
Michael Thiessen每日運勢 01/15/2011

Sakurai Sho

来自: Sakurai Sho(期待相见的那一天!)
2011-01-15 08:32:26

  • Sakurai Sho

    Sakurai Sho (期待相见的那一天!) 楼主 2011-01-15 08:34:15

    AQUARIUS 水瓶 (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) 毫無回報的付出讓你難過。 向機會勇敢前進就有事業的長足進展。 你的高度熱情應該投入那些將有成果的目標上,否則將會讓你感到挫折。 They won't pay you back and you'll be upset. You can make excellent career moves if you are open to the opportunities that exist. Your high energy must be directed into productive goals, or frustrations will occur.

  • Sakurai Sho

    Sakurai Sho (期待相见的那一天!) 楼主 2011-01-15 08:35:20

    CAPRICORN 摩羯 (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) 小心欺騙。 不要做出自己無法做到的承諾。 享受和同輩的旅遊。 Be aware of any deception on the part of those you deal with. Don't make promises that you can't possibly keep. You will enjoy travel and getting together with peers. AQUARIUS

  • Sakurai Sho

    Sakurai Sho (期待相见的那一天!) 楼主 2011-01-15 08:36:17

    SAGITTARIUS 射手 (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) 新的興趣佔據了你的時間。 你和另一半可能有問題。 幫助別人讓你感到時光倒流。 New interests are preoccupying your time. Problems with your partner are apparent. Your interest in helping others may take you back to school.

  • Sakurai Sho

    Sakurai Sho (期待相见的那一天!) 楼主 2011-01-15 08:37:20

    SCORPIO 天蠍 (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) 為別人打工讓你疲憊。 最好避免那些會讓你接觸你不想接觸的人的事情。 你有能力完成很多。 You may be tired of working for someone else. Try to avoid functions that will bring you in contact with those you find difficult to get along with. You should be able to get a lot done.

  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2011-01-15 08:37:21


  • Sakurai Sho

    Sakurai Sho (期待相见的那一天!) 楼主 2011-01-15 08:38:21

    VIRGO 處女 (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) 投資失利。 亟需安慰。 檢查動機。 個人生活將有正向的改變。 There could be disappointment regarding investments. Comfort is a necessity. Check your motives. Positive changes regarding your personal status are evident.

  • Sakurai Sho

    Sakurai Sho (期待相见的那一天!) 楼主 2011-01-15 08:40:01

    GEMINI 雙子 (May 22-June 21) 賺錢的冒險有利可圖。 參與組織活動,找回自我。 你和家人/朋友的相處方式可能讓他們誤會。 Take advantage of moneymaking ventures. You should regain some of your self esteem if you get involved in organizational functions. Be careful how you handle friends and relatives, they may take things the wrong way.

  • Sakurai Sho

    Sakurai Sho (期待相见的那一天!) 楼主 2011-01-15 08:40:30


  • 大白白

    大白白 2011-01-15 08:42:29


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2011-01-15 08:43:30


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2011-01-15 08:43:39


  • 颗颗麻子放光彩

    颗颗麻子放光彩 (天呐!!!唱歌怎么能那么难听。) 2011-01-15 08:44:33


  • Sakurai Sho

    Sakurai Sho (期待相见的那一天!) 楼主 2011-01-15 08:55:03

    LEO 獅子 (July 23-Aug 22) 你的話可能被同事斷章取義。 不要讓你的貓從袋子裏面跳出來(不要洩露秘密)。 如果願意和別人分享,你將會獲得她們的喜愛,包括家人。 Your words will be taken out of context if you're evasive with coworkers or employers. Don't let the cat out of the bag. You may win favors if you present your ideas and include your family.

  • Sakurai Sho

    Sakurai Sho (期待相见的那一天!) 楼主 2011-01-15 08:58:02

    CANCER 巨蟹 (June 22-July 22) 努力工作才有回報。 你現在已經比計劃要超前完成了,但是如果現在放慢進度可能還是會被別人說的哦。 和另一半可能有情緒問題。 Your best efforts will come through hard work. You are ahead of your time, and trying to stay in one spot could be asking too much. You may have difficulties at an emotional level with mates.

  • Sakurai Sho

    Sakurai Sho (期待相见的那一天!) 楼主 2011-01-15 08:59:17

    LIBRA 天枰 (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) 你對美好事物以及探險的嚮往可能花掉不少的錢。 工作上可能遇見新的夥伴。 愉快的旅程會讓你和新的有趣之人相遇。 Your desire for excitement and adventure may be expensive. You will meet potential new mates through business. Pleasure trips will bring you into contact with new and interesting people.

  • 颗颗麻子放光彩

    颗颗麻子放光彩 (天呐!!!唱歌怎么能那么难听。) 2011-01-15 09:00:21


  • 样子

    样子 (错爱) 2011-01-15 09:53:25


  • 科林 -Colin

    科林 -Colin (未来的人生我要变得非常有钱) 2011-01-15 09:59:11


  • Sakurai Sho

    Sakurai Sho (期待相见的那一天!) 楼主 2011-01-15 10:14:51

    @豆瓣鲫鱼, 不知道~~ 老了睡不着啊, 話説你也很早啊

  • 科林 -Colin

    科林 -Colin (未来的人生我要变得非常有钱) 2011-01-15 10:30:19

    @月之舞 准备去开工啊

  • Sakurai Sho

    Sakurai Sho (期待相见的那一天!) 楼主 2011-01-15 11:33:13


  • 晚安蕃薯

    晚安蕃薯 2011-01-15 11:41:40


  • 故

    2011-01-15 12:06:00


  • 时光Grace

    时光Grace (事非亲历不知味) 2011-01-15 16:03:53

    Don't make promises that you can't possibly keep.

  • 无尘

    无尘 (拜了,豆瓣!) 2011-01-15 16:08:49

    谢谢Joyce,我今天在淘宝逛了一早上了,还没睡觉呢(从昨天到现在,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……)


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