Solen Aldrig

食人尸的电影  · · · · · ·  ( 2部想看 · 1部看过 · 27个片单 )

  • 第一归正会
  • 卡拉马利联盟
  • 昆池岩

食人尸关注的小站  · · · · · ·  ( 全部 )

God took her away when she was happy. Now she's immortal. She won't see herlove die or body decay. I was there the whole time he was killing her and saw what happened.

But it wasn't right. It wasn't right for God to take her.

You didn't complain when God let you live. You can't complain now because he let her die. Trust God's way. Listen. There's only one woman in the world. One woman with many faces. This one falls, the next one rises. Mary Magdalene died... ...but Mary, Lazarus's sister... ...she lives. She's Magdalene with a different face. She's carrying your greatest joy inside her. Your son. Come with me. This is the way the Savior comes. Gradually, from embrace to embrace. From son to son. This is the road.

I understand.

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