
True Grace
doudou 2013-02-02 15:28:14


把在微博发的断断续续140字的读后感黏贴在此。 #True Grace# 看到基德曼主演的新电影的八卦(摩纳哥王室发声明称电影杜撰大于写实,丑化王室和老国王),我八卦的火苗就浇不灭了,童话这么不堪一击呢?现任南非王妃的命运难道是轮回?我决定要看看系列传记。 #True Grace#she...  (展开)
doudou 2011-02-28 00:31:20

we are all colored girls, in the pursuit of our own rainbows

我是看了”the hope “和”the color purple“两本书, 对这些colored women and girls的故事有了很多兴趣和感慨。电影可以给四星,给这些演员们精湛的演技,尤其是那大段的台词功力。但总感觉导演用力过猛,把它往舞台剧的方向导了,过犹不及是我对全片的感觉。 “for colored...  (展开)
Anne Frank - The Diary of a Young Girl
doudou 2011-02-18 01:32:17

I would never regret for picking a pathless way

I finished reading this book on the train coming back to Beijing, during which journey I can't cheer up for many reasons, but this book can't be blamed for my recent depression at all, to the contrary, I should say I can't admire this lovely girl more and ...  (展开)
The Help
doudou 2010-11-06 23:24:42


I proceed unbelievably slow in reading the first few chapters, after some turning points, I am extremely thirsty for every next chapter. I like most about these words " Mississipi is like my mother. I am allowed to complain about her all I want, but God hel...  (展开)
doudou 2010-10-11 10:59:51

"Tragic Sequel"

I used to like the tv series "sex and the city", from season 1 to 6, and I even bought and brought the book of the same name from A'dam to Beijing, though I found later that they are not that much connected to each other. Carrie makes a living by writing ...  (展开)
doudou 2010-08-30 11:51:22


我没被这所谓的true love打动,我被Madeleine的隐忍、担当和最后的宽恕打动了。有人说这是典型的英伦贵族气质,但我知道温暖有爱的家庭的确需要这样的女主人来维系和经营。极端放纵的激情是devil,最终会吞噬自己并祸害他人。遗憾的是,her husband and sister 就是这样一对不着...  (展开)
doudou 2010-08-11 13:56:46


很温情的一部电影,简单到不能再简单的情节,女主是我喜欢的Grey's Anatomy 里面的izzie,是个额外的惊喜;再说,我对田园风光,不管是Austen笔下适宜小年青们谈情说爱的英国乡村还是片中更广袤和煦的美国西部,都是没有抵抗力的;再再说,我对成熟有爱的老男人和机灵讨喜的小萝...  (展开)
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