全站日记 标签: 诗歌翻译

Dust of Snow 雪尘

英诗译 英诗译 2020-10-17 01:43:24
Dust of Snow——Robert Lee Frost 雪尘 陈绍鹏 译 The way a crow 路上的一只乌鸦 Shook down on me 在铁杉树上 The dust of snow 抖下雪尘 From a hemlock tree 落在我的身上 Has given my heart 让我的心绪 A change of mood 发生了变化 And saved some part 这挽救了部分 Of a day I had rued. 我今日的悔恨。
阿赫玛托娃:不叫攀谈,不叫沉默,因此,你的血液有些冷了|译诗 (快来关注我的个人公众号:俄语诗歌译站,都是自己翻译的诗歌哦) 不,并非象棋,并非网球…… 并非象棋,并非网球…… 我和你玩着的游戏,拥有其他别名, 如果需要命名…… 不叫分离,不叫约会, 不叫攀谈,不叫沉默…… 因此,你的血液有些冷了。 ——1964 [俄]安娜·阿赫玛托娃 译|林杳 原文: Нет, ни в шахматы, ни в теннис… То, во что с тобой играю, Наз...
Roses and Rue (To L. L.)——Oscar Wilde 玫瑰与芸香(致L.L.) 陈绍鹏 译 Could we dig up this long-buried treasure, 我们能否将埋藏已久的宝藏掘起, Were it worth the pleasure, 趁它还值得令人欢愉, We never could learn love's song, 我们无法学会爱情的歌曲, We are parted too long 我们已长久分离 Could t...
Adam's Curse——William Butler Yeats 亚当的诅咒 陈绍鹏 译 We sat together at one summer’s end, 那一年的夏末我们坐在一起, That beautiful mild woman, your close friend, 有你的密友,她温柔而美丽, And you and I, and talked of poetry. 还有我与你,我们谈论诗句。 I said, ‘A line will take us ho...
The Falling of the Leaves——William Butler Yeats 落叶 陈绍鹏 译 Autumn is over the long leaves that love us, 秋色降临,落在眷恋我们的长叶上方, And over the mice in the barley sheaves; 照在大麦捆里的田鼠身上; Yellow the leaves of the rowan above us, 它染黄了我们头顶的花楸树, And yellow ...
A Poet to His Beloved——William Butler Yeats 诗人致爱人 陈绍鹏 译 I bring you with reverent hands 我以虔诚的双手带给你 The books of my numberless dreams, 充满我无数梦幻的书籍, White woman that passion has worn 白皙女子激情耗尽 As the tide wears the dove-grey sands, 犹如潮水冲刷的鸽灰沙地,...
O Captain! My Captain!——Walt Whitman 唉 船长!我的船长! 陈绍鹏 译 O CAPTAIN! my Captain! our fearful trip is done; 唉,船长!我的船长!我们完成了可怕的远航; The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won; 船历尽风浪的破坏,我们赢得寻求的奖赏; The port is near, the bells I he...
Nothing Gold Can Stay——Robert Lee Frost 金子般的事物终会消逝 陈绍鹏 译 Nature’s first green is gold, 大自然的新绿是金子, Her hardest hue to hold. 可这般色彩却最难保持。 Her early leaf’s a flower; 初绽的新叶犹如一朵花; But only so an hour. 却只能存留一个小时。 Then leaf subsides to leaf. 叶褪去花一般...
The Valley of the Black Pig——William Butler Yeats 黑猪谷 陈绍鹏 译 The dews drop slowly and dreams gather: unknown spears 露水缓慢滴落,梦在聚集:不明的标枪 Suddenly hurtle before my dream-awakened eyes, 在被唤醒的眼睛前骤然驰行 And then the clash of fallen horsemen and the c...
A Deep Sworn——William Butler Yeats 深沉誓言 陈绍鹏 译 Others because you did not keep 因为你未将深沉的誓言信守 That deep-sworn vow have been friends of mine; 于是我就与不同的事物结友; Yet always when I look death in the face, 可每当我面对死神的脸孔, When I clamber to the heights of ...
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