全站日记 标签: Delhi

I did not realize Christmas falls on today Secretly I hope for an indefinite delay Spending the rest of my life at the airport There are enough chips and cokes and coffees to last me twenty lifetimes In the far distance the rugged mountains...
Allow me to reminisce about the moment I stepped out of the airport in Delhi on Christmas day of 2015. It was late afternoon, the air was heavily polluted as if covered by a blanket of sand particles. I boarded an old rusty cab and in a tri...
2017年,过春节去印度旅行。 我的计划是从柬埔寨金边飞到马来西亚KL, 然后从KL 飞到印度DELHI. 从DEHLI 做大巴到Agra 去看Taj Mahal, 然后从Agra 去Jai Pur。从Jai Pur, 做大巴回Dehli, 然后飞去加德满都尼泊尔。 住宿是打算住在背包客hostel。 在印度...
