

来自: WP-at-whim
2012-05-14 04:14:42

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-14 04:20:48

    Difficult Customer (B0001) A: Good evening. My name is Fabio, I’ll be your waiter ___tonight. May I take your order? B: No, I’m still working ___ it. This menu __ not _ ___English. What’s good here? A: For you sir, I would recommend spaghetti and¬¬ meatballs. B: ________ come with ________? A: It comes with either soup or salad and ____________glass of wine, Sir. B: I’ll go with the _________and __________, salad and the wine. A: Excellent choice, your order will be ready soon. B: How _________ soon? A: Twenty minutes? B: You know what? I’ll just go ____ a burger _____ the street.

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-14 04:27:04

    for on is even does coke and fries complementary spaghetti meatballs soon is grad cross 连续不断听了4遍写完

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-14 04:54:36

    Full Lesson 听了五遍,在下雨。。。待会一起去楼顶跟读。。。

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-14 04:54:55

    Elementary - Calling In Sick (B0002) A: Hello, ______________, how may I help you? B: Hi, Daniel, Julie here. A: Hi, Julie, how are you? B: Actually, I’m ________ quite ___ today. A: OH, I’m sorry to hear that. What’s wrong? B: I think I’m ___________ with the flu. I have a headache, a ______ throat a __________ and I’m feeling slightly _________. A: I see... so you’re calling in sick? B: Yes, I was hoping to take the day off to recover. A: OK, then. Try _____ get some rest.

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-14 05:15:55

    发现自己第一个好像没有按照奶爸的要求来。。。直接就填克漏字了。。。 第二篇先把Full Lesson 听了两遍,再填克漏字。 Daniel speaking feeling ill coming down sore running nose feverish and? 开始几遍一直听的像是in。。。觉得可能是and吧。。。 5遍不间断

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-14 05:18:48

    Daily Life - Hotel Upgrade (C0003) A: Good afternoon. What ______ do for you? B: ___ like to check in please. I have a _________ _____the name Anthony Roberts. A: All right. R.O.B.E.R.T.S... Oh, Mr. Roberts ________expecting you and here is your ___________ to the _________________. B: But ______ must be some mistake; my reservation _______ standard room. A: Are you sure? Let me double check . B: Yeah. Here, this is my ___________ number. A: ______ right Mr. Roberts, there seems to be a _____, unfortunately we’re _________ at the moment . B: So••• A: Not __ worry. We’re pleased to offer you a _________________. B: Presidential suite baby!

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-14 05:45:29

    两遍Full Lesson 克漏字 can I I' d reservation under we've been key card presidential suite there was for confirmation you are mix up overbooked to complementary upgrade 敲字好慢,中间暂停了。。。貌似看到奶爸说可以暂停。。。 去看了别人在2下面的回复,发现自己一二的complimentary都写的是complementary。。。去查了字典,前面是免费的、赠送的,后面是补足的、补充的。应该是complimentary,我没有好好想就写了。。。

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-14 05:47:51

    听suite,一直觉得是sweet,以为是口音。。。去查了才发现真的是[swi:t] ,这个是sweet的[[swi:t]],自己还以为是跟suit [sju:t, su:t] 一样。。。

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-14 05:50:44

    The Office - I need an assistant! (C0004) A: ...______ told you before, we just don’t have the resources to hire ______ an assistant. B: I understand that, but the _______ we’re _________. A: The _________ just not right. The economy is bad, and it’s __________ take ___ new staff. B: Yeah, I guess you’re right.... here’s an idea, what if we hire an ______? She would take some __ the ______ my shoulders. A: She? B: Yeah, you know, a recent graduate. She could give me a hand ________________________ and we could keep our ______down. A: That sounds reasonable... _______ see what I can do. A: Tony, ___________ to introduce you to your new assistant. B: OK, great! Let’s _______! C: Hi, I’m Adam. B: Oh... hi... I’m Tony...

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-14 06:08:02

    两遍Full Lesson 克漏字 like I you fact is understaffed timing is too risky to take on intern some of the weight off with some of these projects cost let me I' d like meet her 有暂停,总是担心自己会拼错词。。。比如staff,我很容易跟stuff弄混,要记住前者指人后者指物。还有intern,写的时候也不确定。

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-14 06:08:31

    Daily Life - Cut In Line (C0005) A: I can’t _______________________ two hours to get here. The traffic ___ New York is unbelievable. B: Yeah, but just relax honey, we’re here ____ we’re going on vacation. In a few hours we’ll be in Hawaii, and you’ll be on _____________. A: Oh no! Look at that line! It ______ be ______! There’s no way I’m waiting for __________two hours. B: Honey... don’t... C: Hey man, the ____________ is over there. A: Yeah... C: No seriously, I was here first, and you can’t __________ like this. A: __________? C: I do! A: So sue me! C: Alright...that’s it....

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-14 06:29:08

    两遍Full Lesson 克漏字 believe it took us....in and...the golf course must be a mile long....another end of the line cut in line says who 有暂停,那个and还是不太确定,太快了。。还是因为连读?

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-14 06:45:17

    2012-05-14 06:43:56 WP-at-whim 准备去楼顶上跟读啦!~~~好想对答案啊。。。还是等到听了三遍之后吧,说不定会有新发现。。。 虽然奶爸写的是一周为期选自己喜欢的几篇熟读,因为感觉听起来不是很困难,听下去主要是想再系统的给自己训练一下,所以打算每天听完无课后就去跟读,把EP弄完了就去看原版吼吼~~~ 如果奶爸能看得到。。。其实个人觉得自己强项在于听力口语,(克漏字听两遍基本上就能写全了。。)而阅读写作比较弱。。。应该怎么训练?多看多练么。。。(好吧我承认我问的好抽象。。。) 去跟读了,回来再研究下组里的贴!~~~~

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-14 07:51:53


  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-14 22:54:16

    把早上剩下的两课跟读完了,才一天而已,坚持下去也许慢慢就会出效果吧。 其实一遍听下来克漏字基本就能填全了,但奶爸说的narrow input,就还是想坚持把这套材料弄完,而且奶爸说重点在于模仿和跟读,就是觉得自己听力无障碍但是到自己表达的时候总是会出错,所以还是缺乏大量的主动练习吧。。。 看到奶爸的日志写说重在大量的输入听和阅读,不强调背诵,曾经觉得自己写不出东西就是因为没有积累没有背诵,也许积累和背诵本来就是两回事吧,就像熟练掌握也不等于死板的记下来。哎总之做了才知道有没有成效,等我把克漏字做完EP听完再说!求自己这次不要半途而废又觉得这个不适合自己了。。。

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-15 04:46:17


  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-15 04:47:18

    The Weekend - Road Trip (C0006) A: So, are we ______ ready to go? B: ____, I think so. The car’s ________; we have munchies and music, and the ___________ the car. A: Did you get the camera? B: Got it! Did you __________ the tank? A: Yup, it’s all set. B: You’re sure _________forgetting anything? A: I’m sure... we’ve got ___________ bases covered. B: Well, let’s _______ then! I love __________! B: Um... _____________ we can make a _________? A: But _________ only __________ the road for ten minutes. B: I know, but I forgot ________ the bathroom before we left.

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-15 05:24:06

    Full Lesson好长。。。听了两遍 克漏字 all yup...packed...maps in fill up we're not all our get going....road trips do you think?....pit stop we've...been on to go to 这篇C感觉难很多。。。连读一堆。。。间断之后的那句听上去总觉得像did you think...然后觉得可能是do you think,然后do和you连读之后听上去像did?

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-15 05:26:26

    The Office - Virus! (C0007) A: Oh ________! This stupid computer ____________! That’s the third time today! Hey Samuel, can you come ___________ my PC? It’s ________ again. It ________ have a __________ or something. B: Just give me a ____________; I’ll be ___________. B: I ran a virus _______ on your computer, and it turns out that you have a lot of _______________! A: But I’m quite careful when I’m ____________ the internet, I have no idea how I ________________a virus. B: Well, you have to make sure that your anti-virus software is _________ regularly; yours wasn’t up to date, that’s probably _______________causing your problems. A: Ok. Anything else? B: Yeah, try not to ____________ the computer! A: Um yeah. Sorry about that.

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-15 05:46:32

    一遍Full Lesson 克漏字 great?...froze again to take a look at....acting up...must...virus second...right up scan...infected files browsing....have picked up updated....what was kick or hit 第一个空就不确定好挫败。。。听着是great,但总觉得没见过这种表达。。。

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-15 05:49:27

    Daily Life - What’s your name again? (C0008) A: Nick! How’s __ going? B: Oh, hey... A: What ________ you ____________ this neighbourhood? Do you live _____________ here? B: Actually, my office _______________ the corner. A: It was great to meet you last week ______ the conference. I really enjoyed our conversation about ________________. B: Yeah, yeah, ___ was really interesting. You know, I’m in a bit ___ a hurry, but here’s my card. We should definitely ______________ again _____ continue our discussion. A: Sure, you still have my _____________, right ? B: You know what, this is really ____________, but your name has just _____________. Can you ________ me? A: Sure, my name is Ana Ferris. Don’t worry about _________; ___ happens to me all the time. I’m terrible with names too.

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-15 06:07:40

    Full Lesson一遍 克漏字 it are...doing in...around is right around at...foreign investment?(第一遍听的是forum and investment。。) it...of....meet up....and contact details embarrassing... slipped my mind...remind it...it

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-15 06:08:37

    The Weekend - Silence please! (C0009) A: Those people ____________ us are making so much noise. It’s so __________! B: Don’t worry ________; it’s not such ____________. A: Oh... I can’t hear a thing! Excuse me, can you keep ___down? C: Sure, sorry ’bout that! A: Someone’s phone ______________! B: Honey, I think it’s your phone. Did you forget to ______________? A: Oh, no! You’re right. That’s so _____________! C: ______________ keeping it down? I’m trying to watch a movie here!

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-15 06:29:41

    Full Lesson 一遍 克漏字 in front of....inconsiderate... about it...a big deal... it is ringing switch it off embarrassing do you mind(其实不太确定是不是would you mind?。。)

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-15 06:30:30

    The Office - Driving Sales (C0010) A: All right, people. We’re holding this meeting today because we’ve ________ something about our sales, and we need _________ NOW! I want ___________ solutions. How do you _____________ sales... Roger? B: Well, in fact, we’re the most expensive_____ the market, so maybe we need to _________________ to _____ the competitors? A: Lower our prices? Not very creative. It’ll never _______________. What _________ thinking is that? Geez. Anybody else have a better plan? Natalie? C: Um, perhaps, um, a ____________. Maybe a _______________ offer, _____ something like that! A: _________? That’s the same thing. Bad idea. Really bad idea. _________ people come on! Think! The CEO will be here any minute. Hello, Mr Swan````` D: Do we have any ideas ______? C: Yes Mr. Swan, we were _____________ considering a two-for-one offer to get more ______________. D: A two-for-one promotion? Hmm. I ________ like the __________ that. It sounds like something we _________ consider. A: Yeah, exactly. Just _______ I was thinking! In fact, that’s a _________ idea! I’m glad we __________ that. Very creative.

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-15 07:10:16

    Full Lesson一遍 克漏字 got to do...to do it...concrete...plan to drive in...lower our prices....match fly with Swan...kind of promotion....two for one...or what?(发音好虚。。。觉得是what。。。)...damn it yet kind of.... competitive kind of...sound of...should what.... brilliant...thought of Just前面貌似少了一个that’s?。。。

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-15 07:11:17


  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-15 23:03:53

    晚上终于把那本《What I Talk About When I Talk About Running》看完了!准确说是听完了~前半部分之前其实听过好几遍,但是从来没有听到最后。。。一直想着我要把这书看完,今天看的时候看一会又觉得累,就一边听一边看,终于看到最后了~~其实觉得还是听起来让我觉得比较舒服。。。听上去总觉得比较好懂。。。阅读真心差。。。到最后记得的还是自己原来听懂的那些,不过听的时候有些单词不会确实没办法。。。不管怎样真心有成就感啊啊啊,将近五个小时,最后听得我真心想吐了。。。不过这还是我近期最有成就感的事了吧~~~准备睡觉去,明早起早EnglishPod~~~~

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-16 04:20:43


  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-16 04:31:21

    Daily Life - New Guy in Town (C0011) A: Oh, ___________________ you heard, but someone ____________________ that old house __________ the road. B: Yeah, I know. I met the __________ the house yesterday as he was moving in. His name is Armand. A: Really? What’s he like? You have to _____________. B: Actually, he’s a bit strange. I don’t know... I’ve got a bad feeling _______________. A: Really? Why? B: Well, yesterday I brought___________ a_________ gift, but Armand _______________ really weird, and then he practically ________________! I tried to, ___________, ________________ his house, but everything was so dark inside _________ I couldn’t really get a good look.__________________________ A: Well, you’ll never _____________ what I saw this morning. A ___________ truck ______________ his driveway, and ___________________ a long, _________ box. It almost looked like a ___________! B: You see! Why would he... C: _______________... B: Ah, Armand! You scared _______________ me! This is my friend Doris. C: A ______________to meet you...If you are not doing anything tonight, I ________________ have you both for dinner. I mean...I would like to ____________________ for dinner.

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-16 04:52:44

    I don't know if?...moved into...down owner fill me in about him over a house warming...started acting....kicked me out....sort of, peek into...that...the whole thing really creep me out guess...delivery...pulled into...dropped off...rectangular...coffin hello ladies the heck out of pleasure...would like to....have you both over 确实那个英国女的读的不好听清楚。。。不过让我不爽的是我不知道creep的过去式怎么拼?后面的the heck out of me我也不知道拼对没。。。

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-16 04:54:26

    Daily Life - Cleaning the House (C0012) A: Honey, the house_____________! I need you to help me tidy up _______. My boss _________ husband ____ coming ________ for dinner and the house needs to be __________! B: I’m______________something right now. I’ll be there in a second. A: This _______ wait! I need your help now! B: Alright, alright. _______________. A: Ok, here’s a list of __________we _____________ get done. I’ll _____________ and get _____________ for tonight. You can sweep and ______ the floors. Oh, and the furniture needs to be _____________. B: You know what, I have to pick something _______ the mall, so why ___________ clean the floors and I’ll ___________ the supermarket and get all the __________. A: Sure that’s fine. _________________ of all the things you need to get. Don’t forget anything! And can you ________________________on your way home? B: Hey, honey I’m back. Wow, the house _________ really good! A: Great! Can you _______ the table? B: Just a _________ I’m just gonna ________ this _____________ A: Wait! Don’t turn it on...

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-16 05:20:32

    is such a mess....a bit....and her...are...over...spotless in the middle of can't I'm coming chores....need to...do the dishes....all the groceries(不知道拼错没)...mop...dusted up in...don't you...go to...groceries here is the list....pick up a bottle of wine looks set sec...好吧。。前面的两遍下来就没什么了,这一句真心不知道是什么。。。

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-16 05:22:26

    The Office - Out Of Control Spending (C0013) A: OK, so now the last _____________ our agenda. Jill, let’s go over the ___________________ statement. B: Great. Well, the main issue here, as you can see, ______ our expenses are______________________________. A: Let’s see... These numbers are ____________! What’s going on here! B: Well, um, sir, the company ____________ on entertainment and travel are ______________. Look at these bills for example. Just this month we’ve ______________ twenty thousand dollars for hotel charges! A: OK, thank you. I’ll ________________. B: The ______ goes on and on. Here, this is a bill for five thousand dollars for _______________! A: Thank you; that will be all. I’ll take care of it. B: Look at this one sir, eight thousand dollars were spent__________________ at a place called ”Wild Things”?! A: OK, I get it!! Thank you for your very thorough ______________!

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-16 05:43:52

    point on....profit and lost(听到第三遍才听出来是这个。。) is that...through the roof off the charge expenditure...out of control...paid over look into it lists....spa treatment in one night analysis

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-16 05:53:34

    Elementary - I’m in Debt (B0014) A: Hello, I’m here to see Mr. Corleone. B: _____________ way, sir. C: Charlie! What can I do for you? B: Mr. Corlone, I’m really sorry to trouble you, _____ need your help. C: Anything for you, Charlie! Your father was like a ________ to me. B: Well, sir, you see, this ___________ has _____ me pretty hard; I lost my job and I’m in ________________ C: I see. . . . . . B: Yeah, you know, I’ve got __________ bills, car ______________, I’ve got to pay my___________; and on top of all that, I have to pay my son’s college tuition. C: So you’re asking for a ___________. B: Well, I just thought maybe you could _____________. C: What? _________________? I’m ________ too, you know! You’re not the only one who _______________ by the recession! I lost half my money in the ______________! Go on! Get ___________ here!

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-16 06:05:57

    right this way but I brother recession....hit...a lot of debts(其实感觉没听出复数。。) credit card...payments.... mortgage loan help me out at a time like this....broke...has been hit....stock market crash....out of

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-16 06:06:43

    Daily Life - I’m sorry, I love you (C0015) A: Whoa, whoa, what’s ______________? Watch out! B: Hey, watch ______________ going! A: Oh, no! I’m so sorry! Are you all right? B: Oh...I don’t know. A: I ______________. I really didn’t mean to _____________________. My tire, just exploded, _______ I lost ____________ my bike. Really, it was _________________. Please accept my apologies. B: Just ___________ to stand up. SONG: Why do birds suddenly ___________, every time you are near? B: Oh, wait a second, you seem really __________, I think I know you from somewhere. A: Yeah, that’s right, I think we have ______ somewhere before. We met at Aaron’s _______ last weekend! What a ________________! But anyway, I’m glad to see you’re not too badly hurt, and I should probably ___________. I have a _____________________ meeting. But here’s my number, call me______________ B: Ouch! My ankle! I think it’s ____________! You can’t just leave me like this! Are you ____________ ambulance? A: Nope, I’m ___________ my appointment __________ I can stay here with you. SONG: Do you remember when we met? That’s the day I knew you were my pet. I wanna tell you how much I love you.

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-16 06:29:54

    going on what you're feel terrible....knock you over...and...control of...an accident let me try?(me前面听不出来是什么。。。) appear familiar met...place...coincidence....get going....nine o'click meeting....in exchange of insurance information(感觉像是。。。) broken...calling an canceling....so that

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-16 06:34:21


  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-17 04:41:15


  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-17 04:41:56

    Elementary - Turn left here! (B0016) A: __________, get in. B: I’m in, let’s go! A: OK, make a left _______. . . no wait, I _____ make a right. ____________, speed _____! B: Geez! ________________? A: Don’t ______________, just drive. Oh, no, the light ___about to ___________. . . __________! B: Are you nuts! I’m not going to run a red light! A: Whatever. Just turn right here. . . .The __________ will be _____________. . . .let’s take a _______ street. Go on! Get out of our way! Move, move! B: What’s your problem! Geez. Having a ________ is not going to help! A: Here, I know a short __....just go down here, and we’ll cut __________ Ashburn Heights. Let’s go, let’s go! Watch out __________ that lady! B: I’m going ________________I can! A: Yes! We made it. 5:58, just before the library closes. B: You’re such a ___________!

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-17 06:02:30

    浪费了好多时间,现在回来。。。 hurry up here...meant....come on...up what's the rush worry about it....is...change...step on it free way...packed this hour...side feet?fit?(不知道是哪个词。。) cut...through....for that as fast as geek

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-17 06:03:28

    Elementary - Here Comes the Bride (B0017) A: I can’t ______________ Anthony is finally getting married! B: Yeah_______it’s _________ time! _____________ living with his parents for 40 years! A: Don’t be mean. Look_____________ the ___________! Their ____________ look beautiful! B: Who are those kids ______________ the aisle? A: That’s the ___________ and the __________. I’m pretty sure they’re the groom’s ______________. Oh, they look so cute! B: I just hope the ___________ makes it quick. I’m starving. I hope the food’s good_________________. A: That’s all you ever think __________, food! Oh, I think the bride’s coming now! She looks___________. Wait, what’s she doing? ____________ she going? B: Oh great! Does this mean ______ the __________ is canceled?

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-17 06:23:29

    believe that well....about...he has been here come....bride's mates....dresses walking on flower girl...ring bearer....niece and nephew(拼写不畅。。) prist...at the reception about of...gorgeous....where is that...reception

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-17 06:25:45

    Upper-Intermediate - Protest! (D0018) A: This is Action 5 News reporter Sarah O’Connell ___________ live ___________ Washington, D. C. __________ a protest has __________. Thousands of angry citizens are protesting ___________ the _______________of the auto __________________ industry! Sir, sir, Sarah O’Connell, __________ 5 news. Can you tell us what’s happening? B: Yeah, yeah, we’re here because we feel this is an _________! The __________________ of big business has to stop! We’re there ___ show the government that we don’t like the way ________ they’re spending our __________! A: Sir but what exactly is making everyone so angry? B: It’s an absolute ______, Sarah, the US government wants to __________ 25 billion dollars of taxpayers’ money to the ____________. These are companies that have been _____________ and are now nearly_____________. A: I see. But, many supporters of the ___________ argue that it _____ help save the jobs of millions of _____________Americans. B: That maybe true, and_____________don’t want to see anyone lose their __________, but how can _______ CEOs ask for a bailout when they’re making millions of dollars? And then, they ____________________ to fly to Washington in __________! This costs __________________ of dollars! And they’re asking for money! That is just not right! A: Good point. This is Sarah O’Connell reporting live from Washington D. C., back to you, Tom.

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-17 07:00:07

    reporting...in....where...broken out....against...propose bailout.....manufactory....tel? injustice....finacially responsibility.....to...that(总觉得听不出这里有词。。)....tax dollars outrage....give....audio industry....mismanaged....bankrupt baiout...could have...hard working I for what?(完全不确定。。)....jobs...be....have the nerve...private jets....hundreds of thousands...

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-17 07:01:36

    The Weekend - Christmas Chronicles I (C0019) A: I hate working ___ Christmas Eve! Whoa! _____________ this guy! Come in _______, I think we’ve got ____________ a situation here. B: ______________________ please. Have you been drinking tonight, sir? A: I had one or two glasses of _________, but nothing else. B: Step out of the vehicle, please. Sir, what do you have in the back? A: Just a ____ Christmas gifts, it is the season, after all! B: Don’t take that _____ with me. Do you have ___ _______ for these items? A: Umm...no...I make these in my workshop in the _________! B: You are under arrest, sir. You have the right to remain silent. You better not _____, you better not cry. Anything you say can and will be _____________ you. You have the right ____ ____ attorney; if you cannot afford one, the state will _______ one for you. Do you understand these rights that _____ just been read to you? A: You can’t take me to jail! What about my _______? It’s Christmas Eve! I have presents to _________! Rudolph! Prancer! Dancer! Get help! 作业:Rudolph, Prancer, Dancer分别是谁?

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-17 21:41:45

    on...get aload?....essential...us liscense and registration ? few tone....any voice north pole ?....will be used against....to an....afford...had slay?....lever? 为什么这一篇的词我觉得我都不会写。。。感觉听清楚了但不知道是什么。。。 Rudolph, Prancer, Dancer貌似是Santa的reindeer的名字。。。

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-17 21:42:51

    Elementary - I Can See Clearly Now (B0020) A: Hello, Arthur. What ______ ___ __ the problem? B: Hey doc. Well, I think I might need _________. I’m getting _______, and I really struggle to see things that are _____ _____. But I ______ always had _______ ________. A: Sounds like you may be _______________. OK, then, cover your left eye and read the chart ____ front of you. B: Mmm.. . X, E, R, 3, a question mark, and I can’t quite ____________ the other symbol ____ I think it’s the ______ ________. A: Wow, Arthur! You’re ___ blind as a bat! B: Yeah, I know, my vision is really _______ at times. A: Ok then, ______ ____ _____ to the other room and pick out some ______ while __ fill ___ your _______________. B: Thanks doc! A: Arthur, that’s the bathroom.

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-17 22:01:51

    seems to be glasses....headache....far away....have....twenty-twenty vision far-sighted....in make out....but...P sigh as blurry head over (为什么我只听到两个词。。)....frames...out...prescription

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-17 22:09:15


  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-17 22:36:35

    Elementary - I Can See Clearly Now (B0020) A: Hello, Arthur. What __seems___ _to__ _be_ the problem? B: Hey doc. Well, I think I might need ____glasses_____. I’m getting ___headache[s]_×___, and I really struggle to see things that are __far___ __away___. But I ___have___ always had ___twenty-twenty|[20/20]_×___ ___vision_____. A: Sounds like you may be ______far-sighted_________. OK, then, cover your left eye and read the chart __in__ front of you. B: Mmm.. . X, E, R, 3, a question mark, and I can’t quite _____make out_______ the other symbol __but__ I think it’s the ___p|[peace]_×__ ___sign_____. A: Wow, Arthur! You’re _as__ blind as a bat! B: Yeah, I know, my vision is really ___blurry____ at times. A: Ok then, __head____ _[on]_×__ __over___ to the other room and pick out some ___frames___ while _I_ fill _out__ your _____prescription__________. B: Thanks doc! A: Arthur, that’s the bathroom. Headaches这里的复数是我自己听漏了。后面的peace听成了P。。。 Head on over, 这里的on没听出来明摆着是我没认真听讲解。。。听慢速版的时候就听得出来,正常语速就感觉只剩head over了。。。 看到奶爸写的 2012-02-02 15:59:32 [已注销] head on over读成 headə nover

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-17 23:06:53

    The Weekend - Christmas Chronicles I (C0019) A: I hate working _on__ Christmas Eve! Whoa! _____get aload × 【a load】________ this guy! Come in __essential × 【central】_____, I think we’ve got _____us_× 【ourselves】______ a situation here. B: _________liscense and registration_____________ please. Have you been drinking tonight, sir? A: I had one or two glasses of ___【eggnog】______, but nothing else. B: Step out of the vehicle, please. Sir, what do you have in the back? A: Just a __few__ Christmas gifts, it is the season, after all! B: Don’t take that __tone___ with me. Do you have _a(any) × 【an】__ ___voice ×_【invoice】___ for these items? A: Umm...no...I make these in my workshop in the ____north pole_____! B: You are under arrest, sir. You have the right to remain silent. You better not __【pout】___, you better not cry. Anything you say can and will be _____will be used against________ you. You have the right __to__ __an__ attorney; if you cannot afford one, the state will ___afford____ one for you. Do you understand these rights that ___had__ just been read to you? A: You can’t take me to jail! What about my ___slay_× 【sleigh】___? It’s Christmas Eve! I have presents to ____lever × 【deliver】_____! Rudolph! Prancer! Dancer! Get help! 这一篇错太多,完全就没好好听讲解!!而且其实慢速已经很清楚了。。。 Get a load of 讲过,= look at Come in central基本上听出来了但没想到是central,然后再听就又觉得是essential。。 get ourselves真心听的就感觉是get us。。录音里特别提出过,get ourselves a situation here:encounter a problem, had a little bit of problem. 奶爸解释:2011-12-06 21:44:00 [已注销] got的T被浊化成轻声的d,和our连在一起,爆破音辅音和元音永远是连在一起的,这个是最基本的连读。 建议你把某一期的ESL模仿的脱口而出再过来,从标准读音开始把基础打牢了在接触自然轻松快速的语速 Eggnog也在文中拼出来了。。。 Invoice:official document that shows you have paid for something you bought. Pout : push out your lips to show that you are unhappy. you better not pout you better not cry. Sleigh is one of the vehicles. 不会拼sleigh。。。 最后一个deliver对我自己无语了。。。整篇听下来都没有一个很顺的感觉。。。目前为止听得最不爽的一篇。。。

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-17 23:16:50


  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-18 04:34:03


  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-18 05:13:48

    Upper-Intermediate - Protest! (D0018) A: This is Action 5 News reporter Sarah O’Connell _____reporting______ live _____in ×【from】______ Washington, D. C. ____where______ a protest has __【has】__broken out______. Thousands of angry citizens are protesting _____against______ the _____propose【d】 bailout__________of the auto _______manufactory_× 【manufacturing】__________ industry! Sir, sir, Sarah O’Connell, _____tel_【tele】____ 5 news. Can you tell us what’s happening? B: Yeah, yeah, we’re here because we feel this is an ____injustice_____! The _______finacially × 【financial】 responsibility_× 【irresponsibility】__________ of big business has to stop! We’re there _to__ show the government that we don’t like the way ___that_____ they’re spending our ____tax dollars______! A: Sir but what exactly is making everyone so angry? B: It’s an absolute ___outrage___, Sarah, the US government wants to ____give______ 25 billion dollars of taxpayers’ money to the _____audio × 【auto】 industry_______. These are companies that have been ______mismanaged_______ and are now nearly______bankrupt_______. A: I see. But, many supporters of the _____bialout______ argue that it __could have 【没有have】___ help save the jobs of millions of ______hard working_【hard-working】______Americans. B: That maybe true, and______I for what_× 【one】______don’t want to see anyone lose their _____jobs_____, but how can ___be_× 【these】___ CEOs ask for a bailout when they’re making millions of dollars? And then, they ________have the nerve____________ to fly to Washington in ____private jets______! This costs ________hundreds of thousands__________ of dollars! And they’re asking for money! That is just not right! A: Good point. This is Sarah O’Connell reporting live from Washington D. C., back to you, Tom. 对了答案之后在反复听就会发现是自己的问题了,只是是不是应该先反复听自己发现问题? 拼写错误,还有from, has, proposed, financial irresponsibility(把irresponsibility的ir跟前面的financial连起来的就听成了financially responsibility),auto,could help,I for one都是隔那么一点,但其实有时候隔一点就完全不一样了。。。 These CEOs那里的these还是感觉听不出来。。。 Bailout:the act of saving a company from money problems. Outrage:something that is morally wrong.

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-18 05:48:51

    Elementary - Here Comes the Bride (B0017) A: I can’t ______believe that________ Anthony is finally getting married! B: Yeah___well____it’s ____about_____ time! ______he has been_______ living with his parents for 40 years! A: Don’t be mean. Look_____here come________ the _____bride’s mates_【bridesmaids】_____! Their _____dresses_______ look beautiful! B: Who are those kids _______walking on 【再听就觉得是down】_______ the aisle? A: That’s the _____flower girl______ and the ___ring bearer_______. I’m pretty sure they’re the groom’s _____niece and nephew_________. Oh, they look so cute! B: I just hope the ____prist_【priest】______ makes it quick. I’m starving. I hope the food’s good_______at the reception__________. A: That’s all you ever think ____about_of_【没有of】____, food! Oh, I think the bride’s coming now! She looks____gorgeous_______. Wait, what’s she doing? _____where is_______ she going? B: Oh great! Does this mean ___that___ the ___reception_______ is canceled? Bridesmaid原来是一个词。。。 每一篇都有拼写错误,到底是我基本功不扎实还是听得不够仔细? 总觉得think about后面有of。。还是about 跟food连在一起产生了一个连读?但听慢速的就只是think about 顿了一下,food. Aisle:a passage between sections of seats. Bridesmaid:female friends or relatives who helps the bride at a wedding. Groomsman:male friend or relative who helps the groom on the wedding day. Maid of honor:female friend or relative who acts as a witness at the wedding. Best man:male friend or relative who acts as a witness at the wedding. Ushers:men who help guest find their seats.

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-18 21:46:48


  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-18 21:47:01

    Elementary - Turn left here! (B0016) A: ____hurry up______, get in. B: I’m in, let’s go! A: OK, make a left ___here____. . . no wait, I __meant___ make a right. ______come on______, speed __up___! B: Geez! ______what’s the rush__________? A: Don’t _____worry about it_________, just drive. Oh, no, the light _is__about to _____change______. . . ____step on it______! B: Are you nuts! I’m not going to run a red light! A: Whatever. Just turn right here. . . .The ____free way______ will be _____packed (at) this hour________. . . .let’s take a ___side____ street. Go on! Get out of our way! Move, move! B: What’s your problem! Geez. Having a ___feet? fit? 【fit】_____ is not going to help! A: Here, I know a short _cut_....just go down here, and we’ll cut ____through______ Ashburn Heights. Let’s go, let’s go! Watch out ____for______ that lady! B: I’m going ______as fast as __________I can! A: Yes! We made it. 5:58, just before the library closes. B: You’re such a ____geek_______! 这一篇还好,will be packed at this hour,这一次听at就听出来了。 奶爸的解释:2011-12-07 09:22:24 [已注销] at不读æt,在绝大部分情况下读成ət,而英文的爆破音你懂的,t音很多时候都被省略掉,和packed在一起的时候,就会念成packedə然后停顿一下,这样飞快的语速下,你听到packed只觉得停顿了下而已 Have a fit 不知道是哪个fit。。Have a fit: get very angry Step on it: drive a lot faster

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-18 21:48:58

    Daily Life - I’m sorry, I love you (C0015) A: Whoa, whoa, what’s _____going on_________? Watch out! B: Hey, watch ____what/ (where) you’re_________ going! A: Oh, no! I’m so sorry! Are you all right? B: Oh...I don’t know. A: I _____feel terrible_________. I really didn’t mean to _______knock you over______________. My tire, just exploded, ___and____ I lost _____control of_______ my bike. Really, it was _______an accident__________. Please accept my apologies. B: Just ___let me try/_(help me try)_【let me try】______ to stand up. SONG: Why do birds suddenly ____appear_______, every time you are near? B: Oh, wait a second, you seem really ____familiar______, I think I know you from somewhere. A: Yeah, that’s right, I think we have ___met___ somewhere before. We met at Aaron’s ___place____ last weekend! What a ______coincidence__________! But anyway, I’m glad to see you’re not too badly hurt, and I should probably ____get going_______. I have a _____9 o’clock________________ meeting. But here’s my number, call me____ and __【we’ll exchange insurance information】________ B: Ouch! My ankle! I think it’s _____broken_______! You can’t just leave me like this! Are you ____calling an________ ambulance? A: Nope, I’m ____canceling_______ my appointment ___so that_______ I can stay here with you. SONG: Do you remember when we met? That’s the day I knew you were my pet. I wanna tell you how much I love you. 不知道为什么第一遍听的时候把where听成了what,感觉没过脑子想。。。 这次听觉得是help me try,结果第一次听的let me try是对的。。。但反复听还是觉得不能排除help。。。慢速听得出。。。 奶爸解释:just和let那个t被声掉了。 We’ll exchange insurance information这里真心没听出来,基本听得出exchange insurance information前面确实不知道是什么。。。

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-18 21:50:19

    Elementary - I’m in Debt (B0014) A: Hello, I’m here to see Mr. Corleone. B: _____right this way________ way, sir. C: Charlie! What can I do for you? B: Mr. Corlone, I’m really sorry to trouble you, __but I___ need your help. C: Anything for you, Charlie! Your father was like a ____brother____ to me. B: Well, sir, you see, this ____recession_______ has __hit___ me pretty hard; I lost my job and I’m in _____a lot of debt___________ C: I see. . . . . . B: Yeah, you know, I’ve got ____credit card______ bills, car ______payments________, I’ve got to pay my____mortgage_______; and on top of all that, I have to pay my son’s college tuition. C: So you’re asking for a ____loan_______. B: Well, I just thought maybe you could _____help me out________. C: What? ______at a time like this___________? I’m ___broke_____ too, you know! You’re not the only one who ____has been hit___________ by the recession! I lost half my money in the _____stock market crash_________! Go on! Get ____out of_【outa】______ here! 这一篇没什么,debt那里是真的没有复数,我还以为我听错了,难道不可数么。。。 文本里给了,debt:noun(non-count)。但是分明听到女主持然讲解的时候说了复数的。。。 Mortgage是抵押。 On the top of all that: besides that, in addition to

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-18 21:52:39

    The Office - Out Of Control Spending (C0013) A: OK, so now the last _____point on________ our agenda. Jill, let’s go over the _______profit and lost/(lose)_【loss】___________ statement. B: Great. Well, the main issue here, as you can see, ___is that___ our expenses are__________ through the roof____________________. A: Let’s see... These numbers are _____off the charge×【charts】______! What’s going on here! B: Well, um, sir, the company _____expenditure【s】_______ on entertainment and travel are ______out of control________. Look at these bills for example. Just this month we’ve ______paid over________ twenty thousand dollars for hotel charges! A: OK, thank you. I’ll ______look into it__________. B: The ___list___ goes on and on. Here, this is a bill for five thousand dollars for ____spa treatment【s】______! A: Thank you; that will be all. I’ll take care of it. B: Look at this one sir, eight thousand dollars were spent (expensed)_______ in one night___________ at a place called ”Wild Things”?! A: OK, I get it!! Thank you for your very thorough _____analysis_________! Loss 最后还是拼错了,我的拼写啊。。。而且掉了好多s。。。 Expenditures:common noun,plural. 感觉s跟前面的音节隔得有点远,相反跟后面的on连的很近。 Off the charts: very high. 两次都听成了off the charge。明摆着有没好好听讲解! Through the roof: suddenly very high. I’ll look into it. I’ll take care of it.前者只是调查,后者采取了相应行动。 文本中spent确实应该是expensed. The bottom line: the net profit; the amount of money a business makes after expenses.

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-18 21:57:40

    Daily Life - Cleaning the House (C0012) A: Honey, the house______is such a mess_______! I need you to help me tidy up ___a bit____. My boss ___and her______ husband __are__ coming ____over____ for dinner and the house needs to be _____spotless_____! B: I’m ______in the middle of________ something right now. I’ll be there in a second. A: This ___can’t____ wait! I need your help now! B: Alright, alright. ______I’m coming_________. A: Ok, here’s a list of ____chores______ we _____need to________ get done. I’ll _____do the dishes________ and get _____all the groceries________ for tonight. You can sweep and __mop____ the floors. Oh, and the furniture needs to be _____dusted________. B: You know what, I have to pick something ___up in【at】____ the mall, so why ____don’t you_______ clean the floors and I’ll _____go to______ the supermarket and get all the ____groceries______. A: Sure that’s fine. ______here is the list___________ of all the things you need to get. Don’t forget anything! And can you _________pick up a bottle of wine _______________on your way home? B: Hey, honey I’m back. Wow, the house _____looks____ really good! A: Great! Can you ___set____ the table? B: Just a ____sec_____ I’m just gonna ___【vacuum】_____ this ___【rug real fast】__________ A: Wait! Don’t turn it on... Up in/at the mall, 慢速听得出来是at,但正常速度怎么听都感觉是in。 奶爸和summer给了不同的解释: 奶爸:up at连在一起,在听下体会下。 summer:我也听得是in,而且通常人们说in the mall, 而不是at the mall;拖了五个老美给我听那句,因为我被文本弄的也不确定了,得到的结论都是in. 不过就之前的那个“人们通常说”做个小修正,看来是北方人说in,两个来自南方的老美说,他们是说at的(但他们强调他们自己也不知道in 和at 哪个更合适。) 最后一句的vacuum this rug real fast,real没听出来,vacuum和rug没反应过来是什么。。。然后放在一起就完全不知道在说什么。。。 Dish detergent:soap used to wash the plates, knives, forks, bowls, etc. detergent:清洁剂。

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-18 22:04:09

    Daily Life - New Guy in Town (C0011) A: Oh, ________I don’t know if___________ you (have) heard, but someone _______moved into_____________ that old house _____down_____ the road. B: Yeah, I know. I met the ____owner______ the house yesterday as he was moving in. His name is Armand. A: Really? What’s he like? You have to _____fill me in________. B: Actually, he’s a bit strange. I don’t know... I’ve (just) got a bad feeling ______about him_________. A: Really? Why? B: Well, yesterday I brought ____over_______ a ____house warming_____ gift, but Armand ______started acting_________ really weird, and then he practically ______kicked me out__________! I tried to, _____sort of______, _______peek into_________ his house, but everything was so dark inside ____that_____ I couldn’t really get a good look. _________the whole thing really crept me out _________________ A: Well, you’ll never _____guess________ what I saw this morning. A ____delivery_______ truck ______pulled into_______ his driveway, and _______dropped off____________ a long, ____rectangular_____ box. It almost looked like a _____coffin______! B: You see! Why would he... C: ______hello ladies_________... B: Ah, Armand! You scared _______the heck out of me________ me! This is my friend Doris. C: A ______pleasure________ to meet you...If you are not doing anything tonight, I _______would like to_________ have you both for dinner. I mean...I would like to _________have you both over___________ for dinner. 这次听好像没什么问题了,就是之前不知道creep的过去式怎么拼。。。crept 我总觉得是you’ve heard.文本没有have。。。? 然后文本里还特意把这个当做一个词组:I don’t know if you heard: phrase used to introduce a piece of information. Fill me in: tell me about it. Creep me out: make me feel uncomfortable and a bit scared. Scare the heck out of me: cause someone to feel a lot of fear. 帖子里的好人给的解释:you scared out of me,你吓坏我了。 heck就是跟hell似的(what the hell),见鬼啊地狱啊狗屎鬼玩意儿啊的意思 这个the heck单词插这儿算是非常口语的表达法,美国青年人使用率极高 还可以说成: You scared the shit out of me. You scared the hell out of me. Heck是hell的委婉说法。

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-18 22:15:13

    The Office - Driving Sales (C0010) A: All right, people. We’re holding this meeting today because we’ve ___got to do_____ something about our sales, and we need ___to do it______ NOW! I want _____concrete______ solutions. How do you _____plan 【intend?×】 to drive________ sales... Roger? B: Well, in fact, we’re the most expensive __in___ the market, so maybe we need to ______lower our prices___________ to __match___ the competitors? A: Lower our prices? Not very creative. It’ll never ______fly with Swan_________. What ____kind of_____ thinking is that? Geez. Anybody else have a better plan? Natalie? C: Um, perhaps, um, a ___【sales?】_promotion________. Maybe a _______two for one_【two-for-one】_______ offer, __or___ something like that! A: ____What_√____? That’s the same thing. Bad idea. Really bad idea. ____damn it_【dammit】____ people come on! Think! The CEO will be here any minute. Hello, Mr Swan````` D: Do we have any ideas ___yet___? C: Yes Mr. Swan, we were _____kind of________ considering a two-for-one offer to get more ______competitive________. D: A two-for-one promotion? Hmm. I ___kind of_____ like the _____sound of_____ that. It sounds like something we ____should_____ consider. A: Yeah, exactly. (That’s) Just ___what____ I was thinking! In fact, that’s a ____brilliant_____ idea! I’m glad we ____thought of______ that. Very creative. 文本里intend应该是给错了,明显是plan。 而且后面的sales,感觉也是文本加的,听的时候没有。 再后面也觉得少了个that’s. 奶爸: plan to drive sales还是蛮明显的,to发/tə/音。 damn it是该死的,damnit连在一块了 kind of是口语里面:我还蛮喜欢这个的那个蛮 kind of和sound of都是很明显的连读,of中f音被省掉,kind of变成kindda,sound of变成soundda 同理 I'm outta here是I am out of here 打钩的那个what是半蒙的。。。实在太虚。。。只有慢速才确定听的出来。。。 Drive sales: increase sales. Will never fly: will not work, will not be approved. Promotion: something done to make people aware of a product.

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-18 22:16:22

    The Weekend - Silence please! (C0009) A: Those people ____in front of________ us are making so much noise. It’s so ____inconsiderate______! B: Don’t worry ___about it_____; it’s not such ____a big deal________. A: Oh... I can’t hear a thing! Excuse me, can you keep _it__ down? C: Sure, sorry ’bout that! A: Someone’s phone ______is ringing________! B: Honey, I think it’s your phone. Did you forget to ______switch it off________? A: Oh, no! You’re right. That’s so _____embarrassing________! C: ______Do/Would you mind【Do】________ keeping it down? I’m trying to watch a movie here! 就是最后不确定是Do you mind 还是Would you mind. Do和后面的you连的好紧。 其实后面的讲解中有说道Do you mind。。。 然后embarrassing拼写又不确定。。。

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-18 22:21:17

    Daily Life - What’s your name again? (C0008) A: Nick! How’s _it_ going? B: Oh, hey... A: What ____are____ you _____doing in_______ this neighbourhood? Do you live ______around_______ here? B: Actually, my office ______is right around the_________ the corner. A: It was great to meet you last week ___at___ the conference. I really enjoyed our conversation about ______foreign investment__________. B: Yeah, yeah, _it__ was really interesting. You know, I’m in a bit _of__ a hurry, but here’s my card. We should definitely ______meet up________ again __and___ continue our discussion. A: Sure, you still have my ______contact details_______, right ? B: You know what, this is really ______embarrassing______, but your name has just ____slipped my mind_________. Can you ____remind____ me? A: Sure, my name is Ana Ferris. Don’t worry about ____it_____; _it__ happens to me all the time. I’m terrible with names too. 这一篇也没什么,加奶爸解释两处: at这个词一般不发成我们熟悉的很重读的/aet/,而是读成额特,发反e音,和week连一起 bit of读成了bidof,f还被严重弱化了 foreign ninvestment ,一般是读成这样 只是很疑惑到底填克漏字的时候能不能暂停? Slip my mind: been forgotten. Acquaintance: someone you know, but who is not a close friend.

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-18 22:41:49

    The Office - Virus! (C0007) A: Oh ___great_____! This stupid computer ______froze again______! That’s the third time today! Hey Samuel, can you come __(to ×)_take a look at________ my PC? It’s ___acting up_____ again. It ____must____ have a ____virus______ or something. B: Just give me a _____second_______; I’ll be ____right up_______. B: I ran a virus ___scan____ on your computer, and it turns out that you have a lot of ______infected files_________! A: But I’m quite careful when I’m ____browsing______ the internet, I have no idea how I _______(could) have picked up _________a virus. B: Well, you have to make sure that your anti-virus software is ____updated_____ regularly; yours wasn’t up to date, that’s probably _______what was________ causing your problems. A: Ok. Anything else? B: Yeah, try not to _____kick or hit_______ the computer! A: Um yeah. Sorry about that. 第一遍听错的两个地方这一次都听出来了。 前面直接是come take a look at,中间没有to,不要自己画蛇添足。。。错错错!后面看奶爸解释才发现是come and take,只是come和and连读了! 后面之前把could听漏了,how I could have picked up a virus. 这次听出来了。 补充奶爸的解释: up不是读/ʌp/,而是读/əp/,/ə/音是美音中最难发的音,根据著名的American Accent Training,你可以试试压一下自己的腹部,然后自然出现的哼哼声,就是这个音。 而且Acting up读的快了,会出现连读,你自己再体会下吧 could have的h十有八九是省掉的,所以就变成了couldave picked不能听picked,因为和up连在一起,变成了pickedup come and take, common take

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-18 23:02:09

    The Weekend - Road Trip (C0006) A: So, are we ___all___ ready to go? B: __yup__, I think so. The car’s ___packed_____; we have munchies and music, and the _____map’s in______ the car. A: Did you get the camera? B: Got it! Did you _____fill up_____ the tank? A: Yup, it’s all set. B: You’re sure ___we’re not______ forgetting anything? A: I’m sure... we’ve got ____all our_______ bases covered. B: Well, let’s ___get going____ then! I love __road trips________! B: Um... _____do you think________ we can make a ___pit stop______? A: But ___we’ve______ only ____been on______ the road for ten minutes. B: I know, but I forgot ____to go to____ the bathroom before we left. 听第二次果然感觉好很多。。。 就是do you think 那里还是觉得很快,听上去像did you think. Munchies: snacks, food. Pit stop: quick stop for food or gas.

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-18 23:03:24

    最前面的感觉应该不会有太大问题,先放着吧~ 明天终于可以弄新的了!~~

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-19 09:24:58

    The Office - What Do You Do? (C0021) A: Oh, look, there’s Caroline ____ her boyfriend. She’s always going on about ____ at the office. Oh, great, they saw us. They____ coming this way. B: Oh, man... C: Jessica! Arthur! Hi! ____ like you to meet my boyfriend Greg, he’s the V. P. of quality and safety for a ________________________________ A: Nice to meet you. This is my husband, Arthur. B: Hey, how’s it going? D: Hello. A: Caroline talks _________ you all the time. I guess you must ___ pretty busy at work. D: Well, yeah, a V. P. position is not easy, ____________! __ _____________ policies and procedures ________. ___ ________ departments, as well ____ train junior managers in FDA and EPA regulations. I also have to oversee daily operations of our _____________ for the entire east coast. That ______ means I have 1,500 employees under me. B: Wow, yeah... that sounds exciting. D: And what about you, Arthur? What ____ you do for a living? B: Oh, I’m a ___________________________! 作业:什么叫FDA and EPA regulations?此外把VP的话模仿熟练,对工作很有好处的,很多词比如Overseas,operatioin什么的都常用

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-19 09:50:17

    and....him....are I would....top fortune 500 food company about....be you know...I implement....nationwide....various of?...as....quality control....alone do top gun pilot various那个地方还有一个词始终听不出来,不知道是不是of? FDA是食品和药物管理局(Food and Drug Administration)的简称。 EPA是美国环境保护署(U.SEnvironmentalProtectionAgency)的英文缩写。 EPA是Ethernet for Plant Automation的缩写,它是Ethernet、TCP/IP等商用计算机通信领域的主流技术直接应用于工业控制现场设备间的通信,并在此基础上,建立的应用于工业现场设备间通信的开放网络通信平台。 应该是前面那个吧。。。

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-19 09:51:16

    The Weekend - Christmas Chronicles II (C0022) A: Really, fellos, you can’t take me ____ jail! ______ you know who I am? Kris Kringle, you know, Papa Noel, Pere Noel, Babbo Natale, sheng dan lao ren! B: Yeah, Yeah, we’ve heard that ______ before, haven't ___ Joe? C: Yeah, last week we _______ this guy _____ __________ to be the tooth ______! Can you believe that? A: It’s Christmas Eve and I have all these presents to deliver! Where ___ your Christmas spirit? What ____ happen when _____ the children wake up tomorrow and don’t find any gifts ____their stockings? B: Sorry buddy, you were ________ in a __________ _______, you were speeding, and you have no ID! C: Besides that, ______ if we let you go now, your _______ ______ been ________ and those _________ were taken to the city zoo. A: What! This is unbelievable! What’s this world coming to? Christmas is ruined! C: What’s that ___ _____? It looks like... _____!! Elves!! Whoa, they’re shooting _________ ______! ______, Mayday, we are under ________ attack! We need backup!

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-19 10:15:35

    to...don't one.....we booked...who claim....fairy is....will....all....慢速听到是in,正常语速in和their连在一起听上去像under。。 parked....no parking even....sleigh has...inpounded(不会拼。。)....reindeer up ahead...?(这里真的有词么,我怎么什么都听不出来。。).....candy canes mayday.....heavy

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-19 10:16:51

    Elementary - Making an Appointment (B0023) A: Hello, Fairbrook __________________, how may I help you? B: Yes, this is Julianne Horton, and I’m calling to _____________ ____ appointment with Ms. McNealy. A: Certainly, what day ________ you thinking ___? B: How’s Thursday? Does she have any time __________________ then? A: Um. . . let me double check. . . unfortunately, she’s ________ ________ on Thursday, how does next Monday work for you? B: Actually, I’ve got something ____________ ____ Monday. Can she do Tuesday? A: Sure, Tuesday’s perfect. May I ask _____ you’re calling from? B: Sure, __________ Financial __________. A: Oh, actually, Tuesday’s no good. Sorry ’bout that.

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-19 11:00:06

    consulting arrange an were....of available booked solid(听讲解) scheduled on where merchant(不确定。。感觉像mertent之类的音。。)....advices

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-19 11:00:51

    Elementary - Where should we eat? (B0024) A: ____ you two have any _____ for the evening? B: We _______ thinking of _______ ________ __ restaurant in the neigbourhood. Do you have any suggestions? A: I know this really nice Italian place. The food is fantastic, and the __________ is beautiful. I’d recommend _____________ it a try. C: Actually, I’m not all that crazy about Italian food; I’m in the mood for something a bit lighter. A: In that case, I know a great ___________ _______. They make a really _________ seafood ________; the fish is outstanding. B: It sounds fantastic, but I’m ____________ to seafood, so. . . A: Okay, well, let me think. . . Oh, I know this great __________ place. It’s just a ______ in the ______, but they do the most amazing sandwiches. You _________ give them a try. C: Ella, you took me there last time I visited, and I got food poisoning, remember?

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-19 11:18:26

    do....plans were...checking out a daycore(听到音,不确定拼写。。).....giving little bestroll(我承认我是听慢速听出来的,正常语速只听的出bestroll,听不到little。。。)....tasty....pasta(同不确定词。。) alergic little.....hole...wall....gotta 好多词感觉不认识。。最不喜欢这种感觉。。。。

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-19 12:37:10

    Upper-Intermediate - Planning For The Worst (D0025) A: Well, right, let’s move to our next order ____ business, as many of you are ________, in recent weeks there has been a lot of media __________ _________ this bird ___ issue. And it’s _____ to my attention that our company ______ any sort of bird flu _____________ plan. B: Basically, we need to come ___ with a clear plan; we need to ________ specific actions that our company can take to maintain_________ business functions in case a _________ _______. A: So, what I’d like to do is: first appoint someone to look after _________ _____ plan; Ralph, I’d like you to ______ __ this project. C: Sure, no problem. What ______ ___ you want me to consider? B: Well, let’s see, there are __few points we need to be thinking about. . . first, I’ll need you to ________ _____ _________ and figure out what kind of financial ______ and _____ ____ have. A: You’ll also need to think about how we can ______ any of our employees getting infected; think of ______ to reduce _________________ _______, perhaps some IT solutions that will allow _____ people to work from home. C: I guess you’ll ______ me to __________ employee _________ as well, right? And I’ll think about the ________this will have on our _________. Hey, what about _______? Should we be thinking about getting vaccines for ______ employees? A: Exactly right. So, I’ll leave this to you, and we’ll _________ the ______ plan in two weeks. Okay, so, anyone want to order some KFC for lunch?

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-19 13:32:43

    of....aware....coverage surrounding....flu....come....lacks..... contengency(contingency查了之后才知道怎么拼。。) up....outline....critical....pandemic strikes drafting our....head up issues do a....analyze our numbers....impact...outbreak might avoid....ways....employee-customer contact....our need....focus....absence....impact...clients....vaccines....our review....draft 虽然是D,但感觉说的还蛮清晰的,基本都能听得出来,就是C第二次说话有些麻烦,absence听了几次才听出来。 就是不知道有些词有没有拼错。。。。

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-21 23:28:03

    昨天坎托。。。 今天小放松了下。。。 明天一定恢复EP!

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-22 04:19:04


  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-22 04:22:52

    看The Matrix Reloaded听到一句话感觉挺好~ What happened happened and couldn't have happened any other way

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-22 04:23:26

    Elementary - New Year Resolution (B0026) A: So, ___ I tell you about my New Year’s ______________? I’ve _________ to go on a ______. B: And you’re going ___ completely _____________ your eating _________, right? A: Exactly! I’m going to cut ______ all the ____ I eat; no more chips, no more soda, no more __________. B: I’ve ___________ this one before. A: But this time I’m going to __________ it. I really _____ it! Trust me, Carol, I’m going to ____ a new man in one year’s time! B: Well, I guess _______ ______ ____ to wait and see. A: Thanks, honey, that was a great meal. I’m _______. Do we have any chips left?

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-22 04:53:02

    did...resolution....decided....diet to....transform.....habit out....junk....fried food heard stick to....need....be we'll just have stuffed

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-22 04:53:28

    Elementary - Asking for Time Off (B0027) A: Mr. McKenna, do you have a _________? I need ____ _______ ____ you about something. B: Sure, Liv, what can I do for you? A: Well, I was just wondering. . . you see, I know I’ve ______ ____ all my vacation _____ this year, but my sister is getting married, and the wedding is overseas, and, well. . . B: You wanna take some ______ ______, is that right? A: Well, sir, I was just hoping I ______ be able to take some ________ ________ this year. B: What _______ are you _______ on taking off? I’ll need at least two months notice, so that I can plan for your ___________. A: I _______ thinking ____ taking _____ ______ September _____ ______ the ______ . Would you be okay with ______? B: Well, I guess so.

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-22 05:01:41

    second....to talk to used up.....days time off might....unpaid leaves dates...planning....absence was....of...off from...first until...30th....that

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-22 05:04:18

    Daily Life - I’m Sorry, I Love You II (C0028) A: I’m so ________ that your ankle wasn’t broken! I feel just _____ _____ this whole thing. I wanna make ___ ___ to you. Let me take you ____ ____ dinner tonight. My treat. B: That sounds great! I’d love to! Here is my address. Pick me ____ ____ eight? A: Perfect! B: _______ you for _____ a lovely evening! The food was amazing, and I had a great time. A: Me too. You look so beautiful tonight! I wish this night _________ _______ _____. There’s something I have to tell you... B: What is it? A: I woke ____ today thinking this ________ be just like any _______ day, but I was wrong. ____________________ brought us together. I __________ into your life and you into mine, and this may sound crazy, but I’m falling in love with you Veronica.

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-22 05:18:09

    终于到一个听过的故事的续集了! relieved....awful about....it up....out to up at thank....such would never end up....would....other....a twist of fate that....crashed thank那里有点虚。。。好吧the fate那里我是讲解才知道的。。。 Ps,这两个人也太快了吧!只有两个人本来就情投意合才有可能好么。。。

  • 我算哪块小饼干

    我算哪块小饼干 (保持可爱(●′ω`●)) 风纪委员 2012-05-22 20:07:55


  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-22 20:41:12

    Advanced - Investing in Emerging Markets (E0029) A: Dad, _______________ borrow some money. B: Sure, Johnny, how much do you _______? Five bucks? A: Come on, Dad, I need thirty thousand. I ______________. You know, I’m tired of hearing all this news about the _______________, the_____________, people _______________________. I ________________ an opportunity. This is a chance for me to get _____________on building my _____________ B: ________know about that huh; with all the __________ in the markets right now, it ___________ a very _______________to invest. I don’t know if you’re _________son, but there has been a lot of ____________ in the markets recently. There_____ already been half a million _______ in the last few months, and we have ____ idea how the _____________________will impact ____ the economy. There’s just too much __________. I _____ wouldn’t feel ____________ investing ___ this _________. A: But _________this way, every challenge is an opportunity. And anyway, I’m not talking about investing __the __________market. There are__________markets that ____________. Look at China, for example; they have __________ people, half a billion of_____ have recently entered the middle class. _____________, the ___________________ for consumer goods represents an amazing ______________________ opportunity. B: Come on, son, you’re looking at this too _________, the Chinese market has __________ a great________instability, and their ____________has been ___________ by almost a whole percentage point. A: Fine, then! If that’s the way you feel, ________. But you’re ________________opportunity here. I’m _________ _____________Mum for the cash.

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-22 21:18:37

    I'd like to need want to get into the market...economic downturn...inevitable recession....stuffing their money in their matresses...look at this as...jump start...nestegg what I...uncertainties...would be...unwise you insist ...aware...turmoil...have...?...no..proposed stimulus package ...upon...instability...just...comfortable...in...climate look at it...in...domestic...emerging...promise great returns...1.4 billion people...whom...here alone...aggregate man...wealth generating naively...exhibited...deal of...currency...devalued so be it...losing out a great...gonna hit up 有几处是听讲解之后才知道的,inevitable recession,turmoil,proposed stimulus package。。。half a billion of ? have recently那里始终没听出来。。。 E确实不一样~~但把关键词讲清楚了之后感觉也还好~

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-22 21:19:11

    Daily Life - New Guy in Town II (C0030) A: Oh, Armand, thank you for such a __________________! It’s really very nice of you to _______________ for dinner, don’t you think so, Ellen? B: Oh, yes of course! We’d love to come over. Can I ________________ C: No, don’t worry about_____; I’ll _______everything. I’ll see you tonight. Come with __________... I ____ I will! B: I don’t want to go _______ his place _______ dinner! He gives me the _______! Why _________did you accept? A: Oh come on Ellen, it will be nice _________ know him. Besides, he’s new to the neighborhood, and it ________be rude to __________ his invitation. B: I guess so... You _________ ________ me into things like this! C: Ladies! Thank you for coming! You look delicious... I mean beautiful. Please come in. A: Oh Oh Armand! You are too kind! B: How did I _______________ into this...

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-22 21:41:39

    the creepy story~~~~ thoughtful invitation...invite us over bring anything it...take care of...an appitite...know over....for....creeps....on earth to get to....will...decline always rope (rope me into) get myself

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-22 21:54:40

    少年你一天做好多篇~真的理解透了么?还有,跟读了木有捏? 少年你一天做好多篇~真的理解透了么?还有,跟读了木有捏? 我算哪块小饼干

    D爷居然回复我的贴~~~~~~~ 嗯,因为我个人觉得我的听力是强项,所以填克漏字的时候,基本听完讲解再听一遍对话就可以写下来了,不过中间会暂停。。。相反我的阅读和写作会比较弱,之前也想过是不是直接读原版比较好,但觉得既然开始EP了,系统的跟读一套教材也没什么不好的,自己前天考托的时候就觉得口语老停顿。。。 基本上想保持每天做5个新的克漏字,然后大概20篇后系统的再听一次对答案分析。感觉这一步会更有用~每天做完了都会跟读,但是感觉做不到奶爸说的第三步,就丢开课本跟着录音一起读。。。很容易就结巴了。。。是不是因为不够熟练啊?。。。

  • 我算哪块小饼干

    我算哪块小饼干 (保持可爱(●′ω`●)) 风纪委员 2012-05-22 22:07:41

    D爷居然回复我的贴~~~~~~~ 嗯,因为我个人觉得我的听力是强项,所以填克漏字的时候,基本听完 D爷居然回复我的贴~~~~~~~ 嗯,因为我个人觉得我的听力是强项,所以填克漏字的时候,基本听完讲解再听一遍对话就可以写下来了,不过中间会暂停。。。相反我的阅读和写作会比较弱,之前也想过是不是直接读原版比较好,但觉得既然开始EP了,系统的跟读一套教材也没什么不好的,自己前天考托的时候就觉得口语老停顿。。。 基本上想保持每天做5个新的克漏字,然后大概20篇后系统的再听一次对答案分析。感觉这一步会更有用~每天做完了都会跟读,但是感觉做不到奶爸说的第三步,就丢开课本跟着录音一起读。。。很容易就结巴了。。。是不是因为不够熟练啊?。。。 ... WP-at-whim

    我平时有那么恐怖以致你觉得我不会去回帖么?TAT好伤心,我平时只不过因为没啥时间所以一般都是看帖很少回帖而已~当我听完一个audio book或者听完一个dozen的podcast跟搞定它的文本我就需要开电脑来找资源了。。 平时我都把电脑的钥匙锁起来,锁得非常复杂,没啥特别重要的我都不愿意开电脑的那种 我比较喜欢一天两个的速度慢慢来耗~~~~感觉很不错。 因为如果一天太多了的话我就吸收不了里面的东西,我会一边听一边taking notes,然后那些phrase我就会闲着造句玩玩,大概就是这样 理论的东西我一概不通,去提问帖问奶爸吧

  • WP-at-whim

    WP-at-whim 楼主 2012-05-22 22:47:25

    我平时有那么恐怖以致你觉得我不会去回帖么?TAT好伤心,我平时只不过因为没啥时间所以一般都是 我平时有那么恐怖以致你觉得我不会去回帖么?TAT好伤心,我平时只不过因为没啥时间所以一般都是看帖很少回帖而已~当我听完一个audio book或者听完一个dozen的podcast跟搞定它的文本我就需要开电脑来找资源了。。 平时我都把电脑的钥匙锁起来,锁得非常复杂,没啥特别重要的我都不愿意开电脑的那种 我比较喜欢一天两个的速度慢慢来耗~~~~感觉很不错。 因为如果一天太多了的话我就吸收不了里面的东西,我会一边听一边taking notes,然后那些phrase我就会闲着造句玩玩,大概就是这样 理论的东西我一概不通,去提问帖问奶爸吧 ... 我算哪块小饼干

    不是哇D爷不要想多鸟~~就是觉得你和奶爸能这么亲近民众很难得啊,被回帖很激动(*´∇`*) 嘿嘿曾今看到D爷发状态写自己正常状态几天都不上网的~表示现在能这样真心难得。。。 关于audio book还想问一下,我觉得自己真心只喜欢听不喜欢看英语。。。就一本书,你让我听有声书,可能我基本上能明白它在讲什么,可是看的时候就很容易走神看不进去。。。这样到底就保持多听还是必须得把阅读的能力练起来啊?~~ 我原本是想在暑假前把克漏字做完,然后暑假的时候可以开始弄AAT和读原版~~ 我应该没有D爷这么忙,所以每天还是能抽出一大块时间来弄这个的,现在感觉5个还可以接受~~~造句这个我借用了哈~~感觉我好多时候都是看得懂自己不会用。。。 谢谢D爷哇( ˘ ³˘)♥

  • 我算哪块小饼干

    我算哪块小饼干 (保持可爱(●′ω`●)) 风纪委员 2012-05-23 08:29:26

    TAT我觉得时间不够用是因为克漏字我其实差不多都能听懂,但是很多单词都未必会拼。而我每天都会听audio books ,昨晚睡前听了one day 的音频一,而白天就主要听the English we speak (推荐一记,不过是英音的,这个节目很好玩,你如果完成每天任务之后闲着听来玩玩也不错,四分钟左右长短,主要是介绍那些生活中常用的slang,主持人没明说是slang ,我感觉是而已)和fresh air ,grammar grater (这个对写作蛮有帮助的),get-it-done guy (讲如何提高效率)还有个effortless English (这个越来越无趣,我估计下一次更新ipod的时候我会抛弃它,直接减少每天听力时间)。 所以我每次开电脑都会折腾好久,要下载新的,要整理文本拿去打印,还要把旧的笔记整理归类。 我觉得吧,楼主你都考托了,阅读很重要的嘛,不能抛弃它捏~我一开始不是考原著的,我是看小短文的,因为长篇小说我觉得要顾及结构的完整,如果一边看一边忘那就不好了。

  • 我算哪块小饼干

    我算哪块小饼干 (保持可爱(●′ω`●)) 风纪委员 2012-05-23 08:43:21

    我有个有点用的老办法去提高阅读的注意力。但一开始做可能有点耗时跟头疼。 你去奶爸原版书阅读的初级那里挑一两本,去买实体书回来(友情提示:淘宝五六块的翻版都不算差哦~)。然后规定时间内读完一章,并且要求自己写个brief summary 。最好是找个partner一起训练,这样你们可以直接口头上来一次presentation复述那个章节而不需要写下来,如果是网络上的学友,用那个叫yy的软件还可以录下来。鉴于我当时是一个人没partner ,所以我那会儿是写key words作为记忆情节关键字, 然后用手机录下自己的复述,思考错误,最后提笔写。所以我看小说都会有笔记TAT。不过我觉得挺有用,anyway ,甲之蜜糖,乙之砒霜。方法什么的,可以借鉴,不可全借用,因为只有你才知道怎样的方法学起来最轻松最自在。 oh 一时打太多,十分钟的break 已经过了。楼主你原谅我手机党不能排版吧!继续刨资料。

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