The Best Books of 2019 from Bloomberg

来自: ZZ (New York City) 2019-12-13 01:25:08创建   2019-12-13 02:20:57更新
Every year, during the weeks spent compiling this list of business leaders’ favorite reads, books on management invariably crop up. That’s hardly a surprise, given the obviously hyper-focused group of chief executive officers, entrepreneurs, and celebrities we survey. But sometimes people offer books that only loosely touch on how to obliterate corporate opponents and appease the public markets. This year, The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek tied for the title of most recommended.

The book’s contention—that working toward victory looks different than working toward fulfillment—is meant as a treatise for everyday living that also happens to apply to business. “With infinite games, the players can change, the rules are in a state of flux, and there is no winning,” writes Uber Eats boss Janelle Sallenave. “This resonates deeply with me, as there's no winning in marriage, friendships, careers, politics, or even life itself.”

The other most-recommended book was Loonshots: How to Nurture the Crazy Ideas That Win Wars, Cure Diseases, and Transform Industries, which delves into the quirks of human behavior. But Loonshots and Infinite Game were each picked just twice, meaning there was wide-ranging diversity in the rest of the list, which spans topics from climate change (Everlane’s CEO picked Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming) to coming of age in North Carolina (Bank of America’s chief operations and technology officer chose Where the Crawdads Sing). The sprawl of genres is proof: Many of the best lessons in business aren’t business-related.
15 人关注
8.8 (1094人评价)
作者: Robert Iger
出版社: Random House
出版年: 2019-9-23
评语:The Ride of a Lifetime is about how good leaders should always remain optimistic. Even when faced with difficult decisions, true leaders know their team won't be motivated by pessimists, so they remain positive. Iger also emphasizes the importance of courage, focus, and thoughtfulness. Something he wrote that resonated with me was that if you believe something can be better (like SPF!), then put the effort in to change it. by Holly Thaggard CEO and founder, Supergoop!
8.3 (739人评价)
作者: Yuval Noah Harari
出版社: Spiegel & Grau; 1st Edition edition
出版年: 2018-9-4
评语:Harari’s book consists of 21 chapters covering today’s most pressing issues, including work, war, nationalism, religion, immigration, education, and technology. Throughout the book, Harari takes stock of where we have come from as a society and where we are going. Rather than offer the reader simple solutions, the author forces us to think through difficult and sometimes uncomfortable questions like what will the world look like in 2050 and what should schools be teaching students. by Ken Tanji Chief financial officer, Prudential Financial Inc.
作者: Jesse Itzler
出版社: Center Street
出版年: 2016-11-1
评语:This book was written by an entrepreneur who hires a Navy SEAL to live with him and get him out of his comfort zone. It really captures what being an entrepreneur is. Nobody understands why you’re taking the leap to start your own business when you’re living a comfortable life working for somebody else. To become an entrepreneur, you really have to be willing to push yourself past the limits of what you thought you could do. by Ian Siegel CEO and co-founder, ZipRecruiter Inc.
7.9 (163人评价)
作者: Eric Schmidt / Jonathan Rosenberg / Alan Eagle
出版社: Harper Business
出版年: 2019-4-16
评语:I'm lucky to have worked with many incredible coaches and mentors in both my tennis career and entrepreneurial work, which is why Trillion Dollar Coach, about Bill Campbell, was one of my favorite reads of the year. As someone who brings a competitive mentality to all my projects, including my business, I found Bill's ability to translate the qualities of a great sports coach into coaching some of the world's top business leaders truly remarkable. by Maria Sharapova Founder and tennis star, Sugarpova Inc.
9.1 (261人评价)
作者: Ronan Farrow
出版社: Little, Brown and Company
出版年: 2019-10-15
评语:It reads like something straight out of a Hollywood thriller. But the patterns of harassment described in the book have been a disturbing reality for so many. The book describes corruption, cover-ups, intimidation, and threats. Nothing seems off the table for these powerful men who feel they are untouchable—who feel they're above the law. by Jonathan Scott TV host, HGTV's The Property Brothers
8.0 (39人评价)
作者: Samantha Power
出版社: Dey Street Books
出版年: 2019-9-10
评语:Samantha Power writes that “regardless of our different backgrounds and perspectives, stories have the power to bind us.” In her memoir, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author, journalist, and former diplomat expertly takes us through the most important stories of her life, from immigrating to the U.S. as a child and experiencing devastating loss in high school to reporting on war atrocities in Bosnia and serving as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. She is not only an idealist but an optimist—believing that despite the many challenges facing the human race, good will prevail. by Sheryl Sandberg Chief operating officer, Facebook Inc.
6.8 (26人评价)
作者: Ryan Holiday
出版社: Portfolio
出版年: 2019-10-1
评语:More often than not, entrepreneurship, working 80-hour weeks, and sleep deprivation are glamorized, associated with success and status. But after reading Ryan Holiday’s latest book, Stillness Is the Key, I've come to appreciate the history and benefits of stoicism and stillness. We reside in a modern tech- and mobile-driven society that’s constantly fighting for our attention, and Holiday does a wonderful job recommending stillness as a source of inspiration, creative genius, happiness, and fulfilment. In other words, calm down the busy in your life, block out your calendar daily, and you’ll notice better productivity and happiness. by Paul Rabil Co-founder, chief strategy officer, and player, Premier Lacrosse League
8.2 (12人评价)
作者: Paul Hawken (Editor)
出版社: Penguin Books New York
出版年: 2017-4-18
评语:Everybody is scrambling to understand climate change and what can be done. In Drawdown, Paul—one of the most important environmentalists today—put together the top 100 actions we can take right now as a society to slow down carbon emissions. Not all of the solutions are in the hands of individuals, but many are—for example, eating less red meat and reducing our food waste. by Michael Preysman Founder and CEO, Everlane Inc.
作者: Ahmet Altan
出版社: Other Press
评语:Turkish author and journalist Ahmet Altan was arrested during a media purge after a 2016 coup attempt and is now serving a sentence of life imprisonment. His memoir, handwritten in prison, is notable in highlighting the perils that writers and journalists face in a world that seems increasingly less tolerant of freedom of expression. It also demonstrates how Altan is ultimately saved by his rich writer's imagination, which keeps his mind free, even as he is confined to a cell. by Christina Paxson President, Brown University
作者: Violet Moller
出版社: Picador
出版年: 2019-2-21
评语:A must-read for anyone who thinks Western Europeans were the source of all knowledge that has shaped the modern world. by Richard Parsons Senior adviser, Providence Equity Partners LLC
7.5 (52人评价)
作者: Simon Sinek
出版社: Portfolio
出版年: 2019-10
评语:Simon Sinek’s book rallies those who are ready to challenge the status quo and contribute to something bigger than themselves. In today’s fast-paced world, Sinek lays the framework for leading with an infinite mindset and creating conditions to thrive on the other side of disruption. Everyone has an opportunity to contribute to a company’s success, well beyond their own individual tenure. by Cheryl Miller President and CEO, AutoNation Inc.
作者: Julie M. Albright
出版社: Prometheus Books
出版年: 2019-4-16
评语:The book, written by a digital sociologist, details how the transition from an analog to digital world is causing society to become untethered from the American Dream, leading to a range of social, economic, and political repercussions. More choice, which can enable more nomadic lifestyles, has come with less time spent on jobs, relationships, and homes. It raises concern about the disconnect between this extra freedom and our own happiness. by Mike Mayo Wall Street analyst, Wells Fargo & Co.
作者: Radha Agrawal
出版社: Workman Publishing Company
评语:While we are more connected than ever through our digital devices, we are also feeling lonelier than ever. Belong is a timely call, with practical guidance, for us all to find love, connection, and purpose through real community beyond our digital social networks. Her approach has been revolutionary in my own life, and I believe it has the potential to be revolutionary in helping us solve the larger loneliness epidemic in society. by Justin McLeod CEO and founder, Hinge Inc.
8.4 (99人评价)
作者: Mike Isaac
出版社: W. W. Norton & Company; 1 edition
出版年: 2019-9-3
评语:Super Pumped is the long-lost lovechild of Bonfire of the Vanities and Wolf of Wall Street, set in Silicon Valley. Business schools and business leaders alike teach and preach ethics, morals, and “doing the right thing,” and yet here is an organization that gave the middle finger to all of that, while creating extreme riches for its early employees and investors. by Shan-Lyn Ma CEO and co-founder, Zola
作者: John Chambers / Diane Brady
出版社: Hachette Books
出版年: 2018-9-25
评语:While running Cisco for two decades, John Chambers successfully navigated market shifts like mobile and digital, landing his company on the right side of disruption every time and creating new markets in the process. In this book, he shares his playbook for building one of the most resilient and innovative companies in the world. Connecting the Dots is a must-read for any entrepreneur or leader looking to stave off disruption and ride the next technology wave. by Aaron Levie Co-founder and CEO, Box Inc.
作者: George Packer
出版社: Knopf Publishing Group
出版年: 2019-5-7
评语:I became a U.S. citizen this year and, not coincidentally, my favorite book of 2019 was George Packer’s Our Man. It’s his biography of Richard Holbrooke, a diplomat whose career spanned U.S. conflicts in Vietnam, Bosnia, and Afghanistan. But more than that, it’s an intensely evocative portrait of America—and its leaders—at their best and worst. At its heart is a question relevant to anyone who’s managed a team: Are the elements that make someone great separable from their flaws? by Mike Krieger Co-founder, Instagram
作者: James W Cortada
出版社: MIT Press
出版年: 2019-3
评语:IBM from 1935 to 1965 is one of my biggest inspirations, that company is amazing! One thing that really resonated with me is the bit about Peter Drucker, who was a reporter in Germany way before he was the famous management theorist. Drucker interviewed Tom Watson Sr.—essentially IBM's founding CEO—about this thing called “data processing.” And he took it back to his editor, who said, "Watson's a nut," and threw it out. Watson was using the language of his time, the 1930s, saying, “We will process data the way we process ore or steel.” It completely confused people. I relate to that story because that’s how we've described ourselves here at Ginkgo. We're going to program cells like you program computers. by Jason Kelly CEO, Ginkgo Bioworks
8.4 (269人评价)
作者: Melinda Gates
出版社: Flatiron Books
出版年: 2019-4-23
评语:This book captivated me by bringing real examples about Gates's experience and projects around the world to empower women. The book shows the importance of valuing and investing in women, not only for the lives of women themselves, but also for their families, the economy, and even society as a whole. by Cristina Junqueira Co-founder, Nubank
7.2 (475人评价)
作者: Malcolm Gladwell
出版社: Little, Brown and Company
出版年: 2019-9-10
评语:Talking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell is a book that immediately had relevance in my personal and professional life. Illuminating the fact that we are all strangers in different settings and the perceptions, feelings, and misconceptions about those interactions from both sides is fascinating. In an increasingly polarized world, where the middle ground seems to be disappearing, understanding how we judge, perceive, and evaluate strangers changed the way I will act going forward. by Amit Jhawar General manager, Venmo
作者: Esi Edugyan
出版社: Knopf; 1st edition
出版年: 2018-8-30
评语:Great leadership is an exercise in empathy, which requires you to inhabit others' worlds. The title character is inspired by an inventor whom he follows to escape from enslavement, crossing from his world in Barbados to colonial America, the Arctic, and eventually England, where he becomes an artist for a scientific exhibit. The novel's language is evocative, plunging you into an entirely new reality. by Claire Hughes Johnson Chief operating officer, Stripe Inc.
作者: Jason DeParle
出版社: Viking
出版年: 2019-8-20
评语:At a time when immigration is sparking headlines across the developed world, I loved the humanity in this deep profile of one family’s story. It's mixed with equal parts of history, economics, foreign policy, gritty reality, and hope. by Lydia Jett Partner, SoftBank Group Corp.
作者: Jerry Colonna
出版社: HarperBusiness
出版年: 2019-6-18
评语:Jerry's book is show, don't tell in its finest form. His journey is one of courage, and the book resonates so well because he is real, open, and inspiring when writing about the winding path to leadership. This honest portrayal of personal and professional growth says something new, rather than rinsing and reusing the helpful, but often generic, definition of success. by Kirsten Green Founding partner, Forerunner Ventures
8.6 (383人评价)
作者: Hans Rosling
出版社: Macmillan USA
出版年: 2018-4-3
评语:In a world that seems to have no shortage of bleak news, this book shifted my perspective by using data to reveal under-reported truths of human progress. It’s a great reminder of the incredible positive advancement happening around the world. by Dave Gilboa Co-founder and co-CEO, Warby Parker Retail Inc.
7.3 (42人评价)
作者: Safi Bahcall
出版社: St. Martin's Press
出版年: 2019-3-19
评语:I inhaled Loonshots, by physicist-turned-entrepreneur Safi Bahcall. The book considers the factors that allow good ideas—and especially, good, crazy ideas—to get off the ground. Bahcall borrows from physics, writing that most organizations exist in discrete phases. Some are good at the new; some are better at refining what’s worked already. What I especially liked was his analysis of those occasions when an organization straddled the line between the two, managing to create the future while keeping pace with the here and now. by Stephanie Cohen Chief strategy officer, Goldman Sachs Group Inc.
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