【狮子座】Susan Miller 2018年9月运势——全文完


来自: 蓝意(学习语言,是贴近文本的最好方式)
2018-09-01 14:02:12

  • Jellox

    Jellox 2018-09-01 15:37:21

    YOUR HOROSCOPE BY SUSAN MILLER Life is moving more quickly now. Until this month, you may have encountered roadblocks and delays, so you may have wondered if this was your fault or the way things were in July and August for most people. It’s the latter – not your fault. Now that Mercury and Mars are moving forward, you will see the pace pick up in a gratifying way. Last month, on August 11, you had a solar eclipse in Leo that may have opened opportunities on new fronts, so as you begin September, you may be weighing your options on all that surfaced in August. You will be quite motivated to make more money this month, and you may have been heartened by the glowing effects of last month’s full moon of August 26. That full moon lit your eighth house of other people’s money, covering such funds as commission, severance, bonus, child support, division of property in a divorce or between partners at the end of a business, inheritance, a court settlement, venture capital, or a loan (or financial aid) of any description, from student loans to business bank loans. Surprise-planet Uranus, in Taurus, was in perfect angle to the Sun, in Virgo, suggesting that sudden good financial news made you happy late last month, and Saturn helped too, giving you a comforting feeling of security. With your morale boosted by that full moon of last month, you are ready to look for new sources of income. The new moon September 9, in Virgo 17 degrees, will help you in your mission to find a new pipeline of income. Neptune will be directly opposite that new moon, so unless you work in the arts, such as at a gallery and sell art or music, or you’re in a business that supports creativity or entertainment, you will have to be careful dealing with money . Neptune could cloud important facts and figures you’ll need to make an informed decision. Neptune rules the arts, from music to painting, dance, costume design, sculpture to theatrical performances, set design, and more, so it could help you if you are involved in the arts. Neptune has a flip side of clouding reality, which is the reason you need to read the fine print and have a second pair of eyes, preferably those of your lawyer, look critically at any papers you sign now.

  • Jellox

    Jellox 2018-09-01 15:37:46

    At the same time as the new moon, we have a golden triangle appearing in the sky, linking Pluto, in your work-a-day sector (sixth house), to the Sun, in your earned income sector (second house), and both planets in those separate houses will beam rays to Uranus, in your house of fame and honors (tenth house), forming a mathematically perfect triangle. I feel a new project will bring you an impressive sum of money (as a fee or as a raise), for which you will receive kudos and applause too, and possibly a step up to a more prestigious role very soon, perhaps even immediately. You have two days that will bring spectacular luck – September 10-11 – when the Sun will send beams to Jupiter and Pluto, and also on those days, Pluto will trade signals with Jupiter and they’ll talk to each other! Uranus is currently shining at the pinnacle place of your chart. So, if you want to turn yourself into a household name, you will have all the cosmic support you need to do so in September and in the months ahead. Jupiter will help you score success with real estate matters and possibly with any renovations or repairs you want to make to your home. The Sun will be trine Jupiter on this day, the most heavenly aspect possible, bringing a great deal of fantastic news. You may buy, sell, or rent a house or apartment at a great price, and it is unlikely you will get a better offer after September 11. You are ruled by the Sun (which will be highly active on these days), so although everyone will love September 10-11, you will enjoy these days more and have even bigger luck. At the same time, Pluto will bring new business and more projects. When Jupiter and Pluto are involved, it is always a reliable astrological signature of great success, and it is rare when they are together like this. Jupiter is the good fortune planet, and Pluto rules transformation, so Pluto will take the goodness of Jupiter and multiply it many times over. The Sun and Pluto will be forming what is called a sextile, an aspect that indicates opportunity.

  • Jellox

    Jellox 2018-09-01 15:38:13

    Nothing will beat September 10-11 for radiant financial good fortune, especially with real estate or with business dealings. However, Mercury will be very busy this month, and Mercury rules your salary, savings, and investment sector, so here are your best days to make a good deal. Put gold stars on these dates: September 7, when news will be sudden and exciting, and your ideas will be nothing less than brilliant. September 15, when digging for hidden financial information will pay off. September 16, one of the best days of the month to sign a contract, close on a house, or sign a lease. September 23, when bringing in new business should be a snap. Your solar ninth house is lit up too, because Mars, which rules that house, is now in Capricorn until September 10. No doubt this has been a hard-working summer for you, with many projects to attend to, since Mars, still retrograde, backed into your work-a-day sector on August 12. Your ninth house emphasizes worldwide travel, foreign people and places, international relationships, publishing and broadcasting enterprises, the courts and legal matters, college and graduate school, and immigration matters. One of these areas may have taken a lot of your time and attention lately, and will continue to occupy your time in early September, and then again at the full moon later. The difference is that this month, the pieces of your puzzle should now fall into place much more easily. You will see a culmination to events to one of the topics listed at the full moon, September 24, in Aries two degrees. Saturn, in your house of work projects, will be in hard angle to the Sun and new moon, suggesting that you will feel the weight of responsibility, the message of that full moon. For example, if you travel to see a client to conclude a deal, you must be very prepared, for the client will want you to bend on some of your points to favor him more generously. All full moons have a plus or minus four days of influence, but the affects are stronger after the full moon arrives. The good part is that you will get closure on the matters ruled by the ninth house, such as to finally get your green card or citizenship in a foreign country, receive credentials having successfully defended your thesis, or complete your publishing or broadcasting project after quite a strenuous push to hand it in.

  • Jellox

    Jellox 2018-09-01 15:38:35

    If your birthday falls on July 25, plus four days, you will find that the conclusion of matters at the full moon will please you quite a bit. The same is true if you have your natal moon in Leo, Leo rising plus or minus four degrees, or have another natal planet at two degrees Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, in this case, plus or minus five degrees. Mars has been retrograde since June 26, but as I mentioned, Mars went direct late last month on August 27. This means all of life will move forward now at a faster pace and bring progress. You had to do a lot of backtracking and rethinking of decisions you had made earlier, but now you can look forward in September, not back. It will take Mars time to get back to full robust health – it will take until October 8 – but you won’t need Mars to be at 100 percent power to see a gratifying difference. Your courage and drive will be back, and life will look brighter. Mars will again move into Aquarius on September 10, so if you are in talks to sign a partner or expert in your business, you will have a chance to find the right candidate and to ask your lawyer to write a contract. You can sign in September, for Mercury is no longer retrograde like it was from July 25 to August 18. (You see why nothing was turning out easily lately – now things will.) Speaking of retrograde planets, the three planets that we feel the most when retrograde are Mercury, Mars, and Venus. As you know the first two were out of commission over the past two months, and Venus will retrograde October 5 to November 16. I am so sorry to have to tell you this about Venus. You must be tired of all these retrogrades, because most of us like to hear that we can forge new ground and pioneer forward, not fix past projects and relationships that went astray. The message of the universe in 2018 was clear: It was time to look back. It was also a good time to go back to clients and colleagues who have always believed in you and supported you, and say thank you. It could be advantageous to work together again. Saturn will go direct on September 6, and Pluto will go direct on September 30. Both planets are in your work-a-day project sector, so you will see more assignments, and of the ones you are given, they will go smoother and quicker than they did in July and August. Pluto has strong ties to money, so you may find it easier to bring in new business or to get a raise after Pluto regulates his orbit. If you are looking for a job similar to the one you had before, or, if you would rather have a part time job, it will be easier to find one this month. If you are a manager who hopes to hire staff, you will find suitable candidates. If you would rather find a position that has greater prestige, power, and responsibility, however, then you will need to look in November and stage talks so that you can decide and give your final answer after December 6.

  • Jellox

    Jellox 2018-09-01 15:39:03

    The problem with November is that Venus will be retrograde from October 5 to November 16, and then, on the very same day that Venus goes direct, Mercury will go retrograde, from November 16 to December 6. I can read your mind right now, and I feel the same way, dear Leo – too many retrogrades! I thought about not telling you, but of course you are my friend, and how can I not tell you? We are all in this together. Venus rules your honors and prestigious career advancement (tenth house) and also all contractual matters (third house), so, alas, it would not be wise to sign papers or take a new job in October and November. Mercury will continue to retrograde until December 6, so start your biggest initiations after that date. During September and later, from December 6 through February 28, will be perfect timing for moving ahead on career matters. (In astrology, written or verbal agreements are considered the same, so verbal agreements have to be carefully timed, too.) If you have been out of work a long time, then take the job, even if it comes at the wrong time, when the planets are not cooperating. In that case, be cognizant that you may have to change jobs again soon. It’s always easier to get a job when you already have a job. All this means you must make September work for you. SUMMARY As a Leo, focusing strongly on money matters is not usually your favorite thing to do, but this month you seem exceptionally motivated to get a grip on saving, investing, earning, and spending. The full moon last month on August 26 started you thinking, for that full moon had you busy paying people you owed, banking checks that came in to you, and perhaps thinking about raising money for a new venture. You may have received good news on that score, for full moons bring answers.

  • Jellox

    Jellox 2018-09-01 15:39:25

    Now another financial aspect comes up on September 9, a new moon in your house of earned income. If you are looking for a way to earn more money or get a raise, you have the best new moon of all of 2018 for you to speak up and also to look at your options. If you work in a creative field, you will be especially favored, as artistic expressions, whether yours or the work of other creative people that you represent or serve, are favored. If you don’t work in the arts, then have a lawyer look at the contractual deal, for Neptune could bring some confusion. Your lawyer can tighten up clauses for clarity and make changes to some parts of the contract that will benefit you. Your work-a-day sector will be lit up with activity, suggesting new business or more projects are coming through, allowing you to make a name for yourself. Uranus is currently shining at the pinnacle place of your chart. So, if you want to turn yourself into a household name, you will have all the cosmic support you need to do so in September and in the months ahead. Speak up for more money within the ten days after September 9, for you will have a slew of great aspects to help you get it. If you work in sales, you can move ahead of the competition, thanks to good-fortune Jupiter and transformative Pluto. Within the new moon period, mark down September 10-11 as one of your best days of the month, and possibly of the entire year. It is your time to act on your desire to make more money, and you won’t get another aspect this special for nearly another two years. After having financial planning consuming much of your time in early-to-mid-September, you will want to relax, You can escape to a distant point at the full moon, September 24, and it is likely to be a location that will require your passport for entry. You will want a sunny, warm retreat, and one that might allow for participation in sports. Related to travel is progress on immigration and citizenship matters, which should proceed smoothly now. If you are in need of a passport, visa, or green card, you will likely be able to settle the matters quickly. The officials you see will have detailed questions for you; however, you need to be fully prepared to answer them honestly, accurately, and precisely. If you cannot travel at the end of September, even for a few days, there are a number of alternative activities or topics that could come up. First, you may be concluding an entrepreneurial deal, one that will allow you to walk down an entirely new path.

  • Jellox

    Jellox 2018-09-01 15:39:46

    The area that the full moon on September 24 is lighting is your solar ninth house, so in a different manifestation, you may be finishing up a paper for your college professor, defending your thesis. If you are not in college, you may be putting in the final changes to a manuscript for your publisher, to your segment, if you are a producer, or a white paper for your boss, as some examples. You may be involved in a court case, and if so, don’t rush the process. You may be tempted to give the other party a quick settlement offer, but things could go against you at this time. Approach the other side gingerly and strategically concerning any ideas you and your lawyer might have to proffer. Mars will go back to touring Aquarius, September 10 to November 15, putting enormous emphasis on your partner, in love or business. This is a trend that started May 15, and that will continue to November 15. Leo’s most natural method is to take control of a situation and to lead it in the direction you want, but with Mars in your opposite sign of Aquarius, you will get further by being cooperative and conciliatory and by stepping aside and letting your partner take the lead. You may be getting engaged or married soon, or you may be newly wed, learning how to be in step with your partner. The same could be said if you hired a new expert to help you with your business. Any of these instances would explain why you are currently so deeply invested in a close, serious relationship, and why grabbing the reins is not the way to go these days. If you are single, the first eight days of September will be your best for finding love. At that time, Venus will tour Libra, an air sign that supports your Leo fire-sign element. The other planet that has to do with love, Mars, will move into Aquarius on the day after Venus exits sweet Libra, on September 10, giving you a superb chance to continue to meet new romantic interests and find one that may figure prominently in your life. Traveling to nearby resort settings where single people go will fan the fires of love in the first eight days of the month, and your best days within this period will be September 6 and September 7. The transiting moon will be in Leo then, too, putting you in your glory.

  • Jellox

    Jellox 2018-09-01 15:40:55

    蓝意我来了 @蓝意

  • Jellox

    Jellox 2018-09-01 18:13:24


  • 女神经常碎碎念

    女神经常碎碎念 2018-09-01 18:18:30


  • tina

    tina 2018-09-01 18:34:27


  • 人称阿饭

    人称阿饭 (不疯魔不成佛) 2018-09-01 19:02:35

    啥愿望??? 加油!

  • shicarstens

    shicarstens 2018-09-01 19:50:56


  • 蓝意

    蓝意 (学习语言,是贴近文本的最好方式) 楼主 2018-09-01 20:16:33

    好快,去翻译一下金牛吧 好快,去翻译一下金牛吧 tina


  • 松露巧克力

    松露巧克力 2018-09-01 20:48:11


  • 爪哇没菜扣肉饭

    爪哇没菜扣肉饭 (秋裤打官司) 2018-09-01 21:35:53


  • Panino

    Panino 2018-09-01 22:10:31


  • 弗洛拉

    弗洛拉 (越努力越幸运) 2018-09-02 00:50:10


  • Brisky

    Brisky (我不想和她们一样) 2018-09-02 01:14:33

    感谢 祝福

  • joycelindy

    joycelindy (商业世界不相信眼泪!) 2018-09-02 01:41:12


  • 她她

    她她 2018-09-02 04:14:50


  • Momo

    Momo 2018-09-02 12:03:47


  • Phoebe

    Phoebe 2018-09-02 21:10:07


  • 左麓

    左麓 (林深时见鹿) 2018-09-02 22:05:42


  • 樱小桃子🍒

    樱小桃子🍒 2018-09-03 02:13:31


  • 弗争

    弗争 (生者必灭 会者定离) 2018-09-03 09:49:28

    谢谢 上个月岗位变动 工作上真的几乎被弄崩溃~太艰难了 本来没有换住所的计划 也是突如其来要搬家~希望如运势所说能找到价格环境都合适稳定的地方

  • powerfulcat

    powerfulcat 2018-09-03 15:54:29


  • 𝙆𝙞𝙢𝙘𝙝𝙞

    𝙆𝙞𝙢𝙘𝙝𝙞 (迟一点,天上见) 2018-09-03 19:50:32


  • 阿波罗的天使

    阿波罗的天使 2018-09-06 12:49:21


  • Summer。夏

    Summer。夏 (The shortest mantra) 2018-09-07 19:22:13


  • 🍩

    🍩 2018-09-23 13:28:44



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