The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order的书评 (6)

弱水三千 2019-03-13 08:57:18

A master piece, stands the test of time, 23 years and counting......

我读的不是图片上的这个版本,而是Simon & Schuster2003年版的paperback. 93年亨廷顿在外交事务上发表了文明的冲突一文后,引起轩然大波;三年后他为进一步阐发观点,发表此书,之后更是争议不断,此书也成为国际关系史上近几十年来最有影响的作品。93年那篇文章我很早之前...  (展开)
` 2015-12-28 20:38:29


#对亨廷顿的批判# 1.有些冲突看起来像是基于文明,实际上文明只是一个动员手段,根本原因是更深层次的,如经济危机、社会结构失衡: Having declared that difference between nations classes, and ideologies will not be the primary source of conflict, he is unable to ...  (展开)
胖丸子 2009-10-04 14:41:16


热衷宏大叙事的学者,古今中外大同小异。亨廷顿这本书,如同众多宏大叙事的著作一样,大而无当,既不深入,又不准确,如果这样子的水平都能在国际政治中出风头,做明星,那些决定世界大事人类和平的政客们,都是一帮怎样的蠢货啊!难怪我们要生活在这样一个战乱不断的世界上。  (展开)
冷艳锯 2023-01-17 11:07:05

The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order

I. A World of Civilizations 2. Civilizations in History and Today (P45) Several scholars distinguish a separate Orthodox civilization, centered in Russia and separate from Western Christendom as a result of its Byzantine parentage, distinct religion, 200 ye...  (展开)
ShawnLeeZX 2019-11-21 23:59:23


The author misdiagnosed the root of the conflict, and has given me the impression that he only knows about politics and is unaware of the ocean of knowledge outside the politics of this particular conflicting world. I do not think that he even truly unders...  (展开)
Triton 2009-10-21 22:35:45


中国为什么会崛起? 我个人认为是我们的文化和民族素质. 当最高层决定放弃政治内斗,发展国家时,蕴藏的能力就喷薄而出. 我不是很同意作者对于世界的展望,和一些现实政治的分析.但是我认为他的视角和方法是值得借鉴的. 他对于中国的把握不是很准确,但观察还是细致和全面的. 他缺...  (展开)

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