

来自: HALF(don't let me be misunderstood)
2012-11-24 00:54:15

  • 柏太阳神

    柏太阳神 2012-11-24 03:05:06

    實在太多!以一句為例吧,A heart that hurts is a heart that works.

  • 喜北在觅食

    喜北在觅食 (我想吃遍全世界) 2012-11-24 04:12:29

    太多了吧⋯⋯the past will catch you up as you run faster. since i was born i started to decay and nothing ever ever goes my way. everytime i rise i see you falling, can you find me space inside your bleeding heart 以及song to say goodbye整首歌⋯⋯

  • LostCat

    LostCat (To love what is mortal) 2012-11-25 00:52:08

    Can't you see these skies are breaking These clouds we are seeing, they are explosions in the sky.. Protect me from what I want.

  • 阿糕

    阿糕 (我将藏起刀,对世界微笑。) 2012-11-25 02:22:30

    对一切关于色情暴力堕落有感,有被抚慰的感觉, 算是一种救赎吧, 相比之下我还挺纯洁.挺上进. 看不了这货装逼,讨厌他功利和说教的一面.让人觉得丫的色情暴力堕落都是假的,演给人看的,吸引眼球的,丫最喜欢的还是钱,名望,享受生活含饴弄孙,一想到这个,我就仿佛收到愚弄一般不舒服. 还有,就是很讨厌他那些青春期的无病呻吟,除了<Blue Amerian>,说白了就是因为我嫉妒那些有着基本靠谱的成长经历的人.

  • pulp croc

    pulp croc (夜阑静,问有谁共鸣) 2012-11-25 02:35:52


  • Acidflowersky.

    Acidflowersky. (we r not happy till we runaway) 2012-12-01 12:35:31

    Since i was born i started to decay Now nothing ever ever gose my way. Every sky is blue but not for me and you. 还有follow the cops back home和song to say goodbye 两首歌的词

  • Krem

    Krem 2012-12-01 12:46:31

    You grow me like an evergreen. Can this savior be for real, or are you just my seventh seal. Song to say goodbye整首歌一点没错...

  • 阿糕

    阿糕 (我将藏起刀,对世界微笑。) 2012-12-01 14:59:49

    Since i was born i started to decay Now nothing ever ever gose my way. Every sky is blue Since i was born i started to decay Now nothing ever ever gose my way. Every sky is blue but not for me and you. 还有follow the cops back home和song to say goodbye 两首歌的词 ... Acidflowersky.

    求喜欢跟条子回家的的理由. 这词有什么特殊的含义吗? 我感觉有强大的文化鸿沟.

  • Acidflowersky.

    Acidflowersky. (we r not happy till we runaway) 2012-12-01 22:21:02

    没有理由啊,就是感觉,要让我说为啥喜欢其他歌词我也说不出来个什么原因。另外忘记Without u im nothing整首歌词。

  • 阿糕

    阿糕 (我将藏起刀,对世界微笑。) 2012-12-02 01:43:18

    Without u im nothing ----------------------------- 几乎是最爱的了......

  • 阿糕

    阿糕 (我将藏起刀,对世界微笑。) 2012-12-02 01:51:50

    没有理由啊,就是感觉,要让我说为啥喜欢其他歌词我也说不出来个什么原因。另外忘记Without u im 没有理由啊,就是感觉,要让我说为啥喜欢其他歌词我也说不出来个什么原因。另外忘记Without u im nothing整首歌词。 ... Acidflowersky.

    我就不懂那个歌词在说一个什么样的故事. 一个关于朋克青年的故事?经历创伤的人浑身沾满罪恶却惺惺相惜,嗑药磕到恍惚干脆一起拿条子开涮,做个刺激的事情. 我总想起两杆大烟枪里那个倒霉的交警. 有种在极度的荒谬空虚的情况下互相取暖的意味. 这首歌我也很喜欢,觉得非常有感染力,似乎就是那种被讲的含混又透彻的空虚,违和了. 嗯,文化鸿沟深刻,我的理解不知道对不对.

  • HALF

    HALF (don't let me be misunderstood) 楼主 2012-12-02 09:48:42

    我就不懂那个歌词在说一个什么样的故事. 一个关于朋克青年的故事?经历创伤的人浑身沾满罪恶 我就不懂那个歌词在说一个什么样的故事. 一个关于朋克青年的故事?经历创伤的人浑身沾满罪恶却惺惺相惜,嗑药磕到恍惚干脆一起拿条子开涮,做个刺激的事情. 我总想起两杆大烟枪里那个倒霉的交警. 有种在极度的荒谬空虚的情况下互相取暖的意味. 这首歌我也很喜欢,觉得非常有感染力,似乎就是那种被讲的含混又透彻的空虚,违和了. 嗯,文化鸿沟深刻,我的理解不知道对不对. ... 阿糕

    他总是喜欢自己的歌词能够造成迷惑人的效果嘛....二次创作神马的应该都是有道理的!! 不过看到有这么一段: "This track was inspired by Iceland. The first time we went there, it was the summer, there were 24 hours of sunlight per day. We calculated that 3% of the population came to our concert, which was small though. Nobody lives out there. While driving in the countryside to see volcanoes and geysers, we didn't see a cop. It was so weird! You wonder what people do over there ! And 2 weeks ago, I met Sigur Ros. These guys are 25 years old and have 7 years old kids. Seeing that, I told them, "Are you crazy? Is there at this point nothing to do in Iceland?" They replied "No, that's why we fuck and get drunk." This trip in Iceland inspired us, made us think about what you do when you live in a place like Luxembourg and Iceland where there is nothing to do. Most of the time, you fool around. In the end, this song, like many others on the album, is about alcohol. You get drunk in a bar, you meet another drunk guy, you decide that he is your new best friend, and straight away, you go and do foolish things. This foolish thing is to follow the cops back home to rob their houses. After listening to it, if some guy says it is a cool idea, he deserves to go to jail. This is the most stupid thing that can be done!"Brian Molko, Rock Mag April 2006

  • Labyrinth

    Labyrinth (where is my mind) 2012-12-02 13:17:48

    上面有人說了我的最愛啊,without you i'm . nothing

  • 阿糕

    阿糕 (我将藏起刀,对世界微笑。) 2012-12-02 15:30:02

    他总是喜欢自己的歌词能够造成迷惑人的效果嘛....二次创作神马的应该都是有道理的!! 不过看到 他总是喜欢自己的歌词能够造成迷惑人的效果嘛....二次创作神马的应该都是有道理的!! 不过看到有这么一段: &quot;This track was inspired by Iceland. The first time we went there, it was the summer, there were 24 hours of sunlight per day. We calculated that 3% of the population came to our concert, which was small though. Nobody lives out there. While driving in the countryside to see volcanoes and geysers, we didn't see a cop. It was so weird! You wonder what people do over there ! And 2 weeks ago, I met Sigur Ros. These guys are 25 years old and have 7 years old kids. Seeing that, I told them, &quot;Are you crazy? Is there at this point nothing to do in Iceland?&quot; They replied &quot;No, that's why we fuck and get drunk.&quot; This trip in Iceland inspired us, made us think about what you do when you live in a place like Luxembourg and Iceland where there is nothing to do. Most of the time, you fool around. In the end, this song, like many others on the album, is about alcohol. You get drunk in a bar, you meet another drunk guy, you decide that he is your new best friend, and straight away, you go and do foolish things. This foolish thing is to follow the cops back home to rob their houses. After listening to it, if some guy says it is a cool idea, he deserves to go to jail. This is the most stupid thing that can be done!&quot;Brian Molko, Rock Mag April 2006 ... HALF

    Thank U !!!!!!!!!!!! 看来我也猜的八九不离十么........

  • 天晓得

    天晓得 (好故事不该让人悲伤。) 2012-12-02 19:50:49

    When i hit the bottle cos i'm afriad to be alone. 不知道为什么特别喜欢这句,我还一直觉得B唱这句的时候应该高潮澎湃的……事实是他唱到后面才高潮澎湃,然后我就YY成他唱得是这句。。。我觉得一定是他戳到我心里的软处吧。 还有twenty years的高潮。这韵压得……Brian应该去当个诗人的。

  • 天晓得

    天晓得 (好故事不该让人悲伤。) 2012-12-02 19:57:44

    我能说一开始我听follow the cops back home没意识到这句话的意思好么,事实上我听歌基本都不怎么注意歌词的。然后有一天我突然想到:cop,哪个cop,是那个cop么……然后他唱到follow the cops back home and rob their house 就猛然戳中笑点了好么!我还以为他想表达对government的不爽…… After listening to it, if some guy says it is a cool idea, he deserves to go to jail. This is the most stupid thing that can be done! 然后又一次戳中笑点。 另外再说一句好多黑帮片里面都有摧残policeman的情节啊,两杆大烟枪啊、落水狗,这么想起来cops真是够倒霉的……

  • 天晓得

    天晓得 (好故事不该让人悲伤。) 2012-12-02 19:59:15

    然后有人说到Since i was born i started to decay 了。我把这句做成q签名了。因为我最近。颓废了。两个月。我觉得……我被小婊子带坏了。还是心甘情愿的。好想说脏话。

  • 阿糕

    阿糕 (我将藏起刀,对世界微笑。) 2012-12-02 20:52:43

    Since i was born i started to decay 这句话是Brian那个神神叨叨的妈妈说的吧.我觉得Brian如此变态跟他妈有很大关系. 今天最开心的就是发现跟踪条子回家那歌唱的就是闲得慌, 闲得慌, 闲得慌...... 现在看那句ll give you coats and cheap shampoo太冷幽默了,笑死了

  • 阿糕

    阿糕 (我将藏起刀,对世界微笑。) 2012-12-02 20:55:22

    When i hit the bottle cos i'm afriad to be alone. 不知道为什么特别喜欢这句,我还一直觉得B When i hit the bottle cos i'm afriad to be alone. 不知道为什么特别喜欢这句,我还一直觉得B唱这句的时候应该高潮澎湃的……事实是他唱到后面才高潮澎湃,然后我就YY成他唱得是这句。。。我觉得一定是他戳到我心里的软处吧。 还有twenty years的高潮。这韵压得……Brian应该去当个诗人的。 ... 天晓得

    When i hit the bottle cos i'm afriad to be alone 吴哥窟版的把我唱得肠子都断了. 那歌词完全所描述的一切完全是我的亲身经历.

  • 天晓得

    天晓得 (好故事不该让人悲伤。) 2012-12-02 22:22:33

    When i hit the bottle cos i'm afriad to be alone 吴哥窟版的把我唱得肠子都断了. 那歌 When i hit the bottle cos i'm afriad to be alone 吴哥窟版的把我唱得肠子都断了. 那歌词完全所描述的一切完全是我的亲身经历. ... 阿糕

    吴哥窟版是我的最爱啊。看着B把嘴巴张得大大的时候就浑身high得不行啊。 = =歌词其实我一直不是太懂,总感觉他描述的是一个非常纠结的状态,能给说说大意……这思维跳跃得我似乎跟不上……

  • 阿糕

    阿糕 (我将藏起刀,对世界微笑。) 2012-12-02 22:32:32

    看着B把嘴巴张得大大的时候就浑身high得不行啊。 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 绝对有生理反应.


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