Harvey's understanding of Neoliberalism


来自: lumiere 组长
2019-02-06 18:29:11

  • lumiere

    lumiere 组长 楼主 2019-02-06 18:46:09

    "I’ve always treated neoliberalism as a political project carried out by the corporate capitalist class as they felt intensely threatened both politically and economically towards the end of the 1960s into the 1970s. They desperately wanted to launch a political project that would curb the power of labor." "In many respects the project was a counterrevolutionary project. It would nip in the bud what, at that time, were revolutionary movements in much of the developing world — Mozambique, Angola, China etc. — but also a rising tide of communist influences in countries like Italy and France and, to a lesser degree, the threat of a revival of that in Spain." "What are they doing to Greece now? It’s almost a copy of what they did to Mexico back in 1982, only more savvy. This is also what happened in the United States in 2007–8. They bailed out the banks and made the people pay through a politics of austerity." "I think we’re seeing a regionalization of global power structures within the state system — regional hegemons like Germany in Europe, Brazil in Latin America, China in East Asia." "Furthermore, what has been called the “new capitalist class” of Bill Gates, Amazon, and Silicon Valley has a different politics than traditional oil and energy." "Yet while the capitalist class is doing very well, capitalism is doing rather badly. Profit rates have recovered but reinvestment rates are appallingly low, so a lot of money is not circulating back into production and is flowing into land-grabs and asset-procurement instead." "Yet while the capitalist class is doing very well, capitalism is doing rather badly. Profit rates have recovered but reinvestment rates are appallingly low, so a lot of money is not circulating back into production and is flowing into land-grabs and asset-procurement instead." "But of course the question arises: Is there a way to organize which is not a mirror image? Can we smash that mirror and find something else, which is not playing into the hands of neoliberalism? Resistance to neoliberalism can occur in a number of different ways. In my work I stress that the point at which value is realized is also a point of tension." "Clear class politics, which is usually derived out of an understanding of production, gets theoretically fuzzy as it becomes more realistic. It’s a class issue but it’s not a class issue in a classical sense." "Most anti-neoliberalism fails to deal with the macro-problems of endless compound growth — ecological, political, and economic problems. So I would rather be talking about anticapitalism than anti-neoliberalism."

  • lumiere

    lumiere 组长 楼主 2019-02-06 18:55:20

    We can pay attention to how Harvey mapped the history and what he stressed on the resistance. They are all related to his scientific analyzing tools derived from The Capital. BTW, this website https://www.jacobinmag.com/ is worth tracking.

  • lumiere

    lumiere 组长 楼主 2019-02-13 13:41:24

    New Liberalism and Neo-Liberalism are quite different from each other, however, they are b New Liberalism and Neo-Liberalism are quite different from each other, however, they are both translated as "新自由主义" in Chinese, which makes dislocation for Chinese readers. See in http://club.kdnet.net/dispbbs.asp?id=2791977&boardid=2 李小科.澄清被混用的“新自由主义”——兼谈对New Liberalism和Neo-Liberalism的翻译[J].复旦学报(社会科学版),2006(01) ... 铜豌豆66

    “Many liberals say that neoliberalism has gone too far in terms of income inequality, that all this privatization has gone too far, that there are a lot of common goods that we have to take care of, such as the environment. There are also a variety of ways of talking about capitalism, such as the sharing economy, which turns out to be highly capitalized and highly exploitative. There’s the notion of ethical capitalism, which turns out to simply be about being reasonably honest instead of stealing. So there is the possibility in some people’s minds of some sort of reform of the neoliberal order into some other form of capitalism. I think it’s possible that you can make a better capitalism than that which currently exists. But not by much.” The last part of this interview may serve as a response to the "new liberalism" you mention. From our perspective, what should be targeted is capitalism.


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