

来自: Phoebe🐰
2022-10-31 00:29:31 已编辑 上海

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-10-31 00:30:03 美国

    catchall n.(合同、遗嘱或制定法的)包罗条款 该条款意在扩大文书或法律的适用范围。catchall provision

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-10-31 00:30:35 美国

    Caveat emptor: 已经出售,概不负责-Let the buyer take care. This maxim summarizes the rule that the purchaser of an article must examine, judge, and test It for himself, being bound to discover any obvious defects or imperfections.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-10-31 00:32:58 美国

    interloper n.妨碍者,侵入者,(为营利目的)干涉他人事务者

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-10-31 00:38:56 美国

    tippee n.〈美〉不适当地获得内幕信息的人 在证券法中,指从公司内部或从与公司有关系的人员处以各种手段获得非公开的内幕信息的人。证券法的相关规定是为了防止熟悉内情人比非知情人占有不公平的优势。

  • ⠀

    2022-10-31 22:44:41 湖北


  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-01 03:53:55 美国

    dd好棒 dd好棒


  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-01 03:56:21 美国

    Caps and floors: 上限和下限 floor: lowest limit in a range or the maximum limit cap: upper limit on what is allowed

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-01 10:29:07 美国

    prerogative 特权:The office holder’s priveleges, executive powers and rights acquired based on age, sex, relationship or their current position. 语境:Business decisions are the prerogative of the board.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-01 10:32:57 美国

    constituency 利益相关者(公司法语境)~provision 多方利益条款:一般指公司章程授权公司的董事会在衡量一个收购要约时不但要考虑本公司股东的利益,还要考虑职工、客户以及当地地方的利益

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-01 10:56:40 美国

    remnant 剩余,残余-a small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists 语境:Creditors are the only constituency that still has some remnants of protections in corporate law.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-01 12:02:03 美国

    Corporate is insolvent v.s. In the zone of insolvency: 在公司财务破产(Insolvent)时,董事信义义务的对象才包括债权人;在这之前不包括,即使公司已经处于财务破产边缘/濒临破产(zone of insolvency)。

  • GOGO

    GOGO 2022-11-01 13:40:45 湖北

    dd 好棒加油~!

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-01 21:41:42 美国


  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-01 21:42:21 美国

    dd 好棒加油~! dd 好棒加油~! GOGO


  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-01 22:33:27 美国

    chicanery: an illegal act of trickery that results in damages to a person or persons. 耍花招哄骗别人(尤指于法律事务中);不诚实的行为

  • 打怪升级rkk

    打怪升级rkk 2022-11-01 22:48:51 安徽

    顶顶ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-02 03:32:38 美国

    顶顶ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ 顶顶ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ 打怪升级rkk


  • 琥珀洗衣机

    琥珀洗衣机 2022-11-02 12:48:45 北京


  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-04 01:37:01 美国

    顶🆙 顶🆙 琥珀洗衣机


  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-04 04:02:41 美国

    kickback:A bribe for routing a job, contract, or order. Typically comes out of the income generated by the job, contract, or order. 回扣:将已收取的款项作部分返还,尤指采取秘密方式或受强迫而为之。

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-04 04:08:24 美国

    preclude v. exclude: preclude意为提前采取行动,阻止、防止其他可能性; exclude更强调排他性,消除其他异己的可能性。即一个是从前往后,一个是从里到外。

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-05 02:40:29 美国

    Subject to: sub≈under,A is subject to B ,表示A is under B,表明A和B的关系是A的地位要低于B,但并不是表示这件事实际发生。 subject to后面接的B,是比A地位更高的因素,前者迫于这个因素的限制不能完全自由。 例如:Taxable income is income that is subject to tax, and not all income is taxable. 应税收入是指需要征税的收入,并不是所有的收入都要缴税。subject to tax并非指纳税行为已经发生,也是指和tax之间的关系,表示“需要被征税”。 来源: (这个词真的是经常看见又拿捏不准具体什么表示意思,文章写得很透彻)

  • momo

    momo 2022-11-05 08:04:33 浙江

    dd !谢谢姐妹

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-06 00:51:49 美国

    dd !谢谢姐妹 dd !谢谢姐妹 momo


  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-07 02:42:07 美国

    Paramount:最高的,首要的 ~consideration首要考虑 of paramount importance 最重要的

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-07 12:13:39 美国

    forge v.伪造(文件,签名等),犯伪造罪,编造(谎言等)

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-07 21:30:41 美国

    Backstop: 本意是棒球里的挡球网,延伸为兜底方案/保障措施/后备计划。 例:In the absence of a great alternative arrangements, no backstop is no deal. 如果没有其他更好的安排,没有后盾计划就意味着无协议脱欧。

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-08 10:38:52 美国

    friend and foe: 朋友和敌人(一般成对出现) This rule is to avoid putting the client into the difficult position of treating the lawyer simultaneously as friend and foe. 像这种双胞胎短语,链接里还有很多,🐎一下:

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-08 10:45:56 美国

    solicitation: 恳切地要求、恳请、揽客 The act of seeking or asking for business and information.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-09 04:54:23 美国

    wear and tear: 磨损 wear是穿衣服的意思,而tear本身就是“撕碎;撕裂”的意思。两个单词合在一起就是“(一定时期内的)磨损,损耗”

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-09 23:28:26 美国

    tacit 缄默的,(由当事人的行为)默示的,因法律执行而产生的,推定的 Silent; not expressed; implied or inferred Your silence implies tacit consent to these proposals. 你的沉默意味着你默许这些提议。

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-10 09:12:47 美国

    retain v.保持;保留;聘用(顾问、律师)  注意这个词在法律英语中有“聘用律师”的意思,to retain the services of a lawyer 聘定律师

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-10 10:06:39 美国

    ambulance chaser (美俚)(1)怂恿(交通事故中的)受害人起诉的律师 (2)拼命拉官司的律师 the attorney with a dubious reputation who solicits his clients from the victims of accidents

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-10 10:08:41 美国

    layperson 外行

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-10 10:23:41 美国

    smoking gun 确凿的证据,indisputable evidence (especially of a crime)

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-11 03:07:36 美国

    entanglement: 纠葛 纠缠 例:Mr. White threaded his way through the legal entanglements. 怀特先生成功地解决了这些法律纠纷。

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-11 05:03:33 美国

    imputed 推算的,归咎的 As used in legal phrases, this word means attributed vicariously; that is,an act is said to be “imputed” to a person when it is ascribed or charged to him, not because he is personally cognizant of it or responsible for it, but because another person is, over whom he has control or for whose acts or knowledge he is responsible.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-12 00:11:45 美国

    pikestaff plain/ as plain as pikestaff: 极为明显 pikestuff 是矛杆的意思,类似图里的样子 语境:The line between descriptive and suggestive marks is scarcely ‘pikestaff plain.’

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-13 12:48:18 美国

    abide: put up with something or somebody unpleasant v.(1)忍受;容忍 (2)遵从;遵守 (3)等待 (4)履行或执行(判决或裁决) (5)居住  ~by the contract 遵守合同

  • Don't you

    Don't you 2022-11-13 13:33:52 山东


  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-14 02:59:03 美国

    dd好棒!谢谢 dd好棒!谢谢 Don't you


  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-14 03:24:27 美国

    albeit, 尽管、虽然 Albeit difficult, the job is getting done. 尽管工作很困难,还是就要完成了。

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-14 05:16:59 美国

    willy-nilly: adv. 不管愿意不愿意地;乱七八糟地 “nill" meant the opposite of "will." "willy-nilly" describes something we do quickly and carelessly, without much thought of planning. 例句: Mary found herself willy-nilly doing the jobs of three people. There isn't much choice: she knows it's important to keep her department running (willy-nilly作“无可奈何地”的意思) Books were piled willy-nilly on the floor.(willy-nilly作“乱七八糟地,杂乱无章地”的意思)

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-15 03:16:27 美国

    fugitive / fugitive from justice: n.逃犯,流亡者,难民 a.逃亡的,躲避的,流浪的,易消失的 One who flees; always used in law with the implication of a flight, evasion,or escape from some duty or penalty or from the consequences of a misdeed.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-15 03:35:03 美国

    demeanor: (外部的举止)行为 (指从证人态度、表现、语气、手势来推断证人的可信程度) This term is used to characterise the appearance and the look and the attitude of a witness.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-15 04:36:32 美国

    commit perjury 犯伪证罪

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-15 12:18:26 美国

    take sth. under advisement 仔细考虑某件事情,但暂时不做决定 (很正式的表达,常见于美式英语) to think carefully about something but not take a decision about it 或者 If someone in authority takes a matter under advisement, they decide that the matter needs to be considered more carefully, often by experts. 如果某个权威人士把一件事情仔细考虑,他(们)决定这个事情需要更仔细地、更认真地被考虑,通常这个步骤由专家来完成。 语境:The judge took under advertisement a case tried without a jury. The case involved a difficult fact issue of causation and a difficult issue of law.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-18 01:21:43 美国

    interlineation: 行间书写,(文件)评注(或增补)(指写或印于行间的词句) A legal term that signifies writing has been inserted between earlier language. It is commonly used to indicate the insertion of new language between previous sentences in a contract, though it may also be used in other contexts.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-18 01:26:51 美国

    tweak: to change something slightly, especially in order to make it more correct, effective, or suitable 稍稍改进,轻微调整,稍稍调整 The contract needs a little tweaking but it's almost there. 那份合同需要稍稍调整,但是差不多可以了

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-21 04:04:30 美国

    elusive: adj. 难以捉摸的;难以找到的;不易记住的 The definition of an “internal affair” is becoming increasingly elusive-especially in the bellwether state of Delaware. (Bellwether: n. 系铃的公羊,前导,领导者,群众的首领)

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-22 05:37:55 美国

    lump sum 一次给付的总额  A lump sum is a single payment of money, as opposed to a series of payments made over time.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-22 12:29:11 美国

    outright adj /adv 完全的,彻底的;坦率地、无保留地; 立即、当场 The law before us is an outright ban.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-23 04:50:10 美国

    square: adj公正的,适合的,收支相抵的 v.调整,改正,使符合,付清欠账 ~deal 公平交易,公平待遇/~John〔美〕奉公守法者,守法良民/~up结账,付清欠账,付讫 ⚠️当 square 做动词时,有“与……一致”的意思,通常和介词 with 搭配。 ⚠️衍生词squarely:准确地、精确地 来源与例句:

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-23 05:06:35 美国

    alimony n. (离婚或分居后在诉讼期间男方给女方的)赡养费,生活费 The allowance made to a wife out of her husband’s estate for her support, either during a matrimonial suit, or at its termination, when she proves herself entitled to a separate maintenance, and the fact of a marriage is established.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-23 05:51:21 美国

    truce n.休战、停火 a state of peace agreed to between opponents so they can discuss peace terms In family taxation, there can be no peace in this area, only an uneasy truce.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-28 05:43:05 美国

    revoke 撤销—revocable adj. 可废除的;可撤销的 🆚 revival (判决、合同、遗嘱等的法律效力或有效性的)恢复;再生效

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-28 06:10:10 美国

    intact adj. 完整的;原封不动的;未受损伤的 例句:Codicil is a subsequent will that leaves some portion of a prior will intact. 遗嘱附件是修改遗嘱中的部分条款,它保持遗嘱某些部分完好无损。

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-28 23:58:38 美国

    alter ego 〈拉〉(1)第二个我 (2)知已;密友;极受信赖的代理人(或代表) 例句:Delaware law permits a court to pierce the corporate veil where the corporation is in fact a mere instrumentality or alter ego of its owner.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-30 00:33:04 美国

    lapse n.(1)权利(或特权)的终止(或失效) (2)保险单的失效 (3)遗赠的失效 (=lapse of legacy or devise)

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-11-30 00:35:02 美国

    windfall n. 被风吹落的果子(尤指苹果),横财 fruit that has fallen from the tree; a sudden happening that brings good fortune (as a sudden opportunity to make money

  • iamhere

    iamhere 2022-11-30 14:58:26 上海


  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-12-01 02:18:33 美国

    take-away: 1)带走、外卖:I don't feel like cooking tonight, do you want to just get a takeaway? 叫个外卖 2)主要意思、心得体会⚠️(p.s. 这个意思蛮常见的,老师ppt上的常客)

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-12-07 07:12:12 美国

    capricious: Given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior. a.(人格)怪异的,反复无常的,(法令等)与规则相悖的,与证据不符合的

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-12-07 07:20:45 美国

    proponent 提议者;提出者;提出遗嘱检验之请求者(the proponent of a will is the party who offers it for probate) 🆚contestant 异议者(尤指对遗嘱之效力提出争辩者,也称为 objectant, caveator)

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-12-08 06:27:53 美国

    pecuniary a.金钱(上)的;与金钱有关的;可以金钱衡量的 1. Involving money, monetary or financial. 2. A thing able to be evaluated in terms of money. 例句:He received thanks but no pecuniary compensation for his services. 他的服务只得到了一句谢谢却并没有物质上的补偿。

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-12-09 05:31:54 美国

    adeem v.撤销(或撤回)遗赠 例句:for a demonstrative devise, the devise is not adeemed, but rather is satisfied out of other of the testator’s property. 大概意思是,当特定来源的钱不足赠予额时,demonstrative 的赠予🎁不必须撤回,从其他来源给足金额就行。

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-12-12 01:09:58 美国

    escrow: a written agreement (or property or money) delivered to a third party or put in trust by one party to a contract to be returned after fulfillment of some condition 第三方代管转让协议(指由第三者代管保存钱财、契据等,待某项履行条件完成后即交受让人之协议,为一种常用的担保措施) escrow account第三人代管转让款额(指钱款由第三方保管直到完成一定条件为止) 例句:The claim of right doctrine cannot apply in the case of money held in escrow or in trust for the taxpayer, assuming there are significant restrictions on the taxpayer’s ability to obtain the money.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-12-12 03:08:30 美国

    appreciation n.(1)估价;验估 (2)增值;升值 尤指非所有人所能左右的资产增值,如因交通条件改善而引起地价上涨。When an asset’s value increases due to improvements or additions. ⚠️熟词新义,appreciation表示资产的增值

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-12-13 00:14:50 美国

    hair triggers 一触即发的 split hairs 斤斤计较,在小事上争论不休;作无益的、琐碎的分析 例句:I don't want to split hairs over such small matters. 我不想在这种小事上吹毛求疵.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-12-14 00:35:50 美国

    quid pro quo n. something for something; that which a party receives (or is promised) in return for something he does or gives or promises 补偿物;相等物;一物对一物;交换条件;让步条件

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2022-12-16 00:19:18 美国

    nudge, nudge, wink, wink: The whole night, throughout the group dinner, they spent a lot of time together, nudge nudge, wink wink. 整个晚上,聚餐时,他俩就一直眉来眼去,抠抠摸摸的。 其实就是两个动作,nudge的意思是轻推、用身体轻轻碰你一下;wink是眨眼。 Nudge nudge (wink wink) indicates an underlying euphemistic meaning or sexual innuendo(性暗示). 来源:

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-01-09 01:27:52 美国

    malfeasance n.(尤指公务人员的)违法乱纪,渎职 A public official doing a wrongful or unlawful act.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-01-09 01:36:10 美国

    wield vt. 挥舞;使用;行使 例句:Pension trusts or banks that managed pension investments might wield great economic power. wield power 行使权力

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-01-09 06:41:41 美国

    inure v.(1)(法律等)生效;实施;使适应(于) (2)(财产法)使…获利;确定利益 inure to the benefit of sb. 对某人有利 例句:The assets of a plan shall never inure to the benefit of any employer.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-01-09 07:19:38 美国

    exemption 税法上的免除 preemption 优先购买权;⚠️熟词新义:〈美〉(在某些全国性问题上)联邦法优先(于州法的)原则;(在某一特定领域)州法优先(于地方法的)原则 Preemption: A state cannot pass laws that interfere with ERISA and that federal law will supersede state law when there is a conflict between the two.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-01-10 11:14:07 美国

    incumbent adj. 义不容辞的、在职的 n. 在职者 A person who is in present possession of an office; ~ president 在职总统 固定搭配:It is ~ on/upon sb. to do sth. 某人有责任做某事 It is incumbent on the minority trustees to take all reasonable and legal steps to prevent the action.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-01-11 05:08:47 美国

    jumping the gun 1. 操之过急,为时尚早To act too soon, before the proper time; to act on an impulse, without thinking carefully. 2. 还可以表示一个人在不明就里的情况下乱发脾气,等同于get mat at somebody too early.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-01-15 06:35:55 美国

    executory adj. 待执行的,未完成的 ~contract 待履行合同: agreements that call for future performance are often referred to as “executory” contracts, because their performance is not yet executed, i.e.not yet carried out.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-01-15 06:43:39 美国

    rabbit hole: 直译为"免子洞”,常被引申为"一种复杂、愈发奇怪、令人摸不着头脑的情况或状态,而且这种状况往往不容易摆脱”。 Going/Falling etc. down the rabbit hole,表示走进/掉进这种状态。这个用法出自《爱丽丝漫游奇境》,主角爱丽丝就是从一个兔子洞进入了一个异境世界,开启了奇妙的旅程。 ⚠️老师经常说“I’m not gonna lead you down the rabbit holes”(其实rabbit hole理解成“坑”感觉很形象)

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-01-16 00:49:25 美国

    sub judice 在审判中,尚未决定 =under adjudication 例句:A precedent is a prior decision with facts sufficiently similar to the case sub judice that the court feels obliged to follow it and to render a similar decision.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-01-16 01:05:26 美国

    promulgate v.颁布;公布; 指公开宣布,尤指向公众颁布制定的法律或法院规则,从而使之生效 To publish; to announce officially; to make public as important or obligatory

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-01-18 12:13:26 美国

    adhesion contract: 附合合同、格式合同 A standardized contract form offered to consumers on a “take it or leave it basis, without affording the consumer a realistic opportunity to bargain” 更多参见:

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-01-18 12:22:59 美国

    mandamus 〈拉〉执行职务令  上级法院对私人、公司、市政当局或其官员、行政司法官员或下级法院发布的命令,要求履行属于其职责的特定行为,或要求恢复原告被非法剥夺的权利或特权。 执行职务令只是在特殊情况下发布,以纠正下级法院滥用权力或拒绝履行职责,不同于在正常诉讼情况下对下级法院错判的改判 例句: We grant the petition and direct the clerk of this court to issue a writ of mandamus directing the district court to vacate its order compelling arbitration.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-01-20 01:22:36 美国

    test the waters: 试试水、市场测试

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-01-24 03:21:57 美国

    purport v. 声称;意指 have the often specious appearance of being, intending, or claiming;propose or intend 例句:Have the taxpayers actually done what they represent other than what the taxpayers purport them to be?

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-01-24 08:13:44 美国

    bait and switch 「上钩调包」诱售; 一种欺骗性销售,指打出廉价商品广告招来顾客,但采用廉价商品缺货或诋毁廉价商品等方式,向顾客兜售高价同类商品。美国绝大多数州的制定法都对此加以禁止。 a deceptive 欺骗性的 way of selling that involves advertising a product at a very low price in order to attract customers who are then persuaded to switch to a more expensive product.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-01-27 03:03:13 美国

    justify(1)证明...是正当的;为...辩护;convince people that something is just;show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for 例句:No argument can justify a war. 没有任何理由能为战争辩护 (2)对...作出解释defend, explain, clear away, or make excuses for by reasoning 举例: The Prime Minister has been asked to justify the decision to Parliament. 要求首相就这一决定向议会作出解释。 ⚠️感觉这个词很难有准确的中文翻译,根据语境可以进行合理的判断, 记住英语解释to give or to be a good reason for;合理化/给出理由、讨个说法 来源:

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-01-27 10:12:17 美国

    partisan adj. 偏袒的;党派的;盲目推崇的;效忠的 n. 虔诚信徒;党羽 an ardent and enthusiastic supporter of some person or activity 例句:Legal professionalism is identified with extreme partisan zeal on behalf of the client.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-01-30 03:31:26 美国

    seasonable:within the time permitted,可以是要约人指定的期间、合理期间(要约人没有指定期间),或者在发生其他要约终止事件/行为之前。 语境:an offer by mail is seasonably accepted if an acceptance is mailed at any time before midnight on which the offer is received.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-01-31 12:39:57 美国

    adduce v.提供;提出;举出;出示-通常指提出证据 adduce evidence To present, bring forward, offer, introduce. Used particularly with reference to evidence

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-02-01 03:21:32 美国

    penny stock: 便士股票;仙股 Stocks sold at less than one dollar. They are sold by companies in financial trouble, new companies, and ones removed from a larger market. The sales are recorded on a pink sheet. 指市值跌至1 美元以下的股票。在美国股市上如果股票的价格长期低于某一价格就会被摘牌(指证券上市期届满或依法不再具备上市条件) 一般会买仙股的投资人通常抱持巧取投机的心态,因为这类股票的上市公司通常是中小型公司,有些更没有实质业务,偶然靠消息推动股价。由于买入成本低廉,可以以小博大,以赚取较高的利润,所以部份投资者喜欢炒作仙股。

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-02-01 12:29:57 美国

    invoke:to mention or use a law, rule, etc. as a reason for doing something 援引,援用(法律、规则等作为行动理由) The party who seeks to invoke it has the burden of establishing it.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-02-01 12:56:58 美国

    conspiracy n. 阴谋,密谋,同谋;共谋(罪) Conspiracy is a consultation or agreement between two or more persons, either falsely to accuse another of a crime punishable by law; or wrongfully to injure or prejudice a third person, or any body of men, in any manner

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-02-06 12:20:39 美国

    High profile: 惹人注目的,高调的 profile熟词新意:the general impression that sb/sth gives to the public and the amount of attention they receive;raise profile 吸引/引起(更多)关注 high/low profile 即 the amount of attention that sb/sth has from the public 惹人/不惹人注目,高/低姿态,高/低调 来源:

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-02-08 13:03:20 美国

    discrepancy n. 差异,不一致,不符合 A difference between two things which ought to be identical; a variance. 例句:The lawyer uncovered discrepancies in the amount of cash that was in the decedent’s bank accounts and the amount used to open the estate.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-02-10 12:21:03 美国

    detective 警探:the name given to a police officer who will detect and apprehend those people who have committed a crime.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-02-14 01:03:30 美国

    tether: (用绳子、链子)拴; 限度、范围 tie (an animal) with a rope or chain so as to restrict its movement. 用绳子或者链子把(动物)拴起来以限制其活动。因为动物一旦被绳链拴住,就只能在特定范围内进行活动。因此,tether 被引申为“(能力、行动、办法等的)限度、范围”。 例句:Standard of care is being something that isn’t totally tethered to the ethic rules. No man can tether time or tide. 没人能拴住时间或者潮汐。 来源:

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-02-15 04:54:44 美国

    toing and froing 往复,来来回回 例句:This toing and froing came to an end with the JOBS act, which directed SEC to do what it had long considered, but never quite been willing to do.

  • Phoebe🐰

    Phoebe🐰 楼主 2023-02-17 04:24:30 美国

    众筹 crowdfunding

  • 秘密岚

    秘密岚 2023-02-17 19:42:24 北京

    toing and froing 往复,来来回回 例句:This toing and froing came to an end with the JOBS a toing and froing 往复,来来回回 例句:This toing and froing came to an end with the JOBS act, which directed SEC to do what it had long considered, but never quite been willing to do. ... Phoebe🐰


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