
关彳山  转发
Friska 说:

谷歌找到了上一条提到的传闻:Feynman was once asked by a Caltech faculty member to explain why spin 1/2 particles obey Fermi-Dirac statistics. He gauged his audience perfectly and said, "I’ll prepare a freshman lecture on it." But a few days later he returned and said, "You know, I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t reduce it to the freshman level. That means we really don’t understand it." 教我theory的教授曾经引用过一句defend theory的话让我印象深刻,说theory给我们一套语言来讨论和理解这个世界,有人认为这语言不能被轻易听懂,然而看看那些在玩Pokemon Go的小孩子,他们也有一套自己的关于pokemon的语言,如果没有pokemon背景是不能轻易听懂的。theoretical的语言只是帮助我们讨论和理解这个世界的工具。小孩子、祖母和大一新生听不懂,说明用theory讨论问题的人还没有把问题想明白,但是theory处理的问题可能本来就很难想明白。。

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