
来自: 薄荷味的太阳 2021-05-07 17:09:41创建   2021-05-14 16:54:16更新
Documentaries to my liking.
8.3 (3331人评价)
导演: Matt Rudge
主演: 托福天下
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 英国
年份: 2013
评语:Surrogacy is an ethical battlefield, highly controversial and brazenly commercialized. No matter how Doctor Patel beautifies and glories her deed by convincing us that she is actually helping poor women in India and infertile women from other countries, she takes delight in fashioning herself as Goddess who creates "medical miracles" at the expense of exploited Indian women whose husbands are self-righteous parasites.
8.5 (459人评价)
主演: 史黛丝·杜丽
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 英国
年份: 2018
评语:What do we talk about when we are talking about fashion? This documentary reveals the hidden and neglected polluting side of fast fashion and clothing industry. As part of the capital system, sales and profit are their sole concerns. When it comes to environmental protection and the unnamed sacrifices made by people in developing countries, as consumers, we should and we can urge them to recognize and tackle these thorny issues. At the same time, we should lead a simpler and greener life, more conscious of the environment and others.
9.2 (30662人评价)
导演: 汤姆·比尔德
主演: 大卫·爱登堡 / Bhashkar Bara / Dulu Bora
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 英国
年份: 2021
评语:It has been a year of disruption and turmoil for mankind whereas a year of survival and thriving for wildlife. The key to peaceful coexistence between humans and animals is the acknowledgement that humans are not the Master of this planet.
7.5 (72人评价)
导演: 艾利奥特·佩吉 / 伊恩·丹尼尔
主演: John Bates / Dorene Bernard / Stephen Colbert
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 加拿大
年份: 2019
评语:This documentary is about environmental racism in Canada, inviting us to feel the frustrating grief plaguing indigenous people who for decades have been marginalized, ignored and silenced.

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