
星夜桐影_TV5XQ的游戏  · · · · · ·  ( 玩过8 )

  • 龙族融合 Merge Dragons
  • Happy Color按数字填色 Happy Color™ – Color by Number
  • 消消庄园 Matchington Mansion
  • 裸熊三消 We Bare Bears Match 3 Repairs
  • 倾世情缘

星夜桐影_TV5XQ的评论  · · · · · · · · · ·  ( 评论128 )

星夜桐影_TV5XQ的书  · · · · · ·  ( 9本在读 · 195本想读 · 470本读过 · 1个书单 )

  • 唯一的星光
  • 加速世界 01
  • 前世今生
  • 地藏菩薩本願經
  • A Study in Scarlet
  • 被搞丢的人生
  • This Is Not A Book
  • 跳着踢踏舞去上班
  • 梦的解析
  • 夜幕之下

星夜桐影_TV5XQ的电影  · · · · · ·  ( 42部在看 · 2002部想看 · 1699部看过 · 8个片单 )

  • 想哭的我戴上了猫的面具
  • 鸭乃桥论的禁忌推理
  • 我的小王子
  • 某某
  • 某某
  • 最幸福的季节
  • 持续的爱
  • 冤家变亲家
  • 热重启
  • 寻根问祖

星夜桐影_TV5XQ的音乐  · · · · · ·  ( 3张在听 · 5张想听 · 438张听过 )

  • 金弦 歪歪 胡良伟 谷江山 孙路路 凌飞 吴現 文森 陈张太康 - 虚拟偶像综艺 险象环声
  • 文森 陈张太康 凌飞 吴睍 - 虚拟偶像团综 LASER出道日
  • 谢添天... - 伪装学渣
  • 吴睨  马正阳  谷江山  胡良伟  邓宥希  刘明月 - 营业悖论 广播剧
  • 司姚... - 在废墟之上——木苏里《全球高考》
  • 沈昌珉 Shim Changmin - Chocolate - The 1st Mini Album
  • 谢添天... - 伪装学渣 第二季
  • 东方神起 - Way Back Into Love(EP)

星夜桐影_TV5XQ的舞台剧  · · · · · ·  ( 1部想看 )

  • 塔利亚别墅的日落

La vie d’Hélène
❤️【東方神起】五人⭐️ #𝐓𝐕𝐗𝐐 #𝐉𝐘𝐉 🎈
🤴🏼Louis Hofmann
🦄Travel the world
𝓛.𝓗🌟ᴛᴡɪɴ ғʟᴀᴍᴇs
All the coolest people are freaks
💫Follow my heart, it’s all-known


TVXQ|JYJ|Louis Hofmann|Mads Mikkelsen|River Phoenix|Jared Padalecki|Jensen Ackles|Anton Yelchin|Jason Dolley | Misha Collins|Alexander "Sascha" Zverev
👼🏻Archangel Gabriel ∣ Angel Castiel ∣ Winchester

Supernatural|Sherlock|Hannibal|Friends|Big Bang Theory|Black Books|Good Luck Charlie

Le silence de la mer (2004)|Brokeback Mountain (2005)|La vie d’Adèle (2013) | Witness for the Prosecution (1957)|Harry Potter

Sherlock Holmes series|Anne of Green Gables|Harry Potter|Edith Nesbit|Angel Street No.23|Poetry

🎵 【Music】TVXQ|JYJ|Lyrics|Ancient Chinese style 古風歌

Hypocrite, lies, dishonesty, disloyalty, quitters, bossy, perverts, fashion
🌊I don’t go with the flow. The flow goes with me. I AM the flow!

- Solo traveler. Travel the world.
- Cassiopeia of TV5XQ
- Shipping JoongShim Soulfighter
- Aquarius, type AB
- S & H、J & M are everything
- Fancy of stars, snow, fluffy animals & dolls
- 言之有物。中文是博大精深又偉大的文化語言。

💃🏼【S & H】【J & M】my everything

【S】Supernatural, Sherlock, Sherry, Sascha Zverev
【H】Hannibal, Hélène, Hua-Hsuan, Hero Jaejoong, Louis Hofmann
【J】Jaejoong, Jung Yunho, Junsu, River Jude Phoenix, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Jason Dolley
【M】Micky Yuchun, Max Changmin, Mads Mikkelsen, Misha Collins

🙏🏻【東方神起 TVXQ】
Always keep the faith.
Hope to the end.

I keep praying.
Don't forget it.
Baby,we keep the faith eternally.




From: Taipei, Taiwan 🇹🇼
Living in Brno, Czech Republic 🇨🇿

– Who will save me from existing? It's neither death nor life that I want.
– It's hard to answer the question "What's wrong?" when nothing's right.
– The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die.
– How will I laugh tomorrow when I can't even smile today.
– Nothing in my life has ever made me want to commit suicide more than people’s reaction.
– The thought of suicide is a great consolation: by means of it one gets through many a dark night. —— Friedrich Nietzsche
(Yes it's my dark side!)


1. I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.
2. People who judge, don't matter. People who matter, don't judge.
3. If someone is willing to judge me, then I don't really care what they think. --- Jensen Ackles
4. I want to live in a world where the word 'normal' is an insult. --- Misha Collins
5. Learn to let go and be clear of where you really want to head for.
6. Every time I trust somebody, they show me why I shouldn't.
7. A friend of all is a friend of none.
8. All the coolest people are freaks. ——《Supernatural》
9. Don't be sad that it's over, be glad that it happened.
10. If everything that can happen, happens. Then you can never really do the wrong thing. You're just doing what you're supposed to. ——《Hannibal》Abigail
11. In simplicity there is truth. ——River Phoenix
12. Never cry, Never ever hide of myself prime. ——TVXQ《Kiss the Baby Sky》
13. Le premier jour du reste de ma vie. Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
14. In the end, we all just want someone who chooses us... over everyone else, under any circumstances.

15. 不因盛名而來,不因詆毀而去。
16. 我顛倒了整個世界,只為擺正你的倒影。
17. 假如全世界都背叛了你,那麼我會站在你身後,為你背叛全世界。
18. 在你的有聲之年,在我的有生之年。
19. 我擁有的都是僥倖,我失去的都是宿命。
20. 長大的歲月里,我們從未變化,只是越來越清晰的成為自己。
21. 終有一天將強大到獨自前行也不會恐懼,面對流言蜚語依舊堅定不移,一個人的人生同樣可以站在巔峰笑傲群雄,享盡萬千追捧依然銘記初心所向的地方。
22. 我終身的等候,換不來你剎那的凝眸。
23. 看清了,也就看輕了。沒有期待就不會失望。
24. 有些人,有些事,看清了,也就看輕了。時間,讓深的更深,讓淺的更淺。沒有誰能一眼萬年,看清所有人事,所以我們才會受傷。青春的故事裡沒有幾個不是鮮血淋漓的。很多人事,總要隨著年輪慢慢淡出記憶。不是我喜歡忘卻,是你的心不夠厚重,經不起時間的沉澱。人生沒有永恆的傷,只有一生不願醒來的夢。
25. 生まれて、すみません。 生而為人,我很抱歉。 ——太宰治《人間失格》
26. 君に見つかるように もっと輝くから。 為了能讓你看見我,而更加努力地閃耀著。——JYJ《W》
27. 開始比較的瞬間,就會變得不幸。

星夜桐影_TV5XQ的广播  · · · · · ·  ( 全部 )

星夜桐影_TV5XQ 看过 最幸福的季节 Happiest Season‎ (2020)


星夜桐影_TV5XQ 想读 被搞丢的人生


> 星夜桐影_TV5XQ添加的条目

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