仙境兔子不忘记的播客 · · · · · · ( 已订阅2个 )
仙境兔子不忘记的游戏 · · · · · · ( 想玩1 )

People who operated in languages other than their own were lacking in talent. Truly talented people
stuck to their own language. Proficiency in a foreign language was a kind of performance, but without artistic merit.
The relationship between an artist and his
translator is always a delicate one. An element of dependency is involved. When the translator is a foreigner in what was then still a relatively isolated
culture, and thus represents a slender link to a wider world, relations can become even more complicated. It is important for the artist to make it perfectly clear that he is the one with the superior talent, even if the
foreigner is better able to navigate between cultures.
People who operated in languages other than their own were lacking in talent. Truly talented people
stuck to their own language. Proficiency in a foreign language was a kind of performance, but without artistic merit.
The relationship between an artist and his
translator is always a delicate one. An element of dependency is involved. When the translator is a foreigner in what was then still a relatively isolated
culture, and thus represents a slender link to a wider world, relations can become even more complicated. It is important for the artist to make it perfectly clear that he is the one with the superior talent, even if the
foreigner is better able to navigate between cultures.
仙境兔子不忘记的线上活动 · · · · · · ( 全部 )
时间:6月16日 周二 - 6月30日 周二
时间:7月8日 周二 - 9月6日 周六
本页永久链接: https://www.douban.com/people/yujia523/
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