百大电影书籍(2023) | 《好莱坞报道》


来自: 京奈(清晨的风浮动绣满蝴蝶的窗帘) 组长
2023-10-20 10:51:30 已编辑 浙江

  • 巫师的诗

    巫师的诗 (柔软的学徒) 2023-10-20 22:48:13 塞内加尔

  • 巫师的诗

    巫师的诗 (柔软的学徒) 2023-10-20 22:53:20 塞内加尔

  • 巫师的诗

    巫师的诗 (柔软的学徒) 2023-11-01 19:10:40 塞内加尔

  • 巫师的诗

    巫师的诗 (柔软的学徒) 2023-11-01 19:14:03 塞内加尔

    《纽约客》Richard Brody的选择

  • 巫师的诗

    巫师的诗 (柔软的学徒) 2023-11-01 19:15:39 塞内加尔

    《纽约客》Richard Brody的候补选择1

  • 巫师的诗

    巫师的诗 (柔软的学徒) 2023-11-01 19:17:03 塞内加尔

    《纽约客》Richard Brody的候补选择2

  • 巫师的诗

    巫师的诗 (柔软的学徒) 2024-04-26 02:28:54 塞内加尔

    《洛杉矶时报》评选有史以来最好的50本好莱坞书籍(2024):https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/books/story/2024-04-08/the-50-best-hollywood-books-of-all-time-ultimate-hollywood-bookshelf 1. Play It As It Lays (Joan Didion, 1970) 2. The Day of the Locust (Nathanael West, 1939) 3. Hitchcock/Truffaut (François Truffaut, 1967) 4. Get Shorty (Elmore Leonard, 1990) 5. Adventures in the Screen Trade (William Goldman, 1983) 6. The Player (Michael Tolkin, 1988) 7. Picture (Lillian Ross, 1952) 8. Interior Chinatown (Charles Yu, 2020) 9. Easy Riders, Raging Bulls: How the Sex-Drugs-and Rock ‘n’ Roll Generation Saved Hollywood (Peter Biskind, 1998) 10. Making Movies (Sidney Lumet, 1995) 11. Five Came Back: A Story of Hollywood and the Second World War (Mark Harris, 2014) 12. The Pat Hobby Stories (F. Scott Fitzgerald, 1940-41) 13. The Kid Stays in the Picture (Robert Evans, 1994) 14. What Makes Sammy Run? (Budd Schulberg, 1941) 15. Postcards From the Edge (Carrie Fisher, 1987) 16. The Devil’s Candy (Julie Salamon, 1991) 17. The Classical Hollywood Cinema: Film Style and Mode of Production to 1960 (David Bordwell, Janet Staiger and Kristin Thompson, 1985) 18. Final Cut: Art, Money and Ego in the Making of Heaven’s Gate, the Film That Sunk United Artists (Steven Bach, 1985) 19. The Studio (John Gregory Dunne, 1969) 20. Erasure (Percival Everett, 2001) 21. West of Eden: An American Place (Jean Stein, 2016) 22. The Big Sleep (Raymond Chandler, 1939) 23. Eve’s Hollywood (Eve Babitz, 1974) 24. Beautiful Ruins (Jess Walter, 2012) 25. Third Girl From the Left (Martha Southgate, 2005) 26. Money: A Suicide Note (Martin Amis, 1984) 27. The Conversations: Walter Murch and the Art of Editing Film (Michael Ondaatje, 2002) 28. Lulu in Hollywood (Louise Brooks, 1982) 29. The Celluloid Closet: Homosexuality in the Movies (Vito Russo, 1981) 30. L.A. Confidential (James Ellroy, 1990) 31. You’ll Never Eat Lunch in This Town Again (Julia Phillips, 1991) 32. The Jaws Log (Carl Gottlieb, 1975) 33. Hollywood Babylon (Kenneth Anger, 1965) 34. From Reverence to Rape: The Treatment of Women in the Movies (Molly Haskell, 1974) 35. Valley of the Dolls (Jacqueline Susann, 1966) 36. Memo From David O. Selznick (David O. Selznick, selected and edited by Rudy Behlmer, 1972) 37. Monsters: A Fan’s Dilemma (Claire Dederer, 2023) 38. Madly, Deeply: The Diaries of Alan Rickman (Alan Rickman, 2022) 39. Toms, Coons, Mulattoes, Mammies, and Bucks: An Interpretive History of Blacks in American Films (Donald Bogle, 1973) 40. Raising Kane (Pauline Kael, 1971) 41. Reel (Kennedy Ryan, 2021) 42. Making the White Man’s Indian: Native Americans and Hollywood Movies (Angela Aleiss, 2005) 43. Stay Tuned: An Inside Look at the Making of Prime-Time Television (Richard Levinson and William Link, 1981) 44. Everybody Thought We Were Crazy: Dennis Hopper, Brooke Hayward, and 1960s Los Angeles (Mark Rozzo, 2022) 45. The Deer Park (Norman Mailer, 1955) 46. Arabs and Muslims in the Media: Race and Representation after 9/11 (Evelyn Alsultany, 2012) 47. Dead Stars (Bruce Wagner, 2012) 48. The Big Goodbye: Chinatown and the Last Years of Hollywood (Sam Wasson, 2020) 49. Myra Breckinridge (Gore Vidal, 1968) 50. Movies (and Other Things) (Shea Serrano, 2019)


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