

来自: 艾力卡(Hi again, Douban) 组长
2012-02-09 16:09:13

  • 艾力卡

    艾力卡 (Hi again, Douban) 组长 楼主 2012-02-23 09:29:59

    好吧,加入了这个史上最冷清的小组。 佩服楼主没让这个小组荒废掉。 好吧,加入了这个史上最冷清的小组。 佩服楼主没让这个小组荒废掉。 火柴

    哈哈,已经算荒废了吧,主要没人讨论东西,学语言和翻译也不是我专业.... 现在上学又忙得天昏地暗的 同学你来学习英语的吗。。。我可以帮忙,问啥都行昂

  • 艾力卡

    艾力卡 (Hi again, Douban) 组长 楼主 2012-02-23 10:24:57

    哈哈,已经算荒废了吧,主要没人讨论东西,学语言和翻译也不是我专业.... 现在上学又忙得天昏地 哈哈,已经算荒废了吧,主要没人讨论东西,学语言和翻译也不是我专业.... 现在上学又忙得天昏地暗的 同学你来学习英语的吗。。。我可以帮忙,问啥都行昂 ... 艾力卡

    Sure. Welcome ;)

  • 艾力卡

    艾力卡 (Hi again, Douban) 组长 楼主 2012-02-23 10:25:16

    just talking will be ok... just talking will be ok... 火柴

    回错了=_= Sure, welcome :)

  • 艾力卡

    艾力卡 (Hi again, Douban) 组长 楼主 2012-02-23 20:48:20

    我的苦恼在于,我一般能看懂economist的文章,词汇量并不小,但是我想写英文作文的时候,却想不 我的苦恼在于,我一般能看懂economist的文章,词汇量并不小,但是我想写英文作文的时候,却想不出什么词来。 好悲催 TAT ... 火柴

    这个是通病了,我也是的,这学期写作还挂了呢。因为输入和输出是两个水平的,比如你输入90分,输出可能可以60分;但输入能力60分,输出就惨不忍睹了。 我目前在策划一个这样的网站,就是帮助童鞋们写作的。但我考虑得很多啊,比如用户群什么的,不知道你觉得会有人来玩么~~ 这个浮躁的世界什么都得想这么多,好烦哪

  • 艾力卡

    艾力卡 (Hi again, Douban) 组长 楼主 2012-02-23 22:23:54

    我想我会支持你的 ^^ 我想我会支持你的 ^^ 火柴

    谢谢!!!:) 我想可能和我性格有关吧...我很喜欢爱学习爱进步的人,但非书呆子类型的。和这类人相处我会觉得很愉快^^

  • 艾力卡

    艾力卡 (Hi again, Douban) 组长 楼主 2012-02-24 00:59:15

    Sure. When I was a teenager and got in touch with internet, I was planning to build my Sure. When I was a teenager and got in touch with internet, I was planning to build my own site just like you. However, it's a shame that I never made it even though I tried. Maybe because I'm always lazy and the only thing I can do is daydreaming. You are different, at least you can draw and you have ideas and passion. All you need is to stick to your plan. It's not necessary to take the vistors of your website too serious. As you sai, most visitors are less patient, and they don't give a damn about anything. Cheer up. ... 火柴

    Thanks. I'm flattered! My ability to focus has been SIGNIFICANTLY going down since I was a kid. Our time is the best, and the worst. There's soooo much to learn, and some of the best among them are free, but we cannot focus. We procasinte. We hate the world. We are just pathetic... oh god i miss the time when i could just sit and read a book.

  • 艾力卡

    艾力卡 (Hi again, Douban) 组长 楼主 2012-02-24 01:10:22

    I suggest you build the site with your friend or someone who shares the same interest. so I suggest you build the site with your friend or someone who shares the same interest. so you can avoid procrastination. ... 火柴

    my standard of a partner will be too high i'm afraid. though this is a good university, i don't expect to find such a person. I'm sorry but i cannot help this. most students here are geeks and nerds. some are clever, but very few appreciate the beauty of language and communication. and some of them are too arrogant don't worry, encouragement from people like you are enough for me, i'm planning it

  • 艾力卡

    艾力卡 (Hi again, Douban) 组长 楼主 2012-02-24 21:50:05

    got it.. as for the question I mentioned before, that I don't know how to put my vocabu got it.. as for the question I mentioned before, that I don't know how to put my vocabulary into priactice, it really bothers me much. TAT ... 火柴

    have you tried reading voc building books? there are tons of good ones out there.

  • 艾力卡

    艾力卡 (Hi again, Douban) 组长 楼主 2019-04-12 07:47:27

    It may be a good chance to review the voc and do practice.. I can try. It may be a good chance to review the voc and do practice.. I can try. 火柴



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