全站日记 标签: 古德明

When Brutus, the Roman general, conquered Patara in 42 BC, he ordered the Patarenses on pain of death to bring him all their gold and silver, and promised rewards to such as should discover any hidden treasures. A slave belonging to a ri...
Alexandre Dumas,* the younger, being the guest one day of Dr Gistal, an eminent physician in Marseilles, was asked by his host after dinner to enrich his album with one of his witty improvisations. "Certainly," replied Dumas with a smile...

三壯士 - 古德明

Sunday Sunday 2016-02-15 10:29:16
On 16 January 1942, US Navy pilot Harold Dixon, radioman Gene Aldrich and bombardier Tony Pastula took off in a bomber for an anti-submarine mission over the Pacific. By the time they realised they had drifted off course, their bomber wa...
William Blake, a noted English poet, engraver, and painter, married in 1782 Catherine Boucher, who had fallen in love with him at first sight. He taught this illiterate daughter of a vegetable grower to read and write. Three days before ...
Woodrow Wilson, the US president who led the nation through World War I, had been asked to receive a delegation of Irish-American leaders, who wished to urge the president to support the cause of Irish Home Rule at the Paris Peace Confer...
梁振英政府否決王維基電視公司開辦免費頻道,電視公司訴諸法庭,卻吃了上訴法庭一頓殺威棒。法官一面力言「政府須考慮公眾利益」,一面宣布「行政當局獲法律賦予權力和責任,所下決定,法庭不得干預」。真是有趣。 香港之三權分立,越來越具「香港特色」。...

神 棍 - 古德明

Sunday Sunday 2016-07-24 09:12:03
Frederick the Great came to the Prussian throne in 1740. When he died in 1786, he had doubled the country's area and left it rich, powerful, and more humanely governed. A place hunter once asked him for the grant of some rich Protestant ...
一位朋友來信說:「最近試譯儒家『溫良恭儉讓』五德,頗覺『讓』最為難譯,先生能否賜教?」我從沒想過「讓」的譯法,而越想越覺困難。 那位朋友花了不少工夫,搜集得辜鴻銘、理雅各(James Legge)、亞瑟.偉利(Arthur Waley)等八家譯文,或譯作名詞com...

鹹肉粽 - 古德明

Sunday Sunday 2016-06-16 07:44:08
五月五日端午節,各餅店、酒家的粽子廣告,又見於街頭巷尾。那些粽子,售價動輒百元一隻,以鮑魚、瑶柱等作餡,所以矜貴。 不過,也許真是三代不富,不懂滋味,我總覺得鮑魚、瑤柱粽子,遠遠不如傳統鹹肉粽可口。鹹肉粽以糯米包綠豆、豬肉、蛋黃,材料平常...
今年香港中學文憑試中文科有一條作文題:「試以『熱鬧過後,我卻感到失落』為首句,續寫這篇文章。」謹借題操觚,供主考官一笑。 「熱鬧過後,我卻感到失落」等於英文Now that all the noise and excitement was over, I felt at a loss。「感到失落」是英...    (2回应)
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