(歌词记录&分享向)你如此混蛋 但又何等温柔


来自: libertine(i can be your Nancy)
2022-06-24 20:53:26 已编辑

  • lotus eater

    lotus eater 2022-06-24 22:00:25

    Come on baby blue, 来吧忧郁的宝贝, Shake up your tired eyes, 睁开你疲惫的双眼, The world is waitin for you, 世界正等着你改变, May all your dreaming fill the empty sky, 愿你的梦想布满整片天空, But if it makes you happy, 倘若这样能给你快乐, Keep on clapping, 就继续鼓掌吧, Just rememeber i'll be by your side, 但要记得我会在你身边, And if you don't let go, 可若你无法释怀, It's gonna pass you by, 美好终将与你擦肩而过, Who kicked a hole in the sky, 是谁划破了天空, So the heavens would cry over me? 让天堂为我哭泣, Who stole the soul from the sun, 是谁盗走了太阳的灵魂, In a world come undone at the seams? 给世界留下残缺伤痕, Let there be love, 让爱照耀吧 来点流氓兄弟

  • Molly

    Molly 2022-06-24 22:02:30

    Come on baby blue, 来吧忧郁的宝贝, Shake up your tired eyes, 睁开你疲惫的双眼, The wor Come on baby blue, 来吧忧郁的宝贝, Shake up your tired eyes, 睁开你疲惫的双眼, The world is waitin for you, 世界正等着你改变, May all your dreaming fill the empty sky, 愿你的梦想布满整片天空, But if it makes you happy, 倘若这样能给你快乐, Keep on clapping, 就继续鼓掌吧, Just rememeber i'll be by your side, 但要记得我会在你身边, And if you don't let go, 可若你无法释怀, It's gonna pass you by, 美好终将与你擦肩而过, Who kicked a hole in the sky, 是谁划破了天空, So the heavens would cry over me? 让天堂为我哭泣, Who stole the soul from the sun, 是谁盗走了太阳的灵魂, In a world come undone at the seams? 给世界留下残缺伤痕, Let there be love, 让爱照耀吧 来点流氓兄弟 ... lotus eater

    come on baby blue这句 蛊了我好久😆

  • libertine

    libertine (i can be your Nancy) 楼主 2022-06-25 10:30:21

    Come on baby blue, 来吧忧郁的宝贝, Shake up your tired eyes, 睁开你疲惫的双眼, The wor Come on baby blue, 来吧忧郁的宝贝, Shake up your tired eyes, 睁开你疲惫的双眼, The world is waitin for you, 世界正等着你改变, May all your dreaming fill the empty sky, 愿你的梦想布满整片天空, But if it makes you happy, 倘若这样能给你快乐, Keep on clapping, 就继续鼓掌吧, Just rememeber i'll be by your side, 但要记得我会在你身边, And if you don't let go, 可若你无法释怀, It's gonna pass you by, 美好终将与你擦肩而过, Who kicked a hole in the sky, 是谁划破了天空, So the heavens would cry over me? 让天堂为我哭泣, Who stole the soul from the sun, 是谁盗走了太阳的灵魂, In a world come undone at the seams? 给世界留下残缺伤痕, Let there be love, 让爱照耀吧 来点流氓兄弟 ... lotus eater



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