

来自: 无机客(唯高斯寒)
2007-01-31 23:49:46

  • 无机客

    无机客 (唯高斯寒) 楼主 2007-01-31 23:52:02


  • 无机客

    无机客 (唯高斯寒) 楼主 2007-01-31 23:56:04


  • 无机客

    无机客 (唯高斯寒) 楼主 2007-01-31 23:58:49

    In the summer of 1915, going against the grain of the Jesuits' chaste teachings, the twelve year-old Simenon had the first of many sexual experiences in his long life; in this case, with an older girl of fifteen. Many years later, Simenon was known as "the man of 10,000 women," a self-confessed sex addict who "needed" to have sex three times a day. Quite a few women were prepared to humor him for nothing, nevertheless, these 10,000 were said to include 8,000 prostitutes. It has been suggested that the real number of women in Simenon's life was, although prodigious, vastly smaller than 10,000. In this he was quite different from his fictional creation, Maigret, who can be presumed to have been entirely faithful to Madame Maigret.

  • 无机客

    无机客 (唯高斯寒) 楼主 2007-02-01 00:01:29

    仰慕中…… ———————————— 偶承认自己非常八卦,但实在是按捺不住……


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