

来自: Momo
2024-05-12 23:06:47 希腊

  • 安静的一个

    安静的一个 (TOGO) 2024-05-15 20:43:46 辽宁

    您好 第一集这歌叫什么?谢谢

  • Momo

    Momo 楼主 2024-05-16 02:01:18 希腊

    您好 第一集这歌叫什么?谢谢 您好 第一集这歌叫什么?谢谢 安静的一个

    宝子,你一问我也想知道了呢😄 搜了一下找到了: Teddy is played by Irish actor and musician Ger Kelly, who performs music under the name Frowning Hours, and the song he sings is a traditional folk song called “A Stor Mo Chroi (Treasure of My Heart),” a 19th century Irish folk song written by Brian O’Higgins, a writer, poet and Irish republican who was a founder and leader of Sinn Féin. The song, which has been covered by The Chieftains and countless others, speaks to the heartache of a person leaving their Irish homeland, with lyrics that include wistful lines like, “For the stranger’s land may be bright and grand/ and rich in its treasures golden/You may pine, I know, for the long, long ago/ and the love you’ll soon be leaving.” 翻译:泰迪由爱尔兰演员兼音乐家盖尔·凯利饰演,他的音乐表演艺名是 Frowning Hours,他演唱的歌曲是一首传统民歌《A Stor Mo Chroi(我心中的宝藏)》,这是一首 19 世纪的爱尔兰民歌,由作家、诗人、爱尔兰共和主义者布莱恩·奥希金斯创作,他是新芬党的创始人和领导人。这首歌被 The Chieftains 和无数其他乐队翻唱,讲述了离开爱尔兰故土的人的心痛,歌词中包括这样令人伤感的歌词:“陌生人的土地可能光明而伟大/拥有丰富的黄金宝藏/我知道,你可能会怀念很久很久以前的事情/以及你即将离开的爱。”

  • 安静的一个

    安静的一个 (TOGO) 2024-05-17 16:40:36 辽宁


  • Momo

    Momo 楼主 2024-05-17 16:43:48 希腊

    十分感谢! 十分感谢! 安静的一个



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