Dreaming of Joseph Lees

My Maurice

来自: My Maurice
2008-05-29 10:41:53

  • My Maurice

    My Maurice 楼主 2008-05-29 10:42:22

    Review Summary This drama takes place in Somerset, England in 1958. Eva is a twenty-year-old woman who fantasizes about travel, painting, classic books, and the attention of Joseph Lees, her second cousin, with whom she fell in love as a girl. Joseph, whom she has not seen for four years, is the only member of the family who has managed to get away from the stale domestic cycle. He has recently been injured in a truck accident and Eva imagines herself curing his wounds. She conceals her obsession from everyone except her sister, the precocious Janie, who is twelve years old. Reality is far away from Eva's dreams. Her artistic endeavors are confined to a local drawing class; she works for a meager salary at a dirty sawmill and the only male around to appreciate her female charm is the local pig farmer, Harry Flyte. Harry's sister Maria is anxious to marry off her brother so that she can be free to do as she pleases. Eva moves in with Harry, but when she meets Joseph at a family gathering, the old flame is rekindled. However, Harry is not so easy to get rid of. Dreaming of Joseph Lees is a family drama and the first feature of Eric Styles. ~ Gönül Dönmez-Colin, All Movie Guide

  • My Maurice
  • My Maurice

    My Maurice 楼主 2008-05-29 11:06:51


  • My Maurice

    My Maurice 楼主 2008-08-08 21:51:42

    Dreaming of Joseph Lees - [影画戏] 版权声明:转载时请以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本声明 http://lovemikeho.blogbus.com/logs/6188638.html 约瑟夫李,这个是个很动听的名字,念出来不由得带了几分柔情的向往。伊娃从小便爱慕远房表兄,特立独行的地质学家约瑟夫李。可是在这小镇,生活里只有脾气古怪的父亲,尚未成人的弟妹,还有锯木厂里做不完的帐簿打不完的文件。她终于接受了对自己一片痴心的哈里。只是当约瑟夫李,这个念了千百遍名字的男人回到英国,女孩为了自己的梦,用勇气走出了一条怎样的路我不忍心再回想,哈里是一个可爱的男子,但是约瑟夫李是这个女孩一辈子的梦想,梦想触手可及时,上帝会看着伊娃,会看着哈里,会用仁慈用宽容去帮助我们解决一切痛苦么?但凡是女子对爱还心存梦想,看看这电影也好,不管结局如何,有过梦想总是最美好的回忆。有梦有爱的女人们,要勇气给自己一个机会,现实世界已经够苦闷枯燥,从泥泞里探出头来呼吸一口梦想的氧气,沉下去时再做梦也会带着笑。Worth dreaming。 我无法理解咱们内地『当你微笑时』这个中文译名是从什么角度翻译出来的,倒是台湾版的『禁恋』虽然俗气但沾了一点儿故事主题的边,当然本名就很好,如果我选择的话就直译最贴切。这部电影的背景是50年代英国北部小镇,所以哈里买了一张唱片邀伊娃跳舞时用的曲子是佩姬李演唱的Fever,这首歌曲正是当时红到爆的爵士名曲,放在这电影里配合跳舞时二人的心境真是神来之笔。整部电影的配乐也是相当精致。伊娃妹妹一边玩壁球一边即兴发挥说出的小绕口令在我看来都是寓意巧妙的小诗。总之很享受这样的故事,是我所钟爱的。 http://lovemikeho.blogbus.com/logs/6188638.html

  • 春华秋实

    春华秋实 2011-01-05 20:55:03


  • 卖豆瓣的

    卖豆瓣的 (人,诗意地栖居在大地上) 2011-11-07 19:25:01

    我真的找遍了也找不到,唯一找到的美国亚马逊上有卖,但是地理限制,人家不卖给中国大陆 楼主,好心给个源吧~

  • 到十三月

    到十三月 2015-01-03 22:11:12



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