最新上架的英文原版图书书目// 12月20日增添147种


来自: 本杰明
2007-06-14 13:08:12

  • 本杰明

    本杰明 楼主 2007-06-17 16:57:09

    6月14日- 17日,增添书目如下: 1.Jesus; man for today , by T. Ralph Morton ; 2.Leading With Soul: An Uncommon Journey of Spirit ; 3.Bound by Honor: A Mafioso's Story ,by Bill Bonanno ; 4.Torah: The Five Books of Moses, (The Holy Scriptures) ; 5.The Quest for Personal Power ●by Phil Nuernberger ; 6.齐奥赛思库(Ceausescus)沉浮录 Kiss the Hand You Cannot Bite ; 7.Wealth for All: Economics● by R. E. McMaster ; 8.The TEMPTING OF AMERICA (THE POLITICAL SEDUCTION OF THE LAW) ; 9.The South in Modern America: A Region at Odds ; 10.大英百科全书选录 All There Is to Know,by Alexander Coleman ; 11.Abba Eban: An autobiography, by Abba Solomon Eban ; 12.Bad News at Black Rock: The Sell-Out of CBS News ; 13.美国空军人物志 A few great captains ●by DeWitt S Copp ; 14.James Clavell's: WHIRLWIND 英文原版小说; 15.庭院里的女人 PAVILION OF WOMEN , by Pearl S. Buck ; 16.Boswell's LONDON JOURNAL 1762 -1763,波斯威尔 《伦敦日记》; 17.血腥玛丽 BLOODY MARY, by Carolly. Erickson ; 18.A Geography of Man, by Preston E. James,人口地理学奠基之作 ; 19.Scientific Christian Mental Practice●by Emma Curtis Hopkins ; 20.The Essential America ●by George McGovern ; 21.The Nature of Rationality ●by Robert Nozick ; 22.TOM CLANCY: Clear and Present Danger 英文原版军事惊悚小说 ; 23.南希.里根传记 Nancy Reagan: The Unauthorized Biography ; 24.Spiritual Warrior: The Art of Spiritual Living ; 25.富兰克林·罗斯福传记 A First-Class Temperament ; 26.Spy Catcher●by Peter Wright,间谍机构MI5前高官 ; 27.HERMAN WOUK: Inside, Outside: A Novel 英文原版小说 ; 28.Tom Clancy: Executive Orders 英文原版军事惊悚小说 ; 29.Tom Clancy: The Sum of All Fears 英文原版军事惊悚小说 ; 30.THE MORMON ESTABLISHMENT, by Wallace Turner ; 31.The Making of the President 1972,by Theodore H. White ; 32.The Best American Science Writing 2001,by Timothy Ferris ; 33. Departing glory; Theodore Roosevelt as ex-President ; 34.华尔街大盗 Den of Thieves, by James B. Stewart ; 35.基辛格传记 Kissinger, by Marvin L. Kalb ; 36.The Rise Of Theodore Roosevelt,by Edmund Morris ; 37.Burning Desires: Sex in America: A Report from the Field . 以上17本,各有且仅有一本,现货.有兴趣者,请到如下的淘宝网店查阅实物图片等:   店名: 外文原版图书, (钻石级信誉店)   链接地址: http://shop33189564.taobao.com/ 38.One Man Tango ●by Anthony Quinn ; 39.Crowned Heads ●by Thomas Tyron 英文原版小说; 40.JEFFERY DEAVER: The Blue Nowhere 英文原版科技悬疑小说; 41.A Century of Great Suspense Stories,by Jeffrey Deaver ; 42.LAKE NEWS ●by Barbara Delinsky, 英文原版小说 ; 43.DOUGLAS PRESTON: The Codex ,英文原版惊悚小说; 44.E.M. FORSTER 福斯特: Three Complete Novels ; 45.KATHY REICHS: Death du Jour 英文原版法医类惊悚小说; 46.Tolstoy , by Henri Troyat ; 47.荆棘鸟 The Thorn Birds ●by Colleen McCullough ; 48.JULIE GARWOOD: Come the Spring ,英文原版惊悚小说 ; 49.A Clash of Kings ●by George R.R. Martin 英文原版奇幻小说 ; 50.AMY TAN 谭恩美: Kitchen God's Wife 灶神之妻; 51.David Copperfield 大卫科波菲尔,by Charles Dickens 迪更斯; 52.100 Astounding Little Alien Stories ,by Robert Weinberg ; 53.CATHERINE COULTER: THE BRIDES TRILOGY 三部新娘小说合集; 54.Joy Fielding: DON'T CRY NOW, 英文原版悬疑小说 ; 55.The Second Lady ●by Wallace Irving 英文原版小说; 56. Jude Deveraux: LEGEND, 英文原版西方浪漫小说 ; 57.NORMAN MAILER: Ancient Evenings ,英文原版小说; 58. JUDITH MICHAEL: Sleeping Beauty 英文原版西方浪漫小说; 59.JUDITH MICHAEL: A Tangled Web 英文原版西方浪漫小说 ; 60.JOHN GRISHAM: The Rainmaker ,英文原版律师小说; 61.ROBERT LUDLUM三部小说合集. 以上24本,各有且仅有一本,现货.有兴趣者,请到如下的淘宝网店查阅实物图片等:   店名: 外文原版书库 (钻石级信誉店)   链接地址: http://shop33191941.taobao.com/ 新货将源源不断上架之中,欢迎各位豆友参观选购,共享淘书之乐!

  • 本杰明

    本杰明 楼主 2007-06-18 17:08:28

    如下数本已售出: 11.The Rising Sun Vol. 2 日本帝国的兴亡, by John Toland 16.Boswell's LONDON JOURNAL 1762 -1763,波斯威尔 《伦敦日记》; 50.AMY TAN 谭恩美: Kitchen God's Wife 灶神之妻; 32.The Best American Science Writing 2001,by Timothy Ferris ; 21.The Nature of Rationality ●by Robert Nozick ; 49.A Clash of Kings ●by George R.R. Martin 英文原版奇幻小说 ; 等等.

  • 本杰明

    本杰明 楼主 2007-06-24 22:25:07

    6月18-6月24日,新上架部分图书书目如下: 1.Divo: Great Tenors, Baritones and Basses Discuss Their Roles ; 2.Types of philosophy, by William Ernest Hocking ; 3.JAMES JONES: Whistle 口哨, 英文原版二战小说 ; 4.AZTEC ●by Gary Jennings, 英文原版历史探险小说; 5.A New History of The United States,by William Miller ; 6.The Peaceable Kingdom: An American Saga, by Jan De Hartog; 7.The Negotiating Game: How to Get What You Want ; 8.A Hymnal the Controversial Arts ,by Buckley William ; 9.Tom Clancy: Debt of Honor 英文原版军事惊悚小说; 10.林肯 Lincoln: A Novel ●by Gore Vidal 历史小说; 11.The Power of COMMITMENT, by Douglas M. Yeaman ; 12.A Doubleday Anthology ,Edited By Bucklin Moon ; 13.To Life!: A Celebration of Jewish Being and Thinking ; 14.Dale Carnegie: How to Win Friends & Influence People ; 15.Now, Discover Your Strengths ,by Marcus Buckingham ; 16.The Essential America ●by George McGovern ; 17.叶利钦自传 Against the Grain ●by Boris Yeltsin ; 18.Blind Ambition: The White House Years●by John Dean ; 19.Eleanor: The Years Alone,by Joseph, P. Lash, F.Roosevelt ; 20.A Passion for Life 伊丽莎白泰勒(Elizabeth Taylor)传记; 21.The Choice ●by Bob Woodward ; 22.Sam Walton 前美国首富沃尔玛创始人传记,by V.H. Trimble ; 23.The Shadow of the Winter Palace: Russia's Drift to Revolution; 24. Hang Time: Days and Dreams with Michael Jordan乔丹; 以上24本,各有且仅有一本,现货.有兴趣者,请到如下的淘宝网店查阅实物图片等:     店名: 外文原版图书, (钻石级信誉店)     链接地址: http://shop33189564.taobao.com/ 25.经济商业预测基础 Elements of Forecasting 第2版; 26.小布朗英文写作手册 The Little, Brown Handbook ; 27.财务会计 Financial Accounting: Information for Decisions ; 28.文化地理学 The Human Mosaic 第8版,by Terry G. Jordan-Bychkov ; 29.微观经济学 Microeconomics 第5版, by Robert S. Pindyck ; 30.美国政治 We the People 第4版, by Benjamin Ginsberg ; 31.加州刑法典 California Penal Code 2004 ,by West Staff ; 32.商业 Business 第6版 带光盘, by Ricky W. Griffin ; 33.社会心理学 Social Psychology ,by Sharon S. Brehm ; 34.旅游学 Tourism 第8版, by Goeldner, Ritchie,McIntosh ; 35.心理学 Understanding Psychology 第6版,by Robert S. Feldman ; 36.环境控制 Passive and Active Environmental Controls ; 37.心理学 Psychology (3rd Edition),by Saul M. Kassin ; 38.地理学 Geography: Realms, Regions and Concepts 第10版 ; 39.电视制作手册 Television Production Handbook 第8版; 40.环境科学 Environmental Science, by Daniel D. Chiras ; 41.信号与系统 Signals and Systems, by M.J. Roberts ; 42.代数与三角 Algebra and Trigonometry 第6版; 43.摄影图片评判 Criticizing Photographs 第4版; 44.员工培训与发展 Employee Training and Development ; 45.In Context: Participating in Cultural Conversations ; 46.实证研究方法论 Experimental Methodology 第8版; 47.巴黎拱廊街 The Arcades Project●by Walter Benjamin 本雅明; 48.人格 Personality 第8版 ●by Lawrence A. Pervin ; 49.声乐基础 Foundations In Singing 第8版,配2CD ; 50.音乐欣赏 The Enjoyment of Music 第7版●by Joseph MacHlis ; 51.认知心理学 Cognitive Psychology 第3版,by R. J. Sternberg ; 52.统计思想 Mind on Statistics (with CD-ROM); 53.战略策划与实施 Crafting And Executing Strategy 第14e ; 54.人体生理学 Vander's Human Physiology, 10e ; 55.大众传媒 Mass Media in a Changing World 配光盘; 以上31项,大部分为全新或近于全新,每个品种至少有一本,现货.有兴趣者,请到如下的淘宝网店查阅实物图片等:     店名: 外文原版图书, (钻石级信誉店)     链接地址: http://shop33189564.taobao.com/ 56.Paul Johnson: Intellectuals 知识分子 ; 57.二战名将巴顿将军传记 The Patton Papers 1940 - 1945 ; 58.美国史诗 THE EPIC OF AMERICA●by James T. Adams史学名家; 59.杜鲁门(Harry S Truman)总统传记 Conflict and Crisis ; 60.BOB WOODWARD: The Brethren: Inside the Supreme Court ; 61.The Soldier ,by Richard Powell 关于二战南太平洋战争; 62.Woodrow Wilson Selections for Today 伍德罗.威尔逊总统文集; 63.Lydia Bailey , by Kenneth Roberts ; 64.Len Deighton莱恩·戴顿: SS - GB, 二战德国占领英国,间谍小说; 65.Death in Rome , by Robert Katz 二战历史小说; 66.The Miracles of Christ ,by David A. Redding ; 67.肯尼迪总统 Portrait of a President●by William Manchester ; 68.Celtic Myths and Legends , by Charles Squire ; 69.All the President's Men, by Carl Bernstein, Bob Woodward ; 70.What Does Joan Say? by Joan Quigley 白宫星相师 ; 71.700 Science Experiments for Everyone ; 72.TOM CLANCY: Red Storm Rising 英文原版军事惊悚小说; 73.Zig Ziglar: Over the Top 英文原版成功学 ; 74.TOM CLANCY :Patriot Games ,英文原版军事惊悚小说; 75.God Knows , by Joseph Heller 英文原版幽默娱乐小说; 76.Malcolm Forbes: The Man Who Had Everything 福布斯. 以上21本,各有且仅有一本,现货.有兴趣者,请到如下的淘宝网店查阅实物图片等:     店名: 外文原版图书, (钻石级信誉店)     链接地址: http://shop33189564.taobao.com/ 77.Immaculate Midnight ●by Ellen Hart 英文原版神密小说; 78.TONY HILLERMAN: The Fallen Man 英文原版悬疑小说 ; 79.TONY HILLERMAN: The First Eagle 英文原版悬疑小说; 80.JOHN SANDFORD: Naked Prey 英文原版惊悚小说; 81.DEAN KOONTZ: TICKTOCK 英文原版惊悚小说 ; 82.STEPHEN WHITE: Blinded 英文原版心理悬疑小说; 83.CLIVE CUSSLER: Valhalla Rising 英文原版探险小说 ; 84.DEAN KOONTZ: From the Corner of His Eye 惊悚小说; 85.DEAN KOONTZ: Strange Highways ,英文原版惊悚小说集; 86.DEAN KOONTZ: Forever Odd 英文原版惊悚小说; 87.AGATHA CHRISTIE阿加莎.克里斯蒂: ABC Murders 皮面珍藏本; 88.THOMAS HARRIS: Red Dragon 英文原版悬疑小说; 89.Word Made Flesh ●by Jack O'Connell 英文原版悬疑小说; 90.JEFFREY ARCHER: A Matter of Honor 英文原版悬疑小说 ; 91. Perfect Murder, Perfect Town●by L.Schiller 惊悚小说; 92.LARRY BOND: VORTEX, 军事惊悚小说 ; 以上16本,各有且仅有一本,现货.有兴趣者,请到如下的淘宝网店查阅实物图片等:     店名: 外文原版书库 (钻石级信誉店)     链接地址: http://shop33191941.taobao.com/      新货将源源不断上架之中,欢迎各位豆友参观选购,共享淘书之乐!

  • 本杰明

    本杰明 楼主 2007-06-24 22:43:07

    93.TOM WOLFE: A Man in Full ; 94.Decider ● by Dick Francis ; 95.GREAT SHORT STORIES OF THE WORLD , by Reader's Digest ; 96.STEPHEN KING: Dreamcatcher 英文原版恐怖小说; 97.The Godfather 教父 ●by Mario Puzo ; 98.STEPHEN KING: CUJO 英文原版恐怖小说; 99.PETER F.HAMILTON: Fallen Dragon 英文原版奇幻小说 ; 100.STEVEN HARTOV: The Heat of Ramadan , 英文原版间谍小说 ; 101.ROBIN McKINLEY: Sunshine, 英文原版奇幻小说 . 以上9本,各有且仅有一本,现货.有兴趣者,请到如下的淘宝网店查阅实物图片等:       店名: 外文原版书库 (钻石级信誉店)       链接地址: http://shop33191941.taobao.com/          新货将源源不断上架之中,欢迎各位豆友参观选购,共享淘书之乐!

  • 本杰明

    本杰明 楼主 2007-07-09 11:40:35

    上周淘宝店中陆续增添了一些新货,清单如下: 1.爱因斯坦 Einstein's Unfinished Symphony ; 2.Best American Gay Fiction 1996, by Brian Bouldrey (Editor) ; 3.克林顿 Boy Clinton: A Political Biography ; 4.光荣与梦想 The Glory and the Dream Vol 1,by W. Manchester ; 5.亚洲大趋势 Megatrends Asia, by John Naisbitt 奈斯比特; 6.里根 Dutch: A Memoir of Ronald Reagan, by Edmund Morris ; 7.A Short History of Nearly Everything, by Bill Bryson ; 8.核弹国际竞赛史 The Greatest Power on Earth ; 9.Beyond Power: On Women, Men and Morals, by Marilyn French ; 10.Isaac Asimovs(阿西莫夫) Book Of Facts,by Rh Value Publishing ; 11.赫斯伯格(T.M. HESBURGH)神父自传 God, Country, Notre Dame ; 12.Prayer: My Soul's Adventure With God,by Robert H Schuller ; 13.以客户为导向的公司 The Customer-Driven Company ; 14.Physics for the Rest of Us, by Roger S. Jones ; 15.TOM CLANCY: The Bear and the Dragon 英文原版军事惊悚小说; 16.李小龙 Legendary Bruce Lee ,by Black Belt Magazine Editors ; 17.我的巨大财富 My Vast Fortune, by Andrew Tobias ; 18.Beating the Street 征服股海, by PETER LYNCH 彼得·林奇 ; 19.TOM CLANCY: Op-Center 英文原版军事惊悚小说; 20.Silent Coup: The Removal of a President,by Len Colodny ; 21.Grolier Classics 格列佛游记罗马帝国兴亡史等; 22.NORMAN MAILER: The Naked & The Dead 裸者与死者; 23.办公室丛林法则 The Ape in the Corner Office ; 24.创意边际 The Creative Edge: Fostering Innovation ; 25.法律冲突 Conflict of Laws: Cases and Materials 第11版; 26.马汉的海权论 The Influence of Sea Power Upon History 以上26本,各有且仅有一本,现货.有兴趣者,请到如下的淘宝网店查阅实物图片等:     店名: 外文原版图书, (钻石级信誉店)     链接地址: http://shop33189564.taobao.com/

  • 本杰明

    本杰明 楼主 2007-07-13 13:56:59

    7月10日至13日上架新货: 1.槽边的猪 Pigs at the Trough,by A. Huffington关于美国公司腐败; 2.If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat ; 3.The New Jewish History (From the Discovery of America to Our Own Day,Book Three) (Hardcover) ; 4.Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus; 5.理想的婚姻 Ideal Marriage: Its Physiology and Technique ; 6.Culture of courage ,by Frank C Haddock, 1919年版; 7.The Greatest Generation , by Tom Brokaw ; 8.常见病症百科全书 Encyclopedia of Common Diseases ; 9.权力伙伴 Partners in Power : The Clintons and Their America ; 10.诺曼.施瓦茨科普夫(Norman Schwarzkopf)将军回忆录; 11.优雅的拍卖师 Elegant Auctioneers, by Wesley Towner ; 12.五角大楼的将军们 The Commanders, by Bob Woodward ; 13.英国皇家 The Royals, by Kitty Kelley ; 14.世界古代史 The World of the Past, by Jacqueta Hawkes . 以上14本,各有且仅有一本,现货.有兴趣者,请到如下的淘宝网店查阅实物图片等:       店名: 外文原版图书, (钻石级信誉店)       链接地址: http://shop33189564.taobao.com/ 15.Agatha Christie: Curtain/the Mysterious Affair At Styles ; 16.Creek Mary's Blood, by Dee Brown 英文原版美国历史小说 ; 17.DEAN KOONTZ: Mr. Murder 英文原版惊悚小说; 18.P.D. James: A Certain Justice 英文原版悬疑小说; 19.STEPHEN KING: The Dead Zone 英文原版惊悚小说; 20.STEPHEN KING: Dolores Claiborne 英文原版惊悚小说 ; 21.英语词根 The Roots of English ,by Robert Claiborne ; 22.英语语法 Understanding English Grammar,by Martha Kolln ; 23.STEPHEN KING: The Dark Half 英文原版惊悚小说; 24.杰奎琳传记 A Woman Named Jackie, by C. David Heymann ; 25.STEPHEN KING: Hearts In Atlantis 英文原版惊悚小说; 26.STEPHEN KING: Rose Madder 英文原版惊悚小说; 27.STEPHEN KING: Black House 英文原版惊悚小说; 28.星球大战2 Star Wars - Dark Force Rising ,科幻小说经典 ; 29.DEAN KOONTZ: False Memory 英文原版惊悚小说 ; 30.WHITE FANG AND OTHER STORIES, by Jack London ; 31.失落的城市 The Lost City , by John Gunther ; 32.航空港 AIRPORT, by Arthur Hailey ; 33.Descent from Glory: Four Generations of the John Adams Famil ; 34.NICHOLAS NICKLEBY, by Charles Dickens ; 35.Tom Clancy's Op-Center: Mirror Image ; 36.THE DAYBREAKERS, by LOUIS L'AMOUR ; 37.Trial by Ice and Fire ,by Clinton Mckinzie 户外惊悚小说; 38.JOHN GRISHAM: The Summons 英文原版法律小说 ; 39.Dean Koontz: Seize the Night 英文原版惊悚小说 ; 40.Dean Koontz: The Taking 英文原版惊悚小说 ; 41.JOHN GRISHAM: The Chamber 英文原版法律小说; 42.Joseph Heller: God Knows 英文原版幽默小说; 43.JOHN GRISHAM: The Testament 英文原版法律小说 ; 44.STEPHEN KING: Four Past Midnight 英文原版恐怖小说 . 以上30本,各有且仅有一本,现货.有兴趣者,请到如下的淘宝网店查阅实物图片等:         店名: 外文原版书库 (钻石级信誉店)         链接地址: Http://shop33191941.taobao.com/              新货将源源不断上架之中,欢迎各位豆友参观选购,共享淘书之乐!

  • 夏灏

    夏灏 2007-07-14 23:12:26


  • 本杰明

    本杰明 楼主 2007-07-20 16:47:52

    7月13日到20日,上架图书如下: 1.荆棘鸟 The Thorn Birds , by Colleen McCullough ; 2.Made in America, by Peter Ueberroth 洛杉矶奥运会主席; 3.THE NEW ENGLISH BIBLE (Hardcover) by Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press(Author) 4.喔! 耶路撒冷 O JERUSALEM ,by Larry Collins 5.JOHN JAKES: Heaven and Hell 天堂与地狱 6.印度旷世巨著 博伽梵歌原义 Bhagavad-Gita As It Is 7.TOM CLANCY: The Cardinal of the Kremlin 军事惊悚小说 8.HERMAN WOUK: War and Remembrance 战争与回忆, 二战历史小说 9.HERMAN WOUK: The Glory, 以色列历史小说 10.青龙白虎 Green Dragon White Tiger, by Motley 中国古代情爱 11.TOM CLANCY: Rainbow Six 彩虹六号, 军事惊悚小说; 12.Herman Wouk: The Winds of War 战争风云, 二战历史小说 13.The Good War ,by Studs Terkel 二战亲历者口述历史访谈集 14.政治哲学家 Political Philosophers, by Hobbes\Locke ; 15.爱乐人百科全书 Music Lovers' Encyclopedia ; 16.火星与水星: 爱的语言 Mars and Venus: The languages of love 17.图解日本艺术 Arts of Japan: An Illustrated History 18.Atlantic Brief Lives: A Biographical Companion to the Arts 19.Commitment to freedom;: The story of the Christian Science M 20.On Being a Christian , by Hans Kung 21. 教皇保罗二世( Pope John Paul II)传记: Man of the Century 22.Waging Peace and War: Dean Rusk in the Truman, Kennedy and Johnson Years 23.达.芬奇笔记 The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci 24. 解梦 How To Interpret Your Own Dreams, by Tom Chetwynd 25.太空中的洞 The Hole in the Universe, by K. C. Cole 26. 组织变革 Transforming the Organization, by Gouillart, Kelly 27.The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle 28.无风险致富 More Wealth Without Risk, by Charles Givens 29.时间简史 Brief History of Time, by Stephen W. Hawking霍金; 30.东方与西方 East and West, by Chris Patten 彭定康 以上30本,各有且仅有一本,现货.有兴趣者,请到如下的淘宝网店查阅实物图片等:       店名: 外文原版图书, (钻石级信誉店)       链接地址: http://shop33189564.taobao.com/

  • 本杰明

    本杰明 楼主 2007-08-07 20:16:00

    近期上架的图书: 1.Daddy@work , by Robert Wolgemuth 2.Nine-Headed Dragon River: Zen Journals 1969-1982, by Peter Matthiessen 3.NANCY FRIDAY: Jealousy 妒忌 4.Messages from My Father ,by Calvin Trillin 5. 彼德处方 The Peter Prescription: How To Make Things Go Right 6.间谍集团 Family of Spies: Inside the John Walker Spy 7.Mother of My Mother,by Hope Edelman 8.领悟领导力 The Classic Touch ,by John K. Clemens 9.梵蒂冈与国际政治 Vatican in World Politics ,by A. Manhattan 10.美国首位诺贝尔文学奖得主辛克莱·刘易斯 Sinclair Lewis 传记 11.JOHN JAKES: Love and War 爱情与战争, 南北战争三部曲之二 12.Ayn Rand 艾茵.兰德: The Fountainhead 源头, 哲学小说 13.Running from Safety: An Adventure of the Spirit 14.英国骑士WILLIAM MARSHAL传记, by Sidney Painter 15.意大利名著 The Leopard, by Giuseppe Di Lampedusa 16.Fall of the House of Borgia ,by E. R. Chamberlain 17.美国节日文化The Days We Celebrate Vol.1,2;by R.H. SCHAUFFLER 以上17本,各有且仅有一本,现货.有兴趣者,请到如下的淘宝网店查阅实物图片等:         店名: 外文原版图书, (钻石级信誉店)         链接地址: http://shop33189564.taobao.com/ 18.F. SCOTT FITZGERALD: Tender is the Night 浪漫爱情小说 19.James Bond in License Renewed ,by JOHN GARDNER 20.MARILYN FRENCH: The Bleeding Heart 爱情小说 21.JAMES BOND in Nobody Lives Forever, by John Gardner 22.JAMES JOYCE: Dubliners/ A Portrait of the Artist As a Young 23.GARY JENNINGS: The Journeyer 24.MARK HELPRIN: A Soldier of the Great War 25.BRUCE WILKINSON: The Dream Giver 26.VICTORIA HOLT: The Road to Paradise Island 27.Fool's Errand ,by Louis Bayard 浪漫小说 28.Jack and Jill: A Novel ,by JAMES PATTERSON 29. The Birthright ,by Janette Oke , T. Davis Bunn 30.Harold Robbins: SPELLBLINDER 31.TIMOTHY ZAHN: Conquerors' Legacy 精装本科幻小说 32.Verbena : A Novel , by Nanci Kincaid 33.SHEILA WALSH: The Heartache No One Sees 34.With Friends Like These..., by Gillian Roberts 35.JOHN GRISHAM: Bleachers 36.STEPHEN KING: Firestarter 37.AGATHA CHRISTIE: Sleeping Murder 英文原版精装本 38.ANNE RICE: Interview with the Vampire 夜访吸血鬼 精装本 39.NORA ROBERTS: River's End 精装本爱情小说 40.Maxine Hong Kingston 汤亭亭: China Men 金州勇士 41.汤亭亭著 孙行者:他的伪书 Tripmaster Monkey: His Fake Book 42.NORA ROBERTS: The Reef 精装本爱情小说 43. NORA ROBERTS: Genuine Lies 精装本爱情小说 44.NORA ROBERTS: Homeport 精装本爱情小说 45.NORA ROBERTS: Carolina Moon 精装本爱情小说 46.J.D. Robb (NORA ROBERTS): Memory in Death 精装本悬疑小说 47.NORA ROBERTS: Montana Sky 精装本爱情小说 48.NORA ROBERTS三部爱情小说合集 精装本 49.Trial by Ice and Fire ,by Clinton Mckinzie 户外惊悚小说 以上32本,各有且仅有一本,现货.有兴趣者,请到如下的淘宝网店查阅实物图片等:   店名: 外文原版书库 (钻石级信誉店)   链接地址: Http://shop33191941.taobao.com/            新货将源源不断上架之中,欢迎各位豆友参观选购,共享淘书之乐!

  • 本杰明

    本杰明 楼主 2007-09-25 15:25:13

    近日上架新货: 1.Air Babylon ,by Imogen Edwards-Jones 2.Culture Shock! Thailand ,by Robert Cooper 3.The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management 4.Bogart ,by Stephen Humphrey Bogart 5.The Bomb in My Garden: The Secrets of Saddams Nuclear Mastermind: Secrets from Saddam's Nuclear Mastermind 6.Next Door Savior: Near Enough to Touch, Strong Enough to Trust ,by Max Lucado 7.Conversational Magic: Key to Poise, Popularity, and Success ,by Donaldson 8.Beyond Control: ABC and the Fate of the Networks ,by Huntington Williams 9.Idiot: Beating "The Curse" and Enjoying the Game of Life ,byJohnny Damon 10.No Limit: The Incredible Obsession of Brian Molony ,by Gary Ross 11.Footprints of Chaos in the Markets: Analysing non-linear time series in financial markets and other real systems ,by Richard M.A. Urbach 12.The Chetniks: War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941-1945 ,by Jozo Tomasevich 13.Endangered Guardians ,by Donald V. Weatherman 以上13本,各有且仅有一本,现货.有兴趣者,请到如下的淘宝网店查阅实物图片等:           店名: 外文原版图书, (双钻石级信誉店)           链接地址: http://shop33189564.taobao.com/ 14.法英对照版本 Henry M. Stanley: Through the Dark Continent 15.LaVyrle Spencer: HOME SONG 英文原版西方浪漫小说 16.SANDRA BROWN: A Whole New Light 浪漫激情小说 17.HEATHER GRAHAM: Tall, Dark, and Deadly 浪漫悬疑小说 18.Silk and Secrets , by Mary Jo Putney 19.HEATHER GRAHAM: And One Rode West 英文原版浪漫悬疑小说 20.JEFFREY ARCHER: Honor Among Thieves 英文原版惊悚悬疑小说 21.STEPHEN KING: Nightmares and Dreamscapes 英文原版惊悚小说 22.DANIELLE STEEL: Safe Harbour , 英文原版西方浪漫小说 23.ELMORE LEONARD: Tishomingo Blues 英文原版惊悚小说 24.Gods in Alabama ,by Joshilyn Jackson 英文原版情感浪漫小说 25.JAMES PATTERSON: 2nd Chance 英文原版惊悚小说 26.JAMES LEE BURKE: Jolie Blon's Bounce 英文原版悬疑小说 27.Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 哈利波特3 精装本 28.MARGARET ATWOOD: The Robber Bride 英文原版浪漫惊悚小说 29.Dewey Defeats Truman, by Thomas Mallon 西方浪漫历史小说 30.Wide Sargasso Sea, by Jean Rhys 31.The God of Small Things ,by Arundhati Roy 32.A Hall of Mirrors ,by Robert Stone 33.Ripley Under Water ,by Patricia Highsmith 英文原版惊悚小说 34.Sue Grafton: Q IS FOR QUARRY 字母天后英文原版悬疑小说 35.Broadway to Hollywood ,by Thomas G. Aylesworth 36.CATHERINE COOKSON: My Land of the North 以上23本,各有且仅有一本,现货.有兴趣者,请到如下的淘宝网店查阅实物图片等:     店名: 外文原版书库 (钻石级信誉店)     链接地址: Http://shop33191941.taobao.com/                新货将源源不断上架之中,欢迎各位豆友参观选购,共享淘书之乐!

  • 本杰明

    本杰明 楼主 2007-09-30 23:39:16

    近日上架新货(包括部分教材补货)如下: 1.River Eternal ,by Lan Kinseth 2.Sybil ,by Flora Rheta Schreiber 关于多重人格的心理学真实案例 3.总结的学问 Summing Up,by R.J. Light 哈佛大学肯尼迪学院教授 4.Meet My Psychiatrist ,by Les Blacklok 户外摄影图片及介绍集 5.I'd Rather Laugh : How to Be Happy Even When Life Has Other 6.德鲁克 Drucker, the man who invented the corporate society 7.TOM PETERS: Thriving on Chaos 管理学名家经典 8.Dianetics,by L.R Hubbard 精神健康学Mental Health经典 9.Margins of Reality: The Role of Consciousness in the Physica 10.英文原版 菲茨杰拉德家族与肯尼迪家族,by Goodwin 古德温 11.By Force of Arms: The Journals of Don Diego de Vargas, 1691-1693 12.The New Emperors: China in the Era of Mao and Deng 13.Practical Logic 应用逻辑,by Monroe C Beardsley 14.Complete Book of Fresh Water Fishing, by P. Allen Parsons 15.How to Read an Unwritten Language ,by Philip Graham 16.The Myth of Neurosis: Overcoming the Illness Excuse 17.Only One Year ,by Svetlana Alliluyeva 斯大林女儿 18.Another Part of the Wood,by K. Clark肯尼斯.克拉克 艺术史大师 19.演讲艺术 Art of Public Speaking 第6版,by Stephen E. Lucas 20.The Body of the Artisan ,by Pamela H. Smith 21.国际会计 International Accounting 4e,by Frederick D.S. Choi 22.史前人类 The Past in Perspective 第3版,by Kenneth L. Feder 23.Answers From the Humanities 第3版 带光盘,by Paul Allen 24.电影艺术 Film Art: An Introduction 第7版,by David Bordwell 25.房地产价值评估 Real Estate Principles: A Value Approach 26.临床药学 Applied Therapeutics: The Clinical Use of Drugs 以上26本,均为现货,二手书一般每种只有一本,全新的教材有多本. 有兴趣者,请到如下的淘宝网店查阅实物图片等:   店名: 外文原版图书, (双钻石级信誉店)   链接地址: http://shop33189564.taobao.com/ 27.IRVING STONE: The President's Lady 英文原版小说 28.The Eagle's Gift ,by Carlos Castaneda 英文原版小说 29.SUSAN HOWATCH 苏姗·豪瓦奇: Penmarric 潘梅力克 30.胎教宝典 Homecoming, by John Bradshaw 31.Quiet Time for Parents: A Daily Devotional,by H. N. Wright 32.Selected Poems of Byron, Keats, & Shelley 拜伦.济慈.雪莱诗选 33.Only the River Runs Free ,by Bodie Thoene,Brock Thoene 34.The Crowd Pleasers ,by Rosemary Rogers 英文原版浪漫小说 35.The Odessa File ,by Frederick Forsyth 英文原版小说 36.Flight of the Intruder ,by Stephen Coonts 战争惊悚小说 37.The Icarus Agenda ,by Robert Ludlum 英文原版反恐惊悚小说 38.The Man from St. Petersburg ,by Ken Follett 战争惊悚小说 以上12本,各有且仅有一本,现货.有兴趣者,请到如下的淘宝网店查阅实物图片等:       店名: 外文原版书库 (钻石级信誉店)       链接地址: Http://shop33191941.taobao.com/                    新货将源源不断上架之中,欢迎各位豆友参观选购,共享淘书之乐!

  • 本杰明

    本杰明 楼主 2007-09-30 23:52:35

    早期上传的图书,大部分已售出,恕不一一列出. 不便之处,敬请见谅.

  • 本杰明

    本杰明 楼主 2007-12-20 16:54:15

    近期上架新货: 1.The Other Guy Blinked: How Pepsi Won the Cola Wars 2.Survival Is Not Enough: Soviet Realities and America's Future 3.Dave Barry In Cyberspace 互联网时空,by Dave Barry 4.Mental Mechanisms ,by Henry P. Laughlin 5.How to Put The Love Back Into Making Love,by Dagmar O'Connor 6.Deal With It!: You Cannot Conquer What You Will Not Confront 7.Money Angles 金钱角度,by Andrew Tobias <投资圣经>作者 8.Succeeding Against The Odds ,by Sally L. Smith 教育家 9.面纱后的沙特阿拉伯公主 Princess ,by Jean P. Sasson 10.While Innocents Slept: A Story of Revenge, Murder, and SIDS 11.Hope Has Its Reasons: The Search to Satisfy Our Deepest Longings 12.The Witchcraft Delusion 巫术错觉,by John M. Taylor 13.Ciao, America: An Italian Discovers the U.S.,by Beppe Severg 14.英文原版职场成功秘诀 How to Talk So People Listen 15.出版家Charles Scribner回忆录: In the Company of Writers 16.Labyrinths of Reason 推理的迷宫,by William Poundstone 17.Equality Now: Safeguarding Women's Rights 女权主义 18.David Letterman's Book of Top Ten Lists 19.James B. Stewart 詹姆斯·B·斯图尔特: The Prosecutors 20.百种常用西药 100 Drugs That Work ,by Mike Oppenheim 21.与神对话 Conversations with God 1,by Neale Donald Walsch 22.2006年诺贝尔经济学奖得主 Edmund S.Phelps 著作 23.名人名言637条 The Fourth -637 Best Things Anybody Ever Said 24.The Goomba's Book of Love ,by Steve Schirripa 25.The Rules II: Rules to Live and Love ,by Ellen Fein 26.Dr. Ruth's Guide to Good Sex, by Dr. Ruth Westheimer 27.Living Fearlessly ,by Sheila Walsh 28.点燃她的激情 Light Her Fire, by Ellen Kreidman 29.The Glorious Dawn of God's Story, by Anne Graham Lotz 30.与喜剧之王安迪.卡夫曼的对话 Was This Man a Genius? 31.ROBERT FULGHUM: It Was on Fire When I Lay Down on It 32.耶路撒冷的玛丽 Mary of Jerusalem,by Gloria Howe Bremkamp 33.From Fallen To Forgiven ,by Jennifer O'Neill 34.See, I Told You So ,by Rush Limbaugh 美国电台明星主持人 35.Man of the House: The Life and Political Memoirs of Speaker 36.Theory and Practice of Brief Therapy,by Simon H. Budman 37.TheWay Things Ought to Be ,by Rush Limbaugh 美国价值观 38.Barbara Jordan: American Hero,by Mary Beth Rogers 39.Real Coke: Real Story 可口可乐的故事,by Thomas Oliver 40.Maximum Security ,by Steven Linscott 41.You Can Make a Difference: 14 Principles for Influencing Lives 42.Inside the Kingdom: My Life in Saudi Arabia,by Carmen Bin La 43.Symptoms 症状, by Isadore Rosenfeld 44.Whatever Happened to the American Dream 美国梦 45.Disguised: A True Story ,by Pat Moore 46.个人理财指南 Barnes & Noble Basics: Personal Budgeting 47.The Death of Outrage: Bill Clinton and the Assault on American Ideals 48.The Man Who Invented Saturday Morning: And Other Adventures 49.One Last Time: A Psychic Medium Speaks to Those We Have Love 50.巴菲特推荐的书: What's Wrong With Wall Street 51.讲师咨询师培训师赚钱法门 1,001 Ways to Make More Money as a Speaker, Consultant or Trainer: Plus 300 Rainmaking Strategies for Dry Times 52.成功演示的技巧 Winning Presentations, by Thomas Leech 53.Tell Newt to Shut Up,by David Maraniss 54.Illustrated classic Bible stories : New Testament 55.Light for My Path For Grandparents, from the Bible 56.In His Steps ,by Charles Sheldon 57.Every Eye Beholds You : A World Treasury of Prayer 58.The Other Side of Silence: A Guide to Christian Meditation 59.英文原版地图集7本 Atlas 一次性处理 60.英文原版家庭性教育 如何与您的孩子谈论性话题, by Richard Eyre 61.Codes Of Love 爱的密码,by Mark Bryan 62.Dirty Jokes and Beer : Stories of the Unrefined,by Drew Care 63.Supercouple Syndrome 夫妇如何共同面对压力,by Wayne M. Sotile 以上63本,各有且仅有一本,现货.有兴趣者,请到如下的淘宝网店查阅实物图片等: 店名: 外文原版图书, (双钻石级信誉店) 链接地址: http://shop33189564.taobao.com/ 64.Marco Polo, If You Can,by William F. Buckley 冷战间谍小说 65.Jonathan Livingston Seagull 海鸥 a story 图文故事 66.Dieting with The Duchess, by Sarah Ferguson 67.The Diet Bible 节食圣经, by Maureen Salaman 68.Big Hype ,by Avery Corman 英文原版小说 69.Doctor, What Should I Eat? by Isadore Md Rosenfeld 70.The Nothing Special ,by John Tomerlin 71.NATALIE HONEYCUTT: Ask Me Something Easy 英文原版小说 72.Search The Shadows ,by Barbara Michaels 英文原版悬疑小说 73.JOHN GRISHAM: Bleachers 英文原版法律小说 74.ETHEL & NAKED SPY ,by Marc Lovell 75.Dead End Game ,by Christopher Newman 英文原版惊悚小说 76.JOHN GRISHAM: The Street Lawyer 英文原版法律小说 77.Mary Higgins Clark: He Sees You When You're Sleeping 78.Josephine Hart 约瑟芬·哈特: Damage 爱情重伤 英文原版小说 79.Fred Chappell: Most Helpful Customer Reviews 英文原版小说 80.PATRICIA CORNWELL: Unnatural Exposure 英文原版悬疑小说 81.MARGARET MARON 玛格丽特.马龙: Fugitive Colors 82.The War at Home 家庭战争,by Connie Jordan Green 83.三个火枪手 THE THREE MUSKETEERS 84.Something on the Wind ,by Barbara Moore 85.Rear-View Mirror ,by Caroline B. Cooney 英文原版惊悚小说 86.Paule Marshall 保罗·马歇尔: The Fisher King 87.ANGELA ELWELL HUNT 安琪拉.杭特: Dreamers 88.CATHERINE COOKSON: The Fifteen Streets 英文原版浪漫小说 89.Ransom for a Nude ,by Lionel Black 90.DAVID BALDACCI: Saving Faith 英文原版惊悚小说 91.William Saroyan: Sons come & go, mothers hang in forever 92.Ticket Home ,by James Michael Pratt 英文原版浪漫小说 93.JIM LEHRER: Purple Dots 英文原版间谍小说 94.ANNE PERRY: The Whitechapel Conspiracy 英文原版悬疑小说 95.JANETTE OKE 珍妮特.欧克: Too Long a Stranger 96.Jalamanta: A Message from the Desert,by Rudolfo A. Anaya 97.The Gift ,by Danielle Steel 英文原版浪漫小说 98.Teeth, by Hugh Gallagher 英文原版小说 99.Black Beauty (Great Illustrated Classics),by Anna Sewell 100.Smoke Detector, by Eric Wright 英文原版悬疑小说 101.The Secret in the Old Attic,by Carolyn Keene 惊悚小说 102.Patricia Moyes: Twice in a Blue Moon 英文原版推理小说 103.SANDRA BROWN: The Witness 英文原版悬疑小说 104.Damage, by Josephine Hart 英文原版惊悚小说 105.Dating Game ,by Danielle Steel 英文原版浪漫言情小说 106.Something to Die for,by James H. Webb 英文原版军事小说 107.Lindbergh: The Crime ,by Noel Behn 英文原版纪实文学 108.The World Below ,by Sue Miller 英文原版小说 109.Eddie's Bastard ,by William Kowalski 英文原版小说 110.All I Need Is You ,by Johanna Lindsey 英文原版浪漫言情小说 111.A Woman's Place, by Barbara Delinsky 英文原版小说 112.Clear And Convincing Proof,by Kate Wilhelm 心理学小说 113.This Heart of Mine,by Susan Elizabeth Phillips 英文原版小说 114.Dream Catcher,by Margaret A. Salinger 塞林格 115.The Surgeon,by Tess Gerritsen泰丝.盖瑞森 美华裔惊悚女作家 116.Contents Under Pressure,by Edna Buchanan 英文原版悬疑小说 117.Michael Phillips: DESTINY JUNCTION 118.新婚第一年 Your First Year of Marriage ,by Curtis Pesmen 119.JAYNE ANN KRENTZ: Grand Passion 120.The Remnant, by Tim F. LaHaye , Jerry B. Jenkins 121.ADRIANA TRIGIANI: Big Stone Gap 英文原版小说 122.THOMAS McGUANE 托马斯·麦克魁因: Keep the Change 123.Paige by Paige: A Year of Trading Spaces,by Paige Davis 124.The Notebook 恋恋笔记本,by Nicholas Sparks 125.Don't Go Shopping for Hair Care Products Without Me 126.Temptation, by Jude Deveraux 英文原版浪漫言情小说 127.Waiting, by Frank M. Robinson 英文原版悬疑小说 128.Whoredom in Kimmage, by Rosemary Mahoney 英文原版小说 129.The Diet Cure: The 8-Step Program to Rebalance Your Body 130.Prior Bad Acts ,by Tami Hoag 塔米·霍格 英文原版惊悚小说 131.JANELLE TAYLOR 珍娜·泰勒: Promise Me Forever 132.Red Cell: Rogue Warrior II ,by Richard Marcinko 133.Raymond Chandler 雷蒙德·钱德勒:Poodle Springs 幕后通缉令 134.Crows over a Wheatfield ,by Paula Sharp 英文原版小说 135.JANET DAILEY: Legacies 英文原版历史浪漫小说 136.SEBASTIAN JUNGER 赛巴斯蒂安·杨格尔: Fire 火灾纪实 137.Fleeced, by Carol Higgins Clark 英文原版悬疑小说 138.O'Hara's Choice ,by Leon Uris 英文原版小说 139.JULIE GARWOOD: Come the Spring 英文原版浪漫悬疑小说 140.The Betrayal ,by Beverly Lewis 英文原版小说 141.JOY FIELDING: Don't Cry Now 英文原版悬疑惊悚小说 142.Outer space, and all that junk,by Mel Gilden 原版小说 143.Mary Higgins Clark: Silent Night 英文原版悬疑小说 144.DANIELLE STEEL: The Cottage ,英文原版浪漫小说 145.The Cobra Event ,by Richard Preston 英文原版惊悚小说 146.Summer Sisters ,by Judy Blume 英文原版浪漫小说 147.普利策奖得主FRANK McCOURT弗兰克·麦考特回忆录 'Tis 以上84本,各有且仅有一本,现货.有兴趣者,请到如下的淘宝网店查阅实物图片等: 店名: 外文原版书库 (钻石级信誉店) 链接地址: Http://shop33191941.taobao.com/                新货将源源不断上架之中,欢迎各位豆友参观选购,共享淘书之乐!


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