Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

说不清不想说的电影  · · · · · ·  ( 58部想看 · 2445部看过 · 4个片单 )

  • 妈妈咪呀 第一季
  • 文艺复兴教父:美第奇家族
  • 金雀花王朝
  • 受难记
  • 如果我们生活在一起
  • 飞越长生
  • 沉溺
  • 可怜的东西
  • 赶尽杀绝2
  • 赶尽杀绝

说不清不想说的书  · · · · · ·  ( 5本在读 · 18本想读 · 193本读过 · 1个书单 )

  • 社会契约论
  • An Economic History of Europe
  • Watching the English
  • 坎特伯雷故事
  • 20世纪英国
  • 沉思录
  • 双城记
  • 第三帝国的兴亡(全四册)
  • 海边的卡夫卡
  • 论美国的民主

说不清不想说的音乐  · · · · · ·  ( 788张听过 )

  • Tone Damli Aaberge - Looking Back
  • Nina Nesbitt - The Sun Will Come Up,the Seasons Will Change
  • Road Less Traveled
  • 梁静茹 - 爱久见人心
  • Ralph - Ralph

说不清不想说的移动应用  · · · · · ·  ( 用过62 )

  • 夸克浏览器-极简主义的高速免费浏览器 (iPhone / iPad)
  • Snapseed (iPhone / iPad)
  • 虾米音乐-听见不同(阿里出品) (iPhone / iPad)
  • QQ (iPhone / iPad)
  • 微信 (iPhone / iPad)

说不清不想说的舞台剧  · · · · · ·  ( 1部看过 )

  • 英国国家剧院五十周年庆典 National Theatre: 50 Years on Stage


这个青年不文艺 ╮(╯_╰)╭

Hobbies of humble me: jogging, watching films and tv series, eating & surfing online; perhaps I would add "flirting with ladies" on here.

I will like to develop a habit of writing journals maybe because writing brings me calmness and ease my mind effectively.

To pursue the deepest heart of myself, it is counting on writing and expressing one's mind, privately or publicly, depending on the writer's personal character.

I am currently studying history of the world. It is a good subject for me to know more and more. I would love to pursue a master degree on this subject, or even a doctor degree if possible.

Besides history, I mostly like reading some essays. I do not fancy reading novels much nowadays because I am getting older which makes me less focused on understanding those thoughts of writers.

One thing that I believe I should tell first is that I am in the middle of capitalism & socialism (communism). Who can judge? For now, I cannot see that person coming. This is the current thought of mine on politics which is quite important for my own thinking.

说不清不想说的广播  · · · · · ·  ( 全部 )

说不清不想说 看过 沉溺 The Drowning‎ (2021)


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