
lili的评论  · · · · · · · · · ·  ( 评论20 )

  • 一本题目党的忽悠之作.
  • 稀缺
  • lili (Hacking)  评论: 稀缺
    这个书的核心想告诉我们. 专注,有可能会损害我们. 剩下的都用一些经不起推敲的例子来套书中的观点. 举个例子: 46页,讲了一个例子. 这个例子很明显是情绪控制的问题,怎么就会管窥扯上关系了? 最重要的...

lili的电影  · · · · · ·  ( 228部想看 · 620部看过 )

  • 小姐
  • 夜以继日
  • 枫
  • 猜火车2
  • 浮生狂想曲
  • 长津湖
  • 特工
  • 终结者:黑暗命运
  • 昼颜
  • 地久天长

lili的书  · · · · · ·  ( 8本在读 · 953本想读 · 417本读过 · 5个书单 )

  • 微积分和数学分析引论 (第一卷)
  • Linux内核源代码情景分析(上册)
  • 关键对话
  • 市场营销原理
  • 数理统计学简史
  • 领导者的意识进化
  • 聪明领导,高效团队
  • 理念·制度·人
  • 康熙盛世与帝王心术
  • 庭训格言

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lili的音乐  · · · · · ·  ( 2张听过 )

  • Carlos Cardel... - Gardel Vol. 4: Por Una Cabeza
  • Joanie Madden - Song of the Irish Whistle 1

All we got this life It may not always be great
But it’s definitely worth fighting for And time that seems like such a friend when we are young
Tries to run away from us as we get older
All those moments that we long to hold onto Moments of glory, of joy Of hurts that made us stronger
Moments that we want to bottle up
Hide in a hole
Or keep a secret
Are perhaps moments that made us who we are
Or what we will be
And should darkness fall or as we grow weaker
These moments will shine a light and lead us home.

Sometimes all we've got is one chance,to live love take flight or make it to the other side,
one chance,to hold on to that moment,catch her eye,see the signs,make it right,and live forever.

諷刺 每天都在上演著
——塞外 2008年09月10日

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