裤 hey but i don't care但我不在乎 cause sometimes因为有时候 i said sometimes我只是说有时候 i hear my voice and it's been我听见我自己的声音, here就是这样 silent all these..这些沉默的岁月 years go by will i still be waiting将要过去我还将继续等待 for somebody else to understand那个能理解我的人出现 years go by if i'm stripped of my beauty时光流逝,如果我的褪下那美丽的外表 and the orange clouds raining in my head橙色的云在我头上降下倾盆大雨 years go by will i choke on my tears岁月如梭,我将被我的泪水窒息 till finally there is nothing left直到最后什么也不会留下 one more casualty一个更严重的问题是 you know we're too你知道我们都太 easy简单 easy太天真 easy放松~ well i love the way we communicate我很喜欢我们沟通的方式 your eyes focus on my funny lip shape你的眼睛注视我可爱的嘴唇~ let's hear what you think of me now现在让我们听听你怎么想的 but baby don't look up但是亲爱的,别抬头 the sky is falling天空正在崩塌 your mother shows up in a nasty dress你老妈展示了那件恶心的裙子 it's your turn now to stand where i stand现在到你表态了,和我站在一边吧~ everybody lookin' at you所有人都看着你呢 here take hold of my hand来,握着我的手 yeah i can hear them是,我听见他们了 but what if i'm a mermaid但如果我是一条不能说话的美人鱼 in these jeans of his with her name still on it穿着他那条写着她名字的牛仔裤 hey but i don't care但我不在乎 cause sometimes因为有的时候 i said sometimes 我只是说有的时候 i hear my voice我听见了我的声音 i hear my voice我听见了我的声音 i hear my voice我听见了我的声音 and it's been就是这样 here silent all these years一直很安静 i've been here我已经在这里 silent all these years一直很安静 silent all these一直很安静 silent all these years一直很安静

  • bugz

    bugz (2024,开局不利啊...) 2010-01-24 18:27:34

    千千静音 好像有个插件,可以听一句,输入一句,翻译完成后,就可以直接upload到歌词服务器的,我看我朋友演示过一次, LZ可要为全球华人造福啊,反正都已经翻译了,也不差这一步了,我可是出于支持环保而翻译过一部纪录片的。

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-24 18:59:34


  • 唏嘘的猪肉佬

    唏嘘的猪肉佬 (等一个人的小红点) 2010-01-24 19:16:48

    mark it

  • 莹小默

    莹小默 (莹小默家有只猫) 2010-01-24 19:33:31

    哇 楼主很强悍哦 加油

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-26 02:51:29

    fireflies owl city ocean eyes ++++++++++++++++++++++++ 谢谢红斑马的推荐。 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ you would not believe your eyes 当你一觉醒来看到千万只萤火虫 if ten million fireflies 照亮了整个世界 lit up the world as i fell asleep 你也不会相信自己的眼睛 cause they fill the open air 他们充满了整个世界 and leave teardrops everywhere 每到一处都留下一颗泪珠 you'd think me rude but i would just stand and stare 你也许觉得我没什么礼貌但我只是站着凝视 i'd like to make myself believe我愿意让自己相信 that planet earth turns slowly 地球缓慢的旋转 it's hard to say that i'd rather stay 很难说我愿意留在这 awake when i'm asleep 当我一觉醒来 cause everything is never as it seems 世界从没像现在这样 cause i'd get a thousand hugs 我从一万只萤火虫 from ten thousand lightning bugs 得到一千只 as they tried to teach me how to dance 他们想要试着教会我舞蹈 a foxtrot above my head 它们在我头顶划着狐步 a sockhop beneath my bed 它们在我床底跳着长袜舞 a disco ball is just hanging by a thread DISCO球被一根线吊在房顶 i'd like to make myself believe 我愿意相信 that planet earth turns slowly 地球在缓慢的旋转 it's hard to say that i'd rather stay 很难说我是不是愿意留下 awake when i'm asleep 我从睡梦中醒来 cause everything is never as it seems 世界从没像现在这样 when i fall asleep 当我睡着的时候 leave my door open just a crack 给我的门留条缝 please take me away from here 请把我带里这儿 cause i feel like such an insomniac 我觉得自己像是患了失眠症 please take me away from here 请带我走 why do i tire of counting sheep 我为什么要数羊才能入睡呢? please take me away from here 请带我离开这 when i'm far too tired to fall asleep 当我很难入睡的时候 to ten million fireflies 对着千万只萤火虫来说 i'm weird cause i hate goodbyes 我很奇怪,因为我痛恨离别 i got misty eyes as they said farewell 当他们道再见的时候我的眼睛模糊了 but i'll know where several are 但我知道有的地方还留下了几只 if my dreams get real bizzare 我担心我只是做了一个怪异的梦 cause i saved a few and i keep them in a jar 所以我留下几只,装进瓶子里 i'd like to make myself believe 我愿意相信 that planet earth turns slowly 地球旋转的是如此缓慢 it's hard to say that i'd rather stay 很难说我是不是还想留在这 awake when i'm asleep 当我从睡梦中醒来 cause everything is never as it seems 一切从没像现在这样 when i fall asleep 当我要入睡的时候 i'd like to make myself believe我愿意让自己相信, that planet earth turns slowly 地球正在缓慢旋转 it's hard to say that i'd rather stay 很难说我是不是愿意呆在这 awake when i'm asleep当我要入睡的时候请唤醒我 cause everything is never as it seems因为一切从没像现在这样 when i fall asleep 当我要入睡的时候 i'd like to make myself believe 我要让自己相信 that planet earth turns slowly 地球旋转的是如此缓慢 it's hard to say i'd rather stay 很难说我是不是愿意留下 awake when i'm asleep 唤醒我,当我要睡着的时候 because my dreams are bursting at the sea因为梦境从海中爆发而出。

  • 树不临风小八路

    树不临风小八路 (有底气的不随时兴走) 2010-01-26 12:41:40

    ls: 浮云辛苦了,奋斗到凌晨3点呢..... 我是替红斑马收货的, 验货中........

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-26 21:14:57

    and so it goes billy joel storm front ++++++++++++++++++ 谢谢elbar推荐,我喜欢这曲风。 而且很应景。 ++++++++++++++++++ in every heart there is a room每一颗心灵都有一片只属于自己的空间 a sanctuary safe and strong 它是一个坚固而安全的避难所 to heal the wounds from lovers past 用来治疗爱人离去带来的创伤 until a new one comes along 直到另一个爱人的到来 i spoke to you in cautious tones 我小心翼翼地笑你诉说 you answered me with no pretense 你毫不伪装的回答我 and still i feel i said too much 我觉得我说的太多了 my silence is my self defense 我用沉默来保护自己 and every time i've held a rose 每一次我拿起一支玫瑰 it seems i only felt the thorns 却只是细细感受玫瑰上锋利的刺 and so it goes, and so it goes 就这么过去了,过去了 and so will you soon i suppose 我猜你也很快会离开 but if my silence made you leave 但如果是我的沉默让你离开 then that would be my worst mistake 那将是我翻过的最糟糕的错误 so i will share this room with you 所以我会和你分享我心灵的这片空间 and you can have this heart to break 我把这颗心完全交由你来掌握 and this is why my eyes are closed 这也就是我为什么闭上了双眼 it's just as well for all i've seen这一幕我已经看过很多次 and so it goes, and so it goes 它慢慢地流过, and you're the only one who knows 你也是唯一一个能理解的人 so i would choose to be with you 所以我选择了你 that's if the choice were mine to make 如果我做了自己的决定 but you can make decisions too 你也同样可以选择 and you can have this heart to break 你可以打碎这颗心 and so it goes, and so it goes 都过去了,过去了 and you're the only one who knows你是唯一能理解我的人。

  • 树不临风小八路

    树不临风小八路 (有底气的不随时兴走) 2010-01-26 21:36:51


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-01-26 21:44:41


  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-26 22:37:38

    2010-01-26 21:44:41 越 (叫我OUT先生好了~) 翻译的时候为什么那么那么不文艺啊~ ++++++++++++++++ 本人是学英语的目的,不是文艺的目的。而且本人本来就不文艺…… 但愿这个回答能让你满意……

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-27 14:48:08

    windflower seals and crofts ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 我一直认为用英文朗诵是一件很美的事情。 谢谢EVA的推荐。 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ windflower seals and crofts o.s: windflowers, my father told me not to go near them 银莲花,我父亲告诉我别靠近 he said he feared them always,他说他一直很害怕它们 and he told me that they carried him away 而且他还告诉我,它们曾把他带向远方 windflowers, beautiful windflowers银莲花,美丽的银莲花 i couldn't wait to touch them,我等不及去轻触他们 to smell them i held them closely 去凑近它们,闻那花香 and now i cannot break away 现在我已经不能放手 their sweet bouquet disappears 它们那甜美的花束突然消失 like the vapor in the desert 就像沙漠里的水汽一样消散 so take a warning, son 所以,听我的告诫,孩子 windflowers, ancient windflowers 银莲花,古老的银莲花 their beauty captures every young dreamer who lingers near them它们的美丽会俘获每一个在他们身边逗留的年轻的梦想者 but ancient windflowers, i love you 但是古老的银莲花,我爱你 lyrics: windflowers, my father told me not to go near them 银莲花,我父亲告诫我不要走近你们 he feared them always, said they carried him away 他说他一直很害怕它们,它们曾带走他的心 windflowers, i couldn't wait to touch them银莲花,我等不急去轻触它们 to smell them i held them closely 去靠近它们,闻它们的花香 now i cannot break away 我不能自己 their sweet bouquet disappears like the vapor in the desert他们甜美的花束突然像沙漠中的水汽那样消失不见 take a warning, son 听我的告诫,孩子 windflowers,银莲花 their beauty captures every young dreamer who lingers near them的美丽会抓住每一个在它们身边逗留的年轻的梦想者 ancient windflowers, i love you但是,古老的银莲花,我依然爱你

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-28 19:04:24

    summer days in bloom +++++++++++++++ 谢谢meltingsoap推荐,我喜欢的风格。 不认识的词汇很多…… PS,不知道你网名啊,就看到新浪围脖上是这个名字,你就将就吧。 ++++++++++++++++ paralyzed by ancient delight我被古老的喜悦所麻痹 and riding for a fall today在这个秋日骑马 i am dressed in style, so eager in mind我穿着时尚,心中充满渴望 but further more distracted by you但是却因你而分心 and it's like i lose myself我好象失去了自我 in dreaming of summer days in bloom在这个梦见了夏季鲜花盛开的日子 oh, i've got no clue how i could fight that我不知道怎样才能追到你 all that i am is worth a dime我全部的财产也就是一个一毛钱硬币 worth a dime就值一毛钱 this liquid lunch will not stop my punch-drunk喝稀饭当午餐也不能停止我打瞌睡时 quality to doze while i run糊里糊涂的个性 it is thirty-nine degrees in my mind我已经高烧39度了 it's thirty thousand miles more to go还有三万英里路要走 cause it's like i lose myself因为我失去了我自己 in dreaming of summer days in bloom我梦见夏日鲜花绽放 for i've got no clue whatever happened无论发生什么我都找不到任何线索 all that i am is worth a dime所有这些就只值一毛钱 worth a dime就值一毛钱

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-29 16:05:04

    编辑 | 删除 through the years and far away 2010-01-29 15:59 (分类:学英语) ++++++++++++++++++ 《星之声》的主题曲,很好听。 不过听日本人说英语真的很囧啊…… +++++++++++++++++++ hello, little star你好小行星 are you doing fine?你还好么? i'm lonely as everything in birth我很寂寞,似乎一切都没出生 sometimes in the dark有时在黑暗中 when i close my eyes当我闭上双眼 i dream of you, the planet earth我就能见到你,美丽的地球 if i could fly across this night如果我能用比光还快的速度 faster than the speed of light飞越这黑夜 i would spread these wings of mine我一定会展开我的翅膀 through the years and far away过了这么多年,距离如此遥远 far beyond the milky way超越了银河的距离 see the shine that never blinks目不转睛的盯着那光线 the shine that never fades这光芒从不褪色 through years and far away过了这么多年,距离如此遥远 far beyond the milky way超越了银河的距离 you're the shine that never blinks你是这从不闪烁的光芒 the shine that never dies这光芒从不凋零 hello, tiny star嗨,小行星 can you hear me call?你能听见我的呼唤么? i'm so blind as everything at birth我什么也看不见,好似一切都还在时间诞生之前 if i could flow against these nights如果我能逆流穿越这些黑夜 straiter than the string of light通过这比一束逛还窄的空间 i would lay these hands on time我将会准时伸出双手 through the years and far away经过这些年和这么远的距离 far beyond the milky way比银河还遥远的距离 see the shine that never blinks看着这从不闪烁的光线, the shine that never fades这光芒从未褪色 through the years and far away经过这些年和遥远的距离 far beyond the milky way比银河还遥远 you're the shine that never blinks你是从不闪烁的光芒 the shine that never dies是永不凋零的光明。

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-30 16:25:41

    日志 李宇 李宇的日志 当前日志 返回日志首页» 较新一篇 / 较旧一篇 编辑 | 删除 i believe i can fly 2010-01-30 16:21 (分类:学英语) i believe i can fly r. kelly +++++++++++++++++++ 我被称作翅膀哥是有典故的…… 不过话说人生就像开飞机,飞得多高不重要,关键是落地要稳。 +++++++++++++++++++ i used to think that i could not go on我经常想,我不能再继续下去了 and life was nothing but an awful song人生不过是一首可怕的歌曲 but now i know the meaning of true love但是我现在知道真爱至上的意义了 i'm leaning on the everlasting arms我学会奋斗永无止境的奋斗 chorus: if i can see it, then i can do it如果我能看见,我就能做到 if i just believe it, there's nothing to it如果我坚信这一点,那就没什么 i believe i can fly我坚信我能飞翔 i believe i can touch the sky我坚信我能触及苍穹 i think about it every night and day我每天都在想 spread my wings and fly away张开我的翅膀,我要飞翔(囧) i believe i can soar我坚信我能轻舞飞扬 i see me running through that open door我能看见我飞奔过那敞开的大门 i believe i can fly我坚信我能飞 i believe i can fly我坚信我能飞 i believe i can fly同上 see i was on the verge of breaking down我在这跌落的边缘 sometimes silence, it can seem so loud有时很沉默,它看起来却是那么喧哗 there are miracles in life i must achieve生命的奇迹我一定能实现 but first i know it starts inside of me但是首先我知道我要先战胜我自己 chorus: if i can see it, then i can be it如果我能看见,我就能做到 if i just believe it, there's nothing to it如果我只是相信,那没什么 i believe i can fly我相信我能飞 i believe i can touch the sky我坚信我可以触及苍穹 i think about it every night and day我日夜思索 spread my wings and fly away张开翅膀飞向远方 i believe i can soar我坚信我可以轻舞飞扬 i see me running through that open door我看见我飞奔过那敞开的大门 i believe i can fly我坚信我能飞 i believe i can fly我坚信我能飞+1 i believe i can fly顶楼上 yeah,'cause i believe in you是,因我相信你 chorus: if i can see it (wooh), then i can do it (i can do it)如果我看见,我就能做到 if i just believe it, there's nothing to it如果我相信,那就没什么 i believe i can fly (wooh)我相信我能飞 i believe i can touch the sky我相信我能触及苍穹 i think about it every night and day我日夜思索 spread my wings and fly away张开翅膀,高飞 i believe i can soar我相信我也可以轻舞飞扬。 i see me running through that open door我飞奔穿过敞开的大门 i believe i can fly (i can fly)我坚信我能飞 i believe i can fly (i can fly)LS+1 i believe i can fly (i can fly)LS+2 if i just spread my wings (i can fly)我张开翅膀 i can fly (i can fly)我能飞 i can fly (i can fly)我能飞+1 i can fly (heh! i can fly)我能飞+N if i just spread my wings (i can fly)如果我张开翅膀 i can fly (i can fly, i can fly, i can fly, i can fly)我就能飞! fly, high, high飞~~飞得好高好高~~~

  • 幼蛇摔跤

    幼蛇摔跤 (不干杯) 2010-01-30 16:37:38

    语言还可更生动些 翻译就是要有汉语的文艺味儿

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-30 18:20:04

    都说我要翻译的更文艺一点啊…… 好吧…… 我试试……

  • chogt

    chogt (/▓\) 2010-01-30 18:22:42


  • Mint chocolate

    Mint chocolate (Hey you~) 2010-01-30 18:29:03


  • 红了的樱桃

    红了的樱桃 (自律,坚持,做减法!) 2010-01-31 03:16:40


  • 一个鬏

    一个鬏 2010-01-31 03:18:39


  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-31 12:56:07

    2010-01-31 03:18:39 一个鬏 (是我的海) 其实你英语挺不错了 +++++++++++++++ 其实还有很多错误…… 但是我师傅后来纠正了………………我懒的改而已。

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-01-31 16:08:21

    yellow +++++++++++++++++++++++ 谢谢Eva推荐。 +++++++++++++++++++++++ 酷玩乐队(Coldplay) 专辑: Parachutes 公司: Parlophone Records Look at the stars,看着这些星星 Look how they shine for you,看着他们是如何将你照亮 And everything you do,还有所有你做的事情 Yeah, they were all yellow.没错儿,是黄色的 I came along,我独自行来 I wrote a song for you,为你写了一首歌 And all the things you do,所有你做的这些 And it was called "Yellow".都叫做黄 So then I took my turn,然后轮到我了 Oh what a thing to have done,一件事情如何完成 And it was all "Yellow."都是为你完成 Your skin,你的皮肤 Oh yeah your skin and bones,你的外表你的内心 Turn into something beautiful,都变得如此美丽 You know, you know I love you so,你知道,你知道我爱你 You know I love you so.你知道我很爱你 I swam across,我跋山涉水 I jumped across for you,只为你而来 Oh what a thing to do.哦,到底该怎么做 Cos you were all "Yellow",你都是黄色 I drew a line,我花了一条线 I drew a line for you,我为你绘制了一条线 Oh what a thing to do,事情怎么做 And it was all "Yellow."才叫做黄? Your skin,你的皮肤 Oh yeah your skin and bones,你从内到外 Turn into something beautiful,都变得如此美丽 And you know,你知道 For you I'd bleed myself dry,我可以为你流干最后一滴血 For you I'd bleed myself dry. It's true,真的 Look how they shine for you,看着星光为你闪耀 Look how they shine for you,同看 Look how they shine for,顶楼上 Look how they shine for you,同看+1 Look how they shine for you,前排围观 Look how they shine.地板 Look at the stars,看着这些星星 Look how they shine for you,是如何为你而光芒四射 And all the things that you do.这一切都为你而做。

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-02-01 17:57:42

    Hotel California 2010-02-01 17:55 (分类:学英语) +++++++++++ 感觉像是鬼故事…… 翻译完了才知道本歌曲涉及性,欲望和毒品…… +++++++++++ On a dark desert highway行驶在黑暗的沙漠高速公路上 Cool wind in my hair冷风拂过我的头发 Warm smell of colutas大麻温暖的味道 Rising up through the air慢慢升腾进入天空 Up ahead in the distance我看到前面遥远的地方 I saw a shimmering light传来微弱的灯光 My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim我的头变得很重,视线也开始模糊 I had to stop for the night看来今天晚上我不能再前行了 There she stood in the doorway她站在门口 I heard the mission bell我听见了传教的钟声 And I was thinking to myself我理了理自己的思路 This could be heaven or this could be hell这这里究竟是天堂还是地狱 Then she it up a candle她点燃了一支蜡烛 And she showed me the way然后给我指路 There were voice down in corridor有人在走廊低语 I thought I heard them say我想他们是在说 Welcome to the hotel california欢迎来到加州旅馆 Such a lovely place这是一个可爱的地方 Such a lovely face有着可爱的脸蛋 There's plenty of rooms at the hotel california加州旅馆有充足的房间 Any time of year一年中的任何时候 You can find it here你都可以在这里订到房间 Her mind is tiffany-twisted她的心已经被珠宝所扭曲 She god the mercedes-bens她崇拜奔驰车为神 She got a lot of pretty pretty boys你拥有很多漂亮的男孩儿 That she calls friends她称他们为朋友 How they dance in the courtyard他们是如何在院子里跳舞的 Sweet summers sweat伴随着甜蜜的夏日的汗珠 Some dance to remember some dance to forget有的舞蹈是为了记住,而有的舞蹈是 为了遗忘 So I called up the captain我给头打电话 Please bring me my wine, he said他说:请把我的酒带来 We haven't had that spirit我们没有那种精神 Here since ninteen sixty nine这里从1969年开始 And still those voices are calling from far away就一直有从远方传来的声音 Wake up in the middle of the night这声音把我们从午夜叫醒 Just to hear them say只听他们说 Welcome to the hotel california欢迎来到加州旅馆 Such a lovely place这是一个多美美丽的地方 Such a lovely face有着多么美丽的面庞 They live in'it up in the hotel california他们生活在加州旅馆 What nice surprise这是一个多好的惊喜啊 Bring your alibis说说你的借口 Mirrors on the celling小房间里的镜子 The pink champagne on ice,and she said放在冰块里的粉色香槟,她说 We are all just prisoners here我们都是这儿的俘虏 Of our own device是我们自己设计的 And in the master's chambers在这硕士的商会中 They gatheres for the feast他们为了晚宴聚集在一起 They stab it with their steely knives他们用钢刀刺穿它 But they just can't kill the beast但是他们也无法杀死心中的野兽 Last thing I remember我最后记得的一件事情 I was running for the door是我跑出门去 I had to find the passage back我想找到回去的路 To the place I was before去我来这前的那个地方 Relax said the night man暗夜男说:放松 We are programmed to receive我们都是按计划受到接待的 You can check out any time you like你可以在任何时候结帐 But you can never leave但是你永远不能离开

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-02-02 14:42:54

    where have all the flowers gone ++++++++++++++++++ 鲜花在何处凋零?在战火中凋零... ++++++++++++++++++ peter paul mary where have all the flowers gone, long time passing?过了这么久,曾经的那些花朵散落何方? where have all the flowers gone, long time ago?那些曾经的花朵都在何处凋零? where have all the flowers gone?那些花儿都到哪儿去了? young girls have picked them, every one!是年轻的女孩子把它们都摘走了么 oh when will they ever learn,oh when will they ever learn?唉,他们何时才能学会?何时才能明白? where have all the young girls gone, long time passing?过了这么久,曾经的那些女孩们哪儿去了? where have all the young girls gone, long time ago?曾经的女孩们如今身居何方? where have all the young girls gone?这些年轻的女孩都到哪儿去了? gone for husbands, every one!都成家结婚了。 oh when will they ever learn, oh when will they ever learn?他们何时才能明白,何时才能学会呢? where have all the husbands gone, long time passing?过了这么久,那些丈夫哪儿去了? where have all the husbands gone, long time ago?曾经的那些丈夫都到哪儿去了呢? where have all the husbands gone?丈夫们都身在何处? gone for soldiers, every one!都去当兵了。 oh when will they ever learn,oh when will they ever learn?他们何时才能明白,何时才能学会呢? where have all the soldiers gone, long time passing?过了这么久,那些士兵都到哪儿去了呢? where have all the soldiers gone, long time ago?曾经的那些年轻的士兵,现在身在何方? where have all the soldiers gone?那些士兵都在哪呢? gone to graveyards, every one!都已入土。 oh when will they ever learn,oh when will they ever learn?唉,他们何时才能学会,何时才能明白呢? where have all the graveyards gone, long time passing?过了这么久,那些墓地都到哪儿去了呢? where have all the graveyards gone, long time ago?曾经的那些墓地在哪儿呢? where have all the graveyards gone?墓地都消失了么? gone to flowers, every one!都已花入春泥变成花了么 oh when will they ever learn, oh when will they ever learn?他们何时才能学会,何时才能明白? where have all the flowers gone, long time passing?后来那些花儿又到哪儿去了? where have all the flowers gone, long time ago?那些花儿又在何处绽放? where have all the flowers gone?它们又何处凋零? young girls have picked them, every one!是女孩儿们把它们摘走了。 oh when will they ever learn,oh when will they ever learn?唉,人们何时才能明白,何时才能学会呢?

  • 豆友4383423

    豆友4383423 (No Distance Left to Run) 2010-02-02 14:45:15

    LZ,能翻译一下Goo Goo Dolls的Feel The Silence么 我也有试着每天翻译一首,就是不太会= =

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-02-02 14:48:09


  • 蕾蕾南

    蕾蕾南 (大部分 的 不满意 都是在心里) 2010-02-02 14:53:05

    lz 你好棒 鼓掌ing

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-02-03 14:03:41

    feel the silence goo goo dolls let love in +++++++++++ 谢谢yeti推荐,是我喜欢的曲风 +++++++++++ You lie awake at night你躺着夜不能寐 With blue eyes that never cry那双碧蓝色的眼睛从未流泪 All you remember now你现在能记得的 Is what you feel只是你的感受 The truth remains在午夜的谈话中 In midnight conversations真相还剩下什么 I asked for this moment我是说现在还剩下什么? But you turned away但你只是转过身去 Sad like a lonely child悲伤的像一个孤独的小孩 Broken the day you're born你在这破碎的一天中诞生 I held the light to you我为你托起光明 But I was so vain但是我感到这是徒然的 And you remain你留下了一个 A promise unfulfilled未完成的誓言 I ask you for more我想你要求的更多 But you push me away但你只是把我推开 And if we feel the silence如果我们感到沉默 Holding this all inside把这感觉留在心底 Everything means more now than任何事情都比言语所表达出来 Words could explain的含义更深刻 And if we feel the silence如果我们感到沉默 Holding this all inside us把这些都留在心底 Looking for something more to say找点别的什么来说吧 I don't know where I'm going我不知道我们要去哪 Only know where I been我只知道我们在哪 But you move through my soul like a hurricane wind你像飓风那样穿过我的 灵魂 We've been so lost for so long我们已经失落了很久 I don't know how to get back again我不知道如何才能回到从前 And we're drowning in the water我们已经被水淹没 That flows under this bridge桥下的河水川流不息 When you're fighting the current当你在和这些暗流搏斗的时候 You forget how to live你已经忘记如何生存 And I wanted to reach you but I don't know where to begin我想伸手去帮 你,但是却不知道如何开始 And you remain你只留下 A promise unfulfilled until today到今天也没完成的誓言 And if we feel the silence如果我们感到沉默 Holding this all inside抓住心底所有的感受 Everything means more now than任何一件事情都比 Words could explain言语所能解释的含义更多 And if we feel the silence如果我们感到沉默 Leaving this all behind us就把这些都抛在脑后 When it's gone what will you say当这些都流逝了,你还会说什么? How do we hold on我们该如何抓住? How do we hold on沙发 How do we hold on同问 How do we hold on同问+1 How do we hold on占座等答案 You lie awake at night你在深夜辗转难眠 With blue eyes that never cry睁着大大的蓝色眼睛从未流泪

  • 豆友4383423

    豆友4383423 (No Distance Left to Run) 2010-02-03 14:11:02

    谢谢哦,你比我翻的好多了 How do we hold on可不可以理解为我们该如何坚持住? 明天要不要来翻首Bruce Springsteen的Waitin On A Sunny Day ?

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-02-03 14:16:49


  • 豆友4383423

    豆友4383423 (No Distance Left to Run) 2010-02-03 14:16:59

    goo goo dolls 是我很喜欢的乐队,我把它翻成装逼娃娃=.. = 罪过,罪过

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-02-03 14:24:10

    ……恩 ,神似……

  • 卧靠

    卧靠 (countdown 3 years...) 2010-02-03 14:25:22


  • 豆友4383423

    豆友4383423 (No Distance Left to Run) 2010-02-03 22:26:10

    期待明天的Waitin On A Sunny Day

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-02-04 14:38:59

    Waitin' On A Sunny Day 2010-02-04 14:37 (分类:学英语) Bruce Springsteen The Rising ++++++++++++++++++ 阴雨连连,何时放晴? 谢谢yeti的推荐……为什么推荐的都是百度音乐上搜索不到链接的? 谷歌音乐链接,大家继续将就下吧…… +++++++++++++++++++ http://www.google.cn/music/song?id=Saedb08eb2f5b2693&amp;rview=share it's rainin' but there ain't a cloud in the sky明明是万里无云但却为何下起大雨 must of been a tear from your eye一定是你又流泪了 everything'll be okay一切都会好起来的 funny, thought i felt a sweet summer breeze有意思的是,想想我感受到一阵夏日甜蜜的微风 must of been you sighin' so deep一定是来自你的深呼吸 don't worry we're gonna find a way别担心,我们一定能找到出路 i'm waitin', waitin' on a sunny day我在等待一个好天气 gonna chase the clouds away去追逐云彩 waitin' on a sunny day等一个好天气 without you, i'm workin' with the rain fallin' down没有你,我觉得像是活在倾盆大雨的世界 i'm half a party in a one dog town我一般身在一个狗镇中 i need you to chase these blues away我须要你帮我驱逐那些忧郁 without you, i'm a drummer girl that can't keep a beat没有你我就像一个找不到节奏的鼓手 an ice cream truck on a deserted street一辆冰淇凌车停在沙漠的街道上 i hope that you're coming to stay我希望你能来和我在一起 hard times, baby well they come to us all艰难的时光,我们都曾经历过 sure as the tickin' of the clock on the wall就像那滴答滴答行走的墙上挂钟 sure as the turnin' of the night into day就像那黑夜必然迎来白昼 your smile girl, brings the mornin' light to my eyes丫头,你的微笑把晨光带入我的眼睛 lifts away the blues when i rise让我起身甩脱忧郁 i hope that you're coming to stay我希望你能和我在一起

  • 黑里俏

    黑里俏 (自从有了你,生命里都是奇迹) 2010-02-04 14:45:05

    推荐个skid row的i remember you

  • 豆友4383423

    豆友4383423 (No Distance Left to Run) 2010-02-04 19:56:47

    2010-02-04 14:45:05 狼桥梦遗 (人才库——豆瓣第一人才小组!!) 推荐个skid row的i remember you -------------------------- 楼主就翻这首吧!~~ 我也很喜欢这首

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-02-04 20:05:09


  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-02-04 20:07:27


  • 玛依德

    玛依德 (I got soul) 2010-02-04 22:08:25

    green day- wake me up when september ends ^ ^

  • 豆友4383423

    豆友4383423 (No Distance Left to Run) 2010-02-04 22:25:07

    云&流觞, i'm half a party in a one dog town我一般身在一个狗镇中 这句很难明白啊,half a party是指什么 dog town应该是指很破的小城镇么

  • 豆友4383423

    豆友4383423 (No Distance Left to Run) 2010-02-04 22:29:06

    an ice cream truck on a deserted street一辆冰淇凌车停在沙漠的街道上 deserted street应该是荒凉的街道吧?

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-02-05 13:42:39


  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-02-05 16:31:54

    blowing in the wind the brothers four the brothers four how many roads must a man walk down一个人要走过多远的路 before they call him a man 才能被人们称为男人? how many seas must a white dove sail 一只鸽子要飞越多少海洋 before she sleeps in the sand 才能在一个沙滩上小睡一会? how many times must the cannon balls fly在被永远禁止之前 before they're forever banned 炮弹还要飞多久? the answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind这答案,我的朋友,在风中飘荡 the answer is blowing in the wind 这答案没人知道 how many years must a mountain exist 一座山在被冲刷成海洋之前 before it is washed to the sea 能存在多久? how many years can some people exist有的人要生存多少年 before they're allowed to be free 才能被承认拥有自由? how many times can a man turn his head 一个人能得意忘形多久 and pretend that he just doesn't see 假装自己什么也看不见 the answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind这答案,朋友,没人知道 the answer is blowing in the wind这答案就随风飘荡 how many times must a man look up一个人要仰望多久 before he can see the sky 才能看到天空? the answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind这答案随风而逝 the answer is blowing in the wind 这答案随风而逝

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-02-06 16:07:59

    Stand By Me (Oasis) Made a meal and threw it up on Sunday I've周日做了一餐饭却被丢出窗外 Gotta lot of things to learn我学到了很多 Said I would and I'll be leaving one day我已经说过,我终有一天会离开 Before my heart starts to burn在我的心燃烧之前 So what's the matter with you所以,你到底有什么问题 Sing me something new... don't you know说点新的吧难道你不知道 The cold and wind and rain don't know这冷风冷雨也不知道 They only seem to come and go away它们只是来了又走 Times are hard when things have got no meaning当事情变得没有意义,时间就是如此的难熬 I've found a key upon the floor我在地板上发现了一把钥匙 Maybe you and I will not believe in the things we find也许你我都不会相信 Behind the door我们在本后所发现的事情 So what's the matter with you你到底怎么了? Sing me something new... don't you know说点新的事情吧,你不知道么 The cold and wind and rain don't know这冷风冷雨也不知道 They only seem to come and go away它们只是来了又走 Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be和我在一起没人知道这条路将会通向何方 Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be沙发 Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be楼上好快 Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be我就多打几个字就只剩地板了 If you're leaving will you take me with you如果你离开,你会带着我和你一起么? I'm tired of talking on my phone我已经厌倦在我手机里说了 There is one thing I can never give you有的东西是我永远无法给你的 My heart can never be your home我的心从来不是你的归宿 So what's the matter with you?你究竟怎么了? Sing me something new... don't you know给我唱一首新的歌吧 The cold and wind and rain don't know冷风冷雨从不知道 They only seem to come and go away它们似乎只是来了又走 Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be和我在一起,没人知道这条路通向何方 Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be恩 Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be你专门抢沙发的么? Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be前排围观 The Way It's gonna be, baby I can see这条路通向何方,宝贝我能看见 Don't you know the cold and wind and rain don't know你难道不知道这寒冷这风雨也不知道么? They only seem to come and go away它们似乎来了又走 Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be和我在一起,在这没人知道通向何方的路上 Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be恩 Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be自杀 Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be自杀失败?!

  • 别翘二郎腿

    别翘二郎腿 (我的家里没有人很酷) 2010-02-06 22:09:15

    Maria Arredondo的Burning~so beautiful

  • 黑里俏

    黑里俏 (自从有了你,生命里都是奇迹) 2010-02-06 23:43:17

    Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be沙发 Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be楼上好快 Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be我就多打几个字就只剩地板了 Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be恩 Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be你专门抢沙发的么? Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be前排围观 Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be恩 Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be自杀 Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be自杀失败?! 哈哈

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-02-06 23:48:11

    恩 会心一笑

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-02-06 23:56:27


  • 豆友4383423

    豆友4383423 (No Distance Left to Run) 2010-02-07 00:06:31

    又来了,点名dishwalla的angels or devils

  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-02-07 00:17:43


  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-02-07 17:49:04

    i remember you [skid row] ++++++++++++++++++++++++ 谢谢廊桥遗梦推荐 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Woke up to the sound of pouring rain被倾盆大雨惊醒 The wind would whisper and I'd think of you听见风在低语,倾诉我对你的思念 And all the tears you cried, that called my name你所流的泪,和你叫我的名字 And when you needed me I came through当你需要我的时候我一定会出现 I paint a picture of the days gone by我为过去的日子画了一幅画 When love went blind and you would make me see当爱变得迷茫,你会让我看得清 I'd stare a lifetime into your eyes我愿意花费一生的时间凝视你的眼睛 So that I knew you were there for me因此我知道你会在那儿 Time after time you were there for me每次你都会为我出现在那 Remember yesterday - walking hand in hand记得昨天曾经手牵手一起走 Love letters in the sand - I remember you情书散落在沙滩上,里面全是我对你的记忆 Through the sleepless nights and every endless day熬过这些无眠之夜和无尽的白天 I'd wanna hear you say - I remember you我希望你能听见你说,我记得你 We spend the summer with the top rolled down我们一起度过那个夏天是我们从顶峰摔下 Wished ever after would be like this希望一切过去之后能像这样 You said I love you babe, without a sound你会无声的说:亲爱的,我爱你 I said I'd give my life for just one kiss我说过为了你的一吻,我愿意献出生命 I'd live for your smile and die for your kiss我在你的笑容里生存,在你的吻中死去 We've had our share of hard times我们曾经共度难关 But that's the price we paid那是我们付出的努力 And through it all we kept the promise that we made当我们穿越它,我们就能完成我们许下的诺言 I swear you'll never be lonely我发誓那时你将不再孤单 Woke up to the sound of pouring rain被倾盆大雨惊醒 Washed away a dream of you带走那个梦见你的梦 But nothing else could ever take you away但是没什么能将你带走 'cause you'll always be my dream come true你一直在我梦中相见 Oh my darling, I love you亲爱的,我爱你

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-02-07 17:55:03


  • 巴巴闭

    巴巴闭 2010-02-07 18:20:48


  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-02-07 19:23:42

    2010-02-07 17:55:03 亮亮 (Is it real life~~) lz干脆把本帖改造成点歌翻译台吧。。 +++++++++++++++++++++++ 似乎有这个倾向……

  • 黑里俏

    黑里俏 (自从有了你,生命里都是奇迹) 2010-02-07 22:11:58


  • 然后

    然后 (Excelsior) 楼主 2010-02-07 22:15:21


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