

来自: 桃之°(闲花细雨倚春风)
2011-06-08 18:21:20

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-06-08 18:21:38

    【原著选段】 Dear Bosie, After long and fruitless waiting I have determined to write to you myself, as much for your sake as for mine, as I would not like to think that I had passed through two long years of imprisonment without ever having received a single line from you, or any news or message even, except such as gave me pain. Our ill-fated and most lamentable friendship has ended in ruin and public infamy for me, yet the memory of our ancient affection is often with me, and the thought that loathing, bitterness and contempt should for ever take that place in my heart once held by love is very sad to me: and you yourself will, I think, feel in your heart that to write to me as I lie in the loneliness of prison-life is better than to publish my letters without my permission or to dedicate poems to me unasked, though the world will know nothing of whatever words of grief or passion, of remorse or indifference you may choose to send as your answer or your appeal. 【孙宜学译本】 亲爱的波茜: 在经过漫长徒劳的等待之后,我决定亲自给你写信,这既是为了你的缘故,也是为了我,我不愿想到在我被监禁的这漫长的两年里,除了使我痛苦的消息外,却得不到你的只言片语。 我们不幸的最可悲的友谊,已经在公众对我的谩骂声中毁于一旦了。但我仍然常常回忆起过去的友情。当想到憎恶、仇恨、轻蔑会永远占据我那一度充满爱的心灵时,我就不禁感到无限悲哀。我想你自己也不难想到,当我孤独地生活在监狱中时,你给我写信远比未经我的允许就公开我的信或献给我我所不需要的诗好得多。虽然,无论你选择什么:悲哀或激情、悔恨或冷漠作为你的回答或要求,世人对你说过的任何话都会一无所知。 【读书笔记】 1、fruitless 不结果实的,引申为“无益的,徒劳的” 【举例】 a fruitless attempt 徒劳的尝试 2、be determined to do sth. 下定决心去做某事 【举例】 I'm determined to quit smoking.我下定决心要戒烟。 3、for the sake of 由于,为了,为了……的利益 4、permission 许可,授权 【举例】with/without sb.'s permission 经过/未经某人许可,give/deny sb. permission to do sth. 允许/不许某人做某事

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-06-08 18:22:25

    【原著选段】 I have no doubt that in this letter in which I have to write of your life and of mine, of the past and of the future, of sweet things changed to bitterness and of bitter things that may be turned into joy, there will be much that will wound your vanity to the quick. If it prove so, read the letter over and over again till it kills your vanity. If you find in it something of which you feel that you are unjustly accused, remember that one should be thankful that there is any fault of which one can be unjustly accused. If there be in it one single passage that brings tears to your eyes, weep as we weep in prison where the day no less than the night is set apart for tears. It is the only thing that can save you. 【孙宜学译本】 我毫不怀疑,在我写给你的这封信里,会涉及你我的生活,涉及过去与将来,涉及变成了酸涩的甘甜和可能会变成快乐的酸涩,但也有许多东西会伤到你的虚荣心的痛处。如果真是这样的话,那你就一遍遍地读这封信,直到它消除了你的虚荣心。如果你发现这封信中对你的指责有不对之处,那你就要记住,一个人即使受到不该有的指责,也要心怀感激。如果信中有那么一段话能使你流泪,就像我们在监狱里日日夜夜都以泪洗面那样,这才是惟一能拯救你的东西。 【朱纯深译本】 毫无疑问这封信中所写的关于你还有我的生活,关于过去和将来,关于美好变成苦痛以及苦痛或可成为欢乐,个中很有一些东西会深深伤到你的虚荣心的。果真如此的话,那就一遍又一遍地把信重读吧,直到它将你的虚荣心除灭。假如发现信中有什么你觉得是把你冤枉了,记住应该感谢世上竟还有什么错失,可以使人因此受到指责而蒙受冤屈。假如信中有哪怕是一段话使泪花蒙上你的眼睛,那就哭吧,像我们在狱中这样地哭吧。在这儿,白天同黑夜一样,是留给眼泪的。只有这个能救你了。 【读书笔记】 1、vanity 自大;虚荣心 【举例】do sth. out of vanity 出于虚荣心而做某事 2、quick 此处指“感觉敏锐的部位,痛处,要害” 【举例】His words hurt her to the quick. 他的话刺痛了她的心。 3、accuse 指控,指责;归咎于 【举例】accuse sb. of doing sth.指控某人做了某事 accuse sb. for sth. 把某事的责任推到某人身上 4、set apart for 留出,拨出(时间、金钱等) 【举例】He sets some money apart for a vacation each year. 他每年留出些钱供度假之用。

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-06-08 18:23:08

    【原著选段】 You must read this letter right through, though each word may become to you as the fire or knife of the surgeon that makes the delicate flesh burn or bleed. Remember that the fool in the eyes of the gods and the fool in the eyes of man are very different. One who is entirely ignorant of the modes of Art in its revolution or the moods of thought in its progress, of the pomp of the Latin line or the richer music of the vowelled Greek, of Tuscan sculpture or Elizabethan song may yet be full of the very sweetest wisdom. The real fool, such as the gods mock or mar, is he who does not know himself. 【孙宜学译本】 你必须从头至尾读完这封信,尽管对你来说,每个字可能都会变成使柔嫩的肉体燃烧或流血的外科医生的手术刀。要记住上帝眼中的傻瓜与人眼中的傻瓜是有很大区别的。一个对革新中的艺术形式或发展中的思想情绪、对拉丁诗的华丽或元音化了的希腊语的丰富音乐性、对托斯卡纳的雕刻或伊莉莎白时代的歌曲一无所知的人,仍然可能充满着最甜蜜的智慧。真正的傻瓜,如上帝所嘲弄、毁灭的那些人,是不了解自己的人。 【朱纯深译本】 你一定要把这封信通读,虽然信中的一词一语会让你觉得像外科医生的刀与火,叫细嫩的肌肤灼痛流血。记住,诸神眼里的傻瓜和世人眼里的傻瓜是大不一样的。艺术变革的种种方式或思想演进的种种状态、拉丁诗的华彩或元音化的希腊语那更丰富的抑扬顿挫、意大利托斯卡纳式的雕塑、伊丽莎白时代的歌调,对这些一个人可以全然不知,但却仍然充满最美妙的智慧。真正的傻瓜,诸神用来取乐或取笑的傻瓜,是那些没有自知之明的人。 【读书笔记】 1、关于knife的常用短语:before you can say knife 说时迟那时快,突然。 get/stick one's knife into sb. 加害于某人,对某人怀恨在心。 the knives are out 剑拔弩张。 2、ignorant 无知的,愚昧的 【举例】ignorant errors 出于无知的错误。be ignorant of sth. 对某事一无所知。 3、in progress 在进行中 【举例】The concert is in progress. 音乐会正在进行中。 4、mar 毁坏,玷污【举例】The scenic beauty of this region was marred by commercial signs. 这一地区的商业广告牌真是大煞风景。

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-06-08 18:24:16

    【原著选段】 You did not realise that an artist, and especially such an artist as I am, one, that is to say, the quality of whose work depends on the intensification of personality, requires for the development of his art the companionship of ideas, and intellectual atmosphere, quiet, peace, and solitude. You admired my work when it was finished: you enjoyed the brilliant successes of my first nights, and the brilliant banquets that followed them: you were proud, and quite naturally so, of being the intimate friend of an artist so distinguished: but you could not understand the conditions requisite for the production of artistic work. I am not speaking in phrases of rhetorical exaggeration but in terms of absolute truth to actual fact when I remind you that during the whole time we were together I never wrote one single line. 【孙宜学译本】 你没有认识到,一个艺术家,特别是像我这样的艺术家,也就是说,一个自己创作的作品的质量取决于个性强度的艺术家,其艺术的发展需要思想、智慧的氛围,需要安静、平和与孤独。你崇拜我已完成的作品,崇拜我第一段悲伤时期的成功以及随之而来的辉煌的盛宴。你非常自然地为做我这样一个杰出艺术家的密友感到骄傲,但你不理解艺术作品产生所必需的条件和环境。我可以坦白地告诉你,我们在一起的那段时间内,我没有写出一个字,我这样说并非是修辞上的夸张,而是根据绝对的事实。 【朱纯深译本】 你并没有意识到, 一个艺术家,尤其是像我这样的艺术家,也就是说,作品的质量靠的是加强个性的艺术家,其艺术的发展要求思想的默契,心智的氛围,安详悠静的独处。我的作品完成后你会钦佩赞赏: 首演之夜辉煌的成功,随之而来辉煌的宴会,都让你高兴。你感到骄傲,这很自然,自己会是这么一位大艺术家的亲密朋友,但你无法理解艺术作品得以产生的那些必备条件。我不夸大其词,而是绝对实事求是地要你知道, 在我们相处的那个时候,我一行东西都没写。 【读书笔记】 1、所选段落的第一句句式相当复杂,难于理解,我们可以把它拆分成几个相对简单的句子来看: I am such an artist, the quality of whose work depends on the intensification of personality. For the development of his art, such an artist requires the companionship of ideas, and intellectual atmosphere, quiet, peace, and solitude. And you did not realise the fact. 这样复杂的句子算是王尔德的特色,在以后的“读书笔记”中我们还会经常见到,可以用来挑战一下自己的语法功底哦~ 2、first night 根据王尔德身为剧作家的背景,此处的first night应当指的是戏剧的首场/首晚演出,所以孙宜学先生的译法是有问题的。可见即便是翻译名家也有犯错误的时候,大家在学习的时候也要注意,不要过分迷信权威哟~ 3、absolute truth to actual fact absolute truth和actual fact 意思基本相同,都表示“绝对真实的情况”“实事求是”,此处叠加使用,起到加强语气的作用。

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-06-08 18:24:54

    【原著选段】 I will begin by telling you that I blame myself terribly. As I sit here in this dark cell in convict clothes, a disgraced and ruined man, I blame myself. In the perturbed and fitful nights of anguish, in the long monotonous days of pain, it is myself I blame. I blame myself for allowing an unintellectual friendship, a friendship whose primary aim was not the creation and contemplation of beautiful things, to entirely dominate my life. 【孙宜学译本】 我首先要告诉你的就是我强烈地谴责我自己。当我这个耻辱的被摧毁的人,穿着囚服坐在黑暗的牢房里时,我谴责我自己;在一阵阵烦恼的痛苦的夜里,在漫长单调的痛苦的白天,我谴责的也只是我自己。我谴责自己容许了一种不理智的友谊、一种最初目的不是为了创造和沉思美丽的事物的友谊完全支配了自己的生活。 【朱纯深译本】 一开头我要告诉你我拼命地怪自己。坐在这黑牢里, 囚衣蔽体, 身败名裂, 我怪我自己。暗夜里辗转反侧,苦痛中忽睡忽醒,白日里枯坐牢底, 忧心惨切,我怪的是自己。怪自己让一段毫无心智的友情,一段其根本目的不在创造和思考美好事物的友情,完完全全左右了自己的生活。 【读书笔记】 1、在这一段中王尔德连用了四个句子、四个不同的句式来表达“我责备我自己”,层层递进,让人体会到他深切的悔恨之情。同学们在写作中要表达自己强烈的感情的话,也可以尝试运用这种排比、递进的句型,会让文章增色不少哟~ 2、disgrace (n.)耻辱,丢脸的事 【举例】bring disgrace on oneself 给自己丢脸 (v.)使丢脸,使蒙受耻辱 【举例】Your actions disgraced the family.你的行为使全家丢脸。 3、dominate 支配,统治,施加决定性影响 【举例】The country is dominated by the special interests. 特殊利益集团统治着这个国家。

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-06-08 18:26:03

    【原著选段】 My yielding to your demands was bad for you. You know that now. It made you grasping often: at times not a little unscrupulous: ungracious always. There was on far too many occasions too little joy or privilege in being your host. You forgot — I will not say the formal courtesy of thanks, for formal courtesies will strain a close friendship — but simply the grace of sweet companionship, the charm of pleasant conversation, and all those gentle humanities that make life lovely, and are an accompaniment to life as music might be, keeping things in tune and filling with melody the harsh or silent places. 【孙宜学译本】 我对你的要求的屈从对你产生了很坏的影响。你现在也知道了,我的屈从常常使你变得贪婪,有时简直是肆无忌惮,当然这一直是不体面的。在许多情况下,作为你的主人意味着接受你太多的需要而享受太少的欢乐和特权。而你却忘记了对此感谢——我不是说礼节性的感谢,因为流于形式的感谢只会伤害友谊——我只是想从你身上得到优雅的甜蜜的伴随,富有魅力的愉快的交谈,以及所有的那些使生活变得可爱起来的温柔的仁慈--这些都是生活的伴唱,就像音乐那样,使万事万物和谐一致,使嘈杂的或静谧的地方充满美妙的音乐。 【朱纯深译本】 你的要求我频频迁就, 这对你很不好。你现在明白了。我的迁就使你更经常地伸手索要,有时很不择手段,每次都显得粗鄙低下。太多太多次了, 宴请你而不觉得有多少欢乐或荣幸。你忘了——我不说礼貌上的道谢,因为表面的礼貌会令亲密的友情显得局促——我说的不过是好朋友相聚的雅趣、愉快交谈的兴致, 还有一切使生活变得可爱的人性的温馨,像音乐一样伴随人生的温馨,使万物和谐、使艰涩沉寂之处充满乐音的温馨。 【读书笔记】 1、yield 屈服,投降,顺从 【举例】yield to public pressure 屈服于公众压力 The disease yields to no remedy. 这种病无药可治。 2、privilege 特权;特别待遇,特殊荣幸 【举例】enjoy privileges 享受特权 exercise privileges 行使特权 It was a privilege to hear her sing. 能听到她一展歌喉真是莫大的荣幸。 3、courtesy 谦恭有礼;礼节 【举例】without courtesy 无礼 The princess made a movement to dismiss the courtesy. 公主示意他们免礼。 4、humanity 人性;人道;博爱;仁慈 【举例】a man of great humanity 大慈大悲的人 They treated the prisoners with humanity. 他们人道地对待俘虏。 the humanities 人文学科,即通常所说的“文科”,包括语言、文学、哲学、美术、历史等 5、tune 曲调;协调一致,和谐 【举例】keep things in tune 使万物和谐

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-06-08 18:26:30

    【原著选段】 In every relation of life with others one has to find some moyen de vivre. In your case, one had either to give up to you or to give you up. There was no other alternative. Through deep if misplaced affection for you: through great pity for your defects of temper and temperament: through my own proverbial goodnature and Celtic laziness: through an artistic aversion to coarse scenes and ugly words: through that incapacity to bear resentment of any kind which at that time characterised me: through my dislike of seeing life made bitter and uncomely by what to me, with my eyes really fixed on other things, seemed to be mere trifles too petty for more than a moment’s thought or interest — through these reasons, simple as they may sound, I gave up to you always. 【孙宜学译本】 一个人,在他与生活的每一种联系中必须找到某种"生存方式",就你的情况而言,人们或者是屈从于你,或者是放弃你,此外没有别的选择。就我来说,因为在你身上寄托了不该寄托的厚爱,因为对你的脾性和气质上的缺陷的伟大的同情,因为我自己的众所周知的好品质和凯尔特人的慵懒,因为艺术家对粗俗争吵和丑言恶词的宽容,因为我当时的性格还无力忍受对任何人的憎恨,因为我不愿意因我的原因而使生活变得酸苦和不美好,也因为我当时的注意力在别的事情上,所以你的所作所为在我看来只是小事一桩,最多也就是能引起我瞬间的注意或兴趣——也就是因为这些原因,尽管这听起来很简单,我才一直屈从于你。 【朱纯深译本】 生活里,每一种人际关系都要找着某种相处之道。与你的相处之道是,要么全听你的要么全不理你,毫无选择余地。出于对你深挚的如果说是错爱了的感情,出于对你禀性上的缺点深切的怜悯,出于我那有口皆碑的好心肠和凯尔特人的懒散,出于一种艺术气质上对粗鲁的言语行为的反感,出于我当时对任何事物都能逆来顺受的性格特征,出于我不喜欢看到生活因为在我看来是不屑一顾的小事(我眼里真正所看的是另外一些事)而变得苦涩不堪的脾气——出于这种种看似简单的理由,我事事全听你的。 【读书笔记】 1、这一段的亮点在于一气呵成的六个排比句,同学们可以学习一下~ 2、give up 交出;放弃;不再抱有希望 【举例】give oneself up 自暴自弃 give up to sb. 屈从于某人 3、misplace 把……放错地方;把(感情等)寄托于错误的对象;使(言行等)不合时宜 【举例】misplaced humour 不合时宜的幽默 Don't misplace your confidence on that irresponsible man. 别错信了那个不靠谱的家伙。 4、temper 情绪,脾气 【举例】be in a good temper 心情好 be of a quick/not/short temper 脾气急躁 5、temperament 气质,性格 【举例】a poetic temperament 诗人的气质 a silent temperament 沉默寡言的性格

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-06-08 18:27:17

    【原著选段】 The trivial in thought and action is charming. I had made it the keystone of a very brilliant philosophy expressed in plays and paradoxes. But the froth and folly of our life grew often very wearisome to me: it was only in the mire that we met: and fascinating, terribly fascinating though the one topic round which your talk invariably centred was, still at the end it became quite monotonous to me. I was often bored to death by it, and accepted it as I accepted your passion for going to music-halls, or your mania for absurd extravagances in eating and drinking, or any other of your to me less attractive characteristics, as a thing, that is to say, that one simply had to put up with, a part of the high price one paid for knowing you. 【孙宜学译本】 在思想和行动方面,微不足道的事是有其魅力的,这也是我在剧本和论文中表述的那种卓越哲理的基石。但我们生活中的空谈和蠢事常常令我感到非常厌烦:我们只能在"泥坑"里才能达成一致。尽管你在交谈中谈论的一个中心话题很吸引人,确实非常吸引人,但对我来说,久而久之,与你一直不变的交谈话题就变得单调乏味了,我常常为此厌烦至死,感觉接受你的这种谈话就像必须接受你去音乐厅时的那种激情或在吃喝上那种疯狂浪费的癖好或你身上的任何对我毫无吸引力的性格一样,我只是把这种谈话当做一种东西,也就是说一种我不得不忍受的东西,是为认识你而必须付出的昂贵代价中的一部分。 【朱纯深译本】 思想和行为上的琐屑讨人喜欢。我曾用这一点来作为一个非常睿智的人生哲学的基石, 在剧本和悖语中加以表达。但是我们生活中的蠢话傻事却常常变得令人烦不胜烦:我们只是在泥淖中相遇。你谈话时总是围绕着的那个话题虽然引人入胜,引人入胜得不得了,但到头来我还是觉得腻味。我常常被它烦得要死, 但却接受了它, 就像接受了你要去杂耍剧场的狂热, 接受了你荒唐地大吃大喝的癖好,以及别的在我看来不那么有趣的脾气;也就是说,我干脆当它为一个不得不忍受的东西,当它为同你认识所要付出的高昂代价的一部分。 【读书笔记】 1、trivial 琐碎的,无关紧要的,微不足道的;(人)浅薄的,轻浮的 【举例】trivial matters 琐事 trivial formalities 繁文缛节 Don't marry that trivial young man, please. 千万别嫁给那个浅薄轻浮的人。 2、某些形容词,在前面加上定冠词the,可以变成指代一类人或事物的名词性词组,比如trivial(琐碎的)/the trivial(琐事),poor(贫穷的)/the poor(穷人),dead(死亡的)/the dead(死人),等等。 3、bore v.使厌烦,使厌倦 n.令人讨厌的人或事 【举例】bore sb. to death 使某人厌烦得要死 He has bored himself with bridge. 他玩桥牌玩腻了。 Stop being a bore. 别再烦人了。 4、extravagance 奢侈,铺张浪费;过度,无节制 【举例】extravagance with money 挥霍无度 love one's children with extravagance 溺爱孩子 5、pay for 为……付出代价,因……接受惩罚 【举例】He paid dearly for his mistake. 他为自己所犯的错误付出了高昂的代价。

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-06-08 18:27:41

    【原著选段】 Three years ago is a long time for you to go back. But we who live in prison, and in whose lives there is no event but sorrow, have to measure time by throbs of pain, and the record of bitter moments. We have nothing else to think of. Suffering — curious as it may sound to you — is the means by which we exist, because it is the only means by which we become conscious of existing; and the remembrance of suffering in the past is necessary to us as the warrant, the evidence, of our continued identity. 【孙宜学译本】 对你来说,回忆三年前的事情是太难了,因为你会觉得三年时间过于漫长了。但对我们这些生活在监狱中、生活中没有事件只有悲哀的人来说,就必须以痛苦的结来计算时间的长短,并标记下我们痛苦的时刻。除了痛苦,我们没有别的事情可想。痛苦——尽管对你来说这听起来很奇怪——是我们的生存方式,因为只有痛苦才能使我们意识到自己的存在。对我们来说,只有回忆过去的痛苦,才能保证和证明我们还有继续生活下去的必要。 【朱纯深译本】 三年了,要你回想可真是个不短的时间。但对我们这些在监牢里度日的人们,生活中不见人间的动静而只有悲哀,只能以肌体跳痛的顿挫、内心悲苦的短长来度量时日。我们没别的好想了。受苦——你听着也许会觉得好奇——就是我们得以存在的手段,因为只有通过它,我们才能有存在的意识;而记住受过的苦对我们是必要的,这是对我们身份继续存在的认可和证明。 【读书笔记】 1、measure 测量;估量 【举例】measure sb. for a new suit 给某人量尺寸做一套新衣 measure one's strength/skill with/aganst another's 与别人比拼力量/技术 measure one's foe 估量自己的敌人 2、curious 一方面有“好奇的”的意思,另一方面有“奇特的,离奇的”的意思。在这段文字中curious修饰的是suffering,应该是“离奇,奇怪”之意,可见朱纯深先生的翻译不太妥当。 3、conscious 意识到的,自觉的;有知觉的;存心的 【举例】be conscious of sth. 意识到了…… a hardly conscious movement 几乎无意识的动作 The patient was conscious. 病人神智清醒。 a conscious insult 蓄意的侮辱

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-06-10 18:28:22

    【原著选段】 Between myself and the memory of joy lies a gulf no less deep than that between myself and joy in its actuality. Had our life together been as the world fancied it to be, one simply of pleasure, profligacy and laughter, I would not be able to recall a single passage in it. It is because it was full of moments and days tragic, bitter, sinister in their warnings, dull or dreadful in their monotonous scenes and unseemly violence, that I can see or hear each separate incident in its detail, can indeed see or hear little else. So much in this place do men live by pain that my friendship with you, in the way through which I am forced to remember it, appears to me always as a prelude consonant with those varying modes of anguish which each day I have to realise; nay more, to necessitate them even; as though my life, whatever it had seemed to myself and to others, had all the while been a real Symphony of Sorrow, passing through its rhythmically-linked movements to its certain resolution, with that inevitableness that in Art characterises the treatment of every great theme. 【孙宜学译本】 在我自己与快乐的回忆之间存在着一道同我自己和实际的快乐之间同样深的鸿沟。如果我们在一起时的生活确实如人们想像的那样,只有快乐、奢侈、笑声,我会一点也回忆不起来的。就是因为那种生活无时无刻不充满着悲剧性的痛苦、险恶、愚蠢或可怕的单调乏味的争吵和不体面的亵渎,我才能详细地看到或听到其中每一个彼此分离的事件,实际上我也已不可能看到或听到其他的什么东西了。生活在监狱里的人需要那么多的痛苦才能生活下去,结果迫使我每天都不得不把我们的友谊变换成各种不同的痛苦方式,尽管有时并不必要。不管我自己和别人是如何看待我现在的处境,我的生活似乎一直就是一首真正的"悲哀交响曲",慢慢地经过以节奏联接的种种乐章达到它的转变,并且带着在艺术中作为处理一切重大主题的特征的那种必然性。 【朱纯深译本】 我与记忆中的欢乐之间,隔着一道深渊,其深不亚于我和现实的欢乐之间隔着的深渊。假如我们在一起的生活真的如世人所想象的那样, 纯粹是享乐、挥霍和欢笑,那我就会一丁点也记不起来。正因为那生活时时刻刻都包孕着悲剧、痛苦、恶毒, 一幕幕单调地重复着乏味可怕的吵闹和卑劣的暴力,所以那些事一件件一点点都历历如在眼前,切切似在耳边,说实在的别的什么就很少能看得到听得见了。这里的人们是如此的苦中度日,所以我同你的友谊,照我那样被迫去记住的样子,总显得像是一支序曲,与眼前变换着的痛苦一脉相承。这些痛苦每一天我都得体会领悟;不仅如此,甚至得靠它们度日;似乎我的生活,不管在我本人还是在别人眼里曾经是什么样子,从来就是一部真正的悲怆交响曲,一个乐章一个乐章有节奏地推向其必然的结局,一切是那样的必然,简直就是艺术上处理每个伟大主题的典型手法。 【读书笔记】 1、scene 除了指“场景,场面”之外,还有“发脾气,当众吵闹”的意思,后一种用法在《自深深处》中反复出现。 【举例】create/make a scene 当众大吵大闹 2、incident 发生的事,小事;(国际政治中的)事件,事变 【举例】a strange incident 一件怪事 ordinary incidents of daily life 日常生活中的小事 the Lugouqiao Incident 卢沟桥事变 3、"So much...to necessitate them even"一句是一个句式混杂的复杂句,我们把它拆分成几个便于理解的句子: I am forced to remember my friendship with you in a certain way. Through such a way the friendship appears to me as a prelude consonant. Each day I have to realise, or rather, necessitate those varying modes of anguish in the prelude.

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-06-10 18:28:48

    【原著选段】 On your return to town from the actual scene of the tragedy to which you had been summoned, you came at once to me very sweetly and very simply, in your suit of woe, and with your eyes dim with tears. You sought consolation and help, as a child might seek it. I opened to you my house, my home, my heart. I made your sorrow mine also, that you might have help in bearing it. Never, even by one word, did I allude to your conduct towards me, to the revolting scenes, and the revolting letter. Your grief, which was real, seemed to me to bring you nearer to me than you had ever been. The flowers you took from me to put on your brother’s grave were to be a symbol not merely of the beauty of his life, but of the beauty that in all lives lies dormant and may be brought to light. 【孙宜学译本】 当你从被要求去的那场悲剧的发生现场回到城里来时,你立刻非常温柔、非常单纯地来到我身边,穿着丧服,眼里蒙着一层泪花。你像一个孩子一样来寻求安慰和帮助。我向你打开了我的房子、我的家、我的心,我把你的悲哀也变成我的悲哀,以为这样也许能帮助你承受住那种悲哀。我从没有——哪怕只一个字——提到过你过去是如何对待我的,也未提到你制造的几次让我痛心的争吵和写的信。你的真心的悲哀,在我看来似乎使你比以前更接近我了。你从我这儿拿去放到你哥哥坟墓上的花,不仅是他生命之美的象征,而且象征着一切生命中都潜藏着的、可以呈现出来的美。 【朱纯深译本】 从他们传召你去的悲剧现场一回到城里,你马上就到我这儿来,穿着丧服, 泪眼盈盈的一派温良率真的模样,要人安慰、求人帮忙, 像个小孩似的。我对你敞开了我的房子,我的家,我的心。将你的悲痛当作自己的悲痛,这样也许能在你的沉沉哀痛中扶你一把。我甚至绝口不提你是怎么待我的,绝口不提那一幕幕不堪入目的吵闹和那一封不堪入耳的信。你那真切的悲哀, 似乎带着你前所未有地靠近我。你从我这儿带去供在你哥哥坟上的鲜花,不止要成为他生命之美的象征, 也要成为蕴藏于所有生命中并可能绽放的美的象征。 【读书笔记】 1、summon 召唤;召集;鼓起(勇气),振作(精神) 【举例】summon a conference 召开会议 summon (up) all one's strength 使出全身力气 summon (up) the nerves to do sth 鼓起勇气做某事 2、allude 暗指,影射;间接提到,提及 【举例】You know who I'm alluding to. 你知道我指的是谁。 The subject was never allude to. 这个题目始终不曾提到。 3、revolt n.&v. 叛乱,造反,起义;反抗,背叛。形容词形式是revolting。 【举例】a massive revolt against the tyranny 反抗暴政的大规模起义 a revolting ordour 令人作呕的气味

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-06-10 18:29:13

    【原著选段】 Of course I discern in all our relations, not Destiny merely, but Doom: Doom that walks always swiftly, because she goes to the shedding of blood. Through your father you come of a race, marriage with whom is horrible, friendship fatal, and that lays violent hands either on its own life or on the lives of others. In every little circumstance in which the ways of our lives met; in every point of great, or seemingly trivial import in which you came to me for pleasure or for help; in the small chances, the slight accidents that look, in their relation to life, to be no more than the dust that dances in a beam, or the leaf that flutters from a tree, Ruin followed, like the echo of a bitter cry, or the shadow that hunts with the beast of prey. 【朱纯深译本】 当然,你我所有的交往,我看不光是命中注定,而且是在劫难逃:劫数从来是急急难逃,因为她疾步所向的, 是血光之地。因为你父亲的缘故,你所出身的这个家系,与之联姻是可怕的,与之交谊是致命的;其凶残的手,要么自戮,要么杀人。在每一个小小的场合当你我命途相交,在每一个或至关紧要或像是无关紧要的时刻,你来我处寻乐或者求助,在那些不起眼的机缘和不足道的偶然之中——对生活而言,它们像是浮沉于光影中的纤尘、飘落于树荫下的枯叶——在这些时候,毁灭都尾随左右,像哀号的回声,像猛兽扑食的阴影。 【读书笔记】 1、discern 看出,觉察到;认识,识别 【举例】discern good and/from evil 识别善恶 We could discern from his appearance that he was upset. 从他的脸色我们可以看出他的不快。 2、import 此处是“含义;重要性”的意思 【举例】the import of one's words 某人话中的含义。 A man of great import 要人 3、flutter 飘动;晃动;(鸟等)振翅,盘旋;忙乱;颤抖 【举例】The curtain fluttered in the wind. 窗帘在风中飘动。 The women are all fluttering about making preparations for the wedding.女人们都在奔忙着为婚礼做准备。 His fingers fluttered. 他手指颤抖。 4、prey 猎物;捕食的习惯。常引申为“牺牲品,受害者”。 【举例】 beasts/birds of prey 猛兽/猛禽

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-06-10 18:29:37

    【原著选段】 You send me a very nice poem, of the undergraduate school of verse, for my approval: I reply by a letter of fantastic literary conceits: I compare you to Hylas, or Hyacinth, Jonquil or Narcisse, or someone whom the great god of Poetry favoured, and honoured with his love. The letter is like a passage from one of Shakespeare’s sonnets, transposed to a minor key. It can only be understood by those who have read the Symposium of Plato, or caught the spirit of a certain grave mood made beautiful for us in Greek marbles. It was, let me say frankly, the sort of letter I would, in a happy if wilful moment, have written to any graceful young man of either University who had sent me a poem of his own making, certain that he would have sufficient wit or culture to interpret rightly its fantastic phrases. 【朱纯深译本】 你送过来一首很好的诗,给本科生诗社的,要我审核,我在回信中兴之所至地作了一些文学上俏皮诙谐的比附,把你比作海拉斯、海尔辛托斯、琼奎伊尔或纳西斯,或者受到伟大的诗神宠爱、眷顾和礼遇的哪个人。那信听着就像一首莎士比亚商籁诗中的一段,被转为小调式似的。只有那些读过柏拉图的《会饮篇》,或者对希腊雕像优美地为我们传达出来的某种凝重情调得其神韵的人,才能理解信中的意思。让我坦白地说吧,这样的信,在我心情愉快、如果说是随心所欲的时候,要是两所中随便哪所大学的任何一位风雅的年轻人送我一首自己写的诗的话,我都会写给他的;确信他会有足够的才智,或教养,来正确阐释信中兴笔所至的那些话。 【读书笔记】 1、conceit 除了最常用的“自负、骄傲自满”的意思外,conceit还可以表示“别出心裁/牵强附会的措辞、比喻;想法,个人意见”。 【举例】He is full of conseit. 他十分自负。 His writings are full of conceits. 他的作品充满了别出心裁的比喻。 He expressed his conceits fluently. 他流畅地表达了自己的想法。 2、Hylas, Hyacinth,Jonquil, Narcisse 都是希腊神话中的美少年。其中Hyacinth死后化作风信子,Narcisse死后化作水仙花,所以风信子和水仙花的英文就是hyacinth和narcissus。 3、transpose 使(音乐)变调,转调;互换……的位置;把……改写成另一种语言(或体裁) 【举例】I inadvertently transposed the e and the i in "weird". 我一时疏忽把“weird”中的e和i互换了位置。 Transpose the Latin into English. 把拉丁文译成英文。 Transpose the verse into prose. 把韵文改写成散文。

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-06-10 18:30:00

    【原著选段】 I need not go on further with more instances of the strange Doom you seem to have brought on me in all things big or little. It makes me feel sometimes as if you yourself had been merely a puppet worked by some secret and unseen hand to bring terrible events to a terrible issue. But puppets themselves have passions. They will bring a new plot into what they are presenting, and twist the ordered issue of vicissitude to suit some whim or appetite of their own. To be entirely free, and at the same time entirely dominated by law, is the eternal paradox of human life that we realise at every moment; and this, I often think, is the only explanation possible of your nature, if indeed for the profound and terrible mysteries of a human soul there is any explanation at all, except one that makes the mystery more marvellous still. 【朱纯深译本】 我用不着再举更多的例子来说明了,不管是大事小事,你好像都给我带来莫名其妙的厄运。这使我有时觉得你本人似乎不过是为哪只神秘的、看不见的手所操纵的傀儡,来把一个可怕的局面弄得更加不可收拾。但是傀儡们自己也并非无情无欲。他们也会让要他们表演的东西平添曲折,心血来潮便把人间炎凉兴衰的前因后果扭曲,以遂他们的哪个心愿。要全然的自由,同时又要全然地受制于律法,这是我们时时感受到的人生永恒的吊诡;而这一点,我常常想,只能是你性情的唯一可能的解释,如果说对人性那深邃可怕的神秘,除了越说越神之外,的确能有什么解释的话。 【读书笔记】 1、issue 结局,后果;问题,议题,事件,争端;发行,(书刊的)期号。 【举例】There is no chance of a happy issue. 这事不可能有一个圆满的结局。 the burning issues of the day 当今燃眉之急的问题 the issue at stake 存亡攸关的大事 settle an issue 解决争端 the May issue of the magazine 五月号的杂志 2、twist 使转动;使扭曲;曲解 【举例】Twist the handle to the right and the door will open. 将把手向右转,门就会打开了。 He fell and twisted his ankle. 他摔了一跤,把脚踝摔伤了。 He twisted my words. 他曲解了我的话。 3、profund 深的,深邃的,深沉的,深奥的,根深蒂固的 【举例】the profound depth of the sea 大海的深处 a profound sigh 长叹 a profund theory 深奥的理论 a profound disease 痼疾

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-06-14 11:56:28

    【原著选段】 Of course you had your illusions, lived in them indeed, and through their shifting mists and coloured veils saw all things changed. You thought, I remember quite well, that your devoting yourself to me, to the entire exclusion of your family and family life, was a proof of your wonderful appreciation of me, and your great affection. No doubt to you it seemed so. But recollect that with me was luxury, high living, unlimited pleasure, money without stint. I also had my illusions. I thought life was going to be a brilliant comedy, and that you were to be one of many graceful figures in it. I found it to be a revolting and repellent tragedy, and that the sinister occasion of the great catastrophe, sinister in its concentration of aim and intensity of narrowed willpower, was yourself, stripped of that mask of joy and pleasure by which you, no less than I, had been deceived and led astray. 【朱纯深译本】 当然,你有你的幻想,说实在是生活在这些幻想中。透过那游移的薄雾、有色的薄纱, 一切全看走样了。我记得很清楚, 你以为一心一意与我相伴,将你的家庭和家庭生活置之度外,便证明了你对我美妙的欣赏和深厚的情谊。在你看来无疑是如此。但是追忆当时,与我相伴便是奢侈,便是高雅生活, 便是无限的欢娱、不尽的金钱。 我呢,也有我的幻想。我以为生活会是一出绝妙的喜剧,而你会是剧中一个风雅备至的人物。后来却发现它原来是一个令人反感、令人恶心的悲剧。而带来大灾难的险恶祸端,其险其恶在于苦心孤诣、志在必得,就是剥去了欢娱和喜乐面具的你本人。那面具不但骗了我,也骗了你误入歧途。 【读书笔记】 1、illusion n.错觉,幻觉;幻想,错误的观念;(使观众产生错觉的)魔术手法,幻术 【举例】The old man's ruddy complexion gave an illusion of good health. 老人红润的脸色给人以健康的错觉。 have illusions about sth. 对某事抱有幻想 【相关词汇】 illusionary a.造成错觉的;错觉/幻想中的 illusionist n.好幻想的人,空想家;魔术师 disillusion v.使醒悟;使幻灭 be disillusioned about sb./sth. 对某人/某事不再抱有幻想 2、recollect 回忆,追忆;想起 【举例】I'm trying to recollect his phone number. 我正努力回想他的电话号码。 I cannot recollect what happened next. 这以后发生的事我记不得了。 【相关词汇】 recollection 回忆,记忆;往事;回忆录 It is in my recollection that.... 我记得…… 3、sinister 恶意的;不祥的;灾难性的;左边的 【举例】a sinister remark 恶毒的话 a sinister smile 奸笑 a sinister symptom 凶兆 a sinister fate 厄运 【词源探秘】 为神马一个表示“凶险”的单词还有“左边”的意思呢?原因是这个词来自拉丁语Sinistra,本意是“左边”,而古罗马占卜官视左侧出现的征兆为不祥,久而久之,这个词也就带上“不祥”的意思了。

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-06-14 11:56:59

    【原著选段】 You thought that in attacking your own father with dreadful letters, abusive telegrams, and insulting postcards you were really fighting your mother’s battles, coming forward as her champion, and avenging the no doubt terrible wrongs and sufferings of her married life. It was quite an illusion on your part; one of your worst indeed. The way for you to have avenged your mother’s wrongs on your father, if you considered it part of a son’s duty to do so, was by being a better son to your mother than you had been: by not making her afraid to speak to you on serious things: by not signing bills the payment of which devolved on her: by being gentler to her, and not bringing sorrow into her days. Your brother Francis made great amends to her for what she had suffered, by his sweetness and goodness to her through the brief years of his flower-like life. You should have taken him as your model. 【朱纯深译本】 你还以为,写信拍电报寄明信片去咒骂侮辱自己的父亲,你这是在替你母亲出头,为她打抱不平,为她在婚后所受的无疑是可怕的屈辱和痛苦报仇。这真是你的一大幻想,真是你最糟糕的一个幻想。要为你母亲所受的苦找你父亲报仇,假如你认为这是做儿子的部分责任,那就得改弦更张,做个好儿子;就不要弄得她不敢同你谈重大的事情;就不要签些账单到头来都算到她头上;就要更好地待她,别让她的日子雪上加霜。你的兄长弗兰西斯,在他短短的如花般的生命中,就以他的温良随和大大减轻了你母亲的痛苦。你应该以他为楷模才是。 【读书笔记】 1、champion 除了常见的“冠军,第一名”的意思外,champion还有“斗争者,捍卫者,声援者”的意思。另外它还可以作动词,表示“捍卫,拥护,支持”。 【举例】a champion for the liberation of the slaves 为解放奴隶而奋斗的战士 a champion of reforms 提倡改革者 champion a just cause 捍卫正义事业 2、devolve v.(工作、职责等)移交,转移 【举例】The work devolved on/upon him when his superior was ill. 他的上司生病时,工作就落在他身上。 3、amends n.赔偿,补偿。注意:amend看起来是复数形式,但是用作单数。 【举例】make amends to sb. 赔偿某人/向某人赔礼道歉 【相关词汇】 amend v.修改;改进;改正 amend one's way 改过自新 4、model 模范,典型;模型;样品;模特儿 【举例】take sb. as one's model 把某人作为自己的榜样

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-06-14 11:57:18

    【原著选段】 the memory of our friendship is the shadow that walks with me here: that seems never to leave me: that wakes me up at night to tell me the same story over and over till its wearisome iteration makes all sleep abandon me till dawn: at dawn it begins again: it follows me into the prison-yard and makes me talk to myself as I tramp round: each detail that accompanied each dreadful moment I am forced to recall: there is nothing that happened in those ill-starred years that I cannot recreate in that chamber of the brain which is set apart for grief or for despair: every strained note of your voice, every twitch and gesture of your nervous hands, every bitter word, every poisonous phrase comes back to me: I remember the street or river down which we passed, the wall or woodland that surrounded us, at what figure on the dial stood the hands of the clock, which way went the wings of the wind, the shape and colour of the moon. 【朱纯深译本】 对你我友谊的回忆,就是在这里随我左右的影子,像是永不分离似的——深夜里唤我醒来,一遍又一遍地说着同一个故事,直磨得人睡意全无,醒到天明;天明时分又开始了, 跟着我到牢房外的院里,害得我一边步履沉重地走着一边喃喃自语——我被迫回想着每一个痛苦时刻的每一点细节, 在那些个倒霉的年头里发生的事,没有哪一件我不能在那留给悲伤和绝望的脑室里再造重演:你每一点不自然 的话音、每一个紧张兮兮的手势、每一句冷言恶语,都涌上了心头;我记着我们到过的街道和河流,四周的墙壁和树林,时钟的针正指着哪一点,风正吹向哪一面,月色月影又是什么模样。 【孙宜学译本】 现在我对我们友谊的回忆就是一个与我日夜相伴的影子,一个似乎永远不会离开我了的影子。夜里,它会把我叫醒,一遍遍地告诉我同一个故事,它令人乏味的叙述令我彻夜难眠,直到天快亮时才能睡着。而一到黎明,它就又重新开始活动了:它随着我走进监狱院子里,在我茫然地游荡时让我自言自语;它迫使我回忆起每一个可怕时刻的每一个细节,在我那盛满了悲哀和绝望的脑子里,重新复现了在那不幸的几年里发生的一切;你的声音的每一个不自然的腔调,你那紧张的双手的每一次颤动和手势,你说出的每一个怨恨的字、每一句恶毒的话,都重新回到我的脑中;我回忆起我们一起去过的街道或河流,我们周围的墙或林地,表盘上的指针正指向哪一个数字,风的翅膀向哪一个方向飞去,以及月亮的圆缺和颜色。 【读书笔记】 1、tramp v.脚步坚实/沉重地行走;踩踏;步行,长途跋涉;流浪 n.坚实/沉重的脚步声;长途跋涉;徒步旅行者;流浪者 a.流浪的,无目的地的 【举例】Someone tramped on my toes on the bus. 在公交车上有人踩了我的脚。 tramp hither and thither 到处流浪 The tramp of marching armies 行军部队重重的脚步声 2、ill-starred 相当于ill-fated,表示“注定要倒霉的;注定没好结果的” 【举例】the ill-starred/illfated expedition 注定要失败的远征 an ill-starred/illfated day 倒霉的一天 【词缀解析】 ill-作为前缀,表示否定,例如ill-adapted不适应的,ill-behaved没礼貌的,ill-bred没教养的,ill-come不受欢迎的,等等。

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-06-14 11:57:41

    【原著选段】 There is, I know, one answer to all that I have said to you, and that is that you loved me: that all through those two and a half years during which the Fates were weaving into one scarlet pattern the threads of our divided lives you really loved me. Yes: I know you did. No matter what your conduct to me was I always felt that at heart you really did love me. Though I saw quite clearly that my position in the world of Art, the interest my personality had always excited, my money, the luxury in which I lived, the thousand and one things that went to make up a life so charmingly, so wonderfully improbable as mine was, were, each and all of them, elements that fascinated you and made you cling to me: yet besides all this there was something more, some strange attraction for you: you loved me far better than you loved anybody else. 【朱纯深译本】 我知道,对我所说的这一切,是有一句话可以回答的。那就是你爱我:在那两年半里,命运将我们两个互不相干的生命丝丝缕缕编成了一个血红的图案,你的确真心爱过我。没错, 这我知道。不管你那时对我的举止态度怎样,我总觉得在你心中是真爱我的。虽然我看得也很清楚,我在艺术界的地位和人格的魅力、我的金钱和生活的豪华,那使我的生活变得非常人所及的美妙与迷人的方方面面,每一样都让你心醉神迷,对我紧跟不舍。然而在这一切之外,还有某种东西,某种对你的奇怪的吸引力:你爱我远胜过爱别的什么人。 【孙宜学译本】 我知道,只有一种答案能解释我给你说的这一切,那就是你爱我。在命运把我们彼此分离的生命之丝织成一个罪恶的图案的两年半时间内,你是真爱我的,是的,我知道你爱我,不管你如何对待我,我一直感到你内心里确实是爱我的,虽然我清楚地看到,使你依附于我的还有我在艺术世界的地位、我的个性激发出的趣味、我的钱、我生活中的奢侈以及无数构成我所过的那种那么迷人、那么奇妙的不可思议的生活的东西;然而,除去所有这一切之外,对你来说还有某种奇怪的吸引力,那就是你比爱其他人都要爱我! 【读书笔记】 1、weave v.编织;编造;(为避让障碍物而)迂回行进 【举例】weave cloth 织布 weave a complicated story 编造一个复杂的故事 weave one's way through a crowd 迂回穿过人群 2、scarlet n.猩红色,绯红色 a.猩红的;罪恶昭彰的,罪孽深重的 该词的两个意思差异较大,两位译者不同的选择也是基于各自对文章的理解和对王尔德本意的揣测。小编个人认为朱纯深先生的译法较为恰当,不知大家觉得如何呢? 3、cling to 黏着,缠着;紧紧抓住;坚持,忠实于 【举例】cling to power/office 抓住权力/职位不放 cling to one's friends 对朋友忠诚 cling to a policy of hostility 坚持敌对政策

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-06-14 11:58:14

    【原著选段】 But you, like myself, have had a terrible tragedy in your life, though one of an entirely opposite character to mine. Do you want to learn what it was? It was this. In you Hate was always stronger than Love. Your hatred of your father was of such stature that it entirely outstripped, o'erthrew, and overshadowed your love of me. There was no struggle between them at all, or but little; of such dimensions was your Hatred and of such monstrous growth. You did not realise that there is no room for both passions in the same soul. They cannot live together in that fair carven house. Love is fed by the imagination, by which we become wiser than we know, better than we feel, nobler than we are: by which we can see Life as a whole: by which, and by which alone, we can understand others in their real as in their ideal relations. Only what is fine, and finely conceived, can feed Love. But anything will feed Hate. 【朱纯深译本】 但是你, 同我一样, 生活中也有过可怕的悲剧,虽然二者之悲,完全不同。想知道这是什么吗? 这就是,你的心中恨总是比爱强烈。你对你父亲的仇恨是如此之强烈,完全超过了、压倒了、掩盖住了对我的爱。你的爱恨之间根本就没有过孰是孰非的斗争,要有也很少:你仇恨之深之大,是如此的面面俱到、张牙舞爪。你并未意识到,一个灵魂是无法同时容纳这两种感情的。在那所精雕细刻出来的华屋中它们无法共处一室。爱是用想象力滋养的,这使我们比自己知道的更聪慧,比自我感觉的更良好, 比本来的为人更高尚;这使我们能将生活看作一个整体;只要这样、只有这样,我们才能以现实也以理想的关系看待理解他人。惟有精美的、精美于思的,才能供养爱。但不管什么都供养得了恨。 【孙宜学译本】 但你像我一样,在自己的生活里上演了一出可怕的悲剧,虽然你与我的悲剧具有完全相反的特征。你想知道这出悲剧是什么吗?我可以告诉你,那就是你身上的恨始终比爱强烈!你对你父亲的恨是那么强烈,完全超出了、推翻了、遮盖了你对我的爱。你对我的爱与对你父亲的恨之间没有冲突,或只有一点点冲突;你恨的范围那么广,并且是以那样一种可怕的速度增长着。而你却没有认识到,同一个灵魂里是不能同时容纳这两种感情的,它们不能在那个精心雕刻的房子里和睦相处。爱是靠想像滋养的,因为爱,我们变得比我们所知道的还聪明,比我们感觉到的还好,比我们的实际情形更高贵;用爱,我们可以把"生命"看做一个整体;靠爱,而且只靠爱,我们就能按照理想的方式理解处于现实关系中的其他人。只有美好的和精心想像出来的东西才能滋养爱,但一切都能滋养恨。 【读书笔记】 1、outstrip v.胜过,超过,把……抛在后面 【举例】The demand for food outstripped supply. 食品供不应求 2、overthrow v.推翻,打倒;废除;毁灭;背弃 【举例】overthrow the autocratic monarchy 推翻君主专制 overthrow slavery 废除奴隶制 The city was overthrown by the earthquake. 城市毁于地震。 overthrow standards of behaviour 背弃行为准则 3、overshadow v.在重要性方面超过,使相形见绌;给……蒙上阴影 【举例】He is overshadowed by his brilliant brother. 他那成就辉煌的兄弟使他相形见绌。 Her heart was overshadowed by the tragedy of his death. 他的死亡给她的心蒙上了一层阴影。 4、conceive v.构想,想出;怀有(某种情感);怀孕 【举例】conceive an idea 想出一个主意 conceive a prejudice against sb. 对某人怀有偏见 conceive a child 怀孕

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-06-16 22:36:03

    谢谢支持呀O(∩_∩)O 这几天忙着写论文T.T 有空了会继续更新的,握拳~!

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-06-26 17:29:42

    【原著选段】 Hate blinds people. You were not aware of that. Love can read the writing on the remotest star, but Hate so blinded you that you could see no further than the narrow, walled-in, and already lust-withered garden of your common desires. Your terrible lack of imagination, the one really fatal defect of your character, was entirely the result of the Hate that lived in you. Subtly, silently, and in secret, Hate gnawed at your nature, as the lichen bites at the root of some sallow plant, till you grew to see nothing but the most meagre interests and the most petty aims. That faculty in you which Love would have fostered, Hate poisoned and paralysed. 【朱纯深译本】 恨使人视而不见。这你并未认识到。爱读得出最遥远的星辰上写的是什么;恨却蒙蔽了你的双眼,使目光所及,不过是你那个窄狭的、被高墙所围堵、因放纵而枯萎的伧俗欲念的小园子。你想象力缺乏得可怕,这是你性格上唯一真正致命的缺点,而这又是你心中的仇恨造成的。不知不觉地、悄悄地、暗暗地,仇恨啃咬着你的人性,就像苔藓咬住植物的根使之萎黄,到后来眼里装的便只有最琐屑的利益和最卑下的目的。你那本来可以通过爱来扶植的才智,已经被仇恨毒化而萎蔫了。 【孙宜学译本】 恨使人盲目,你没有意识到这一点。爱能让人读到写在最遥远的星球上的文字,但恨使你如此盲目,你只能看到自己狭隘的、用墙封闭起来的、已经被贪欲烧枯了的平庸欲望的花园。你的想像力缺乏得可怕——这是你性格中一种真正致命的缺陷,它完全是你身上的恨所结的果实。恨微妙地、静静地、秘密地啮吃着你的本性,就像苔鲜紧紧咬住某种灰黄色植物的根,直到你慢慢地除了最低俗的私利和最渺小的目的外什么也看不到。爱滋养你的才能,恨却毒害它,使其完全枯萎。 【读书笔记】 1、remote a.遥远的;久远的;偏僻的;(希望,可能性)微乎其微的;遥控的 【举例】the remotest corners of the earth 天涯海角 the remote past/future 久远的过去/将来 The prospect is remote. 前途渺茫。 remote controller 遥控器 2、meagre a.质量差的,粗劣的;瘦的;(思想等)贫乏的; 【举例】a meagre diet 粗茶淡饭 a meagre harvest 歉收 a small, meagre man 瘦小的男子 Her knowledge of music is meagre. 她的音乐知识很贫乏。 3、petty a.小的,琐碎的;心胸狭窄的;下级的,从属的 【举例】petty details 细枝末节 It was petty for her not to accept the apology. 她不接受道歉,心胸未免有些狭窄。 petty officialdom 小官僚们 4、foster v.培养,促进;照顾;抱有(希望等) 【举例】foster a spirit of cooperation 培养合作精神 foster inflation 刺激通货膨胀 foster the sick 照料病人 foster a desire for revenge 心怀复仇的夙愿

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-06-26 17:29:59

    【原著选段】 You see that I have to write your life to you, and you have to realise it. Life is quite lovely to you. And yet, if you are wise, and wish to find Life much lovelier still, and in a different manner, you will let the reading of this terrible letter — for such I know it is — prove to you as important a crisis and turning-point of your life as the writing of it is to me. Your pale face used to flush easily with wine or pleasure. If, as you read what is here written, it from time to time becomes scorched, as though by a furnace-blast, with shame, it will be all the better for you. The supreme vice is shallowness. Whatever is realised is right. 【朱纯深译本】 你看到我不得不把你的生活写出来给你,而你非得领悟它不可。生活对你是很可爱的。然而,如果你聪明,并希望找到更可爱得多而且是另一种方式的生活的话,你会让读这封可怕的信——我知道是很可怕的——成为你生活中一个重要的突变和转折点, 就像我写这封信那样。想当时,酒和欢娱很容易就上了你那苍白的脸。假如读着这信上所写的,会不时地使羞愧像炉火中爆出的火花那样让你脸上发烧, 那对你就更好了。恶大莫过于浮浅。无论什么,领悟了就是。 【孙宜学译本】 你知道,我不得不向你写出你所过的生活,而且,你也不得不了解你自己的生活。对你来说,生活是太可爱了,然而,如果你聪明到希望用一种不同的方式找到更可爱的生活,你会从阅读这封信中知道——我知道它是这样的。你读它与我写它都是我们生活中的一种重要的决定性时刻和转折点。你那苍白的脸过去常常很容易因为快乐而变红,当你读着我正在这儿写着的这封信时,如果它能不时使你因感到羞耻而痛苦、好像被熔炉的火烧烤着一样,那它就会对你起到很好的作用。最大的罪恶是浅薄。凡认识到的都是对的。 【读书笔记】 1、manner n.方式,方法;态度;习惯;(艺术,文学的)风格。注意:复数manners表示“风俗;风度;礼貌;礼仪”。 【举例】do sth. in a routine manner 按常规做某事 a rude manner 粗暴的态度 a manner of one's own 自成一家的风格 have (no) manners 有(没有)礼貌 Mind your manners. 注意你的举止。 2、crisis n.危机;危急关头;决定性时刻 【举例】a financial crisis 财政危机 the crisis point 危急时刻 3、flush v.脸红;发红,发亮;涌流 【举例】He flushed with shame. 他因羞耻而脸红。 The aurora flushed into the sky. 曙光映红了天空。 The stream flushed after the heavy rain. 大雨过后河水涌流。 4、as though 相当于as if,表示“好像,似乎”。 【举例】He treats me as though I were a stranger. 他待我如同陌生人。 He stood as though rooted to the ground. 他像钉在了地上一般一动不动地站着。 It seemed as though the day would never end. 白天似乎永远也过不完。

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-06-26 17:30:37

    【原著选段】 I have now got as far as the House of Detention, have I not? After a night passed in the Police Cells I am sent there in the van. You were most attentive and kind. Almost every afternoon, if not actually every afternoon till you go abroad, you took the trouble to drive up to Holloway to see me. You also wrote very sweet and nice letters. But that it was not your father but you who had put me into prison, that from beginning to end you were the responsible person, that it was through you, for you, and by you that I was there, never for one instant dawned upon you. Even the spectacle of me behind the bars of a wooden cage could not quicken that dead unimaginative nature. You had the sympathy and the sentimentality of the spectator of a rather pathetic play. That you were the true author of the hideous tragedy did not occur to you. 【朱纯深译本】 我现在讲到拘留所了,是不是?在警察局关了一夜后,用车就把我送到那里了。你对我很关心很好。几乎每天下午,如果不是真的每天下午的话,都不辞辛苦地驾着车来荷洛威看我,直到你出国。你还写信来,说些很好听的话。可是,让我进监狱的不是你父亲而是你,此事从头到尾都该你负责,是由你起的事,为了你的缘故,被你所害,我才身陷此地:这一点,你从来就没明白过。甚至是看到我被锁在木制囚笼中,也无法唤醒你那死去的、没有想象力的心性。作为一出颇有点令人伤心的戏剧的观众,你看了同情动情,但却没想到自己便是这一出骇人听闻的悲剧的真正作者。 【读书笔记】 1、attentive a.注意的,专心的;关心的,体贴的 【举例】a man attentive to dress 注意穿着的人 an attentive audience 聚精会神的听众 She is always attentive to his needs. 她总是无微不至地关心他。 2、take the trouble 费力,花工夫,不辞辛劳 【举例】We must thank him for taking all the trouble. 我们应该感谢他出了不少力。 You didn't take the trouble to consult the dictionary. 你没花工夫去查字典。 3、sth. dawn upon/on sb. 某人理解(领悟、想到)了某事 【举例】The truth finally dawned on him. 他最终明白了真相。 It dawned on me that I had left the oven on. 我突然想起我忘了把烤箱关掉。 4、pathetic a.可怜的;可悲的;微弱的,可怜巴巴的 【举例】The kitten was so tiny and pathetic. 那猫崽小得惹人怜爱。 It's pathetic that he has sunk so low. 他堕落到这种地步,真是可悲。 A pathetic fire flickered in the hearth. 壁炉里微弱的火光在闪烁。 5、sth. occur to sb. 某人想起某事 【举例】It never occured to me that you did that. 我从没想过这事儿是你干的。 A smart idea occured to her. 她想到了一个绝妙的主意。

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-06-26 17:30:57

    【原著选段】 I did not desire to be the one to tell you what your own heart should have told you, what it indeed would have told you if you had not let Hate harden it and make it insensate. Everything must come to one out of one’s own nature. There is no use in telling a person a thing that they don’t feel and can’t understand. If I write to you now as I do it is because your own silence and conduct during my long imprisonment have made it necessary. Besides, as things had turned out, the blow had fallen upon me alone. That was a source of pleasure to me. I was content for many reasons to suffer, though there was always to my eyes, as I watched you, something not a little contemptible in your complete and wilful blindness. 【朱纯深译本】 我不想扮演这个角色,来告诉你本该由你自己的心告诉你的事。的确,你要是没让自己的心因为仇恨而变硬变麻木的话,它是会告诉你的。凡事都得出自一个人自己心性的领悟。要是他感觉不到或理解不了,那跟他说也没用。我之所以这么写信跟你说,如果这有必要的话,那是因为你在我漫长的囚禁期间的行为,你的沉默。而且,事情闹到头,打击全落到我一个人身上。这倒是令我高兴的一件事。有许多理由让我甘心受苦,虽然看你时,你那份被仇恨蒙蔽而彻底的顽梗的麻木,在我眼里总觉得很有些可鄙。 【孙宜学译本】 我不希望充当那种把你自己的心灵应该告诉给你的东西告诉给你的人,而如果你没有让恨磨钝了你的心灵,使其失去感觉的话,它确实会告诉你这些东西的。一切皆须归于人自己的本性来认识,把一个人没有感觉到或不理解的东西告诉给他是没有什么用的,我现在之所以给你写这样的信,是因为在我漫长的监狱生活中,你自己的沉默和行为促使我必须这样做,除此之外,还因为,就像事情已经证明的那样,打击只落到了我头上。痛苦是我快乐的一个源泉,我有许多理由甘愿受苦,不过,在我观察你时,我常能从你那彻底而固执的盲目中看到许多卑鄙的东西。 【读书笔记】 1、insensate a.无感觉的,无生命的;无理性的;残忍的,无情的 【举例】the insensate stones 顽石 insensate rage 失去理性的狂怒 insensate destruction 恣意破坏 2、turn out 结果,结束;最后成为 【举例】The story turned out happily. 这个故事结局圆满。 The weather turned out to be fine. 结果天气很好。 The boy will turn out a marvelous man. 这个男孩将会成为一个了不起的人。 3、fall uopn/on ①(事情或物作主语)由……承担 【举例】The expenses of the trip fell on us. 由我们来承担旅行的费用。 ②(人作主语)遭受;偶然遇到;袭击 【举例】fall on hard times 遭逢艰难时世 He fell on the idea while looking through a book. 他在翻越一本书时偶然产生了这个想法。 The soldiers fell on the enemy. 士兵袭击了敌军。 4、content a.满意的,甘愿的 【举例】I am content with my life at present. 我对目前的生活心满意足。 to one's heart's content 尽情地;心满意足地 cry content with 对……表示赞成/满意

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-06-26 17:31:16

    【原著选段】 I said to myself: “At all costs I must keep Love in my heart. If I go into prison without Love what will become of my Soul?” But do you really think that you were worthy of the love I was showing you then, or that for a single moment I thought you were? Do you really think that at any period in our friendship you were worthy of the love I showed you, or that for a single moment I thought you were? I knew you were not. But Love does not traffic in a marketplace, nor use a huckster’s scales. Its joy, like the joy of the intellect, is to feel itself alive. The aim of Love is to love: no more, and no less. 【朱纯深译本】 我对自己说:“不管怎样, 我必须心中存着爱。要是不带着爱进监狱,那我的灵魂该怎么办?”。但是你真的就认为自己配得上我那时对你表示的爱吗?真的就认为我有哪一刻觉得你配得上吗?你真的就认为在我们的友谊之中,有哪一段时期你配得上我对你表示的爱吗?真的就认为我有哪一刻觉得你配得上吗?我知道你配不上的。但爱不在市场上交易,也不用小贩的秤来称量。爱的欢乐,一如心智的欢乐,在于感受自身的存活。爱的目的是去爱,不多,也不少。 【孙宜学译本】 我对自己说:"无论如何我要把爱埋在心里。如果我进了监狱而失去了爱,我的灵魂会发生什么样的变化呢?"但你真的以为你值得我当时给你的爱或以为我有过片刻的想法以为你值得我爱吗?我知道你不配得到我的爱,但爱是不能在市场上公开买卖的,商贩的天平对之也毫无用途。爱的快乐,就像思想的快乐一样,在于感觉到它自己的存在。爱的目的就是爱,不多也不少。 【读书笔记】 1、become of 使遭遇;发生于 【举例】What has become of George? 乔治的情况怎么样? They investigated what had become of the missing ship. 他们调查了失踪船舶的下落。 2、worthy a.有价值的;值得重视的;值得的,应得的 【举例】a worthy opponent 不可小觑的对手 live a worthy life 生活得很有意义 That is worthy of our attention. 那件事值得我们注意。 【相关词汇】 worth n.价值 worthful a.有价值的,宝贵的 worthful ideas 宝贵的意见 worthless a.不值钱的;无足轻重的 worthless currency 不值钱的货币 worthwhile a.值得花费时间(精力)的 a worthwhile book 值得一读的书 3、traffic 除了常用的“交通”的意思外,traffic也有“交易;非法买卖”的意思。作“交易”解时,traffic既可作名词,也可作动词 【举例】the drug traffic 毒品交易 Rumour has it that he trafficked in cocaine. 谣传他贩卖过可卡因。

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-07-01 18:45:00

    【原著选段】 I had given you my life, and to gratify the lowest and most contemptible of all human passions, Hatred and Vanity and Greed, you had thrown it away. In less than three years you had entirely ruined me from every point of view. For my own sake there was nothing for me to do but to love you. I knew, if I allowed myself to hate you, that in the dry desert of existence over which I had to travel, and am travelling still, every rock would lose its shadow, every palm tree be withered, every well of water prove poisoned at its source. Are you beginning now to understand a little? Is your imagination wakening from the long lethargy in which it has lain? You know already what Hate is. Is it beginning to dawn on you what Love is, and what is the nature of Love? It is not too late for you to learn, though to teach it to you I may have had to go to a convict’s cell. 【朱纯深译本】 我曾把自己的生命给了你,然而为了满足一己私欲,那人情人性中最低下最可鄙的欲望——仇恨、虚荣还有贪婪——你把它丢弃了。在不到三年时间里,你把我完完全全给毁了。为了我自己的缘故,我别无选择,唯有爱你。我知道,假如让自己恨你的话,那在“活着”这一片我过去要、现在仍然在跋涉的沙漠之中,每一块岩石都将失去它的荫影,每一株棕榈都会枯萎,每一眼清泉都将从源头变为毒水。你现在是不是开始明白一些了?你的想象力是不是在从它那漫长的昏睡中苏醒过来?你已经知道恨是什么个样子了。你是不是也开始悟出爱是什么个样子,爱的本质又是什么呢?你要学还不太晚,虽然为了教你,我可能非得这么坐牢不可。 【孙宜学译本】 我把我自己的生活交给你,以满足你那种人的感情中最低级、最卑鄙的感情:恨、虚荣心和贪婪,而你却毫不顾惜地浪费掉我的生活。在不到3年的时间里,从任何一种角度看你都彻底地把我毁掉了。就我自己来说,除了爱你我也没别的事情可做。我知道,如果我允许自己恨你,那么,在我已经跋涉过、现在仍须跋涉的干燥的"存在"的沙漠里,每一块石头都会失去自己的影子,每一棵棕榈树都会枯萎,每一眼井的水都会被人从源头下毒。你现在开始理解一点儿了吗?你的想像力从你那种漫长的无精打采状态中苏醒过来了吗?你已经知道什么是恨了,你是否开始明白什么是爱、什么是爱的本质?对你来说,要学会爱还不太迟,尽管为了教会你爱我不得不走进牢房。 【读书笔记】 1、gratify v.使快意;满足;纵容 【举例】Beauty gratifies the eye. 美使人悦目。 gratify a whim 满足一时异想天开的愿望 2、sake n.目的;缘故;利益 【举例】art for art's sake 为艺术而艺术 for old times' sake 念及旧日情分 for one's own sake 为了自己的利益 3、convict n.囚犯 v.宣判……有罪;使深感有罪 【举例】He was convicted of smuggling. 他被判犯有走私罪。 be convicted by one's own conscience 受良心谴责 convict sb. of his/her mistakes 使某人认识到自己的错误

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-07-01 18:45:24

    【原著选段】 After my terrible sentence, when the prisondress was on me, and the prison-house closed, I sat amidst the ruins of my wonderful life, crushed by anguish, bewildered with terror, dazed through pain. But I would not hate you. Every day I said to myself, “ I must keep Love in my heart today, else how shall I live through the day.” I reminded myself that you meant no evil, to me at any rate: I set myself to think that you had but drawn a bow at a venture, and that the arrow had pierced a King between the joints of the harness. To have weighed you against the smallest of my sorrows, the meanest of my losses, would have been, I felt, unfair. I determined I would regard you as one suffering too. I forced myself to believe that at last the scales had fallen from your long-blinded eyes. I used to fancy, and with pain, what your horror must have been when you contemplated your terrible handiwork. There were times, even in those dark days, the darkest of all my life, when I actually longed to console you. So sure was I that at last you had realised what you had done. 【朱纯深译本】 在我那可怕的刑判下来后,当囚衣披上身、牢房关上门之后,我坐在自己灿烂生活的废墟中,痛苦使我肝胆俱裂,恐惧使我不知所措,疼痛又令我眼冒金星。但我不会恨你的。每天我都对自己说:“今天我必须把爱留存心间, 否则这一天怎么过?”我提醒自己说你是不怀恶意的,不管怎样,对我是不怀恶意的。我要自己认为,你不过是贸然张弓,是箭镞射中了一个国王,穿进他铠甲的连接处。要是连我忧伤中之最轻者、损失中之最小者都拿出来同你计较,我觉得,是不公平的。我决心把你也看作是患难者,强迫自己相信,那长久蒙蔽你眼睛的阴翳终于消解了。我曾常常不无心痛地悬想,当你思量自己一手造成的可怕后果时,会是多么的惊惧。即使在那黑暗的日子里,那些我一生中最黑暗的日子里,也有些时候我当真渴望能去安慰你,那样确信你终于领悟到了自己的所作所为。 【读书笔记】 1、sentence n.判决;课刑 v.宣判;使遭受 【举例】He was under the sentence of death. 他被判了死刑。 He was sentenced to two years at hard labour. 他被判服两年苦役。 sentence these primitive cultures to extinction 使那些原始文化遭到毁灭 2、at any rate 无论如何;至少。相当于“at all rates”。 【举例】I must go at any rate. 无论如何我都要去。 She is at any rate pleasant to look at. 她至少长得还不错。 3、at a venture 胡乱地;碰巧;未经考虑地 【举例】A successor was chosen at a venture. 随便挑选了一位继承人。 4、weigh v.称……的重量;认真考虑;权衡,比较 【举例】weigh the risks 认真考虑所冒的风险 weigh a plan against another 权衡两个计划的优劣 weigh the pros and cons 比较正反两面意见 5、fancy v.想象;(无根据地)猜想 【举例】Can you fancy yourself on the moon? 你能想象自己在月球上吗? I fancy it will rain. 我猜天要下雨。

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-07-01 18:45:37

    【原著选段】 It did not occur to me then that you could have the supreme vice, shallowness. Indeed, it was a real grief to me when I had to let you know that I was obliged to reserve for family business my first opportunity of receiving a letter: but my brother-in-law had written to me to say that if I would only write once to my wife she would, for my own sake and for our children’s sake, take no action for divorce. I felt my duty was to do so. Setting aside other reasons, I could not bear the idea of being separated from Cyril, that beautiful, loving, loveable child of mine, my friend of all friends, my companion beyond all companions, one single hair of whose little golden head should have been dearer and of more value to me than, I will not merely say you from top to toe, but the entire chrysolite of the whole world. was so indeed to me always, though I failed to understand it till too late. 【朱纯深译本】 我那时没想到,你会有这一大恶——浮浅。我当时真的很伤心,但又不得不告诉你,第一次让我收信的机会,因为只能收一封,只好留给有关我家事的信。我妻子的兄弟来信说,只要我给她写一次信,她就会因为我和我们孩子的缘故,不兴讼离婚。我感到有责任这样做。其它理由不说,一想到要同西里尔分开我就受不了。我那漂亮、会疼人又招人疼的孩子,我所有朋友中的朋友、我一切伙伴中的伙伴,他那小小脑袋满头金发中的一根, 对我来说都比,不用说从头到脚的你了,都比普天下的宝石还宝贵——确实一直都是这样的,只是等我明白时已太晚了。 【读书笔记】 1、oblige v.[常用被动语态](以道义、法律等)迫使,强制;使感激 【举例】I was obliged to call the police. 我不得不报了警。 We are obliged to you for dinner. 感谢你请我们吃饭。 2、reserve v.保留;储备;预订;预留 【举例】All rights reserved. 版权所有 seats reserved for the old and sick 老人和病人专座 I have reserved two tickets for tonight's show. 我订了两张今晚的戏票。 3、set aside 把……置于一旁;不理会;撤销;宣布……无效 【举例】Let's set aside our personal feelings. 让我们抛开个人恩怨。 He set all our objections aside. 他无视了我们的反对意见。 The judge set aside the decision of the lower court. 法官撤销了下级法院的判决。

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-07-01 18:46:10

    【原著选段】 A great river of life flows between you and a date so distant. Hardly, if at all, can you see across so wide a waste. But to me it seems to have occurred, I will not say yesterday, but today. Suffering is one long moment. We cannot divide it by seasons. We can only record its moods, and chronicle their return. With us time itself does not progress. It revolves. It seems to circle round one centre of pain. The paralysing immobility of a life, every circumstance of which is regulated after an unchangeable pattern, so that we eat and drink and walk and lie down and pray, or kneel at least for prayer, according to the inflexible laws of an iron formula: this immobile quality, that makes each dreadful day in the very minutest detail like its brother, seems to communicate itself to those external forces the very essence of whose existence is ceaseless change. 【朱纯深译本】 那么久远的日子和现在的你,其间横着一条生活的长河。这茫茫一片荒山野水,你即使看得见,也很难望得穿。然而在我看来似乎是发生在,我不说是昨天,而是在今天。受苦是一个很长的瞬间。我们无法将它用季节划分。我们只能记录它的心境,按顺序记下它种种心境的回环往复。对于我们,时间本身不是向前推移,而是回旋运转。它似乎在绕着一个哀苦的圆心盘旋。这是一种凝滞的生活,时时事事都由一个不可变的模式控制, 我们吃喝、起卧、祈祷、或者至少是为祷告而下跪,都得遵循一条铁的公式:那些一成不变的律法,这种令人麻木的凝滞,使得每一天都暗无天日,都在重复着过去的日子,分毫不变。这种凝滞,似乎让外界的力也与之呼应,而这些力存在的本质,又恰恰在于不断的变化。 【读书笔记】 1、waste n.浪费,糟蹋;废弃物;荒原,不毛之地;一大片 【举例】Such a routine job is a waste of her talent. 让她做这样日常的工作真是大材小用。 No crops will grow on these stony wastes. 在这些多石的不毛之地上长不出庄稼。 a waste of waters 茫茫大海(或洪水) 2、progress v.进步,发展;前进;进行 【举例】She is progressing in the art of cooking. 她的烹饪手艺正在提高。 The storm progressed across the island. 暴风雨横扫该岛。 Our meeting has progressed well, covering a lot of ground. 我们的会开得不错,讨论了许多方面的问题。 3、regulate v.管理;控制;调节 【举例】The policeman regulated traffic at the intersection. 警察在十字路口指挥交通。 rules regulating the behaviour of the students 约束学生行为的规定 regulate a wacth that runs slow 把走慢的表校准 4、external a.外部的;表面的;外来的;与外国有关的 【举例】an external wound 外伤 external politeness 表面的虚礼 external causes 外因 external affairs 外交事务 【反义词】 internal a.内部的;内在的;本质的;国内的

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-07-01 18:46:33

    【原著选段】 Of seed-time or harvest, of the reapers bending over the corn, or the grape-gatherers threading through the vines, of the grass in the orchard made white with broken blossoms, or strewn with fallen fruit, we know nothing, and can know nothing. For us there is only one season, the season of Sorrow. The very sun and moon seem taken from us. Outside, the day may be blue and gold, but the light that creeps down through the thickly-muffled glass of the small iron-barred window beneath which one sits is grey and niggard. It is always twilight in one’s cell, as it is always midnight in one’s heart. And in the sphere of thought, no less than in the sphere of time, motion is no more. The thing that you personally have long ago forgotten, or can easily forget, is happening to me now, and will happen to me again tomorrow. Remember this, and you will be able to understand a little of why I am writing to you, and in this manner writing. 【朱纯深译本】 春种秋收,农人在田里俯身挥镰,果农穿行于藤蔓间采摘葡萄,果园的青草上,残花落时一片片的白,果子掉下又散散的滚了一地:这一切,我们一点也不知道,一点也无法知道。对于我们,只有一个季节,悲怆的季节。那太阳、那月亮,似乎都从我们的天穹拿掉了。外面也许是蓝天丽日,但是透过头顶小小的铁窗那封得严严的玻璃,漏下的只是一点点灰暗的光线。牢房里整天是晨昏不辨,一如内心中整天是半夜三更。思维也同时间一样,不再有任何运动。你自己早已忘却的事,或者很容易就忘却的事,现在我正身历其境, 明天还将再历其境。记住这个吧,那样你就会明白一点,这封信我为什么写,为什么这样写。 【孙宜学译本】 我们不知道什么时候播种或收获,不知道俯身在谷物上的人或穿梭在葡萄架间的采葡萄者,也不知道被吹落的花瓣装点成白色的或散落着熟透的果实的果园里的绿草。对我们监狱中的人来说,只存在一个季节,那就是悲哀的季节。月亮和太阳似乎远离我们而去。在监狱外面,白天可能是蔚蓝的、金灿灿的,但从犯人头上方那个小小的、用厚厚的玻璃遮挡着的铁栅栏窗透过来的阳光却是灰暗的、吝啬的。囚房里始终是黄昏,就像人心里一直是午夜一样。在思想领域里,与在时间领域里一样,一切都是静止的,你自己很久以前已经忘掉的、或可以很容易忘掉的东西,现在正降临到我头上,而且明天会再一次降临到我头上。 【读书笔记】 1、creep v.爬行;缓慢(或悄悄)地行进;不知不觉地到来;卑躬屈膝;起鸡皮疙瘩 【举例】The hours crept by. 时光悄悄溜走。 Age creeps on us all. 不知不觉,我们就老了。 creep into one's favour 奴颜婢膝以得到宠幸 make sb. creep all over 让某人浑身起鸡皮疙瘩 2、muffle v.(用头巾、围巾等)裹住;使声音低沉(或轻微);减弱光线;抑制感情;使话语的意思含糊不清 【举例】muffle oneself up well 把自己裹得严严实实 muffle foot steps 放轻脚步 a muffled curse 低声的咒骂 muffle one's comments 发表含糊其辞的意见 3、bar v.闩上门窗;设置栅栏;封锁;阻挡;禁止 【举例】Bar the door and don't let anyone in. 把门闩上,别让任何人进来。 The police barred the exits. 警察封锁了各个出口 She barred him out of her room. 她把他关在房门外。 Dogs are barred from that store. 狗不得进入那家店铺。

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-07-17 20:19:07

    【原著选段】 All homage is delightful to an artist, and doubly sweet when youth brings it. Laurel and bay leaf wither when aged hands pluck them. Only youth has a right to crown an artist. That is the real privilege of being young, if youth only knew it. But the days of abasement and infamy are different from those of greatness and of fame. You have yet to learn that Prosperity, Pleasure and Success may be rough of grain and common in fibre, but that Sorrow is the most sensitive of all created things. There is nothing that stirs in the whole world of thought or motion to which Sorrow does not vibrate in terrible if exquisite pulsation. The thin beaten-out leaf of tremulous gold that chronicles the direction of forces that the eye cannot see is in comparison coarse. It is a wound that bleeds when any hand but that of Love touches it and even then must bleed again, though not for pain. 【朱纯深译本】 对艺术家来说,一切敬意都是令人愉快的,而来自青年的敬意又一倍增其愉快。月桂之花、月桂之叶,一让苍老的手采摘,便枯萎了。只有青年有权为一位艺术家戴上桂冠。那是年轻人真正的特权,但愿他们明白这个道理。但是蒙羞含辱的日子同名扬天下、飞黄腾达的时候是不一样的。你还得弄明白,发财、享乐、出人头地,这些可以是大路货, 但悲怆却是所创造的一切中最敏感的。在整个的思想和运动的空间内,只要稍有动静,它便会以既精妙又可怕的律动,与之共振。那敲得薄薄的金箔,能用来检测肉眼看不见的力的方向,可再敏感,相比之下也显得粗糙了。悲怆是一道伤口,除了爱的手,别的手一碰就会流血,甚至爱的手碰了,也必定会流血的, 虽然不是因为疼。 【读书笔记】 1、homage n.敬意;殷勤;(中世纪封臣对君主的)宣誓效忠 【举例】pay/offer/render homage to 向……表示敬意 bow in homage 鞠躬致敬 2、crown v.为……加冕/戴上桂冠;正式承认;授以荣誉;占据顶端;使达到顶峰 【举例】crown sb. king 立某人为王 crown sb. with glory 给某人以荣誉 Mist crowned the mountain. 雾霭笼罩了山顶。 The Nobel Prize crowned his career as an author. 获得诺贝尔奖是他写作生涯的顶峰。 3、rough of grain and common in fibre 直译为“纹理粗糙,质地平常”,引申为“无价值的东西,大路货”。 4、bleed v.流血;(在战争中)受伤,战死;(为事业等)流血牺牲;悲伤,同情;花血本,出高价 【举例】bleed to death 流血过多而死 bleed for one's country 为祖国抛头颅洒热血 Her heart bled at her friend's death. 她为友人的逝世而心碎。 bleed for an antique 出高价买了一件古董

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-07-17 20:19:36

    【原著选段】 Where there is Sorrow there is holy ground. Some day you will realise what that means. You will know nothing of life till you do. Robbie, and natures like his, can realise it. When I was brought down from my prison to the Court of Bankruptcy between two policemen, Robbie waited in the long dreary corridor, that before the whole crowd, whom an action so sweet and simple hushed into silence, he might gravely raise his hat to me, as handcuffed and with bowed head I passed him by. Men have gone to heaven for smaller things than that. It was in this spirit, and with this mode of love that the saints knelt down to wash the feet of the poor, or stooped to kiss the leper on the cheek. When Wisdom has been profitless to me, and Philosophy barren, and the proverbs and phrases of those who have sought to give me consolation as dust and ashes in my mouth, the memory of that little lowly silent act of Love has unsealed for me all the wells of pity, made the desert blossom like a rose, and brought me out of the bitterness of lonely exile into harmony with the wounded, broken and great heart of the world. 【朱纯深译本】 悲怆中自有圣洁之境。总有一天你会领悟其中意思。否则就是对生活一无所知。罗比以及像他那种心地的人会明白的。当我夹在两个警察当中从监狱里被带到破产法庭时,罗比等在那长长的、凄凉的过道里,我戴着手铐低着头从他身边走过,这时他能庄重地当众扬起帽子向我致意,这亲切的、简简单单的一个动作,一下子让在场的人鸦雀无声。比这更小的举动就足以让人进天堂了。正是本着这种精神,正是因着这种爱,圣人会跪下给穷人洗脚,会俯身亲吻麻风病人的脸颊。在这个智慧于我无益,达观于我无补,引经据典安慰我的话于我如同灰土的时候,那小小的、谦恭的、无声的爱之举动,想起它,就为我开启了所有怜悯的源泉:让沙漠如玫瑰盛开,带我脱离囚牢的孤单与苦痛,让我与世界那颗受伤的、破碎的、伟大的心相依相连。 【读书笔记】 1、grave a.严肃的;庄重的;严重的;低沉的 【举例】His manner was grave and calm. 他举止庄重沉着。 a grave disease 重病 a grave decision 重大决定 2、bow v.鞠躬;下跪;让步;屈从;点头表示同意 【举例】bow to greet sb. 欠身迎接某人 bow to the inevitable 听天由命 bow before mone and power 在金钱和权势面前俯首帖耳 【相关词汇】 bowed a.低垂的;低头弓背的 3、seek v.[过去式及过去分词:sought]寻找;探求;试图,设法(后接不定式) 【举例】seek a quarrel 寻衅滋事 seek fame 沽名钓誉 He has sought to explain it. 他一直都试图对这件事作出解释。 4、exile v.流放;使长期离开家乡 n. 流亡,背井离乡;流亡者 【举例】He was exiled from his country for life. 他被终生放逐国外。 send sb. into exile 放逐某人 a government in exile 流亡政府

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-07-17 20:21:00

    【原著选段】 Blindness may be carried so far that it becomes grotesque, and an unimaginative nature, if something be not done to rouse it, will become petrified into absolute insensibility, so that while the body may eat, and drink, and have its pleasures, the soul, whose house it is, may, like the soul of Branca d'Oria in Dante, be dead absolutely. Why did you not write to me? Was it cowardice? Was it callousness? What was it? The fact that I was outraged with you, and had expressed my sense of the outrage, was all the more reason for writing. If you thought my letter just, you should have written. If you thought it in the smallest point unjust, you should have written. I waited for a letter. I felt sure that at last you would see that, if old affection, much-protested love, the thousand acts of illrequited kindness I had showered on you, the thousand unpaid debts of gratitude you owed me—that if all these were nothing to you, mere duty itself, most barren of all bonds between man and man, should have made you write 【朱纯深译本】 蒙蔽之深会变成怪异;而一份没有想象力的心性,如果不去唤醒的话,会变成石头般的冥顽不灵。如此一来,肉体可以吃可以喝可以享乐,而以肉体为寓的灵魂,会像但丁笔下布兰卡·德奥里亚的灵魂那样,永无复活之日了。 为什么你不给我写信?是怯懦吗?是无动于衷吗?是什么呢?我对你发脾气,在信中发了脾气,这更应该是你写信的理由啊。如果认为我信中说的有理,你应该写了信来。如果认为我说的有一点点的不合理,你应该写了信来。我等着一封信。我确实感到,你终究会明白的,如果旧日的感情、那世人颇不以为然的爱、我千百次向你表示的善而不得善报的盛意、你千百次欠我的尚未回报的人情,倘若这一切你认为是不值一提的话,那么光是履行义务,这人与人之间最无情意可言的契约关系, 也该使你动笔了。 【读书笔记】 1、rouse v.唤醒;惊起;激起(情感); 【举例】rouse sb. from a deep sleep 把某人从沉睡中唤醒 The boat roused wild ducks to flight. 船惊飞了野鸭。 rouse opposition to aggression 激起反侵略的情绪 2、outrage v.激怒;激起义愤;伤害(感情等);违反 【举例】He was outraged by the injustice. 他对这种不公正感到愤慨。 Such conduct outrages our normal sense of decency. 这种行为有悖常理。 outrage rules of morality 践踏道德准则 3、protest v.抗议,反对;提出异议;申明 【举例】protest at unemployment and inflation 抗议失业及通货膨胀 They protested about her remaining in office. 他们反对她留任。 The defendant protested his innocence. 被告坚决声称他无罪。 4、requite v.报答;补偿;报复 【举例】requite kindness with ingratitude 以怨报德 requite an obligation 还人情 requite one's love 回报某人的爱 requite a traitor with death 以死刑惩处叛徒

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-07-17 20:21:19

    【原著选段】 Ah! had you been in prison—I will not say through any fault of mine, for that would be a thought too terrible for me to bear—but through fault of your own, error of your own, faith in some unworthy friend, slip in sensual mire, trust misapplied, or love ill-bestowed, or none, or all of these —do you think that I would have allowed you to eat your heart away in darkness and solitude without trying in some way, however slight, to help you to bear the bitter burden of your disgrace? Do you think that I would not have let you know that if you suffered, I was suffering too: that if you wept, there were tears in my eyes also: and that if you lay in the house of bondage and were despised of men, I out of my very griefs had built a house in which to dwell until your coming, a treasury in which all that men had denied to you would be laid up for your healing, one hundredfold in increase? If bitter necessity, or prudence, to me more bitter still, had prevented my being near you, and robbed me of the joy of your presence, though seen through prison-bars and in a shape of shame, I would have written to you in season and out of season in the hope that some mere phrase, some single word, some broken echo even of Love might reach you. If you had refused to receive my letters, I would have written none the less, so that you should have known that at any rate there were always letters waiting for you. 【朱纯深译本】 啊!要是换成了你在监狱——我不说是因为我的过失,要是这样那太可怕了,我承受不了的——而是因为你自己的过失,你自己的错误:交错朋友、信错人、爱错人、在人欲的泥淖中失足,或者这些都不是,或者这些都是——在这种情况下,你想我会让你在黑暗与孤寂中凄惨度日,而不想办法,哪怕是多么微不足道的办法,帮助你去承受耻辱的重压吗?你想我会不让你知道吗,你受苦,我与你同在受苦;你哭泣,我眼中也会充满热泪?你想我会不让你知道吗,假如你幽困于缧绁之室,为人所不齿,我会用满心的悲哀去构筑一处宝屋,百倍加添地存起世人不让你得到的一切,等着你的归来,伴着你的康复?如果出于令人痛苦的需要,或是谨慎——对于我这是更加的痛苦——我不得与你接近,被剥夺了与你相见的快乐,即使是透过铁窗看看里面囚首垢面的你都不行,我也会一年四季地给你写信,希望哪怕是一些只言片语,甚至不过是爱的不成声的回音,也许会传到你那儿。即使你拒绝收我的信,我也会照写不误,这样你就会知道,不管怎样总是有信在等着你。 【读书笔记】 1、fault n.缺点,毛病;错误;过失 【举例】merits and faults 优缺点 commit a fault 犯错误 acknowledge one's faults 承认错误 It's not my fault. 这不是我的错。 2、eat one's heart away/out 因忧虑或渴求而变得憔悴;忧伤 【举例】For months after her son's death, she simply eat her heart away. 在她儿子死后几个月里,她悲痛欲绝。 3、dwell v.(尤指作为常住居民)居住;生活,存在 【举例】dwell on an island 居住在岛上 dwell in poverty 生活贫困 There dwells in me a strange feeling that all is not right. 我心中有一种奇怪的感觉,似乎事情有点不对头。 4、deny v.否认;拒绝;拒不相信 【举例】The suspect denied having assaulted a policeman. 嫌疑人否认曾经袭警。 He denied his signature. 他不承认自己的签字。 deny one's request 拒绝某人的要求 deny the existence of God 不相信上帝的存在

  • 桃之°

    桃之° (闲花细雨倚春风) 楼主 2011-07-17 20:21:45

    【原著选段】 Your silence has been horrible. Nor has it been a silence of weeks and months merely, but of years; of years even as they have to count them who, like yourself, live swiftly in happiness, and can hardly catch the gilt feet of the days as they dance by, and are out of breath in the chase after pleasure. It is a silence without excuse; a silence without palliation. I knew you had feet of clay. Who knew it better? When I wrote, among my aphorisms, that it was simply the feet of clay that made the gold of the image precious, it was of you I was thinking. But it is no gold image with clay feet that you have made of yourself. Out of the very dust of the common highway that the hooves of horned things pash into mire you have moulded your perfect semblance for me to look at, so that, whatever my secret desire might have been, it would be impossible for me now to have for you any feeling other than that of contempt and scorn, for myself my feeling other than that of contempt and scorn either. And setting aside all other reasons, your indifference, your worldly wisdom, your callousness, your prudence, whatever you may choose to call it, has been made doubly bitter to me by the peculiar circumstances that either accompanied or followed my fall. 【朱纯深译本】 你的沉默令人寒心。不止是几星期或几个月,而是几年的杳无只字;几年了, 即使是像你这样的人也得算一算,你们快活的时光过得飞快,日子翩翩而过,几乎赶不上它们闪光的舞步,追欢寻乐跑得你们上气不接下气。这沉默没有道理,这沉默无可辩解。我知道你有不为人知的弱点,犹如塑像的泥足。有谁知道得更清楚呢?在我的格言警句中,有一个是这样写的,正是泥足才使金身变得宝贵。我当时想的就是你。但是,你给自己塑造的形象并非泥足金身。那些两角四蹄的畜牲把大路上的泥尘践踏成泥淖,你正是用这泥淖之泥维妙维肖地塑成自己的人像给我看,这样一来,不管我曾经对你怀有什么秘密的向往,现在对你,除了鄙夷和蔑视外,不可能有别的感情了,而对自己,也只有鄙夷和蔑视了。别的理由不提也罢,就你的无动于衷、你的伧俗乖巧、你的无情无义、你的小心谨慎,随你高兴怎么说都成,只要一想到我落难当时及以后的种种怪事,这一切就令我倍觉苦涩。 【读书笔记】 1、chase n.追逐;追击;追求;被追赶的人或物 v.追逐;追击;追求 【举例】in chase of sb. 正在追赶某人 Our ship can catch up with the chase in two hours. 我们的船可以在两小时内赶上被追逐的船。 chase after material possessions 追求物质财富 The police are chasing the escaping thief. 警方正在追捕逃犯。 2、mould n.模子;模板 v.用模子制作;浇铸;塑造;对……施加影响 【举例】mould cakes 用模具制作蛋糕 mould clay into a head 用粘土塑造头像 mould a child into a disciplined creature 把儿童培养成遵纪守法的人 mould public opinion 左右舆论 3、other than 除了;不同于 【举例】There's nobody here other than you and me. 这里除了你我以外没有别人。 The truth is quite other than what you think. 真相和你想的完全不一样。 4、worldly a.尘世的;物质的;世俗的;世故的 【举例】worldly knowledge 人情世故 a worldly disposition 俗不可耐的脾性 She is worldly and independent. 她老于世故,很有主见。 【相关词汇】 worldly-minded a.世俗的,追名逐利的 worldly-wise a.善于处世的,老于世故的


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