

来自: 墨子
2011-11-10 21:55:13

  • 墨子

    墨子 楼主 2011-11-10 22:02:41

    注册过了 也跟amazon通过几次电话 但是他们的保修政策跟没有一样 (kindle 3让我支付139美刀来replace,等于买一个新的kindle3的价格)

  • 天山

    天山 (六度万行) 2011-11-10 22:13:00


  • 王R

    王R (只要活着,总能遇到些神奇的事情) 2011-11-10 22:16:54

    你告诉他们,你在中国,坏了的机器退不过去。 然后就不扣了。

  • 墨子

    墨子 楼主 2011-11-10 22:18:36

    LS你的Kindle购买渠道是? 我跟Kindle客服沟通的结果是,我需要为replacement支付139刀的费用(丫压根就没提我手里这个Kindle怎么处理) 所以我就放弃了 加139换货不如买个新的DXG

  • 木铎

    木铎 (煮夫主妇的同居生活。) 2011-11-10 22:30:02


  • 王R

    王R (只要活着,总能遇到些神奇的事情) 2011-11-11 09:04:20

    我是国外代购回来的。 你再找客服聊聊。 只要是能注册,在保的一般都没什么问题。

  • 天山

    天山 (六度万行) 2011-11-11 09:32:33

    下面是amazon客服给我的回信。信里说了两件事,第一个是帮我下了个新kindle的订单,但是在几天之内会返还钱给我;第二个是,让我将kindle寄回去的时候,带上保险,并在包裹内注明运费,他们会给我报销。 (涉及订单信息部分已经作了处理) Hello, I'm sorry your Kindle isn't working. I'm sending you a replacement Kindle via Priority International Courier to get it to you as soon as possible. Here's some information about how your order was placed to avoid any delays in customs: I created the replacement order with charges and will personally follow up with you for next couple of days and I'll issue a full refund for the replacement order,, once it is shipped and write back to you with the refund details once the order is completed successfully. Order Number: ********************* Estimated Delivery Date: Between November 9, 2011 - November 14, 2011 Please don't modify the replacement order in Your Account, as that may delay the replacement shipment. Remember to back up your personal content to your computer. When you return your Kindle, please do not return your power adapter, USB cable, manual, any accessories or other items that shipped with your Kindle. When we send a replacement, we'll send you a Kindle only without any additional accessories. Please turn off wireless on your Kindle, insert the Kindle into a plastic bag, put it in original packaging if available, and send it back to us within 30 days from the date of this e-mail. If we don't receive the device by then, you'll be charged for the replacement Kindle. Please mail your return to: 172 Trade Street Lexington, KY 40511 USA You will want to ship it with tracking and insure it. Please write the reason for your return on the packing slip, put the slip in the package you're using, and wrap the package securely. Please indicate the cost of shipping you paid with your return (either on the packing slip inside of the box or written on the return label outside of the box). We'll use this amount to reimburse your return shipping costs. After you have shipped out the malfunctioning unit, please send us the tracking information and shipping cost using the link below so we can issue a refund. Please visit the following link to provide the information we requested: http://www.amazon.com/rsvp-mi?c=×××××××××××××××××××××× You'll be able to access your existing Kindle Library and change your subscription delivery options on the Manage Your Kindle page www.amazon.com/myk when your replacement Kindle arrives. If you'd like to access your Kindle library while you're waiting for your replacement, Kindle for PC or Mac are free applications that let you read Kindle books on your computer. Please follow the link below for more information: www.amazon.com/kindleapps Thank you for allowing us to work through this problem with you. Your replacement Kindle will be there soon.

  • 墨子

    墨子 楼主 2011-11-11 09:34:15

    Thanks ls 及 lss 我再找amazon问问看

  • 王R

    王R (只要活着,总能遇到些神奇的事情) 2011-11-11 10:15:13

    一般都不用把旧机器邮回去 说说都会通融的 chat他们

  • 涤生

    涤生 (Áhpi) 2011-11-14 12:50:10


  • 江南草长

    江南草长 (从此为自己的梦想而活) 2011-11-14 21:45:48

    在taobao 上面某个店铺从美国代购了个k3, 之所以出高价从他们那里买,完全是处于对豆友的信任,因为这个link是豆瓣给的...结果,用不了两天,花屏了。和卖家讨论保修的问题,人家跟我说让我出中美之间的运费,搞笑么,运费一出还修个什么呀。可是问题是卖家在卖货之前根本不提什么运费问题,现在倒好,到底真了解什么保修流程么? 楼上修过并收到replacement 的同学请详细分享下经验, 或者提供下客服的联系方式? 要用英文沟通么? 还不晓得我能否把问题给人家说明白?多谢先。

  • 涤生

    涤生 (Áhpi) 2011-11-15 10:06:24


  • 天山

    天山 (六度万行) 2011-11-15 10:34:46


  • 涤生

    涤生 (Áhpi) 2011-11-16 17:33:32


  • 江南草长

    江南草长 (从此为自己的梦想而活) 2011-11-16 19:15:43

    今天和amazon的客服折腾了一天, 网络不好害死人啊。我就直接告诉人家我在中国,上午叫Simon 的美国青年很直接地答应会把从中国到美国的运费refund给我的账号,但是不能邮寄一个直接到中国,可以让我选择一张 99刀的gift card。后来权衡了下,还是找了个美国地址让人家再转邮寄一下。至于中国到美国的运费,下午的那些印度兄弟们就说sorry, 没有这个回事情了。 我说, 这个我管不了, 你们同事答应的就是公司答应的,不行就叫个主管过来,主管果然来了,说既然前面同事答应了,那么就给你个one time exception. So, Ok. 我打算等收到了新的就把旧的给他们用 FedEx 或者 UPS 给邮寄回去。

  • 江南草长

    江南草长 (从此为自己的梦想而活) 2011-11-16 19:23:43

    replacement order 是不要钱的, 人家还给我一个pre-paid 的label, 意思是我邮寄回去也不要钱,但是前面这个美国哥们没有意识到这样的label只能在美国境内使用, 以为全世界都是通用的呢。 可见美国人的头脑是简单的,心地是热情的。后面的印度人只能say sorry, 对公司的规则倒是掌握的挺好。你喜欢哪一种? 其实两种人都能帮助你也能给你找麻烦。 好在本人曾在外企工作多年,深谙跟客服折腾之道,所以还是达到目的了。 不过象楼上的同学们说的不能邮寄回去之类的话,我就不想说啦。花多少钱邮寄回去,我倒不关心。

  • 我不是人

    我不是人 (心如止水,波澜不惊) 2011-11-16 19:33:16

    出了问题找代购。。。基本。。。。 还是自己上吧,写邮件没啥用,最后还得给他们打电话 折腾半天,最后在我用米国一朋友信用卡扣了一美金 发了一个新的到转运地址

  • 涤生

    涤生 (Áhpi) 2011-11-16 20:34:43

    我是直接online chart解决的。

  • 王R

    王R (只要活着,总能遇到些神奇的事情) 2011-11-16 21:14:05

    我也是chat 解决 哪儿有那闲钱打电话啊 一说就答应,可痛快了 旧机器不用邮回去,给他们个美国地址就ok

  • richy1989

    richy1989 2013-08-10 15:14:42

    我是国外代购回来的。 你再找客服聊聊。 只要是能注册,在保的一般都没什么问题。 我是国外代购回来的。 你再找客服聊聊。 只要是能注册,在保的一般都没什么问题。 王R


  • 王R

    王R (只要活着,总能遇到些神奇的事情) 2013-08-10 23:41:21

    [内容不可见] [内容不可见] richy1989


  • richy1989

    richy1989 2013-08-11 02:34:01

    当时说的是,让我自己扔了…… 当时说的是,让我自己扔了…… 王R


  • 王R

    王R (只要活着,总能遇到些神奇的事情) 2013-08-12 17:40:51

    [内容不可见] [内容不可见] richy1989

    您看日期啊,那都是2011年的事儿了,当时不少人都是这么拿到的新机器,旧的直接自己保管。 那时候好说话吧。

  • richy1989

    richy1989 2013-08-12 20:09:19

    您看日期啊,那都是2011年的事儿了,当时不少人都是这么拿到的新机器,旧的直接自己保管。 那时 您看日期啊,那都是2011年的事儿了,当时不少人都是这么拿到的新机器,旧的直接自己保管。 那时候好说话吧。 ... 王R


  • richy1989

    richy1989 2013-08-13 01:31:31

    下面是amazon客服给我的回信。信里说了两件事,第一个是帮我下了个新kindle的订单,但是在几天之 下面是amazon客服给我的回信。信里说了两件事,第一个是帮我下了个新kindle的订单,但是在几天之内会返还钱给我;第二个是,让我将kindle寄回去的时候,带上保险,并在包裹内注明运费,他们会给我报销。 (涉及订单信息部分已经作了处理) Hello, I'm sorry your Kindle isn't working. I'm sending you a replacement Kindle via Priority International Courier to get it to you as soon as possible. Here's some information about how your order was placed to avoid any delays in customs: I created the replacement order with charges and will personally follow up with you for next couple of days and I'll issue a full refund for the replacement order,, once it is shipped and write back to you with the refund details once the order is completed successfully. Order Number: ********************* Estimated Delivery Date: Between November 9, 2011 - November 14, 2011 Please don't modify the replacement order in Your Account, as that may delay the replacement shipment. Remember to back up your personal content to your computer. When you return your Kindle, please do not return your power adapter, USB cable, manual, any accessories or other items that shipped with your Kindle. When we send a replacement, we'll send you a Kindle only without any additional accessories. Please turn off wireless on your Kindle, insert the Kindle into a plastic bag, put it in original packaging if available, and send it back to us within 30 days from the date of this e-mail. If we don't receive the device by then, you'll be charged for the replacement Kindle. Please mail your return to: 172 Trade Street Lexington, KY 40511 USA You will want to ship it with tracking and insure it. Please write the reason for your return on the packing slip, put the slip in the package you're using, and wrap the package securely. Please indicate the cost of shipping you paid with your return (either on the packing slip inside of the box or written on the return label outside of the box). We'll use this amount to reimburse your return shipping costs. After you have shipped out the malfunctioning unit, please send us the tracking information and shipping cost using the link below so we can issue a refund. Please visit the following link to provide the information we requested: http://www.amazon.com/rsvp-mi?c=×××××××××××××××××××××× You'll be able to access your existing Kindle Library and change your subscription delivery options on the Manage Your Kindle page www.amazon.com/myk when your replacement Kindle arrives. If you'd like to access your Kindle library while you're waiting for your replacement, Kindle for PC or Mac are free applications that let you read Kindle books on your computer. Please follow the link below for more information: www.amazon.com/kindleapps Thank you for allowing us to work through this problem with you. Your replacement Kindle will be there soon. ... 天山



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