BBC Horizon Special Series 00: 2008-2015

来自: thekilling (P'yŏngyang) 2015-07-21 23:03:54创建   2015-07-21 23:23:38更新
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7.9 (125人评价)
导演: Davina Bristow
主演: Michael Mosley
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 英国
年份: 2015
评语:"The Mystery of Murder: A Horizon Guide" 9 March 2015 00x89 Michael Mosley uses footage from the BBC archives to chart scientists' progress as they looked at the mind of a murderer in an attempt to understand why people commit such crimes, asking whether they are driven to it by circumstances or are simply born to kill.
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 英国
年份: 2015
评语:"Climate Change: A Horizon Guide" 4 March 2015 00x88 Dr Helen Czerski explores climate change, charting the transformation of a little-known theory into one of the greatest scientific undertakings in history. It has been a surprising journey of discovery that has revolutionised humankind's understanding of the global climate, and seen scientists face unprecedented controversy and criticism.
8.2 (233人评价)
导演: Tom Watt-Smith
主演: Chris van Tulleken / Tanya Byron
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 英国
年份: 2015
评语:"What's the Right Diet for You? A Horizon Special - Episode 1" 12 January 2015 00x85 The first of a three-part special in which Dr Chris van Tulleken, clinical psychologist Tanya Byron and nutrition and weight-loss scientists from Oxford and Cambridge universities put one of the latest theories on diets to the test. They have selected 75 overweight people from across the UK, who will be put on personalised regimens to explore overeating related to genes, gut hormones and emotions. The opening programme follows the volunteers as they undergo an intensive five-day analysis at a residential diet lab at Liverpool Hope University, before they are then put on the diets the experts believe are best-suited to them. "What's the Right Diet for You? A Horizon Special - Episode 2" 13 January 2015 00x86 In the second of three programmes, the volunteers leave the lab and take their diets home, where they face the challenge of sticking to their weight-loss plans while dealing with all the stresses and temptations of their real lives. Geneticist Giles Yeo uses eye-tracking technology to investigate how the Constant Cravers are affected by their 'hungry genes', while Tanya Byron visits Cambridge University to discover what happens in the brains of Emotional Eaters to compel them to comfort eat. The Feasters are brought together for a test by Fiona Gribble, who wants to find out why soup is such a great dieting tool. "What's the Right Diet for You? A Horizon Special - Episode 3" 14 January 2015 00x87 This programme looks into how physiological processes in the body and the brain can make the final weeks and months of a diet difficult. Fiona Gribble runs an experiment to show that the rate at which the Feasters eat their food affects how full they feel, Giles Yeo demonstrates how eating breakfast can help the Constant Cravers, and Paul Aveyard demonstrates ways that will help the Emotional Eaters learn how to deal with occasional indulgences and avoid further relapse. Lastly, the final results of the study are announced, revealing how successful the diet personalisation approach has been for the group and how many of the volunteers made their five per cent weight-loss target.
8.7 (1885人评价)
导演: Eileen Inkson
主演: Liz Bonnin
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 英国
年份: 2014
评语:"Cat Watch 2014: The New Horizon Experiment: A Cat's Eye View" 7 October 2014 00x82 Millions of people have cats in their homes, yet they know very little about them. Are they playful pets, fearsome fighters or deadly hunters? In this three-part programme, Liz Bonnin joins forces with some of the world's leading feline experts to conduct a groundbreaking scientific study using GPS trackers and mini-cameras to follow 100 cats in three very different environments to find out what they get up to when they leave the house. The first edition examines how cats see, hear and smell the world with the senses developed by their wild ancestors, and looks at why this could be making life difficult for them in the modern world. "Cat Watch 2014: The New Horizon Experiment: The Lion in Your Lap" 8 October 2014 00x83 The second programme of the three-part scientific study reveals the wild side of domestic cats, with GPS trackers and mini-cameras showing how they transform from pet to predator as soon as they leave the house. Liz Bonnin and the team of experts put Ozzy and Smudge under surveillance to find out who's king of the street, and explain why cats' hunting instincts cannot be kept under control. "Cat Watch 2014: The New Horizon Experiment: Cat Talk" 9 October 2014 00x84 In the final episode of this three-part scientific study, Liz Bonnin and the team examine the secret language of cats, revealing the surprising conversations they have when their owners are asleep, and investigating why they meow to humans but not one another. They rig a house with cameras and trackers to discover if four cats residing under one roof can all get on and find out why living alongside people is making things difficult for 21st-century felines.
导演: Charles Colville
制片国家/地区: 英国
年份: 2013
评语:"Comet of the Century: A Horizon Special" 23 November 2013 00x81 Comet Ison is due to make its closest approach to the sun on 28 November and will be visible in both the evening and morning skies during December if it survives its brush with the star. The programme examines how Ison's tail of vaporised gas and water could give insights into some of the greatest mysteries of science, including the origin of the solar system and whether Earth's water came from similar celestial objects.
导演: Michael Duffy
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 英国
年份: 2013
评语:"Sex: A Horizon Guide" 11 September 2013 00x78 Professor Alice Roberts investigates how science came to understand sex - a simple word for a very complex set of desires, including individual passions, wants and emotions. She looks at how the world of science has striven to solve people's sexual problems, and searched for ways of improving performance.
8.8 (301人评价)
导演: Jemima Harrison
主演: Paul Vaughan
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 英国
年份: 1964
播放全片 腾讯视频
8.2 (73人评价)
导演: Alex Steinitz
主演: Michael J. Mosley
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 英国
年份: 2013
评语:"Mend Me: A Horizon Guide to Transplants" 27 March 2013 00x75 The extraordinary odds doctors and patients have had to overcome to achieve amazing breakthroughs in transplant surgery, including full face transplants and growing organs in the laboratory. Michael Mosley identifies some of the key turning points and explores how far science can go in a bid to prolong life.
导演: Laura Mulholland
主演: 达拉斯·坎贝尔
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 英国
年份: 2012
评语:"The Final Frontier? A Horizon Guide to the Universe" 17 October 2012 00x74 Dallas Campbell charts scientific breakthroughs that have transformed how the universe is understood, using footage from the Horizon archives which stretch back almost 50 years. He explores subjects including Einstein's concept of spacetime, alien planets and extra dimensions, and discovers each advance reveals new mysteries to be investigated.
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 英国
年份: 2013
评语:"The Transit of Venus: A Horizon Special" 5 June 2012 00x71 Liz Bonnin explores the transit of Venus, an event which takes place just after 11pm tonight and offers a rare opportunity to see the planet passing across the face of the sun. She explains why the orbits of Venus and Earth mean they are only aligned twice every century, and investigates what studies of Venus have revealed about life on Earth. Solar physicist Lucie Green investigates James Cook's 1769 voyage to Tahiti to observe the transit, and oceanographer Helen Czerski explores how Earth and Venus came to be so different.
8.4 (1304人评价)
导演: Eileen Inkson
主演: 达拉斯·坎贝尔
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 英国
年份: 2012
评语:"Woof! A Horizon Guide to Dogs" 1 March 2012 00x69 Dallas Campbell examines films from the Horizon archive to discover what science can teach people about dogs. He investigates the origins of domestic breeds and learns about the role humans played in shaping canine evolution, before asking why the bond between mankind and dogs is particularly strong – and whether it can be improved in the future.
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8.1 (137人评价)
导演: Gaby Hornsby
主演: Jim Al-Khalili
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 英国
年份: 2012
评语:"The Hunt for the Higgs" 9 January 2012 00x68 Jim Al-Khalili follows the efforts of particle physicists at the CERN research laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland, to find the Higgs particle, which is believed to give mass to everything in the universe. He explains why scientists believe discovering it could help answer fundamental questions about the nature of existence, and reveals why their theories are based on the idea of symmetry.
导演: Ben Lawrie / 特里斯坦·奎因
主演: 伊安·斯图瓦特
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 英国
年份: 2011
评语:"Japan Earthquake: A Horizon Special with Iain Stewart" 27 March 2011 00x64 A look at the powerful forces that created the devastating Japanese earthquake.
6.5 (195人评价)
导演: Diana Ellis-Hill
主演: 达拉斯·坎贝尔 / 大卫·巴蒂尔 / Steve Broder
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 英国
年份: 2011
评语:"What Makes Us Clever? A Horizon Guide to Intelligence" 6 January 2011 00x62 Delving into the Horizon archives, Dallas Campbell discovers how our understanding of intelligence has transformed over the last century.
7.6 (279人评价)
导演: Naomi Law
主演: Thomas Dixon
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 英国
年份: 2010
评语:"The End of God?: A Horizon Guide to Science and Religion" 21 September 2010 00x61
播放全片 腾讯视频
7.1 (111人评价)
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 英国
年份: 2010
评语:"Diet: A Horizon Guide" 7 January 2010 00x60
主演: 方凯文
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 英国
年份: 2009
评语:"Mars: A Horizon Guide" 15 November 2009 00x59 Space expert Dr Kevin Fong draws on 45 years worth of footage from Horizon's archives, as he chronicles the efforts of scientists to reach the red planet, including the ill-fated British attempt, the Beagle. The intriguing possibility of life on Mars has prompted many of these missions, but, as yet, none of them has been successful.
7.8 (85人评价)
导演: Catherine Wyler
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 英国
年份: 2008
评语:"Lost Horizons: The Big Bang" 4 September 2008 00x55 The theory that the universe began from nothing has not always been accepted with the same conviction it is today. Professor Jim Al-Khalili looks through 50 years of the BBC science archive to explain how scientists have pieced together the popular theory by using curious horn-shaped antennae, U-2 spy planes and particle accelerators.

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