Neil 97年訪問...挺有意思的!


来自: femalegaze
2010-05-30 01:32:19

  • femalegaze

    femalegaze 楼主 2010-05-30 01:33:24

    How famous are you? Can you walk in the streets of London without anyone recognizing you? - Yeah, it's not that dangerous. But I hate it when people stare at you from the other side of the street. But on the other hand, people have always stared at me. It's easier if I'm wearing sunglasses, then I don't have to make eye-contact. I find Suede members very shy and defensive with new people. Are you like that too or do you think you are more sociable? - I don't have a problem with meeting new people. Definitely not! I think I'm very sociable. Where did you grow up? - On the famous street Stratford Upon Avon. Oh, Shakespeare's street! Do you like his work? - No, not really. My favourite writers are Hermann Hesse and James Joyce. What's the most disgusting thing? - It would have to be our tour stinks like hell, it's horrible after everyone's been using it. Do you have any annoying habits? - I smoke too much, it really annoys me and everyone around me, I'm going to try to quit. How did you lose your virginity? - I was 15 and the girl I was with was much older and more experienced. But in a way it felt very natural, like eating chocolate. Brett has been told several times that his lyrics are considered homosexual. He says he likes to experiment. Have you ever dreamed about having sex with a man? - Yes, I have. I haven't tried it yet but maybe I will. I think everyone's dreamed or will dream sometime about having sex with someone of the same sex. Maybe it'll happen some day, who knows? Like Brett, I think it's fun to experiment.

  • 之之

    之之 2014-07-09 17:11:33

    How famous are you? Can you walk in the streets of London without anyone recognizing you? How famous are you? Can you walk in the streets of London without anyone recognizing you? - Yeah, it's not that dangerous. But I hate it when people stare at you from the other side of the street. But on the other hand, people have always stared at me. It's easier if I'm wearing sunglasses, then I don't have to make eye-contact. I find Suede members very shy and defensive with new people. Are you like that too or do you think you are more sociable? - I don't have a problem with meeting new people. Definitely not! I think I'm very sociable. Where did you grow up? - On the famous street Stratford Upon Avon. Oh, Shakespeare's street! Do you like his work? - No, not really. My favourite writers are Hermann Hesse and James Joyce. What's the most disgusting thing? - It would have to be our tour stinks like hell, it's horrible after everyone's been using it. Do you have any annoying habits? - I smoke too much, it really annoys me and everyone around me, I'm going to try to quit. How did you lose your virginity? - I was 15 and the girl I was with was much older and more experienced. But in a way it felt very natural, like eating chocolate. Brett has been told several times that his lyrics are considered homosexual. He says he likes to experiment. Have you ever dreamed about having sex with a man? - Yes, I have. I haven't tried it yet but maybe I will. I think everyone's dreamed or will dream sometime about having sex with someone of the same sex. Maybe it'll happen some day, who knows? Like Brett, I think it's fun to experiment. ... femalegaze


  • 固力果🍄

    固力果🍄 2019-02-15 02:09:48

    最后一句是我理解错了吗 他举例是想和BA发车?


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