Fawlty Tower三十周年了


来自: 汽车大师(Camelot! ... It's only a model)
2009-05-12 11:09:50

  • 汽车大师

    汽车大师 (Camelot! ... It's only a model) 楼主 2009-05-12 11:16:45

    老人家还是一贯地犀利 Though the show was done for noncommercial television, Cleese said it couldn't have been made without commercials -- the ones he did on the side. "I have to thank the advertising industry for making this possible. Connie and I used to spend six weeks writing each episode and we didn't make a lot of money out of it," he said. "It took six weeks to make each show, so that's 36 weeks, one week to film them -- 37 weeks -- and six weeks to actually tape them in the studio so that's 43 weeks' work, for which I was paid for writing and performing and filming, 6,000 pounds ($9,000)," he added. "So that meant that I was able to subsidize my writing time by doing commercials."

  • BBC

    BBC 2009-07-27 08:29:49

    the moose didn't quite fall quickly enough on Basil's head XD 那个moose头可以算是我看过最爆笑的镜头之一


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