【狮子座】Susan Miller 2017年10月运势 - 全文完


来自: 蓝意(学习语言,是贴近文本的最好方式)
2017-10-01 11:08:42

  • smile

    smile (我 得意得儿 飘~~~~~) 2017-10-01 13:00:03


  • 稳定的火星土环

    稳定的火星土环 (不回聊天豆邮) 2017-10-01 13:17:39


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2017-10-01 13:27:18


  • 潘多拉

    潘多拉 (海市蜃楼) 2017-10-01 13:27:43


  • 科洛诺斯

    科洛诺斯 (神终将远去,而世界长存。) 2017-10-01 13:55:55


  • Phoebe

    Phoebe 2017-10-01 14:19:14


  • 小小鱼儿

    小小鱼儿 2017-10-01 16:24:40

    YOUR HOROSCOPE BY SUSAN MILLER October will be a wonderful time for travel, and your planets seem to agree, but you have to watch out, too, as there are crosscurrents that make this month less than easy to decipher. On the full moon, October 5, you may be flying to a foreign country or returning from one over the following weekend, October 7-8. This full moon is in Aries, the sign of adventure. The kind of excitement you experience might be through sports, such as mountain climbing or mountain biking, or through business, by making a deal with a country that requires a passport for entry. There are other possibilities regarding how this full moon may work out for you. Within four days plus or minus the date, this full moon October 5 might bring a major college exam or a deadline to hand in an important university paper. You might defend your thesis or get your credentials to work in your specialty. This area of the chart is essentially an intellectual center, so instead of taking in knowledge though travel or study, you can give out information through teaching on a college level or though working in the media, in publishing, broadcasting, or Internet. Whatever you choose to do, it will soon come to culmination on the full moon in Aries, October 5-6. Pluto will be in a bad mood at the full moon and work to create obstacles. Do not sign a contract this month if you can help it, and certainly not at this difficult full moon. If you had planned to take a trip, but have work on your desk, it looks like Pluto will make you finish the task before you go. Pluto can be bossy and domineering, so be prepared for someone in your airspace to be a killjoy. Listen but say little, for if you do speak up, with Pluto, it can feel like you are fighting City Hall. If your birthday falls on August 5, plus or minus five days, you will feel the effects of this full moon the most. The same would be true if you have Leo rising or the natal moon – either in Leo at 13 degrees, plus or minus five degrees. The same is true if you have Leo rising, or the moon in Leo at 13 degrees, plus or minus five degrees. To some extent, you would also feel this full moon if you have a natal planet in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, or Aquarius at 13 degrees, also plus or minus five degrees. Keep in mind all month that the full moon will be in Aries, a sign that does blend beautifully with your Leo Sun. This will help you deal with that pushy person I see in your chart. On the same day as the full moon, off stage, October 5, Venus and Mars, the cosmic lovers, will rendezvous in Virgo in your house of income. Venus loves to be with Mars, but often these two little lovebirds will have very different assignments, and are found in different parts of our solar system. The fact that they are meeting in your second house of income suggests that you may get a generous check (or the promise of one) on this day. I hope this is how it works out, as I see your expenses are running high since September began, but they should settle down by the third week of October. The new moon of October 19 at 27 degrees will also emphasize travel, but this time, you would go closer to home. Again, it seems like your trip would be for business. This full moon will be flawed too, this time by Uranus in direct opposition to the new moon and Sun, and whatever comes up will take months to fully fix. This is a jarring, difficult aspect, and not favorable for travel. Either you will be at the airport for hours, or you may have car trouble. Or, the whole reason you will go on this business trip may be washed out because the person you came to see will be out of the office – things like that happen. This new moon October 19 would be a terrible time to sign a contact, due to Uranus in such a rage. Sign well before you get to this date. You are a Leo, ruled by the Sun, and this new moon has the Sun standing next to the moon at 27 degrees Libra, with Uranus at 27 degrees Aries across the skies, in direct 180-degree opposition. Not easy. Any assault on your Sun will jar your nerves, so wear your armor. I feel everyone will have trouble with this new moon in different ways. The area of difficulty will be fairly easy to pinpoint – travel or contractual matters. The house also rules siblings, so instead of difficulties with the area named, you might instead have a hard time communicating with a sister or brother.

  • 小小鱼儿

    小小鱼儿 2017-10-01 16:26:09

    If your birthday falls on August 19, you will feel this new moon the most, but interestingly, because air-sign Libra gets along beautifully with your fire-sign Leo, you will find a way to make this new moon work for you. You may have to do some finagling, but you will be able to find an answer to what comes up. Allow a plus or minus of five days to August 19. The same outlook would fit you if you have Leo rising, the natal moon in Leo at 27 degrees, plus or minus five degrees, or the same degree (27 degrees) and mathematical tolerance if you have a natal planet in Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius. Mars will move into Libra from October 22 to December 9, and during that time, your expenses will calm down, and you will again have more travel on your agenda, this time, for lots of purposes, business and personal. When looking for a new place to live, do not settle for anything less than your ideal space. With Jupiter’s help, now in Scorpio, you can now find a spacious house or apartment, with large closets and very possibly a beautiful view. Now we get to the juicy part of the forecast, where I have sensational news for you. Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will enter Scorpio on October 10 and remain in that sign until November 8, 2018 next year, a period of thirteen months. Good fortune Jupiter will smile on your home life – you may move, renovate, do repairs, paint, or simply buy new furniture, linens, tableware, or other lovely additions to your house or apartment. From now on, home will be where your heart is found, dear Leo. You can find a roommate who gets along very well with you, if that’s on your list; you can find the right person to share your space. You will be gloriously lucky with all real estate situations. When looking for a new place to live, do not settle for anything less than your ideal space. You can now find a spacious house or apartment, with large closets and very possibly a beautiful view. Remember, it took Jupiter, the great planet of happiness and good fortune, twelve years to get to this part of your chart, dear Leo. If at first you don’t find a space that you are enthusiastic about, keep looking. You can and likely WILL find the place of your dreams. In coming months, this will be the most glittering, golden part of your chart where all your personal happiness and growth will emanate. When Jupiter comes calling, financial benefits are usually not far behind. You ALSO, or alternatively, find that you will have plenty of support from your family, particularly your parents, or someone who you might think of as a parent. Your family might help you with a down payment on a house or condo, or if you have been out of work or faced hard times (unlikely, but if so), your family will lend a helping hand. Or, you or another close family member may have a new baby within the coming year, and bring everyone closer together. Babies can bring untold joy – you may see this to be true. You may see the power of Jupiter immediately, when you see Jupiter conjunct the Sun on October 26. This will be the luckiest day of the year for everyone, but each zodiac sign will feel the benefits differently. For you, home and family will shine, so by all means, do anything you can to further the stylishness and comfort of your home. You are ruled by the Sun (and are the only sign that has this luminary as your ruler), so October 26 should be a wonderful day to shop, and to feel confident because you will clearly see almost everything go your way. This luckiest day might also be special for love, in addition to home-related goals; you can use this day to have a first date or to travel far and wide. Although these two heavenly bodies meet annually, you have not seen the meeting of the Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio for twelve years – November 26, 2006 – and won’t again see them meet in Scorpio until October 30, 2029. This vibration is that special!

  • 小小鱼儿

    小小鱼儿 2017-10-01 16:27:10

    Traditionally, this annual meeting of the Sun and Jupiter, always in a different sign, would be an ideal day to close on a house or sign a contract. Uranus, however, will still be hanging around across the skies in very late degrees of Aries, a little too close for comfort to the alignment of Jupiter and the Sun at 3 degrees Scorpio. (All zodiac signs run from 0 degrees to 29 degrees, 59 minutes.) For best results, wait until November 4 to sign papers. Romance will be quiet this month, but that’s fine – you have plenty on your plate to do, and besides, December is when you will shine. You might as well get ready to step out now – start putting together your holiday look while Venus is in highly compatible air-sign Libra this month, from October 14 to November 7. Leo knows how to make an entrance, and this year will be no exception! Summary You may be traveling far and wide as October begins, with the aim to be back home within four days of the full moon, October 5. Your trip appears to be for business – finding accord and profit will be likely. If you cannot leave your city, you may be hosting family, friends, or colleagues from afar in your own city, or working on import-export of ideas, goods, or services. Or, you may be working on a project for a multi-national company headquartered in a foreign country. If you want to make progress regarding a law case or a goal having to do with your pursuit of an academic goal, this full moon will bring matters to fullness and a possible end. At work, however, you might have to endure a bit of turbulence. Pluto will be in hard angle to the full moon, indicating the team will likely be cranky and restless at best, or downright insubordinate and rude at worst. The new moon October 19 will appear in your other travel sector, your third house, but here, too, glitches are likely to come up. Uranus is opposed to the Sun and new moon, bringing unexpected conditions, so it would be best to travel early in the month. The same part of your chart rules contracts and written documents, so avoid signing papers at this time, and delay sending your query or finished manuscript to your editor or publisher now. The good news this month is quite major and memorable – Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will move into Scorpio and your fourth house of home and family, making this the very best part of your chart from now, October 10, 2017 through November 8, 2018. Indeed, you will be the most favored of all signs for seeing major improvements in your living quarters. You may now want to move, buy or sell a house, renovate, paint, de-clutter, build a wall to create an extra room, or take one down, redo your basement or kitchen – you name it; you will have luck on your side. If you need a new place to live, you can now find a gem (after October 10) and if you need your family to help you financially with a home-related goal, if you ask, you will likely be given the funds you need. Life won’t always be this way, so take advantage while Jupiter is smiling at you. You will see how strong Jupiter will be for actions in this position on October 26, the luckiest day of the year, when Jupiter and the Sun align for the first time in 12 years in your house of home, lifestyle, and support from, and care for, family.

  • 土豆家的土豆块

    土豆家的土豆块 (我想遇见你,只是因为我想!!) 2017-10-01 17:17:46


  • 科洛诺斯

    科洛诺斯 (神终将远去,而世界长存。) 2017-10-01 18:35:33

    Traditionally, this annual meeting of the Sun and Jupiter, always in a different sign, wou Traditionally, this annual meeting of the Sun and Jupiter, always in a different sign, would be an ideal day to close on a house or sign a contract. Uranus, however, will still be hanging around across the skies in very late degrees of Aries, a little too close for comfort to the alignment of Jupiter and the Sun at 3 degrees Scorpio. (All zodiac signs run from 0 degrees to 29 degrees, 59 minutes.) For best results, wait until November 4 to sign papers. Romance will be quiet this month, but that’s fine – you have plenty on your plate to do, and besides, December is when you will shine. You might as well get ready to step out now – start putting together your holiday look while Venus is in highly compatible air-sign Libra this month, from October 14 to November 7. Leo knows how to make an entrance, and this year will be no exception! Summary You may be traveling far and wide as October begins, with the aim to be back home within four days of the full moon, October 5. Your trip appears to be for business – finding accord and profit will be likely. If you cannot leave your city, you may be hosting family, friends, or colleagues from afar in your own city, or working on import-export of ideas, goods, or services. Or, you may be working on a project for a multi-national company headquartered in a foreign country. If you want to make progress regarding a law case or a goal having to do with your pursuit of an academic goal, this full moon will bring matters to fullness and a possible end. At work, however, you might have to endure a bit of turbulence. Pluto will be in hard angle to the full moon, indicating the team will likely be cranky and restless at best, or downright insubordinate and rude at worst. The new moon October 19 will appear in your other travel sector, your third house, but here, too, glitches are likely to come up. Uranus is opposed to the Sun and new moon, bringing unexpected conditions, so it would be best to travel early in the month. The same part of your chart rules contracts and written documents, so avoid signing papers at this time, and delay sending your query or finished manuscript to your editor or publisher now. The good news this month is quite major and memorable – Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will move into Scorpio and your fourth house of home and family, making this the very best part of your chart from now, October 10, 2017 through November 8, 2018. Indeed, you will be the most favored of all signs for seeing major improvements in your living quarters. You may now want to move, buy or sell a house, renovate, paint, de-clutter, build a wall to create an extra room, or take one down, redo your basement or kitchen – you name it; you will have luck on your side. If you need a new place to live, you can now find a gem (after October 10) and if you need your family to help you financially with a home-related goal, if you ask, you will likely be given the funds you need. Life won’t always be this way, so take advantage while Jupiter is smiling at you. You will see how strong Jupiter will be for actions in this position on October 26, the luckiest day of the year, when Jupiter and the Sun align for the first time in 12 years in your house of home, lifestyle, and support from, and care for, family. ... 小小鱼儿


  • 小小心愿

    小小心愿 (努力好现在,等岁月给答案。) 2017-10-01 19:06:12


  • 加油!猫猫

    加油!猫猫 (在温柔中不慌不忙的刚强) 2017-10-01 20:05:05


  • 做你的喵🐱

    做你的喵🐱 2017-10-01 20:25:29


  • mo沫儿

    mo沫儿 2017-10-01 20:44:43


  • 暴躁的宝格丽

    暴躁的宝格丽 (那我懂你意思了) 2017-10-01 22:15:01


  • [已注销]

    [已注销] 2017-10-01 23:35:40


  • 安吉拉

    安吉拉 2017-10-01 23:45:38


  • gaogaohenhao

    gaogaohenhao 2017-10-01 23:58:00


  • 爱美丽熊熊

    爱美丽熊熊 2017-10-02 00:22:06


  • 哎哟喂

    哎哟喂 (嗯?) 2017-10-02 00:54:05


  • shicarstens

    shicarstens 2017-10-02 01:04:02


  • 女神经常碎碎念

    女神经常碎碎念 2017-10-02 01:07:05


  • 小小心愿

    小小心愿 (努力好现在,等岁月给答案。) 2017-10-02 01:13:30


  • 爪哇没菜扣肉饭

    爪哇没菜扣肉饭 (秋裤打官司) 2017-10-02 09:30:51


  • 全然向你

    全然向你 2017-10-02 09:33:34


  • Panino

    Panino 2017-10-02 10:52:23


  • 加油!猫猫

    加油!猫猫 (在温柔中不慌不忙的刚强) 2017-10-02 12:19:55


  • shoupe

    shoupe 2017-10-02 14:46:28


  • Jellox

    Jellox 2017-10-02 19:21:09


  • 子申

    子申 2017-10-04 21:42:49


  • 蟹老板

    蟹老板 2017-10-04 22:07:49


  • qify88

    qify88 2017-10-07 06:33:43


  • 鸢尾竹

    鸢尾竹 2017-10-07 21:00:44


  • 弗争

    弗争 (生者必灭 会者定离) 2017-10-07 23:59:34

    辛苦lz了~不过正在经历文中所说的不大可能的失业唉 工作爱情钱 啥都没有 一切都不是很美好~

  • 芝心阿姨

    芝心阿姨 2017-10-08 12:55:13


  • 黑长直最有爱了

    黑长直最有爱了 2017-10-09 16:46:43


  • 🤲🏻

    🤲🏻 2017-10-18 11:07:41


  • 猪头V

    猪头V (爱自己,是终身浪漫的开始) 2017-10-18 13:27:27

    准到爆炸。 准到爆炸。 🤲🏻


  • 🤲🏻

    🤲🏻 2017-10-18 16:33:33

    准在哪里?哪段? 准在哪里?哪段? 猪头V


  • silver lining

    silver lining 2017-10-20 01:36:39



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