

来自: 滚滚
2024-03-25 18:38:38 已编辑 北京

  • momo

    momo 2024-03-25 18:39:01 天津


  • 小胖子

    小胖子 2024-03-25 18:39:01 浙江


  • 真正的磕药鸡

    真正的磕药鸡 2024-03-25 18:39:27 浙江


  • 范大大暖

    范大大暖 2024-03-25 18:39:30 江苏


  • BeiXiu

    BeiXiu 2024-03-25 18:40:17 山东


  • .流泉得月光

    .流泉得月光 2024-03-25 18:41:02 浙江


  • momo

    momo 2024-03-25 18:43:23 安徽


  • 上善若水yuki

    上善若水yuki 2024-03-25 18:43:56 广东


  • 鱼馆鱼

    鱼馆鱼 2024-03-25 18:43:57 广东

  • 滕玉意蔺承佑

    滕玉意蔺承佑 2024-03-25 18:44:25 山东


  • 阳光正好

    阳光正好 2024-03-25 18:44:31 上海


  • 沿途吃瓜

    沿途吃瓜 2024-03-25 18:44:41 浙江


  • momo

    momo 2024-03-25 18:44:43 重庆


  • 吃饭了吗

    吃饭了吗 2024-03-25 18:46:39 湖北


  • 周三也很美好

    周三也很美好 (做一只快乐的鱼) 2024-03-25 18:48:42 北京


  • 早点睡觉

    早点睡觉 2024-03-25 18:49:34 湖南

    外网也是更新到13集吗? 外网也是更新到13集吗? 上善若水yuki


  • Anna

    Anna 2024-03-25 18:57:18 浙江


  • 朝阳

    朝阳 (以梦为马) 2024-03-25 19:01:33 广东


  • momo

    momo 2024-03-25 19:01:37 浙江

    i want more too!

  • 牛奶糖冰淇淋

    牛奶糖冰淇淋 2024-03-25 19:03:30 江苏


  • 苜蓿

    苜蓿 2024-03-25 19:06:31 江苏


  • 肆月玉兰

    肆月玉兰 2024-03-25 19:08:49 陕西


  • 小白沈浪

    小白沈浪 2024-03-25 19:22:52 安徽

  • 樱木大人

    樱木大人 (那就,算了吧,阿弥陀佛) 2024-03-25 19:23:14 浙江


  • 眉眼弯弯

    眉眼弯弯 2024-03-25 19:27:15 陕西

    一个小小笨笨的神灵 哈哈哈哈又好笑又可爱

  • 滚滚

    滚滚 楼主 2024-03-25 19:50:04 北京

    爱看,辛苦楼主,我个人给你加精,哈哈哈哈。 爱看,辛苦楼主,我个人给你加精,哈哈哈哈。 樱木大人


  • 樱花·泪

    樱花·泪 2024-03-26 00:23:01 陕西


  • 阿修罗🐯

    阿修罗🐯 2024-03-26 00:24:32 福建

    辛苦了 一直编辑主楼会不会被锁啊

  • 李宇春

    李宇春 2024-03-26 00:25:06 福建

  • 小胖子

    小胖子 2024-03-26 00:28:11 浙江


  • 必过

    必过 2024-03-26 00:28:27 广东


  • 小苔藓(ง •̀_•́)ง

    小苔藓(ง •̀_•́)ง 2024-03-26 00:56:04 福建


  • 把星星含在嘴里

    把星星含在嘴里 2024-03-26 00:56:21 湖南


  • 把星星含在嘴里

    把星星含在嘴里 2024-03-26 00:56:45 湖南


  • 阿修罗🐯

    阿修罗🐯 2024-03-26 00:58:12 福建

    其实可以整理一个外网的数据楼 但是要🪜麻烦

  • 苜蓿

    苜蓿 2024-03-26 00:58:24 江苏


  • 朝阳

    朝阳 (以梦为马) 2024-03-26 00:59:27 广东


  • 嘘嘘(闭关版)

    嘘嘘(闭关版) 2024-03-26 01:26:18 北京


  • 上班想死

    上班想死 2024-03-26 01:39:06 江苏


  • 豆友212370337

    豆友212370337 2024-03-26 01:40:10 广西


  • 路过吃瓜

    路过吃瓜 2024-03-26 01:49:26 美国


  • MOMO

    MOMO 2024-03-26 01:50:48 江苏


  • momo

    momo 2024-03-26 01:54:26 安徽


  • 月下未见影

    月下未见影 2024-03-26 02:15:01 陕西


  • jiujiu

    jiujiu 2024-03-26 02:20:27 福建


  • balloon-ya

    balloon-ya 2024-03-26 02:33:59 陕西


  • 路过吃瓜

    路过吃瓜 2024-03-26 05:01:52 美国

    帮楼主盖几层,希望楼主不介意。 Whose heart skip a bit when he holds her hand and said let’s go, I’ll cook for you 🥰 them and they casually holding each other’s hands 🤣 Also: SL: stop making me falling in love with you XZ: I’m just being myself 🤣 I’ll cook for you, I’ll care for you, I can understand you like no one can! 有谁看到他们拉手的时候心跳漏了一拍。他们拉手那么自然。 还有: 沈璃:不要总让我爱上你 行止:我只是在做自己。就是给你做做饭,照顾照顾你,然后做世界上最懂你的那个人 楼中楼:Really not seducing her when he's being himself and just happens to be her type haha 真的没有勾引她,他只是在做自己,不巧的是,他刚好是她的菜

  • 路过吃瓜

    路过吃瓜 2024-03-26 05:05:04 美国

    After fl did the action nd he slides in to take credits.. Even fl was like 🙄🤣🤣 女主一顿拳脚输出,然后男主滑入抢占功劳,女主脸 🙄 楼中楼:I love his personality so much 我太爱男主的个性了 原楼主:Same 🤟🤟 我也是

  • 路过吃瓜

    路过吃瓜 2024-03-26 05:11:11 美国

    Furong is just brilliant. Scared, covered in crap, sees Xiao He.... straight away back to his normal self... hello there sunshine :) I'd love to see those two get together. She did nothing wrong to be stuck with the other guy every time. 弗容君太帅了。灰头土脸,一脸惊吓的时候,看到小荷。。。。立马变身本尊。。。嗨,你好 (满脸阳光)。我想看他俩一对儿。每次都跟着那个渣男对小荷不公平。

  • 路过吃瓜

    路过吃瓜 2024-03-26 05:19:31 美国

    I really like their dynamics now that they both can be themselves. Fantastic acting the past 2 eps, especially during their "talk". 我太喜欢他们俩之间的极限拉扯了,尤其现在他们都可以做自己。这两集的表演简直太棒了,尤其在他们对话的那部分。 楼中楼:True their acting was so natural Especially that scene where she was drunk I felt like that scene was just done right like it does not look stupid or to annoying like must drunk scene are portrayed in dramas instead it felt so emotional. 真的,他们的表演太松弛自然了。 尤其沈璃喝醉了的那一幕,我觉得那一部分拍的太好了。看上去没有一点儿其他人演醉酒戏的尴尬,蠢笨,但是,情绪表达得满满的。

  • 路过吃瓜

    路过吃瓜 2024-03-26 05:43:29 美国

    Ahhhhhh. The build up to these episodes was worth it! 🙌 I love how the dude just went full Genie from Aladdin and whipped out a teaset while she beat the fuck out of the men. That's a man stepping aside for his babe and letting her be tough. But lol at him taking the credit at the end. Teasers for 16 and 17 are gonna be fun, too. 啊,这几集的等待是值得的。 大爱那个家伙在女主胖揍敌人的时候变出一套茶具,让出舞台让他的宝贝儿大施拳脚。但是最后他闪现抢下功劳的时候真的要笑死。 16,17集预告看着也很有趣。 楼中楼:He's bossy, he's stiff, sometimes he just seems so cold, he can hide his sneer behind sophisticated words. His figure exudes dignity. He can't handle his feelings for her and he's so cute about it. I love looking at him and their reactions to each other 他霸道,刻板,有的时候还超级冷漠,他可以把自己的蔑视藏在冠冕堂皇的言语中。他的身形散发着无上的威严。可是他却处理不了对她的感情,这点看着好可爱。我太喜欢看他们俩的对手戏了。

  • 葡萄皮不吐葡萄

    葡萄皮不吐葡萄 2024-03-26 06:49:34 四川


  • 呆毛

    呆毛 2024-03-26 07:12:15 江苏


  • 不会wink.

    不会wink. 2024-03-26 07:18:28 湖南


  • 💫🌙💫

    💫🌙💫 2024-03-26 07:42:17 浙江


  • 范大大暖

    范大大暖 2024-03-26 07:48:24 江苏


  • 无舟

    无舟 2024-03-26 07:50:02 四川


  • .流泉得月光

    .流泉得月光 2024-03-26 07:51:10 浙江


  • 嘘嘘(闭关版)

    嘘嘘(闭关版) 2024-03-26 07:54:52 北京

    After fl did the action nd he slides in to take credits.. Even fl was like 🙄🤣🤣 After fl did the action nd he slides in to take credits.. Even fl was like 🙄🤣🤣 女主一顿拳脚输出,然后男主滑入抢占功劳,女主脸 🙄 楼中楼:I love his personality so much 我太爱男主的个性了 原楼主:Same 🤟🤟 我也是 ... 路过吃瓜

    这个slide in就很魔性

  • 永湖

    永湖 2024-03-26 08:04:13 贵州


  • 莫忘

    莫忘 2024-03-26 08:07:44 浙江


  • 龙井虾仁

    龙井虾仁 2024-03-26 08:09:42 北京

    感谢lz和楼里帮忙建设的友友🥰 看这些评论好有意思

  • 路过吃瓜

    路过吃瓜 2024-03-26 08:25:45 美国

    I finally caved on Sunday and binged the first 13 eps. This is good. Like really really good. I’m not just saying that because I’ve been waiting for this couple to reunite on screen since PA. Don’t yall feel the difference in their acting skill and chemistry as compared with other popular stars? No shade to anyone else but these two are putting on a master class. Even their silence is electric. Anyway I’m loving it. I detect no flaws at this point. 总算周末追平了13集。太好看了,真不是因为从楚乔传就开始等而吹的。 你们不觉得俩主演的演技和默契是其他明星演员没有的吗?不是辣菜,但是这俩确实在演绎一部经典作品。他们俩就算没有台词都能火花四射。 不管怎么说,大爱啊,目前为止还没有啥好吐槽的。 楼中楼:I absolutely agree! This time, LGX and ZLY really grew with their acting. I haven't seen a couple like this in a while with this much chemistry. Just XZ and SL in a room lights the room on fire. 完全同意。这次林更新和赵丽颖的演技绝对更进步了。我有日子没有见到这么精彩有默契的对手演员了。行止和沈璃只要同框就火花直冒了。 楼中楼2:The conversation they had where she knew his identity, you can really feel their acting skills. The man is restraining himself, but still burst out saying hes the same guy..and her wanting so badly to be with him, but rejecting him. The tension was unreal 在沈璃得知行止掉马甲的那段对话中,可以真切感觉到他们的演技。行止在控制自己,但是还是忍不住承认行云行止一直是同一人。。。而沈璃热切的希望跟行止在一起,但是拒绝了他。那种极限拉扯,太牛了。。。

  • 滚滚

    滚滚 楼主 2024-03-26 08:27:21 北京

    帮楼主盖几层,希望楼主不介意。 Whose heart skip a bit when he holds her hand and said let 帮楼主盖几层,希望楼主不介意。 Whose heart skip a bit when he holds her hand and said let’s go, I’ll cook for you 🥰 them and they casually holding each other’s hands 🤣 Also: SL: stop making me falling in love with you XZ: I’m just being myself 🤣 I’ll cook for you, I’ll care for you, I can understand you like no one can! 有谁看到他们拉手的时候心跳漏了一拍。他们拉手那么自然。 还有: 沈璃:不要总让我爱上你 行止:我只是在做自己。就是给你做做饭,照顾照顾你,然后做世界上最懂你的那个人 楼中楼:Really not seducing her when he's being himself and just happens to be her type haha 真的没有勾引她,他只是在做自己,不巧的是,他刚好是她的菜 ... 路过吃瓜


  • 滚滚

    滚滚 楼主 2024-03-26 08:28:37 北京

    外网没有粉黑干扰,看起来好真实 外网没有粉黑干扰,看起来好真实 把星星含在嘴里


  • 顺顺

    顺顺 2024-03-26 09:09:49 山西


  • 珍珠奶茶

    珍珠奶茶 2024-03-26 09:17:19 山西


  • 叫什么叫

    叫什么叫 2024-03-26 09:19:21 河北


  • violet

    violet (人生没有白走的路) 2024-03-26 09:20:00 北京

    帮楼主盖几层,希望楼主不介意。 Whose heart skip a bit when he holds her hand and said let 帮楼主盖几层,希望楼主不介意。 Whose heart skip a bit when he holds her hand and said let’s go, I’ll cook for you 🥰 them and they casually holding each other’s hands 🤣 Also: SL: stop making me falling in love with you XZ: I’m just being myself 🤣 I’ll cook for you, I’ll care for you, I can understand you like no one can! 有谁看到他们拉手的时候心跳漏了一拍。他们拉手那么自然。 还有: 沈璃:不要总让我爱上你 行止:我只是在做自己。就是给你做做饭,照顾照顾你,然后做世界上最懂你的那个人 楼中楼:Really not seducing her when he's being himself and just happens to be her type haha 真的没有勾引她,他只是在做自己,不巧的是,他刚好是她的菜 ... 路过吃瓜


  • 没有名字的人

    没有名字的人 2024-03-26 09:21:01 江苏


  • 白日梦探险家

    白日梦探险家 2024-03-26 09:22:32 广东


  • 嘿呵哒

    嘿呵哒 2024-03-26 09:28:12 河北

    其实还是有的,与凤行刚开播的时候,在这个平台上疑似被恶意打分。评论区猜是韩剧粉干的。 其实还是有的,与凤行刚开播的时候,在这个平台上疑似被恶意打分。评论区猜是韩剧粉干的。 滚滚


  • 豆友183824428

    豆友183824428 2024-03-26 11:41:59 湖北


  • 阿修罗🐯

    阿修罗🐯 2024-03-26 11:47:47 福建

    I finally caved on Sunday and binged the first 13 eps. This is good. Like really really go I finally caved on Sunday and binged the first 13 eps. This is good. Like really really good. I’m not just saying that because I’ve been waiting for this couple to reunite on screen since PA. Don’t yall feel the difference in their acting skill and chemistry as compared with other popular stars? No shade to anyone else but these two are putting on a master class. Even their silence is electric. Anyway I’m loving it. I detect no flaws at this point. 总算周末追平了13集。太好看了,真不是因为从楚乔传就开始等而吹的。 你们不觉得俩主演的演技和默契是其他明星演员没有的吗?不是辣菜,但是这俩确实在演绎一部经典作品。他们俩就算没有台词都能火花四射。 不管怎么说,大爱啊,目前为止还没有啥好吐槽的。 楼中楼:I absolutely agree! This time, LGX and ZLY really grew with their acting. I haven't seen a couple like this in a while with this much chemistry. Just XZ and SL in a room lights the room on fire. 完全同意。这次林更新和赵丽颖的演技绝对更进步了。我有日子没有见到这么精彩有默契的对手演员了。行止和沈璃只要同框就火花直冒了。 楼中楼2:The conversation they had where she knew his identity, you can really feel their acting skills. The man is restraining himself, but still burst out saying hes the same guy..and her wanting so badly to be with him, but rejecting him. The tension was unreal 在沈璃得知行止掉马甲的那段对话中,可以真切感觉到他们的演技。行止在控制自己,但是还是忍不住承认行云行止一直是同一人。。。而沈璃热切的希望跟行止在一起,但是拒绝了他。那种极限拉扯,太牛了。。。 ... 路过吃瓜

    啊 美国小伙伴 谢谢 多拌匀些

  • misfit

    misfit 2024-03-26 13:46:31 广东


  • 二十五

    二十五 2024-03-26 13:54:47 上海


  • 满杯百香果

    满杯百香果 2024-03-26 14:32:53 贵州


  • 木槿疏年

    木槿疏年 2024-03-26 20:32:07 山东


  • 必须减肥了

    必须减肥了 2024-03-26 20:36:53 浙江


  • 滚滚

    滚滚 楼主 2024-03-26 22:05:18 北京

    I just enjoy how she didn't whine over it, she got over it and moved on. But now she is totally giving him a hard time because now she wants to see if he can ride those desires out. ShenLi is the best and worst thing for his brain. Like a drug addict, he is utterly high on her. They're the kids in class who hang out in detention. One gets in trouble and the other is just there to be with them. 我很喜欢她在感情中冷静清醒,能够及时抽身的样子。但现在,沈璃让行止感到不好受了——她想要看看,这个古神是否可以度过情劫。如同对药物上瘾一样,沈璃对于行止既是无上荣光,也是无边深渊,他已经深深地陷进去了。 他们就像是学校里被挨罚的小情侣,一个惹了麻烦,另一个守在身边陪着他。

  • 滚滚

    滚滚 楼主 2024-03-26 22:08:43 北京

    Whose heart skip a bit when he holds her hand and said let’s go, I’ll cook for you 🥰 them and they casually holding each other’s hands 🤣 Also: SL: stop making me falling in love with you XZ: I’m just being myself 🤣 I’ll cook for you, I’ll care for you, I can understand you like no one can! 当行止抓住沈璃的手,说走吧,我来给你做饭的时候,我的心脏停跳了一拍。他们就这样平常的牵手了。 此外: 沈璃:别再试图让我爱上你了 行止:我只是在做我自己罢了🤣我会给你做饭,我会照顾你,没人比我更能理解你!

  • 滚滚

    滚滚 楼主 2024-03-26 22:12:50 北京

    Oh my God , Shen Li knew everything about Xing Zhi's true identity and she revealed everything to him 😱 Zhao Liying's acting is top-notch on ep15 ❤️ Xing Zhi said smiling "you saw right through me again" What a beautiful plot twist. Finally a smart female lead . Congratz Shen Li 我的老天鹅啊,沈璃早就对行止的真实身份了如指掌,并且还直接揭穿了他。 赵丽颖的演技在15集达到了巅峰❤️ 行止笑着说:“你又看穿我了。” 多么美妙的故事转折啊,我们终于迎来了一个聪明的女主角。对沈璃发来贺电。

  • 滚滚

    滚滚 楼主 2024-03-26 22:21:31 北京

    Ep 14 and 15 were great. I love the scene where they were sitting together by the river... the way the colors of their outfits coordinate against the tranquil green...but every word of Shen Li's seemed to be a stab at Xing Zhi's heart...haha... Smart girl! She figured it all out about Xing Yun and Xing Zhi but was so rational and practical about it. So refreshing to have a FL not act like a love-obsessed twit. Then ep 15 where XZ cannot help but still be flirty and them holding hands??? So much for cutting ties 😁 14/15集太棒了。我喜欢他们坐在河边的场景,服装的颜色和周边静谧的绿色很相配。但沈璃在行止的心上戳了好几刀,哈哈哈。 聪明的女孩!她早就看穿了行止,而且表现得很理性。没有恋爱脑的女主角真的让人耳目一新。 然后在15集里,行止还是忍不住调情,两个人又牵手了?这就是分手嘛(?)😁 楼中楼:SL: inner thought (please let me go) XZ: (ok) SL: I can’t accept you as XY, I’ll move on and forget you XZ: *big sigh* yes, I’m glad we agree 5mins later, she holds his hand like its usual business. 5mins later, he holds her hand like it’s usual business. 🤣🤣🤣 they can’t help but act like a couple 🤣🤣🤣 沈璃:放我走吧(内心戏) 行止:好滴 沈璃:我不能接受现在的你,我会走出来,然后忘却你。 行止:叹气,但俺也一样。 然而5分钟之后,她牵起了他的手。又5分钟后,他也干了类似的事。他们总是难以自控的表现得像情侣。

  • 滚滚

    滚滚 楼主 2024-03-26 22:24:56 北京

    XZ: You never wear rouge🤣🤣 Shenli with her thick makeup everytime. C'mon we know in cdramaland they might be starving or on the brink of death, but they never forget to apply makeup 🤣🤣. 行止:你从来不涂胭脂。 🤣🤣可沈璃每次出现都画着大浓妆呢。我们都知道,在中国电视剧的世界里,人们可能会挨饿,可能会濒临死亡,但是他们永远都不会忘记化妆。

  • 吃饭了吗

    吃饭了吗 2024-03-27 11:09:00 湖北


  • 🕸

    🕸 2024-03-27 11:13:07 浙江

    哇 楼主翻译的好好

  • 小苔藓(ง •̀_•́)ง

    小苔藓(ง •̀_•́)ง 2024-03-27 11:15:00 福建


  • 滚滚

    滚滚 楼主 2024-03-27 11:33:47 北京

    楼主啥时候还会更新呀 楼主啥时候还会更新呀 小苔藓(ง •̀_•́)ง


  • 小苔藓(ง •̀_•́)ง

    小苔藓(ง •̀_•́)ง 2024-03-27 11:35:00 福建

    最新的更在评论里了,今天中午我有时间再搬点。 最新的更在评论里了,今天中午我有时间再搬点。 滚滚


  • 鱼馆鱼

    鱼馆鱼 2024-03-27 11:35:18 广东

    XZ: You never wear rouge🤣🤣 Shenli with her thick makeup everytime. C'mon we know in XZ: You never wear rouge🤣🤣 Shenli with her thick makeup everytime. C'mon we know in cdramaland they might be starving or on the brink of death, but they never forget to apply makeup 🤣🤣. 行止:你从来不涂胭脂。 🤣🤣可沈璃每次出现都画着大浓妆呢。我们都知道,在中国电视剧的世界里,人们可能会挨饿,可能会濒临死亡,但是他们永远都不会忘记化妆。 ... 滚滚


  • 范大大暖

    范大大暖 2024-03-27 11:36:51 江苏


  • 朝阳

    朝阳 (以梦为马) 2024-03-27 11:42:20 广东

    XZ: You never wear rouge🤣🤣 Shenli with her thick makeup everytime. C'mon we know in XZ: You never wear rouge🤣🤣 Shenli with her thick makeup everytime. C'mon we know in cdramaland they might be starving or on the brink of death, but they never forget to apply makeup 🤣🤣. 行止:你从来不涂胭脂。 🤣🤣可沈璃每次出现都画着大浓妆呢。我们都知道,在中国电视剧的世界里,人们可能会挨饿,可能会濒临死亡,但是他们永远都不会忘记化妆。 ... 滚滚


  • 阿狸

    阿狸 2024-03-27 12:32:00 广东

    XZ: You never wear rouge🤣🤣 Shenli with her thick makeup everytime. C'mon we know in XZ: You never wear rouge🤣🤣 Shenli with her thick makeup everytime. C'mon we know in cdramaland they might be starving or on the brink of death, but they never forget to apply makeup 🤣🤣. 行止:你从来不涂胭脂。 🤣🤣可沈璃每次出现都画着大浓妆呢。我们都知道,在中国电视剧的世界里,人们可能会挨饿,可能会濒临死亡,但是他们永远都不会忘记化妆。 ... 滚滚


  • 滚滚

    滚滚 楼主 2024-03-27 12:47:00 北京

    I thought Fusheng became an iceberg and died… he’s still alive? 我以为符生已经被冰封而死了...他居然又复活了? 楼中楼:He just comes back everytime he dies. His name "fu sheng" means resurrection in chinese. 他每次都会死而复生。他的名字“fu sheng”在中文里,就是复活的意思。 (我赌五毛钱这人用的是机翻,而且不懂中文中同音词的区别)

  • 滚滚

    滚滚 楼主 2024-03-27 14:38:36 北京

    watching ep 15 rn and I've already hopped on the Xingzhi-ShenLi ship from Mofang-ShenLi damn 😂😂 all it took was XZ in well-fitting black clothes, a smirk, and some moving instead of sitting at one place like a lost cause petty blue man, wanting more ice pops while watching his love getting married to some reckless man child💀😂😂 看完15集后,我从墨方-沈璃党变回了官配党。这是因为行止换了一件修身的黑色衣服,挂着得意的笑,还采取了更多行动——而不是那个总是坐在一个地方,吵着要更多冰淇淋的小气蓝衣男人,还要看着自己所爱之人嫁给一个幼稚鬼。

  • 滚滚

    滚滚 楼主 2024-03-27 14:38:52 北京

    WOW! Xing Zhi ain't playing! He can easily kill a whole village with the wave of his arm! Best total kill scene I've seen in a long time! 哇!行止终于不演了!他一挥手臂,就可以轻而易举的突突了整个村庄!这是很长时间里,我看过最好的杀戮戏份!

  • 滚滚

    滚滚 楼主 2024-03-27 14:39:20 北京

    The hottest thing was that he took down the whole dang building and its surroundings because they were messing with his girl! Ahhh, dreaming back to those PA days at the festival and rabbit lantern! Hehe, just them staring at each other is causing me palpitations 😂😂. Can we get a jealous Shen Li? 对我来说,最性感的一幕,就是在他的女孩受伤后,行止挥手毁掉了整个建筑和周围的一切!啊,这让我一夜梦回了在元宵灯会度过的育儿假!哈哈,仅仅看到男女主角对视的样子,我的心就会开始悸动😂😂.沈璃,我可以嫉妒你吗?

  • 滚滚

    滚滚 楼主 2024-03-27 14:39:40 北京

    That lantern festival scene was so adorable to watch them follow each other and just gaze into each others eyes. Then when XZ says to Shen Li "I stay in front to protect you." **I'm melting!!!🫠🥰 他们在灯下相望的场景真的太棒了。当行止对沈璃说“站在前面,才能保护你”的时候,我都要融化了!!!🫠🥰

  • 滚滚

    滚滚 楼主 2024-03-27 14:40:06 北京

    Damn episode 16 and episode 17 were amazing. How is it possible that I love this drama more and more? I absolutely enjoy all the scenes with SL and XZ. They're hilarious. SL is so badass and XZ, can you please stop being so hot? *fans myself* 天哪,16/17集真是太棒了。我怎么能越来越喜欢这部剧呢?我真的很享受沈璃和行止出现的每分每秒。这些剧情太好笑了。沈璃太帅了,而行止,你能够停止向外散发魅力嘛?星星眼。

  • 滚滚

    滚滚 楼主 2024-03-27 14:40:58 北京

    'm at ep 16. just starting. they are losing me. they pulled me in with Ep 1 first fight scene. then they pulled me a little further with in with the relationship between the leads. now they just having me waiting for something important, meaningful and interesting. her fighting by herself isn't that interesting. And there relationship is getting annoying. 我刚开始看16集,但已经考虑弃剧了。他们在第一集的打斗中吸引了我,又用男女主角的爱情线吸引我追下去。但是现在,我只能靠“后面会有有趣的重头戏”的信念看下去。 她孤身一人的打斗可没那么有趣,感情线也变得烦人了。 Finish ep 16-17 - they are better. We see what XZ can do with his power 先追完16-17集——这两集还不错。我们能看到行止强大的神力。

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