Tony McCaroll被踢出乐队的细节


来自: 奇的葩
2009-04-13 18:52:29

  • AF

    AF (I'm young and invincible.) 2009-04-13 19:12:12

    McCarroll was canned and is now suing the band for unfair dismissal. "He's being a dickhead about things, so he can fuck right off," says Liam. "We never knocked about with him. We weren't mates. He was just a lad who could drum. We needed a better drummer, so we got one. Even if he was our mate, it wouldn't matter. He wasn't a good drummer, and that's the point." (McCarroll could not be reached for comment.) Enter Alan White, a mild, likable London native who once walked out of an Oasis concert because he was unhappy with the drumming. White met with Noel on a Sunday, appeared on the weekly British television show Top of the Pops on Wednesday and began recording Morning Glory the following weekend. "We went out for a beer, came back and had a jam, and that was it," says White. "I thought they'd be a bunch of nutses, but they weren't, really." 据传好像和兄弟俩打过架,RP和技术都不咋样的家伙

  • 奇的葩

    奇的葩 楼主 2009-05-01 20:31:30


  • 豆子

    豆子 2009-05-01 20:59:12


  • 超因素

    超因素 (09.10.02 生命开始飞速前进...) 2009-05-01 21:19:29

    哎 也太针对他一个人了 莫非他真是个傻蛋?

  • Bob

    Bob (俺が俺を殺す理由) 2009-05-01 21:26:32

    Noel 认真地对他说:‘给我告诉Guigsy,不要抢在我之前把你干掉。不然的话我把他也杀了。’ 囧

  • 西人

    西人 (the fool on the hill) 2009-05-02 09:40:00

    在oasis,鼓手这份工是最难打的 还是Alan好啊

  • 豆子

    豆子 2009-05-02 10:07:27


  • 西人

    西人 (the fool on the hill) 2009-05-02 10:17:14

    是说Alan技术好,Noel不也说Alan的鼓影响了Oasis的风格嘛。 老大喜欢Gem和Andy这样的乖乖男,夸张的有一个Liam就足够足够了

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2009-05-02 10:57:14


  • 嘟嘟

    嘟嘟 (semper ubi sububi) 2009-05-02 22:37:45


  • loneLY

    loneLY 2009-05-02 22:58:34


  • 磨驴大妈

    磨驴大妈 (Rock Star) 2009-05-04 13:23:52

    确实敲得差,看他们以前的Live By The Sea录像,敲得那叫一个破阿,好歌都被敲烂了,看得我鬼火冒。 后来一换人,立马感觉都不一样了,比如Alen,或者现在的Chris,都牛逼得多。

  • 布鲁图

    布鲁图 (黑泽明的乱世和波多野结衣的汗) 2009-05-11 20:46:29


  • 拧发条猫

    拧发条猫 (你就像黑夜,拥有寂静与群星) 2009-05-11 22:57:21


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2010-07-21 12:02:06



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