
Green for Danger
ermite 2009-04-28 06:19:48

爱恨生死一线间--Christianna Brand的《绿色危机》(Green for Danger)(1944)

There's such a delicate little line of difference between love and hate. 爱与恨之间,差别竟如此微小。 ——Dr. Barnes 故事发生在二战德军战机轰炸下的英国,肯特郡的一个乡村军事医院。 邮差Joseph Higgins被炸弹炸伤,被送往医院治疗,经过医生的诊断,需要进行一个...  (展开)
The Nursing Home Murder
ermite 2009-04-28 06:17:55

巧合极大值——Ngaio Marsh的《疗养院谋杀案》(The Nursing Home Murder)(1935)

At least two-thirds of the difficulties in homicidal cases are caused by innocent asses lying for all they're worth. 在凶杀案件中,至少有三分之二的困难是由于那些原本无辜的家伙为了他们各自的利益说谎而造成的。 ——Roderick Alleyn 三十年代的英国,正值经济大萧...  (展开)
The Mad Hatter Mystery (Dr. Gideon Fell Mystery)
ermite 2009-04-25 12:47:53

理智的疯狂——John Dickson Carr的《疯狂帽商之谜》(The Mad Hatter Mystery)(1933)

Like the fictional detective, very sensibly the genuine detective doesn't tell what he thinks, for the excellent and commonplace reason that he may be wrong. 像虚构世界的侦探一样敏感,真正的侦探也不会讲述他的所思所想,其中道理精彩而又平常,他可能是错的。 —...  (展开)
She Died a Lady
ermite 2009-04-24 05:51:27

简单悲剧美——Carter Dickson的《女郎她死了》(She Died a Lady)(1943)

I told you it was tragedy. 我对你们说过,这是一场悲剧。 ——Sir Henry Merrivale John Dickson Carr化名为Carter Dickson一共创作了22部以Henry Merrivale爵士为主角的系列侦探小说,这些小说大多以人物的搞怪喜剧风格为主打路线。在这些小说中,有一部写于二战的小说却十...  (展开)
The Blind Barber
ermite 2009-04-23 08:08:11

嬉笑怒骂的推理闹剧——John Dickson Carr的《盲人理发师》(The Blind Barber)(1934)

We have the saw to the effect that many a true word is spoken in jest. 俗话说的好,许多真相都是开着玩笑说出来的。 ——Dr. Gideon Fell 穿越大西洋的“维多利亚女王号”班轮上搭乘着许多乘客,但无人知道这其中竟还有可耻的罪恶行径。Morgan,Peggy,Warren和Valvick是...  (展开)
Below Suspicion
ermite 2009-04-23 08:06:31

不会犯错的男人——John Dickson Carr的《绝无嫌疑》(Below Suspicion)(1949)

In a detective story, no person is above suspicion. But there are several types who are below it. 在一部侦探小说中,没有人会是绝对嫌疑,但是有那些一些类型的人是绝无嫌疑的。 ——Dr. Gideon Fell John Dickson Carr创作黄金段到1940年代中叶噶然而止,随之而来的是...  (展开)
Nine Times Nine
ermite 2009-04-21 05:50:04

向密室大师致敬——Anthony Boucher的《九九神咒》(Nine Times Nine)(1940)

I never thought I'd see the day when I tried to solve a case with a mystery novel! 没想到还真有这么一天,我得靠着一本推理小说来破案! ——Lieutenant Marshall 本书作者定下的基调是致敬,这一点从书前的致辞就可以看出来——这篇密室献给John Dickson Carr,更确切...  (展开)
The Unicorn Murders (Sir Henry Merrivale Golden Age Classic)
ermite 2009-04-20 07:48:19

孤岛城堡寻迹——Carter Dickson的《独角兽谋杀案》(The Unicorn Murders)(1935)

This is the queerest case I ever handled. 这是我所处理过的最奇特的案子。 ——Sir Henry Merrivale 因为一场突如其来的大雨,飞往巴黎的航班不得不延迟起飞,机上的十名乘客被迫来到了一个叫做孤岛城堡的地方过夜。想象一下当时的情景,一座几乎与世隔绝的三层楼城堡,城...  (展开)
Red Widow Murders
ermite 2009-04-20 07:45:21

杀人的房间,家族的悲剧——Carter Dickson的《红寡妇屋谋杀案》(The Red Widow Murders)(1935)

The trick was so simple, that we refused to look at the truth when it came up and kicked us. 诡计如此简单,以至于真相都跑到我们面前张牙舞爪了,我们却还视若无睹。 ——Sir Henry Merrivale John Dickson Carr在创作出传世名作《三口棺材》的同年,以Carter Dickson...  (展开)
The House at Satan's Elbow
ermite 2009-04-19 14:46:29

鬼屋小分店——John Dickson Carr的《撒旦肘之屋》(The House at Satan's Elbow)(1965)

By looking hard enough in the wrong direction, it is possible that our squint eyes may discern truth. 努力朝错误的方向看去,我们的眼睛也可能觉察到真相。 ——Dr. Gideon Fell 1964年六月的一天,历史学家Garret Anderson受好友Nick Barclay之邀,前往位于Greengove...  (展开)
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